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[36/39] Format JS
diff --git a/ui/scripts/autoscaler.js b/ui/scripts/autoscaler.js
index 15a9dac..d30ace8 100644
--- a/ui/scripts/autoscaler.js
+++ b/ui/scripts/autoscaler.js
@@ -15,1417 +15,1454 @@
 // specific language governing permissions and limitations
 // under the License.
-(function($,cloudstack) {
-  var scaleUpData = [];
-  var totalScaleUpCondition = 0;
-  var scaleDownData = [];
-  var totalScaleDownCondition = 0;
-  cloudStack.autoscaler = {
-    // UI actions to appear in dialog
-    autoscaleActions: {
-      enable: {
-        label: 'Enable Autoscale',
-        action: function(args) {				
-				  $.ajax({
-					  url: createURL('enableAutoScaleVmGroup'),
-						data: {
-						  id:
-						},
-						success: function(json) {						  				
-							var jid = json.enableautoscalevmGroupresponse.jobid;
-							args.response.success({
-							  _custom: {
-								  jobId: jid,
-									getUpdatedItem: function(json) {									  
-										return json.queryasyncjobresultresponse.jobresult.autoscalevmgroup;
-									},
-									getActionFilter: function() {									  
-										return cloudStack.autoscaler.actionFilter;										
-									}
-								},								
-								notification: {
-									poll: pollAsyncJobResult
-								}								
-							});															
-						}
-					});          
-        }
-      },
-      disable: {
-        label: 'Disable Autoscale',
-        action: function(args) {				  
-				  $.ajax({
-					  url: createURL('disableAutoScaleVmGroup'),
-						data: {
-						  id:
-						},
-						success: function(json) {						  			
-							var jid = json.disableautoscalevmGroupresponse.jobid;
-							args.response.success({
-							  _custom: {
-								  jobId: jid,
-									getUpdatedItem: function(json) {									  
-										return json.queryasyncjobresultresponse.jobresult.autoscalevmgroup;
-									},
-									getActionFilter: function() {									  
-										return cloudStack.autoscaler.actionFilter;										
-									}
-								},								
-								notification: {
-									poll: pollAsyncJobResult
-								}								
-							});															
-						}
-					});          
-        }
-      }
-    },
-    actionFilter: function(args) {		  
-			var allowedActions = [];		
-			if(args.context.originalAutoscaleData == null) { //new LB rule
-			  //no actions  for new LB rule
-			}
-			else { //existing LB rule			  
-        if(args.context.originalAutoscaleData[0].afterActionIsComplete == null) {	
-					if(args.context.originalAutoscaleData[0].context.autoscaleVmGroup.state == 'disabled')
-						allowedActions.push('enable');
-					else if(args.context.originalAutoscaleData[0].context.autoscaleVmGroup.state == 'enabled')
-						allowedActions.push('disable');		
-        }			
-        else {
-          if(args.context.originalAutoscaleData[0].afterActionIsComplete.state == 'disabled')
-						allowedActions.push('enable');
-					else if(args.context.originalAutoscaleData[0].afterActionIsComplete.state == 'enabled')
-						allowedActions.push('disable');		
-        }				
-			}	
-			return allowedActions;      
-    },
-    dataProvider: function(args) {
-      // Reset data
-      scaleUpData = [];
-      totalScaleUpCondition = 0;
-      scaleDownData = [];
-      totalScaleDownCondition = 0;
-			if(!('multiRules' in args.context)) { //from a new LB 			
-			  args.response.success({ data: null });		
-      }				
-			else { //from an existing LB
-				$.ajax({
-				  url: createURL('listAutoScaleVmGroups'),
-					data: {
-					  listAll: true,
-					  lbruleid: args.context.multiRules[0].id
-					},					
-					success: function(json) {					  
-						var autoscaleVmGroup = json.listautoscalevmgroupsresponse.autoscalevmgroup[0];
-						$.ajax({
-						  url: createURL('listAutoScaleVmProfiles'),
-							data: {
-							  listAll: true,
-							  id: autoscaleVmGroup.vmprofileid
-							}, 
-							success: function(json) {							  
-								var autoscaleVmProfile = json.listautoscalevmprofilesresponse.autoscalevmprofile[0];
-								var scaleUpPolicy = {
-								  id: autoscaleVmGroup.scaleuppolicies[0].id,
-									duration: autoscaleVmGroup.scaleuppolicies[0].duration,
-									conditions: []
-								};								
-								$(autoscaleVmGroup.scaleuppolicies[0].conditions).each(function(){								  
-									var condition = {
-									  id:,
-										counterid: this.counter[0].id,										
-										relationaloperator: this.relationaloperator,
-										threshold: this.threshold
-									};
-									scaleUpPolicy.conditions.push(condition);
-								});
-                var scaleDownPolicy = {
-								  id: autoscaleVmGroup.scaledownpolicies[0].id,
-									duration: autoscaleVmGroup.scaledownpolicies[0].duration,
-									conditions: []
-								};								
-								$(autoscaleVmGroup.scaledownpolicies[0].conditions).each(function(){								  
-									var condition = {
-									  id:,
-										counterid: this.counter[0].id,										
-										relationaloperator: this.relationaloperator,
-										threshold: this.threshold.toString()
-									};
-									scaleDownPolicy.conditions.push(condition);
-								});
-								var diskOfferingId, securityGroups;
-                var otherdeployparams = autoscaleVmProfile.otherdeployparams;
-								if(otherdeployparams != null && otherdeployparams.length > 0) {
-									var array1 = otherdeployparams.split('&');
-									$(array1).each(function(){								 
-										var array2 = this.split('=');
-										if(array2[0] == 'diskofferingid')
-											diskOfferingId= array2[1];
-										if(array2[0] == 'securitygroupids')
-											securityGroups = array2[1];									
-									});								                				
-								}
-								var originalAutoscaleData = {
-									templateNames: autoscaleVmProfile.templateid,
-									serviceOfferingId: autoscaleVmProfile.serviceofferingid,
-									minInstance: autoscaleVmGroup.minmembers, 
-									maxInstance: autoscaleVmGroup.maxmembers, 
-									scaleUpPolicy: scaleUpPolicy,
-									scaleDownPolicy: scaleDownPolicy,
-									interval: autoscaleVmGroup.interval, 
-									quietTime: autoscaleVmGroup.scaleuppolicies[0].quiettime, 
-									destroyVMgracePeriod: autoscaleVmProfile.destroyvmgraceperiod,
-									securityGroups: securityGroups, 
-									diskOfferingId: diskOfferingId, 
-									snmpCommunity: autoscaleVmProfile.counterparam.snmpcommunity,
-									snmpPort: autoscaleVmProfile.counterparam.snmpport,
-									username: autoscaleVmProfile.autoscaleuserid,
-									context: {
-									  autoscaleVmGroup: autoscaleVmGroup,
-										autoscaleVmProfile: autoscaleVmProfile
-									}
-									//isAdvanced: false // Set this to true if any advanced field data is present
-								};
-								args.response.success({ data: originalAutoscaleData });								
-							}						
-						});						
-					}				  
-				});		
-			}         		
-    },
-    // --
-    // Add the following object blocks:
-    //
-    // topFields: { <standard createForm field format> }
-    // bottomFields: { <standard createForm field format> },
-    // scaleUpPolicy: { <standard multiEdit field format> },
-    // scaleDownPolicy: { <standard multiEdit field format> }
-    // --
-    //
-    forms: {
-      topFields: {
-        //**
-        //** Disabled due to UI issues
-        //**
-        // templateCategory: {
-        //   label: 'Template',
-        //   id: 'templatecategory',
-        //   select: function(args) {
-        //     args.response.success({
-        //       data: [
-        //         { id: 'all', description: _l('ui.listView.filters.all') },
-        //         { id: 'featured', description: _l('label.featured') },
-        //         { id: 'Community', description: _l('') },
-        //         { id: 'self', description: _l('ui.listView.filters.mine') }
-        //       ]
-        //     });
-        //   }
-        // },
-        //**
-        templateNames: {
-          label: 'label.template',
-          id: 'templatename',
-          select: function(args) {
-            var templates;
-            var templateIdMap = {};
-            $.ajax({
-              url: createURL('listTemplates'),
-              data: {
-                templatefilter: 'featured',
-                zoneid: args.context.networks[0].zoneid
-              },
-              async: false,
-              success: function(json) {
-                templates = json.listtemplatesresponse.template;
-                if (templates == null)
-                  templates = [];
-                $(templates).each(function() {
-                  templateIdMap[] = 1;
-                });
-              }
-            });
-            $.ajax({
-              url: createURL('listTemplates'),
-              data: {
-                templatefilter: 'community',
-                zoneid: args.context.networks[0].zoneid
-              },
-              async: false,
-              success: function(json) {
-                var items = json.listtemplatesresponse.template;
-                $(items).each(function() {
