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+<li class="toctree-l1 current"><a class="current reference internal" href="#">Frequently Asked Questions</a><ul>
+<li class="toctree-l2"><a class="reference internal" href="#why-can-t-i-set-listen-address-to-listen-on-0-0-0-0-all-my-addresses">Why can&#8217;t I set <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">listen_address</span></code> to listen on (all my addresses)?</a></li>
+<li class="toctree-l2"><a class="reference internal" href="#what-ports-does-cassandra-use">What ports does Cassandra use?</a></li>
+<li class="toctree-l2"><a class="reference internal" href="#what-happens-to-existing-data-in-my-cluster-when-i-add-new-nodes">What happens to existing data in my cluster when I add new nodes?</a></li>
+<li class="toctree-l2"><a class="reference internal" href="#i-delete-data-from-cassandra-but-disk-usage-stays-the-same-what-gives">I delete data from Cassandra, but disk usage stays the same. What gives?</a></li>
+<li class="toctree-l2"><a class="reference internal" href="#why-does-nodetool-ring-only-show-one-entry-even-though-my-nodes-logged-that-they-see-each-other-joining-the-ring">Why does nodetool ring only show one entry, even though my nodes logged that they see each other joining the ring?</a></li>
+<li class="toctree-l2"><a class="reference internal" href="#can-i-change-the-replication-factor-a-a-keyspace-on-a-live-cluster">Can I change the replication factor (a a keyspace) on a live cluster?</a></li>
+<li class="toctree-l2"><a class="reference internal" href="#can-i-store-large-blobs-in-cassandra">Can I Store (large) BLOBs in Cassandra?</a></li>
+<li class="toctree-l2"><a class="reference internal" href="#nodetool-says-connection-refused-to-host-127-0-1-1-for-any-remote-host-what-gives">Nodetool says &#8220;Connection refused to host:; for any remote host. What gives?</a></li>
+<li class="toctree-l2"><a class="reference internal" href="#will-batching-my-operations-speed-up-my-bulk-load">Will batching my operations speed up my bulk load?</a></li>
+<li class="toctree-l2"><a class="reference internal" href="#on-rhel-nodes-are-unable-to-join-the-ring">On RHEL nodes are unable to join the ring</a></li>
+<li class="toctree-l2"><a class="reference internal" href="#how-do-i-unsubscribe-from-the-email-list">How do I unsubscribe from the email list?</a></li>
+<li class="toctree-l2"><a class="reference internal" href="#why-does-top-report-that-cassandra-is-using-a-lot-more-memory-than-the-java-heap-max">Why does top report that Cassandra is using a lot more memory than the Java heap max?</a></li>
+<li class="toctree-l2"><a class="reference internal" href="#what-are-seeds">What are seeds?</a></li>
+<li class="toctree-l2"><a class="reference internal" href="#does-single-seed-mean-single-point-of-failure">Does single seed mean single point of failure?</a></li>
+<li class="toctree-l2"><a class="reference internal" href="#why-can-t-i-call-jmx-method-x-on-jconsole">Why can&#8217;t I call jmx method X on jconsole?</a></li>
+<li class="toctree-l2"><a class="reference internal" href="#why-do-i-see-messages-dropped-in-the-logs">Why do I see &#8221;... messages dropped ...&#8221; in the logs?</a></li>
+<li class="toctree-l2"><a class="reference internal" href="#cassandra-dies-with-java-lang-outofmemoryerror-map-failed">Cassandra dies with <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">java.lang.OutOfMemoryError:</span> <span class="pre">Map</span> <span class="pre">failed</span></code></a></li>
+<li class="toctree-l2"><a class="reference internal" href="#what-happens-if-two-updates-are-made-with-the-same-timestamp">What happens if two updates are made with the same timestamp?</a></li>
+<li class="toctree-l2"><a class="reference internal" href="#why-bootstrapping-a-new-node-fails-with-a-stream-failed-error">Why bootstrapping a new node fails with a &#8220;Stream failed&#8221; error?</a></li>
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+  <div class="section" id="frequently-asked-questions">
+<h1>Frequently Asked Questions<a class="headerlink" href="#frequently-asked-questions" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h1>
+<ul class="simple">
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#why-cant-list-all"><span class="std std-ref">Why can&#8217;t I set listen_address to listen on (all my addresses)?</span></a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#what-ports"><span class="std std-ref">What ports does Cassandra use?</span></a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#what-happens-on-joins"><span class="std std-ref">What happens to existing data in my cluster when I add new nodes?</span></a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#asynch-deletes"><span class="std std-ref">I delete data from Cassandra, but disk usage stays the same. What gives?</span></a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#one-entry-ring"><span class="std std-ref">Why does nodetool ring only show one entry, even though my nodes logged that they see each other joining the ring?</span></a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#can-large-blob"><span class="std std-ref">Can I Store (large) BLOBs in Cassandra?</span></a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#nodetool-connection-refused"><span class="std std-ref">Nodetool says &#8220;Connection refused to host:; for any remote host. What gives?