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Posted to by on 2005/10/05 04:20:10 UTC

svn commit: r294974 [4/25] - in /incubator/harmony/enhanced/trunk/sandbox/contribs/jchevm: ./ jchevm/ jchevm/doc/ jchevm/etc/ jchevm/include/ jchevm/java/ jchevm/java/org/ jchevm/java/org/dellroad/ jchevm/java/org/dellroad/jc/ jchevm/java/org/dellroad/...

Added: incubator/harmony/enhanced/trunk/sandbox/contribs/jchevm/jchevm/etc/
--- incubator/harmony/enhanced/trunk/sandbox/contribs/jchevm/jchevm/etc/ (added)
+++ incubator/harmony/enhanced/trunk/sandbox/contribs/jchevm/jchevm/etc/ Tue Oct  4 19:19:16 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+## $Id:,v 1.8 2005/04/29 00:49:30 archiecobbs Exp $
+jcetcdir=		$(sysconfdir)
+dist_jcetc_DATA=	jc.conf
+EXTRA_DIST=		gdb.userdef jc.xpm \
+rpms:			classpath-rpm jcvm-rpm
+classpath-rpm:		rpmdirs
+	DIR=`pwd`; \
+	rpmbuild -bb --clean --define "_topdir $${DIR}/rpm" classpath.spec
+jcvm-rpm:		rpmdirs
+	DIR=`pwd`; \
+	cp $(srcdir)/jc.xpm $${DIR}/rpm/SOURCES; \
+	rpmbuild -bb --clean --define "_topdir $${DIR}/rpm" jcvm.spec
+	@for DIR in rpm rpm/BUILD rpm/RPMS rpm/SOURCES rpm/SPECS rpm/SRPMS; do \
+	    [ -d "$${DIR}" ] || mkdir "$${DIR}"; \
+	done
+	@RESULT="true"; \
+	for TGZ in classpath-$(CLASSPATH_VERSION) jc-$(VERSION); do \
+	    if ! [ -f rpm/SOURCES/$$TGZ.tar.gz ]; then \
+		echo Please copy $$TGZ.tar.gz into rpm/SOURCES; \
+		RESULT="false"; \
+	    fi; \
+	done; \

Added: incubator/harmony/enhanced/trunk/sandbox/contribs/jchevm/jchevm/etc/
--- incubator/harmony/enhanced/trunk/sandbox/contribs/jchevm/jchevm/etc/ (added)
+++ incubator/harmony/enhanced/trunk/sandbox/contribs/jchevm/jchevm/etc/ Tue Oct  4 19:19:16 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# $Id:,v 1.1 2005/03/20 20:13:57 archiecobbs Exp $
+%define version_num @CLASSPATH_VERSION@
+%define release_num 1
+Summary: GNU Classpath Java class libraries
+Name: classpath
+Version: %{version_num}
+Release: %{release_num}
+Group: Development/Tools
+Copyright: GPL+exception
+BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-root
+BuildRequires: jikes, zip
+Packager: Archie Cobbs <>
+GNU Classpath, Essential Libraries for Java, is a GNU project to create
+free core class libraries for use with virtual machines and compilers
+for the Java programming language.
+%setup -n classpath-%{version_num}
+pushd ${RPM_BUILD_DIR}/classpath-%{version_num}
+# Determine if we can build the GTK stuff
+if pkg-config --exists 'gtk+-2.0 >= 2.4 gthread-2.0 >= 2.2 libart-2.0 gdk-pixbuf-2.0'; then
+    GTKPEER='enable'
+%configure --with-jikes --enable-jni --${GTKPEER}-gtk-peer
+pushd ${RPM_BUILD_DIR}/classpath-%{version_num}
+pushd ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_infodir}
+rm -f dir
+for i in *; do
+    mv $i classpath-$i
+%post -p /sbin/ldconfig
+%postun -p /sbin/ldconfig
+rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}
+%dir %{_datadir}/classpath
+%doc %{_datadir}/classpath/api
+%doc %{_datadir}/classpath/examples
+%doc %{_infodir}/*

Added: incubator/harmony/enhanced/trunk/sandbox/contribs/jchevm/jchevm/etc/gdb.userdef
--- incubator/harmony/enhanced/trunk/sandbox/contribs/jchevm/jchevm/etc/gdb.userdef (added)
+++ incubator/harmony/enhanced/trunk/sandbox/contribs/jchevm/jchevm/etc/gdb.userdef Tue Oct  4 19:19:16 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
+# $Id: gdb.userdef,v 1.14 2005/05/08 21:03:50 archiecobbs Exp $
+# Note: for these commands to work, you must set $env to point
+# to the thread structure for a live thread, e.g.:
+#     (gdb) set $env = _jc_vms_list.lh_first->threads.alive_list.lh_first
+# You can use "setenv" to try to do this automatically, or "setenv2"
+# to do it manually (the "env" is usually obvious in stack traces).
+define setenv
+  if _jc_vms_list.lh_first == 0
+    printf "sorry, the vm is not initialized yet\n"
+  else
+    set $env = _jc_vms_list.lh_first->threads.alive_list.lh_first
+    set $vm = $env->vm
+    print $vm
+    print $env
+  end
+document setenv
+  Attempt to automatically set the $env and $vm variables.
+define setenv2
+  set $env = (_jc_env *)$arg0
+  set $vm = $env->vm
+  print $vm
+  print $env
+document setenv
+  Set $env from the supplied argument, and derive $vm too.
+define search_method_tree
+  set $addr = $arg0
+  set $tree = &$env->vm->method_tree
+  set $node = $tree->root
+  set $found = 0
+  while $found == 0 && $node != 0
+    set $method = (_jc_method *)((char *)$node - $tree->offset)
+    if $addr <= $method->function
+      set $node = $node->left
+    else
+      if $addr > $method->u.exec.function_end
+	set $node = $node->right
+      else
+	set $found = 1
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  if $found == 0
+    set $method = (_jc_method *)0
+  end
+define print_java_stack_frame
+  set $method = (_jc_method *)$arg0
+  if $method == (void *)0
+    set $addr = (_jc_method *)$arg1
+    printf "  %p not found\n", $addr
+  else
+    if $method->class == 0
+      printf "  function `%s' (method %p)\n", $method->name, $method
+    else
+      set $class = $method->class
+      printf "  %s.%s(", $class->name, $method->name
+      if $class->u.nonarray.source_file == 0
+	printf "Unknown"
+      else
+	printf "%s", $class->u.nonarray.source_file
+      end
+      set $jline = 0
+      if ($method->access_flags & 0x2000) != 0
+	set $i = 0
+	set $found = 0
+	set $pctr = (int)$arg1
+	while !$found && $i < $method->u.code.num_linemaps
+	  if $pctr >= $method->u.code.linemaps[$i].index && ($i == $method->u.code.num_linemaps - 1 || $pctr < $method->u.code.linemaps[$i + 1].index)
+	    set $jline = $method->u.code.linemaps[$i].line
+	    set $found = 1
+	  end
+	  set $i = $i + 1
+	end
+      else
+	set $index = 0
+	set $found = 0
+	set $addr = (_jc_method *)$arg1
+	while !$found && $index < $method->u.exec.u.pc_map.len
+	  set $info = &$method->[$index]
+	  set $next = &$method->[$index + 1]
+	  if $addr > $info->pc && $addr <= $next->pc
+	    set $jline = $info->jline
+	    set $found = 1
+	  end
+	  set $index = $index + 1
+	end
+      end
+      if $jline != 0
+	printf ":%d", $jline
+      end
+      printf ")"
+      if ($method->access_flags & 0x2000) == 0
+	printf " pc=%p ", $addr
+      end
+      printf " ((_jc_method *)%p)\n", $method
+    end
+  end
+define jline
+  search_method_tree $arg0
+  print_java_stack_frame $method $arg0
+document jline
+  Determine the Java method and line number corresponding to a PC location.
+  The method must be in the method table. The PC should be given as the
+  first argument.
+define pstack
+  set $s = $env->java_stack
+  set $p = ((void **)$ebp)[1]
+  set $f = ((void **)$ebp)[0]
+  while $s != 0
+    set $s = (_jc_java_stack *)$s
+    if $s->interp
+      set $s = (_jc_interp_stack *)$s
+      set $method = $s->method
+      print_java_stack_frame $method *$s->pcp
+      set $s = (_jc_interp_stack *)$s->
+    else
+      set $s = (_jc_exec_stack *)$s
+      search_method_tree $p
+      if $method == &$env->vm->invoke_method
+	set $s = (_jc_exec_stack *)$s->
+	if $s != 0
+	  set $p = $s->pc
+	  set $f = $s->frame
+	end
+      else
+	if $method != 0
+	  print_java_stack_frame $method $p
+	end
+      end
+      set $p = ((void **)$f)[1]
+      set $f = ((void **)$f)[0]
+    end
+  end
+document pstack
+  Print Java stack for the current thread. The $env variable must be
+  set consistently with the currently selected thread. The top frame
+  may not be present if its an executable method.
+define follow_bp
+  set $bp = $ebp
+  set $p = (void *)0xffffffff
+  while $bp != 0
+    printf "bp = %p pc = %p\n", $bp, $p
+    set $p = ((void **)$bp)[1]
+    set $bp = ((void **)$bp)[0]
+  end
+document follow_bp
+  Follow chain of base pointers (i386 only).
+define pthrowable
+  set $obj = (_jc_object *)$arg0
+  printf "%s", $obj->type->name
+  set $string = (_jc_object *)((char *)$obj + $env->vm->boot.fields.Throwable.detailMessage->offset)
+  if $string != 0x0
+    printf "detail@%p", $string
+    printf ": "
+    pstring $string
+  else
+    printf "\n"
+  end
+document pthrowable
+  Display an exception object.
+  The first parameter is the address of a java.lang.Throwable object.
+define pstring
+  set $obj = (_jc_object *)$arg0
+  set $type = (_jc_type *)$env->vm->boot.types.String
+  set $value = *(_jc_char_array **)((char *)$obj + $type->u.nonarray.fields[4]->offset)
+  set $offset = *(jint *)((char *)$obj + $type->u.nonarray.fields[7]->offset)
+  set $count = *(jint *)((char *)$obj + $type->u.nonarray.fields[6]->offset)
+  set $i = $offset
+  printf "\""
+  while $i < $offset + $count
+    printf "%c", (char)($value->elems[$i])
+    set $i = $i + 1
+  end
+  printf "\"\n"
+document pstring
+  Print the contents of a Java string object.
+  The first parameter is the address of a java.lang.String object.
+define ptype
+  set $type = (_jc_type *)$arg0
+  printf "%s\n", $type->name
+  if ($type->flags & 0x0040)
+    printf "  LOADED\n"
+  end
+  if ($type->flags & 0x0400)
+    printf "  RESOLVED\n"
+  end
+  if ($type->flags & 0x0800)
+    printf "  INITIALIZED\n"
+  end
+document ptype
+  Print basic info about a type.
+define pobj
+  printf "%p is a %s\n", (void *)$arg0, ((_jc_object *)$arg0)->type->name
+document pobj
+  Print the type of an object.
