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Posted to by on 2005/08/29 14:07:40 UTC

Call.invoke parameter not getting in server side


I am developing a module in wsdl and axis. I have deployed the wsdl and
I am writing the client to dynamically invoke a method which contains
some arguments/parameters. But I am not getting the parameters correctly
passed or seems like it is getting missed some where.


QName inputQName // QName of input parameter

QName  returnQName // QName of return type


Inputparamaeterbeanclass obj;

All the necessary set methods are called


org.apache.axis.client.Service  service = new

   org.apache.axis.client.Call     call    =
(org.apache.axis.client.Call) service.createCall();

call.registerTypeMapping(beanclass of input parameter, inputQName,

org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.BeanSerializerFactory(beanclass of input
parameter, inputQName),        

org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.BeanDeserializerFactory(beanclass of input
parameter, inputQName));  


        call.registerTypeMapping(AuthenticateResult.class, returnQName,

org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.BeanSerializerFactory(beanclass of return
type, returnQName),        

org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.BeanDeserializerFactory(beanclass of return
type, returnQName));


call.setTargetEndpointAddress( new"service url") );

call.setOperationName("operation name");

call.addParameter( "arg1", inputQName, ParameterMode.IN );

call.setReturnType( returnQName );

Object  resultObj = call.invoke( new Object[] obj } );


After invoke control is going to the correct method BindingImpl class.
But in that method, the  get method of the argument is returning null.



 Priya Ruby Jose


  Associate Consultant -  Investment Banking Group

   i-flex solutions limited - Bangalore

   Tel. Office:  91-80-5759-6868




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