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[25/52] [abbrv] [cordova-tizen] tizen SDK 2.2 support
diff --git a/templates/CordovaTizenWebUIFrameworkTemplate/project/tizen-web-ui-fw/latest/js/modules/jqm/ b/templates/CordovaTizenWebUIFrameworkTemplate/project/tizen-web-ui-fw/latest/js/modules/jqm/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..189dc84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/CordovaTizenWebUIFrameworkTemplate/project/tizen-web-ui-fw/latest/js/modules/jqm/
@@ -0,0 +1,1555 @@
+//>>excludeStart("jqmBuildExclude", pragmas.jqmBuildExclude);
+//>>description: Applies the AJAX navigation system to links and forms to enable page transitions
+//>>label: AJAX Navigation System
+//>>group: Navigation
+define( [
+	"jquery",
+	"./",
+	"./",
+	"./",
+	"./jquery.hashchange",
+	"./widgets/page",
+	"./" ], function( jQuery ) {
+(function( $, undefined ) {
+	//define vars for interal use
+	var $window = $.mobile.$window,
+		$html = $( 'html' ),
+		$head = $( 'head' ),
+		//url path helpers for use in relative url management
+		path = {
+			// This scary looking regular expression parses an absolute URL or its relative
+			// variants (protocol, site, document, query, and hash), into the various
+			// components (protocol, host, path, query, fragment, etc that make up the
+			// URL as well as some other commonly used sub-parts. When used with RegExp.exec()
+			// or String.match, it parses the URL into a results array that looks like this:
+			//
+			//     [0]:
+			//     [1]:
+			//     [2]:
+			//     [3]:
+			//     [4]: http:
+			//     [5]: //
+			//     [6]:
+			//     [7]: jblas:password
+			//     [8]: jblas
+			//     [9]: password
+			//    [10]:
+			//    [11]:
+			//    [12]: 8080
+			//    [13]: /mail/inbox
+			//    [14]: /mail/
+			//    [15]: inbox
+			//    [16]: ?msg=1234&type=unread
+			//    [17]: #msg-content
+			//
+			urlParseRE: /^(((([^:\/#\?]+:)?(?:(\/\/)((?:(([^:@\/#\?]+)(?:\:([^:@\/#\?]+))?)@)?(([^:\/#\?\]\[]+|\[[^\/\]@#?]+\])(?:\:([0-9]+))?))?)?)?((\/?(?:[^\/\?#]+\/+)*)([^\?#]*)))?(\?[^#]+)?)(#.*)?/,
+			// Abstraction to address xss (Issue #4787) by removing the authority in
+			// browsers that auto	decode it. All references to location.href should be
+			// replaced with a call to this method so that it can be dealt with properly here
+			getLocation: function( url ) {
+				var uri = url ? this.parseUrl( url ) : location,
+					hash = this.parseUrl( url || location.href ).hash;
+				// mimic the browser with an empty string when the hash is empty
+				hash = hash === "#" ? "" : hash;
+				// Make sure to parse the url or the location object for the hash because using location.hash
+				// is autodecoded in firefox, the rest of the url should be from the object (location unless
+				// we're testing) to avoid the inclusion of the authority
+				return uri.protocol + "//" + + uri.pathname + + hash;
+			},
+			parseLocation: function() {
+				return this.parseUrl( this.getLocation() );
+			},
+			//Parse a URL into a structure that allows easy access to
+			//all of the URL components by name.
+			parseUrl: function( url ) {
+				// If we're passed an object, we'll assume that it is
+				// a parsed url object and just return it back to the caller.
+				if ( $.type( url ) === "object" ) {
+					return url;
+				}
+				var matches = path.urlParseRE.exec( url || "" ) || [];
+					// Create an object that allows the caller to access the sub-matches
+					// by name. Note that IE returns an empty string instead of undefined,
+					// like all other browsers do, so we normalize everything so its consistent
+					// no matter what browser we're running on.
+					return {
+						href:         matches[  0 ] || "",
+						hrefNoHash:   matches[  1 ] || "",
+						hrefNoSearch: matches[  2 ] || "",
+						domain:       matches[  3 ] || "",
+						protocol:     matches[  4 ] || "",
+						doubleSlash:  matches[  5 ] || "",
+						authority:    matches[  6 ] || "",
+						username:     matches[  8 ] || "",
+						password:     matches[  9 ] || "",
+						host:         matches[ 10 ] || "",
+						hostname:     matches[ 11 ] || "",
+						port:         matches[ 12 ] || "",
+						pathname:     matches[ 13 ] || "",
+						directory:    matches[ 14 ] || "",
+						filename:     matches[ 15 ] || "",
+						search:       matches[ 16 ] || "",
+						hash:         matches[ 17 ] || ""
+					};
+			},
+			//Turn relPath into an asbolute path. absPath is
+			//an optional absolute path which describes what
+			//relPath is relative to.
+			makePathAbsolute: function( relPath, absPath ) {
+				if ( relPath && relPath.charAt( 0 ) === "/" ) {
+					return relPath;
+				}
+				relPath = relPath || "";
+				absPath = absPath ? absPath.replace( /^\/|(\/[^\/]*|[^\/]+)$/g, "" ) : "";
+				var absStack = absPath ? absPath.split( "/" ) : [],
+					relStack = relPath.split( "/" );
+				for ( var i = 0; i < relStack.length; i++ ) {
+					var d = relStack[ i ];
+					switch ( d ) {
+						case ".":
+							break;
+						case "..":
+							if ( absStack.length ) {
+								absStack.pop();
+							}
+							break;
+						default:
+							absStack.push( d );
+							break;
+					}
+				}
+				return "/" + absStack.join( "/" );
+			},
+			//Returns true if both urls have the same domain.
+			isSameDomain: function( absUrl1, absUrl2 ) {
+				return path.parseUrl( absUrl1 ).domain === path.parseUrl( absUrl2 ).domain;
+			},
+			//Returns true for any relative variant.
+			isRelativeUrl: function( url ) {
+				// All relative Url variants have one thing in common, no protocol.
+				return path.parseUrl( url ).protocol === "";
+			},
+			//Returns true for an absolute url.
+			isAbsoluteUrl: function( url ) {
+				return path.parseUrl( url ).protocol !== "";
+			},
+			//Turn the specified realtive URL into an absolute one. This function
+			//can handle all relative variants (protocol, site, document, query, fragment).
+			makeUrlAbsolute: function( relUrl, absUrl ) {
+				if ( !path.isRelativeUrl( relUrl ) ) {
+					return relUrl;
+				}
+				if ( absUrl === undefined ) {
+					absUrl = documentBase;
+				}
+				var relObj = path.parseUrl( relUrl ),
+					absObj = path.parseUrl( absUrl ),
+					protocol = relObj.protocol || absObj.protocol,
+					doubleSlash = relObj.protocol ? relObj.doubleSlash : ( relObj.doubleSlash || absObj.doubleSlash ),
+					authority = relObj.authority || absObj.authority,
+					hasPath = relObj.pathname !== "",
+					pathname = path.makePathAbsolute( relObj.pathname || absObj.filename, absObj.pathname ),
+					search = || ( !hasPath && ) || "",
+					hash = relObj.hash;
+				return protocol + doubleSlash + authority + pathname + search + hash;
+			},
+			//Add search (aka query) params to the specified url.
