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Posted to by N D <> on 2008/10/30 13:11:22 UTC

svn switch: Cannot replace a directory from within

Hi all,

I'm using svn switch command to switch to a branch, to build my code from a
branch. This happens thorugh a shell script.
But the moment the command svn switch <url_to_branch>/<prj_name> is
executed, i get this error:

svn: REPORT request failed on '/svn/payments/prj/!svn/vcc/default'
svn: Cannot replace a directory from within

After this, I do not see the normal message 'At Revision
<revision_num_of_branch>. This means the switch operation does not happen.

I have never moved locations in my repository. The
<url_to_branch>/<prj_name> opens properly when I open it in a browser. So
the url is fine.

The script execution happens in ~/user/<prj_name>/bld folder. Before the svn
swith operation my script navigates one dir backwards to be at
~/usr/<prj_name> and then the script tries to do a svn switch
<url_to_branch>/<prj_name>. But I get the error as above.

However, the same svn switch <url_to_branch>/<prj_name> command goes well,
when executed manually on the unix propmt as:
~/usr/<prj_name>:svn switch <url_to_branch>/<prj_name>

Can any one help/comment?