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[GitHub] csantanapr closed pull request #2: Added support for configurable java action method name

csantanapr closed pull request #2: Added support for configurable java action method name

This is a PR merged from a forked repository.
As GitHub hides the original diff on merge, it is displayed below for
the sake of provenance:

As this is a foreign pull request (from a fork), the diff is supplied
below (as it won't show otherwise due to GitHub magic):

diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..489e504
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Java 8 OpenWhisk Runtime Container
+## 1.0.1
+- Allow custom name for main Class
+## 1.0.0
+- Initial release
diff --git a/core/javaAction/proxy/src/main/java/openwhisk/java/action/ b/core/javaAction/proxy/src/main/java/openwhisk/java/action/
index 13bf617..76de8f0 100644
--- a/core/javaAction/proxy/src/main/java/openwhisk/java/action/
+++ b/core/javaAction/proxy/src/main/java/openwhisk/java/action/
@@ -52,13 +52,17 @@ public static Path saveBase64EncodedFile(InputStream encoded) throws Exception {
         return destinationPath;
-    public JarLoader(Path jarPath, String mainClassName)
+    public JarLoader(Path jarPath, String entrypoint)
             throws MalformedURLException, ClassNotFoundException, NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException {
         super(new URL[] { jarPath.toUri().toURL() });
-        this.mainClass = loadClass(mainClassName);
+        final String[] splittedEntrypoint = entrypoint.split("#");
+        final String entrypointClassName = splittedEntrypoint[0];
+        final String entrypointMethodName = splittedEntrypoint.length > 1 ? splittedEntrypoint[1] : "main";
-        Method m = mainClass.getMethod("main", new Class[] { JsonObject.class });
+        this.mainClass = loadClass(entrypointClassName);
+        Method m = mainClass.getMethod(entrypointMethodName, new Class[] { JsonObject.class });
         int modifiers = m.getModifiers();
         if (m.getReturnType() != JsonObject.class || !Modifier.isStatic(modifiers) || !Modifier.isPublic(modifiers)) {
diff --git a/tests/src/test/scala/actionContainers/JavaActionContainerTests.scala b/tests/src/test/scala/actionContainers/JavaActionContainerTests.scala
index 297a8f6..7992892 100644
--- a/tests/src/test/scala/actionContainers/JavaActionContainerTests.scala
+++ b/tests/src/test/scala/actionContainers/JavaActionContainerTests.scala
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
  * limitations under the License.
-package runtime.actionContainers
+package actionContainers
 import org.junit.runner.RunWith
 import org.scalatest.FlatSpec
@@ -55,24 +55,25 @@ class JavaActionContainerTests extends FlatSpec with Matchers with WskActorSyste
         { c =>
           val jar = JarBuilder.mkBase64Jar(
-            Seq("example", "") -> """
-                    | package example;
-                    |
-                    | import;
-                    |
-                    | public class HelloWhisk {
-                    |     public static JsonObject main(JsonObject args) {
-                    |         JsonObject response = new JsonObject();
-                    |         response.addProperty("api_host", System.getenv("__OW_API_HOST"));
-                    |         response.addProperty("api_key", System.getenv("__OW_API_KEY"));
-                    |         response.addProperty("namespace", System.getenv("__OW_NAMESPACE"));
-                    |         response.addProperty("action_name", System.getenv("__OW_ACTION_NAME"));
-                    |         response.addProperty("activation_id", System.getenv("__OW_ACTIVATION_ID"));
-                    |         response.addProperty("deadline", System.getenv("__OW_DEADLINE"));
-                    |         return response;
-                    |     }
-                    | }
-                """.stripMargin.trim)
+            Seq("example", "") ->
+              """
+                | package example;
+                |
+                | import;
+                |
+                | public class HelloWhisk {
+                |     public static JsonObject main(JsonObject args) {
+                |         JsonObject response = new JsonObject();
+                |         response.addProperty("api_host", System.getenv("__OW_API_HOST"));
+                |         response.addProperty("api_key", System.getenv("__OW_API_KEY"));
+                |         response.addProperty("namespace", System.getenv("__OW_NAMESPACE"));
+                |         response.addProperty("action_name", System.getenv("__OW_ACTION_NAME"));
+                |         response.addProperty("activation_id", System.getenv("__OW_ACTIVATION_ID"));
+                |         response.addProperty("deadline", System.getenv("__OW_DEADLINE"));
+                |         return response;