-                  if(!( in templateIdMap)) {
-                    templates.push(this);
-                    templateIdMap[] = 1;
-                  }
-                });
-              }
-            });
-            $.ajax({
-              url: createURL('listTemplates'),
-              data: {
-                templatefilter: 'selfexecutable',
-                zoneid: args.context.networks[0].zoneid
-              },
-              async: false,
-              success: function(json) {
-                var items = json.listtemplatesresponse.template;
-                $(items).each(function() {
-                  if(!( in templateIdMap)) {
-                    templates.push(this);
-                    templateIdMap[] = 1;
-                  }
-                });
-              }
-            });
-            args.response.success({
-              data: $.map(templates, function(template) {
-                return {
-                  id:,
-                  description:
-                };
-              })
-            });
-          }
+(function($, cloudstack) {
+    var scaleUpData = [];
+    var totalScaleUpCondition = 0;
+    var scaleDownData = [];
+    var totalScaleDownCondition = 0;
+    cloudStack.autoscaler = {
+        // UI actions to appear in dialog
+        autoscaleActions: {
+            enable: {
+                label: 'Enable Autoscale',
+                action: function(args) {
+                    $.ajax({
+                        url: createURL('enableAutoScaleVmGroup'),
+                        data: {
+                            id:
+                        },
+                        success: function(json) {
+                            var jid = json.enableautoscalevmGroupresponse.jobid;
+                            args.response.success({
+                                _custom: {
+                                    jobId: jid,
+                                    getUpdatedItem: function(json) {
+                                        return json.queryasyncjobresultresponse.jobresult.autoscalevmgroup;
+                                    },
+                                    getActionFilter: function() {
+                                        return cloudStack.autoscaler.actionFilter;
+                                    }
+                                },
+                                notification: {
+                                    poll: pollAsyncJobResult
+                                }
+                            });
+                        }
+                    });
+                }
+            },
+            disable: {
+                label: 'Disable Autoscale',
+                action: function(args) {
+                    $.ajax({
+                        url: createURL('disableAutoScaleVmGroup'),
+                        data: {
+                            id:
+                        },
+                        success: function(json) {
+                            var jid = json.disableautoscalevmGroupresponse.jobid;
+                            args.response.success({
+                                _custom: {
+                                    jobId: jid,
+                                    getUpdatedItem: function(json) {
+                                        return json.queryasyncjobresultresponse.jobresult.autoscalevmgroup;
+                                    },
+                                    getActionFilter: function() {
+                                        return cloudStack.autoscaler.actionFilter;
+                                    }
+                                },
+                                notification: {
+                                    poll: pollAsyncJobResult
+                                }
+                            });
+                        }
+                    });
+                }
+            }
+        actionFilter: function(args) {
+            var allowedActions = [];
+            if (args.context.originalAutoscaleData == null) { //new LB rule
+                //no actions  for new LB rule
+            } else { //existing LB rule
+                if (args.context.originalAutoscaleData[0].afterActionIsComplete == null) {
+                    if (args.context.originalAutoscaleData[0].context.autoscaleVmGroup.state == 'disabled')
+                        allowedActions.push('enable');
+                    else if (args.context.originalAutoscaleData[0].context.autoscaleVmGroup.state == 'enabled')
+                        allowedActions.push('disable');
+                } else {
+                    if (args.context.originalAutoscaleData[0].afterActionIsComplete.state == 'disabled')
+                        allowedActions.push('enable');
+                    else if (args.context.originalAutoscaleData[0].afterActionIsComplete.state == 'enabled')
+                        allowedActions.push('disable');
+                }
+            }
+            return allowedActions;
+        },
+        dataProvider: function(args) {
+            // Reset data
+            scaleUpData = [];
+            totalScaleUpCondition = 0;
+            scaleDownData = [];
+            totalScaleDownCondition = 0;
-        serviceOfferingId: {
-          label: 'label.compute.offering',
-          select: function(args) {
-            $.ajax({
-              url: createURL("listServiceOfferings&issystem=false"),
-              dataType: "json",
-              async: true,
-              success: function(json) {
-                var serviceofferings = json.listserviceofferingsresponse.serviceoffering;
+            if (!('multiRules' in args.context)) { //from a new LB
-                  data: $.map(serviceofferings, function(serviceoffering) {
-                    return {
-                      id:,
-                      description:
-                    };
-                  })
+                    data: null
-              }
-            });
-          }
-        },
+            } else { //from an existing LB
+                $.ajax({
+                    url: createURL('listAutoScaleVmGroups'),
+                    data: {
+                        listAll: true,
+                        lbruleid: args.context.multiRules[0].id
+                    },
+                    success: function(json) {
+                        var autoscaleVmGroup = json.listautoscalevmgroupsresponse.autoscalevmgroup[0];
-        minInstance: {
-          label: 'Min Instances',
-          defaultValue: '3',
-          validation: { 
-					  required: true,
-						number: true
-					}
-        },
+                        $.ajax({
+                            url: createURL('listAutoScaleVmProfiles'),
+                            data: {
+                                listAll: true,
+                                id: autoscaleVmGroup.vmprofileid
+                            },
+                            success: function(json) {
+                                var autoscaleVmProfile = json.listautoscalevmprofilesresponse.autoscalevmprofile[0];
-        maxInstance: {
-          label: 'Max Instances',
-          defaultValue: '10',
-          validation: { 
-					  required: true,
-						number: true
-					}
-        }
-      },
-      bottomFields: {
-        isAdvanced: { isBoolean: true, label: 'Show advanced settings' },
-        interval: {
-          label: 'Polling Interval (in sec)',
-          defaultValue: '30',
-          validation: { 
-					  required: true,
-						number: true
-					}
-        },
+                                var scaleUpPolicy = {
+                                    id: autoscaleVmGroup.scaleuppolicies[0].id,
+                                    duration: autoscaleVmGroup.scaleuppolicies[0].duration,
+                                    conditions: []
+                                };
+                                $(autoscaleVmGroup.scaleuppolicies[0].conditions).each(function() {
+                                    var condition = {
+                                        id:,
+                                        counterid: this.counter[0].id,
+                                        relationaloperator: this.relationaloperator,
+                                        threshold: this.threshold
+                                    };
+                                    scaleUpPolicy.conditions.push(condition);
+                                });
-        quietTime: {
-          label: 'Quiet Time (in sec)',
-          defaultValue: '300',
-          validation: { 
-					  required: true,
-            number: true						
-					}
-        },
+                                var scaleDownPolicy = {
+                                    id: autoscaleVmGroup.scaledownpolicies[0].id,
+                                    duration: autoscaleVmGroup.scaledownpolicies[0].duration,
+                                    conditions: []
+                                };
+                                $(autoscaleVmGroup.scaledownpolicies[0].conditions).each(function() {
+                                    var condition = {
+                                        id:,
