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Posted to by Jonathan <> on 2002/04/21 16:18:25 UTC

<><><> Cant map service name to class <><><>

1) I have created a webapp in tomcat called "mywebapp"

2) I then placed all the appropriate jars for axis in "mywebapp/WEB-INF/lib", except for the three jars which contain "java/javax" in the package name, which I have instead placed in Tomcats own "lib" directory (according to the mailing list suggestions).

3) I created a class which my service will map to called "com.asbell.RolodexService" and I placed it in "mywebapp/classes"

4) I created a "depoly.wsdd" file describing the mapping of my service:
<deployment xmlns="" xmlns:java="">
 <service name="PersonalRolodexService" provider="java:RPC">
  <parameter name="className" value="com.asbell.RolodexService"/>
  <parameter name="allowedMethods" value="*"/>

I am interpreting this mapping as: calls for "PersonalRolodexService" will map to "com.asbell.RolodexService" class.

4) I successfully deploy the "wsdd" file with the Admin class and I can see my service listed when I run "list"

A) what url should trigger the service? (Maybe I am using the incorrect url)
B) what IS the "endpointAddress"?  Is it the url of the Axis servlet?  
C) what should the Qname be in the "setOperationName" method
D) how do you trigger a service that takes no arguments?