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Posted to by Stefan Bodewig <> on 2011/10/07 16:16:52 UTC

Re: Release testing

On 2011-10-07, Christian Grobmeier wrote:

> I have not found sha1 files. They seem to be standard on most
> projects, so my guess is you don't want them. Right?

The 1.2.10 release didn't have them, so I didn't create any (it would
still be trivial to add .sha1s if anybody wants them).

> I have not tested if test are running, because i am a .NET idiot. I
> have installed Mono (I am on a mac) and downloaded NAnt and NUnit. But
> now I am lost. As three people have already checked the content of the
> release and the frame (checksums etc) are looking good, I am fine with
> giving my plus 1.

Thanks so much.

> But if there are chances that I can easily check the stuff, please let
> me know how. I will try it then.

Unzip the source distro and run "nant" in the root directory, that
should create log4net.{dll,xml} in bin/mono/2.0/{debug,release}/ and
likely a .mdb file in debug (my Mono version on Linux does).

It is quite possible the build already fails here as Mono's more recent
C# compilers are more picky about XML comments (think Javadoc baked into
the compiler) than Microsoft's.  So far I haven't confirmed whether it
flags actual errors at all.  If you get a bunch of warnings, open with your favorite XML editor, look for the
compile-mono-2,0 target and set the warnaserror attribute to false on
all csc tasks.  After that it should compile.

Change to the tests subdirectory, create a subdirectory libs/mono/2.0
and copy the nunit.framework.dll you can find in NAnt's
bin/lib/common/2.0 directory there.  Run "nant" and it will run all unit

No idea how you'd test the binary without a .NET application that uses


who realizes that all this stuff neeeds to be properly documented
somewhere but right now has his focus on other things.  Help! 8-)