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[39/51] [partial] incubator-trafficcontrol-website git commit: 1.8.0 is latest release
diff --git a/docs/latest/_sources/development/traffic_ops_api/v11/deliveryservice.rst.txt b/docs/latest/_sources/development/traffic_ops_api/v11/deliveryservice.rst.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 373c7ec..0000000
--- a/docs/latest/_sources/development/traffic_ops_api/v11/deliveryservice.rst.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1276 +0,0 @@
-.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-.. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-.. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-.. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-.. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-.. limitations under the License.
-.. _to-api-v11-ds:
-Delivery Service
-.. _to-api-v11-ds-route:
-**GET /api/1.1/deliveryservices**
-  Retrieves all delivery services. See also `Using Traffic Ops - Delivery Service <>`_.
-  Authentication Required: Yes
-  Role(s) Required: None
-  **Response Properties**
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  |        Parameter         |  Type  |                                                             Description                                                              |
-  +==========================+========+======================================================================================================================================+
-  | ``active``               |  bool  | true if active, false if inactive.                                                                                                   |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``cacheurl``             | string | Cache URL rule to apply to this delivery service.                                                                                    |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``ccrDnsTtl``            | string | The TTL of the DNS response for A or AAAA queries requesting the IP address of the tr. host.                                         |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``cdnId``                | string | Id of the CDN to which the delivery service belongs to.                                                                              |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``cdnName``              | string | Name of the CDN to which the delivery service belongs to.                                                                            |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``checkPath``            | string | The path portion of the URL to check this deliveryservice for health.                                                                |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``displayName``          | string | The display name of the delivery service.                                                                                            |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``dnsBypassIp``          | string | The IPv4 IP to use for bypass on a DNS deliveryservice  - bypass starts when serving more than the                                   |
-  |                          |        | globalMaxMbps traffic on this deliveryservice.                                                                                       |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``dnsBypassIp6``         | string | The IPv6 IP to use for bypass on a DNS deliveryservice - bypass starts when serving more than the                                    |
-  |                          |        | globalMaxMbps traffic on this deliveryservice.                                                                                       |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``dnsBypassTtl``         | string | The TTL of the DNS bypass response.                                                                                                  |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``dscp``                 | string | The Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) with which to mark downstream (EDGE ->  customer) traffic.                             |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``edgeHeaderRewrite``    | string | The EDGE header rewrite actions to perform.                                                                                          |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``geoLimitRedirectUrl``  | string |                                                                                                                                      |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``geoLimit``             | string | - 0: None - no limitations                                                                                                           |
-  |                          |        | - 1: Only route on CZF file hit                                                                                                      |
-  |                          |        | - 2: Only route on CZF hit or when from USA                                                                                          |
-  |                          |        |                                                                                                                                      |
-  |                          |        | Note that this does not prevent access to content or makes content secure; it just prevents                                          |
-  |                          |        | routing to the content by Traffic Router.                                                                                            |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``geoLimitCountries``    | string |                                                                                                                                      |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``geoProvider``          | string |                                                                                                                                      |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``globalMaxMbps``        | string | The maximum global bandwidth allowed on this deliveryservice. If exceeded, the traffic routes to the                                 |
-  |                          |        | dnsByPassIp* for DNS deliveryservices and to the httpBypassFqdn for HTTP deliveryservices.                                           |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``globalMaxTps``         | string | The maximum global transactions per second allowed on this deliveryservice. When this is exceeded                                    |
-  |                          |        | traffic will be sent to the dnsByPassIp* for DNS deliveryservices and to the httpBypassFqdn for                                      |
-  |                          |        | HTTP deliveryservices                                                                                                                |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``httpBypassFqdn``       | string | The HTTP destination to use for bypass on an HTTP deliveryservice - bypass starts when serving more than the                         |
-  |                          |        | globalMaxMbps traffic on this deliveryservice.                                                                                       |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``id``                   | string | The deliveryservice id (database row number).                                                                                        |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``infoUrl``              | string | Use this to add a URL that points to more information about that deliveryservice.                                                    |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``initialDispersion``    | string |                                                                                                                                      |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``ipv6RoutingEnabled``   |  bool  | false: send IPv4 address of Traffic Router to client on HTTP type del.                                                               |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``lastUpdated``          | string |                                                                                                                                      |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``logsEnabled``          |  bool  |                                                                                                                                      |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``longDesc``             | string | Description field 1.                                                                                                                 |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``longDesc1``            | string | Description field 2.                                                                                                                 |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``longDesc2``            | string | Description field 2.                                                                                                                 |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``>>type``               | string | The type of MatchList (one of :ref:to-api-v11-types use_in_table='regex').                                                           |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``>>setNumber``          | string | The set Number of the matchList.                                                                                                     |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``>>pattern``            | string | The regexp for the matchList.                                                                                                        |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``maxDnsAnswers``        | string | The maximum number of IPs to put in a A/AAAA response for a DNS deliveryservice (0 means all                                         |
