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Posted to by on 2017/03/29 16:51:34 UTC

[10/50] [abbrv] incubator-spot git commit: Removed csv files from OA and ipython notebooks
diff --git a/spot-oa/oa/flow/ipynb_templates/Threat_Investigation_master.ipynb b/spot-oa/oa/flow/ipynb_templates/Threat_Investigation_master.ipynb
index a0a7d26..761a434 100644
--- a/spot-oa/oa/flow/ipynb_templates/Threat_Investigation_master.ipynb
+++ b/spot-oa/oa/flow/ipynb_templates/Threat_Investigation_master.ipynb
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
    "outputs": [],
    "source": [
+    "import datetime\n",
     "import struct, socket\n",
     "import numpy as np\n",
     "import linecache, bisect\n",
@@ -16,37 +17,24 @@
     "import json\n",
     "import os\n",
     "import pandas as pd\n",
+    "\n",
     "    import ipywidgets as widgets # For jupyter/ipython >= 1.4\n",
     "except ImportError:\n",
     "    from IPython.html import widgets\n",
     "from IPython.display import display, Javascript, clear_output\n",
-    "with open('/etc/spot.conf') as conf:\n",
-    "    for line in conf.readlines():            \n",
-    "        if \"DBNAME=\" in line: DBNAME = line.split(\"=\")[1].strip('\\n').replace(\"'\",\"\");      \n",
-    "        elif \"IMPALA_DEM=\" in line: IMPALA_DEM = line.split(\"=\")[1].strip('\\n').replace(\"'\",\"\"); \n",
-    "\n",
     "spath = os.getcwd()\n",
     "path = spath.split(\"/\") \n",
     "date = path[len(path)-1]   \n",
     "dpath = '/'.join(['data' if var == 'ipynb' else var for var in path]) + '/'\n",
     "cpath = '/'.join(['context' if var == 'ipynb' else var for var in path][:len(path)-2]) + '/'\n",
-    "sconnect = dpath + 'flow_scores.csv'\n",
-    "threats_file = dpath + 'threats.csv'\n",
-    "iploc = cpath + 'iploc.csv'\n",
-    "nwloc = cpath + 'networkcontext_1.csv'\n",
     "anchor = ''\n",
     "ir_f = ''\n",
     "threat_name = ''\n",
     "iplist = ''\n",
-    "top_results = 20\n",
-    "details_limit = 1000\n",
-    "if os.path.isfile(iploc):\n",
-    "    iplist = np.loadtxt(iploc,dtype=np.uint32,delimiter=',',usecols={0}, converters={0: lambda s: np.uint32(s.replace('\"',''))})\n",
-    "else:\n",
-    "    print \"No iploc.csv file was found, Map View map won't be created\""
+    "top_results = 20"
@@ -123,7 +111,7 @@
    "cell_type": "code",
    "execution_count": null,
    "metadata": {
-    "collapsed": true
+    "collapsed": false
    "outputs": [],
    "source": [
@@ -143,37 +131,50 @@
     "def start_investigation(): \n",
     "    display(Javascript(\"$('.widget-area > .widget-subarea > *').remove();\"))   \n",
     "    external_ips = []\n",
-    "    c_ips=[]\n",
-    "    clear_output() \n",
+    "    clear_output()  \n",
     "    \n",
-    "    if os.path.isfile(threats_file) and not file_is_empty(threats_file):\n",
-    "        with open(threats_file, 'r') as th:\n",
-    "            t_read = csv.DictReader(th, delimiter='|') \n",
-    "            for row in t_read: \n",
-    "                if row['ip'] != '' : c_ips.append(row['ip']) \n",
-    "\n",
-    "    with open(sconnect, 'r') as f:\n",
-    "        reader = csv.DictReader(f, delimiter=',') \n",
-    "        #Internal Netflows use case:\n",
-    "        for row in reader: \n",
-    "            if row['sev'] == '1':\n",
+    "    response = GraphQLClient.request(\n",
+    "        query=\"\"\"query($date:SpotDateType!) {\n",
+    "                flow{\n",
+    "                    threats{\n",
+    "                        list(date:$date) {\n",
+    "                           srcIp\n",
+    "                           dstPort\n",
+    "                           dstIp\n",
+    "                           srcPort\n",
+    "                           score \n",
+    "                        }\n",
+    "                    }\n",
+    "            }\n",
+    "        }\"\"\",\n",
+    "        variables={\n",
+    "            'date': datetime.datetime.strptime(date, '%Y%m%d').strftime('%Y-%m-%d')\n",
+    "        }\n",
+    "    ) \n",
+    "     \n",
+    "    if not 'errors' in response : \n",
