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Posted to by Shane Curcuru <> on 2019/03/23 23:25:00 UTC status (going away in May!)

Infra is decommissioning the MoinMoin wiki software that runs the
wiki.a.o system in May.  That means all the content there needs to be
migrated to new systems if it's still relevant.

Infra has a Moin - Confluence wiki migration tool that can help port a
whole section of wiki over to the new supported system, if projects need
to do so.

Question: Who's working on the old 'general' wiki?  Much of it is
outdated, but there may still be some useful content.  Any volunteers to
look through it to see what should be saved, probably either to the
ComDev website or our newer Wiki? (being deleted 31-May)


- Shane
  ComDev PMC (but currently overextended...)
  The Apache Software Foundation

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