-  |                          |        | available).                                                                                                                          |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``midHeaderRewrite``     | string | The MID header rewrite actions to perform.                                                                                           |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``missLat``              | string | The latitude to use when the client cannot be found in the CZF or the Geo lookup.                                                    |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``missLong``             | string | The longitude to use when the client cannot be found in the CZF or the Geo lookup.                                                   |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``multiSiteOrigin``      |  bool  | Is the Multi Site Origin feature enabled for this delivery service (0=false, 1=true). See :ref:`rl-multi-site-origin`                |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``multiSiteOriginAlgor`` |  bool  | Is the Multi Site Origin feature enabled for this delivery service (0=false, 1=true). See :ref:`rl-multi-site-origin`                |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``orgServerFqdn``        | string | The origin server base URL (FQDN when used in this instance, includes the                                                            |
-  |                          |        | protocol (http:// or https://) for use in retrieving content from the origin server.                                                 |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``originShield``         | string |                                                                                                                                      |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``profileDescription``   | string | The description of the Traffic Router Profile with which this deliveryservice is associated.                                         |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``profileId``            | string | The id of the Traffic Router Profile with which this deliveryservice is associated.                                                  |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``profileName``          | string | The name of the Traffic Router Profile with which this deliveryservice is associated.                                                |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``protocol``             | string | - 0: serve with http:// at EDGE                                                                                                      |
-  |                          |        | - 1: serve with https:// at EDGE                                                                                                     |
-  |                          |        | - 2: serve with both http:// and https:// at EDGE                                                                                    |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``qstringIgnore``        | string | - 0: no special query string handling; it is for use in the cache-key and pass up to origin.                                         |
-  |                          |        | - 1: ignore query string in cache-key, but pass it up to parent and or origin.                                                       |
-  |                          |        | - 2: drop query string at edge, and do not use it in the cache-key.                                                                  |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``rangeRequestHandling`` | string | How to treat range requests:                                                                                                         |
-  |                          |        |                                                                                                                                      |
-  |                          |        | - 0 Do not cache (ranges requested from files taht are already cached due to a non range request will be a HIT)                      |
-  |                          |        | - 1 Use the `background_fetch <>`_ plugin. |
-  |                          |        | - 2 Use the cache_range_requests plugin.                                                                                             |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``regexRemap``           | string | Regex Remap rule to apply to this delivery service at the Edge tier.                                                                 |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``regionalGeoBlocking``  |  bool  | Regex Remap rule to apply to this delivery service at the Edge tier.                                                                 |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``remapText``            | string | Additional raw remap line text.                                                                                                      |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``signed``               |  bool  | - false: token based auth (see :ref:token-based-auth) is not enabled for this deliveryservice.                                       |
-  |                          |        | - true: token based auth is enabled for this deliveryservice.                                                                        |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``sslKeyVersion``        | string |                                                                                                                                      |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``trRequestHeaders``     | string |                                                                                                                                      |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``trResponseHeaders``    | string |                                                                                                                                      |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``type``                 | string | The type of this deliveryservice (one of :ref:to-api-v11-types use_in_table='deliveryservice').                                      |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``typeId``               | string | The type of this deliveryservice (one of :ref:to-api-v11-types use_in_table='deliveryservice').                                      |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``xmlId``                | string | Unique string that describes this deliveryservice.                                                                                   |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  **Response Example** ::
-    {
-      "response": [
-        {
-            "active": true,
-            "cacheurl": null,
-            "ccrDnsTtl": "3600",
-            "cdnId": "2",
-            "cdnName": "over-the-top",
-            "checkPath": "",
-            "displayName": "My Cool Delivery Service",
-            "dnsBypassCname": "",
-            "dnsBypassIp": "",
-            "dnsBypassIp6": "",
-            "dnsBypassTtl": "30",
-            "dscp": "40",
-            "edgeHeaderRewrite": null,
-            "exampleURLs": [
-                ""
-            ],
-            "geoLimit": "0",
-            "geoLimitCountries": null,
-            "geoLimitRedirectURL": null,
-            "geoProvider": "0",
-            "globalMaxMbps": null,
-            "globalMaxTps": "0",
-            "httpBypassFqdn": "",
-            "id": "442",
-            "infoUrl": "",
-            "initialDispersion": "1",
-            "ipv6RoutingEnabled": true,
-            "lastUpdated": "2016-01-26 08:49:35",
-            "logsEnabled": false,
-            "longDesc": "",
-            "longDesc1": "",
-            "longDesc2": "",
-            "matchList": [
-                {
-                    "pattern": ".*\\.foo-ds\\..*",
-                    "setNumber": "0",
-                    "type": "HOST_REGEXP"
-                }
-            ],
-            "maxDnsAnswers": "0",
-            "midHeaderRewrite": null,
-            "missLat": "41.881944",
-            "missLong": "-87.627778",
-            "multiSiteOrigin": false,
-            "multiSiteOriginAlgorithm": null,
-            "orgServerFqdn": "",
-            "originShield": null,
-            "profileDescription": "Content Router for over-the-top",
-            "profileId": "5",
-            "profileName": "ROUTER_TOP",
-            "protocol": "0",
-            "qstringIgnore": "1",
-            "rangeRequestHandling": "0",
-            "regexRemap": null,
-            "regionalGeoBlocking": false,
-            "remapText": null,
-            "signed": false,
-            "sslKeyVersion": "0",
-            "trRequestHeaders": null,
-            "trResponseHeaders": "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *",
-            "type": "HTTP",
-            "typeId": "8",
-            "xmlId": "foo-ds"
-        }
-        { .. },
-        { .. }
-      ]
-    }
-**GET /api/1.1/deliveryservices/:id**
-  Retrieves a specific delivery service. See also `Using Traffic Ops - Delivery Service <>`_.