+			addSearchParams: function( url, params ) {
+				var u = path.parseUrl( url ),
+					p = ( typeof params === "object" ) ? $.param( params ) : params,
+					s = || "?";
+				return u.hrefNoSearch + s + ( s.charAt( s.length - 1 ) !== "?" ? "&" : "" ) + p + ( u.hash || "" );
+			},
+			convertUrlToDataUrl: function( absUrl ) {
+				var u = path.parseUrl( absUrl );
+				if ( path.isEmbeddedPage( u ) ) {
+					// For embedded pages, remove the dialog hash key as in getFilePath(),
+					// otherwise the Data Url won't match the id of the embedded Page.
+					return u.hash.split( dialogHashKey )[0].replace( /^#/, "" );
+				} else if ( path.isSameDomain( u, documentBase ) ) {
+					return u.hrefNoHash.replace( documentBase.domain, "" ).split( dialogHashKey )[0];
+				}
+				return window.decodeURIComponent(absUrl);
+			},
+			//get path from current hash, or from a file path
+			get: function( newPath ) {
+				if ( newPath === undefined ) {
+					newPath = path.parseLocation().hash;
+				}
+				return path.stripHash( newPath ).replace( /[^\/]*\.[^\/*]+$/, '' );
+			},
+			//return the substring of a filepath before the sub-page key, for making a server request
+			getFilePath: function( path ) {
+				var splitkey = '&' + $.mobile.subPageUrlKey;
+				return path && path.split( splitkey )[0].split( dialogHashKey )[0];
+			},
+			//set location hash to path
+			set: function( path ) {
+				location.hash = path;
+			},
+			//test if a given url (string) is a path
+			//NOTE might be exceptionally naive
+			isPath: function( url ) {
+				return ( /\// ).test( url );
+			},
+			//return a url path with the window's location protocol/hostname/pathname removed
+			clean: function( url ) {
+				return url.replace( documentBase.domain, "" );
+			},
+			//just return the url without an initial #
+			stripHash: function( url ) {
+				return url.replace( /^#/, "" );
+			},
+			//remove the preceding hash, any query params, and dialog notations
+			cleanHash: function( hash ) {
+				return path.stripHash( hash.replace( /\?.*$/, "" ).replace( dialogHashKey, "" ) );
+			},
+			isHashValid: function( hash ) {
+				return ( /^#[^#]+$/ ).test( hash );
+			},
+			//check whether a url is referencing the same domain, or an external domain or different protocol
+			//could be mailto, etc
+			isExternal: function( url ) {
+				var u = path.parseUrl( url );
+				return u.protocol && u.domain !== documentUrl.domain ? true : false;
+			},
+			hasProtocol: function( url ) {
+				return ( /^(:?\w+:)/ ).test( url );
+			},
+			//check if the specified url refers to the first page in the main application document.
+			isFirstPageUrl: function( url ) {
+				// We only deal with absolute paths.
+				var u = path.parseUrl( path.makeUrlAbsolute( url, documentBase ) ),
+					// Does the url have the same path as the document?
+					samePath = u.hrefNoHash === documentUrl.hrefNoHash || ( documentBaseDiffers && u.hrefNoHash === documentBase.hrefNoHash ),
+					// Get the first page element.
+					fp = $.mobile.firstPage,
+					// Get the id of the first page element if it has one.
+					fpId = fp && fp[0] ? fp[0].id : undefined;
+					// The url refers to the first page if the path matches the document and
+					// it either has no hash value, or the hash is exactly equal to the id of the
+					// first page element.
+					return samePath && ( !u.hash || u.hash === "#" || ( fpId && u.hash.replace( /^#/, "" ) === fpId ) );
+			},
+			isEmbeddedPage: function( url ) {
+				var u = path.parseUrl( url );
+				//if the path is absolute, then we need to compare the url against
+				//both the documentUrl and the documentBase. The main reason for this
+				//is that links embedded within external documents will refer to the
+				//application document, whereas links embedded within the application
+				//document will be resolved against the document base.
+				if ( u.protocol !== "" ) {
+					return ( u.hash && ( u.hrefNoHash === documentUrl.hrefNoHash || ( documentBaseDiffers && u.hrefNoHash === documentBase.hrefNoHash ) ) );
+				}
+				return ( /^#/ ).test( u.href );
+			},
+			// Some embedded browsers, like the web view in Phone Gap, allow cross-domain XHR
+			// requests if the document doing the request was loaded via the file:// protocol.
+			// This is usually to allow the application to "phone home" and fetch app specific
+			// data. We normally let the browser handle external/cross-domain urls, but if the
+			// allowCrossDomainPages option is true, we will allow cross-domain http/https
+			// requests to go through our page loading logic.
+			isPermittedCrossDomainRequest: function( docUrl, reqUrl ) {
+				return $.mobile.allowCrossDomainPages &&
+					docUrl.protocol === "file:" &&
+ /^https?:/ ) !== -1;
+			}
+		},
+		//will be defined when a link is clicked and given an active class
+		$activeClickedLink = null,
+		//urlHistory is purely here to make guesses at whether the back or forward button was clicked
+		//and provide an appropriate transition
+		urlHistory = {
+			// Array of pages that are visited during a single page load.
+			// Each has a url and optional transition, title, and pageUrl (which represents the file path, in cases where URL is obscured, such as dialogs)
+			stack: [],
+			//maintain an index number for the active page in the stack
+			activeIndex: 0,
+			//get active
+			getActive: function() {
+				return urlHistory.stack[ urlHistory.activeIndex ];
+			},
+			getPrev: function() {
+				return urlHistory.stack[ urlHistory.activeIndex - 1 ];
+			},
+			getNext: function() {
+				return urlHistory.stack[ urlHistory.activeIndex + 1 ];
+			},
+			// addNew is used whenever a new page is added
+			addNew: function( url, transition, title, pageUrl, role ) {
+				//if there's forward history, wipe it
+				if ( urlHistory.getNext() ) {
+					urlHistory.clearForward();
+				}
+				urlHistory.stack.push( {url : url, transition: transition, title: title, pageUrl: pageUrl, role: role } );
+				urlHistory.activeIndex = urlHistory.stack.length - 1;
+			},
+			//wipe urls ahead of active index
+			clearForward: function() {
+				urlHistory.stack = urlHistory.stack.slice( 0, urlHistory.activeIndex + 1 );
+			},
+			directHashChange: function( opts ) {
+				var back , forward, newActiveIndex, prev = this.getActive();
+				// check if url is in history and if it's ahead or behind current page
+				$.each( urlHistory.stack, function( i, historyEntry ) {
+					//if the url is in the stack, it's a forward or a back
+					if ( decodeURIComponent( opts.currentUrl ) === decodeURIComponent( historyEntry.url ) ) {
+						//define back and forward by whether url is older or newer than current page
+						back = i < urlHistory.activeIndex;
+						forward = !back;
+						newActiveIndex = i;
+					}
+				});
+				// save new page index, null check to prevent falsey 0 result
+				this.activeIndex = newActiveIndex !== undefined ? newActiveIndex : this.activeIndex;
+				if ( back ) {
+					( opts.either || opts.isBack )( true );
+				} else if ( forward ) {
+					( opts.either || opts.isForward )( false );
+				}
+			},
+			//disable hashchange event listener internally to ignore one change
+			//toggled internally when location.hash is updated to match the url of a successful page load
+			ignoreNextHashChange: false
+		},
+		//define first selector to receive focus when a page is shown
+		focusable = "[tabindex],a,button:visible,select:visible,input",
+		//queue to hold simultanious page transitions
+		pageTransitionQueue = [],
+		//indicates whether or not page is in process of transitioning
+		isPageTransitioning = false,
+		//nonsense hash change key for dialogs, so they create a history entry
+		dialogHashKey = "&ui-state=dialog",
+		//existing base tag?