+                |     }
+                | }
+              """.stripMargin.trim)
           val (initCode, _) = c.init(initPayload("example.HelloWhisk", jar))
           initCode should be(200)
@@ -93,20 +94,21 @@ class JavaActionContainerTests extends FlatSpec with Matchers with WskActorSyste
   it should "support valid flows" in {
     val (out, err) = withJavaContainer { c =>
       val jar = JarBuilder.mkBase64Jar(
-        Seq("example", "") -> """
-                    | package example;
-                    |
-                    | import;
-                    |
-                    | public class HelloWhisk {
-                    |     public static JsonObject main(JsonObject args) {
-                    |         String name = args.getAsJsonPrimitive("name").getAsString();
-                    |         JsonObject response = new JsonObject();
-                    |         response.addProperty("greeting", "Hello " + name + "!");
-                    |         return response;
-                    |     }
-                    | }
-                """.stripMargin.trim)
+        Seq("example", "") ->
+          """
+            | package example;
+            |
+            | import;
+            |
+            | public class HelloWhisk {
+            |     public static JsonObject main(JsonObject args) {
+            |         String name = args.getAsJsonPrimitive("name").getAsString();
+            |         JsonObject response = new JsonObject();
+            |         response.addProperty("greeting", "Hello " + name + "!");
+            |         return response;
+            |     }
+            | }
+          """.stripMargin.trim)
       val (initCode, _) = c.init(initPayload("example.HelloWhisk", jar))
       initCode should be(200)
@@ -124,25 +126,95 @@ class JavaActionContainerTests extends FlatSpec with Matchers with WskActorSyste
     err.trim shouldBe empty
+  it should "support valid actions with non 'main' names" in {
+    val (out, err) = withJavaContainer { c =>
+      val jar = JarBuilder.mkBase64Jar(
+        Seq("example", "") ->
+          """
+            | package example;
+            |
+            | import;
+            |
+            | public class HelloWhisk {
+            |     public static JsonObject hello(JsonObject args) {
+            |         String name = args.getAsJsonPrimitive("name").getAsString();
+            |         JsonObject response = new JsonObject();
+            |         response.addProperty("greeting", "Hello " + name + "!");
+            |         return response;
+            |     }
+            | }
+          """.stripMargin.trim)
+      val (initCode, _) = c.init(initPayload("example.HelloWhisk#hello", jar))
+      initCode should be(200)
+      val (runCode, out) ="name" -> JsString("Whisk"))))
+      runCode should be(200)
+      out should be(Some(JsObject("greeting" -> JsString("Hello Whisk!"))))
+    }
+    out.trim shouldBe empty
+    err.trim shouldBe empty
+  }
+  it should "report an error if explicit 'main' is not found" in {
+    val (out, err) = withJavaContainer { c =>
+      val jar = JarBuilder.mkBase64Jar(
+        Seq("example", "") ->
+          """
+            | package example;
+            |
+            | import;
+            |
+            | public class HelloWhisk {
+            |     public static JsonObject hello(JsonObject args) {
+            |         String name = args.getAsJsonPrimitive("name").getAsString();
+            |         JsonObject response = new JsonObject();
+            |         response.addProperty("greeting", "Hello " + name + "!");
+            |         return response;
+            |     }
+            | }
+          """.stripMargin.trim)
+      Seq("", "x", "!", "#", "#main", "#bogus").foreach { m =>
+        val (initCode, out) = c.init(initPayload(s"example.HelloWhisk$m", jar))
+        initCode shouldBe 502
+        out shouldBe {
+          val error = m match {
+            case c if c == "x" || c == "!" => s"java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: example.HelloWhisk$c"
+            case "#bogus"                  => "java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: example.HelloWhisk.bogus("
+            case _                         => "java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: example.HelloWhisk.main("
+          }
+          Some(JsObject("error" -> s"An error has occurred (see logs for details): $error".toJson))
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    out.trim shouldBe empty
+    err.trim should not be empty
+  }
   it should "handle unicode in source, input params, logs, and result" in {
     val (out, err) = withJavaContainer { c =>
       val jar = JarBuilder.mkBase64Jar(
-        Seq("example", "") -> """
-                    | package example;
-                    |
-                    | import;
-                    |
-                    | public class HelloWhisk {