-  Authentication Required: Yes
-  Role(s) Required: None
-  **Response Properties**
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  |        Parameter         |  Type  |                                                             Description                                                              |
-  +==========================+========+======================================================================================================================================+
-  | ``active``               |  bool  | true if active, false if inactive.                                                                                                   |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``cacheurl``             | string | Cache URL rule to apply to this delivery service.                                                                                    |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``ccrDnsTtl``            | string | The TTL of the DNS response for A or AAAA queries requesting the IP address of the tr. host.                                         |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``cdnId``                | string | Id of the CDN to which the delivery service belongs to.                                                                              |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``cdnName``              | string | Name of the CDN to which the delivery service belongs to.                                                                            |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``checkPath``            | string | The path portion of the URL to check this deliveryservice for health.                                                                |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``displayName``          | string | The display name of the delivery service.                                                                                            |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``dnsBypassIp``          | string | The IPv4 IP to use for bypass on a DNS deliveryservice  - bypass starts when serving more than the                                   |
-  |                          |        | globalMaxMbps traffic on this deliveryservice.                                                                                       |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``dnsBypassIp6``         | string | The IPv6 IP to use for bypass on a DNS deliveryservice - bypass starts when serving more than the                                    |
-  |                          |        | globalMaxMbps traffic on this deliveryservice.                                                                                       |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``dnsBypassTtl``         | string | The TTL of the DNS bypass response.                                                                                                  |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``dscp``                 | string | The Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) with which to mark downstream (EDGE ->  customer) traffic.                             |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``edgeHeaderRewrite``    | string | The EDGE header rewrite actions to perform.                                                                                          |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``exampleURLs``          |  array | Entry points into the CDN for this deliveryservice.                                                                                  |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``geoLimitRedirectUrl``  | string |                                                                                                                                      |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``geoLimit``             | string | - 0: None - no limitations                                                                                                           |
-  |                          |        | - 1: Only route on CZF file hit                                                                                                      |
-  |                          |        | - 2: Only route on CZF hit or when from USA                                                                                          |
-  |                          |        |                                                                                                                                      |
-  |                          |        | Note that this does not prevent access to content or makes content secure; it just prevents                                          |
-  |                          |        | routing to the content by Traffic Router.                                                                                            |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``geoLimitCountries``    | string |                                                                                                                                      |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``geoProvider``          | string |                                                                                                                                      |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``globalMaxMbps``        | string | The maximum global bandwidth allowed on this deliveryservice. If exceeded, the traffic routes to the                                 |
-  |                          |        | dnsByPassIp* for DNS deliveryservices and to the httpBypassFqdn for HTTP deliveryservices.                                           |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``globalMaxTps``         | string | The maximum global transactions per second allowed on this deliveryservice. When this is exceeded                                    |
-  |                          |        | traffic will be sent to the dnsByPassIp* for DNS deliveryservices and to the httpBypassFqdn for                                      |
-  |                          |        | HTTP deliveryservices                                                                                                                |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``httpBypassFqdn``       | string | The HTTP destination to use for bypass on an HTTP deliveryservice - bypass starts when serving more than the                         |
-  |                          |        | globalMaxMbps traffic on this deliveryservice.                                                                                       |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``id``                   | string | The deliveryservice id (database row number).                                                                                        |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``infoUrl``              | string | Use this to add a URL that points to more information about that deliveryservice.                                                    |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``initialDispersion``    | string |                                                                                                                                      |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``ipv6RoutingEnabled``   |  bool  | false: send IPv4 address of Traffic Router to client on HTTP type del.                                                               |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``lastUpdated``          | string |                                                                                                                                      |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``logsEnabled``          |  bool  |                                                                                                                                      |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``longDesc``             | string | Description field 1.                                                                                                                 |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``longDesc1``            | string | Description field 2.                                                                                                                 |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``longDesc2``            | string | Description field 2.                                                                                                                 |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``matchList``            | array  | Array of matchList hashes.                                                                                                           |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``>>type``               | string | The type of MatchList (one of :ref:to-api-v11-types use_in_table='regex').                                                           |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``>>setNumber``          | string | The set Number of the matchList.                                                                                                     |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``>>pattern``            | string | The regexp for the matchList.                                                                                                        |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``maxDnsAnswers``        | string | The maximum number of IPs to put in a A/AAAA response for a DNS deliveryservice (0 means all                                         |