+    "        for row in response['data']['flow']['threats']['list']:\n",
+    "            if row['score'] == 1: \n",
     "                srcIP = ''\n",
     "                dstIP = '' \n",
-    "                if row['srcIP'] not in external_ips and row['srcIP'] not in c_ips: \n",
-    "                    external_ips.append(row['srcIP'])\n",
-    "                if row['dstIP'] not in external_ips and row['dstIP'] not in c_ips: \n",
-    "                    external_ips.append(row['dstIP'])\n",
-    "\n",
-    "    if len(external_ips) == 0:\n",
-    "        display(widgets.Box((widgets.HTML(value=\"There are no connections scored as High risk.\\\n",
-    "            You can score some connections at the 'Suspicious' panel.\", width='100%'),)))\n",
-    "    else:  \n",
-    "        sorted_dict = sorted(external_ips, key=operator.itemgetter(0))      \n",
-    "        display_controls(sorted_dict)   \n",
+    "                if row['srcIp'] not in external_ips: \n",
+    "                    external_ips.append(row['srcIp'])\n",
+    "                if row['dstIp'] not in external_ips: \n",
+    "                    external_ips.append(row['dstIp'])\n",
+    "\n",
+    "        if len(external_ips) == 0:\n",
+    "            display(widgets.Box((widgets.HTML(value=\"There are no connections scored as High risk.\\\n",
+    "                You can score some connections at the 'Suspicious' panel.\", width='100%'),)))\n",
+    "        else:  \n",
+    "            sorted_dict = sorted(external_ips, key=operator.itemgetter(0))      \n",
+    "            display_controls(sorted_dict)  \n",
+    "    else:   \n",
     "        \n",
+    "        display(widgets.Box((widgets.HTML(value=\"An error occurred while trying to get the results:\" \n",
+    "                                          + response['errors'][0]['message'], width='100%'),)))\n",
     "        \n",
-    "def display_controls(threat_list):        \n",
+    "def display_controls(threat_list):\n",
     "    threat_title.value =\"<h4>Suspicious Connections</h4>\"    \n",
     "    susp_select.options = threat_list\n",
     "    susp_select.height=150\n",
@@ -186,36 +187,49 @@
     "    def search_ip(b):\n",
     "        global anchor \n",
     "        global top_inbound_b\n",
+    "        global expanded_results\n",
     "        anchor = susp_select.value   \n",
     "        if anchor != \"\":\n",
     "            clear_output()        \n",
     "            removeWidget(1)\n",
-    "            print \"Searching for ip: \" + anchor\n",
-    "            global ir_f \n",
-    "            ir_f = dpath + \"ir-\" + anchor + \".tsv\"\n",
-    "\n",
-    "            if not os.path.isfile(ir_f) or (os.path.isfile(ir_f) and file_is_empty(ir_f)):  \n",
-    "                imp_query = (\" \\\"SELECT min(treceived) as firstSeen, max(treceived) as lastSeen, sip as srcIP, dip as dstIP, \" + \n",
-    "                \"sport as SPort, dport AS Dport, count(sip) as conns, max(ipkt) as maxPkts, avg(ipkt) \" + \n",
-    "                \"as avgPkts, max(ibyt) as maxBytes, avg(ibyt) as avgBytes FROM \"+DBNAME+\".flow WHERE \" + \n",
-    "                \"y=\"+ date[0:4] +\" AND m=\"+ date[4:6] +\" AND d=\"+ date[6:] +\" \" + \n",
-    "                \" AND (sip =\\'\" + anchor + \"\\'  OR dip=\\'\" + anchor + \"\\') GROUP BY sip, dip,sport,dport\\\" \") \n",
-    "                !impala-shell -i $IMPALA_DEM --quiet -q \"INVALIDATE METADATA\"\n",
-    "                !impala-shell -i $IMPALA_DEM --quiet --print_header -B --output_delimiter='\\t' -q $imp_query -o $ir_f\n",
-    "            clear_output()\n",
     "            \n",
-    "            if not file_is_empty(ir_f):               \n",
+    "            expanded_results = GraphQLClient.request(\n",
+    "                        query=\"\"\"query($date:SpotDateType!,$ip:SpotIpType!){\n",
+    "                                  flow{\n",
+    "                                    threat{\n",
+    "                                      details(date:$date,ip:$ip) {\n",
