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Posted to by on 2002/06/25 11:49:07 UTC

Memory Leak while using DTMs and XPaths..

Hello friends.

I have recently begun using xsltc to enhance the performance of
transformations.My application involves the following:

1)compiling XSL stylesheets into JVM bytecode using xsltc compiler.
2)using an application class to instantiate the compiled classes and use
them to transform my XML documents.

I have used some JAVA extensions in my stylesheets using :

Following is a code snippet from my extension class:

protected static XPathContext ctxt = new XPathContext();
public static int dtmCount = 0;

public static int loadDocument(String fileName) throws Exception	{
		BufferedInputStream inputFile = new
		DTM dtm = null;
		SAXSource source = null;
		InputSource in = null;
		 in = new InputSource(inputFile);
    		source = new SAXSource(in);
		dtm = ctxt.getDTM(source,false,null,true,true);
		dtmArray[dtmCount] = dtm;
		return dtmCount-1;

The calls to this method from my XSLs is as follows:

<xsl:variable name="xslUtility"> 
select="flex:flex.loadDocument('XSLUtility.xml')" />

Thereafter I am trying to use the following snippet to parse my documents:

    public static String parse(String xpathstr,int docHandle) throws
		dtm = null;	
	    dtm =dtmArray[docHandle];
		int contextNode = dtm.getDocument();
		Node namespaceNode = dtm.getNode(dtm.getDocument());
		 PrefixResolverDefault prefixResolver = new
			 (namespaceNode.getNodeType() == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE)
				? ((Document)
namespaceNode).getDocumentElement() : namespaceNode);
		XPath xpath = new XPath(xpathstr,null, prefixResolver,
XPath.SELECT, null);
        ctxt.pushCurrentNodeAndExpression(contextNode, contextNode);
		Expression expr = xpath.getExpression();

and repeatedly calling the above parse method in my XSLs:

<xsl:variable name="strType"
select="concat('/XSLUtility/AccountData/account/@*[position() = ',1,']')"/>
		<xsl:variable name="type">

The problem I am facing is that there is a huge memory leak in my
application.I have run the application through a memory
profiler and the results all show that a lot of DTM related objects are
being formed that the Garbage collector is somehow unwilling to remove.I
have a strange feeling that there is something terribly wrong with my code.

Please help me!!

Kind regards ,

Subhendu Chatterjee

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