-  |                          |        | available).                                                                                                                          |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``midHeaderRewrite``     | string | The MID header rewrite actions to perform.                                                                                           |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``missLat``              | string | The latitude to use when the client cannot be found in the CZF or the Geo lookup.                                                    |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``missLong``             | string | The longitude to use when the client cannot be found in the CZF or the Geo lookup.                                                   |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``multiSiteOrigin``      |  bool  | Is the Multi Site Origin feature enabled for this delivery service (0=false, 1=true). See :ref:`rl-multi-site-origin`                |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``multiSiteOriginAlgor`` |  bool  | Is the Multi Site Origin feature enabled for this delivery service (0=false, 1=true). See :ref:`rl-multi-site-origin`                |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``orgServerFqdn``        | string | The origin server base URL (FQDN when used in this instance, includes the                                                            |
-  |                          |        | protocol (http:// or https://) for use in retrieving content from the origin server.                                                 |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``originShield``         | string |                                                                                                                                      |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``profileDescription``   | string | The description of the Traffic Router Profile with which this deliveryservice is associated.                                         |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``profileId``            | string | The id of the Traffic Router Profile with which this deliveryservice is associated.                                                  |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``profileName``          | string | The name of the Traffic Router Profile with which this deliveryservice is associated.                                                |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``protocol``             | string | - 0: serve with http:// at EDGE                                                                                                      |
-  |                          |        | - 1: serve with https:// at EDGE                                                                                                     |
-  |                          |        | - 2: serve with both http:// and https:// at EDGE                                                                                    |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``qstringIgnore``        | string | - 0: no special query string handling; it is for use in the cache-key and pass up to origin.                                         |
-  |                          |        | - 1: ignore query string in cache-key, but pass it up to parent and or origin.                                                       |
-  |                          |        | - 2: drop query string at edge, and do not use it in the cache-key.                                                                  |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``rangeRequestHandling`` | string | How to treat range requests:                                                                                                         |
-  |                          |        |                                                                                                                                      |
-  |                          |        | - 0 Do not cache (ranges requested from files taht are already cached due to a non range request will be a HIT)                      |
-  |                          |        | - 1 Use the `background_fetch <>`_ plugin. |
-  |                          |        | - 2 Use the cache_range_requests plugin.                                                                                             |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``regexRemap``           | string | Regex Remap rule to apply to this delivery service at the Edge tier.                                                                 |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``regionalGeoBlocking``  |  bool  | Regex Remap rule to apply to this delivery service at the Edge tier.                                                                 |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``remapText``            | string | Additional raw remap line text.                                                                                                      |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``signed``               |  bool  | - false: token based auth (see :ref:token-based-auth) is not enabled for this deliveryservice.                                       |
-  |                          |        | - true: token based auth is enabled for this deliveryservice.                                                                        |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``sslKeyVersion``        | string |                                                                                                                                      |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``trRequestHeaders``     | string |                                                                                                                                      |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``trResponseHeaders``    | string |                                                                                                                                      |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``type``                 | string | The type of this deliveryservice (one of :ref:to-api-v11-types use_in_table='deliveryservice').                                      |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``typeId``               | string | The type of this deliveryservice (one of :ref:to-api-v11-types use_in_table='deliveryservice').                                      |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``xmlId``                | string | Unique string that describes this deliveryservice.                                                                                   |
-  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  **Response Example** ::
-    {
-      "response": [
-        {
-            "active": true,
-            "cacheurl": null,
-            "ccrDnsTtl": "3600",
-            "cdnId": "2",
-            "cdnName": "over-the-top",
-            "checkPath": "",
-            "displayName": "My Cool Delivery Service",
-            "dnsBypassCname": "",
-            "dnsBypassIp": "",
-            "dnsBypassIp6": "",
-            "dnsBypassTtl": "30",
-            "dscp": "40",
-            "edgeHeaderRewrite": null,
-            "exampleURLs": [
-                ""
-            ],
-            "geoLimit": "0",
-            "geoLimitCountries": null,
-            "geoLimitRedirectURL": null,
-            "geoProvider": "0",
-            "globalMaxMbps": null,
-            "globalMaxTps": "0",
-            "httpBypassFqdn": "",
-            "id": "442",
-            "infoUrl": "",
-            "initialDispersion": "1",
-            "ipv6RoutingEnabled": true,
-            "lastUpdated": "2016-01-26 08:49:35",
-            "logsEnabled": false,
-            "longDesc": "",
-            "longDesc1": "",
-            "longDesc2": "",
-            "matchList": [
-                {
-                    "pattern": ".*\\.foo-ds\\..*",
-                    "setNumber": "0",
-                    "type": "HOST_REGEXP"
-                }
-            ],
-            "maxDnsAnswers": "0",
-            "midHeaderRewrite": null,
-            "missLat": "41.881944",
-            "missLong": "-87.627778",
-            "multiSiteOrigin": false,
-            "multiSiteOriginAlgorithm": null,
-            "orgServerFqdn": "",
-            "originShield": null,
-            "profileDescription": "Content Router for over-the-top",
-            "profileId": "5",
-            "profileName": "ROUTER_TOP",
-            "protocol": "0",
-            "qstringIgnore": "1",
-            "rangeRequestHandling": "0",
-            "regexRemap": null,
-            "regionalGeoBlocking": false,
-            "remapText": null,
-            "signed": false,
-            "sslKeyVersion": "0",
-            "trRequestHeaders": null,
-            "trResponseHeaders": "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *",
-            "type": "HTTP",
-            "typeId": "8",
-            "xmlId": "foo-ds"
-        }
-      ]
-    }
-.. _to-api-v11-ds-health:
-**GET /api/1.1/deliveryservices/:id/state.json**
-  Retrieves the failover state for a delivery service.