+    "                                        srcIp\n",
+    "                                        maxBytes\n",
+    "                                        connections\n",
+    "                                        maxPkts\n",
+    "                                        avgPkts\n",
+    "                                        lastSeen\n",
+    "                                        srcPort\n",
+    "                                        firstSeen \n",
+    "                                        dstIp\n",
+    "                                        avgBytes\n",
+    "                                        dstPort\n",
+    "                                      }\n",
+    "                                    }\n",
+    "                                  }  \n",
+    "                                }\n",
+    "                                \"\"\",\n",
+    "                            variables={\n",
+    "                            'date': datetime.datetime.strptime(date, '%Y%m%d').strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),\n",
+    "                            'ip': anchor\n",
+    "                            }\n",
+    "                        ) \n",
+    "             \n",
+    "            if not 'errors' in expanded_results :  \n",
     "                print \"\\n Looking for additional details...\"\n",
     "                display_threat_box(anchor)\n",
     "                get_in_out_and_twoway_conns() \n",
-    "                add_geospatial_info()\n",
-    "                add_network_context() \n",
-    "                \n",
+    "                 \n",
     "                display(bottomBox)     \n",
-    "            else:\n",
+    "            else: \n",
     "                display(widgets.Box((widgets.HTML(value=\"Something went wrong. \\\n",
-    "                    The expanded search couldn't be performed\", width='100%'),)))\n",
+    "                    The expanded search couldn't be performed\" + expanded_results['errors'][0]['message'], width='100%'),)))\n",
     "                        \n",
     "    search_btn.on_click(search_ip)\n",
@@ -241,10 +255,7 @@
     "        clear_output()        \n",
     "        removeWidget(1) \n",
     "        response = \"\"\n",
-    "        response += generate_attack_map_file(anchor, top_inbound_b, top_outbound_b, top_twoway_b)\n",
-    "        response += generate_stats(anchor, inbound, outbound, twoway, threat_name)\n",
-    "        response += generate_dendro(anchor, inbound, outbound, twoway, date)\n",
-    "        response += details_inbound(anchor, top_inbound_b, top_outbound_b, top_twoway_b)\n",
+    "        \n",
     "        response += add_threat(anchor, tc_txt_title.value, tc_txa_summary.value.replace('\\n', '\\\\n'))\n",
     "        response += \"Story board successfully created for {0}\".format(anchor)\n",
     "        start_investigation()\n",
@@ -262,234 +273,46 @@
    "outputs": [],
    "source": [
-    "def details_inbound(anchor, inbound, outbound, twoway):\n",
-    "    top_keys = []\n",
-    "    if len(twoway) > 0: top_keys.extend(twoway.keys())\n",
-    "    if len(outbound) > 0: top_keys.extend(outbound.keys()) \n",
-    "    if len(inbound) > 0: top_keys.extend(inbound.keys())\n",
-    "    sbdet_f = dpath + \"sbdet-\" + anchor + \".tsv\"\n",
-    "    if not os.path.isfile(sbdet_f):\n",
-    "        imp_query = (\"\\\"SELECT min(treceived) as tstart, max(treceived) as tend, sip as srcIP, \"\n",
-    "            + \"dip as dstIP, proto as Proto, sport as SPort, dport AS Dport,ipkt as \"\n",
-    "            + \"Pkts, ibyt as Bytes  FROM \"+DBNAME+\".flow WHERE \"\n",
-    "            + \"y=\"+ date[0:4] +\" AND m=\"+ date[4:6] +\" AND d=\"+ date[6:]\n",
-    "            + \" AND ((dip IN({0}) AND sip ='{1}') OR \"\n",
-    "            + \"(sip IN({0}) \"\n",
-    "            + \"AND dip ='{1}')) GROUP BY sip, dip, proto, sport, dport, ipkt, ibyt ORDER BY tstart \"\n",
-    "            + \"LIMIT {2}\\\" \")  \n",
-    "        ips = \"'\" + \"','\".join(top_keys) + \"'\"\n",
-    "        imp_query = imp_query.format(ips,anchor,details_limit)\n",
