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Posted to by on 2018/08/11 10:50:42 UTC

[5/5] lucene-solr:master: Merge branch 'jira/lucene-8453' of LUCENE-8453: Add documentation to analysis factories of Korean (Nori) analyzer module This closes #434

Merge branch 'jira/lucene-8453' of
LUCENE-8453: Add documentation to analysis factories of Korean (Nori) analyzer module
This closes #434


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: e9addea0871a28517c5202e9d12969719d20c90e
Parents: cdc0959 f64f243
Author: Uwe Schindler <>
Authored: Sat Aug 11 12:50:19 2018 +0200
Committer: Uwe Schindler <>
Committed: Sat Aug 11 12:50:19 2018 +0200

 lucene/CHANGES.txt                              |  3 +++
 .../ko/ | 17 ++++++++++++++-
 .../ko/      |  8 +++++++
 .../analysis/ko/     | 22 ++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 49 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --cc lucene/CHANGES.txt
index f1e6ebb,b13dc7b..1b09260
--- a/lucene/CHANGES.txt
+++ b/lucene/CHANGES.txt
@@@ -134,149 -101,8 +134,152 @@@ Optimization
    or phrase queries as sub queries, which know how to leverage this information
    to run faster. (Adrien Grand)
 +* LUCENE-8439: Disjunction max queries can skip blocks to select the top documents
 +  if the total hit count is not required. (Jim Ferenczi, Adrien Grand)
 +* LUCENE-8204: Boolean queries with a mix of required and optional clauses are
 +  now faster if the total hit count is not required. (Jim Ferenczi, Adrien Grand)
 +======================= Lucene 7.5.0 =======================
 +API Changes:
 +* LUCENE-8356: StandardFilter is deprecated (Alan Woodward)
 +* LUCENE-8373: ENGLISH_STOP_WORD_SET on StandardAnalyzer is deprecated.  Instead
 +  use EnglishAnalyzer.ENGLISH_STOP_WORD_SET.  The default constructor for
 +  StopAnalyzer is also deprecated, and a stop word set should be explicitly
 +  passed to the constructor.  (Alan Woodward)
 +* LUCENE-8378: Add DocIdSetIterator.range static method to return an iterator
 +  matching a range of docids (Mike McCandless)
 +* LUCENE-8379: Add experimental TermQuery.getTermStates method (Mike McCandless)
 +* LUCENE-8407: Add experimental SpanTermQuery.getTermStates method (David Smiley)
 +* LUCENE-8390: MatchesIteratorSupplier replaced by IOSupplier (Alan Woodward,
 +  David Smiley)
 +* LUCENE-8397: Add DirectoryTaxonomyWriter.getCache (Mike McCandless)
 +* LUCENE-8387: Add experimental IndexSearcher.getSlices API to see which slices
 +  IndexSearcher is searching concurrently when it's created with an ExecutorService
 +  (Mike McCandless)
 +* LUCENE-8263: TieredMergePolicy's reclaimDeletesWeight has been replaced with a
 +  new deletesPctAllowed setting to control how aggressively deletes should be
 +  reclaimed. (Erick Erickson, Adrien Grand)
 +* LUCENE-7314: Graduate LatLonPoint and query classes to core (Nick Knize)
 +* LUCENE-8428: The way that oal.util.PriorityQueue creates sentinel objects has
 +  been changed from a protected method to a java.util.function.Supplier as a
 +  constructor argument. (Adrien Grand)
 +* LUCENE-8437: CheckIndex.Status.cantOpenSegments and missingSegmentVersion
 +  have been removed as they were not computed correctly. (Adrien Grand)
 +Bug Fixes:
 +* LUCENE-8445: Tighten condition when two planes are identical to prevent constructing
 +  bogus tiles when building GeoPolygons. (Ignacio Vera)
 +* LUCENE-8444: Prevent building functionally identical plane bounds when constructing
 +  DualCrossingEdgeIterator . (Ignacio Vera)
 +* LUCENE-8380: UTF8TaxonomyWriterCache inconsistency. (Ruslan Torobaev, Dawid Weiss)
 +* LUCENE-8164: IndexWriter silently accepts broken payload. This has been fixed
 +  via LUCENE-8165 since we are now checking for offset+length going out of bounds.
 +  (Robert Muir, Nhat Nyugen, Simon Willnauer)
 +* LUCENE-8370: Reproducing 
 +  TestLucene{54,70}DocValuesFormat.testSortedSetVariableLengthBigVsStoredFields()
 +  failures (Erick Erickson)