-  Authentication Required: Yes
-  Role(s) Required: None
-  **Response Properties**
-  +------------------+---------+-------------------------------------------------+
-  |    Parameter     |  Type   |                   Description                   |
-  +==================+=========+=================================================+
-  | ``failover``     |  hash   |                                                 |
-  +------------------+---------+-------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``>locations``   |  array  |                                                 |
-  +------------------+---------+-------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``>destination`` |  string |                                                 |
-  +------------------+---------+-------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``>configured``  | boolean |                                                 |
-  +------------------+---------+-------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``>enabled``     | boolean |                                                 |
-  +------------------+---------+-------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``enabled``      | boolean |                                                 |
-  +------------------+---------+-------------------------------------------------+
-  **Response Example** ::
-    {
-        "response": {
-            "failover": {
-                "locations": [ ],
-                "destination": null,
-                "configured": false,
-                "enabled": false
-            },
-            "enabled": true
-        }
-    }
-**GET /api/1.1/deliveryservices/:id/health.json**
-  Retrieves the health of all locations (cache groups) for a delivery service.
-  Authentication Required: Yes
-  Role(s) Required: None
-  **Response Properties**
-  +------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
-  |    Parameter     |  Type  |                   Description                   |
-  +==================+========+=================================================+
-  | ``totalOnline``  | int    | Total number of online caches across all CDNs.  |
-  +------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``totalOffline`` | int    | Total number of offline caches across all CDNs. |
-  +------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``cachegroups``  | array  | A collection of cache groups.                   |
-  +------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``>online``      | int    | The number of online caches for the cache group |
-  +------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``>offline``     | int    | The number of offline caches for the cache      |
-  |                  |        | group.                                          |
-  +------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``>name``        | string | Cache group name.                               |
-  +------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
-  **Response Example** ::
-    {
-     "response": {
-        "totalOnline": 148,
-        "totalOffline": 0,
-        "cachegroups": [
-           {
-              "online": 8,
-              "offline": 0,
-              "name": "us-co-denver"
-           },
-           {
-              "online": 7,
-              "offline": 0,
-              "name": "us-de-newcastle"
-           }
-        ]
-     }
-    }
-**GET /api/1.1/deliveryservices/:id/capacity.json**
-  Retrieves the capacity percentages of a delivery service.
-  Authentication Required: Yes
-  Role(s) Required: None
-  **Request Route Parameters**
-  +-----------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------+
-  | Name            | Required | Description                                       |
-  +=================+==========+===================================================+
-  |id               | yes      | delivery service id.                              |
-  +-----------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------+
-  **Response Properties**
-  +------------------------+--------+---------------------------------------------------+
-  |       Parameter        |  Type  |                    Description                    |
-  +========================+========+===================================================+
-  | ``availablePercent``   | number | The percentage of server capacity assigned to     |
-  |                        |        | the delivery service that is available.           |
-  +------------------------+--------+---------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``unavailablePercent`` | number | The percentage of server capacity assigned to the |
-  |                        |        | delivery service that is unavailable.             |
-  +------------------------+--------+---------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``utilizedPercent``    | number | The percentage of server capacity assigned to the |
-  |                        |        | delivery service being used.                      |
-  +------------------------+--------+---------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``maintenancePercent`` | number | The percentage of server capacity assigned to the |
-  |                        |        | delivery service that is down for maintenance.    |
-  +------------------------+--------+---------------------------------------------------+
-  **Response Example** ::
-    {
-     "response": {
-        "availablePercent": 89.0939840205533,
-        "unavailablePercent": 0,
-        "utilizedPercent": 10.9060020300395,
-        "maintenancePercent": 0.0000139494071146245
-     },
-    }
-**GET /api/1.1/deliveryservices/:id/routing.json**
-  Retrieves the routing method percentages of a delivery service.
