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Posted to by on 2002/01/07 15:40:21 UTC

USER - KNF Kongress 2001 Demo Application

   kudos... I like this alot.  A very "simple" put data and get data from
the database.  It took me
about and hour to get the application running.  Now that I have the example,
the next step is to
modify it to create an application of my own.  I copied the tree to my own
"named" base subdirectory
and I modified settings in the coord/WEB-INF/build/ and
coord/WEB-INF/conf/ regarding database connectivity settings.
However even if the build suceeds
during the Ant task "init" construction and I restart Catalina, the
application initial screen never
appears.  I believe, that your "classes" are compiled specific to your
directory structure. I found
the Java source files in the "SRC" directory which I will modify. The Coord
Tools are "classes" and
so must be modified also.

The templates, *.vm screens do not seem to reference the directory structure
and so will not need to be
modified to offer the same functionality in a different tree structure.

My questions are these:

  1) what other components must be changed to account for either a change in
the tree structure or 
     a different database, are the changes issolated to the classes and the
build.properteis and TR.Prop
     for the application TDK ?

  2) what is appData.ser, (a file), no source is indicated ?

      |- WEB-INF
      |  |- appData.ser
      |  |- build
      |  |    |- bin
      |  |    |    |-torque
      |  |    |       |- templates
      |  |    |               |- data
      |  |    |               |    |- dump
      |  |    |               |    |    |- Control.vm
      |  |    |               |    |    |- bottom.vm
      |  |    |               |    |    |- row.vm
      |  |    |               |    |    |- top.vm
      |  |    |               |    |- Control.vm
      |  |    |               |    |- dataset.vm
      |  |    |               |    |- table.vm
      |  |    |               |- intake
      |  |    |               |- om
      |  |    |               |    |- Control.vm
      |  |    |               |    |- ExtensionObject.vm
      |  |    |               |    |- ExtensionPeer.vm
      |  |    |               |    |- MapBuilder.vm
      |  |    |               |    |- MultiExtendObject.vm
      |  |    |               |    |- Object.vm  Peer.vm
      |  |    |               |- service
      |  |    |               |    |- Control.vm
      |  |    |               |    |- ServiceImplementation.vm
      |  |    |               |    |- ServiceInterface.vm
      |  |    |               |    |-  ServiceStaticHelper.vm
      |  |    |               |- sql
      |  |    |                    |- base
      |  |    |                    |     |- Control.vm
      |  |    |                    |     |- db2
      |  |    |                    |     |- hypersonic
      |  |    |                    |     |- interbase
      |  |    |                    |     |- mssql
      |  |    |                    |     |- mysql
      |  |    |                    |     |- oracle
      |  |    |                    |     |- postgresql
      |  |    |                    |     |- sapdb
      |  |    |                    |     |- sybase
      |  |    |                    |- db-init
      |  |    |                    |     |- Control.vm
      |  |    |                    |     |- mssql
      |  |    |                    |     |- mysql
      |  |    |                    |          |- unix.vm
      |  |    |                    |          |- windows.vm
      |  |    |                    |     |- postgresql
      |  |    |                    |     |- sapdb
      |  |    |                    |     |- sybase
      |  |    |                    |- id-table
      |  |    |                    |     |- Control.vm
      |  |    |                    |     |- idtable.hypersonic
      |  |    |                    |     |- idtable.mssql
      |  |    |                    |     |-
      |  |    |                    |     |- idtable.sapdb
      |  |    |                    |     |- project.props
      |  |    |                    |     |- idtable.db2
      |  |    |                    |     |- idtable.interbase
      |  |    |                    |     |- idtable.mysql
      |  |    |                    |     |- idtable.postgresql
      |  |    |                    |     |- idtable.sybase
      |  |    |                    |     |- turbine.props
      |  |    |                    |- load
      |  |    |                    |     |- Control.vm
      |  |    |                    |     |- mysql
      |  |    |                    |           |- row.vm
      |  |    |                    |           |- val.vm
      |  |    |                    |- security
      |  |    |                          |- Control.vm
      |  |    |                          |- db.props
      |  |    |                          |- default-roles-perms.vm
      |  |    |                          |- default-secure-passwords.vm
      |  |    |       |- xml
      |  |    |       |- xsl
      |  |    |       |- license.txt
      |  |    |       |- service.props
      |  |    | 
      |  |    |-
      |  |    |- build.xml
      |  |- classes
      |  |    |- de
      |  |        |- intermeta
      |  |               |- coord
      |  |                    |- modules
      |  |                    |     |- actions
      |  |                    |     |     |- AddEntry.class
      |  |                    |     |     |- Search.class
      |  |                    |     |- screens
      |  |                    |           |- List.class
      |  |                    |- om
      |  |                    |    |- BaseCoordData.class
      |  |                    |    |- BaseCoordDataPeer.class
      |  |                    |    |- CoordData.class
      |  |                    |    |- CoordDataPeer.class
      |  |                    |    |- map 
      |  |                    |        |- CoordDataMapBuilder.class
      |  |                    |- tools
      |  |                        |- LatTool.class
      |  |                        |- LngTool.class
      |  |                        |- TimeTool.class
      |  |- conf
      |  |    |-
      |  |    |- coord-inputs.xml
      |  |    |- coord-schema.xml
      |  |    |- id-table-schema.xml
      |  |    |- turbine-schema.xml
      |  |- lib
      |  |    |- ..........only turbine specific jars in here......
      |  |- src
      |  |    |-Java
      |  |    |  |- de
      |  |    |      |- intermeta
      |  |    |             |- coord
      |  |    |                  |- modules
      |  |    |                  |     |- actions
      |  |    |                  |     |     |-
      |  |    |                  |     |     |-
      |  |    |                  |     |- screens
      |  |    |                  |           |-
      |  |    |                  |- om
      |  |    |                  |    |-
      |  |    |                  |    |-
      |  |    |                  |    |-
      |  |    |                  |    |-
      |  |    |                  |    |- map 
      |  |    |                  |        |-
      |  |    |                  |- tools
      |  |    |                      |-
      |  |    |                      |-
      |  |    |                      |-
      |  |    |-sql
      |  |       |- coord-schema.sql
      |  |       |- id-table-schema.sql
      |  |       |- turbine-id-table-init.sql
      |  |       |- turbine-schema.sql
      |  |       |- turbine-security.sql
      |  |
      |  |- web.xml
      |- images
      |    |- logo.gif
      |- logs
      |     |- turbine.log
      |     |- velocity.log
      |- resources
      |- style
      |    |- default.css
      |- templates
      |     |- coord
      |         |- GlobalMacros.vm
      |         |- layouts
      |               |-Default.vm
      |         |- navigations  (These are the *.vm forms used by the
      |               |- DefaultBottom.vm
      |               |- DefaultTop.vm
      |               |- Menu.vm
      |         |- screens     (These are the *.vm forms used by the
      |               |- AddEntry.vm
      |               |- Error.vm
      |               |- Index.vm
      |               |- List.vm
      |               |- Search.vm
      |- README
      |- coord-data.sql

Donald Duquaine
Analyst / Network Administrator
STL Tampa
(813) 885-7427