</span></a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#to-batch-or-not-to-batch"><span class="std std-ref">Will batching my operations speed up my bulk load?</span></a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#selinux"><span class="std std-ref">On RHEL nodes are unable to join the ring</span></a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#how-to-unsubscribe"><span class="std std-ref">How do I unsubscribe from the email list?</span></a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#cassandra-eats-all-my-memory"><span class="std std-ref">Why does top report that Cassandra is using a lot more memory than the Java heap max?</span></a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#what-are-seeds"><span class="std std-ref">What are seeds?</span></a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#are-seeds-spof"><span class="std std-ref">Does single seed mean single point of failure?</span></a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#why-message-dropped"><span class="std std-ref">Why do I see &#8221;... messages dropped ...&#8221; in the logs?</span></a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#oom-map-failed"><span class="std std-ref">Cassandra dies with java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Map failed</span></a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#what-on-same-timestamp-update"><span class="std std-ref">What happens if two updates are made with the same timestamp?</span></a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#why-bootstrapping-stream-error"><span class="std std-ref">Why bootstrapping a new node fails with a &#8220;Stream failed&#8221; error?</span></a></li>
+<div class="section" id="why-can-t-i-set-listen-address-to-listen-on-0-0-0-0-all-my-addresses">
+<span id="why-cant-list-all"></span><h2>Why can&#8217;t I set <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">listen_address</span></code> to listen on (all my addresses)?<a class="headerlink" href="#why-can-t-i-set-listen-address-to-listen-on-0-0-0-0-all-my-addresses" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
+<p>Cassandra is a gossip-based distributed system and <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">listen_address</span></code> is the address a node tells other nodes to reach
+it at. Telling other nodes &#8220;contact me on any of my addresses&#8221; is a bad idea; if different nodes in the cluster pick
+different addresses for you, Bad Things happen.</p>
+<p>If you don&#8217;t want to manually specify an IP to <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">listen_address</span></code> for each node in your cluster (understandable!), leave
+it blank and Cassandra will use <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">InetAddress.getLocalHost()</span></code> to pick an address. Then it&#8217;s up to you or your ops team
+to make things resolve correctly (<code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">/etc/hosts/</span></code>, dns, etc).</p>
+<p>One exception to this process is JMX, which by default binds to (Java bug 6425769).</p>
+<p>See <a class="reference external" href="">CASSANDRA-256</a> and <a class="reference external" href="">CASSANDRA-43</a> for more gory details.</p>
+<div class="section" id="what-ports-does-cassandra-use">
+<span id="what-ports"></span><h2>What ports does Cassandra use?<a class="headerlink" href="#what-ports-does-cassandra-use" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
+<p>By default, Cassandra uses 7000 for cluster communication (7001 if SSL is enabled),  9042 for native protocol clients,
+and 7199 for JMX (and 9160 for the deprecated Thrift interface). The internode communication and native protocol ports
+are configurable in the <a class="reference internal" href="../configuration/cassandra_config_file.html#cassandra-yaml"><span class="std std-ref">Cassandra Configuration File</span></a>. The JMX port is configurable in <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre"></span></code> (through JVM
+options). All ports are TCP.</p>
+<div class="section" id="what-happens-to-existing-data-in-my-cluster-when-i-add-new-nodes">
+<span id="what-happens-on-joins"></span><h2>What happens to existing data in my cluster when I add new nodes?<a class="headerlink" href="#what-happens-to-existing-data-in-my-cluster-when-i-add-new-nodes" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
+<p>When a new nodes joins a cluster, it will automatically contact the other nodes in the cluster and copy the right data
+to itself. See <a class="reference internal" href="../operating/topo_changes.html#topology-changes"><span class="std std-ref">Adding, replacing, moving and removing nodes</span></a>.</p>
+<div class="section" id="i-delete-data-from-cassandra-but-disk-usage-stays-the-same-what-gives">
+<span id="asynch-deletes"></span><h2>I delete data from Cassandra, but disk usage stays the same. What gives?<a class="headerlink" href="#i-delete-data-from-cassandra-but-disk-usage-stays-the-same-what-gives" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
+<p>Data you write to Cassandra gets persisted to SSTables. Since SSTables are immutable, the data can&#8217;t actually be removed
+when you perform a delete, instead, a marker (also called a &#8220;tombstone&#8221;) is written to indicate the value&#8217;s new status.