-  Authentication Required: Yes
-  Role(s) Required: None
-  **Request Route Parameters**
-  +-----------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------+
-  | Name            | Required | Description                                       |
-  +=================+==========+===================================================+
-  |id               | yes      | delivery service id.                              |
-  +-----------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------+
-  **Response Properties**
-  +-----------------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  |    Parameter    |  Type  |                                                         Description                                                         |
-  +=================+========+=============================================================================================================================+
-  | ``staticRoute`` | number | The percentage of Traffic Router responses for this deliveryservice satisfied with pre-configured DNS entries.              |
-  +-----------------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``miss``        | number | The percentage of Traffic Router responses for this deliveryservice that were a miss (no location available for client IP). |
-  +-----------------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``geo``         | number | The percentage of Traffic Router responses for this deliveryservice satisfied using 3rd party geo-IP mapping.               |
-  +-----------------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``err``         | number | The percentage of Traffic Router requests for this deliveryservice resulting in an error.                                   |
-  +-----------------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``cz``          | number | The percentage of Traffic Router requests for this deliveryservice satisfied by a CZF hit.                                  |
-  +-----------------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``dsr``         | number | The percentage of Traffic Router requests for this deliveryservice satisfied by sending the                                 |
-  |                 |        | client to the overflow CDN.                                                                                                 |
-  +-----------------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  **Response Example** ::
-    {
-     "response": {
-        "staticRoute": 0,
-        "miss": 0,
-        "geo": 37.8855391018869,
-        "err": 0,
-        "cz": 62.1144608981131,
-        "dsr": 0
-     },
-    }
-.. _to-api-v11-ds-metrics:
-**GET /api/1.1/deliveryservices/:id/server_types/:type/metric_types/start_date/:start/end_date/:end.json**
-  Retrieves detailed and summary metrics for MIDs or EDGEs for a delivery service.
-  Authentication Required: Yes
-  Role(s) Required: None
-  **Request Route Parameters**
-  +------------------+----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  |       Name       | Required |                                 Description                                 |
-  +==================+==========+=============================================================================+
-  | ``id``           | yes      | The delivery service id.                                                    |
-  +------------------+----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``server_types`` | yes      | EDGE or MID.                                                                |
-  +------------------+----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``metric_types`` | yes      | One of the following: "kbps", "tps", "tps_2xx", "tps_3xx", "tps_4xx",       |
-  |                  |          | "tps_5xx".                                                                  |
-  +------------------+----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``start_date``   | yes      | UNIX time                                                                   |
-  +------------------+----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``end_date``     | yes      | UNIX time                                                                   |
-  +------------------+----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  **Request Query Parameters**
-  +------------------+----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  |       Name       | Required |                                 Description                                 |
-  +==================+==========+=============================================================================+
-  | ``stats``        | no       | Flag used to return only summary metrics                                    |
-  +------------------+----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  **Response Properties**
-  +----------------------+--------+-------------+
-  |      Parameter       |  Type  | Description |
-  +======================+========+=============+
-  | ``stats``            | hash   |             |
-  +----------------------+--------+-------------+
-  | ``>>count``          | int    |             |
-  +----------------------+--------+-------------+
-  | ``>>98thPercentile`` | number |             |
-  +----------------------+--------+-------------+
-  | ``>>min``            | number |             |
-  +----------------------+--------+-------------+
-  | ``>>max``            | number |             |
-  +----------------------+--------+-------------+
-  | ``>>5thPercentile``  | number |             |
-  +----------------------+--------+-------------+
-  | ``>>95thPercentile`` | number |             |
-  +----------------------+--------+-------------+
-  | ``>>median``         | number |             |
-  +----------------------+--------+-------------+
-  | ``>>mean``           | number |             |
-  +----------------------+--------+-------------+
-  | ``>>stddev``         | number |             |
-  +----------------------+--------+-------------+
-  | ``>>sum``            | number |             |
-  +----------------------+--------+-------------+
-  | ``data``             | array  |             |
-  +----------------------+--------+-------------+
-  | ``>>item``           | array  |             |
-  +----------------------+--------+-------------+
-  | ``>>time``           | number |             |
-  +----------------------+--------+-------------+
-  | ``>>value``          | number |             |
-  +----------------------+--------+-------------+
-  | ``label``            | string |             |
-  +----------------------+--------+-------------+
-  **Response Example** ::
-    {
-     "response": [
-        {
-           "stats": {
-              "count": 988,
-              "98thPercentile": 16589105.55958,
-              "min": 3185442.975,
-              "max": 17124754.257,
-              "5thPercentile": 3901253.95445,
-              "95thPercentile": 16013210.034,
-              "median": 8816895.576,
-              "mean": 8995846.31741194,
-              "stddev": 3941169.83683573,
-              "sum": 333296106.060112
-           },
-           "data": [
-              [
-                 1414303200000,
-                 12923518.466
-              ],
-              [
-                 1414303500000,
-                 12625139.65
-              ]
-           ],
-           "label": "MID Kbps"
-        }
-     ],
-    }
-.. _to-api-v11-ds-server:
-**GET /api/1.1/deliveryserviceserver.json**
-  Authentication Required: Yes
-  Role(s) Required: Yes
-  **Request Query Parameters**
-  +-----------+----------+----------------------------------------+
-  |    Name   | Required |              Description               |
-  +===========+==========+========================================+
-  | ``page``  | no       | The page number for use in pagination. |
-  +-----------+----------+----------------------------------------+
-  | ``limit`` | no       | For use in limiting the result set.    |
-  +-----------+----------+----------------------------------------+
-  **Response Properties**
-  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
