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Posted to by patrick peiffer <> on 2004/12/30 13:30:14 UTC

FileUpload question?

I'm using struts 1.2.4 upload feature
I have created an upload jsp page that is customized according to some parameters from a form bean (the form bean is also used to store the file object). 
Http Request ---> populateFormAction
JSP page --> submitUploadAction

The form bean is populated in a struts action according to a parameter of the Http request. 
To pass the parameters of the form bean between the two actions I'm using the <html:hidden> tag
- The pb - 
I have setted the maxFileSize limit. When the limit is reached, the jsp page is displayed with the appropriate error message (created in the validate form method) but without its customisation parameters. They are lost !
It seems that when the maxFileSize limit is reached, the form bean is setted with null values!
Is there any way to keep the values of the form bean? I would like the jsp to be redisplayed in 
case of failure.
Maybe I'm doing the thing in a wrong way
I welcome any help

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