+define pmethod
+  set $accnames = { "public", "privat", "prtctd", "static", "finall", "synchr", "voltle", "trnsnt", "native", "intrfc", "abstrt", "strict" }
+  set $method = (_jc_method *)$arg0
+  set $i = 1
+  while $i < 12
+    if (($method->access_flags & (1 << $i)) != 0)
+      printf "%s ", $accnames[$i]
+    end
+    set $i = $i << 1
+  end
+  printf "%s.%s%s\n", $method->class->name, $method->name, $method->signature
+  printf "      type=%s\n", ($method->access_flags & 0x0100) ? (($method->access_flags & 0x1000) ? "JCNI native" : "JNI native") : ($method->access_flags & 0x2000) ? "interpreted" : "executable"
+  printf "  function=%p\n", $method->function
+  if ($method->access_flags & 0x0100)
+    printf "nativefunc=%p\n", $method->function
+  end
+document pmethod
+  Print information about a method.
+define heap_block
+  set $page_size = 4096
+  set $mem = (char *)$arg0
+  set $heap = &$env->vm->heap
+  set $heap_start = (char *)$heap->pages
+  set $heap_end = $heap_start + ($page_size * $heap->num_pages)
+  printf "Address %p:\n", $mem
+  if $mem < $heap_start || $mem >= $heap_end
+    printf "Address does not lie within the heap (%p - %p)\n", $heap_start, $heap_end
+  else
+    set $page_num = ($mem - $heap_start) / $page_size
+    printf "\tPage number:\t%d\n", $page_num
+    set $ppw = (sizeof(_jc_word) * 8) / 2
+    set $type = ($heap->page_bits[$page_num / $ppw] >> (($page_num % $ppw) * 2)) & 0x03
+    printf "\tPage type:\t"
+    if $type == 0
+      printf "FREE\n"
+    else
+      if $type == 2
+	printf "LARGE\n"
+      else
+	if $type == 1
+	  printf "SMALL\n"
+	  set $i = 0
+	  set $found = 0
+	  while $i < $heap->num_sizes && !$found
+	    set $size = &$heap->sizes[$i]
+	    set $page = $size->pages
+	    set $pnum = ((char *)$page - $heap_start) / $page_size
+	    while $page != 0 && $pnum != $page_num
+	      set $page = $page->
+	      set $pnum = ((char *)$page - $heap_start) / $page_size
+	    end
+	    if $page != 0
+	      set $found = 1
+	    else
+	      set $i = $i + 1
+	    end
+	  end
+	  if $found
+	    printf "\tSize index:\t%d\n", $i
+	    printf "\tBlock size:\t%d\n", $size->size
+	    printf "\tOffset:\t\t%d\n", $size->offset
+	    printf "\tBlock index:\t%d\n", ((char *)$mem - ((char *)$page + $size->offset)) / $size->size
+	    printf "\tBlock offset:\t%d\n", ((char *)$mem - ((char *)$page + $size->offset)) % $size->size
+	  else
+	    printf "\t*** page not found in any small page list ***\n"
+	  end
+	else
+	  printf "FINALIZABLE\n"
+	end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+document heap_block
+  Print info about the heap block that contains a memory address.
+  The first parameter is the memory address in the heap.
+define show_pages
+  set $page_size = 4096
+  set $heap = &$env->vm->heap
+  set $heap_start = (char *)$heap->pages
+  set $heap_end = $heap_start + ($page_size * $heap->num_pages)
+  printf "Small heap pages:\n"
+  set $i = 0
+  while $i < $heap->num_sizes
+    printf "  Block size index [%d]\n", $i
+    set $size = &$heap->sizes[$i]
+    printf "    Size of each block:\t\t%d bytes\n", $size->size
+    printf "    Number of blocks:\t\t%d\n", $size->num_blocks
+    printf "    Offset to first block:\t%d bytes\n", $size->offset
+    printf "    Length of live_bits[]:\t%d words\n", $size->num_bit_words
+    printf "    Pages:\n"
+    set $page = $size->pages
+    while $page != 0
+      set $pnum = ((char *)$page - $heap_start) / $page_size
+      printf "    %4d  %p\t", $pnum, $page
+      set $j = 0
+      while $j < $size->num_bit_words
+	printf " %08x", ((_jc_small_page *)$page)->live_bits[$j]
+	set $j = $j + 1
+	if $j % 6 == 0 && $j < $size->num_bit_words
+	  printf "\n\t\t\t"
+	end
+      end
+      printf "\n"
+      set $page = $page->
+    end
+    set $i = $i + 1
+  end
+document show_pages
+  Show heap pages.

Added: incubator/harmony/enhanced/trunk/sandbox/contribs/jchevm/jchevm/etc/jc.conf
--- incubator/harmony/enhanced/trunk/sandbox/contribs/jchevm/jchevm/etc/jc.conf (added)
+++ incubator/harmony/enhanced/trunk/sandbox/contribs/jchevm/jchevm/etc/jc.conf Tue Oct  4 19:19:16 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# $Id: jc.conf,v 1.1 2005/01/09 02:06:55 archiecobbs Exp $
+# This is the system-wide ".jc" file. Define here any desired
+# default command line flags. This file is processed before
+# the per-user ~/.jc file, so settings in the latter file can
+# override settings in this file; command line flags can override
+# both this file and ~/.jc.
+# Some examples (documented in the online manual):
+#    classpath=.:/foo/bar:/jan/
+#    property=jc.heap.size=67108864
+#    property=jc.code.generation.enabled=false
+#    property=jc.bootstrap.generate.only=true
+#    property=jc.include.line.numbers=false
+#    property=jc.resolve.native.directly=true
+#    property=jc.gen.inline.verbose=true
+#    verbose=gen,gc

Added: incubator/harmony/enhanced/trunk/sandbox/contribs/jchevm/jchevm/etc/jc.xpm
--- incubator/harmony/enhanced/trunk/sandbox/contribs/jchevm/jchevm/etc/jc.xpm (added)
+++ incubator/harmony/enhanced/trunk/sandbox/contribs/jchevm/jchevm/etc/jc.xpm Tue Oct  4 19:19:16 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+/* XPM */
+/* $Id: jc.xpm,v 1.1 2005/01/07 19:13:23 archiecobbs Exp $ */
+static char *noname[] = {
+/* width height ncolors chars_per_pixel */
+"60 60 317 2",
+/* colors */
+"   c #000000",
+" . c #E3E3EC",
+" X c #F3F3FF",
+" o c #E1E1EA",
+" O c #F1F1FD",
+" + c #DFDFE8",
+" @ c #ADADAD",
+" # c #EFEFFB",
+" $ c #DDDDE6",
+" % c #EDEDF9",
+" & c #DBDBE4",
+" * c #E7E7F3",
+" = c #FAFAFF",
+" - c #E5E5F1",
+" ; c #E8E8EA",
+" : c #F8F8FD",
+" > c #E3E3EF",
+" , c #9F9F9F",
+" < c #E1E1ED",
+" 1 c #F4F4F9",
+" 2 c #9D9D9D",
+" 3 c #E2E2E4",
+" 4 c #EFEFFE",
+" 5 c #EDEDFC",
+" 6 c #EBEBFA",
+" 7 c #EEEEF3",
+" 8 c #E9E9F8",
+" 9 c #F6F6FE",
+" 0 c #8D8D8D",
+" q c #F4F4FC",
+" w c #D2D2D4",
+" e c #F2F2FA",
+" r c #D0D0D2",
+" t c #CECED0",
+" y c #EEEEF6",
+" u c #858585",
+" i c #D8D8DD",
+" p c #818181",
+" a c #E8E8F0",
+" s c #D6D6DB",
+" d c #7F7F7F",
+" f c #E6E6EE",
+" g c #D4D4D9",
+" h c #E4E4EC",
+" j c #F4F4FF",
+" k c #D2D2D7",
+" l c #F2F2FD",
+" z c #E0E0E8",
+" x c #F0F0FB",
+" c c #EEEEF9",
+" v c #DCDCE4",
+" b c #ECECF7",
+" n c #DADAE2",
+" m c #EAEAF5",
+" M c #D8D8E0",
+" N c #E8E8F3",
+" B c #FBFBFF",
+" V c #E6E6F1",
+" C c #6D6D6D",
+" Z c #F9F9FD",
+" A c #E4E4EF",
+" S c #6B6B6B",
+" D c #F7F7FB",
+" F c #E2E2ED",
+" G c #696969",
+" H c #E0E0EB",
+" J c #F0F0FE",
+" K c #DEDEE9",
+" L c #EEEEFC",
+" P c #F1F1F5",
+" I c #ECECFA",
+" U c #EAEAF8",
+" Y c #E8E8F6",
+" T c #E6E6F4",
+" R c #E4E4F2",
+" E c #F7F7FE",
+" W c #F5F5FC",
+" Q c #D1D1D2",
+" ! c #F1F1F8",
+" ~ c #CFCFD0",
+" ^ c #EFEFF6",
+" / c #CDCDCE",
+" ( c #515151",
+" ) c #E7E7EE",
+" _ c #494949",
+" ` c #D5D5D9",
+" ' c #F5F5FF",
+" ] c #D3D3D7",
+" [ c #F3F3FD",
+" { c #D1D1D5",
+" } c #F1F1FB",
+" | c #EFEFF9",
+".  c #F2F2F2",
+".. c #DDDDE4",
+".X c #EDEDF7",
+".o c #F0F0F0",
+".O c #DBDBE2",
+".+ c #EBEBF5",
+".@ c #3D3D3D",
+".# c #EEEEEE",
+".$ c #D9D9E0",
+".% c #E9E9F3",
+".& c #FCFCFF",
+".* c #D7D7DE",
+".= c #E7E7F1",
+".- c #393939",
+".; c #FAFAFD",
+".: c #E5E5EF",
+".> c #373737",
+"., c #E3E3ED",
+".< c #E6E6E6",
+".1 c #E1E1EB",
+".2 c #E4E4E4",
+".3 c #F1F1FE",
+".4 c #DFDFE9",
+".5 c #EFEFFC",
+".6 c #DDDDE7",
+".7 c #EDEDFA",
+".8 c #DBDBE5",
+".9 c #EBEBF8",
