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Posted to by Christophe Felix-Henry <> on 2002/01/07 16:49:49 UTC

User guide sample5 doesn't work with alpha3

I found several problems while trying to use userguide sample5 for alpha3

In module

a) import javax.xml.rpc.ParameterMode; : that package does not exist
b)  call.addParameter( "arg1", qn, ParameterMode.PARAM_MODE_IN); should in
fact be
call.addParameter( "arg1", new XMLType(qn), Call.PARAM_MODE_IN );

in file deploy.wsdd

<beanMapping qname="myNS:order" xmlns:myNS="urn:BeanService" is incorrect.
It should read
<beanMapping qname="myNS:Order" ..................

Once this errors corrected, compilation and execution of the sample did
I then generated the stub files for the class and could not compile them,
because of the following signature
 public java.lang.String processOrder(BeanService.Order arg0) in
BeanService. The type BeanService.Order
does not seem to exist !.

Does the Order type shoud be an inner class of BeanService ?