-                    |     public static JsonObject main(JsonObject args) {
-                    |         String delimiter = args.getAsJsonPrimitive("delimiter").getAsString();
-                    |         JsonObject response = new JsonObject();
-                    |          String str = delimiter + " ? " + delimiter;
-                    |          System.out.println(str);
-                    |          response.addProperty("winter", str);
-                    |          return response;
-                    |     }
-                    | }
-            """.stripMargin)
+        Seq("example", "") ->
+          """
+            | package example;
+            |
+            | import;
+            |
+            | public class HelloWhisk {
+            |     public static JsonObject main(JsonObject args) {
+            |         String delimiter = args.getAsJsonPrimitive("delimiter").getAsString();
+            |         JsonObject response = new JsonObject();
+            |          String str = delimiter + " ? " + delimiter;
+            |          System.out.println(str);
+            |          response.addProperty("winter", str);
+            |          return response;
+            |     }
+            | }
+          """.stripMargin)
       val (initCode, _) = c.init(initPayload("example.HelloWhisk", jar))
       val (runCode, runRes) ="delimiter" -> JsString("?"))))
@@ -175,17 +247,18 @@ class JavaActionContainerTests extends FlatSpec with Matchers with WskActorSyste
   it should "return some error on action error" in {
     val (out, err) = withJavaContainer { c =>
       val jar = JarBuilder.mkBase64Jar(
-        Seq("example", "") -> """
-                    | package example;
-                    |
-                    | import;
-                    |
-                    | public class HelloWhisk {
-                    |     public static JsonObject main(JsonObject args) throws Exception {
-                    |         throw new Exception("noooooooo");
-                    |     }
-                    | }
-                """.stripMargin.trim)
+        Seq("example", "") ->
+          """
+            | package example;
+            |
+            | import;
+            |
+            | public class HelloWhisk {
+            |     public static JsonObject main(JsonObject args) throws Exception {
+            |         throw new Exception("noooooooo");
+            |     }
+            | }
+          """.stripMargin.trim)
       val (initCode, _) = c.init(initPayload("example.HelloWhisk", jar))
       initCode should be(200)
@@ -204,19 +277,20 @@ class JavaActionContainerTests extends FlatSpec with Matchers with WskActorSyste
   it should "support application errors" in {
     val (out, err) = withJavaContainer { c =>
       val jar = JarBuilder.mkBase64Jar(
-        Seq("example", "") -> """
-                    | package example;
-                    |
-                    | import;
-                    |
-                    | public class Error {
-                    |     public static JsonObject main(JsonObject args) throws Exception {
-                    |         JsonObject error = new JsonObject();
-                    |         error.addProperty("error", "This action is unhappy.");
-                    |         return error;
-                    |     }
-                    | }
-                """.stripMargin.trim)
+        Seq("example", "") ->
+          """
+            | package example;
+            |
+            | import;
+            |
+            | public class Error {
+            |     public static JsonObject main(JsonObject args) throws Exception {
+            |         JsonObject error = new JsonObject();
+            |         error.addProperty("error", "This action is unhappy.");
+            |         return error;
+            |     }
+            | }
+          """.stripMargin.trim)
       val (initCode, _) = c.init(initPayload("example.Error", jar))
       initCode should be(200)
@@ -234,19 +308,20 @@ class JavaActionContainerTests extends FlatSpec with Matchers with WskActorSyste
   it should "survive System.exit" in {
     val (out, err) = withJavaContainer { c =>
-      val jar =
-        JarBuilder.mkBase64Jar(Seq("example", "") -> """
-                    | package example;
-                    |
-                    | import*;
-                    |
-                    | public class Quitter {
-                    |     public static JsonObject main(JsonObject main) {
-                    |         System.exit(1);
-                    |         return new JsonObject();
-                    |     }
-                    | }
-                """.stripMargin.trim)
+      val jar = JarBuilder.mkBase64Jar(
+        Seq("example", "") ->
+          """
+            | package example;
+            |
+            | import*;
+            |
+            | public class Quitter {
