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[07/13] mesos git commit: Added tests for `GROW_VOLUME` and `SHRINK_VOLUME` operations.

Added tests for `GROW_VOLUME` and `SHRINK_VOLUME` operations.



Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 274f2e6804b3f9322ae9e19c2c0acecd179cbd10
Parents: fa1ca07
Author: Zhitao Li <>
Authored: Thu May 3 17:04:48 2018 -0700
Committer: Chun-Hung Hsiao <>
Committed: Thu May 3 17:04:48 2018 -0700

 src/tests/persistent_volume_tests.cpp | 537 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 537 insertions(+)
diff --git a/src/tests/persistent_volume_tests.cpp b/src/tests/persistent_volume_tests.cpp
index c3de96e..5b2a23c 100644
--- a/src/tests/persistent_volume_tests.cpp
+++ b/src/tests/persistent_volume_tests.cpp
@@ -448,6 +448,543 @@ TEST_P(PersistentVolumeTest, CreateAndDestroyPersistentVolumes)
+// This test verifies that a framework can grow a persistent volume and receive
+// the grown volume in further offers.
+TEST_P(PersistentVolumeTest, GrowVolume)
+  if (GetParam() == MOUNT) {
+    // It is not possible to have a valid `GrowVolume` on a MOUNT disk because
+    // the volume must use up all disk space at `Create` and no space will be
+    // left for `addition`. Therefore we skip this test.
+    // TODO(zhitao): Make MOUNT a meaningful parameter value for this test, or
+    // create a new fixture to avoid testing against it.
+    return;
+  }
+  Clock::pause();
+  FrameworkInfo frameworkInfo = DEFAULT_FRAMEWORK_INFO;
+  frameworkInfo.set_roles(0, DEFAULT_TEST_ROLE);
+  // Create a master.
+  master::Flags masterFlags = CreateMasterFlags();
+  Try<Owned<cluster::Master>> master = StartMaster(masterFlags);
+  ASSERT_SOME(master);
+  slave::Flags slaveFlags = CreateSlaveFlags();
+  slaveFlags.resources = getSlaveResources();
+  Owned<MasterDetector> detector = master.get()->createDetector();
+  Try<Owned<cluster::Slave>> slave = StartSlave(detector.get(), slaveFlags);
+  ASSERT_SOME(slave);
+  MockScheduler sched;
+  MesosSchedulerDriver driver(
+      &sched, frameworkInfo, master.get()->pid, DEFAULT_CREDENTIAL);
+  EXPECT_CALL(sched, registered(&driver, _, _));
+  Future<vector<Offer>> offersBeforeCreate;
+  EXPECT_CALL(sched, resourceOffers(&driver, _))
+    .WillOnce(FutureArg<1>(&offersBeforeCreate));
+  driver.start();
+  Clock::advance(masterFlags.allocation_interval);
+  AWAIT_READY(offersBeforeCreate);
+  ASSERT_FALSE(offersBeforeCreate->empty());
+  Offer offer = offersBeforeCreate->at(0);
+  // The disk spaces will be merged if the fixture parameter is `NONE`.
+  Bytes totalBytes = GetParam() == NONE ? Megabytes(4096) : Megabytes(2048);
+  Bytes additionBytes = Megabytes(512);
+  // Construct a persistent volume which does not use up all disk resources.
+  Resource volume = createPersistentVolume(
+      getDiskResource(totalBytes - additionBytes, 1),
+      "id1",
+      "path1",
+      None(),
+      frameworkInfo.principal());
+  Resource addition = getDiskResource(additionBytes, 1);
+  Resource grownVolume = createPersistentVolume(
+      getDiskResource(totalBytes, 1),
+      "id1",
+      "path1",
+      None(),
+      frameworkInfo.principal());
+  Future<vector<Offer>> offersBeforeGrow;
+  EXPECT_CALL(sched, resourceOffers(&driver, _))
+    .WillOnce(FutureArg<1>(&offersBeforeGrow));
+  // We use the filter explicitly here so that the resources will not
+  // be filtered for 5 seconds (the default).
