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Posted to by on 2014/11/26 09:16:35 UTC

[1/2] wicket git commit: WICKET-5771 Ability to escape resource bundle messages added with wicket:message

Repository: wicket
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master 1a0953e94 -> 48b7ba5ee

WICKET-5771 Ability to escape resource bundle messages added with wicket:message

Copy wicket-1.5.xsd into wicket.xsd to make it usable even in versions newer than 1.5.x.
Set <schema> version attribute to 6.18.0. IMO we should update this with every change made in this file.
Add 'escape' attribute to <wicket:message> element.

(cherry picked from commit 920779a980d9873eb077652a2e20a45d168d15d9)


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 0d1e915bd91da989854d2e1f0788d6f4c53f9390
Parents: 1a0953e
Author: Martin Tzvetanov Grigorov <>
Authored: Wed Nov 26 09:07:49 2014 +0100
Committer: Martin Tzvetanov Grigorov <>
Committed: Wed Nov 26 09:09:51 2014 +0100

 .../src/main/resources/META-INF/wicket.xsd      | 310 +++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 310 insertions(+)
diff --git a/wicket-core/src/main/resources/META-INF/wicket.xsd b/wicket-core/src/main/resources/META-INF/wicket.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68d9719
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wicket-core/src/main/resources/META-INF/wicket.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<schema xmlns="" targetNamespace=""
+	xmlns:wicket=""
+	xmlns:xhtml=""
+	xmlns:xsi=""
+	xsi:schemaLocation=""
+	elementFormDefault="qualified"
+	version="6.18.0">
+	<!-- types -->
+	<simpleType name="token">
+		<annotation>
+			<documentation>An extension of standard token type with the
+				restriction of collapsing white space, which means that the XML
+				processor WILL REMOVE all white space characters (line feeds, tabs,
+				spaces, carriage returns are replaced with spaces, leading and
+				trailing spaces are removed, and multiple spaces are reduced to a
+				single space).</documentation>
+		</annotation>
+		<restriction base="token">
+			<whiteSpace value="collapse" />
+		</restriction>
+	</simpleType>
+	<simpleType name="notEmptyToken">
+		<annotation>
+			<documentation>Extends wicket:token type with the restriction that
+				the value can not be empty.</documentation>
+		</annotation>
+		<restriction base="wicket:token">
+			<minLength value="1" />
+		</restriction>
+	</simpleType>
+	<complexType name="mixedContent" mixed="true">
+		<annotation>
+			<documentation>A complex type that allows any amount of mixed child
+				content from any origin.</documentation>
+		</annotation>
+		<choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
+			<any namespace="##targetNamespace" processContents="strict" />
+			<any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" />
+		</choice>
+	</complexType>
+	<complexType name="notEmptyMixedContent" mixed="true">
+		<annotation>
+			<documentation>Extends wicket:mixedContent with the restriction that
+				at least one child element must be given.</documentation>
+		</annotation>
+		<choice minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
+			<any namespace="##targetNamespace" processContents="strict" />
+			<any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" />
+		</choice>
+	</complexType>
+	<!-- attributes -->
+	<attribute name="enclosure">
+		<annotation>
+			<documentation>This attribute is useful for filtering markup that
+				surrounds a component but has its visibility dependent on the
+				visibility of that component. It is similar to the wicket:enclosure
+				tag. The value is the wicket:id of the dependent component. No value
+				can be used if there is only one nested wicket component.
+				"foo:bar:baz" format can be used to specify a nested path.
+			</documentation>
+		</annotation>
+		<simpleType>
+			<restriction base="wicket:token">
+				<pattern value="([^:]+(:[^:]+)*)?" />
+			</restriction>
+		</simpleType>
+	</attribute>
+	<attribute name="id" type="wicket:notEmptyToken">
+		<annotation>
+			<documentation>The wicket component id. Used on any element to which
+				you want to add a component.</documentation>
+		</annotation>
+	</attribute>
+	<redefine schemaLocation="">
+		<attributeGroup name="xhtml.label.attlist">
+			<attributeGroup ref="xhtml.label:attlist"/>
+			<attribute ref="wicket:for"/>
+		</attributeGroup>
+	</redefine>
+	<attribute name="for" type="wicket:notEmptyToken">
+		<annotation>
+			<documentation>Can be used in HTML <![CDATA[<label]]> element to automatically link it
+				to a form element. The value of this attribute must have the same value of
+				the form component's wicket:id attribute.
+			</documentation>
+		</annotation>
+		<simpleType>
+			<restriction base="wicket:token">
+				<pattern value="([^:]+(:[^:]+)*)?" />
+			</restriction>
+		</simpleType>
+	</attribute>
+	<attribute name="message">
+		<annotation>
+			<documentation>Used on any tag that we want Wicket to provide an
+				attribute with a value that's the result of a resource lookup.
+				Format: "att1:key1,att2:key2", where att1, att2 are attribute names
+				and key1, key2 are resource id-s.
+			</documentation>
+		</annotation>
+		<simpleType>
+			<restriction base="wicket:notEmptyToken">
+				<pattern value="[^:,]+:[^:,]+(,[^:,]+:[^:,]+)*" />
+			</restriction>
+		</simpleType>
+	</attribute>
+	<!-- elements -->
+	<element name="body">
+		<annotation>
+			<documentation>Used with wicket:border to specify the location of the
+				original content.</documentation>
+		</annotation>
+		<complexType />
+	</element>
+	<element name="border" type="wicket:notEmptyMixedContent">
+		<annotation>
+			<documentation>Specifies bordering content for a wicket:body.
+			</documentation>
