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Posted to by nacho <> on 2001/11/09 18:53:20 UTC

problem with DOMString::transcode


I'm having a problem while using this method in a little
example I wrote in MSVC.

I do something like:

char *s = elem.getAttribute("attr").transcode();
a = strtoul(s,NULL,10); // attr is an integer attribute
delete[] s; <-- error here

And the program exits with a Debug Assertion Exception
in dbgheap.c in _CrtIsValidHeapPointer(pUserData).
This function is called from free() which in turn is called from

The name of the function suggests that s is not a valid heap
pointer right? How can this be possible? I examined the
DOMString::transcode() code and looks right. the returned
pointer is allocated there with an ordinary new char[...] and
the responsability to delete it is, as the docs says, of the

Could this be a configuration problem? I mean, the DLL is a
Debug/Multithreaded DLL and the test program is Single-Threaded.

ANY clue??

"Yo no soy paranoico. Eso es lo que *ellos* quieren que piense"

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