+".0 c #2B2B2B",
+".q c #E9E9F6",
+".w c #E7E7F4",
+".e c #EAEAED",
+".r c #D8D8D8",
+".t c #E5E5F2",
+".y c #F8F8FE",
+".u c #D6D6D6",
+".i c #E3E3F0",
+".p c #F6F6FC",
+".a c #D2D2D2",
+".s c #F2F2F8",
+".d c #1F1F1F",
+".f c #CECECE",
+".g c #EBEBFB",
+".h c #CCCCCC",
+".j c #E9E9F9",
+".k c #ECECF2",
+".l c #CACACA",
+".z c #C6C6C6",
+".x c #F6F6FF",
+".c c #D4D4D7",
+".v c #F4F4FD",
+".b c #D2D2D5",
+".n c #F2F2FB",
+".m c #D0D0D3",
+".M c #F0F0F9",
+".N c #CECED1",
+".B c #EEEEF7",
+".V c #090909",
+".C c #ECECF5",
+".Z c #DADAE0",
+".A c #070707",
+".S c #EAEAF3",
+".D c #FDFDFF",
+".F c #D8D8DE",
+".G c #050505",
+".H c #E8E8F1",
+".J c #FBFBFD",
+".K c #D6D6DC",
+".L c #010101",
+".P c #E4E4ED",
+".I c #B2B2B2",
+".U c #E2E2EB",
+".Y c #F2F2FE",
+".T c #E0E0E9",
+".R c #F0F0FC",
+".E c #DEDEE7",
+".W c #EEEEFA",
+".Q c #DCDCE5",
+".! c #ECECF8",
+".~ c #DADAE3",
+".^ c #A8A8A8",
+"./ c #EAEAF6",
+".( c #E8E8F4",
+".) c #6F6F70",
+"._ c #A4A4A4",
+".` c #E6E6F2",
+".' c #E9E9EB",
+".] c #F9F9FE",
+".[ c #E4E4F0",
+".{ c #F7F7FC",
+".} c #E2E2EE",
+".| c #F5F5FA",
+"X  c #F3F3F8",
+"X. c #9C9C9C",
+"XX c #EEEEFD",
+"Xo c #EAEAF9",
+"XO c #E8E8F7",
+"X+ c #F7F7FF",
+"X@ c #F5F5FD",
+"X# c #D3D3D5",
+"X$ c #8C8C8C",
+"X% c #F3F3FB",
+"X& c #D1D1D3",
+"X* c #CFCFD1",
+"X= c #CDCDCF",
+"X- c #EBEBF3",
+"X; c #FEFEFF",
+"X: c #E9E9F1",
+"X> c #D7D7DC",
+"X, c #D5D5DA",
+"X< c #D3D3D8",
+"X1 c #E3E3EB",
+"X2 c #F1F1FC",
+"X3 c #DFDFE7",
+"X4 c #EFEFFA",
+"X5 c #767676",
+"X6 c #DDDDE5",
+"X7 c #EDEDF8",
+"X8 c #DBDBE3",
+"X9 c #EBEBF6",
+"X0 c #D9D9E1",
+"Xq c #E9E9F4",
+"Xw c #3B3B3C",
+"Xe c #D7D7DF",
+"Xr c #E7E7F2",
+"Xt c #FAFAFE",
+"Xy c #E5E5F0",
+"Xu c #F8F8FC",
+"Xi c #E3E3EE",
+"Xp c #E1E1EC",
+"Xa c #686868",
+"Xs c #DFDFEA",
+"Xd c #EFEFFD",
+"Xf c #666666",
+"Xg c #F2F2F6",
+"Xh c #EDEDFB",
+"Xj c #2D2D2E",
+"Xk c #EBEBF9",
+"Xl c #EEEEF2",
+"Xz c #E9E9F7",
+"Xx c #E7E7F5",
+"Xc c #E5E5F3",
+"Xv c #F8F8FF",
+"Xb c #F6F6FD",
+"Xn c #585858",
+"Xm c #F4F4FB",
+"XM c #565656",
+"XN c #F2F2F9",
+"XB c #D0D0D1",
+"XV c #CECECF",
+"XC c #CCCCCD",
+"XZ c #505050",
+"XA c #ECECF3",
+"XS c #FFFFFF",
+"XD c #FDFDFD",
+"XF c #FBFBFB",
+"XG c #D6D6DA",
+"XH c #D4D4D8",
+"XJ c #F4F4FE",
+"XK c #D2D2D6",
+"XL c #F2F2FC",
+"XP c #444444",
+"XI c #E0E0E7",
+"XU c #F0F0FA",
+"XY c #DEDEE5",
+"XT c #EEEEF8",
+"XR c #DCDCE3",
+"XE c #ECECF6",
+"XW c #DADAE1",
+"XQ c #EDEDED",
+"X! c #D8D8DF",
+"X~ c #3A3A3A",
+"X^ c #FBFBFE",
+"X/ c #D6D6DD",
+"X( c #E6E6F0",
+"X) c #B4B4B5",
+"X_ c #E9E9E9",
+"X` c #F7F7FA",
+"X' c #E2E2EC",
+"X] c #E5E5E5",
+"X[ c #F2F2FF",
+"X{ c #E0E0EA",
+"X} c #F0F0FD",
+"X| c #DEDEE8",
+"o  c #EEEEFB",
+"o. c #DCDCE6",
+"oX c #DFDFDF",
+"oo c #ECECF9",
+"oO c #E8E8F5",
+"o+ c #D9D9D9",
+"o@ c #E6E6F3",
+"o# c #F9F9FF",
+"o$ c #262626",
+"o% c #E4E4F1",
+"o& c #F7F7FD",
+"o* c #F5F5FB",
+"o= c #F3F3F9",
+"o- c #D1D1D1",
+"o; c #F1F1F7",
+"o: c #EFEFF5",
+"o> c #CDCDCD",
+"o, c #EAEAFA",
+"o< c #E8E8F8",
+"o1 c #161616",
+"o2 c #C7C7C7",
+"o3 c #C5C5C5",
+"o4 c #D5D5D8",
+"o5 c #F5F5FE",
+"o6 c #D3D3D6",
+"o7 c #101010",
+"o8 c #F3F3FC",
+"o9 c #D1D1D4",
+"o0 c #F1F1FA",
+"oq c #0C0C0C",
+"ow c #EFEFF8",
+"oe c #080808",
+"or c #EBEBF4",
+"ot c #D9D9DF",
+"oy c #FCFCFE",
+"ou c #D7D7DD",
+"oi c #E7E7F0",
+"op c #D5D5DB",
+"oa c #020202",
+"os c #E5E5EE",
+"od c None",
+/* pixels */
+"XSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXS.I                  XSXQoq            .A    .>XSXSXSXSX; B =o#XvXv.po;X-.=X'.$ ;",
+"XSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXS.z                  .u                      .dXSXSXSXSX;.& =Xv.x ' [owX:os.4.F r",
+"XSXSXvXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXS.2o3o3o3o3o3               (oXXFo+Xn      .dXSXSXSXSX;.& =Xv.x j.Y % NXi.4ou t",
+"XSXS 7 Xo#.DX;X;XSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXD      XSo7                  o1 Po#XvX+.x [ |XE.%.:X' K.~opo9 /o>.h",
+"XSXSXS 4 ' B.DX;X;XSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXS.o      XSXS._o7          o$X) Z :o&X@.v [XU.+.H.:.UX|.QX0 g ro>o>.h",
+"XSXSXS.s./X} jXv BX;XSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXS u                .@XSXSXSX;X;X;X;.D.D.&Xt.pX%o0 c.9Xz *Xi.T votX,XH w ~o>.h.hXS",
+"XSXSXS.e.`ooX} jX+ =.&X;X;X;X;X;X;XSXSXSoe              .0X;X;X;.D.&.&.&X^X^Xt ZX` 1o; y.+Xqo@.[X{.Q.$op ]o6X&XV.h.h.hXS",
+"XSXSXSXSX'oO.7X} X.xo# B.&.D.D.D.DX;X;XS @            .).&.&.&.& =.].y E E E 9X@o= P 7.kX:X( > H $XWou ]o9X& r /.h.hX]XS",
+"XSXSXSXSX6Xi.(oo L.3 j.xXvo# B B B.&.&.D.DX;X;X;.D.D.& B = = = =.y EX@ [ [ l l }XTorX: ) h.U.4.Qot s ] r t t to>.h.h. XS",
+"XSXSXSXS. .E.,oO U.7XdX[ X '.xXv = B B.&.&.DX;X;.D.&.& B =o#XvXv 9o5 [ OX}.5 5 IXz *XyX'.T $.O.F g.bX*o>.h.h.h.h.h.hXSXS",
+"XSXSXSXSXSou.Q Ao@oO.9XhXXX} l [X@Xb 9 E.y.y.]Xt.; Z Z :o&XbXbX@X% eXU c %Xk U Y.tXi.1 +XR.Z.FX> ]X&XV.h.h.h.h.h.hXSXSXS",
+"XSXSXSXSXS.' s.E Fo%.w./.! I 5.5X2XLXL [ [.vX@XbXb Wo*XmX%X%.n } |.B.CorXq.(o@o% F.4 $X8X!.Kop `o6XBo>.h.h.h.h.h.hXSXSXS",
+"XSXSXSXSXSXSX*X> vX|Xp.i.`.w.q U 6 I.7Xho .5.5.R x #X4 cX7X7.! b m.%.=.:.P.,Xp.4 $XW.F s ].bo9 r ~XV.h.h.h.h.h.hXSXSXSXS",
+"XSXSXSXSXSXSXSX*X,X0.Q +XpXio%XcXxXOo<,o,.g.go,Xo 8XOXO Y.w.t.[.}XpXsX|X6.Oot.K gXK rXB ~XV /XC.h.h.h.h.h.hXSXSXSXS",
+"XSXSXSXSXSXSXS.hX*X,ouXW.QX|X{Xp.}.io% R RXcXc T To@o@.t -o%.[ > <X{X|X6X8 n.$X!X> `X# Q ~ t tX=o>.h.h.h.h.h.hXSXSXSXSXS",
+"XSXSXSXSXSXSXSXS.hXV { gX>.$.OX8.Q.6 +.4Xs H H HXp.1 HXs.4X|X|.6.Q.~.$.FX> so4.co6o9 rXV / /o>o>.h.h.h.h.h.hXSXSXSXSXSXS",
+"XSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXS.hXV r.bX,ou.F.$ nX8 & &.Q.Qo.o..Q.8 &X8.~ nX0X!X/op g ].b.m rX*XV /.h.h.h.h.h.h.h.h.h.hX]XSXSXSXSXSXS",
+"XSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXS.h /XVXB { ] gop souou.*XeX! M MX!.*ou.K.Kopop g ] {.mX* ~ tXVo>.h.h.h.h.h.h.h.h.h.h. XSXSXSXSXSXSXS",
+"XSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXS. .h.hXC / tX* rX&o9.bXK ] ]X<X< ] kXK.bo9X&X&X&.m r t / / / /o>.h.h.h.h.h.h.h.h.hX]XSXSXSXSXSXSXSXS",
+"XSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXS.h.h.h.h.h.hXCo> / / /X=X=X=X= /XCXC.h.h.h.h.h.h.h.h.h.h.h.h.h.h.h.h.h.hXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXS",

Added: incubator/harmony/enhanced/trunk/sandbox/contribs/jchevm/jchevm/etc/
--- incubator/harmony/enhanced/trunk/sandbox/contribs/jchevm/jchevm/etc/ (added)
+++ incubator/harmony/enhanced/trunk/sandbox/contribs/jchevm/jchevm/etc/ Tue Oct  4 19:19:16 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# $Id:,v 1.5 2005/03/21 14:10:50 archiecobbs Exp $
+%define version_num @VERSION@
+%define release_num 1
+%define classpath_ver @CLASSPATH_VERSION@
+%define classpath_home %{_prefix}
+Summary: The JC Virtual Machine
+Name: jcvm
+Version: %{version_num}
+Release: %{release_num}
+Group: Development/Tools
+Copyright: LGPL
+BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-root
+Icon: jc.xpm
+Packager: Archie Cobbs <>
+ExclusiveArch: i386 i486 i586 i686
+Requires: classpath >= %{classpath_ver}
+JC is a Java virtual machine implementation that converts class files
+into C source files using the Soot Java bytecode analysis framework,
+compiles them with GCC, and loads them using a built-in ELF object file
+loader. JC utilizes the GNU Classpath class library and provides a fairly
+complete Java runtime including sophisticated optimizations to increase
+runtime performance. JC also includes a bytecode interpreter, and supports
+execution in either or mixed modes.