+Never fear though, on the first compaction that occurs between the data and the tombstone, the data will be expunged
+completely and the corresponding disk space recovered. See <a class="reference internal" href="../operating/compaction.html#compaction"><span class="std std-ref">Compaction</span></a> for more detail.</p>
+<div class="section" id="why-does-nodetool-ring-only-show-one-entry-even-though-my-nodes-logged-that-they-see-each-other-joining-the-ring">
+<span id="one-entry-ring"></span><h2>Why does nodetool ring only show one entry, even though my nodes logged that they see each other joining the ring?<a class="headerlink" href="#why-does-nodetool-ring-only-show-one-entry-even-though-my-nodes-logged-that-they-see-each-other-joining-the-ring" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
+<p>This happens when you have the same token assigned to each node. Don&#8217;t do that.</p>
+<p>Most often this bites people who deploy by installing Cassandra on a VM (especially when using the Debian package, which
+auto-starts Cassandra after installation, thus generating and saving a token), then cloning that VM to other nodes.</p>
+<p>The easiest fix is to wipe the data and commitlog directories, thus making sure that each node will generate a random
+token on the next restart.</p>
+<div class="section" id="can-i-change-the-replication-factor-a-a-keyspace-on-a-live-cluster">
+<span id="change-replication-factor"></span><h2>Can I change the replication factor (a a keyspace) on a live cluster?<a class="headerlink" href="#can-i-change-the-replication-factor-a-a-keyspace-on-a-live-cluster" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
+<p>Yes, but it will require running repair (or cleanup) to change the replica count of existing data:</p>
+<ul class="simple">
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="../cql/ddl.html#alter-keyspace-statement"><span class="std std-ref">Alter</span></a> the replication factor for desired keyspace (using cqlsh for instance).</li>
+<li>If you&#8217;re reducing the replication factor, run <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">nodetool</span> <span class="pre">cleanup</span></code> on the cluster to remove surplus replicated data.
+Cleanup runs on a per-node basis.</li>
+<li>If you&#8217;re increasing the replication factor, run <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">nodetool</span> <span class="pre">repair</span></code> to ensure data is replicated according to the new
+configuration. Repair runs on a per-replica set basis. This is an intensive process that may result in adverse cluster
+performance. It&#8217;s highly recommended to do rolling repairs, as an attempt to repair the entire cluster at once will
+most likely swamp it.</li>
+<div class="section" id="can-i-store-large-blobs-in-cassandra">
+<span id="can-large-blob"></span><h2>Can I Store (large) BLOBs in Cassandra?<a class="headerlink" href="#can-i-store-large-blobs-in-cassandra" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
+<p>Cassandra isn&#8217;t optimized for large file or BLOB storage and a single <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">blob</span></code> value is always read and send to the
+client entirely. As such, storing small blobs (less than single digit MB) should not be a problem, but it is advised to
+manually split large blobs into smaller chunks.</p>
+<p>Please note in particular that by default, any value greater than 16MB will be rejected by Cassandra due the
+<code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">max_mutation_size_in_kb</span></code> configuration of the <a class="reference internal" href="../configuration/cassandra_config_file.html#cassandra-yaml"><span class="std std-ref">Cassandra Configuration File</span></a> file (which default to half of
+<code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">commitlog_segment_size_in_mb</span></code>, which itself default to 32MB).</p>
+<div class="section" id="nodetool-says-connection-refused-to-host-127-0-1-1-for-any-remote-host-what-gives">
+<span id="nodetool-connection-refused"></span><h2>Nodetool says &#8220;Connection refused to host:; for any remote host. What gives?<a class="headerlink" href="#nodetool-says-connection-refused-to-host-127-0-1-1-for-any-remote-host-what-gives" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
+<p>Nodetool relies on JMX, which in turn relies on RMI, which in turn sets up its own listeners and connectors as needed on
+each end of the exchange. Normally all of this happens behind the scenes transparently, but incorrect name resolution
+for either the host connecting, or the one being connected to, can result in crossed wires and confusing exceptions.</p>
+<p>If you are not using DNS, then make sure that your <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">/etc/hosts</span></code> files are accurate on both ends. If that fails, try
+setting the <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">-Djava.rmi.server.hostname=&lt;public</span> <span class="pre">name&gt;</span></code> JVM option near the bottom of <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre"></span></code> to an