+		$base = $head.children( "base" ),
+		//tuck away the original document URL minus any fragment.
+		documentUrl = path.parseLocation(),
+		//if the document has an embedded base tag, documentBase is set to its
+		//initial value. If a base tag does not exist, then we default to the documentUrl.
+		documentBase = $base.length ? path.parseUrl( path.makeUrlAbsolute( $base.attr( "href" ), documentUrl.href ) ) : documentUrl,
+		//cache the comparison once.
+		documentBaseDiffers = ( documentUrl.hrefNoHash !== documentBase.hrefNoHash ),
+		getScreenHeight = $.mobile.getScreenHeight;
+		//base element management, defined depending on dynamic base tag support
+		var base = $.support.dynamicBaseTag ? {
+			//define base element, for use in routing asset urls that are referenced in Ajax-requested markup
+			element: ( $base.length ? $base : $( "<base>", { href: documentBase.hrefNoHash } ).prependTo( $head ) ),
+			//set the generated BASE element's href attribute to a new page's base path
+			set: function( href ) {
+				base.element.attr( "href", path.makeUrlAbsolute( href, documentBase ) );
+			},
+			//set the generated BASE element's href attribute to a new page's base path
+			reset: function() {
+				base.element.attr( "href", documentBase.hrefNoHash );
+			}
+		} : undefined;
+	/* internal utility functions */
+	// NOTE Issue #4950 Android phonegap doesn't navigate back properly
+	//      when a full page refresh has taken place. It appears that hashchange
+	//      and replacestate history alterations work fine but we need to support
+	//      both forms of history traversal in our code that uses backward history
+	//      movement
+	$.mobile.back = function() {
+		var nav = window.navigator;
+		// if the setting is on and the navigator object is
+		// available use the phonegap navigation capability
+		if( this.phonegapNavigationEnabled &&
+			nav &&
+ &&
+ ){
+		} else {
+			window.history.back();
+		}
+	};
+	//direct focus to the page title, or otherwise first focusable element
+	$.mobile.focusPage = function ( page ) {
+		var autofocus = page.find( "[autofocus]" ),
+			pageTitle = page.find( ".ui-title:eq(0)" );
+		if ( autofocus.length ) {
+			autofocus.focus();
+			return;
+		}
+		if ( pageTitle.length ) {
+			pageTitle.focus();
+		} else{
+			page.focus();
+		}
+	};
+	//remove active classes after page transition or error
+	function removeActiveLinkClass( forceRemoval ) {
+		if ( !!$activeClickedLink && ( !$activeClickedLink.closest( "." + $.mobile.activePageClass ).length || forceRemoval ) ) {
+			$activeClickedLink.removeClass( $.mobile.activeBtnClass );
+		}
+		$activeClickedLink = null;
+	}
+	function releasePageTransitionLock() {
+		isPageTransitioning = false;
+		if ( pageTransitionQueue.length > 0 ) {
+			$.mobile.changePage.apply( null, pageTransitionQueue.pop() );
+		}
+	}
+	// Save the last scroll distance per page, before it is hidden
+	var setLastScrollEnabled = true,
+		setLastScroll, delayedSetLastScroll;
+	setLastScroll = function() {
+		// this barrier prevents setting the scroll value based on the browser
+		// scrolling the window based on a hashchange
+		if ( !setLastScrollEnabled ) {
+			return;
+		}
+		var active = $.mobile.urlHistory.getActive();
+		if ( active ) {
+			var lastScroll = $window.scrollTop();
+			// Set active page's lastScroll prop.
+			// If the location we're scrolling to is less than minScrollBack, let it go.
+			active.lastScroll = lastScroll < $.mobile.minScrollBack ? $.mobile.defaultHomeScroll : lastScroll;
+		}
+	};
+	// bind to scrollstop to gather scroll position. The delay allows for the hashchange
+	// event to fire and disable scroll recording in the case where the browser scrolls
+	// to the hash targets location (sometimes the top of the page). once pagechange fires
+	// getLastScroll is again permitted to operate
+	delayedSetLastScroll = function() {
+		setTimeout( setLastScroll, 100 );
+	};
+	// disable an scroll setting when a hashchange has been fired, this only works
+	// because the recording of the scroll position is delayed for 100ms after
+	// the browser might have changed the position because of the hashchange
+	$window.bind( $.support.pushState ? "popstate" : "hashchange", function() {
+		setLastScrollEnabled = false;
+	});
+	// handle initial hashchange from chrome :(
+	$ $.support.pushState ? "popstate" : "hashchange", function() {
+		setLastScrollEnabled = true;
+	});
+	// wait until the mobile page container has been determined to bind to pagechange
+	$ "pagecontainercreate", function() {
+		// once the page has changed, re-enable the scroll recording
+		$.mobile.pageContainer.bind( "pagechange", function() {
+			setLastScrollEnabled = true;
+			// remove any binding that previously existed on the get scroll
+			// which may or may not be different than the scroll element determined for
+			// this page previously
+			$window.unbind( "scrollstop", delayedSetLastScroll );
+			// determine and bind to the current scoll element which may be the window
+			// or in the case of touch overflow the element with touch overflow
+			$window.bind( "scrollstop", delayedSetLastScroll );
+		});
+	});
+	// bind to scrollstop for the first page as "pagechange" won't be fired in that case
+	$window.bind( "scrollstop", delayedSetLastScroll );
+	// No-op implementation of transition degradation
+	$.mobile._maybeDegradeTransition = $.mobile._maybeDegradeTransition || function( transition ) {
+		return transition;
+	};
+	//function for transitioning between two existing pages
+	function transitionPages( toPage, fromPage, transition, reverse ) {
+		if ( fromPage ) {
+			//trigger before show/hide events
+ "page" )._trigger( "beforehide", null, { nextPage: toPage } );
+		}
+ "page" )._trigger( "beforeshow", null, { prevPage: fromPage || $( "" ) } );
+		//clear page loader
+		$.mobile.hidePageLoadingMsg();
+		transition = $.mobile._maybeDegradeTransition( transition );
+		//find the transition handler for the specified transition. If there
+		//isn't one in our transitionHandlers dictionary, use the default one.
+		//call the handler immediately to kick-off the transition.
+		var th = $.mobile.transitionHandlers[ transition || "default" ] || $.mobile.defaultTransitionHandler,
+			promise = th( transition, reverse, toPage, fromPage );
+		promise.done(function() {
+			//trigger show/hide events
+			if ( fromPage ) {
+ "page" )._trigger( "hide", null, { nextPage: toPage } );
+			}
+			//trigger pageshow, define prevPage as either fromPage or empty jQuery obj
+ "page" )._trigger( "show", null, { prevPage: fromPage || $( "" ) } );
+			setTimeout( function () {
+				$.mobile.removeEventBlocker();
+			}, 0 );
+		});
+		return promise;
+	}
+	//shared page enhancements
+	function enhancePage( $page, role ) {
+		// If a role was specified, make sure the data-role attribute
+		// on the page element is in sync.