+		</annotation>
+		<unique name="borderWicketId">
+			<selector xpath="./*" />
+			<field xpath="@wicket:id" />
+		</unique>
+	</element>
+	<element name="child">
+		<annotation>
+			<documentation>Wicket will replace this content with the markup of
+				the derived component (see wicket:extend).</documentation>
+		</annotation>
+		<complexType />
+	</element>
+	<element name="header-items">
+		<annotation>
+			<documentation><![CDATA[A special element that is used as a placeholder inside the HTML <head>
+			element. Wicket will replace it with all header contributions.]]></documentation>
+		</annotation>
+		<complexType />
+	</element>
+	<element name="container">
+		<annotation>
+			<documentation>A tag to which you can attach a wicket component but
+				it will not produce a html tag in the result.</documentation>
+		</annotation>
+		<complexType mixed="true">
+			<complexContent>
+				<extension base="wicket:mixedContent">
+					<attribute ref="wicket:id" use="required" />
+				</extension>
+			</complexContent>
+		</complexType>
+		<unique name="containerWicketId">
+			<selector xpath="./*" />
+			<field xpath="@wicket:id" />
+		</unique>
+	</element>
+	<element name="enclosure">
+		<annotation>
+			<documentation>This tag is useful for filtering markup that surrounds
+				a component but has its visibility dependent on the visibility of
+				that component. It is similar to the wicket:enclosure attribute.
+			</documentation>
+		</annotation>
+		<complexType mixed="true">
+			<complexContent>
+				<extension base="wicket:notEmptyMixedContent">
+					<attribute name="child" use="optional">
+						<annotation>
+							<documentation>Specifies the wicket:id of the dependent
+								component. This attribute can be omitted if there is only one
+								nested wicket component. "foo:bar:baz" format can be used to
+								specify a nested path.</documentation>
+						</annotation>
+						<simpleType>
+							<restriction base="wicket:notEmptyToken">
+								<pattern value="[^:]+(:[^:]+)*" />
+							</restriction>
+						</simpleType>
+					</attribute>
+				</extension>
+			</complexContent>
+		</complexType>
+		<unique name="enclosureWicketId">
+			<selector xpath="./*" />
+			<field xpath="@wicket:id" />
+		</unique>
+	</element>
+	<element name="extend" type="wicket:mixedContent">
+		<annotation>
+			<documentation>Extend the markup of the superclass with this content.
+				Used together with wicket:child.</documentation>
+		</annotation>
+		<unique name="extendWicketId">
+			<selector xpath="./*" />
+			<field xpath="@wicket:id" />
+		</unique>
+	</element>
+	<element name="fragment">
+		<annotation>
+			<documentation>Is similar to wicket:panel but it is declared in the
+				parent's markup instead of in a separate markup file.
+			</documentation>
+		</annotation>
+		<complexType mixed="true">
+			<complexContent>
+				<extension base="wicket:mixedContent">
+					<attribute ref="wicket:id" use="required" />
+				</extension>
+			</complexContent>
+		</complexType>
+		<unique name="fragmentWicketId">
+			<selector xpath="./*" />
+			<field xpath="@wicket:id" />
+		</unique>
+	</element>
+	<element name="head" type="wicket:mixedContent">
+		<annotation>
+			<documentation>Used for header contributions. Using this, panels can
+				add header sections to the pages they are placed on.</documentation>
+		</annotation>
+		<unique name="headWicketId">
+			<selector xpath="./*" />
+			<field xpath="@wicket:id" />
+		</unique>
+	</element>
+	<element name="link" type="wicket:mixedContent">
+		<annotation>
+			<documentation>Support for wicket's autolink functionality. Normally,
+				you need to add a component (for example, a BookmarkablePageLink)
+				for each link that Wicket manages. Using the wicket:link tag will
+				automatically do this in the background for you.</documentation>
+		</annotation>
+		<unique name="linkWicketId">
+			<selector xpath="./*" />
+			<field xpath="@wicket:id" />
+		</unique>
+	</element>
+	<element name="message">
+		<annotation>
+			<documentation>Wicket will replace this with a string that is
+				retrieved from a resource bundle.</documentation>
+		</annotation>
+		<complexType mixed="true">
+			<complexContent>
+				<extension base="wicket:mixedContent">
+					<attribute name="key" use="required" type="wicket:notEmptyToken">
+						<annotation>
+							<documentation>The resource id used for lookup.</documentation>
+						</annotation>
+					</attribute>
+					<attribute name="escape" use="optional" type="boolean" default="false">
+						<annotation>
+							<documentation>Defines whether the resource value should be escaped or not.</documentation>
+						</annotation>
+					</attribute>
+				</extension>
+			</complexContent>
+		</complexType>
+		<unique name="messageWicketId">
+			<selector xpath="./*" />
+			<field xpath="@wicket:id" />
+		</unique>
+	</element>
+	<element name="panel" type="wicket:mixedContent">
+		<annotation>
+			<documentation>The wicket:panel tag surrounds a component. This lets
+				you wrap the component with HTML and BODY tags (so it can be
+				displayed in a browser) but, when you include it, only the content
+				inside the wicket:panel tag is actually included.</documentation>
+		</annotation>
+		<unique name="panelWicketId">
+			<selector xpath="./*" />
+			<field xpath="@wicket:id" />
+		</unique>
+	</element>
+	<element name="remove" type="wicket:mixedContent">
+		<annotation>
+			<documentation>Wicket will remove this content in the final markup.
+				This is useful for when you want your web designer to be able to
+				show repeated content when they're working on it, but you want to
+				generate that content using a ListView (or other loop).
+			</documentation>
+		</annotation>
+	</element>