+                                        counterid: this.counter[0].id,
+                                        relationaloperator: this.relationaloperator,
+                                        threshold: this.threshold.toString()
+                                    };
+                                    scaleDownPolicy.conditions.push(condition);
+                                });
-        destroyVMgracePeriod: {
-          label: 'Destroy VM Grace Period',
-          defaultValue: '30',
-          isHidden:true,
-          dependsOn:'isAdvanced',
-          validation: { 
-					  required: true,
-						number: true
-					}
-        },
-        securityGroups: {
-          label: '',
-          isHidden: true,
-          dependsOn: 'isAdvanced',
-          select: function(args) {
-            $.ajax({
-              url: createURL("listSecurityGroups&listAll=true"),
-              dataType: "json",
-              async: true,
-              success: function(json) {
-                var securitygroups = json.listsecuritygroupsresponse.securitygroup;
-                var items = [];
-                items.push({id: "", description: ""});
-                $(securitygroups).each(function(){
-                  items.push({id:, description:});
-                });
-                args.response.success({ data: items });
-              }
-            });
-          }
-        },
+                                var diskOfferingId, securityGroups;
+                                var otherdeployparams = autoscaleVmProfile.otherdeployparams;
+                                if (otherdeployparams != null && otherdeployparams.length > 0) {
+                                    var array1 = otherdeployparams.split('&');
+                                    $(array1).each(function() {
+                                        var array2 = this.split('=');
+                                        if (array2[0] == 'diskofferingid')
+                                            diskOfferingId = array2[1];
+                                        if (array2[0] == 'securitygroupids')
+                                            securityGroups = array2[1];
+                                    });
+                                }
+                                var originalAutoscaleData = {
+                                    templateNames: autoscaleVmProfile.templateid,
+                                    serviceOfferingId: autoscaleVmProfile.serviceofferingid,
+                                    minInstance: autoscaleVmGroup.minmembers,
+                                    maxInstance: autoscaleVmGroup.maxmembers,
+                                    scaleUpPolicy: scaleUpPolicy,
+                                    scaleDownPolicy: scaleDownPolicy,
+                                    interval: autoscaleVmGroup.interval,
+                                    quietTime: autoscaleVmGroup.scaleuppolicies[0].quiettime,
+                                    destroyVMgracePeriod: autoscaleVmProfile.destroyvmgraceperiod,
+                                    securityGroups: securityGroups,
+                                    diskOfferingId: diskOfferingId,
+                                    snmpCommunity: autoscaleVmProfile.counterparam.snmpcommunity,
+                                    snmpPort: autoscaleVmProfile.counterparam.snmpport,
+                                    username: autoscaleVmProfile.autoscaleuserid,
+                                    context: {
+                                        autoscaleVmGroup: autoscaleVmGroup,
+                                        autoscaleVmProfile: autoscaleVmProfile
+                                    }
+                                    //isAdvanced: false // Set this to true if any advanced field data is present
+                                };
-        diskOfferingId: {
-          label: '',
-          isHidden: true,
-          dependsOn: 'isAdvanced',
-          select: function(args) {
-            $.ajax({
-              url: createURL("listDiskOfferings&listAll=true"),
-              dataType: "json",
-              async: true,
-              success: function(json) {
-                var diskofferings = json.listdiskofferingsresponse.diskoffering;
-                var items = [];
-                items.push({id: "", description: ""});
-                $(diskofferings).each(function(){
-                  items.push({id:, description:});
+                                args.response.success({
+                                    data: originalAutoscaleData
+                                });
+                            }
+                        });
+                    }
-                args.response.success({ data: items });
-              }
-            });
-          }
+            }
-        snmpCommunity: {
-          isHidden: true,
-          dependsOn: 'isAdvanced',
-          label: 'SNMP Community',
-          defaultValue: 'public',
-          validation: { required: true }
-        },
+        // --
+        // Add the following object blocks:
+        //
+        // topFields: { <standard createForm field format> }
+        // bottomFields: { <standard createForm field format> },
+        // scaleUpPolicy: { <standard multiEdit field format> },
+        // scaleDownPolicy: { <standard multiEdit field format> }
+        // --
+        //
+        forms: {
+            topFields: {
+                //**
+                //** Disabled due to UI issues
+                //**
+                // templateCategory: {
+                //   label: 'Template',
+                //   id: 'templatecategory',
+                //   select: function(args) {
+                //     args.response.success({
+                //       data: [
+                //         { id: 'all', description: _l('ui.listView.filters.all') },
+                //         { id: 'featured', description: _l('label.featured') },
+                //         { id: 'Community', description: _l('') },
+                //         { id: 'self', description: _l('ui.listView.filters.mine') }
+                //       ]
+                //     });
+                //   }
+                // },
+                //**
-        snmpPort: {
-          isHidden: true,
-          dependsOn: 'isAdvanced',
-          label: 'SNMP Port',
-          defaultValue: '161',
-          validation: { 
-					  required: true,
-						number: true
-					}
-        },
+                templateNames: {
+                    label: 'label.template',
+                    id: 'templatename',
+                    select: function(args) {
+                        var templates;
+                        var templateIdMap = {};
+                        $.ajax({
+                            url: createURL('listTemplates'),
+                            data: {
+                                templatefilter: 'featured',
+                                zoneid: args.context.networks[0].zoneid
+                            },
+                            async: false,
+                            success: function(json) {
+                                templates = json.listtemplatesresponse.template;
+                                if (templates == null)
+                                    templates = [];
+                                $(templates).each(function() {
+                                    templateIdMap[] = 1;
+                                });
+                            }
+                        });
-        username: {
-          isHidden: true,
-          dependsOn: 'isAdvanced',
-          label: 'User',
-          select: function(args) {
-            var items = [];
-						if(args.context.originalAutoscaleData == null) { //new LB rule
-							if(isAdmin() || isDomainAdmin()) {
-								$.ajax({
-									url: createURL('listUsers'),
-									data: {
-										domainid: g_domainid,
-										account: g_account
-									},
-									success: function(json) {
-										var users = json.listusersresponse.user;
-										$(users).each(function(){
-											items.push({id:, description: this.username});
-										});
-										args.response.success({ data: items });
-									}
-								});
-							}
-							else { //regular user doesn't have access to listUers API call.
-								items.push({id: "", description: ""});
-								args.response.success({ data: items });
-							}
-						}
-						else { //existing LB rule
-						  if(isAdmin() || isDomainAdmin()) {
-								$.ajax({
-									url: createURL('listUsers'),
-									data: {
-										domainid: args.context.originalAutoscaleData.context.autoscaleVmProfile.domainid,
-										account: args.context.originalAutoscaleData.context.autoscaleVmProfile.account
-									},
-									success: function(json) {
-										var users = json.listusersresponse.user;
-										$(users).each(function(){
-											items.push({id:, description: this.username});
-										});
-										args.response.success({ data: items });
-									}
-								});
-							}
-							else { //regular user doesn't have access to listUers API call.
