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Bug report for Commons [2003/05/11]

| Bugzilla Bug ID                                                           |
|     +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Status: UNC=Unconfirmed NEW=New         ASS=Assigned                |
|     |         OPN=Reopened    VER=Verified    (Skipped Closed/Resolved)   |
|     |   +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
|     |   | Severity: BLK=Blocker     CRI=Critical    MAJ=Major             |
|     |   |           MIN=Minor       NOR=Normal      ENH=Enhancement       |
|     |   |   +-------------------------------------------------------------+
|     |   |   | Date Posted                                                 |
|     |   |   |          +--------------------------------------------------+
|     |   |   |          | Description                                      |
|     |   |   |          |                                                  |
| 3893|Opn|Enh|2001-10-01|Multiple element body parts problem               |
| 6508|Ass|Enh|2002-02-17|HttpClient now supports proxyHost and proxyPort - |
| 6639|New|Maj|2002-02-22|net component: FTP GET assumes a leading whitespac|
| 6826|Ass|Enh|2002-03-04|Need to have xml files validated against DTDs as p|
| 6829|Ass|Enh|2002-03-04|Allow easier way of user specified tests          |
| 7069|Ass|Enh|2002-03-13|DTD and DOM Validators                            |
| 7135|Opn|Enh|2002-03-14|Misleading error message when beaninfo class confl|
| 7226|Opn|Enh|2002-03-19|Nested Bean Collection                            |
| 7367|New|Nor|2002-03-22|ServiceManager not actually serializable          |
| 7465|New|Nor|2002-03-25|Need better 'dist' build                          |
| 7981|Ver|Nor|2002-04-11|[codec][PATCH] add 2 new methods for encoding stri|
| 8140|Ver|Nor|2002-04-16|Incorrect credentials loop infinitely             |
|10543|Ass|Enh|2002-07-08|generate ant task automatically from CLI          |
|10790|New|Enh|2002-07-15|Non-standards configuration and tracking          |
|10791|New|Enh|2002-07-15|HTTP Version configuration and tracking           |
|10792|New|Enh|2002-07-15|Plug-in authentication modules                    |
|10793|New|Enh|2002-07-15|User definable default headers support            |
|10794|New|Enh|2002-07-15|User interaction for authentication               |
|10805|New|Enh|2002-07-15|UnderscoreIsDash http workaround                  |
|10809|Ass|Enh|2002-07-15|Developer documentation                           |
|10810|New|Enh|2002-07-15|Response handlers                                 |
|10813|New|Enh|2002-07-15|RFC 2965 Support (Port sensitive cookies)         |
|10815|New|Enh|2002-07-15|Instrumentation for Timings                       |
|10816|New|Enh|2002-07-15|User/Developer Documentation                      |
|10818|Opn|Enh|2002-07-15|Add method enter() and exit() methods to public Lo|
|10930|New|Enh|2002-07-18|J2EE FORM authentication (also affects pluggable a|
|10957|New|Nor|2002-07-18|Change Header/HeaderElement to handle a list as th|
|11240|New|Min|2002-07-28|Cookies with ',' in the value string is not parsed|
|11715|New|Maj|2002-08-15|Stream Corruption while sending data to telnet ses|
|12746|New|Enh|2002-09-17|Easey Factory for ListUtils.lazyList() method     |
|12807|New|Nor|2002-09-19|[PATCH] x 2 Update build.xml to use commons-loggin|
|12858|Ass|Nor|2002-09-20|Style variation in CVS $Header$ tag in embedded LI|
|12916|New|Nor|2002-09-23|[PATCH] Fix javadoc in           |
|12997|Opn|Nor|2002-09-25|Call the method as soon as the last parameter is e|
|13031|New|Enh|2002-09-26|Use regular expression (regex) pattern matching fo|
|13098|Opn|Nor|2002-09-27|Digester Performance                              |
|13370|New|Nor|2002-10-07|[sql] DDL for INTEGER data type incorrect         |
|13381|New|Enh|2002-10-07|[sql] commons-sql database.xml -> OJB repository.x|
|13390|New|Nor|2002-10-07|ResponseHeaderHandler and ResponseHeaderValidator |
|13426|New|Enh|2002-10-08|[PATCH] xml-reference.xml responseHeader addition |
|13743|Opn|Enh|2002-10-17|Need getPropertyType(Class theClass, String propNa|
|14036|New|Enh|2002-10-29|MultipartPostMethod does not check for error messa|
|14120|New|Nor|2002-10-31|[FileUpload] uploading files with non-ASCII filena|
|14262|Opn|Maj|2002-11-05|SAXBeanWriter produces invalid XML                |
