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Posted to by Sandhya Sundaresan <> on 2018/11/06 05:43:57 UTC

Please read : Version update in Trafodion (PR 1721) and steps to follow


 This PR is merged into Trafodion 2.4.

See JIRA for more details :

With this change, Trafodion users will need to do the following :


rm $TRAF_HOME/etc/ms.env


Start a new shell

Any command you issue after you pull this code will give you a version mismatch error. To proceed you need to do one of the 2 steps   from sqlci :

initialize trafodion, upgrade;

(This will upgrade your  LIBRARIES metadata table and system and user libraries).



If you don't care about your data :

initialize trafodion, drop;

initialize trafodion;

Changes include :

  *   Store UDR libraries in BLOBs
  *   TRAF_BLOB_AS_VARCHAR and TRAF_CLOB_AS_VARCHAR are now set to OFF by default. All blob/clob declared coumns will be created as real blob/clob .
  *   Add BLOB column to library metadata table
  *   Change CREATE LIBRARY command to store library in BLOB column in metadata LIBRARIES table.
  *   Change library file names to include the timestamp (so updating a library changes the name)
  *   Add a cache for libraries (a new directory, $TRAF_HOME/udr/<user id>/cached_lib)
  *   Change UDR code to read library from the metadata table when not in cache
  *   Upgrade support. The Trafodion version has been bumped from 2.1.0 to 2.1.1.

This is not a major change or a minor change - it is an "Update version" change. This means in Release 2.4, there may be a few more update version changes before we decide to bump the minor version or the major version. This is the first one.

If you run into any issues, do let me know.