-								items.push({id: "", description: ""});
-								args.response.success({ data: items });
-							}
-						}
-          }
-        }
-      },
-      scaleUpPolicy: {
-        title: 'ScaleUp Policy',
-        label: 'SCALE UP POLICY',
-        noSelect: true,
-        noHeaderActionsColumn: true,
-        ignoreEmptyFields: true,
-        fields: {
-          'counterid': {
-            label: 'Counter',
-            select: function(args) {
-              $.ajax({
-                url: createURL("listCounters"),
-                dataType: "json",
-                async: false,
-                success: function(json) {
-                  var counters = json.counterresponse.counter;
-                  args.response.success({
-                    data: $.map(counters, function(counter) {
-                      return {
-                        name:,
-                        description:
-                      };
-                    })
-                  });
+                        $.ajax({
+                            url: createURL('listTemplates'),
+                            data: {
+                                templatefilter: 'community',
+                                zoneid: args.context.networks[0].zoneid
+                            },
+                            async: false,
+                            success: function(json) {
+                                var items = json.listtemplatesresponse.template;
+                                $(items).each(function() {
+                                    if (!( in templateIdMap)) {
+                                        templates.push(this);
+                                        templateIdMap[] = 1;
+                                    }
+                                });
+                            }
+                        });
+                        $.ajax({
+                            url: createURL('listTemplates'),
+                            data: {
+                                templatefilter: 'selfexecutable',
+                                zoneid: args.context.networks[0].zoneid
+                            },
+                            async: false,
+                            success: function(json) {
+                                var items = json.listtemplatesresponse.template;
+                                $(items).each(function() {
+                                    if (!( in templateIdMap)) {
+                                        templates.push(this);
+                                        templateIdMap[] = 1;
+                                    }
+                                });
+                            }
+                        });
+                        args.response.success({
+                            data: $.map(templates, function(template) {
+                                return {
+                                    id:,
+                                    description:
+                                };
+                            })
+                        });
+                    }
+                },
+                serviceOfferingId: {
+                    label: 'label.compute.offering',
+                    select: function(args) {
+                        $.ajax({
+                            url: createURL("listServiceOfferings&issystem=false"),
+                            dataType: "json",
+                            async: true,
+                            success: function(json) {
+                                var serviceofferings = json.listserviceofferingsresponse.serviceoffering;
+                                args.response.success({
+                                    data: $.map(serviceofferings, function(serviceoffering) {
+                                        return {
+                                            id:,
+                                            description:
+                                        };
+                                    })
+                                });
+                            }
+                        });
+                    }
+                },
+                minInstance: {
+                    label: 'Min Instances',
+                    defaultValue: '3',
+                    validation: {
+                        required: true,
+                        number: true
+                    }
+                },
+                maxInstance: {
+                    label: 'Max Instances',
+                    defaultValue: '10',
+                    validation: {
+                        required: true,
+                        number: true
+                    }
-              });
-            }
-          },
-          'relationaloperator': {
-            label: 'Operator',
-            select: function(args) {
-              args.response.success({
-                data: [
-                  { name: 'GT', description: 'greater-than' },
-                  { name: 'GE', description: 'greater-than or equals to' },
-                  { name: 'LT', description: 'less-than' },
-                  { name: 'LE', description: 'less-than or equals to' },
-                  { name: 'EQ', description: 'equals-to' }
-                ]
-              });
-            }
-          },
-          'threshold': { edit: true, label: 'Threshold' },
-          'add-scaleUpcondition': {
-            label: 'label.add',
-            addButton: true
-          }
-        },
-        add: {
-          label: 'label.add',
-          action: function(args) {
-            scaleUpData.push($.extend(, {
-              index: totalScaleUpCondition
-            }));
-            totalScaleUpCondition++;
-            args.response.success();
-          }
-        },
-        actions: {
-          destroy: {
-            label: '',
-            action: function(args) {
-              scaleUpData = $.grep(scaleUpData, function(item) {
-                return item.index != args.context.multiRule[0].index;
-              });
-              totalScaleUpCondition--;
-              args.response.success();
-            }
-          }
-        },
-        dataProvider: function(args) {
-          var data = scaleUpData;
-          var $autoscaler = $('.ui-dialog .autoscaler');
-          var initialData = $'autoscaler-scale-up-data');
-          if ($.isArray(initialData)) {
-            $(initialData).each(function() {
-              this.index = totalScaleUpCondition;
-              totalScaleUpCondition++;
-              scaleUpData.push(this);
-            });
-            $'autoscaler-scale-up-data', null);
-          }
-          args.response.success({
-            data: scaleUpData
-          });
-        }       
-      },
-      scaleDownPolicy: {
-        title: 'ScaleDown Policy',
-        noSelect: true,
-        noHeaderActionsColumn: true,
-        ignoreEmptyFields: true,
-        fields: {
-          'counterid': {
-            label: 'Counter',
-            select: function(args) {
-              $.ajax({
-                url: createURL("listCounters"),
-                dataType: "json",
-                async: false,
-                success: function(json) {
-                  var counters = json.counterresponse.counter;
-                  args.response.success({
-                    data: $.map(counters, function(counter) {
-                      return {
-                        name:,
-                        description:
-                      };
-                    })
-                  });
+            },
+            bottomFields: {
+                isAdvanced: {
+                    isBoolean: true,
+                    label: 'Show advanced settings'
+                },
+                interval: {
+                    label: 'Polling Interval (in sec)',
+                    defaultValue: '30',
+                    validation: {
+                        required: true,
+                        number: true
+                    }
+                },
+                quietTime: {
+                    label: 'Quiet Time (in sec)',
+                    defaultValue: '300',
+                    validation: {
+                        required: true,
+                        number: true
+                    }
+                },
+                destroyVMgracePeriod: {
+                    label: 'Destroy VM Grace Period',
+                    defaultValue: '30',
+                    isHidden: true,
+                    dependsOn: 'isAdvanced',
+                    validation: {
+                        required: true,
+                        number: true
+                    }
+                },
+                securityGroups: {
+                    label: '',
+                    isHidden: true,
+                    dependsOn: 'isAdvanced',
+                    select: function(args) {
+                        $.ajax({
+                            url: createURL("listSecurityGroups&listAll=true"),
+                            dataType: "json",
+                            async: true,
+                            success: function(json) {
+                                var securitygroups = json.listsecuritygroupsresponse.securitygroup;
+                                var items = [];
+                                items.push({
+                                    id: "",
+                                    description: ""
+                                });
+                                $(securitygroups).each(function() {
+                                    items.push({
+                                        id:,
+                                        description:
+                                    });
+                                });
+                                args.response.success({
+                                    data: items
+                                });
+                            }
+                        });
+                    }
+                },
+                diskOfferingId: {
+                    label: '',
+                    isHidden: true,
+                    dependsOn: 'isAdvanced',
+                    select: function(args) {
+                        $.ajax({
+                            url: createURL("listDiskOfferings&listAll=true"),
+                            dataType: "json",
+                            async: true,
+                            success: function(json) {
+                                var diskofferings = json.listdiskofferingsresponse.diskoffering;
+                                var items = [];
+                                items.push({
+                                    id: "",
+                                    description: ""
+                                });
+                                $(diskofferings).each(function() {
+                                    items.push({
+                                        id:,
+                                        description:
+                                    });
+                                });
+                                args.response.success({
+                                    data: items
+                                });
+                            }
+                        });
+                    }
+                },
+                snmpCommunity: {
+                    isHidden: true,
+                    dependsOn: 'isAdvanced',
+                    label: 'SNMP Community',
+                    defaultValue: 'public',
+                    validation: {
+                        required: true
+                    }
+                },
+                snmpPort: {
+                    isHidden: true,
+                    dependsOn: 'isAdvanced',
+                    label: 'SNMP Port',
+                    defaultValue: '161',
+                    validation: {
+                        required: true,
+                        number: true
+                    }
+                },
+                username: {
+                    isHidden: true,
+                    dependsOn: 'isAdvanced',
+                    label: 'User',
+                    select: function(args) {
+                        var items = [];
+                        if (args.context.originalAutoscaleData == null) { //new LB rule
+                            if (isAdmin() || isDomainAdmin()) {
+                                $.ajax({
+                                    url: createURL('listUsers'),
+                                    data: {
+                                        domainid: g_domainid,
+                                        account: g_account
+                                    },
+                                    success: function(json) {
+                                        var users = json.listusersresponse.user;
+                                        $(users).each(function() {
+                                            items.push({
+                                                id:,
+                                                description: this.username
+                                            });
+                                        });
+                                        args.response.success({
+                                            data: items
+                                        });
+                                    }
+                                });
+                            } else { //regular user doesn't have access to listUers API call.