+		if ( role ) {
+			$page.attr( "data-" + $.mobile.ns + "role", role );
+		}
+		//run page plugin
+		$;
+	}
+	/* exposed $.mobile methods */
+	//animation complete callback
+	$.fn.animationComplete = function( callback ) {
+		if ( $.support.cssTransitions ) {
+			return $( this ).one( 'webkitAnimationEnd animationend', callback );
+		}
+		else{
+			// defer execution for consistency between webkit/non webkit
+			setTimeout( callback, 0 );
+			return $( this );
+		}
+	};
+	//expose path object on $.mobile
+	$.mobile.path = path;
+	//expose base object on $.mobile
+	$.mobile.base = base;
+	//history stack
+	$.mobile.urlHistory = urlHistory;
+	$.mobile.dialogHashKey = dialogHashKey;
+	//enable cross-domain page support
+	$.mobile.allowCrossDomainPages = false;
+	//return the original document url
+	$.mobile.getDocumentUrl = function( asParsedObject ) {
+		return asParsedObject ? $.extend( {}, documentUrl ) : documentUrl.href;
+	};
+	//return the original document base url
+	$.mobile.getDocumentBase = function( asParsedObject ) {
+		return asParsedObject ? $.extend( {}, documentBase ) : documentBase.href;
+	};
+	$.mobile._bindPageRemove = function() {
+		var page = $( this );
+		// when dom caching is not enabled or the page is embedded bind to remove the page on hide
+		if ( ! "page" ).options.domCache &&
+ ":jqmData(external-page='true')" ) ) {
+			page.bind( 'pagehide.remove', function() {
+				var $this = $( this ),
+					prEvent = new $.Event( "pageremove" );
+				$this.trigger( prEvent );
+				if ( !prEvent.isDefaultPrevented() ) {
+					$this.removeWithDependents();
+				}
+			});
+		}
+	};
+	// Load a page into the DOM.
+	$.mobile.loadPage = function( url, options ) {
+		// This function uses deferred notifications to let callers
+		// know when the page is done loading, or if an error has occurred.
+		var deferred = $.Deferred(),
+			// The default loadPage options with overrides specified by
+			// the caller.
+			settings = $.extend( {}, $.mobile.loadPage.defaults, options ),
+			// The DOM element for the page after it has been loaded.
+			page = null,
+			// If the reloadPage option is true, and the page is already
+			// in the DOM, dupCachedPage will be set to the page element
+			// so that it can be removed after the new version of the
+			// page is loaded off the network.
+			dupCachedPage = null,
+			// determine the current base url
+			findBaseWithDefault = function() {
+				var closestBase = ( $.mobile.activePage && getClosestBaseUrl( $.mobile.activePage ) );
+				return closestBase || documentBase.hrefNoHash;
+			},
+			// The absolute version of the URL passed into the function. This
+			// version of the URL may contain dialog/subpage params in it.
+			absUrl = path.makeUrlAbsolute( url, findBaseWithDefault() );
+		// If the caller provided data, and we're using "get" request,
+		// append the data to the URL.
+		if ( && settings.type === "get" ) {
+			absUrl = path.addSearchParams( absUrl, );
+ = undefined;
+		}
+		// If the caller is using a "post" request, reloadPage must be true
+		if ( && settings.type === "post" ) {
+			settings.reloadPage = true;
+		}
+		// The absolute version of the URL minus any dialog/subpage params.
+		// In otherwords the real URL of the page to be loaded.
+		var fileUrl = path.getFilePath( absUrl ),
+			// The version of the Url actually stored in the data-url attribute of
+			// the page. For embedded pages, it is just the id of the page. For pages
+			// within the same domain as the document base, it is the site relative
+			// path. For cross-domain pages (Phone Gap only) the entire absolute Url
+			// used to load the page.
+			dataUrl = path.convertUrlToDataUrl( absUrl );
+		// Make sure we have a pageContainer to work with.
+		settings.pageContainer = settings.pageContainer || $.mobile.pageContainer;
+		// Check to see if the page already exists in the DOM.
+		// NOTE do _not_ use the :jqmData psuedo selector because parenthesis
+		//      are a valid url char and it breaks on the first occurence
+		page = settings.pageContainer.children( "[data-" + $.mobile.ns +"url='" + dataUrl + "']" );
+		// If we failed to find the page, check to see if the url is a
+		// reference to an embedded page. If so, it may have been dynamically
+		// injected by a developer, in which case it would be lacking a data-url
+		// attribute and in need of enhancement.
+		if ( page.length === 0 && dataUrl && !path.isPath( dataUrl ) ) {
+			page = settings.pageContainer.children( "#" + dataUrl )
+				.attr( "data-" + $.mobile.ns + "url", dataUrl )
+				.jqmData( "url", dataUrl );
+		}
+		// If we failed to find a page in the DOM, check the URL to see if it
+		// refers to the first page in the application. If it isn't a reference
+		// to the first page and refers to non-existent embedded page, error out.
+		if ( page.length === 0 ) {
+			if ( $.mobile.firstPage && path.isFirstPageUrl( fileUrl ) ) {
+				// Check to make sure our cached-first-page is actually
+				// in the DOM. Some user deployed apps are pruning the first
+				// page from the DOM for various reasons, we check for this
+				// case here because we don't want a first-page with an id
+				// falling through to the non-existent embedded page error
+				// case. If the first-page is not in the DOM, then we let
+				// things fall through to the ajax loading code below so
+				// that it gets reloaded.
+				if ( $.mobile.firstPage.parent().length ) {
+					page = $( $.mobile.firstPage );
+				}
+			} else if ( path.isEmbeddedPage( fileUrl )  ) {
+				deferred.reject( absUrl, options );
+				return deferred.promise();
+			}
+		}
+		// If the page we are interested in is already in the DOM,
+		// and the caller did not indicate that we should force a
+		// reload of the file, we are done. Otherwise, track the
+		// existing page as a duplicated.
+		if ( page.length ) {
+			if ( !settings.reloadPage ) {
+				enhancePage( page, settings.role );
+				deferred.resolve( absUrl, options, page );
+				//if we are reloading the page make sure we update the base if its not a prefetch
+				if( base && ( !options || !options.prefetch ) ){
+					base.set(url);
+				}
+				return deferred.promise();
+			}
+			dupCachedPage = page;
+		}
+		var mpc = settings.pageContainer,
+			pblEvent = new $.Event( "pagebeforeload" ),
+			triggerData = { url: url, absUrl: absUrl, dataUrl: dataUrl, deferred: deferred, options: settings };
+		// Let listeners know we're about to load a page.
+		mpc.trigger( pblEvent, triggerData );
+		// If the default behavior is prevented, stop here!
+		if ( pblEvent.isDefaultPrevented() ) {
+			return deferred.promise();
+		}
+		if ( settings.showLoadMsg ) {
+			// This configurable timeout allows cached pages a brief delay to load without showing a message
+			var loadMsgDelay = setTimeout(function() {
+					$.mobile.showPageLoadingMsg();
+				}, settings.loadMsgDelay ),
+				// Shared logic for clearing timeout and removing message.
+				hideMsg = function() {
+					// Stop message show timer
+					clearTimeout( loadMsgDelay );
+					// Hide loading message
+					$.mobile.hidePageLoadingMsg();
+				};
+		}
+		// Reset base to the default document base.
+		// only reset if we are not prefetching
+		if ( base && ( typeof options === "undefined" || typeof options.prefetch === "undefined" ) ) {
+			base.reset();
+		}
+		if ( !( $.mobile.allowCrossDomainPages || path.isSameDomain( documentUrl, absUrl ) ) ) {
+			deferred.reject( absUrl, options );
+		} else {
+			// Load the new page.