+  Filters filters;
+  filters.set_refuse_seconds(0);
+  // Create the persistent volume.
+  driver.acceptOffers(
+      {},
+      {CREATE(volume)},
+      filters);
+  Clock::settle();
+  Clock::advance(masterFlags.allocation_interval);
+  AWAIT_READY(offersBeforeGrow);
+  ASSERT_FALSE(offersBeforeGrow->empty());
+  offer = offersBeforeGrow->at(0);
+      allocatedResources(Resources(volume), frameworkInfo.roles(0)),
+      Resources(offer.resources()).persistentVolumes());
+      Resources(offer.resources()).contains(
+      allocatedResources(addition, frameworkInfo.roles(0))));
+  // Make sure the volume exists, and leave a non-empty file there.
+  string volumePath = slave::paths::getPersistentVolumePath(
+      slaveFlags.work_dir, volume);
+  EXPECT_TRUE(os::exists(volumePath));
+  string filePath = path::join(volumePath, "file");
+  ASSERT_SOME(os::write(filePath, "abc"));
+  Future<vector<Offer>> offersAfterGrow;
+  EXPECT_CALL(sched, resourceOffers(&driver, _))
+    .WillOnce(FutureArg<1>(&offersAfterGrow));
+  // Grow the volume.
+  driver.acceptOffers(
+      {},
+      {GROW_VOLUME(volume, addition)},
+      filters);
+  Clock::settle();
+  Clock::advance(masterFlags.allocation_interval);
+  AWAIT_READY(offersAfterGrow);
+  ASSERT_FALSE(offersAfterGrow->empty());
+  EXPECT_TRUE(os::exists(volumePath));
+  EXPECT_SOME_EQ("abc", os::read(filePath));
+  offer = offersAfterGrow->at(0);
+      allocatedResources(Resources(grownVolume), frameworkInfo.roles(0)),
+      Resources(offer.resources()).persistentVolumes());
+      Resources(offer.resources()).contains(
+      allocatedResources(addition, frameworkInfo.roles(0))));
+  Clock::resume();
+  driver.stop();
+  driver.join();
+// This test verifies that a framework can shrink a persistent volume and see
+// the shrunk volume in further offers.
+TEST_P(PersistentVolumeTest, ShrinkVolume)
+  Clock::pause();
+  FrameworkInfo frameworkInfo = DEFAULT_FRAMEWORK_INFO;
+  frameworkInfo.set_roles(0, DEFAULT_TEST_ROLE);
+  // Create a master.
+  master::Flags masterFlags = CreateMasterFlags();
+  Try<Owned<cluster::Master>> master = StartMaster(masterFlags);
+  ASSERT_SOME(master);
+  slave::Flags slaveFlags = CreateSlaveFlags();
+  slaveFlags.resources = getSlaveResources();
+  Owned<MasterDetector> detector = master.get()->createDetector();
+  Try<Owned<cluster::Slave>> slave = StartSlave(detector.get(), slaveFlags);
+  ASSERT_SOME(slave);
+  MockScheduler sched;
+  MesosSchedulerDriver driver(
+      &sched, frameworkInfo, master.get()->pid, DEFAULT_CREDENTIAL);
+  EXPECT_CALL(sched, registered(&driver, _, _));
+  Future<vector<Offer>> offersBeforeCreate;
+  EXPECT_CALL(sched, resourceOffers(&driver, _))
+    .WillOnce(FutureArg<1>(&offersBeforeCreate));
+  driver.start();
+  Clock::advance(masterFlags.allocation_interval);
+  AWAIT_READY(offersBeforeCreate);
+  ASSERT_FALSE(offersBeforeCreate->empty());
+  Offer offer = offersBeforeCreate->at(0);
+  // The disk spaces will be merged if the fixture parameter is `NONE`.
+  Bytes totalBytes = GetParam() == NONE ? Megabytes(4096) : Megabytes(2048);
+  Bytes shrinkBytes = Megabytes(512);
+  // Construct a persistent volume which uses up all disk resources.