|14278|New|Enh|2002-11-05|add link/info for Struts Console to website       |
|14357|New|Nor|2002-11-07|static option for reversing the stacktrace        |
|14394|Ver|Nor|2002-11-08|Excessive exceptions log under security manager   |
|14409|New|Nor|2002-11-09|Add support for stuff like [target [target2 [targe|
|14667|Ver|Maj|2002-11-19|PropertyUtils.copyProperties does not copy to Dyna|
|15046|Opn|Nor|2002-12-04|MissingArgumentException: no argument for <option>|
|15082|Ass|Enh|2002-12-04|elapsed time formatting utility method            |
|15127|New|Enh|2002-12-06|Tests should explicit about checking serialization|
|15297|New|Enh|2002-12-12|[HttpClient] Authenticator() - ability to perform |
|15435|New|Enh|2002-12-17|New Preferences Architecture                      |
|15451|Opn|Enh|2002-12-17|Multiple mapped properties not possible / Direct m|
|15519|Ver|Maj|2002-12-19|PropertyUtils.getPropertyType() for java.util.Coll|
|15534|New|Nor|2002-12-19|Inadequate HTTP proxy server support in HttpClient|
|15542|New|Nor|2002-12-19|No Javadoc for HelpFormatter!                     |
|15744|New|Nor|2002-12-31|Scaffold ResultSet used after statement is closed |
|15895|Unc|Nor|2003-01-08|In BeanMap all properties are writable (some with |
|16038|Opn|Enh|2003-01-13|LocaleBeanUtils.copyProperties() does not use Loca|
|16124|New|Nor|2003-01-15|isHttp11 should have HttpClient scope             |
|16132|New|Maj|2003-01-15|[Jelly] core:file convert <html> to &lt;html&gt;  |
|16394|New|Enh|2003-01-24|Enhance the IndexedListProperty to handle nested l|
|16432|Ass|Nor|2003-01-26|Error from maven when generating the task list    |
|16440|Ass|Nor|2003-01-27|[codec] Base64 does not handle whitespace correctl|
|16465|New|Enh|2003-01-27|ChainedHashMap new Java Collection Object         |
|16484|Ass|Maj|2003-01-28|Error parsing options a-la Java property option   |
|16504|New|Enh|2003-01-28|[configuration][submit] Enhancement: Configuration|
|16525|Opn|Enh|2003-01-29|BeanUtils.setProperty is over-zealous at convertin|
|16600|New|Nor|2003-01-30|JUnitTestAdapter throws SAXException because no DT|
|16712|New|Nor|2003-02-03|[codec] DoubleMetaphone does not correctly handle |
|16729|New|Enh|2003-02-03|Allow redirects between hosts and ports           |
|16744|New|Enh|2003-02-04|Allow special positioning of error messages       |
|16803|New|Nor|2003-02-05|Discovery tests fail with maven                   |
|16859|New|Nor|2003-02-06|Can't supply a javax.mail.Session to Commons Email|
|16873|New|Enh|2003-02-07|Specifying a different file      |
|16881|New|Min|2003-02-07|migrate to commons-codec Base64                   |
|16907|New|Enh|2003-02-08|Introduce Aspect oriented programming             |
|16919|New|Enh|2003-02-10|Commons-fileupload patch: Added java.servlet.Filte|
|16987|New|Maj|2003-02-12|race condition in PoolableConnection.close()      |
|17002|Opn|Enh|2003-02-12|Problem with index property                       |
|17066|Ass|Maj|2003-02-13| hangs on disconnect or logou|
|17091|Opn|Enh|2003-02-14|[Codec] Add MD5 and SHA digest algorithms         |
|17102|New|Enh|2003-02-15|Can't embed "<>" characters in paramValue data.   |
|17157|Opn|Enh|2003-02-18|SimpleFileLog class                               |
|17268|New|Min|2003-02-21|Problem in printUsage for OptionGroup             |
|17306|Opn|Enh|2003-02-22|extend <field> tag with "forward" attribute for er|
|17327|New|Enh|2003-02-24|Add BlockingQueue queue implementation            |
|17416|New|Enh|2003-02-26|Send InputStreams instead of files in MultipartPos|
|17501|New|Enh|2003-02-27|Add dynamic discovery of mapped properties to Prop|
|17543|Opn|Enh|2003-02-28|Add support for non-default resource bundles      |
|17569|Ass|Nor|2003-03-02|Include generated website in the distribution     |
|17618|New|Maj|2003-03-03|[jelly] Bug in ImportTag as child of TransformTag |
|17619|New|Nor|2003-03-03|[jelly] ClassLoader Problems with XMLParser and XM|
|17650|New|Nor|2003-03-04|Make Messages pay attention to returnNull setting |
|17662|New|Nor|2003-03-05|unknown options are ignored instead of throwing Un|
|17682|New|Nor|2003-03-05|HelpFormatter does not wrap lines correctly after |
|17769|New|Blk|2003-03-07|pre-mature closing of Statement and PreparedStatem|
|17770|Ass|Nor|2003-03-07|[PATCH] AdaptorRegistry                           |
|17799|New|Enh|2003-03-08|'/' not escaped in regexp mask                    |