+%setup -n jc-%{version}
+%configure --with-classpath=%{classpath_home}
+%post -p /sbin/ldconfig
+%postun -p /sbin/ldconfig
+rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}
+%docdir %{_datadir}/jc/doc
+%config %{_sysconfdir}/jc.conf
+%doc %{_mandir}/man1/jc.1.gz
+%doc %{_infodir}/*

Added: incubator/harmony/enhanced/trunk/sandbox/contribs/jchevm/jchevm/etc/
--- incubator/harmony/enhanced/trunk/sandbox/contribs/jchevm/jchevm/etc/ (added)
+++ incubator/harmony/enhanced/trunk/sandbox/contribs/jchevm/jchevm/etc/ Tue Oct  4 19:19:16 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# $Id:,v 1.11 2005/03/19 19:55:02 archiecobbs Exp $
+if [ ! -f etc/ ]; then
+    echo '***' run me from the top level directory please
+    exit 1
+if [ `id -u` -ne 0 ]; then
+    echo '***' you must be root
+    exit 1
+if [ ! -w ${PREFIX}/share/classpath/ ]; then
+    echo '***' you must build and install classpath first
+    exit 1
+rm -f java/ java/api.tgz
+sh etc/
+(cd tools && make && make install) || exit 1
+(cd java && make && make install) || exit 1
+(cd soot && make && make install) || exit 1
+(cd include && make && make install) || exit 1
+(cd libjc/native && make hfiles) || exit 1
+(cd jsrc && make jsrc.tgz) || exit 1
+make dist

Added: incubator/harmony/enhanced/trunk/sandbox/contribs/jchevm/jchevm/etc/
--- incubator/harmony/enhanced/trunk/sandbox/contribs/jchevm/jchevm/etc/ (added)
+++ incubator/harmony/enhanced/trunk/sandbox/contribs/jchevm/jchevm/etc/ Tue Oct  4 19:19:16 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# $Id:,v 1.7 2005/03/26 03:25:44 archiecobbs Exp $
+# Script to regenerate all the GNU auto* gunk.
+# Run this from the top directory of the source tree.
+# This is customized for my FreeBSD machine. It probably
+# won't work right on your machine, please edit to suit.
+# If it looks like I don't know what I'm doing here, you're right.
+if [ ! -f libjc/ ]; then
+    echo '***' run me from the top level directory please
+    exit 1
+echo "cleaning up"
+find . -name '' -print | xargs rm -f
+rm -rf autom4te*.cache scripts aclocal.m4 configure
+rm -f include/ include/config.h
+rm -f install-sh missing
+mkdir scripts
+if [ `uname -s` = 'FreeBSD' ]; then
+#	LIBTOOLIZE="libtoolize15"
+#	ACLOCAL="aclocal18"
+	ACLOCAL_ARGS="-I /usr/local/share/libtool15/libltdl/ -I /usr/local/share/automake18"
+#	AUTOHEADER="autoheader259"
+#	AUTOMAKE="automake18"
+#	AUTOCONF="autoconf259"
+echo "running libtoolize"
+${LIBTOOLIZE} -c -f
+echo "running aclocal"
+${ACLOCAL} ${ACLOCAL_ARGS} -I scripts
+echo "running autoheader"
+${AUTOHEADER} -I include -I libjc/arch -I libjc/native
+echo "running automake"
+${AUTOMAKE} --add-missing -c --foreign
+echo "running autoconf"
+${AUTOCONF} -f -i
+cp scripts/install-sh install-sh
+cp scripts/missing missing
+echo "running configure"
+if [ `uname -s` = 'FreeBSD' ]; then
+	export LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/lib ;
+	export CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include;
+./configure --enable-werror --enable-assertions

Added: incubator/harmony/enhanced/trunk/sandbox/contribs/jchevm/jchevm/include/
--- incubator/harmony/enhanced/trunk/sandbox/contribs/jchevm/jchevm/include/ (added)
+++ incubator/harmony/enhanced/trunk/sandbox/contribs/jchevm/jchevm/include/ Tue Oct  4 19:19:16 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+## $Id:,v 1.6 2005/04/02 03:34:07 archiecobbs Exp $
+noinst_HEADERS= queue.h
+jc_includedir=		$(includedir)/jc
+jc_include_HEADERS=	jc_defs.h \
+			jc_arraydefs.h \
+			jc_invoke.h \
+			jni.h \
+			jni_machdep.h
+nodist_jc_include_HEADERS=	jc_machdep.h

Added: incubator/harmony/enhanced/trunk/sandbox/contribs/jchevm/jchevm/include/jc_arraydefs.h
--- incubator/harmony/enhanced/trunk/sandbox/contribs/jchevm/jchevm/include/jc_arraydefs.h (added)
+++ incubator/harmony/enhanced/trunk/sandbox/contribs/jchevm/jchevm/include/jc_arraydefs.h Tue Oct  4 19:19:16 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+ * Copyright 2005 The Apache Software Foundation or its licensors,
+ * as applicable.
+ * 
+ *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * $Id: jc_arraydefs.h,v 2004/02/20 05:15:10 archiecobbs Exp $
+ */
+#ifndef _JC_ARRAYDEFS_H_
+#define _JC_ARRAYDEFS_H_
+ * The purpose of this file is to define a macro that declares external
+ * '_jc_type' structures corresponding to all of the array types (up
+ * to 255 dimensions) for a given base type. Although all dimensionalities
+ * are declared, only the dimensionalities actually used are created.
+ *
+ * As a special case, for 1-dimensional arrays the dimension may be
+ * omitted.
+ */
+// This macro declares one array type for a given base type
+#define _JC_DECL_ARRAYS_1(type, dims, suffix)				\
+extern _jc_type _jc_ ## type ## $array ## dims ## $ ## suffix;
+// This macro declares ten array types for a given base type
+#define _JC_DECL_ARRAYS_10(type, prefix, suffix)			\
+_JC_DECL_ARRAYS_1(type, prefix ## 0, suffix);				\
+_JC_DECL_ARRAYS_1(type, prefix ## 1, suffix);				\
+_JC_DECL_ARRAYS_1(type, prefix ## 2, suffix);				\
+_JC_DECL_ARRAYS_1(type, prefix ## 3, suffix);				\
+_JC_DECL_ARRAYS_1(type, prefix ## 4, suffix);				\
+_JC_DECL_ARRAYS_1(type, prefix ## 5, suffix);				\
+_JC_DECL_ARRAYS_1(type, prefix ## 6, suffix);				\
+_JC_DECL_ARRAYS_1(type, prefix ## 7, suffix);				\
+_JC_DECL_ARRAYS_1(type, prefix ## 8, suffix);				\
+_JC_DECL_ARRAYS_1(type, prefix ## 9, suffix)
+// This macro declares all 255 array types for a given base type
+#define _JC_DECL_ARRAYS(type, suffix)					\
+_JC_DECL_ARRAYS_1(type, , suffix);	/* "$array" same as "$array1" */\
+_JC_DECL_ARRAYS_10(type, , suffix);					\
+_JC_DECL_ARRAYS_10(type, 1, suffix);					\
+_JC_DECL_ARRAYS_10(type, 2, suffix);					\
+_JC_DECL_ARRAYS_10(type, 3, suffix);					\
+_JC_DECL_ARRAYS_10(type, 4, suffix);					\
+_JC_DECL_ARRAYS_10(type, 5, suffix);					\
+_JC_DECL_ARRAYS_10(type, 6, suffix);					\
+_JC_DECL_ARRAYS_10(type, 7, suffix);					\
+_JC_DECL_ARRAYS_10(type, 8, suffix);					\
+_JC_DECL_ARRAYS_10(type, 9, suffix);					\
+_JC_DECL_ARRAYS_10(type, 10, suffix);					\
+_JC_DECL_ARRAYS_10(type, 11, suffix);					\
+_JC_DECL_ARRAYS_10(type, 12, suffix);					\
+_JC_DECL_ARRAYS_10(type, 13, suffix);					\
+_JC_DECL_ARRAYS_10(type, 14, suffix);					\
+_JC_DECL_ARRAYS_10(type, 15, suffix);					\
+_JC_DECL_ARRAYS_10(type, 16, suffix);					\
+_JC_DECL_ARRAYS_10(type, 17, suffix);					\
+_JC_DECL_ARRAYS_10(type, 18, suffix);					\
+_JC_DECL_ARRAYS_10(type, 19, suffix);					\
+_JC_DECL_ARRAYS_10(type, 20, suffix);					\
+_JC_DECL_ARRAYS_10(type, 21, suffix);					\
+_JC_DECL_ARRAYS_10(type, 22, suffix);					\
+_JC_DECL_ARRAYS_10(type, 23, suffix);					\
+_JC_DECL_ARRAYS_10(type, 24, suffix);					\
+_JC_DECL_ARRAYS_1(type, 250, suffix);					\
+_JC_DECL_ARRAYS_1(type, 251, suffix);					\
+_JC_DECL_ARRAYS_1(type, 252, suffix);					\
+_JC_DECL_ARRAYS_1(type, 253, suffix);					\
+_JC_DECL_ARRAYS_1(type, 254, suffix);					\
+_JC_DECL_ARRAYS_1(type, 255, suffix)
+#endif	/* _JC_ARRAYDEFS_H_ */

Added: incubator/harmony/enhanced/trunk/sandbox/contribs/jchevm/jchevm/include/jc_defs.h
--- incubator/harmony/enhanced/trunk/sandbox/contribs/jchevm/jchevm/include/jc_defs.h (added)
+++ incubator/harmony/enhanced/trunk/sandbox/contribs/jchevm/jchevm/include/jc_defs.h Tue Oct  4 19:19:16 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,1199 @@
+ * Copyright 2005 The Apache Software Foundation or its licensors,
+ * as applicable.
+ * 
+ *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * $Id: jc_defs.h,v 1.39 2005/05/08 21:12:07 archiecobbs Exp $
+ */
+#ifndef _JC_DEFS_H_
+#define _JC_DEFS_H_
+#ifndef __GNUC__		/* XXX check gcc version here too */
+#error "GCC is required"
+#include "jc_machdep.h"
+#include "jc_arraydefs.h"
+ *			      Definitions				*
+ ************************************************************************/
+ * Binary compatibility version for this header file. This should
+ * be incremented after each incompatible change to this file.
+ */
+#define _JC_LIBJC_VERSION		0x000c
+/* C stuff */
+#define _JC_NULL			((void *)0)
+#define _JC_OFFSETOF(s, f)		((_jc_word)&((s *)0)->f)
+/* Access flags */
+#define _JC_ACC_PUBLIC			0x0001
+#define _JC_ACC_PRIVATE			0x0002
+#define _JC_ACC_PROTECTED		0x0004
+#define _JC_ACC_STATIC			0x0008
+#define _JC_ACC_FINAL			0x0010
+#define _JC_ACC_SUPER			0x0020
+#define _JC_ACC_SYNCHRONIZED		0x0020
+#define _JC_ACC_VOLATILE		0x0040
+#define _JC_ACC_TRANSIENT		0x0080
+#define _JC_ACC_NATIVE			0x0100
+#define _JC_ACC_INTERFACE		0x0200
+#define _JC_ACC_ABSTRACT		0x0400
+#define _JC_ACC_STRICT			0x0800
+#define _JC_ACC_MASK			0x0fff
+/* Additional flags stored with access flags */
+#define _JC_ACC_JCNI			0x1000	/* JCNI native method (!JNI) */
+#define _JC_ACC_INTERP			0x2000	/* interpreted class/method */
+#define _JC_ACC_PCMAP			0x4000	/* method pc map created */
+ * Flags for 'flags' field of the '_jc_type' structure,
+ * and unique indicies for the various primitive Java types.