+            |     public static JsonObject main(JsonObject main) {
+            |         System.exit(1);
+            |         return new JsonObject();
+            |     }
+            | }
+          """.stripMargin.trim)
       val (initCode, _) = c.init(initPayload("example.Quitter", jar))
       initCode should be(200)
@@ -264,18 +339,19 @@ class JavaActionContainerTests extends FlatSpec with Matchers with WskActorSyste
   it should "enforce that the user returns an object" in {
     withJavaContainer { c =>
-      val jar =
-        JarBuilder.mkBase64Jar(Seq("example", "") -> """
-                    | package example;
-                    |
-                    | import*;
-                    |
-                    | public class Nuller {
-                    |     public static JsonObject main(JsonObject args) {
-                    |         return null;
-                    |     }
-                    | }
-                """.stripMargin.trim)
+      val jar = JarBuilder.mkBase64Jar(
+        Seq("example", "") ->
+          """
+            | package example;
+            |
+            | import*;
+            |
+            | public class Nuller {
+            |     public static JsonObject main(JsonObject args) {
+            |         return null;
+            |     }
+            | }
+          """.stripMargin.trim)
       val (initCode, _) = c.init(initPayload("example.Nuller", jar))
       initCode should be(200)
@@ -290,43 +366,45 @@ class JavaActionContainerTests extends FlatSpec with Matchers with WskActorSyste
   val dynamicLoadingJar = JarBuilder.mkBase64Jar(
-      Seq("example", "") -> """
-                | package example;
-                |
-                | import*;
-                | import java.lang.reflect.*;
-                |
-                | public class EntryPoint {
-                |     private final static String CLASS_NAME = "example.DynamicClass";
-                |     public static JsonObject main(JsonObject args) throws Exception {
-                |         String cl = args.getAsJsonPrimitive("classLoader").getAsString();
-                |
-                |         Class d = null;
-                |         if("local".equals(cl)) {
-                |             d = Class.forName(CLASS_NAME);
-                |         } else if("thread".equals(cl)) {
-                |             d = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass(CLASS_NAME);
-                |         }
-                |
-                |         Object o = d.newInstance();
-                |         Method m = o.getClass().getMethod("getMessage");
-                |         String msg = (String)m.invoke(o);
-                |
-                |         JsonObject response = new JsonObject();
-                |         response.addProperty("message", msg);
-                |         return response;
-                |     }
-                | }
-                |""".stripMargin.trim,
-      Seq("example", "") -> """
-                | package example;
-                |
-                | public class DynamicClass {
-                |     public String getMessage() {
-                |         return "dynamic!";
-                |     }
-                | }
-                |""".stripMargin.trim))
+      Seq("example", "") ->
+        """
+          | package example;
+          |
+          | import*;
+          | import java.lang.reflect.*;
+          |
+          | public class EntryPoint {
+          |     private final static String CLASS_NAME = "example.DynamicClass";
+          |     public static JsonObject main(JsonObject args) throws Exception {
+          |         String cl = args.getAsJsonPrimitive("classLoader").getAsString();
+          |
+          |         Class d = null;
+          |         if("local".equals(cl)) {
+          |             d = Class.forName(CLASS_NAME);
+          |         } else if("thread".equals(cl)) {
+          |             d = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass(CLASS_NAME);
+          |         }
+          |
+          |         Object o = d.newInstance();
+          |         Method m = o.getClass().getMethod("getMessage");
+          |         String msg = (String)m.invoke(o);
+          |
+          |         JsonObject response = new JsonObject();
+          |         response.addProperty("message", msg);
+          |         return response;
+          |     }
+          | }
+        """.stripMargin.trim,
+      Seq("example", "") ->
+        """
+          | package example;
+          |
+          | public class DynamicClass {
+          |     public String getMessage() {
+          |         return "dynamic!";
+          |     }
+          | }
+        """.stripMargin.trim))
   def classLoaderTest(param: String) = {
     val (out, err) = withJavaContainer { c =>


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