[2/2] wicket git commit: WICKET-5771 Ability to escape resource bundle messages added with wicket:message

Posted by
WICKET-5771 Ability to escape resource bundle messages added with wicket:message

Remove wicket-1.5.xsd.
Update version of wicket.xsd to 7.0.0


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 48b7ba5eeafa62864c9f6f0fe30cade1f2083931
Parents: 0d1e915
Author: Martin Tzvetanov Grigorov <>
Authored: Wed Nov 26 09:15:41 2014 +0100
Committer: Martin Tzvetanov Grigorov <>
Committed: Wed Nov 26 09:15:41 2014 +0100

 .../src/main/resources/META-INF/wicket-1.5.xsd  | 305 -------------------
 .../src/main/resources/META-INF/wicket.xsd      |   2 +-
 2 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 306 deletions(-)
diff --git a/wicket-core/src/main/resources/META-INF/wicket-1.5.xsd b/wicket-core/src/main/resources/META-INF/wicket-1.5.xsd
deleted file mode 100644
index 38c975c..0000000
--- a/wicket-core/src/main/resources/META-INF/wicket-1.5.xsd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,305 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<schema xmlns="" targetNamespace=""
-	xmlns:wicket=""
-	xmlns:xhtml=""
-	xmlns:xsi=""
-	xsi:schemaLocation=""
-	elementFormDefault="qualified"
-	version="1.5">
-	<!-- types -->
-	<simpleType name="token">
-		<annotation>
-			<documentation>An extension of standard token type with the
-				restriction of collapsing white space, which means that the XML
-				processor WILL REMOVE all white space characters (line feeds, tabs,
-				spaces, carriage returns are replaced with spaces, leading and
-				trailing spaces are removed, and multiple spaces are reduced to a
-				single space).</documentation>
-		</annotation>
-		<restriction base="token">
-			<whiteSpace value="collapse" />
-		</restriction>
-	</simpleType>
-	<simpleType name="notEmptyToken">
-		<annotation>
-			<documentation>Extends wicket:token type with the restriction that
-				the value can not be empty.</documentation>
-		</annotation>
-		<restriction base="wicket:token">
-			<minLength value="1" />
-		</restriction>
-	</simpleType>
-	<complexType name="mixedContent" mixed="true">
-		<annotation>
-			<documentation>A complex type that allows any amount of mixed child
-				content from any origin.</documentation>
-		</annotation>
-		<choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
-			<any namespace="##targetNamespace" processContents="strict" />
-			<any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" />
-		</choice>
-	</complexType>
-	<complexType name="notEmptyMixedContent" mixed="true">
-		<annotation>
-			<documentation>Extends wicket:mixedContent with the restriction that
-				at least one child element must be given.</documentation>
-		</annotation>
-		<choice minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
-			<any namespace="##targetNamespace" processContents="strict" />
-			<any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" />
-		</choice>
-	</complexType>
-	<!-- attributes -->
-	<attribute name="enclosure">
-		<annotation>
-			<documentation>This attribute is useful for filtering markup that
-				surrounds a component but has its visibility dependent on the
-				visibility of that component. It is similar to the wicket:enclosure
-				tag. The value is the wicket:id of the dependent component. No value
-				can be used if there is only one nested wicket component.
-				"foo:bar:baz" format can be used to specify a nested path.
-			</documentation>
-		</annotation>
-		<simpleType>
-			<restriction base="wicket:token">
-				<pattern value="([^:]+(:[^:]+)*)?" />
-			</restriction>
-		</simpleType>
-	</attribute>
-	<attribute name="id" type="wicket:notEmptyToken">
-		<annotation>
-			<documentation>The wicket component id. Used on any element to which