+			$.ajax({
+				url: fileUrl,
+				type: settings.type,
+				data:,
+				dataType: "html",
+				success: function( html, textStatus, xhr ) {
+					//pre-parse html to check for a data-url,
+					//use it as the new fileUrl, base path, etc
+					var all = $( "<div></div>" ),
+						//page title regexp
+						newPageTitle = html.match( /<title[^>]*>([^<]*)/ ) && RegExp.$1,
+						// TODO handle dialogs again
+						pageElemRegex = new RegExp( "(<[^>]+\\bdata-" + $.mobile.ns + "role=[\"']?page[\"']?[^>]*>)" ),
+						dataUrlRegex = new RegExp( "\\bdata-" + $.mobile.ns + "url=[\"']?([^\"'>]*)[\"']?" );
+					// data-url must be provided for the base tag so resource requests can be directed to the
+					// correct url. loading into a temprorary element makes these requests immediately
+					if ( pageElemRegex.test( html ) &&
+							RegExp.$1 &&
+							dataUrlRegex.test( RegExp.$1 ) &&
+							RegExp.$1 ) {
+						url = fileUrl = path.getFilePath( $( "<div>" + RegExp.$1 + "</div>" ).text() );
+					}
+					//dont update the base tag if we are prefetching
+					if ( base && ( typeof options === "undefined" || typeof options.prefetch === "undefined" ) ) {
+						base.set( fileUrl );
+					}
+					//workaround to allow scripts to execute when included in page divs
+					all.get( 0 ).innerHTML = html;
+					page = all.find( ":jqmData(role='page'), :jqmData(role='dialog')" ).first();
+					//if page elem couldn't be found, create one and insert the body element's contents
+					if ( !page.length ) {
+						page = $( "<div data-" + $.mobile.ns + "role='page'>" + html.split( /<\/?body[^>]*>/gmi )[1] + "</div>" );
+					}
+					if ( newPageTitle && !page.jqmData( "title" ) ) {
+						if ( ~newPageTitle.indexOf( "&" ) ) {
+							newPageTitle = $( "<div>" + newPageTitle + "</div>" ).text();
+						}
+						page.jqmData( "title", newPageTitle );
+					}
+					//rewrite src and href attrs to use a base url
+					if ( !$.support.dynamicBaseTag ) {
+						var newPath = path.get( fileUrl );
+						page.find( "[src], link[href], a[rel='external'], :jqmData(ajax='false'), a[target]" ).each(function() {
+							var thisAttr = $( this ).is( '[href]' ) ? 'href' :
+									$( this ).is( '[src]' ) ? 'src' : 'action',
+								thisUrl = $( this ).attr( thisAttr );
+							// XXX_jblas: We need to fix this so that it removes the document
+							//            base URL, and then prepends with the new page URL.
+							//if full path exists and is same, chop it - helps IE out
+							thisUrl = thisUrl.replace( location.protocol + '//' + + location.pathname, '' );
+							if ( !/^(\w+:|#|\/)/.test( thisUrl ) ) {
+								$( this ).attr( thisAttr, newPath + thisUrl );
+							}
+						});
+					}
+					//append to page and enhance
+					// TODO taging a page with external to make sure that embedded pages aren't removed
+					//      by the various page handling code is bad. Having page handling code in many
+					//      places is bad. Solutions post 1.0
+					page
+						.attr( "data-" + $.mobile.ns + "url", path.convertUrlToDataUrl( fileUrl ) )
+						.attr( "data-" + $.mobile.ns + "external-page", true )
+						.appendTo( settings.pageContainer );
+					// wait for page creation to leverage options defined on widget
+ 'pagecreate', $.mobile._bindPageRemove );
+					enhancePage( page, settings.role );
+					// Enhancing the page may result in new dialogs/sub pages being inserted
+					// into the DOM. If the original absUrl refers to a sub-page, that is the
+					// real page we are interested in.
+					if ( absUrl.indexOf( "&" + $.mobile.subPageUrlKey ) > -1 ) {
+						page = settings.pageContainer.children( "[data-" + $.mobile.ns +"url='" + dataUrl + "']" );
+					}
+					//bind pageHide to removePage after it's hidden, if the page options specify to do so
+					// Remove loading message.
+					if ( settings.showLoadMsg ) {
+						hideMsg();
+					}
+					// Add the page reference and xhr to our triggerData.
+					triggerData.xhr = xhr;
+					triggerData.textStatus = textStatus;
+ = page;
+					// Let listeners know the page loaded successfully.
+					settings.pageContainer.trigger( "pageload", triggerData );
+					deferred.resolve( absUrl, options, page, dupCachedPage );
+				},
+				error: function( xhr, textStatus, errorThrown ) {
+					//set base back to current path
+					if ( base ) {
+						base.set( path.get() );
+					}
+					// Add error info to our triggerData.
+					triggerData.xhr = xhr;
+					triggerData.textStatus = textStatus;
+					triggerData.errorThrown = errorThrown;
+					var plfEvent = new $.Event( "pageloadfailed" );
+					// Let listeners know the page load failed.
+					settings.pageContainer.trigger( plfEvent, triggerData );
+					// If the default behavior is prevented, stop here!
+					// Note that it is the responsibility of the listener/handler
+					// that called preventDefault(), to resolve/reject the
+					// deferred object within the triggerData.
+					if ( plfEvent.isDefaultPrevented() ) {
+						return;
+					}
+					// Remove loading message.
+					if ( settings.showLoadMsg ) {
+						// Remove loading message.
+						hideMsg();
+						// show error message
+						$.mobile.showPageLoadingMsg( $.mobile.pageLoadErrorMessageTheme, $.mobile.pageLoadErrorMessage, true );
+						// hide after delay
+						setTimeout( $.mobile.hidePageLoadingMsg, 1500 );
+					}
+					deferred.reject( absUrl, options );
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		return deferred.promise();
+	};
+	$.mobile.loadPage.defaults = {
+		type: "get",
+		data: undefined,
+		reloadPage: false,
+		role: undefined, // By default we rely on the role defined by the @data-role attribute.
+		showLoadMsg: false,
+		pageContainer: undefined,
+		loadMsgDelay: 50 // This delay allows loads that pull from browser cache to occur without showing the loading message.
+	};
+	// Show a specific page in the page container.
+	$.mobile.changePage = function( toPage, options ) {
+		// If we are in the midst of a transition, queue the current request.
+		// We'll call changePage() once we're done with the current transition to
+		// service the request.
+		if ( isPageTransitioning ) {
+			pageTransitionQueue.unshift( arguments );
+			return;
+		}
+		var settings = $.extend( {}, $.mobile.changePage.defaults, options );
+		// Make sure we have a pageContainer to work with.
+		settings.pageContainer = settings.pageContainer || $.mobile.pageContainer;
+		// Make sure we have a fromPage.
+		settings.fromPage = settings.fromPage || $.mobile.activePage;
+		var mpc = settings.pageContainer,
+			pbcEvent = new $.Event( "pagebeforechange" ),
+			triggerData = { toPage: toPage, options: settings };
+		// Let listeners know we're about to change the current page.
+		mpc.trigger( pbcEvent, triggerData );
+		// If the default behavior is prevented, stop here!