+  Resource volume = createPersistentVolume(
+      getDiskResource(totalBytes, 1),
+      "id1",
+      "path1",
+      None(),
+      frameworkInfo.principal());
+  Resource subtract = getDiskResource(shrinkBytes, 1);
+  Resource shrunkVolume = createPersistentVolume(
+      getDiskResource(totalBytes - shrinkBytes, 1),
+      "id1",
+      "path1",
+      None(),
+      frameworkInfo.principal());
+  Future<vector<Offer>> offersBeforeShrink;
+  // Expect an offer containing the original volume.
+  EXPECT_CALL(sched, resourceOffers(&driver, _))
+    .WillOnce(FutureArg<1>(&offersBeforeShrink));
+  // We use the filter explicitly here so that the resources will not
+  // be filtered for 5 seconds (the default).
+  Filters filters;
+  filters.set_refuse_seconds(0);
+  // Create the persistent volume.
+  driver.acceptOffers(
+      {},
+      {CREATE(volume)},
+      filters);
+  Clock::settle();
+  Clock::advance(masterFlags.allocation_interval);
+  AWAIT_READY(offersBeforeShrink);
+  ASSERT_FALSE(offersBeforeShrink->empty());
+  offer = offersBeforeShrink->at(0);
+      allocatedResources(Resources(volume), frameworkInfo.roles(0)),
+      Resources(offer.resources()).persistentVolumes());
+      Resources(offer.resources()).contains(
+      allocatedResources(subtract, frameworkInfo.roles(0))));
+  // Make sure the volume exists, and leaves a non-empty file there.
+  string volumePath = slave::paths::getPersistentVolumePath(
+      slaveFlags.work_dir, volume);
+  EXPECT_TRUE(os::exists(volumePath));
+  string filePath = path::join(volumePath, "file");
+  ASSERT_SOME(os::write(filePath, "abc"));
+  Future<vector<Offer>> offersAfterShrink;
+  // Expect an offer containing shrunk volume.
+  EXPECT_CALL(sched, resourceOffers(&driver, _))
+    .WillOnce(FutureArg<1>(&offersAfterShrink));
+  driver.acceptOffers(
+      {},
+      {SHRINK_VOLUME(volume, subtract.scalar())},
+      filters);
+  Clock::settle();
+  Clock::advance(masterFlags.allocation_interval);
+  AWAIT_READY(offersAfterShrink);
+  ASSERT_FALSE(offersAfterShrink->empty());
+  EXPECT_TRUE(os::exists(volumePath));
+  EXPECT_SOME_EQ("abc", os::read(filePath));
+  offer = offersAfterShrink->at(0);
+  if (GetParam() != MOUNT) {
+        allocatedResources(Resources(shrunkVolume), frameworkInfo.roles(0)),
+        Resources(offer.resources()).persistentVolumes());
+        Resources(offer.resources()).contains(
+        allocatedResources(subtract, frameworkInfo.roles(0))));
+  } else {
+        allocatedResources(Resources(volume), frameworkInfo.roles(0)),
+        Resources(offer.resources()).persistentVolumes());
+        Resources(offer.resources()).contains(
+        allocatedResources(subtract, frameworkInfo.roles(0))));
+  }
+  Clock::resume();
+  driver.stop();
+  driver.join();
+// This test verifies that a subsequent `LAUNCH` depending on a grown volume
+// will be dropped because we intend to keep `GROW_VOLUME` non-speculative.
+TEST_P(PersistentVolumeTest, NonSpeculativeGrowAndLaunch)
+  if (GetParam() == MOUNT) {
+    // It is not possible to have a valid `GrowVolume` on a MOUNT disk because
+    // the volume must use up all disk space at `Create` and no space will be
+    // left for `addition`. Therefore we skip this test.
+    // TODO(zhitao): Make MOUNT a meaningful parameter value for this test, or
+    // create a new fixture to avoid testing against it.
+    return;
+  }
+  Clock::pause();
+  FrameworkInfo frameworkInfo = DEFAULT_FRAMEWORK_INFO;
+  frameworkInfo.set_roles(0, DEFAULT_TEST_ROLE);
+  // Create a master.