-				you want to add a component.</documentation>
-		</annotation>
-	</attribute>
-	<redefine schemaLocation="">
-		<attributeGroup name="xhtml.label.attlist">
-			<attributeGroup ref="xhtml.label:attlist"/>
-			<attribute ref="wicket:for"/>
-		</attributeGroup>
-	</redefine>
-	<attribute name="for" type="wicket:notEmptyToken">
-		<annotation>
-			<documentation>Can be used in HTML <![CDATA[<label]]> element to automatically link it
-				to a form element. The value of this attribute must have the same value of
-				the form component's wicket:id attribute.
-			</documentation>
-		</annotation>
-		<simpleType>
-			<restriction base="wicket:token">
-				<pattern value="([^:]+(:[^:]+)*)?" />
-			</restriction>
-		</simpleType>
-	</attribute>
-	<attribute name="message">
-		<annotation>
-			<documentation>Used on any tag that we want Wicket to provide an
-				attribute with a value that's the result of a resource lookup.
-				Format: "att1:key1,att2:key2", where att1, att2 are attribute names
-				and key1, key2 are resource id-s.
-			</documentation>
-		</annotation>
-		<simpleType>
-			<restriction base="wicket:notEmptyToken">
-				<pattern value="[^:,]+:[^:,]+(,[^:,]+:[^:,]+)*" />
-			</restriction>
-		</simpleType>
-	</attribute>
-	<!-- elements -->
-	<element name="body">
-		<annotation>
-			<documentation>Used with wicket:border to specify the location of the
-				original content.</documentation>
-		</annotation>
-		<complexType />
-	</element>
-	<element name="border" type="wicket:notEmptyMixedContent">
-		<annotation>
-			<documentation>Specifies bordering content for a wicket:body.
-			</documentation>
-		</annotation>
-		<unique name="borderWicketId">
-			<selector xpath="./*" />
-			<field xpath="@wicket:id" />
-		</unique>
-	</element>
-	<element name="child">
-		<annotation>
-			<documentation>Wicket will replace this content with the markup of
-				the derived component (see wicket:extend).</documentation>
-		</annotation>
-		<complexType />
-	</element>
-	<element name="header-items">
-		<annotation>
-			<documentation><![CDATA[A special element that is used as a placeholder inside the HTML <head>
-			element. Wicket will replace it with all header contributions.]]></documentation>
-		</annotation>
-		<complexType />
-	</element>
-	<element name="container">
-		<annotation>
-			<documentation>A tag to which you can attach a wicket component but
-				it will not produce a html tag in the result.</documentation>
-		</annotation>
-		<complexType mixed="true">
-			<complexContent>
-				<extension base="wicket:mixedContent">
-					<attribute ref="wicket:id" use="required" />
-				</extension>
-			</complexContent>
-		</complexType>
-		<unique name="containerWicketId">
-			<selector xpath="./*" />
-			<field xpath="@wicket:id" />
-		</unique>
-	</element>
-	<element name="enclosure">
-		<annotation>
-			<documentation>This tag is useful for filtering markup that surrounds
-				a component but has its visibility dependent on the visibility of
-				that component. It is similar to the wicket:enclosure attribute.
-			</documentation>
-		</annotation>
-		<complexType mixed="true">
-			<complexContent>
-				<extension base="wicket:notEmptyMixedContent">
-					<attribute name="child" use="optional">
-						<annotation>
-							<documentation>Specifies the wicket:id of the dependent
-								component. This attribute can be omitted if there is only one
-								nested wicket component. "foo:bar:baz" format can be used to
-								specify a nested path.</documentation>
-						</annotation>
-						<simpleType>
-							<restriction base="wicket:notEmptyToken">
-								<pattern value="[^:]+(:[^:]+)*" />
-							</restriction>
-						</simpleType>
-					</attribute>
-				</extension>
-			</complexContent>