|17809|New|Enh|2003-03-08|Add MapUtils.loadProperties() method              |
|17868|New|Enh|2003-03-11|Missing access method to ValidatorResult$ResultSta|
|17947|New|Enh|2003-03-13|Need setURI() methods in HttpMethod interface     |
|17956|New|Nor|2003-03-13|[jelly] resource lookup in compiled scripts does n|
|17957|New|Cri|2003-03-13|commons-launcher - on OutOfMemoryError no message |
|18012|New|Enh|2003-03-14|BasicDataSource doesn't include PreparedStmt Pooli|
|18068|New|Enh|2003-03-17|DefaultMapBag not Serializable                    |
|18087|New|Enh|2003-03-18|Add BeanFactory class for dynamic factories.      |
|18550|New|Enh|2003-04-01|Add defaultTransactionIsolation to BasicDataSource|
|18689|New|Enh|2003-04-04|Tests for dependent validators + Refactoring      |
|18707|New|Enh|2003-04-04|[PATCH][IO] IOUtil improvements                   |
|18773|New|Enh|2003-04-07|Can add a method cache in MethodUtils             |
|18791|New|Min|2003-04-08|BeanComparator should handle null property values |
|18811|New|Min|2003-04-08|Misleading error message in ConvertingWrapDynaBean|
|18815|New|Enh|2003-04-08|Decorators are not serializable.                  |
|18831|New|Nor|2003-04-08|[cli] TestHelpFormatter.testAutomaticUsage unit te|
|18835|New|Min|2003-04-08|BeanComparator compare method throws ClassCastExce|
|18874|New|Nor|2003-04-09|[codec] RefinedSoundex nit: unused local variable |
|18889|New|Min|2003-04-10|Wrong sample code in org/apache/commons/logging/pa|
|18905|Opn|Nor|2003-04-10|Couldn't get connection (Jdbc2PoolDataSource)     |
|18921|New|Enh|2003-04-10|Per User methods not working in Jdbc2PoolDataSourc|
|18942|New|Enh|2003-04-11|Add "t/f" to BooleanConverter                     |
|18960|New|Enh|2003-04-11|Can add a method cache in MethodUtils             |
|18962|New|Enh|2003-04-11|New Method: getSubstitutedValues( String, Map )   |
|18968|New|Enh|2003-04-11|[email] Support SMTP Envelope From (bounce address|
|18971|New|Nor|2003-04-11|[email] HTML email uses wrong MIME type?          |
|18979|New|Nor|2003-04-13|Sample FileUpload application fails on z/OS platfo|
|19030|New|Min|2003-04-15|EnumTest fails on Linux Sun JDK 1.3.0             |
|19061|New|Maj|2003-04-16| does not escape speci|
|19102|New|Nor|2003-04-17|Set-Cookie2 and Set-Cookie                        |
|19262|New|Nor|2003-04-23|Patch for mixed content                           |
|19296|New|Enh|2003-04-24|[Lang] What to do with FastDateFormat unused priva|
|19302|New|Enh|2003-04-25|DynaBeans are not supported                       |
|19331|New|Nor|2003-04-25|General case for an infinite loop with ToStringBui|
|19364|New|Nor|2003-04-27|[Lang] time unit tests fail on Sundays            |
|19365|New|Enh|2003-04-27|[Lang]  Enhancements and test cases for RandomUtil|
|19368|New|Maj|2003-04-27|[fileupload] delete() method not working properly |
|19369|New|Maj|2003-04-27|[fileupload] write() method can be invoked only on|
|19371|New|Enh|2003-04-27|[fileupload] findSeparator should use a fast strin|
|19373|New|Enh|2003-04-27|Performance Optimizations                         |
|19374|New|Nor|2003-04-27|Potential for DelegateStatement, DelegateResultSet|
|19383|New|Nor|2003-04-28|Missing arguments in HelpFormatter.renderOptions(.|
|19390|New|Cri|2003-04-28|Commons logging jar files causes weblogic to throw|
|19397|New|Enh|2003-04-28|[PATCHES] Add URL Validation with Unit tests      |
|19614|New|Maj|2003-05-02|Poor performance under load                       |
|19618|New|Enh|2003-05-02|URI class constructors need revision, optimization|
|19692|New|Min|2003-05-06|[PATCH][CLI] Remove dependency on commons-logging |
|19706|New|Enh|2003-05-06|Add Initial Commons Logging to DBCP               |
|19733|New|Cri|2003-05-07|Unmatched delimiter in org.apache.commons.beanutil|
|19749|New|Nor|2003-05-07|HelpFormatter does not handle groups properly     |
|19756|New|Nor|2003-05-08|[lang] java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError throw|
|19763|New|Enh|2003-05-08|limit the number of rows returned by RowSetDynaCla|
|19771|New|Maj|2003-05-08|Netscape proxy problem wtih POST                  |
|19781|New|Nor|2003-05-08|PropertyUtils.copyProperties throws exceptions con|
|19827|New|Enh|2003-05-10|Add set/getLocalAddress methods to HostConfigurati|
| Total  157 bugs                                                           |

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