-  | Parameter            | Type   | Description                                    |
-  +======================+========+================================================+
-  |``lastUpdated``       | array  |                                                |
-  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
-  |``server``            | string |                                                |
-  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
-  |``deliveryService``   | string |                                                |
-  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
-  **Response Example** ::
-    {
-     "page": 2,
-     "orderby": "deliveryservice",
-     "response": [
-        {
-           "lastUpdated": "2014-09-26 17:53:43",
-           "server": "20",
-           "deliveryService": "1"
-        },
-        {
-           "lastUpdated": "2014-09-26 17:53:44",
-           "server": "21",
-           "deliveryService": "1"
-        },
-     ],
-     "limit": 2
-    }
-.. _to-api-v11-ds-sslkeys:
-SSL Keys
-**GET /api/1.1/deliveryservices/xmlId/:xmlid/sslkeys.json**
-  Authentication Required: Yes
-  Role(s) Required: Admin
-  **Request Route Parameters**
-  +-----------+----------+----------------------------------------+
-  |    Name   | Required |              Description               |
-  +===========+==========+========================================+
-  | ``xmlId`` | yes      | xml_id of the desired delivery service |
-  +-----------+----------+----------------------------------------+
-  **Request Query Parameters**
-  +-------------+----------+--------------------------------+
-  |     Name    | Required |          Description           |
-  +=============+==========+================================+
-  | ``version`` | no       | The version number to retrieve |
-  +-------------+----------+--------------------------------+
-  **Response Properties**
-  +------------------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  |    Parameter     |  Type  |                                                               Description                                                               |
-  +==================+========+=========================================================================================================================================+
-  | ``crt``          | string | base64 encoded crt file for delivery service                                                                                            |
-  +------------------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``csr``          | string | base64 encoded csr file for delivery service                                                                                            |
-  +------------------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``key``          | string | base64 encoded private key file for delivery service                                                                                    |
-  +------------------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``businessUnit`` | string | The business unit entered by the user when generating certs.  Field is optional and if not provided by the user will not be in response |
-  +------------------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``city``         | string | The city entered by the user when generating certs.  Field is optional and if not provided by the user will not be in response          |
-  +------------------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``organization`` | string | The organization entered by the user when generating certs.  Field is optional and if not provided by the user will not be in response  |
-  +------------------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``hostname``     | string | The hostname entered by the user when generating certs.  Field is optional and if not provided by the user will not be in response      |
-  +------------------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``country``      | string | The country entered by the user when generating certs.  Field is optional and if not provided by the user will not be in response       |
-  +------------------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``state``        | string | The state entered by the user when generating certs.  Field is optional and if not provided by the user will not be in response         |
-  +------------------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``version``      | string | The version of the certificate record in Riak                                                                                           |
-  +------------------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  **Response Example** ::
-    {  
-      "response": {
-        "certificate": {
-          "crt": "crt",
-          "key": "key",
-          "csr": "csr"
-        },
-        "businessUnit": "CDN_Eng",
-        "city": "Denver",
-        "organization": "KableTown",
-        "hostname": "",
-        "country": "US",
-        "state": "Colorado",
-        "version": "1"
-      }
-    }
-**GET /api/1.1/deliveryservices/hostname/:hostname/sslkeys.json**
-  Authentication Required: Yes
-  Role Required: Admin
-  **Request Route Parameters**
-  +--------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------+
-  |     Name     | Required |                    Description                    |
-  +==============+==========+===================================================+
-  | ``hostname`` | yes      | pristine hostname of the desired delivery service |
-  +--------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------+
-  **Request Query Parameters**
-  +-------------+----------+--------------------------------+
-  |     Name    | Required |          Description           |
-  +=============+==========+================================+
-  | ``version`` | no       | The version number to retrieve |
-  +-------------+----------+--------------------------------+
-  **Response Properties**
-  +------------------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  |    Parameter     |  Type  |                                                               Description                                                               |
-  +==================+========+=========================================================================================================================================+
-  | ``crt``          | string | base64 encoded crt file for delivery service                                                                                            |
-  +------------------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``csr``          | string | base64 encoded csr file for delivery service                                                                                            |
-  +------------------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``key``          | string | base64 encoded private key file for delivery service                                                                                    |
-  +------------------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``businessUnit`` | string | The business unit entered by the user when generating certs.  Field is optional and if not provided by the user will not be in response |
-  +------------------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``city``         | string | The city entered by the user when generating certs.  Field is optional and if not provided by the user will not be in response          |
-  +------------------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``organization`` | string | The organization entered by the user when generating certs.  Field is optional and if not provided by the user will not be in response  |
-  +------------------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``hostname``     | string | The hostname entered by the user when generating certs.  Field is optional and if not provided by the user will not be in response      |