-		</complexType>
-		<unique name="enclosureWicketId">
-			<selector xpath="./*" />
-			<field xpath="@wicket:id" />
-		</unique>
-	</element>
-	<element name="extend" type="wicket:mixedContent">
-		<annotation>
-			<documentation>Extend the markup of the superclass with this content.
-				Used together with wicket:child.</documentation>
-		</annotation>
-		<unique name="extendWicketId">
-			<selector xpath="./*" />
-			<field xpath="@wicket:id" />
-		</unique>
-	</element>
-	<element name="fragment">
-		<annotation>
-			<documentation>Is similar to wicket:panel but it is declared in the
-				parent's markup instead of in a separate markup file.
-			</documentation>
-		</annotation>
-		<complexType mixed="true">
-			<complexContent>
-				<extension base="wicket:mixedContent">
-					<attribute ref="wicket:id" use="required" />
-				</extension>
-			</complexContent>
-		</complexType>
-		<unique name="fragmentWicketId">
-			<selector xpath="./*" />
-			<field xpath="@wicket:id" />
-		</unique>
-	</element>
-	<element name="head" type="wicket:mixedContent">
-		<annotation>
-			<documentation>Used for header contributions. Using this, panels can
-				add header sections to the pages they are placed on.</documentation>
-		</annotation>
-		<unique name="headWicketId">
-			<selector xpath="./*" />
-			<field xpath="@wicket:id" />
-		</unique>
-	</element>
-	<element name="link" type="wicket:mixedContent">
-		<annotation>
-			<documentation>Support for wicket's autolink functionality. Normally,
-				you need to add a component (for example, a BookmarkablePageLink)
-				for each link that Wicket manages. Using the wicket:link tag will
-				automatically do this in the background for you.</documentation>
-		</annotation>
-		<unique name="linkWicketId">
-			<selector xpath="./*" />
-			<field xpath="@wicket:id" />
-		</unique>
-	</element>
-	<element name="message">
-		<annotation>
-			<documentation>Wicket will replace this with a string that is
-				retrieved from a resource bundle.</documentation>
-		</annotation>
-		<complexType mixed="true">
-			<complexContent>
-				<extension base="wicket:mixedContent">
-					<attribute name="key" use="required" type="wicket:notEmptyToken">
-						<annotation>
-							<documentation>The resource id used for lookup.</documentation>
-						</annotation>
-					</attribute>
-				</extension>
-			</complexContent>
-		</complexType>
-		<unique name="messageWicketId">
-			<selector xpath="./*" />
-			<field xpath="@wicket:id" />
-		</unique>
-	</element>
-	<element name="panel" type="wicket:mixedContent">
-		<annotation>
-			<documentation>The wicket:panel tag surrounds a component. This lets
-				you wrap the component with HTML and BODY tags (so it can be
-				displayed in a browser) but, when you include it, only the content
-				inside the wicket:panel tag is actually included.</documentation>
-		</annotation>
-		<unique name="panelWicketId">
-			<selector xpath="./*" />
-			<field xpath="@wicket:id" />
-		</unique>
-	</element>
-	<element name="remove" type="wicket:mixedContent">
-		<annotation>
-			<documentation>Wicket will remove this content in the final markup.
-				This is useful for when you want your web designer to be able to
-				show repeated content when they're working on it, but you want to
-				generate that content using a ListView (or other loop).
-			</documentation>
-		</annotation>
-	</element>
diff --git a/wicket-core/src/main/resources/META-INF/wicket.xsd b/wicket-core/src/main/resources/META-INF/wicket.xsd
index 68d9719..7d8fca5 100644
--- a/wicket-core/src/main/resources/META-INF/wicket.xsd
+++ b/wicket-core/src/main/resources/META-INF/wicket.xsd
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
-	version="6.18.0">
+	version="7.0.0">
 	<!-- types -->