+		if ( pbcEvent.isDefaultPrevented() ) {
+			return;
+		}
+		// We allow "pagebeforechange" observers to modify the toPage in the trigger
+		// data to allow for redirects. Make sure our toPage is updated.
+		toPage = triggerData.toPage;
+		// Set the isPageTransitioning flag to prevent any requests from
+		// entering this method while we are in the midst of loading a page
+		// or transitioning.
+		isPageTransitioning = true;
+		// If the caller passed us a url, call loadPage()
+		// to make sure it is loaded into the DOM. We'll listen
+		// to the promise object it returns so we know when
+		// it is done loading or if an error ocurred.
+		if ( typeof toPage === "string" ) {
+			$.mobile.loadPage( toPage, settings )
+				.done(function( url, options, newPage, dupCachedPage ) {
+					isPageTransitioning = false;
+					options.duplicateCachedPage = dupCachedPage;
+					$.mobile.changePage( newPage, options );
+				})
+				.fail(function( url, options ) {
+					isPageTransitioning = false;
+					//clear out the active button state
+					removeActiveLinkClass( true );
+					//release transition lock so navigation is free again
+					releasePageTransitionLock();
+					settings.pageContainer.trigger( "pagechangefailed", triggerData );
+				});
+			return;
+		}
+		// If we are going to the first-page of the application, we need to make
+		// sure settings.dataUrl is set to the application document url. This allows
+		// us to avoid generating a document url with an id hash in the case where the
+		// first-page of the document has an id attribute specified.
+		if ( toPage[ 0 ] === $.mobile.firstPage[ 0 ] && !settings.dataUrl ) {
+			settings.dataUrl = documentUrl.hrefNoHash;
+		}
+		// The caller passed us a real page DOM element. Update our
+		// internal state and then trigger a transition to the page.
+		var fromPage = settings.fromPage,
+			url = ( settings.dataUrl && path.convertUrlToDataUrl( settings.dataUrl ) ) || toPage.jqmData( "url" ),
+			// The pageUrl var is usually the same as url, except when url is obscured as a dialog url. pageUrl always contains the file path
+			pageUrl = url,
+			fileUrl = path.getFilePath( url ),
+			active = urlHistory.getActive(),
+			activeIsInitialPage = urlHistory.activeIndex === 0,
+			historyDir = 0,
+			pageTitle = document.title,
+			isDialog = settings.role === "dialog" || $.mobile.getAttrFixed( toPage [0], "data-" + $.mobile.ns + "role" ) === "dialog";
+		// By default, we prevent changePage requests when the fromPage and toPage
+		// are the same element, but folks that generate content manually/dynamically
+		// and reuse pages want to be able to transition to the same page. To allow
+		// this, they will need to change the default value of allowSamePageTransition
+		// to true, *OR*, pass it in as an option when they manually call changePage().
+		// It should be noted that our default transition animations assume that the
+		// formPage and toPage are different elements, so they may behave unexpectedly.
+		// It is up to the developer that turns on the allowSamePageTransitiona option
+		// to either turn off transition animations, or make sure that an appropriate
+		// animation transition is used.
+		if ( fromPage && fromPage[0] === toPage[0] && !settings.allowSamePageTransition ) {
+			isPageTransitioning = false;
+			mpc.trigger( "pagechange", triggerData );
+			// Even if there is no page change to be done, we should keep the urlHistory in sync with the hash changes
+			if ( settings.fromHashChange ) {
+				urlHistory.directHashChange({
+					currentUrl:	url,
+					isBack:		function() {},
+					isForward:	function() {}
+				});
+			}
+			return;
+		}
+		// We need to make sure the page we are given has already been enhanced.
+		enhancePage( toPage, settings.role );
+		// If the changePage request was sent from a hashChange event, check to see if the
+		// page is already within the urlHistory stack. If so, we'll assume the user hit
+		// the forward/back button and will try to match the transition accordingly.
+		if ( settings.fromHashChange ) {
+			urlHistory.directHashChange({
+				currentUrl:	url,
+				isBack:		function() { historyDir = -1; },
+				isForward:	function() { historyDir = 1; }
+			});
+		}
+		// Kill the keyboard.
+		// XXX_jblas: We need to stop crawling the entire document to kill focus. Instead,
+		//            we should be tracking focus with a delegate() handler so we already have
+		//            the element in hand at this point.
+		// Wrap this in a try/catch block since IE9 throw "Unspecified error" if document.activeElement
+		// is undefined when we are in an IFrame.
+		try {
+			if ( document.activeElement && document.activeElement.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== 'body' ) {
+				$( document.activeElement ).blur();
+			} else {
+				$( "input:focus, textarea:focus, select:focus" ).blur();
+			}
+		} catch( e ) {}
+		// Record whether we are at a place in history where a dialog used to be - if so, do not add a new history entry and do not change the hash either
+		var alreadyThere = false;
+		// If we're displaying the page as a dialog, we don't want the url
+		// for the dialog content to be used in the hash. Instead, we want
+		// to append the dialogHashKey to the url of the current page.
+		if ( isDialog && active ) {
+			// on the initial page load active.url is undefined and in that case should
+			// be an empty string. Moving the undefined -> empty string back into
+			// urlHistory.addNew seemed imprudent given undefined better represents
+			// the url state
+			// If we are at a place in history that once belonged to a dialog, reuse
+			// this state without adding to urlHistory and without modifying the hash.
+			// However, if a dialog is already displayed at this point, and we're
+			// about to display another dialog, then we must add another hash and
+			// history entry on top so that one may navigate back to the original dialog
+			if ( active.url.indexOf( dialogHashKey ) > -1 && !$ ".ui-dialog" ) ) {
+				settings.changeHash = false;
+				alreadyThere = true;
+			}
+			// Normally, we tack on a dialog hash key, but if this is the location of a stale dialog,
+			// we reuse the URL from the entry
+			url = ( active.url || "" ) + ( alreadyThere ? "" : dialogHashKey );
+			// tack on another dialogHashKey if this is the same as the initial hash
+			// this makes sure that a history entry is created for this dialog
+			if ( urlHistory.activeIndex === 0 && url === urlHistory.initialDst ) {
+				url += dialogHashKey;
+			}
+		}
+		// Set the location hash.
+		if ( settings.changeHash !== false && url ) {
+			//disable hash listening temporarily
+			urlHistory.ignoreNextHashChange = true;
+			//update hash and history
+			path.set( url );
+		}
+		// if title element wasn't found, try the page div data attr too
+		// If this is a deep-link or a reload ( active === undefined ) then just use pageTitle
+		var newPageTitle = ( !active )? pageTitle : toPage.jqmData( "title" ) || toPage.children( ":jqmData(role='header')" ).find( ".ui-title" ).getEncodedText();
+		if ( !!newPageTitle && pageTitle === document.title ) {
+			pageTitle = newPageTitle;
+		}
+		if ( !toPage.jqmData( "title" ) ) {
+			toPage.jqmData( "title", pageTitle );
+		}
+		// Make sure we have a transition defined.
+		settings.transition = settings.transition ||
+			( ( historyDir && !activeIsInitialPage ) ? active.transition : undefined ) ||
+			( isDialog ? $.mobile.defaultDialogTransition : $.mobile.defaultPageTransition );
+		//add page to history stack if it's not back or forward
+		if ( !historyDir ) {
+			// Overwrite the current entry if it's a leftover from a dialog
+			if ( alreadyThere ) {
+				urlHistory.activeIndex = Math.max( 0, urlHistory.activeIndex - 1 );
+			}
+			urlHistory.addNew( url, settings.transition, pageTitle, pageUrl, settings.role );
+		}
+		//set page title
+		document.title = urlHistory.getActive().title;
+		//set "toPage" as activePage
+		$.mobile.activePage = toPage;
+		// If we're navigating back in the URL history, set reverse accordingly.
