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Posted to by Andrea Nasato <> on 2011/10/06 15:29:17 UTC

problems in generating wsdl from axis1 to axis2

Hi to all,

I'm a newbie of axis2 and I've started using it a couple of days ago in order
to migrate some services from axis1.

I'm having some problems in generating a correct wsdl from a stateless ejb
class. I've started by following this guide:

I'm using axis2 version 1.6.1 as a webapp inside jboss 4.0.2 on a linux
box with a jdk 1.6.0.

I use maven as a build engine and this is the relevant part of my

In this xml:
    - codfe.cp2a8CBean is the EJB (you'll find a copy in attachment)

The EJB has several methods and every method accepts in input a class,
which is a sort of pojo, and returns another pojo.

The problem is that the wsdl generated doesn't have the definition of
those pojo classes: all I can see is the name of the class as a complex
type but nothing more. For example if method cp49kF receives In_cp49kF
as input, in the wsdl I find:
        <xs:complexType name="In_cp49kF">
                    <xs:extension base="ax23:ObParmGroup">

Instead using axis 1.4 (with maven-axistools plugin for the java2wsdl
task in the same pom.xml, so with the same config and sources/classes)
I get this definition:
   <complexType name="In_cp49kF">
     <extension base="tns2:ObParmGroup">
       <element name="RequestData" nillable="true"
       <element name="Position" nillable="true"
       <element name="Input_Control" nillable="true"
       <element name="Input" nillable="true" type="impl:In_cp49kF_cInput"/>
which is the one that I'm expecting from axis2.

What I'm I doing wrong?

I give you in attahcment an archive with:
- pom.xml
- EJB class
- codfe-service-axis1.wsdl -- axis1 generated wsdl
- codfe-service-axis2.wsdl -- axis2 generated wsdl

Thanks in advance,
