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Posted to by Craig L Russell <Cr...@Sun.COM> on 2007/03/16 18:21:43 UTC

Minutes: JDO TCK Conference Call Friday, Mar 16, 9 am PDT

Attendees: Matthew Adams, Erik Bengtson, Martin Zaun, Michelle  
Caisse, Craig Russell


1. Delete by object id. Matthew has voted against his proposal, so it  
will be dropped.

2. Persistent properties for classes questions. Erik had some  
questions on the specification.

If a user declares a persistent property then there must not be a  
persistent field of the same name. So, the field of the same name and  
type in the same class should be defaulted to not persistent. But a  
persistent property of the same name and type as a persistent field  
in a superclass is disallowed. The persistence semantics of a  
persistent property in a superclass cannot be modified by a  
persistent subclass. For example, you cannot declare a persistent  
property in a subclass where the same property name is already  
persistent in a superclass.

We should probably look at cases where a subclass implements a  
persistent interface and the persistent properties are actually  
implemented as persistent properties or persistent fields in the  

With user exceptions thrown from the use of setters of persistent  
properties by the JDO implementation, the exception is wrapped by a  
JDOUserException and if done as part of flush, all these exceptions  
are collected in the failed object array as other exceptions are  
handled today. If during the beforeCompletion actions of commit same  
as above plus, the transaction is rolled back. The first such failure  
causes the implementation to abandon that persistent object.

Clarification needed for retainValues and restoreValues for  
persistent properties. These properties should be implemented similar  
to the behavior for fields. That is, properties are cleared to their  
Java default values or restored to their before image.

3. Problem with JDO 2 xsd JIRA issue has been filed on this subject.

4. Other issues

Clarify the behavior of detach, retrieve, and refresh with regard to  
the fetch group parameter. AI Erik file a JIRA.

Matthew has filed a patch for parsing the jdoconfig.xml file, and  
needs some test cases, especially negative ones. And if anyone has  
spare cycles to review the patch, please do so.

Action Items from weeks past:

[Mar 9 2007] AI Craig: Update the spec to require that the key of the  
listener is the class name of the listener, for consistency with  
proposed xml..

[Mar 9 2007] AI Michelle: Get rid of old beta and rc1 releases using  
disk space on Apache.

[Mar 2 2007] AI Craig: update the JDOHelper class to include a string  
constant "META-INF/jdo.xml" and a new method  
getPersistenceManagerFactory taking no arguments.

[Aug 11 2006] AI Craig propose some semantics for behavior if user  
tries to add to a list where the ordering element is incorrect.

[Jul 14 2006] AI: Erik document 220 annotations that don't have a  
corresponding JDO concept.

[Jun 23 2006]  AI  Martin look at what Hibernate and TopLink support  
for Enum types. In progress.

[Apr 14 2006] AI Craig: update the roadmap for JDO. In progress.

[Nov 4 2005] AI Martin: Update Martin's wiki with discusion of JDK   
1.5 issues. In progress

[Sep 2 2005] AI: To recruit members, update the web site. Articles  
on  TheServerSide directing attention to the site. T-shirts, logo.    
AI:   Craig write a ServerSide article.

-- Michelle

Craig Russell
Architect, Sun Java Enterprise System
408 276-5638
P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!