+		settings.reverse = settings.reverse || historyDir < 0;
+		transitionPages( toPage, fromPage, settings.transition, settings.reverse )
+			.done(function( name, reverse, $to, $from, alreadyFocused ) {
+				removeActiveLinkClass();
+				//if there's a duplicateCachedPage, remove it from the DOM now that it's hidden
+				if ( settings.duplicateCachedPage ) {
+					settings.duplicateCachedPage.remove();
+				}
+				// Send focus to the newly shown page. Moved from promise .done binding in transitionPages
+				// itself to avoid ie bug that reports offsetWidth as > 0 (core check for visibility)
+				// despite visibility: hidden addresses issue #2965
+				//
+				if ( !alreadyFocused ) {
+					$.mobile.focusPage( toPage );
+				}
+				releasePageTransitionLock();
+				// Let listeners know we're all done changing the current page.
+				mpc.trigger( "pagechange", triggerData );
+			});
+	};
+	$.mobile.changePage.defaults = {
+		transition: undefined,
+		reverse: false,
+		changeHash: true,
+		fromHashChange: false,
+		role: undefined, // By default we rely on the role defined by the @data-role attribute.
+		duplicateCachedPage: undefined,
+		pageContainer: undefined,
+		showLoadMsg: true, //loading message shows by default when pages are being fetched during changePage
+		dataUrl: undefined,
+		fromPage: undefined,
+		allowSamePageTransition: false
+	};
+/* Event Bindings - hashchange, submit, and click */
+	function findClosestLink( ele )
+	{
+		while ( ele ) {
+			// Look for the closest element with a nodeName of "a".
+			// Note that we are checking if we have a valid nodeName
+			// before attempting to access it. This is because the
+			// node we get called with could have originated from within
+			// an embedded SVG document where some symbol instance elements
+			// don't have nodeName defined on them, or strings are of type
+			// SVGAnimatedString.
+			if ( ( typeof ele.nodeName === "string" ) && ele.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "a" ) {
+				break;
+			}
+			ele = ele.parentNode;
+		}
+		return ele;
+	}
+	// The base URL for any given element depends on the page it resides in.
+	function getClosestBaseUrl( ele )
+	{
+		// Find the closest page and extract out its url.
+		var url = $( ele ).closest( ".ui-page" ).jqmData( "url" ),
+			base = documentBase.hrefNoHash;
+		if ( !url || !path.isPath( url ) ) {
+			url = base;
+		}
+		return path.makeUrlAbsolute( url, base);
+	}
+	//The following event bindings should be bound after mobileinit has been triggered
+	//the following deferred is resolved in the init file
+	$.mobile.navreadyDeferred = $.Deferred();
+	$.mobile.navreadyDeferred.done(function() {
+		//bind to form submit events, handle with Ajax
+		$.mobile.$document.delegate( "form", "submit", function( event ) {
+			var $this = $( this );
+			if ( !$.mobile.ajaxEnabled ||
+					// test that the form is, itself, ajax false
+					$ ":jqmData(ajax='false')" ) ||
+					// test that $.mobile.ignoreContentEnabled is set and
+					// the form or one of it's parents is ajax=false
+					!$this.jqmHijackable().length ) {
+				return;
+			}
+			var type = $this.attr( "method" ),
+				target = $this.attr( "target" ),
+				url = $this.attr( "action" );
+			// If no action is specified, browsers default to using the
+			// URL of the document containing the form. Since we dynamically
+			// pull in pages from external documents, the form should submit
+			// to the URL for the source document of the page containing
+			// the form.
+			if ( !url ) {
+				// Get the @data-url for the page containing the form.
+				url = getClosestBaseUrl( $this );
+				if ( url === documentBase.hrefNoHash ) {
+					// The url we got back matches the document base,
+					// which means the page must be an internal/embedded page,
+					// so default to using the actual document url as a browser
+					// would.
+					url = documentUrl.hrefNoSearch;
+				}
+			}
+			url = path.makeUrlAbsolute(  url, getClosestBaseUrl( $this ) );
+			if ( ( path.isExternal( url ) && !path.isPermittedCrossDomainRequest( documentUrl, url ) ) || target ) {
+				return;
+			}
+			$.mobile.changePage(
+				url,
+				{
+					type:		type && type.length && type.toLowerCase() || "get",
+					data:		$this.serialize(),
+					transition:	$.mobile.getAttrFixed( $this [0], "data-" + $.mobile.ns + "transition" ),
+					reverse:	$.mobile.getAttrFixed( $this [0], "data-" + $.mobile.ns + "direction" ) === "reverse",
+					reloadPage:	true
+				}
+			);
+			event.preventDefault();
+		});
+		//add active state on vclick
+		$.mobile.$document.bind( "vclick", function( event ) {
+			// if this isn't a left click we don't care. Its important to note
+			// that when the virtual event is generated it will create the which attr
+			if ( event.which > 1 || !$.mobile.linkBindingEnabled ) {
+				return;
+			}
+			var link = findClosestLink( );
+			// split from the previous return logic to avoid find closest where possible
+			// TODO teach $.mobile.hijackable to operate on raw dom elements so the link wrapping
+			// can be avoided
+			if ( !$( link ).jqmHijackable().length ) {
+				return;
+			}
+			if ( link ) {
+				if ( path.parseUrl( link.getAttribute( "href" ) || "#" ).hash !== "#" ) {
+					removeActiveLinkClass( true );
+					$activeClickedLink = $( link ).closest( ".ui-btn" ).not( ".ui-disabled" );
+					$activeClickedLink.addClass( $.mobile.activeBtnClass );
+				}
+			}
+		});
+		// click routing - direct to HTTP or Ajax, accordingly
+		$.mobile.$document.bind( "click", function( event ) {
+			if ( !$.mobile.linkBindingEnabled ) {
+				return;
+			}
+			var link = findClosestLink( ), $link = $( link ), httpCleanup;
+			// If there is no link associated with the click or its not a left
+			// click we want to ignore the click
+			// TODO teach $.mobile.hijackable to operate on raw dom elements so the link wrapping
+			// can be avoided
+			if ( !link || event.which > 1 || !$link.jqmHijackable().length ) {
+				return;
+			}
+			//remove active link class if external (then it won't be there if you come back)
+			httpCleanup = function() {
+				window.setTimeout(function() { removeActiveLinkClass( true ); }, 200 );
+			};
+			//if there's a data-rel=back attr, go back in history
+			if ( $ ":jqmData(rel='back')" ) ) {
+				$.mobile.back();
+				return false;
+			}
+			var baseUrl = getClosestBaseUrl( $link ),
+				//get href, if defined, otherwise default to empty hash
+				href = path.makeUrlAbsolute( $link.attr( "href" ) || "#", baseUrl );
+			//if ajax is disabled, exit early
+			if ( !$.mobile.ajaxEnabled && !path.isEmbeddedPage( href ) ) {
+				httpCleanup();
+				//use default click handling
+				return;
+			}
+			// XXX_jblas: Ideally links to application pages should be specified as
+			//            an url to the application document with a hash that is either
+			//            the site relative path or id to the page. But some of the
+			//            internal code that dynamically generates sub-pages for nested
+			//            lists and select dialogs, just write a hash in the link they
+			//            create. This means the actual URL path is based on whatever
+			//            the current value of the base tag is at the time this code
+			//            is called. For now we are just assuming that any url with a
+			//            hash in it is an application page reference.