+interface that you can reach from the remote machine.</p>
+<div class="section" id="will-batching-my-operations-speed-up-my-bulk-load">
+<span id="to-batch-or-not-to-batch"></span><h2>Will batching my operations speed up my bulk load?<a class="headerlink" href="#will-batching-my-operations-speed-up-my-bulk-load" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
+<p>No. Using batches to load data will generally just add &#8220;spikes&#8221; of latency. Use asynchronous INSERTs instead, or use
+true <a class="reference internal" href="../operating/bulk_loading.html#bulk-loading"><span class="std std-ref">Bulk Loading</span></a>.</p>
+<p>An exception is batching updates to a single partition, which can be a Good Thing (as long as the size of a single batch
+stay reasonable). But never ever blindly batch everything!</p>
+<div class="section" id="on-rhel-nodes-are-unable-to-join-the-ring">
+<span id="selinux"></span><h2>On RHEL nodes are unable to join the ring<a class="headerlink" href="#on-rhel-nodes-are-unable-to-join-the-ring" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
+<p>Check if <a class="reference external" href="">SELinux</a> is on; if it is, turn it off.</p>
+<div class="section" id="how-do-i-unsubscribe-from-the-email-list">
+<span id="how-to-unsubscribe"></span><h2>How do I unsubscribe from the email list?<a class="headerlink" href="#how-do-i-unsubscribe-from-the-email-list" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
+<p>Send an email to <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">user-unsubscribe&#64;</span></code>.</p>
+<div class="section" id="why-does-top-report-that-cassandra-is-using-a-lot-more-memory-than-the-java-heap-max">
+<span id="cassandra-eats-all-my-memory"></span><h2>Why does top report that Cassandra is using a lot more memory than the Java heap max?<a class="headerlink" href="#why-does-top-report-that-cassandra-is-using-a-lot-more-memory-than-the-java-heap-max" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
+<p>Cassandra uses <a class="reference external" href="">Memory Mapped Files</a> (mmap) internally. That is, we
+use the operating system&#8217;s virtual memory system to map a number of on-disk files into the Cassandra process&#8217; address
+space. This will &#8220;use&#8221; virtual memory; i.e. address space, and will be reported by tools like top accordingly, but on 64
+bit systems virtual address space is effectively unlimited so you should not worry about that.</p>
+<p>What matters from the perspective of &#8220;memory use&#8221; in the sense as it is normally meant, is the amount of data allocated
+on brk() or mmap&#8217;d /dev/zero, which represent real memory used. The key issue is that for a mmap&#8217;d file, there is never
+a need to retain the data resident in physical memory. Thus, whatever you do keep resident in physical memory is
+essentially just there as a cache, in the same way as normal I/O will cause the kernel page cache to retain data that
+you read/write.</p>
+<p>The difference between normal I/O and mmap() is that in the mmap() case the memory is actually mapped to the process,
+thus affecting the virtual size as reported by top. The main argument for using mmap() instead of standard I/O is the
+fact that reading entails just touching memory - in the case of the memory being resident, you just read it - you don&#8217;t
+even take a page fault (so no overhead in entering the kernel and doing a semi-context switch). This is covered in more
+detail <a class="reference external" href="">here</a>.</p>
+<div class="section" id="what-are-seeds">
+<span id="id1"></span><h2>What are seeds?<a class="headerlink" href="#what-are-seeds" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
+<p>Seeds are used during startup to discover the cluster.</p>
+<p>If you configure your nodes to refer some node as seed, nodes in your ring tend to send Gossip message to seeds more
+often (also see the <a class="reference internal" href="../architecture/dynamo.html#gossip"><span class="std std-ref">section on gossip</span></a>) than to non-seeds. In other words, seeds are worked as hubs of
+Gossip network. With seeds, each node can detect status changes of other nodes quickly.</p>
+<p>Seeds are also referred by new nodes on bootstrap to learn other nodes in ring. When you add a new node to ring, you
+need to specify at least one live seed to contact. Once a node join the ring, it learns about the other nodes, so it
+doesn&#8217;t need seed on subsequent boot.</p>
+<p>You can make a seed a node at any time. There is nothing special about seed nodes. If you list the node in seed list it
+is a seed</p>
+<p>Seeds do not auto bootstrap (i.e. if a node has itself in its seed list it will not automatically transfer data to itself)
+If you want a node to do that, bootstrap it first and then add it to seeds later. If you have no data (new install) you
+do not have to worry about bootstrap at all.</p>
+<p>Recommended usage of seeds:</p>
+<ul class="simple">
+<li>pick two (or more) nodes per data center as seed nodes.</li>
+<li>sync the seed list to all your nodes</li>
+<div class="section" id="does-single-seed-mean-single-point-of-failure">