-  +------------------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``country``      | string | The country entered by the user when generating certs.  Field is optional and if not provided by the user will not be in response       |
-  +------------------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``state``        | string | The state entered by the user when generating certs.  Field is optional and if not provided by the user will not be in response         |
-  +------------------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``version``      | string | The version of the certificate record in Riak                                                                                           |
-  +------------------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  **Response Example** ::
-    {  
-      "response": {
-        "certificate": {
-          "crt": "crt",
-          "key": "key",
-          "csr": "csr"
-        },
-        "businessUnit": "CDN_Eng",
-        "city": "Denver",
-        "organization": "KableTown",
-        "hostname": "",
-        "country": "US",
-        "state": "Colorado",
-        "version": "1"
-      }
-    }
-**GET /api/1.1/deliveryservices/xmlId/:xmlid/sslkeys/delete.json**
-  Authentication Required: Yes
-  Role Required: Admin
-  **Request Route Parameters**
-  +-----------+----------+----------------------------------------+
-  |    Name   | Required |              Description               |
-  +===========+==========+========================================+
-  | ``xmlId`` | yes      | xml_id of the desired delivery service |
-  +-----------+----------+----------------------------------------+
-  **Request Query Parameters**
-  +-------------+----------+--------------------------------+
-  |     Name    | Required |          Description           |
-  +=============+==========+================================+
-  | ``version`` | no       | The version number to retrieve |
-  +-------------+----------+--------------------------------+
-  **Response Properties**
-  +--------------+--------+------------------+
-  |  Parameter   |  Type  |   Description    |
-  +==============+========+==================+
-  | ``response`` | string | success response |
-  +--------------+--------+------------------+
-  **Response Example** ::
-    {  
-      "response": "Successfully deleted ssl keys for <xml_id>"
-    }
-**POST /api/1.1/deliveryservices/sslkeys/generate**
-  Generates SSL crt, csr, and private key for a delivery service
-  Authentication Required: Yes
-  Role(s) Required: Admin
-  **Request Properties**
-  +--------------+---------+-------------------------------------------------+
-  |  Parameter   |   Type  |                   Description                   |
-  +==============+=========+=================================================+
-  | ``key``      | string  | xml_id of the delivery service                  |
-  +--------------+---------+-------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``version``  | string  | version of the keys being generated             |
-  +--------------+---------+-------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``hostname`` | string  | the *pristine hostname* of the delivery service |
-  +--------------+---------+-------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``country``  | string  |                                                 |
-  +--------------+---------+-------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``state``    | string  |                                                 |
-  +--------------+---------+-------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``city``     | string  |                                                 |
-  +--------------+---------+-------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``org``      | string  |                                                 |
-  +--------------+---------+-------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``unit``     | boolean |                                                 |
-  +--------------+---------+-------------------------------------------------+
-  **Request Example** ::
-    {
-      "key": "ds-01",
-      "businessUnit": "CDN Engineering",
-      "version": "3",
-      "hostname": "",
-      "certificate": {
-        "key": "some_key",
-        "csr": "some_csr",
-        "crt": "some_crt"
-      },
-      "country": "US",
-      "organization": "Kabletown",
-      "city": "Denver",
-      "state": "Colorado"
-    }
-  **Response Properties**
-  +--------------+--------+-----------------+
-  |  Parameter   |  Type  |   Description   |
-  +==============+========+=================+
-  | ``response`` | string | response string |
-  +--------------+--------+-----------------+
-  | ``version``  | string | API version     |
-  +--------------+--------+-----------------+
-  **Response Example** ::
-    {  
-      "response": "Successfully created ssl keys for ds-01"
-    }
-**POST /api/1.1/deliveryservices/sslkeys/add**
-  Allows user to add SSL crt, csr, and private key for a delivery service.
-  Authentication Required: Yes
-  Role(s) Required:  Admin
-  **Request Properties**
-  +-------------+--------+-------------------------------------+
-  |  Parameter  |  Type  |             Description             |
-  +=============+========+=====================================+
-  | ``key``     | string | xml_id of the delivery service      |
-  +-------------+--------+-------------------------------------+
-  | ``version`` | string | version of the keys being generated |
-  +-------------+--------+-------------------------------------+
-  | ``csr``     | string |                                     |
-  +-------------+--------+-------------------------------------+
-  | ``crt``     | string |                                     |
-  +-------------+--------+-------------------------------------+
-  | ``key``     | string |                                     |
-  +-------------+--------+-------------------------------------+
-  **Request Example** ::
-    {
-      "key": "ds-01",
-      "version": "1",
-      "certificate": {
-        "key": "some_key",
-        "csr": "some_csr",
-        "crt": "some_crt"
-      }
-    }
-  **Response Properties**
-  +--------------+--------+-----------------+
-  |  Parameter   |  Type  |   Description   |
-  +==============+========+=================+
-  | ``response`` | string | response string |
-  +--------------+--------+-----------------+
-  | ``version``  | string | API version     |
-  +--------------+--------+-----------------+
-  **Response Example** ::
-    {  
-      "response": "Successfully added ssl keys for ds-01"
-    }
-**POST /api/1.1/deliveryservices/request**
-  Allows a user to send delivery service request details to a specified email address.
-  Authentication Required: Yes
-  Role(s) Required: None
-  **Request Properties**
-  +----------------------------------------+--------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  |  Parameter                             |  Type  | Required |           Description                                                                       |
-  +========================================+========+==========+=============================================================================================+
-  | ``emailTo``                            | string | yes      | The email to which the delivery service request will be sent.                               |
-  +----------------------------------------+--------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``details``                            | hash   | yes      | Parameters for the delivery service request.                                                |
-  +----------------------------------------+--------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``>customer``                          | string | yes      | Name of the customer to associated with the delivery service.                               |
-  +----------------------------------------+--------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``>deliveryProtocol``                  | string | yes      | Eg. http or http/https