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Posted to by Yannick Menager <> on 2003/12/18 15:16:57 UTC

Repository Manager

Hi... in case anybody is interested, you can download an alpha version 
of Repository Manager ( see below for a description of what that is ).

A snapshot can be downloaded from
( to run it just java -jar reposmanager-SNAPSHOT.jar )

and the sources can be accesses on my subversion repository at

At this moment, every time you open a folder it will access the remote 
repository, of course that will change to allow offline usage.

At the moment also the only functionality working is accessing a remote 
maven-style repository, and displaying it in the GUI.


Repository Manager include applications and tools to help writing 
software that uses remote artifact repositories (like maven or merlin).

This includes:

- A repository browser interface ( which can be run standalone, or 
integrated in either IDEA or eclipse ).
     This includes support for multiple repository, including different 
methods of accessing and administring the repositories.
     Support to edit configuration file of tools that uses repositories.

- An http python script to allow remote repository administration.

- A command line python script (for use via ssh for example) to allow 
remote repository administration.

- A java servlet component to allow remote repository administration.

- Ant tasks to remotely administer or use the repository.

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Re: Repository Manager

Posted by Yannick Menager <>.
By the way, the current Maven-style implementation uses the standard 
apache directory listing to retrieve the existing folders and artifacts.
I've currently tested it against

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