+<span id="are-seeds-spof"></span><h2>Does single seed mean single point of failure?<a class="headerlink" href="#does-single-seed-mean-single-point-of-failure" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
+<p>The ring can operate or boot without a seed; however, you will not be able to add new nodes to the cluster. It is
+recommended to configure multiple seeds in production system.</p>
+<div class="section" id="why-can-t-i-call-jmx-method-x-on-jconsole">
+<span id="cant-call-jmx-method"></span><h2>Why can&#8217;t I call jmx method X on jconsole?<a class="headerlink" href="#why-can-t-i-call-jmx-method-x-on-jconsole" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
+<p>Some of JMX operations use array argument and as jconsole doesn&#8217;t support array argument, those operations can&#8217;t be
+called with jconsole (the buttons are inactive for them). You need to write a JMX client to call such operations or need
+array-capable JMX monitoring tool.</p>
+<div class="section" id="why-do-i-see-messages-dropped-in-the-logs">
+<span id="why-message-dropped"></span><h2>Why do I see &#8221;... messages dropped ...&#8221; in the logs?<a class="headerlink" href="#why-do-i-see-messages-dropped-in-the-logs" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
+<p>This is a symptom of load shedding &#8211; Cassandra defending itself against more requests than it can handle.</p>
+<p>Internode messages which are received by a node, but do not get not to be processed within their proper timeout (see
+<code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">read_request_timeout</span></code>, <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">write_request_timeout</span></code>, ... in the <a class="reference internal" href="../configuration/cassandra_config_file.html#cassandra-yaml"><span class="std std-ref">Cassandra Configuration File</span></a>), are dropped rather than
+processed (since the as the coordinator node will no longer be waiting for a response).</p>
+<p>For writes, this means that the mutation was not applied to all replicas it was sent to. The inconsistency will be
+repaired by read repair, hints or a manual repair. The write operation may also have timeouted as a result.</p>
+<p>For reads, this means a read request may not have completed.</p>
+<p>Load shedding is part of the Cassandra architecture, if this is a persistent issue it is generally a sign of an
+overloaded node or cluster.</p>
+<div class="section" id="cassandra-dies-with-java-lang-outofmemoryerror-map-failed">
+<span id="oom-map-failed"></span><h2>Cassandra dies with <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">java.lang.OutOfMemoryError:</span> <span class="pre">Map</span> <span class="pre">failed</span></code><a class="headerlink" href="#cassandra-dies-with-java-lang-outofmemoryerror-map-failed" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
+<p>If Cassandra is dying <strong>specifically</strong> with the &#8220;Map failed&#8221; message, it means the OS is denying java the ability to
+lock more memory. In linux, this typically means memlock is limited. Check <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">/proc/&lt;pid</span> <span class="pre">of</span> <span class="pre">cassandra&gt;/limits</span></code> to verify
+this and raise it (eg, via ulimit in bash). You may also need to increase <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">vm.max_map_count.</span></code> Note that the debian
+package handles this for you automatically.</p>
+<div class="section" id="what-happens-if-two-updates-are-made-with-the-same-timestamp">
+<span id="what-on-same-timestamp-update"></span><h2>What happens if two updates are made with the same timestamp?<a class="headerlink" href="#what-happens-if-two-updates-are-made-with-the-same-timestamp" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
+<p>Updates must be commutative, since they may arrive in different orders on different replicas. As long as Cassandra has a
+deterministic way to pick the winner (in a timestamp tie), the one selected is as valid as any other, and the specifics
+should be treated as an implementation detail. That said, in the case of a timestamp tie, Cassandra follows two rules:
+first, deletes take precedence over inserts/updates. Second, if there are two updates, the one with the lexically larger
+value is selected.</p>
+<div class="section" id="why-bootstrapping-a-new-node-fails-with-a-stream-failed-error">
+<span id="why-bootstrapping-stream-error"></span><h2>Why bootstrapping a new node fails with a &#8220;Stream failed&#8221; error?<a class="headerlink" href="#why-bootstrapping-a-new-node-fails-with-a-stream-failed-error" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
+<p>Two main possibilities:</p>
+<ol class="arabic simple">
+<li>the GC may be creating long pauses disrupting the streaming process</li>
+<li>compactions happening in the background hold streaming long enough that the TCP connection fails</li>
+<p>In the first case, regular GC tuning advices apply. In the second case, you need to set TCP keepalive to a lower value
+(default is very high on Linux). Try to just run the following:</p>