+  master::Flags masterFlags = CreateMasterFlags();
+  Try<Owned<cluster::Master>> master = StartMaster(masterFlags);
+  ASSERT_SOME(master);
+  slave::Flags slaveFlags = CreateSlaveFlags();
+  slaveFlags.resources = getSlaveResources();
+  Owned<MasterDetector> detector = master.get()->createDetector();
+  Try<Owned<cluster::Slave>> slave = StartSlave(detector.get(), slaveFlags);
+  ASSERT_SOME(slave);
+  MockScheduler sched;
+  MesosSchedulerDriver driver(
+      &sched, frameworkInfo, master.get()->pid, DEFAULT_CREDENTIAL);
+  EXPECT_CALL(sched, registered(&driver, _, _));
+  Future<vector<Offer>> offersBeforeOperations;
+  EXPECT_CALL(sched, resourceOffers(&driver, _))
+    .WillOnce(FutureArg<1>(&offersBeforeOperations));
+  driver.start();
+  Clock::settle();
+  Clock::advance(masterFlags.allocation_interval);
+  AWAIT_READY(offersBeforeOperations);
+  ASSERT_FALSE(offersBeforeOperations->empty());
+  Offer offer = offersBeforeOperations->at(0);
+  // Disk spaces will be merged if fixture parameter is `NONE`.
+  Bytes totalBytes = GetParam() == NONE ? Megabytes(4096) : Megabytes(2048);
+  Bytes additionBytes = Megabytes(512);
+  // Construct a persistent volume which do not use up all disk resources.
+  Resource volume = createPersistentVolume(
+      getDiskResource(totalBytes - additionBytes, 1),
+      "id1",
+      "path1",
+      None(),
+      frameworkInfo.principal());
+  Resource addition = getDiskResource(additionBytes, 1);
+  Resource grownVolume = createPersistentVolume(
+      getDiskResource(totalBytes, 1),
+      "id1",
+      "path1",
+      None(),
+      frameworkInfo.principal());
+  Future<TaskStatus> taskError;
+  EXPECT_CALL(sched, statusUpdate(&driver, _))
+    .WillOnce(FutureArg<1>(&taskError));
+  TaskInfo task = createTask(
+      offer.slave_id(),
+      Resources::parse("cpus:1;mem:128").get() + grownVolume,
+      "echo abc > path1/file");
+  Future<vector<Offer>> offersAfterOperations;
+  EXPECT_CALL(sched, resourceOffers(&driver, _))
+    .WillOnce(FutureArg<1>(&offersAfterOperations));
+  // We use the filter explicitly here so that the resources will not
+  // be filtered for 5 seconds (the default).
+  Filters filters;
+  filters.set_refuse_seconds(0);
+  // Create and grow will succeed, but launch will be droppd with
+  // `TASK_ERROR`.
+  driver.acceptOffers(
+      {},
+      {CREATE(volume), GROW_VOLUME(volume, addition), LAUNCH({task})},
+      filters);
+  AWAIT_READY(taskError);
+  EXPECT_EQ(task.task_id(), taskError->task_id());
+  EXPECT_EQ(TASK_ERROR, taskError->state());
+  Clock::settle();
+  Clock::advance(masterFlags.allocation_interval);
+  AWAIT_READY(offersAfterOperations);
+  ASSERT_FALSE(offersAfterOperations->empty());
+  offer = offersAfterOperations->at(0);
+      allocatedResources(Resources(grownVolume), frameworkInfo.roles(0)),
+      Resources(offer.resources()).persistentVolumes());
+  Clock::resume();
+  driver.stop();
+  driver.join();
+// This test verifies that a subsequent `LAUNCH` depends on a shrunk volume
+// will be dropped because we intend to keep `SHRINK_VOLUME` non-speculative.