 +* LUCENE-8376, LUCENE-8371: ConditionalTokenFilter.end() would not propagate correctly
 +  if the last token in the stream was subsequently dropped; FixedShingleFilter did
 +  not set position increment in end() (Alan Woodward)
 +* LUCENE-8395: WordDelimiterGraphFilter would incorrectly insert a hole into a
 +  TokenStream if a token consisting entirely of delimiter characters was 
 +  encountered, but preserve_original was set. (Alan Woodward)
 +* LUCENE-8398: TieredMergePolicy.getMaxMergedSegmentMB has rounding error (Erick Erickson)
 +* LUCENE-8429: DaciukMihovAutomatonBuilder is no longer prone to stack
 +  overflows by enforcing a maximum term length. (Adrien Grand)
 +* LUCENE-8441: IndexWriter now checks doc value type for index sort fields
 +  and fails the document if they are not compatible. (Jim Ferenczi, Mike McCandless)
 +Changes in Runtime Behavior:
 +* LUCENE-7976: TieredMergePolicy now respects maxSegmentSizeMB by default when executing
 +  findForcedMerges and findForcedDeletesMerges (Erick Erickson)
 +* LUCENE-8263: TieredMergePolicy now reclaims deleted documents more
 +  aggressively by default ensuring that no more than ~1/3 of the index size is
 +  used by deleted documents. (Adrien Grand)
 +* LUCENE-8447: Add DISJOINT and WITHIN support to LatLonShape queries. (Nick Knize)
 +* LUCENE-8440: Add support for indexing and searching Line and Point shapes using LatLonShape encoding (Nick Knize)
 +* LUCENE-8435: Add new LatLonShapePolygonQuery for querying indexed LatLonShape fields by arbitrary polygons (Nick Knize)
 +* LUCENE-8367: Make per-dimension drill down optional for each facet dimension (Mike McCandless)
 +* LUCENE-8396: Add Points Based Shape Indexing and Search that decomposes shapes
 +  into a triangular mesh and indexes individual triangles as a 6 dimension point (Nick Knize)
 +* LUCENE-8345, GitHub PR #392: Remove instantiation of redundant wrapper classes for primitives;
 +  add wrapper class constructors to forbiddenapis.  (Michael Braun via Uwe Schindler)
 +* LUCENE-8415: Clean up Directory contracts and JavaDoc comments. (Dawid Weiss)
 +* LUCENE-8414: Make segmentInfos private in IndexWriter (Simon Willnauer, Nhat Nguyen)
 +* LUCENE-8366: Upgrade to ICU 62.1. Emoji handling now uses Unicode 11's
 +  Extended_Pictographic property. (Robert Muir)
 +* LUCENE-8408: original Highlighter:  Remove obsolete static AttributeFactory instance
 +  in TokenStreamFromTermVector.  (Michael Braun, David Smiley)
 +* LUCENE-8420: Upgrade OpenNLP to 1.9.0 so OpenNLP tool can read the new model format which 1.8.x
 +  cannot read. 1.9.0 can read the old format. (Koji Sekiguchi)
++* LUCENE-8453: Add documentation to analysis factories of Korean (Nori) analyzer
++  module.  (Tomoko Uchida via Uwe Schindler)
 +======================= Lucene 7.4.1 =======================
 +Bug Fixes:
 + * LUCENE-8365: Fix ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in UnifiedHighlighter. This fixes 
 +   a "off by one" error in the UnifiedHighlighter's code that is only triggered when
 +   two nested SpanNearQueries contain the same term. (Marc-Andre Morissette via Simon Willnauer)
 + * LUCENE-8381: Fix IndexWriter incorrectly interprets hard-deletes as soft-deletes
 +   while wrapping reader for merges. (Simon Willnauer, Nhat Nguyen)
 + * LUCENE-8384: Fix missing advance docValues generation while handling docValues
 +   update in PendingSoftDeletes. (Simon Willnauer, Nhat Nguyen)
  ======================= Lucene 7.4.0 =======================
 +* LUCENE-8344: If you are using the AnalyzingSuggester or FuzzySuggester subclass, and if you
 +  explicitly use the preservePositionIncrements=false setting (not the default), then you ought
 +  to rebuild your suggester index. If you don't, queries or indexed data with trailing position
 +  gaps (e.g. stop words) may not work correctly. (David Smiley, Jim Ferenczi)
  API Changes
  * LUCENE-8242: IndexSearcher.createNormalizedWeight() has been deprecated.