+<div class="highlight-default"><div class="highlight"><pre><span></span>$ sudo /sbin/sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time=60 net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_intvl=60 net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_probes=5
+<p>To make those settings permanent, add them to your <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">/etc/sysctl.conf</span></code> file.</p>
+<p>Note: <a class="reference external" href="">GCE</a>&#8216;s firewall will always interrupt TCP connections that are inactive for
+more than 10 min. Running the above command is highly recommended in that environment.</p>
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+<h1>Configuring Cassandra<a class="headerlink" href="#configuring-cassandra" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h1>
+<p>For running Cassandra on a single node, the steps above are enough, you don&#8217;t really need to change any configuration.
+However, when you deploy a cluster of nodes, or use clients that are not on the same host, then there are some
+parameters that must be changed.</p>
+<p>The Cassandra configuration files can be found in the <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">conf</span></code> directory of tarballs. For packages, the configuration
+files will be located in <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">/etc/cassandra</span></code>.</p>
+<div class="section" id="main-runtime-properties">
+<h2>Main runtime properties<a class="headerlink" href="#main-runtime-properties" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
+<p>Most of configuration in Cassandra is done via yaml properties that can be set in <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">cassandra.yaml</span></code>. At a minimum you
+should consider setting the following properties:</p>
+<ul class="simple">
+<li><code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">cluster_name</span></code>: the name of your cluster.</li>
+<li><code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">seeds</span></code>: a comma separated list of the IP addresses of your cluster seeds.</li>
+<li><code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">storage_port</span></code>: you don&#8217;t necessarily need to change this but make sure that there are no firewalls blocking this
+<li><code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">listen_address</span></code>: the IP address of your node, this is what allows other nodes to communicate with this node so it
+is important that you change it. Alternatively, you can set <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">listen_interface</span></code> to tell Cassandra which interface to
+use, and consecutively which address to use. Set only one, not both.</li>
+<li><code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">native_transport_port</span></code>: as for storage_port, make sure this port is not blocked by firewalls as clients will
+communicate with Cassandra on this port.</li>
+<div class="section" id="changing-the-location-of-directories">
+<h2>Changing the location of directories<a class="headerlink" href="#changing-the-location-of-directories" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
+<p>The following yaml properties control the location of directories:</p>
+<ul class="simple">
+<li><code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">data_file_directories</span></code>: one or more directories where data files are located.</li>
+<li><code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">commitlog_directory</span></code>: the directory where commitlog files are located.</li>
+<li><code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">saved_caches_directory</span></code>: the directory where saved caches are located.</li>
+<li><code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">hints_directory</span></code>: the directory where hints are located.</li>
+<p>For performance reasons, if you have multiple disks, consider putting commitlog and data files on different disks.</p>
+<div class="section" id="environment-variables">
+<h2>Environment variables<a class="headerlink" href="#environment-variables" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
+<p>JVM-level settings such as heap size can be set in <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre"></span></code>.  You can add any additional JVM command line
+argument to the <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">JVM_OPTS</span></code> environment variable; when Cassandra starts these arguments will be passed to the JVM.</p>
+<div class="section" id="logging">
+<h2>Logging<a class="headerlink" href="#logging" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
+<p>The logger in use is logback. You can change logging properties by editing <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">logback.xml</span></code>. By default it will log at
+INFO level into a file called <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">system.log</span></code> and at debug level into a file called <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">debug.log</span></code>. When running in the