+                                items.push({
+                                    id: "",
+                                    description: ""
+                                });
+                                args.response.success({
+                                    data: items
+                                });
+                            }
+                        } else { //existing LB rule
+                            if (isAdmin() || isDomainAdmin()) {
+                                $.ajax({
+                                    url: createURL('listUsers'),
+                                    data: {
+                                        domainid: args.context.originalAutoscaleData.context.autoscaleVmProfile.domainid,
+                                        account: args.context.originalAutoscaleData.context.autoscaleVmProfile.account
+                                    },
+                                    success: function(json) {
+                                        var users = json.listusersresponse.user;
+                                        $(users).each(function() {
+                                            items.push({
+                                                id:,
+                                                description: this.username
+                                            });
+                                        });
+                                        args.response.success({
+                                            data: items
+                                        });
+                                    }
+                                });
+                            } else { //regular user doesn't have access to listUers API call.
+                                items.push({
+                                    id: "",
+                                    description: ""
+                                });
+                                args.response.success({
+                                    data: items
+                                });
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
-              });
-            }
-          },
-          'relationaloperator': {
-            label: 'Operator',
-            select: function(args) {
-              args.response.success({
-                data: [
-                  { name: 'GT', description: 'greater-than' },
-                  { name: 'GE', description: 'greater-than or equals to' },
-                  { name: 'LT', description: 'less-than' },
-                  { name: 'LE', description: 'less-than or equals to' },
-                  { name: 'EQ', description: 'equals-to' }
-                ]
-              });
-            }
-          },
-          'threshold': { edit: true, label: 'Threshold'},
-          'add-scaleDowncondition': {
-            label: 'label.add',
-            addButton: true
-          }
-        },
-        add: {
-          label: 'label.add',
-          action: function(args) {
-            scaleDownData.push($.extend(, {
-              index: totalScaleDownCondition
-            }));
-            totalScaleDownCondition++;
-            args.response.success();
-          }
-        },
-        actions: {
-          destroy: {
-            label: '',
-            action: function(args) {
-              scaleDownData = $.grep(scaleDownData, function(item) {
-                return item.index != args.context.multiRule[0].index;
-              });
-              totalScaleDownCondition--;
-              args.response.success();
-            }
-          }
-        },
-        dataProvider: function(args) {
-          var data = scaleDownData;
-          var $autoscaler = $('.ui-dialog .autoscaler');
-          var initialData = $'autoscaler-scale-down-data');
-          if ($.isArray(initialData)) {
-            $(initialData).each(function() {
-              this.index = totalScaleDownCondition;
-              totalScaleDownCondition++;
-              scaleDownData.push(this);
-            });
-            $'autoscaler-scale-down-data', null);
-          }
-          args.response.success({
-            data: scaleDownData
-          });
-        }        
-      }
-    },
-    actions: {
-      apply: function(args) {
-        //validation (begin) *****		        	
-				if(!('multiRules' in args.context)) { //from a new LB 			
-				  if( == '' || args.formData.publicport == '' || args.formData.privateport == '') {
-					  args.response.error('Name, Public Port, Private Port of Load Balancing are required. Please close this dialog box and fill Name, Public Port, Private Port first.');
-            return;
-					}
-				}			
-        else { //from an existing LB				  
-					if(args.context.originalAutoscaleData.afterActionIsComplete == null) {	
-						if(args.context.originalAutoscaleData.context.autoscaleVmGroup.state != 'disabled') {
-						  args.response.error('An Autoscale VM Group can be updated only if it is in disabled state. Please disable the Autoscale VM Group first.');
-              return;
-						}               
-					}			
-					else {
-						if(args.context.originalAutoscaleData.afterActionIsComplete.state != 'disabled') {
-						  args.response.error('An Autoscale VM Group can be updated only if it is in disabled state. Please disable the Autoscale VM Group first.');
-              return;
-						}
-					}		
-        }				
-        if(isAdmin() || isDomainAdmin()) { //only admin and domain-admin has access to listUers API
-          var havingApiKeyAndSecretKey = false;
-          $.ajax({
-            url: createURL('listUsers'),
-            data: {
-              id:
-            async: false,
-            success: function(json) {
-              if(json.listusersresponse.user[0].apikey != null && json.listusersresponse.user[0].secretkey != null) {
-                havingApiKeyAndSecretKey = true;
-              }
-            }
-          });
-          if(havingApiKeyAndSecretKey == false) {
-            args.response.error('The selected user in advanced settings does not have API key or secret key');
-            return;
-          }
-        }
+            scaleUpPolicy: {
+                title: 'ScaleUp Policy',
+                label: 'SCALE UP POLICY',
+                noSelect: true,
+                noHeaderActionsColumn: true,
+                ignoreEmptyFields: true,
+                fields: {
+                    'counterid': {
+                        label: 'Counter',
+                        select: function(args) {
+                            $.ajax({
+                                url: createURL("listCounters"),
+                                dataType: "json",
+                                async: false,
+                                success: function(json) {
+                                    var counters = json.counterresponse.counter;
+                                    args.response.success({
+                                        data: $.map(counters, function(counter) {
+                                            return {
+                                                name:,
+                                                description:
+                                            };
+                                        })
+                                    });
+                                }
+                            });
+                        }
+                    },
+                    'relationaloperator': {
+                        label: 'Operator',
+                        select: function(args) {
+                            args.response.success({
+                                data: [{
+                                    name: 'GT',
+                                    description: 'greater-than'
+                                }, {
+                                    name: 'GE',
+                                    description: 'greater-than or equals to'
+                                }, {
+                                    name: 'LT',
+                                    description: 'less-than'
+                                }, {
+                                    name: 'LE',
+                                    description: 'less-than or equals to'
+                                }, {
+                                    name: 'EQ',
+                                    description: 'equals-to'
+                                }]
+                            });
+                        }
+                    },
+                    'threshold': {
+                        edit: true,
+                        label: 'Threshold'
+                    },
+                    'add-scaleUpcondition': {
+                        label: 'label.add',
+                        addButton: true
+                    }
+                },
+                add: {
+                    label: 'label.add',
+                    action: function(args) {
+                        scaleUpData.push($.extend(, {
+                            index: totalScaleUpCondition
+                        }));
-        if(isAdmin()) { //only admin has access to listConfigurations API
-          var hasValidEndpointeUrl = false;
-          $.ajax({
-            url: createURL('listConfigurations'),
-            data: {
-              name: 'endpointe.url'
+                        totalScaleUpCondition++;
+                        args.response.success();
+                    }
+                },
+                actions: {
+                    destroy: {
+                        label: '',
+                        action: function(args) {
+                            scaleUpData = $.grep(scaleUpData, function(item) {
+                                return item.index != args.context.multiRule[0].index;
+                            });
+                            totalScaleUpCondition--;
+                            args.response.success();
+                        }
+                    }
+                },
+                dataProvider: function(args) {
+                    var data = scaleUpData;
+                    var $autoscaler = $('.ui-dialog .autoscaler');
+                    var initialData = $'autoscaler-scale-up-data');
+                    if ($.isArray(initialData)) {
+                        $(initialData).each(function() {
+                            this.index = totalScaleUpCondition;
+                            totalScaleUpCondition++;
+                            scaleUpData.push(this);
+                        });
+                        $'autoscaler-scale-up-data', null);
+                    }
+                    args.response.success({
+                        data: scaleUpData
+                    });
+                }
-            async: false,
-            success: function(json) {
-              if(json.listconfigurationsresponse.configuration != null) {
-                if(json.listconfigurationsresponse.configuration[0].value.indexOf('localhost') == -1) {
