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Posted to by Allen Wittenauer <> on 2015/03/20 15:18:11 UTC

PSA: Various JIRA commit-time issues

	It would be great if everyone could make sure that when resolving a JIRA Issue that they:

A) Make sure that their final message is actually in the comment box and not in the release notes box.  For 2.7, there are currently 5 out of the 24 release notes that are +1 type messages…

B) PLEASE make a release note for incompatible changes.  Even for the ones that you’re trying to slip into branch-2 that you don’t think anyone noticed. (Trust me, we do.)  You may not read them, the release manager may not even read them (given how often A happens), but users really do…. and nothing says “I hate our end users” like not giving some basic info over breaking changes.

C) FixVersion = commit of the earliest release and/or project branches.  Going into 2.8 and trunk? Then set it to 2.8.  Old issue that is now magically working and no longer an issue? Please don’t set a FixVersion. It is very confusing. (Did it not work before? Do I have to upgrade to get that fix?)  

Sidenote for all contributors: don’t set the fix version.  Committers will take care of that.  If you want to give a hint as to what release you are shooting for, set the Target Version, which can be accessed when first filing the issue or via the Edit button.

	A lot of this is already covered on HowToCommit, BTW.  (Although I’ll likely also update some of it today since it still says our official documentation format is Forrest, which hasn’t been true for about 6 years now.  Probably time to migrate the main site’s documentation off of forrest though...)


(This message brought to you by the Foundation For Better Communication in partnership with the Committee for Cleaner JIRA Issues.)