+TEST_P(PersistentVolumeTest, NonSpeculativeShrinkAndLaunch)
+  if (GetParam() == MOUNT) {
+    // It is not possible to have a valid `GrowVolume` on a MOUNT disk because
+    // the volume must use up all disk space at `Create` and no space will be
+    // left for `addition`. Therefore we skip this test.
+    // TODO(zhitao): Make MOUNT a meaningful parameter value for this test, or
+    // create a new fixture to avoid testing against it.
+    return;
+  }
+  Clock::pause();
+  FrameworkInfo frameworkInfo = DEFAULT_FRAMEWORK_INFO;
+  frameworkInfo.set_roles(0, DEFAULT_TEST_ROLE);
+  // Create a master.
+  master::Flags masterFlags = CreateMasterFlags();
+  Try<Owned<cluster::Master>> master = StartMaster(masterFlags);
+  ASSERT_SOME(master);
+  slave::Flags slaveFlags = CreateSlaveFlags();
+  slaveFlags.resources = getSlaveResources();
+  Owned<MasterDetector> detector = master.get()->createDetector();
+  Try<Owned<cluster::Slave>> slave = StartSlave(detector.get(), slaveFlags);
+  ASSERT_SOME(slave);
+  MockScheduler sched;
+  MesosSchedulerDriver driver(
+      &sched, frameworkInfo, master.get()->pid, DEFAULT_CREDENTIAL);
+  EXPECT_CALL(sched, registered(&driver, _, _));
+  Future<vector<Offer>> offersBeforeOperations;
+  EXPECT_CALL(sched, resourceOffers(&driver, _))
+    .WillOnce(FutureArg<1>(&offersBeforeOperations));
+  driver.start();
+  Clock::advance(masterFlags.allocation_interval);
+  AWAIT_READY(offersBeforeOperations);
+  ASSERT_FALSE(offersBeforeOperations->empty());
+  Offer offer = offersBeforeOperations->at(0);
+  Resource volume = createPersistentVolume(
+      getDiskResource(Megabytes(1024), 1),
+      "id1",
+      "path1",
+      None(),
+      frameworkInfo.principal());
+  Value::Scalar subtract;
+  subtract.set_value(512);
+  Resource shrunkVolume = createPersistentVolume(
+      getDiskResource(Megabytes(512), 1),
+      "id1",
+      "path1",
+      None(),
+      frameworkInfo.principal());
+  Future<TaskStatus> taskError;
+  EXPECT_CALL(sched, statusUpdate(&driver, _))
+    .WillOnce(FutureArg<1>(&taskError));
+  TaskInfo task = createTask(
+      offer.slave_id(),
+      Resources::parse("cpus:1;mem:128").get() + shrunkVolume,
+      "echo abc > path1/file");
+  Future<vector<Offer>> offersAfterOperations;
+  EXPECT_CALL(sched, resourceOffers(&driver, _))
+    .WillOnce(FutureArg<1>(&offersAfterOperations));
+  // We use the filter explicitly here so that the resources will not
+  // be filtered for 5 seconds (the default).
+  Filters filters;
+  filters.set_refuse_seconds(0);
+  // Create and shrink volume will succeed, but launch will be dropped with
+  // `TASK_ERROR`.
+  driver.acceptOffers(
+      {},
+      {CREATE(volume), SHRINK_VOLUME(volume, subtract), LAUNCH({task})},
+      filters);
+  AWAIT_READY(taskError);
+  EXPECT_EQ(task.task_id(), taskError->task_id());
+  EXPECT_EQ(TASK_ERROR, taskError->state());
+  Clock::settle();
+  Clock::advance(masterFlags.allocation_interval);
+  AWAIT_READY(offersAfterOperations);
+  ASSERT_FALSE(offersAfterOperations->empty());
+  offer = offersAfterOperations->at(0);
+      allocatedResources(Resources(shrunkVolume), frameworkInfo.roles(0)),
+      Resources(offer.resources()).persistentVolumes());
+  Clock::resume();
+  driver.stop();
+  driver.join();
 // This test verifies that the slave checkpoints the resources for
 // persistent volumes to the disk, recovers them upon restart, and
 // sends them to the master during re-registration.