-                  hasValidEndpointeUrl = true;
+            scaleDownPolicy: {
+                title: 'ScaleDown Policy',
+                noSelect: true,
+                noHeaderActionsColumn: true,
+                ignoreEmptyFields: true,
+                fields: {
+                    'counterid': {
+                        label: 'Counter',
+                        select: function(args) {
+                            $.ajax({
+                                url: createURL("listCounters"),
+                                dataType: "json",
+                                async: false,
+                                success: function(json) {
+                                    var counters = json.counterresponse.counter;
+                                    args.response.success({
+                                        data: $.map(counters, function(counter) {
+                                            return {
+                                                name:,
+                                                description:
+                                            };
+                                        })
+                                    });
+                                }
+                            });
+                        }
+                    },
+                    'relationaloperator': {
+                        label: 'Operator',
+                        select: function(args) {
+                            args.response.success({
+                                data: [{
+                                    name: 'GT',
+                                    description: 'greater-than'
+                                }, {
+                                    name: 'GE',
+                                    description: 'greater-than or equals to'
+                                }, {
+                                    name: 'LT',
+                                    description: 'less-than'
+                                }, {
+                                    name: 'LE',
+                                    description: 'less-than or equals to'
+                                }, {
+                                    name: 'EQ',
+                                    description: 'equals-to'
+                                }]
+                            });
+                        }
+                    },
+                    'threshold': {
+                        edit: true,
+                        label: 'Threshold'
+                    },
+                    'add-scaleDowncondition': {
+                        label: 'label.add',
+                        addButton: true
+                    }
+                },
+                add: {
+                    label: 'label.add',
+                    action: function(args) {
+                        scaleDownData.push($.extend(, {
+                            index: totalScaleDownCondition
+                        }));
+                        totalScaleDownCondition++;
+                        args.response.success();
+                    }
+                },
+                actions: {
+                    destroy: {
+                        label: '',
+                        action: function(args) {
+                            scaleDownData = $.grep(scaleDownData, function(item) {
+                                return item.index != args.context.multiRule[0].index;
+                            });
+                            totalScaleDownCondition--;
+                            args.response.success();
+                        }
+                    }
+                },
+                dataProvider: function(args) {
+                    var data = scaleDownData;
+                    var $autoscaler = $('.ui-dialog .autoscaler');
+                    var initialData = $'autoscaler-scale-down-data');
+                    if ($.isArray(initialData)) {
+                        $(initialData).each(function() {
+                            this.index = totalScaleDownCondition;
+                            totalScaleDownCondition++;
+                            scaleDownData.push(this);
+                        });
+                        $'autoscaler-scale-down-data', null);
+                    }
+                    args.response.success({
+                        data: scaleDownData
+                    });
-              }
-          });
-          if(hasValidEndpointeUrl == false) {
-            args.response.error("Global setting endpointe.url has to be set to the Management Server's API end point");
-            return;
-          }
-        }
-        //Scale Up Policy				
-				if( == null || == 0) {
-				  args.response.error("Duration of Scale Up Policy is required.");
-				  return;
-				}				
-				if(isNaN( {
-				  args.response.error("Duration of Scale Up Policy should be a number.");
-				  return;
-				}				
-				if(parseInt( < parseInt( {
-				  args.response.error("Duration of Scale Up Policy must be greater than or equal to Polling Interval.");
-				  return;
-				}				
-				if(scaleUpData.length == 0) {
-				  args.response.error("At least one condition is required in Scale Up Policy.");
-				  return;
-				}
-        //Scale Down Policy					
-				if( == null || == 0) {
-				  args.response.error("Duration of Scale Down Policy is required.");
-				  return;
-				}
-				if(isNaN( {
-				  args.response.error("Duration of Scale Down Policy should be a number.");
-				  return;
-				}			
-				if(parseInt( < parseInt( {
-				  args.response.error("Duration of Scale Down Policy must be greater than or equal to Polling Interval.");
-				  return;
-				}				
-				if(scaleDownData.length == 0) {
-				  args.response.error("At least one condition is required in Scale Down Policy.");
-				  return;
-				}		        
-        //validation (end) *****
-        var scaleVmProfileResponse = [];
-        var loadBalancerResponse  = [];
-        var scaleVmGroupResponse = [];
-        var scaleUpConditionIds = [];
-        var scaleDownConditionIds = [];
-        var scaleUp = function(args){
-          var scaleUpConditionIds = [];					
-          $(scaleUpData).each(function(){
-            var data = {
-              counterid: this.counterid,
-              relationaloperator: this.relationaloperator,
-              threshold: this.threshold
-            };
-            $.ajax({
-              url: createURL('createCondition'),
-              data: data,
-              success: function(json) {
-                var createConditionIntervalID = setInterval(function() {
-                  $.ajax({
-                    url: createURL("queryAsyncJobResult&jobid=" + json.conditionresponse.jobid),
-                    dataType: "json",
-                    success: function(json) {
-                      var result = json.queryasyncjobresultresponse;
-                      if(result.jobstatus == 0) {
+        },
+        actions: {
+            apply: function(args) {
+                //validation (begin) *****
+                if (!('multiRules' in args.context)) { //from a new LB
+                    if ( == '' || args.formData.publicport == '' || args.formData.privateport == '') {
+                        args.response.error('Name, Public Port, Private Port of Load Balancing are required. Please close this dialog box and fill Name, Public Port, Private Port first.');
-                      }
-                      else {
-                        clearInterval(createConditionIntervalID);
-                        if(result.jobstatus == 1) {
-                          var item  = json.queryasyncjobresultresponse.jobresult.condition;
-                          scaleUpConditionIds.push(;
-                          if (scaleUpConditionIds.length == scaleUpData.length) {										
-														if(!('multiRules' in args.context)) { //from a new LB 			
-															var data = {
-																action: 'scaleup',
-																conditionids: scaleUpConditionIds.join(","),
-																duration:,
-																quiettime:
-															};
-															$.ajax({
-																url: createURL('createAutoScalePolicy'),
-																data: data,
-																success: function(json) {
-																	var jobId = json.autoscalepolicyresponse.jobid;
-																	var createAutoScalePolicyInterval = setInterval(function(){
-																		$.ajax({
-																			url: createURL("queryAsyncJobResult&jobId="+jobId),
-																			dataType: "json",
-																			success: function(json) {
-																				var result = json.queryasyncjobresultresponse;
-																				if (result.jobstatus == 0) {
-																					return; //Job has not completed
-																				}
-																				else {
-																					clearInterval(createAutoScalePolicyInterval);
-																					if (result.jobstatus == 1) { //AutoScalePolicy successfully created
-																						var item = result.jobresult.autoscalepolicy;
-																						scaleDown($.extend(args, {
-																							scaleUpPolicyResponse: item
-																						}));
-																					}
-																					else if (result.jobstatus == 2) {
-																						args.response.error(_s(result.jobresult.errortext));
-																					}
-																				}
-																			}
-																		});
-																	}, g_queryAsyncJobResultInterval);
-																},
-																error: function(XMLHttpResponse) {
-																	args.response.error(parseXMLHttpResponse(XMLHttpResponse));
-																}
-															});
-														}
-														else { //from an existing LB																											
-															var data = {
-                                id:,															
-																conditionids: scaleUpConditionIds.join(","),
-																duration:,
-																quiettime:
-															};
-														  $.ajax({
-																url: createURL('updateAutoScalePolicy'),
-																data: data,
-																success: function(json) {																  															
-																	var updateAutoScalePolicyInterval = setInterval(function(){
-																		$.ajax({
-																			url: createURL("queryAsyncJobResult&jobId=" + json.updateautoscalepolicyresponse.jobid),
-																			dataType: "json",
-																			success: function(json) {																			  
-																				var result = json.queryasyncjobresultresponse;
-																				if (result.jobstatus == 0) {
-																					return; //Job has not completed
-																				}
-																				else {
-																					clearInterval(updateAutoScalePolicyInterval);
-																					if (result.jobstatus == 1) { 
-																						var item = result.jobresult.autoscalepolicy;
-																						//delete old conditions which are orphans now. Don't need to call queryAsyncJobResult because subsequent API calls have no dependency on deleteCondition.