+ */
+#define _JC_TYPE_INVALID		0x0000
+#define _JC_TYPE_BOOLEAN		0x0001
+#define _JC_TYPE_BYTE			0x0002
+#define _JC_TYPE_CHAR			0x0003
+#define _JC_TYPE_SHORT			0x0004
+#define _JC_TYPE_INT			0x0005
+#define _JC_TYPE_LONG			0x0006
+#define _JC_TYPE_FLOAT			0x0007
+#define _JC_TYPE_DOUBLE			0x0008
+#define _JC_TYPE_VOID			0x0009
+#define _JC_TYPE_REFERENCE		0x000a
+#define _JC_TYPE_MAX			0x000b
+#define _JC_TYPE_MASK			0x000f
+#define _JC_TYPE_ARRAY			0x0010
+#define _JC_TYPE_SKIPWORD		0x0020
+#define _JC_TYPE_LOADED			0x0040
+#define _JC_TYPE_INIT_ERROR		0x0080		/* class init error */
+#define _JC_TYPE_VERIFIED		0x0100
+#define _JC_TYPE_PREPARED		0x0200
+#define _JC_TYPE_RESOLVED		0x0400
+#define _JC_TYPE_INITIALIZED		0x8000
+/* Fixed parameters for hash tables */
+#define _JC_IMETHOD_HASHSIZE		128		/* must be power of 2 */
+#define _JC_INSTANCEOF_HASHSIZE		128		/* must be power of 2 */
+ *				Typedefs				*
+ ************************************************************************/
+typedef struct _jc_object		_jc_object;
+typedef struct _jc_env			_jc_env;
+typedef struct _jc_splay_node		_jc_splay_node;
+typedef struct _jc_class_loader		_jc_class_loader;
+typedef struct _jc_array_type		_jc_array_type;
+typedef struct _jc_nonarray_type	_jc_nonarray_type;
+typedef struct _jc_classfile		_jc_classfile;
+typedef struct _jc_super_info		_jc_super_info;
+typedef struct _jc_elf			_jc_elf;
+typedef struct _jc_type			_jc_type;
+typedef struct _jc_method		_jc_method;
+typedef struct _jc_method_exec		_jc_method_exec;
+typedef struct _jc_method_code		_jc_method_code;
+typedef struct _jc_linenum_info		_jc_linenum_info;
+typedef struct _jc_pc_map_info		_jc_pc_map_info;
+typedef struct _jc_array		_jc_array;
+typedef struct _jc_object_array		_jc_object_array;
+typedef union _jc_value			_jc_value;
+typedef struct _jc_linenum		_jc_linenum;
+typedef struct _jc_catch_frame		_jc_catch_frame;
+typedef struct _jc_pc_map		_jc_pc_map;
+typedef struct _jc_env_head		_jc_env_head;
+typedef struct _jc_field		_jc_field;
+typedef struct _jc_trap_info		_jc_trap_info;
+typedef struct _jc_class_depend		_jc_class_depend;
+typedef struct _jc_inner_class		_jc_inner_class;
+typedef struct _jc_lookup		_jc_lookup;
+typedef struct _jc_iinc			_jc_iinc;
+typedef struct _jc_linemap		_jc_linemap;
+typedef struct _jc_lookupswitch		_jc_lookupswitch;
+typedef union _jc_insn_info		_jc_insn_info;
+typedef struct _jc_multianewarray	_jc_multianewarray;
+typedef struct _jc_tableswitch		_jc_tableswitch;
+typedef struct _jc_interp_trap		_jc_interp_trap;
+ *				Structures				*
+ ************************************************************************/
+ * Java value. This differs from a JNI 'jvalue' in that if the value is a
+ * Java object, then the 'l' field points directly to the object, whereas
+ * in a 'jvalue' the 'l' field is a native reference to the object.
+ */
+union _jc_value {
+	jboolean	z;
+	jbyte		b;
+	jchar		c;
+	jshort		s;
+	jint		i;
+	jlong		j;
+	jfloat		f;
+	jdouble		d;
+	_jc_object	*l;
+	_jc_word	_dummy;			/* ensure size/alignment */
+ * One splay search tree node.
+ */
+struct _jc_splay_node {
+	_jc_splay_node	*left;
+	_jc_splay_node	*right;
+	jboolean	inserted;
+/* Object head */
+struct _jc_object {
+	_jc_word	lockword;
+	_jc_type	*type;
+/* Array head */
+struct _jc_array {
+	_jc_word	lockword;
+	_jc_type	*type;
+	const jint	length;
+ * Scalar arrays.
+ */
+#define _JC_DECLARE_SCALAR_ARRAY(type0, ctype)				\
+struct _jc_ ## type0 ## _array {					\
+	_jc_word	lockword;					\
+	_jc_type	*type;						\
+	const jint	length;						\
+	ctype		elems[0];					\
+};									\
+typedef struct _jc_ ## type0 ## _array	_jc_ ## type0 ## _array;
+_JC_DECLARE_SCALAR_ARRAY(boolean, jboolean);
+_JC_DECLARE_SCALAR_ARRAY(short, jshort);
+_JC_DECLARE_SCALAR_ARRAY(float, jfloat);
+_JC_DECLARE_SCALAR_ARRAY(double, jdouble);
+ * Reference arrays.
+ *
+ * Elements are indexed backwards, i.e., 0 is elems[-1], 1 is elems[-2], etc.
+ * An easy way to convert between the two is one's complement, i.e., ~i.
+ * See also _JC_REF_ELEMENT() macro.
+ */
+struct _jc_object_array {
+	_jc_object		*elems[0];
+	_jc_word		lockword;
+	_jc_type		*type;
+	const jint		length;
+ *			Interpreted Method Info				*
+ ************************************************************************/
+struct _jc_iinc {
+	jint		index;
+	jint	  	value;
+struct _jc_multianewarray {
+	_jc_type	*type;
+	unsigned char	dims;
+struct _jc_lookup {
+	jint		match;
+	_jc_uint16	target;
+struct _jc_lookupswitch {
+	_jc_uint16	default_target;
+	_jc_uint16	num_pairs;
+	_jc_lookup	pairs[0];
+struct _jc_tableswitch {
+	jint		low;
+	jint		high;
+	_jc_uint16	default_target;
+	_jc_uint16	targets[0];
+struct _jc_interp_trap {
+	_jc_uint16	start;
+	_jc_uint16	end;
+	_jc_uint16	target;
+	_jc_type	*type;
+struct _jc_linemap {
+	_jc_uint16	index;
+	_jc_uint16	line;
+union _jc_insn_info {
+	_jc_method		*method;
+	_jc_field		*field;
+	_jc_iinc		iinc;
+	_jc_multianewarray	multianewarray;
+	_jc_type		*type;
+	_jc_lookupswitch	*lookupswitch;
+	_jc_tableswitch		*tableswitch;
+	_jc_uint16		target;
+	_jc_uint16		local;
+	_jc_value		constant;
+	const char		*utf8;
+ *			Methods, Fields, Types, Etc.			*
+ ************************************************************************/
+/* Field descriptor */
+struct _jc_field {
+	const char		*name;
+	const char		*signature;
+	_jc_type		*class;
+	_jc_type		*type;
+	_jc_uint16		access_flags;
+	int			offset;		/* in object or class_fields */
+	void			*initial_value;	/* initialized static only */
+/* Executable method info */
+struct _jc_linenum_info {
+	_jc_linenum		*table;
+	_jc_uint16		len;
+struct _jc_pc_map_info {
+	_jc_pc_map		*map;
+	_jc_uint16		len;
+struct _jc_method_exec {
+	union {
+		_jc_linenum_info	linenum;    /* from generated code */
+		_jc_pc_map_info		pc_map;	    /* computed at runtime */
+	}			u;
+	_jc_uint16		trap_table_len;
+	_jc_trap_info		*trap_table;
+	const void		*function_end;
+	_jc_splay_node		node;		/* in vm->method_tree */
+/* Interpreted method info */
+struct _jc_method_code {
+	unsigned char	*opcodes;
+	_jc_insn_info	*info;
+	_jc_interp_trap	*traps;
+	_jc_linemap	*linemaps;
+	_jc_uint16	max_stack;
+	_jc_uint16	max_locals;
+	_jc_uint16	num_traps;
+	_jc_uint16	num_linemaps;
+	_jc_uint16	num_insns;
+	_jc_uint16	num_params2;
+/* Method descriptor */
+struct _jc_method {
+	const char		*name;
+	const char		*signature;
+	_jc_type		*class;
+	_jc_type		**param_types;
+	_jc_type		*return_type;
+	unsigned char		*param_ptypes;
+	jlong			signature_hash;
+	_jc_type		**exceptions;
+	const void		*function;	/* code or interp trampoline */
+	_jc_word		vtable_index;	/* index in vtable, mtable */
+	_jc_uint16		access_flags;
+	_jc_uint16		num_parameters;
+	_jc_uint16		num_exceptions;
+	const void		*native_function;
+	union {
+		_jc_method_exec		exec;		/* if executable */
+		_jc_method_code		code;		/* if interpreted */
+	}			u;
+/* Type info specific to array types */
+struct _jc_array_type {
+	jint			dimensions;
+	_jc_type		*base_type;
+	_jc_type		*element_type;
+ * Type info specific to non-array types
+ *
+ * The field and method lists must be sorted by name, then signature.
+ */
+struct _jc_nonarray_type {
+	jshort			block_size_index;	/* _JC_LIBJC_VERSION */
+	_jc_uint16		num_vmethods;
+	_jc_uint16		num_fields;
+	_jc_uint16		num_methods;
+	_jc_uint16		num_virtual_refs;
+	_jc_uint16		num_inner_classes;
+	_jc_uint32		instance_size;
+	jlong			hash;
+	const char		*source_file;
+	_jc_field		**fields;	
+	_jc_method		**methods;
+	_jc_type		***instanceof_hash_table;
+	void			*class_fields;
+	_jc_inner_class		*inner_classes;
+	_jc_type		*outer_class;
+	int			num_class_depends;
+	_jc_class_depend	*class_depends;
+	/* These fields are filled in at run-time */
+	union {
+		_jc_elf		*elf;			/* if executable */
+		_jc_classfile	*cfile;			/* if interpreted */
+	}			u;
+	_jc_env			*initializing_thread;
+	_jc_super_info		*supers;
+	_jc_method		**mtable;		/* "method vtable" */
+/* Java type info */
+struct _jc_type {
+	const char		*name;
+	_jc_type		*superclass;
+	_jc_uint16		access_flags;
+	_jc_uint16		flags;
+	/* Interfaces info */
+	_jc_uint16		num_interfaces;
+	_jc_type		**interfaces;
+	_jc_method		***imethod_hash_table;
+	const void		**imethod_quick_table;
+	/* Specific array/non-array info */
+	union {
+	    _jc_nonarray_type	nonarray;
+	    _jc_array_type	array;
+	}			u;
+	/* These fields are filled in at run-time */
+	_jc_class_loader	*loader;
+	_jc_word		initial_lockword;
+	_jc_object		*instance;	/* java.lang.Class instance */
+	_jc_splay_node		node;		/* in loader->defined_types */
+	/* Pointers to method functions */
+	const void		*vtable[0];
+/* Class dependency info */
+struct _jc_class_depend {
+	const char		*name;
+	jlong			hash;
+/* Inner class info */
+struct _jc_inner_class {
+	_jc_type		*type;
+	_jc_uint16		access_flags;
+/* Line number table entry */
+struct _jc_linenum {
+	_jc_uint32		cline;		/* c line number */
+	_jc_uint16		jline;		/* java line number */
+/* Trap table entry */
+struct _jc_trap_info {
+	_jc_type		*type;		/* (sub)class of Throwable */
+	_jc_uint16		start;		/* starting trap region */
+	_jc_uint16		end;		/* ending trap region */
+/* Exception catcher */
+struct _jc_catch_frame {
+	_jc_catch_frame		*next;		/* next deeper catch frame */
+	const _jc_method	*method;	/* method doing the catching */
+	volatile _jc_uint16	region;		/* current method trap region */
+	sigjmp_buf		context;	/* how to catch the exception */
+/* Thread information made visible to generated code */
+struct _jc_env_head {
+	_jc_catch_frame		*catch_list;	/* exception traps */
+	_jc_object		*pending;	/* posted exception */
+	_jc_object		*caught;	/* caught exception */
+ *				Macros					*
+ ************************************************************************/
+ * Define the start of the line number table. We force it into the .data
+ * section and build it one element at a time via _JC_LINE_NUMBER().