+			if ( "#" ) !== -1 ) {
+				href = href.replace( /[^#]*#/, "" );
+				if ( !href ) {
+					//link was an empty hash meant purely
+					//for interaction, so we ignore it.
+					event.preventDefault();
+					return;
+				} else if ( path.isPath( href ) ) {
+					//we have apath so make it the href we want to load.
+					href = path.makeUrlAbsolute( href, baseUrl );
+				} else {
+					//we have a simple id so use the documentUrl as its base.
+					href = path.makeUrlAbsolute( "#" + href, documentUrl.hrefNoHash );
+				}
+			}
+				// Should we handle this link, or let the browser deal with it?
+			var useDefaultUrlHandling = $ "[rel='external']" ) || $ ":jqmData(ajax='false')" ) || $ "[target]" ),
+				// Some embedded browsers, like the web view in Phone Gap, allow cross-domain XHR
+				// requests if the document doing the request was loaded via the file:// protocol.
+				// This is usually to allow the application to "phone home" and fetch app specific
+				// data. We normally let the browser handle external/cross-domain urls, but if the
+				// allowCrossDomainPages option is true, we will allow cross-domain http/https
+				// requests to go through our page loading logic.
+				//check for protocol or rel and its not an embedded page
+				//TODO overlap in logic from isExternal, rel=external check should be
+				//     moved into more comprehensive isExternalLink
+				isExternal = useDefaultUrlHandling || ( path.isExternal( href ) && !path.isPermittedCrossDomainRequest( documentUrl, href ) );
+			if ( isExternal ) {
+				httpCleanup();
+				//use default click handling
+				return;
+			}
+			//use ajax
+			var transition = $.mobile.getAttrFixed( $link [0], "data-" + $.mobile.ns + "transition" ),
+				reverse =  $.mobile.getAttrFixed( $link [0], "data-" + $.mobile.ns + "direction" ) === "reverse" ||
+							// deprecated - remove by 1.0
+							 $.mobile.getAttrFixed( $link [0], "data-" + $.mobile.ns + "back" ),
+				//this may need to be more specific as we use data-rel more
+				role = $link.attr( "data-" + $.mobile.ns + "rel" ) || undefined;
+			$.mobile.changePage( href, { transition: transition, reverse: reverse, role: role, link: $link } );
+			event.preventDefault();
+		});
+		//prefetch pages when anchors with data-prefetch are encountered
+		$.mobile.$document.delegate( ".ui-page", "pageshow.prefetch", function() {
+			var urls = [];
+			$( this ).find( "a:jqmData(prefetch)" ).each(function() {
+				var $link = $( this ),
+					url = $link.attr( "href" );
+				if ( url && $.inArray( url, urls ) === -1 ) {
+					urls.push( url );
+					$.mobile.loadPage( url, { role: $link.attr( "data-" + $.mobile.ns + "rel" ),prefetch: true } );
+				}
+			});
+		});
+		$.mobile._handleHashChange = function( hash ) {
+			//find first page via hash
+			var to = path.stripHash( hash ),
+				//transition is false if it's the first page, undefined otherwise (and may be overridden by default)
+				transition = $.mobile.urlHistory.stack.length === 0 ? "none" : undefined,
+				// "navigate" event fired to allow others to take advantage of the more robust hashchange handling
+				navEvent = new $.Event( "navigate" ),
+				// default options for the changPage calls made after examining the current state
+				// of the page and the hash
+				changePageOptions = {
+					transition: transition,
+					changeHash: false,
+					fromHashChange: true
+				};
+			if ( 0 === urlHistory.stack.length ) {
+				urlHistory.initialDst = to;
+			}
+			// We should probably fire the "navigate" event from those places that make calls to _handleHashChange,
+			// and have _handleHashChange hook into the "navigate" event instead of triggering it here
+			$.mobile.pageContainer.trigger( navEvent );
+			if ( navEvent.isDefaultPrevented() ) {
+				return;
+			}
+			//if listening is disabled (either globally or temporarily), or it's a dialog hash
+			if ( !$.mobile.hashListeningEnabled || urlHistory.ignoreNextHashChange ) {
+				urlHistory.ignoreNextHashChange = false;
+				return;
+			}
+			// special case for dialogs
+			if ( urlHistory.stack.length > 1 && to.indexOf( dialogHashKey ) > -1 && urlHistory.initialDst !== to ) {
+				// If current active page is not a dialog skip the dialog and continue
+				// in the same direction
+				if ( !$ ".ui-dialog" ) ) {
+					//determine if we're heading forward or backward and continue accordingly past
+					//the current dialog
+					urlHistory.directHashChange({
+						currentUrl: to,
+						isBack: function() { $.mobile.back(); },
+						isForward: function() { window.history.forward(); }
+					});
+					// prevent changePage()
+					return;
+				} else {
+					// if the current active page is a dialog and we're navigating
+					// to a dialog use the dialog objected saved in the stack
+					urlHistory.directHashChange({
+						currentUrl: to,
+						// regardless of the direction of the history change
+						// do the following
+						either: function( isBack ) {
+							var active = $.mobile.urlHistory.getActive();
+							to = active.pageUrl;
+							// make sure to set the role, transition and reversal
+							// as most of this is lost by the domCache cleaning
+							$.extend( changePageOptions, {
+								role: active.role,
+								transition: active.transition,
+								reverse: isBack
+							});
+						}
+					});
+				}
+			}
+			//if to is defined, load it
+			if ( to ) {
+				// At this point, 'to' can be one of 3 things, a cached page element from
+				// a history stack entry, an id, or site-relative/absolute URL. If 'to' is
+				// an id, we need to resolve it against the documentBase, not the location.href,
+				// since the hashchange could've been the result of a forward/backward navigation
+				// that crosses from an external page/dialog to an internal page/dialog.
+				to = ( typeof to === "string" && !path.isPath( to ) ) ? ( path.makeUrlAbsolute( '#' + to, documentBase ) ) : to;
+				// If we're about to go to an initial URL that contains a reference to a non-existent
+				// internal page, go to the first page instead. We know that the initial hash refers to a
+				// non-existent page, because the initial hash did not end up in the initial urlHistory entry
+				if ( to === path.makeUrlAbsolute( '#' + urlHistory.initialDst, documentBase ) &&
+					urlHistory.stack.length && urlHistory.stack[0].url !== urlHistory.initialDst.replace( dialogHashKey, "" ) ) {
+					to = $.mobile.firstPage;
+				}
+				$.mobile.changePage( to, changePageOptions );
+			}	else {
+				//there's no hash, go to the first page in the dom
+				$.mobile.changePage( $.mobile.firstPage, changePageOptions );
+			}
+		};
+		//hashchange event handler
+		$window.bind( "hashchange", function( e, triggered ) {
+			// Firefox auto-escapes the location.hash as for v13 but
+			// leaves the href untouched
+			$.mobile._handleHashChange( path.parseLocation().hash );
+		});
+	});//navreadyDeferred done callback
+})( jQuery );
+//>>excludeStart("jqmBuildExclude", pragmas.jqmBuildExclude);