-																						$(args.context.originalAutoscaleData.scaleUpPolicy.conditions).each(function(){
-																						  $.ajax({
-																							  url: createURL('deleteCondition'),
-																								data: {
-																								  id:
-																								}
-																							});																							
-																						});														
-																						scaleDown($.extend(args, {
-																							scaleUpPolicyResponse: item
-																						}));
-																					}
-																					else if (result.jobstatus == 2) {
-																						args.response.error(_s(result.jobresult.errortext));
-																					}
-																				}
-																			}
-																		});
-																	}, g_queryAsyncJobResultInterval);
-																},
-																error: function(XMLHttpResponse) {
-																	args.response.error(parseXMLHttpResponse(XMLHttpResponse));
-																}
-															});
-														}														
-                          }
+                    }
+                } else { //from an existing LB
+                    if (args.context.originalAutoscaleData.afterActionIsComplete == null) {
+                        if (args.context.originalAutoscaleData.context.autoscaleVmGroup.state != 'disabled') {
+                            args.response.error('An Autoscale VM Group can be updated only if it is in disabled state. Please disable the Autoscale VM Group first.');
+                            return;
-                        else if(result.jobstatus == 2) {
-                          args.response.error(_s(result.jobresult.errortext));
+                    } else {
+                        if (args.context.originalAutoscaleData.afterActionIsComplete.state != 'disabled') {
+                            args.response.error('An Autoscale VM Group can be updated only if it is in disabled state. Please disable the Autoscale VM Group first.');
+                            return;
-                      }
-                  });
-                }, g_queryAsyncJobResultInterval);
-              },
-              error: function(XMLHttpResponse) {
-                args.response.error(parseXMLHttpResponse(XMLHttpResponse));
-              }
-            });
-          });
-        };
-        var scaleDown = function(args){
-          var scaleDownConditionIds = [];
-          $(scaleDownData).each(function(){
-            var data = {
-              counterid: this.counterid,
-              relationaloperator: this.relationaloperator,
-              threshold: this.threshold
-            };
-            $.ajax({
-              url: createURL('createCondition'),
-              data: data,
-              success: function(json) {
-                var createConditionIntervalID = setInterval(function() {
-                  $.ajax({
-                    url: createURL("queryAsyncJobResult&jobid=" + json.conditionresponse.jobid),
-                    dataType: "json",
-                    success: function(json) {
-                      var result = json.queryasyncjobresultresponse;
-                      if(result.jobstatus == 0) {
+                }
+                if (isAdmin() || isDomainAdmin()) { //only admin and domain-admin has access to listUers API
+                    var havingApiKeyAndSecretKey = false;
+                    $.ajax({
+                        url: createURL('listUsers'),
+                        data: {
+                            id:
+                        },
+                        async: false,
+                        success: function(json) {
+                            if (json.listusersresponse.user[0].apikey != null && json.listusersresponse.user[0].secretkey != null) {
+                                havingApiKeyAndSecretKey = true;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    });
+                    if (havingApiKeyAndSecretKey == false) {
+                        args.response.error('The selected user in advanced settings does not have API key or secret key');
-                      }
-                      else {
-                        clearInterval(createConditionIntervalID);
-                        if(result.jobstatus == 1) {
-                          var item  = json.queryasyncjobresultresponse.jobresult.condition;
-                          scaleDownConditionIds.push(;
-                          if (scaleDownConditionIds.length == scaleDownData.length) {													  
-														if(!('multiRules' in args.context)) { //from a new LB 
-															var data = {
-																action: 'scaledown',
-																conditionids: scaleDownConditionIds.join(","),
-																duration:,
-																quiettime:
-															};
-															$.ajax({
-																url: createURL('createAutoScalePolicy'),
-																data: data,
-																success: function(json) {
-																	var jobId = json.autoscalepolicyresponse.jobid;
-																	var createAutoScalePolicyInterval = setInterval(function(){
-																		$.ajax({
-																			url: createURL("queryAsyncJobResult&jobId="+jobId),
-																			dataType: "json",
-																			success: function(json) {
-																				var result = json.queryasyncjobresultresponse;
-																				if (result.jobstatus == 0) {
-																					return; //Job has not completed
-																				}
-																				else {
-																					clearInterval(createAutoScalePolicyInterval);
-																					if (result.jobstatus == 1) { //AutoScalePolicy successfully created
-																						var item = result.jobresult.autoscalepolicy;
-																						createOrUpdateVmProfile($.extend(args, {
-																							scaleDownPolicyResponse: item
-																						}));
-																					}
-																					else if (result.jobstatus == 2) {
-																						args.response.error(_s(result.jobresult.errortext));
-																					}
-																				}
-																			}
-																		});
-																	}, g_queryAsyncJobResultInterval);
-																},
-																error: function(XMLHttpResponse) {
-																	args.response.error(parseXMLHttpResponse(XMLHttpResponse));
-																}
-															});
-														}
-														else { //from an existing LB														  
-															var data = {
-                                id:,															
-																conditionids: scaleDownConditionIds.join(","),
-																duration:,
-																quiettime:
-															};
-														  $.ajax({
-																url: createURL('updateAutoScalePolicy'),
-																data: data,
-																success: function(json) {
-																	var jobId = json.updateautoscalepolicyresponse.jobid;
-																	var updateAutoScalePolicyInterval = setInterval(function(){
-																		$.ajax({
-																			url: createURL("queryAsyncJobResult&jobId="+jobId),
-																			dataType: "json",
-																			success: function(json) {
-																				var result = json.queryasyncjobresultresponse;
-																				if (result.jobstatus == 0) {
-																					return; //Job has not completed
-																				}
-																				else {
-																					clearInterval(updateAutoScalePolicyInterval);
-																					if (result.jobstatus == 1) { 
-																						var item = result.jobresult.autoscalepolicy;
-																						//delete old conditions which are orphans now. Don't need to call queryAsyncJobResult because subsequent API calls have no dependency on deleteCondition.