+ * This macro must immediately preceed the function itself. The function
+ * must not contain any static data that would go into the .data section.
+ */
+#define _JC_LINENUM_TABLE(class, method)				\
+static _jc_linenum _jc_ ## class ## $linenum_table$ ## method[]		\
+	__attribute__ ((section(".data"))) = { }
+ * Line number table entry. This allows us to map a C source line number
+ * to a Java source line number for exception traces and to determine if
+ * thrown exceptions are caught within the method's various trap ranges.
+ * In turn, ELF debug sections allow us to map PC values to C line numbers.
+ */
+#define _JC_LINE_NUMBER(_jline)						\
+    do {								\
+	static volatile _jc_linenum _linenum				\
+	    __attribute__ ((section(".data"))) = {			\
+		.cline=		__LINE__,				\
+		.jline=		_jline,					\
+	};								\
+	asm volatile ("" : : );						\
+    } while (0)
+ * Trap table entry.
+ */
+#define _JC_TRAP(_type, _start, _end)					\
+    {									\
+    	.type=		(_type),					\
+	.start=		(_start),					\
+	.end=		(_end),						\
+    }
+ * Set the current trap region.
+ */
+#define _JC_TRAP_REGION(catch, _region)					\
+    do {								\
+	asm volatile ("" : : );						\
+	(catch).region = (_region);					\
+	asm volatile ("" : : );						\
+    } while (0)
+ * Macro to establish a return point for C functions catching exceptions.
+ * The second parameter points to a local _jc_catch_frame structure. The
+ * _JC_CANCEL_TRAPS() macro must be called before this function exits.
+ *
+ * Because the target list is 'const' it will go into the .rodata section
+ * and so won't interfere with the line number table.
+ */
+#define _JC_DEFINE_TRAPS(env, catch, method_info, targets...)		\
+    do {								\
+	_jc_env_head *const _eh = (_jc_env_head *)(env);		\
+	static const void *const _targets[]				\
+	    /* __attribute__ ((section(".rodata"))) */			\
+	    = { _JC_NULL, targets };					\
+	int _target_index;						\
+									\
+	(catch).next = _eh->catch_list;					\
+	_eh->catch_list = &(catch);					\
+	(catch).method = (method_info);					\
+	(catch).region = 0;						\
+	if ((_target_index = sigsetjmp((catch).context, 0)) != 0) 	\
+		goto *_targets[_target_index];				\
+    } while (0)
+ * Methods that use _JC_DEFINE_TRAPS() must use this macro before
+ * returning to the caller.
+ */
+#define _JC_CANCEL_TRAPS(env, catch)					\
+    do {								\
+	_jc_env_head *const _eh = (_jc_env_head *)(env);		\
+									\
+	_eh->catch_list = (catch).next;					\
+    } while (0)
+ * Retrieve the last exception caught. The "last caught exception" is
+ * not traced by GC and so must be copied into a safe place immediately
+ * after the exception is caught.
+ */
+#define _JC_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION(env)					\
+    ({									\
+	_jc_env_head *const _eh = (_jc_env_head *)(env);		\
+									\
+	_eh->caught;							\
+    })
+ * Explicit null pointer check. This is used in cases where we must check
+ * for a null pointer but where invoking the method won't necessarily
+ * cause a signal to be generated (the only case is invoke-nonvirtual).
+ */
+#define _JC_EXPLICIT_NULL_CHECK(env, obj)				\
+    do {								\
+	_jc_object *const _obj0 = (_jc_object *)(obj);			\
+									\
+	*((volatile char *)_obj0);					\
+    } while (0)
+ * Stack overflow check.
+ *
+ * This is performed at the beginning of each method. We simply try
+ * to reference a memory address further "up" the (unallocated) stack.
+ * When the stack gets almost full, this reference will hit the guard
+ * page and cause a fault which we trap with a signal handler.
+ */
+#define _JC_STACK_OVERFLOW_CHECK(env)					\
+	(void)(((volatile char *)&(env))[-_JC_STACK_OVERFLOW_MARGIN])
+#define _JC_STACK_OVERFLOW_CHECK(env)					\
+	(void)(((volatile char *)&(env))[_JC_STACK_OVERFLOW_MARGIN])
+ * Thread periodic check.
+ *
+ * When one thread needs to cause other threads to do a periodic check,
+ * we unmap a page of memory referenced by all executing threads when
+ * taking backward branches. This causes them to quickly receive a signal.
+ */
+#define _JC_PERIODIC_CHECK(env)						\
+    do {								\
+	extern volatile _jc_word _jc_check_address;			\
+									\
+	(void)(_jc_check_address);					\
+    } while (0)
+ * Notify of an "active use" of a class or interface, which causes
+ * the class or interface to be initialized if it hasn't been already.
+ *
+ * This is required before the first static field access, static
+ * method invocation, or instance creation of a class.
+ *
+ * Warning: this macro is included in other macros and so must use
+ * unique internal variable names.
+ */
+#define _JC_ACTIVE_USE(env, class)					\
+    do {								\
+	_jc_type *const _type0 = &_jc_ ## class ## $type.type;		\
+									\
+	if ((_type0->flags & _JC_TYPE_INITIALIZED) == 0)		\
+		_jc_cs_initialize_type((env), _type0);			\
+    } while (0)
+ * Invoke the virtual method 'meth' of class 'class' using object 'obj'.
+ */
+#define _JC_INVOKE_VIRTUAL(env, class, meth, obj, args...)		\
+    ({									\
+	_jc_ ## class ## $object *const _obj = (obj);			\
+									\
+	(*_obj->vtype->vtable.class.meth)((env), _obj , ## args);	\
+    })
+ * Invoke the non-virtual method 'meth' of class 'class' using object 'obj'.
+ * If 'nullchk' is non-zero, an explicit null pointer check will be done.
+ */
+#define _JC_INVOKE_NONVIRTUAL(env, class, meth, nullchk, obj, args...)	\
+    ({									\
+	_jc_env *const _env = (env);					\
+	_jc_ ## class ## $object *const _obj				\
+	    = (struct _jc_ ## class ## $object *)(obj);			\
+									\
+	if (nullchk)							\
+		_JC_EXPLICIT_NULL_CHECK(_env, _obj);			\
+	_jc_ ## class ## $method$ ## meth(_env, _obj , ## args);	\
+    })
+ * Invoke a static method 'meth' of class 'class'. If 'omitchk' is
+ * non-zero then no class initialization is performed.
+ */
+#define _JC_INVOKE_STATIC(env, class, meth, omitchk, args...)		\
+    ({									\
+	_jc_env *const _env = (env);					\
+									\
+	if (!(omitchk))							\
+		_JC_ACTIVE_USE(_env, class);				\
+	_jc_ ## class ## $method$ ## meth(_env , ## args);		\
+    })
+ * Invoke an interface method with parameter types 'pdecl', returning
+ * 'rtype', and having method signature hash 'sighash', on object 'obj'.
+ *
+ * First we try the "quick" lookup table, and if that fails, fall back
+ * to searching the interface method hash table.
+ */
+#define _JC_INVOKE_INTERFACE(env, obj, hash, rtype, pdecl, args...)	\
+    ({									\
+	_jc_env *const _env = (env);					\
+	const jlong _hash = (hash);					\
+	_jc_object *const _obj = (_jc_object *)(obj);			\
+	_jc_type *const _type = _obj->type;				\
+	const jint _bucket = (jint)(_hash) & (_JC_IMETHOD_HASHSIZE - 1);\
+	rtype (*_func) pdecl _JC_JCNI_ATTR;				\
+									\
+	if ((_func = _type->imethod_quick_table[_bucket]) == _JC_NULL)	\
+		_func = _jc_cs_lookup_interface(_env, _obj, _hash);	\
+	(*_func)(_env, _obj , ## args);					\
+    })
+ * Access a static field 'field' of class 'class'. If 'omitchk' is
+ * non-zero then no class initialization is performed.
+ */
+#define _JC_STATIC_FIELD(env, class, field, omitchk)			\
+    (*({								\
+	if (!(omitchk))							\
+		_JC_ACTIVE_USE((env), class);				\
+	&_jc_ ## class ## $class_fields.field;				\
+    }))
+ * Access a reference instance field 'field' of class 'class' from
+ * object 'obj'.
+ */
+#define _JC_REF_FIELD(env, obj, class, field)				\
+    (*({								\
+	_jc_ ## class ## $object *const _obj				\
+	    = (struct _jc_ ## class ## $object *)(obj);			\
+									\
+	&_obj->refs[-1].class.field;					\
+    }))
+ * Access a non-reference instance field 'field' of class 'class' from
+ * object 'obj'.
+ */
+#define _JC_PRIM_FIELD(env, obj, class, field)				\
+    (*({								\
+	_jc_ ## class ## $object *const _obj				\
+	    = (struct _jc_ ## class ## $object *)(obj);			\
+									\
+	&_obj->nonrefs.class.field;					\
+    }))
+ * Return an intern'd String created from the supplied UTF-8 C string.
+ * This macro is used for embedding String constants in the code.
+ *
+ * Note the static variable which constitutes an implicit object
+ * reference within the code that must be accounted for during GC.
+ *
+ * We must put this reference in the .rodata section so it won't
+ * interfere with the line number table. Since we don't actually load
+ * the .rodata with read-only protection, this won't cause problems.
+ */
+#define _JC_STRING(env, utf8)						\
+    ({									\
+	static _jc_object *_obj __attribute__ ((section(".rodata")));	\
+									\
+	if (_obj == _JC_NULL)						\
+		_obj = _jc_cs_intern_string_utf8((env), &_obj, (utf8));	\
+	(struct _jc_java_lang_String$object *)_obj;			\
+    })
+ * Compare two long values.
+ */
+#define _JC_LCMP(x, y)							\
+    ({									\
+	const jlong _x = (x);						\
+	const jlong _y = (y);						\
+									\
+	(_x > _y) - (_x < _y);						\
+    })
+ * Compare two floating point values, with result 'greater than' if
+ * either value is NaN.
+ */
+#define _JC_FCMPG(x, y)							\
+    ({									\
+	const jfloat _x = (x);						\
+	const jfloat _y = (y);						\
+									\
+	(_x != _x || _y != _y) ? 1 : (_x > _y) - (_x < _y);		\
+    })
+#define _JC_DCMPG(x, y)							\
+    ({									\
+	const jdouble _x = (x);						\
+	const jdouble _y = (y);						\
+									\
+	(_x != _x || _y != _y) ? 1 : (_x > _y) - (_x < _y);		\
+    })
+ * Compare two floating point values, with result 'less than' if
+ * either value is NaN.
