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Posted to by on 2003/09/05 13:00:03 UTC

[WIKI-UPDATE] WoodyBinding Fri Sep 5 13:00:03 2003

Page: , version: 10 on Fri Sep  5 10:43:28 2003 by BrunoDumon

+ * xpath (optional, only in combination with src)
- It inserts the content of the wb:insert-node element as child of the current context element, or, if a src attribute is specified, retrieves the XML from the specified source and inserts that as child of the current context element.
+ It inserts the content of the wb:insert-node element as child of the current context element, or, if a src attribute is specified, retrieves the XML from the specified source and inserts that as child of the current context element. In this last case, you can also supply an xpath attribute to select a specific element from the retrieved source.
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