-																						$(args.context.originalAutoscaleData.scaleDownPolicy.conditions).each(function(){                                            
-																							$.ajax({
-																							  url: createURL('deleteCondition'),
-																								data: {
-																								  id:
-																								}
-																							});		
-																						});														
-																						createOrUpdateVmProfile($.extend(args, {
-																							scaleDownPolicyResponse: item
-																						}));
-																					}
-																					else if (result.jobstatus == 2) {
-																						args.response.error(_s(result.jobresult.errortext));
-																					}
-																				}
-																			}
-																		});
-																	}, g_queryAsyncJobResultInterval);
-																},
-																error: function(XMLHttpResponse) {
-																	args.response.error(parseXMLHttpResponse(XMLHttpResponse));
-																}
-															});															
-														}														
-                          }
+                    }
+                }
+                if (isAdmin()) { //only admin has access to listConfigurations API
+                    var hasValidEndpointeUrl = false;
+                    $.ajax({
+                        url: createURL('listConfigurations'),
+                        data: {
+                            name: 'endpointe.url'
+                        },
+                        async: false,
+                        success: function(json) {
+                            if (json.listconfigurationsresponse.configuration != null) {
+                                if (json.listconfigurationsresponse.configuration[0].value.indexOf('localhost') == -1) {
+                                    hasValidEndpointeUrl = true;
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                    });
+                    if (hasValidEndpointeUrl == false) {
+                        args.response.error("Global setting endpointe.url has to be set to the Management Server's API end point");
+                        return;
+                    }
+                }
+                //Scale Up Policy
+                if ( == null || == 0) {
+                    args.response.error("Duration of Scale Up Policy is required.");
+                    return;
+                }
+                if (isNaN( {
+                    args.response.error("Duration of Scale Up Policy should be a number.");
+                    return;
+                }
+                if (parseInt( < parseInt( {
+                    args.response.error("Duration of Scale Up Policy must be greater than or equal to Polling Interval.");
+                    return;
+                }
+                if (scaleUpData.length == 0) {
+                    args.response.error("At least one condition is required in Scale Up Policy.");
+                    return;
+                }
+                //Scale Down Policy
+                if ( == null || == 0) {
+                    args.response.error("Duration of Scale Down Policy is required.");
+                    return;
+                }
+                if (isNaN( {
+                    args.response.error("Duration of Scale Down Policy should be a number.");
+                    return;
+                }
+                if (parseInt( < parseInt( {
+                    args.response.error("Duration of Scale Down Policy must be greater than or equal to Polling Interval.");
+                    return;
+                }
+                if (scaleDownData.length == 0) {
+                    args.response.error("At least one condition is required in Scale Down Policy.");
+                    return;
+                }
+                //validation (end) *****
+                var scaleVmProfileResponse = [];
+                var loadBalancerResponse = [];
+                var scaleVmGroupResponse = [];
+                var scaleUpConditionIds = [];
+                var scaleDownConditionIds = [];
+                var scaleUp = function(args) {
+                    var scaleUpConditionIds = [];
+                    $(scaleUpData).each(function() {
+                        var data = {
+                            counterid: this.counterid,
+                            relationaloperator: this.relationaloperator,
+                            threshold: this.threshold
+                        };
+                        $.ajax({
+                            url: createURL('createCondition'),
+                            data: data,
+                            success: function(json) {
+                                var createConditionIntervalID = setInterval(function() {
+                                    $.ajax({
+                                        url: createURL("queryAsyncJobResult&jobid=" + json.conditionresponse.jobid),
+                                        dataType: "json",
+                                        success: function(json) {
+                                            var result = json.queryasyncjobresultresponse;
+                                            if (result.jobstatus == 0) {
+                                                return;
+                                            } else {
+                                                clearInterval(createConditionIntervalID);
+                                                if (result.jobstatus == 1) {
+                                                    var item = json.queryasyncjobresultresponse.jobresult.condition;
+                                                    scaleUpConditionIds.push(;
+                                                    if (scaleUpConditionIds.length == scaleUpData.length) {
+                                                        if (!('multiRules' in args.context)) { //from a new LB
+                                                            var data = {
+                                                                action: 'scaleup',
+                                                                conditionids: scaleUpConditionIds.join(","),
+                                                                duration:,
+                                                                quiettime:
+                                                            };
+                                                            $.ajax({
+                                                                url: createURL('createAutoScalePolicy'),
+                                                                data: data,
+                                                                success: function(json) {
+                                                                    var jobId = json.autoscalepolicyresponse.jobid;
+                                                                    var createAutoScalePolicyInterval = setInterval(function() {
+                                                                        $.ajax({
+                                                                            url: createURL("queryAsyncJobResult&jobId=" + jobId),
+                                                                            dataType: "json",
+                                                                            success: function(json) {
+                                                                                var result = json.queryasyncjobresultresponse;
+                                                                                if (result.jobstatus == 0) {
+                                                                                    return; //Job has not completed
+                                                                                } else {
+                                                                                    clearInterval(createAutoScalePolicyInterval);
+                                                                                    if (result.jobstatus == 1) { //AutoScalePolicy successfully created
+                                                                                        var item = result.jobresult.autoscalepolicy;
+                                                                                        scaleDown($.extend(args, {
+                                                                                            scaleUpPolicyResponse: item
+                                                                                        }));
+                                                                                    } else if (result.jobstatus == 2) {
+                                                                                        args.response.error(_s(result.jobresult.errortext));
+                                                                                    }
+                                                                                }
+                                                                            }
+                                                                        });
+                                                                    }, g_queryAsyncJobResultInterval);
+                                                                },
+                                                                error: function(XMLHttpResponse) {
+                                                                    args.response.error(parseXMLHttpResponse(XMLHttpResponse));
+                                                                }
+                                                            });
+                                                        } else { //from an existing LB
+                                                            var data = {
+                                                                id:,
+                                                                conditionids: scaleUpConditionIds.join(","),
+                                                                duration:,
+                                                                quiettime:
+                                                            };
+                                                            $.ajax({
+                                                                url: createURL('updateAutoScalePolicy'),
+                                                                data: data,
+                                                                success: function(json) {
+                                                                    var updateAutoScalePolicyInterval = setInterval(function() {
+                                                                        $.ajax({
+                                                                            url: createURL("queryAsyncJobResult&jobId=" + json.updateautoscalepolicyresponse.jobid),
+                                                                            dataType: "json",
+                                                                            success: function(json) {
+                                                                                var result = json.queryasyncjobresultresponse;
+                                                                                if (result.jobstatus == 0) {
+                                                                                    return; //Job has not completed
+                                                                                } else {
+                                                                                    clearInterval(updateAutoScalePolicyInterval);
+                                                                                    if (result.jobstatus == 1) {
+                                                                                        var item = result.jobresult.autoscalepolicy;
+                                                                                        //delete old conditions which are orphans now. Don't need to call queryAsyncJobResult because subsequent API calls have no dependency on deleteCondition.
+                                                                                        $(args.context.originalAutoscaleData.scaleUpPolicy.conditions).each(function() {
+                                                                                            $.ajax({
+                                                                                                url: createURL('deleteCondition'),
+                                                                                                data: {
+                                                                                                    id:
+                                                                                                }
+                                                                                            });
+                                                                                        });
+                                                                                        scaleDown($.extend(args, {
+                                                                                            scaleUpPolicyResponse: item
+                                                                                        }));
+                                                                                    } else if (result.jobstatus == 2) {
+                                                                                        args.response.error(_s(result.jobresult.errortext));
+                                                                                    }
+                                                                                }
+                                                                            }
+                                                                        });
+                                                                    }, g_queryAsyncJobResultInterval);
+                                                                },
+                                                                error: function(XMLHttpResponse) {
+                                                                    args.response.error(parseXMLHttpResponse(XMLHttpResponse));
+                                                                }
+                                                            });
+                                                        }
+                                                    }
+                                                } else if (result.jobstatus == 2) {
+                                                    args.response.error(_s(result.jobresult.errortext));
+                                                }
+                                            }
+                                        }
+                                    });
+                                }, g_queryAsyncJobResultInterval);
+                            },
+                            error: function(XMLHttpResponse) {
+                                args.response.error(parseXMLHttpResponse(XMLHttpResponse));
+                            }
+                        });
+                    });
+                };
+                var scaleDown = funct