+ */
+#define _JC_FCMPL(x, y)							\
+    ({									\
+	const jfloat _x = (x);						\
+	const jfloat _y = (y);						\
+									\
+	(_x != _x || _y != _y) ? -1 : (_x > _y) - (_x < _y);		\
+    })
+#define _JC_DCMPL(x, y)							\
+    ({									\
+	const jdouble _x = (x);						\
+	const jdouble _y = (y);						\
+									\
+	(_x != _x || _y != _y) ? -1 : (_x > _y) - (_x < _y);		\
+    })
+ * Zero-filled arithmetic right shift for 'int' and 'long'.
+ */
+#define _JC_IUSHR(x, y)							\
+    ({									\
+	const jint _x = (x);						\
+	const jint _y = (y) & 0x1f;					\
+									\
+	(jint)(((_jc_uint32)_x) >> _y);					\
+    })
+#define _JC_LUSHR(x, y)							\
+    ({									\
+	const jlong _x = (x);						\
+	const jlong _y = (y) & 0x3f;					\
+									\
+	(jlong)(((_jc_uint64)_x) >> _y);				\
+    })
+ * Signed-extended arithmetic right shift for 'int' and 'long'.
+ */
+#define _JC_ISHR(x, y)							\
+    ({									\
+	const jint _x = (x);						\
+	const jint _y = (y) & 0x1f;					\
+									\
+	_x >> _y;							\
+    })
+#define _JC_LSHR(x, y)							\
+    ({									\
+	const jlong _x = (x);						\
+	const jlong _y = (y) & 0x3f;					\
+									\
+	_x >> _y;							\
+    })
+#else	/* !_JC_SIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT */
+#define _JC_ISHR(x, y)							\
+    ({									\
+	const jint _x = (x);						\
+	const jint _y = (y) & 0x1f;					\
+	jint _result;							\
+									\
+	_result = _x >> _y;						\
+	if (_x < 0)							\
+		_result |= ~0 << (32 - _y);				\
+	_result;							\
+    })
+#define _JC_LSHR(x, y)							\
+    ({									\
+	const jlong _x = (x);						\
+	const jlong _y = (y) & 0x3f;					\
+	jlong _result;							\
+									\
+	_result = _x >> _y;						\
+	if (_x < 0)							\
+		_result |= ~0 << (64 - _y);				\
+	_result;							\
+    })
+#endif	/* !_JC_SIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT */
+ * Conversion from floating point -> integral types.
+ */
+#define _JC_CAST_FLT2INT(env, vtype, ctype, value)			\
+    ({									\
+	const vtype _val = (value);					\
+	const ctype _min = (ctype)(_JC_JLONG(1)				\
+				<< (sizeof(ctype) * 8 - 1));		\
+	const ctype _max = ~_min;					\
+									\
+	_val >= _max ? _max :						\
+	_val <= _min ? _min :						\
+	_val != _val ? 0 :						\
+	(ctype)_val;							\
+    })
+ * Access an element in an array of type 'type', where 'type' is one of
+ * 'boolean', 'byte', 'char', 'short', 'int', 'long', 'float', or 'double'.
+ */
+#define _JC_PRIM_ELEMENT(env, type, array, index, chklo, chkhi)		\
+    (*({								\
+	_jc_env *const _env = (env);					\
+	_jc_ ## type ## _array *const _obj				\
+	    = (struct _jc_ ## type ## _array *)(array);			\
+	const jint _index = (index);					\
+									\
+	if ((chklo) && _index < 0)					\
+		_jc_cs_throw_array_index_exception(_env, _index);	\
+	if ((chkhi) && _index >= _obj->length)				\
+		_jc_cs_throw_array_index_exception(_env, _index);	\
+	&_obj->elems[index];						\
+    }))
+ * Access an element in an array of objects. Note that the array grows
+ * backwards in memory from the base of the object.
+ */
+#define _JC_REF_ELEMENT(env, array, index, chklo, chkhi)		\
+    (*({								\
+	_jc_env *const _env = (env);					\
+	_jc_object_array *const _obj					\
+	    = (struct _jc_object_array *)(array);			\
+	const jint _index = (index);					\
+									\
+	if ((chklo) && _index < 0)					\
+		_jc_cs_throw_array_index_exception(_env, _index);	\
+	if ((chkhi) && _index >= _obj->length)				\
+		_jc_cs_throw_array_index_exception(_env, _index);	\
+	&_obj->elems[~(index)];						\
+    }))
+ * Check type compatibility before storing to a reference array.
+ * This will also cause a NullPointerException if 'array' is null.
+ */
+#define _JC_ARRAYSTORE_CHECK(env, ary, obj)				\
+    do {								\
+	_jc_env *const _env = (env);					\
+	_jc_type *const _etype = (ary)->type->u.array.element_type;	\
+	_jc_object *const _obj = (obj);					\
+									\
+	if (_obj != _JC_NULL && !_jc_cs_instanceof(_env, _obj, _etype))	\
+		_jc_cs_throw_array_store_exception(_env, _obj, _etype);	\
+    } while (0)
+ * Get the length of an array. This is a read-only value.
+ */
+#define _JC_ARRAY_LENGTH(env, array)					\
+    ({									\
+	_jc_array *const _obj = (_jc_array *)(array);			\
+									\
+	_obj->length;							\
+    })
+ * Create a new object of type 'class'.
+ */
+#define _JC_NEW(env, class)						\
+    ({									\
+	_jc_cs_new_object(env, &_jc_ ## class ## $type.type);		\
+    })
+ * Same as _JC_NEW() but for stack-allocated objects.
+ */
+#define _JC_STACK_NEW(env, mem, class)					\
+    ({									\
+	_jc_cs_init_object(env, mem, &_jc_ ## class ## $type.type);	\
+    })
+ * Create a new N-dimensional array of 'type', where 'type' is one of
+ * 'boolean', 'byte', 'char', 'short', 'int', 'long', 'float', or 'double',
+ * and having length 'size', where N is 'dims'.
+ *
+ * Only the first array dimension is instantiated.
+ *
+ * Note: 'dims' must be a plain decimal integer constant with no
+ * leading zeroes.
+ */
+#define _JC_NEW_PRIM_ARRAY(env, type, dims, size)			\
+	((_jc_ ## type ## _array *)_jc_cs_new_array(env,		\
+	    &_jc_ ## type ## $array ## dims ## $prim$type, size))
+ * Same as _JC_NEW_PRIM_ARRAY() but for stack-allocated arrays.
+ */
+#define _JC_STACK_NEW_PRIM_ARRAY(env, mem, type, dims, size)		\
+    ({									\
+	const jint _size = (size);					\
+	    								\
+	(_jc_ ## type ## _array *)_jc_cs_init_array(env,		\
+	    mem, &_jc_ ## type ## $array ## dims ## $prim$type, _size);	\
+    })
+ * Create a new N-dimensional array of objects of class 'class'
+ * having length 'size', where N is 'dims'.
+ *
+ * Only the first array dimension is instantiated.
+ *
+ * Note: 'dims' must be a plain decimal integer constant with no
+ * leading zeroes.
+ */
+#define _JC_NEW_REF_ARRAY(env, class, dims, size)			\
+	((_jc_object_array *)_jc_cs_new_array(env,			\
+	    &_jc_ ## class ## $array ## dims ## $type, size))
+ * Same as _JC_NEW_REF_ARRAY() but for stack-allocated arrays.
+ */
+#define _JC_STACK_NEW_REF_ARRAY(env, mem, class, dims, size)		\
+    ({									\
+	const jint _size = (size);					\
+	    								\
+	(_jc_object_array *)_jc_cs_init_array(env,			\
+	    mem, &_jc_ ## class ## $array ## dims ## $type, _size);	\
+    })
+ * Create a new multi-dimensional array of 'base_class' objects having
+ * dimensions 'dims'. There must be 'dims' subsequent parameters to the
+ * macro giving the sub-array sizes (or -1 for no subarray creation).
+ * If -1 appears, all following sizes must also be -1.
+ *
+ * Note: 'dims' must be a plain decimal integer constant with no
+ * leading zeroes.
+ */
+#define _JC_NEW_REF_MULTIARRAY(env, base_class, dims, nsizes, sizes...)	\
+    ({									\
+	const jint _sizes[] = { sizes };				\
+									\
+	_jc_cs_new_multiarray((env),					\
+	    &_jc_ ## base_class ## $array ## dims ## $type,		\
+	    (nsizes), _sizes);						\
+    })
+ * Same as _JC_NEW_REF_MULTIARRAY() but for stack-allocated arrays.
+ */
+#define _JC_STACK_NEW_REF_MULTIARRAY(env, mem, base_class, dims, nsizes, sizes...)\
+    ({									\
+	const jint _sizes[] = { sizes };				\
+									\
+	_jc_cs_init_multiarray((env),					\
+	    mem, &_jc_ ## base_class ## $array ## dims ## $type,	\
+	    (nsizes), _sizes);						\
+    })
+ * Create a new multi-dimensional array of 'type' having dimensions 'dims'
+ * and lengths 'sizes', where 'type' is one of 'boolean', 'byte', 'char',
+ * 'short', 'int', 'long', 'float', or 'double'.
+ *
+ * Note: 'dims' must be a plain decimal integer constant.
+ */
+#define _JC_NEW_PRIM_MULTIARRAY(env, type, dims, nsizes, sizes...)	\
+    ({									\
+	int _sizes[] = { sizes };					\
+									\
+	_jc_cs_new_multiarray((env),					\
+	    &_jc_ ## type ## $array ## dims ## $prim$type,		\
+	    (nsizes), _sizes);						\
+    })
+ * Same as _JC_NEW_PRIM_MULTIARRAY() but for stack-allocated arrays.
+ */
+#define _JC_STACK_NEW_PRIM_MULTIARRAY(env, mem, type, dims, nsizes, sizes...)\
+    ({									\
+	int _sizes[] = { sizes };					\
+									\
+	_jc_cs_init_multiarray((env),					\
+	    mem, &_jc_ ## type ## $array ## dims ## $prim$type,	\
+	    (nsizes), _sizes);						\
+    })
+ * Determine if the object 'obj' is an instance of 'type'.
+ */
+#define _JC_INSTANCEOF(env, obj, type)					\
+	_jc_cs_instanceof((env), (_jc_object *)(obj), (type))
+ * Determine if the object 'obj' is an instance of 'type'
+ * when 'type' is known to be a final class.
+ */
+#define _JC_INSTANCEOF_FINAL(env, obj, typ)				\
+    ({									\
+	_jc_object *const _obj = (obj);					\
+	_jc_type *const _type = (typ);					\
+									\
+	_obj != _JC_NULL && _obj->type == _type;			\
+    })
+ * Cast 'obj' to type 'type', which must not be primitive.
+ */
+#define _JC_CAST(env, type, obj)					\
+    ({									\
+	_jc_env *const _env = (env);					\
+	_jc_object *const _obj = (obj);					\
+	_jc_type *const _type = (type);					\
+									\
+	if (_obj != _JC_NULL && !_jc_cs_instanceof(_env, _obj, _type))	\
+		_jc_cs_throw_class_cast_exception(_env, _obj, _type);	\
+	_obj;								\
+    })
+ * Optimization of _JC_CAST() where 'type' is a type with no sub-types.
+ */
+#define _JC_CAST_FINAL(env, typ, obj)					\
+    ({									\
+	_jc_env *const _env = (env);					\
+	_jc_object *const _obj = (obj);					\
+	_jc_type *const _type = (typ);					\
+									\
+	if (_obj != _JC_NULL && _obj->type != _type)			\
+		_jc_cs_throw_class_cast_exception(_env, _obj, _type);	\
+	_obj;								\
+    })
+ * Resolve and invoke a native method.