+foreground, it will also log at INFO level to the console.</p>
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+<span id="id1"></span><h1>Client drivers<a class="headerlink" href="#client-drivers" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h1>
+<p>Here are known Cassandra client drivers organized by language. Before choosing a driver, you should verify the Cassandra
+version and functionality supported by a specific driver.</p>
+<div class="section" id="java">
+<h2>Java<a class="headerlink" href="#java" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
+<ul class="simple">
+<li><a class="reference external" href="">Achilles</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference external" href="">Astyanax</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference external" href="">Casser</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference external" href="">Datastax Java driver</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference external" href="">Kundera</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference external" href="">PlayORM</a></li>
+<div class="section" id="python">
+<h2>Python<a class="headerlink" href="#python" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
+<ul class="simple">
+<li><a class="reference external" href="">Datastax Python driver</a></li>
+<div class="section" id="ruby">
+<h2>Ruby<a class="headerlink" href="#ruby" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
+<ul class="simple">
+<li><a class="reference external" href="">Datastax Ruby driver</a></li>
+<div class="section" id="c-net">
+<h2>C# / .NET<a class="headerlink" href="#c-net" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
+<ul class="simple">
+<li><a class="reference external" href="">Cassandra Sharp</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference external" href="">Datastax C# driver</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference external" href="">Fluent Cassandra</a></li>
+<div class="section" id="nodejs">
+<h2>Nodejs<a class="headerlink" href="#nodejs" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
+<ul class="simple">
+<li><a class="reference external" href="">Datastax Nodejs driver</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference external" href="">Node-Cassandra-CQL</a></li>
+<div class="section" id="php">
+<h2>PHP<a class="headerlink" href="#php" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
+<ul class="simple">
+<li><a class="reference external" href="">CQL | PHP</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference external" href="">Datastax PHP driver</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference external" href="">PHP-Cassandra</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference external" href="">PHP Library for Cassandra</a></li>
+<div class="section" id="c">
+<h2>C++<a class="headerlink" href="#c" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
+<ul class="simple">
+<li><a class="reference external" href="">Datastax C++ driver</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference external" href="">libQTCassandra</a></li>
+<div class="section" id="scala">
+<h2>Scala<a class="headerlink" href="#scala" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
+<ul class="simple">
+<li><a class="reference external" href="">Datastax Spark connector</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference external" href="">Phantom</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference external" href="">Quill</a></li>
+<div class="section" id="clojure">
+<h2>Clojure<a class="headerlink" href="#clojure" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
+<ul class="simple">
+<li><a class="reference external" href="">Alia</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference external" href="">Cassaforte</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference external" href="">Hayt</a></li>
+<div class="section" id="erlang">
+<h2>Erlang<a class="headerlink" href="#erlang" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
+<ul class="simple">
+<li><a class="reference external" href="">CQerl</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference external" href="">Erlcass</a></li>
+<div class="section" id="go">
+<h2>Go<a class="headerlink" href="#go" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
+<ul class="simple">
+<li><a class="reference external" href="">CQLc</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference external" href="">Gocassa</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference external" href="">GoCQL</a></li>
+<div class="section" id="haskell">
+<h2>Haskell<a class="headerlink" href="#haskell" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
+<ul class="simple">
+<li><a class="reference external" href="">Cassy</a></li>
+<div class="section" id="rust">
+<h2>Rust<a class="headerlink" href="#rust" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
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+<li><a class="reference external" href="">Rust CQL</a></li>
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