+ *
+ * 'jvalp' points to a _jc_value into which the return value is copied.
+ * This should only be used within the generated native method function.
+ * 'params' should include the instance object iff method is not static.
+ */
+#define _JC_INVOKE_NATIVE_METHOD(env, minfo, jvalp, params...)	\
+	_jc_cs_invoke_native_method((env), (minfo), (jvalp) , ## params)
+ * This macro "implements" abstract methods.
+ * It causes an AbstractMethodError to be thrown.
+ */
+#define _JC_ABSTRACT_METHOD(env, minfo)					\
+	_jc_cs_throw_abstract_method_error((env), (minfo))
+ * Enter/exit object monitor.
+ */
+#define _JC_MONITOR_ENTER(env, obj)					\
+	_jc_cs_monitorenter((env), (_jc_object *)(obj))
+#define _JC_MONITOR_EXIT(env, obj)					\
+	_jc_cs_monitorexit((env), (_jc_object *)(obj))
+ * Throw an exception.
+ */
+#define _JC_THROW(env, obj)						\
+	_jc_cs_throw((env), (_jc_object *)(obj))
+ *				External data				*
+ ************************************************************************/
+/* Primitive classes */
+extern _jc_type _jc_boolean$prim$type;
+extern _jc_type _jc_byte$prim$type;
+extern _jc_type _jc_char$prim$type;
+extern _jc_type _jc_short$prim$type;
+extern _jc_type _jc_int$prim$type;
+extern _jc_type _jc_long$prim$type;
+extern _jc_type _jc_float$prim$type;
+extern _jc_type _jc_double$prim$type;
+extern _jc_type _jc_void$prim$type;
+/* Primitive array classes */
+_JC_DECL_ARRAYS(boolean, prim$type);
+_JC_DECL_ARRAYS(byte, prim$type);
+_JC_DECL_ARRAYS(char, prim$type);
+_JC_DECL_ARRAYS(short, prim$type);
+_JC_DECL_ARRAYS(int, prim$type);
+_JC_DECL_ARRAYS(long, prim$type);
+_JC_DECL_ARRAYS(float, prim$type);
+_JC_DECL_ARRAYS(double, prim$type);
+/* C support functions */
+extern void		_jc_cs_initialize_type(_jc_env *env, _jc_type *type)
+extern jboolean		_jc_cs_instanceof(_jc_env *env, _jc_object *obj,
+				_jc_type *type) _JC_JCNI_ATTR;
+extern _jc_object	*_jc_cs_intern_string_utf8(_jc_env *env,
+				_jc_object **refp, const char *utf8)
+extern void		_jc_cs_invoke_native_method(_jc_env *env,
+				_jc_method *minfo, _jc_value *retval, ...)
+extern const void	*_jc_cs_lookup_interface(_jc_env *env, _jc_object *obj,
+				jlong sig_hash) _JC_JCNI_ATTR;
+extern void		_jc_cs_monitorenter(_jc_env *env, _jc_object *obj)
+extern void		_jc_cs_monitorexit(_jc_env *env, _jc_object *obj)
+extern _jc_array	*_jc_cs_new_array(_jc_env *env, _jc_type *type,
+				jint size) _JC_JCNI_ATTR;
+extern _jc_array	*_jc_cs_init_array(_jc_env *env, void *mem,
+				_jc_type *type, jint size) _JC_JCNI_ATTR;
+extern _jc_array	*_jc_cs_new_multiarray(_jc_env *env, _jc_type *type,
+				jint num_sizes, const jint *sizes)
+extern _jc_array	*_jc_cs_init_multiarray(_jc_env *env, void *mem,
+				_jc_type *type, jint num_sizes,
+				const jint *sizes) _JC_JCNI_ATTR;
+extern _jc_object	*_jc_cs_new_object(_jc_env *env, _jc_type *type)
+extern _jc_object	*_jc_cs_init_object(_jc_env *env, void *mem,
+				_jc_type *type) _JC_JCNI_ATTR;
+extern void		_jc_cs_panic(_jc_env *env, const char *fmt, ...)
+				__attribute__ ((noreturn)) _JC_JCNI_ATTR;
+extern void		_jc_cs_throw(_jc_env *env, _jc_object *obj)
+				__attribute__ ((noreturn)) _JC_JCNI_ATTR;
+extern void		_jc_cs_throw_abstract_method_error(_jc_env *env,
+				_jc_method *minfo) __attribute__ ((noreturn))
+extern void		_jc_cs_throw_array_index_exception(_jc_env *env,
+				jint indx) __attribute__ ((noreturn))
+extern void		_jc_cs_throw_array_store_exception(_jc_env *env,
+				_jc_object *obj, _jc_type *type)
+				__attribute__ ((noreturn)) _JC_JCNI_ATTR;
+extern void		_jc_cs_throw_class_cast_exception(_jc_env *env,
+				_jc_object *obj, _jc_type *type)
+				__attribute__ ((noreturn)) _JC_JCNI_ATTR;
+extern void		_jc_cs_throw_null_pointer_exception(_jc_env *env)
+				__attribute__ ((noreturn)) _JC_JCNI_ATTR;
+extern jdouble		_jc_cs_fmod(jdouble x, jdouble y) _JC_JCNI_ATTR;
+/* Empty interface method lookup tables */
+extern const		void *_jc_empty_quick_table[_JC_IMETHOD_HASHSIZE];
+extern _jc_method	**_jc_empty_imethod_table[_JC_IMETHOD_HASHSIZE];
+#endif	/* _JC_DEFS_H_ */

Added: incubator/harmony/enhanced/trunk/sandbox/contribs/jchevm/jchevm/include/jc_invoke.h
--- incubator/harmony/enhanced/trunk/sandbox/contribs/jchevm/jchevm/include/jc_invoke.h (added)
+++ incubator/harmony/enhanced/trunk/sandbox/contribs/jchevm/jchevm/include/jc_invoke.h Tue Oct  4 19:19:16 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ * Copyright 2005 The Apache Software Foundation or its licensors,
+ * as applicable.
+ * 
+ *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * $Id: jc_invoke.h,v 1.1 2005/01/13 04:44:59 archiecobbs Exp $
+ */
+ * VM printer function type.
+ */
+typedef int	_jc_printer(FILE *stream, const char *fmt, va_list args);
+ * Return values from _jc_invoke()
+ */
+#define _JC_RETURN_NORMAL	0		/* normal return */
+#define _JC_RETURN_EXCEPTION	1		/* exception thrown */
+#define _JC_RETURN_ERROR	2		/* error during startup */
+ * Invoke the JC Java virtual machine.
+ */
+extern int	_jc_invoke(int ac, const char **av,
+			int ignoreUnrecognized, _jc_printer *printer);

Added: incubator/harmony/enhanced/trunk/sandbox/contribs/jchevm/jchevm/include/
--- incubator/harmony/enhanced/trunk/sandbox/contribs/jchevm/jchevm/include/ (added)
+++ incubator/harmony/enhanced/trunk/sandbox/contribs/jchevm/jchevm/include/ Tue Oct  4 19:19:16 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+ * Copyright 2005 The Apache Software Foundation or its licensors,
+ * as applicable.
+ * 
+ *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * $Id:,v 1.3 2005/05/10 01:19:23 archiecobbs Exp $
+ */
+#ifndef _JC_MACHDEP_H_
+#define _JC_MACHDEP_H_
+#include "jni_machdep.h"
+ *			Machine specific C definitions			*
+ ************************************************************************/
+ * Goal: declare sigsetjmp()/siglongjmp().
+ */
+#include <setjmp.h>
+ * Goal: define these C types:
+ *
+ *	_jc_uint16	Unsigned 16 bit type
+ *	_jc_uint32	Unsigned 32 bit type
+ *	_jc_uint64	Unsigned 64 bit type
+ */
+#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__sparc__)
+typedef unsigned short		_jc_uint16;
+typedef unsigned int		_jc_uint32;
+typedef unsigned long long	_jc_uint64;
+/* Remove namespace pollution */
+#undef i386
+#error "Unsupported architecture for defining C types"
+ * Goal:
+ *
+ * 1. Typedef '_jc_word' as the unsigned integral type that can be
+ *    accessed atomically and is such that sizeof(_jc_word) == sizeof(void *).
+ * 2. #define _JC_SIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT to 1 if right shifts are signed,
+ *    otherwise zero.
+ * 3. #define _JC_JLONG() as how to create a 'jlong' constant in C.
+ */
+#if defined(__ia64__) || defined(__alpha__) || defined(__i386__) || defined(__sparc__)
+typedef	unsigned int		_jc_word;
+#define _JC_JLONG(x)		(x ## LL)
+#error "Unsupported architecture for various architecture specific stuff"
+ * Goal: define how to put together bytes to make float and double constants.
+ */
+#if defined(__ia64__) || defined(__i386__)
+/* Little endian machines */
+#define _JC_DCONST(b0,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7)				\
+    ({									\
+	const union {							\
+		unsigned char	b[8];					\
+		jdouble		d;					\
+	} u = { .b= { b7,b6,b5,b4,b3,b2,b1,b0 } };			\
+	u.d;								\
+    })
+#define _JC_FCONST(b0,b1,b2,b3)						\
+    ({									\
+	const union {							\
+		unsigned char	b[4];					\
+		jfloat		f;					\
+	} u = { .b= { b3,b2,b1,b0 } };					\
+	u.f;								\
+    })
+#elif defined(__alpha__) ||defined(__sparc__)
+/* Big endian machines */
+#define _JC_DCONST(b0,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7)				\
+    ({									\
+	const union {							\
+		unsigned char	b[8];					\
+		jdouble		d;					\
+	} u = { .b= { b0,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7 } };			\
+	u.d;								\
+    })
+#define _JC_FCONST(b0,b1,b2,b3)						\
+    ({									\
+	const union {							\
+		unsigned char	b[4];					\
+		jfloat		f;					\
+	} u = { .b= { b0,b1,b2,b3 } };					\
+	u.f;								\
+    })
+#error "Unsupported architecture for _JC_DCONST/_JC_FCONST"
+ * Goal: define _JC_DOWNWARD_STACK to 1 if the stack grows downward,
+ * otherwize define it to 0.
+ */
+#if defined(__i386__)
+#error "Don't know stack direction for _JC_DOWNWARD_STACK"
+ * Goal: define _JC_STACK_OVERFLOW_MARGIN, which is (at least) enough
+ * stack bytes sufficient to catch a signal and then construct and
+ * throw a StackOverflowError. I.e., when the amount of stack space
+ * remaining gets this low or lower, we throw a StackOverflowError.
+ */
+#define _JC_STACK_OVERFLOW_MARGIN	(8 * 1024)
+ * Goal: define _JC_THREAD_LOCAL_SUPPORT to zero or one.
+ */
+ * Goal: define _JC_JCNI_ATTR function attributes for any modified
+ * JCNI calling conventions. It's OK to define _JC_JCNI_ATTR as nothing.
+ */
+/* Default to normal calling conventions */
+#define _JC_JCNI_ATTR
+#if defined(__i386__)
+#if __GNUC__ >= 3
+#undef  _JC_JCNI_ATTR
+#define _JC_JCNI_ATTR		__attribute__ ((regparm(3)))
+#define _JC_I386_REGPARM	1
+#define _JC_I386_REGPARM	0
+#endif	/* _JC_MACHDEP_H_ */