-    "        !impala-shell -i $IMPALA_DEM --quiet -q \"INVALIDATE METADATA\"\n",
-    "        !impala-shell -i $IMPALA_DEM --quiet --print_header -B --output_delimiter='\\t' -q $imp_query -o $sbdet_f\n",
-    "\n",
-    "        clear_output()\n",
-    "        return \"Timeline successfully created <br/>\"\n",
-    "    else:\n",
-    "        return \"Timeline file already existed <br/>\"\n",
-    "\n",
-    "        \n",
-    "def generate_dendro(ip, inbound, outbound, twoway, date):  \n",
-    "    dendro_fpath = dpath + 'threat-dendro-' + anchor + \".json\"\n",
-    "    \n",
-    "    obj = {\n",
-    "        'name':ip,\n",
-    "        'children': [],\n",
-    "        'time': date        \n",
-    "    }\n",
-    "    \n",
-    "    #----- Add Inbound Connections-------#\n",
-    "    if len(inbound) > 0:\n",
-    "        obj[\"children\"].append({'name': 'Inbound Only', 'children': [], 'impact': 0})    \n",
-    "        in_ctxs = {}\n",
-    "        for ip in inbound:\n",
-    "            if 'nwloc' in inbound[ip] and len(inbound[ip]['nwloc']) > 0:\n",
-    "                ctx = inbound[ip]['nwloc'][2] # get the machine type Only for vast Data\n",
-    "                if ctx not in in_ctxs:\n",
-    "                    in_ctxs[ctx] = 1\n",
-    "                else:\n",
-    "                    in_ctxs[ctx] += 1\n",
-    "        for ctx in in_ctxs:\n",
-    "            obj[\"children\"][0]['children'].append({\n",
-    "                    'name': ctx,\n",
-    "                    'impact': in_ctxs[ctx]\n",
-    "                })         \n",
-    "    \n",
-    "    #------ Add Outbound ----------------#\n",
-    "    if len(outbound) > 0:\n",
-    "        obj[\"children\"].append({'name': 'Outbound Only', 'children': [], 'impact': 0})\n",
-    "        out_ctxs = {}\n",
-    "        for ip in outbound:       \n",
-    "            if 'nwloc' in outbound[ip] and len(outbound[ip]['nwloc']) > 0:\n",
-    "                ctx = outbound[ip]['nwloc'][2] # get the machine type Only for vast Data\n",
-    "                if ctx not in out_ctxs:\n",
-    "                    out_ctxs[ctx] = 1\n",
-    "                else:\n",
-    "                    out_ctxs[ctx] += 1\n",
-    "        for ctx in out_ctxs:\n",
-    "            obj[\"children\"][1]['children'].append({\n",
-    "                    'name': ctx,\n",
-    "                    'impact': out_ctxs[ctx]\n",
-    "                }) \n",
-    "    \n",
-    "    #------ Add TwoWay ----------------#\n",
-    "    if len(twoway) > 0:\n",
-    "        obj[\"children\"].append({'name': 'two way', 'children': [], 'impact': 0})\n",
-    "        tw_ctxs = {}\n",
-    "        for ip in twoway:\n",
-    "            if 'nwloc' in twoway[ip] and len(twoway[ip]['nwloc']) > 0:\n",
-    "                ctx = twoway[ip]['nwloc'][2] # get the machine type Only for vast Data\n",
-    "                if ctx not in tw_ctxs:\n",
-    "                    tw_ctxs[ctx] = 1\n",
-    "                else:\n",
-    "                    tw_ctxs[ctx] += 1\n",
-    "\n",
-    "        for ctx in tw_ctxs:\n",
-    "            obj[\"children\"][2]['children'].append({\n",
-    "                    'name': ctx,\n",
-    "                    'impact': tw_ctxs[ctx]\n",
-    "                })\n",
-    "    \n",
-    "    with open(dendro_fpath, 'w') as dendro_f:\n",
-    "        dendro_f.write(json.dumps(obj))\n",
-    "    return \"Incident progression successfully created <br/>\"\n",
-    "\n",
-    "    \n",
-    "def generate_stats(ip, inbound, outbound, twoway, threat_name):\n",
-    "    stats_fpath = dpath + 'stats-' + anchor + \".json\"\n",
-    "    \n",
-    "    obj = {\n",
-    "        'name':threat_name,\n",
-    "        'children': [],\n",
-    "        'size': len(inbound) + len(outbound) + len(twoway)\n",
-    "    }\n",
-    "    \n",
-    "    #----- Add Inbound Connections-------#\n",
-    "    obj[\"children\"].append({'name': 'Inbound Only', 'children': [], 'size': len(inbound)})    \n",
-    "    in_ctxs = {}\n",
-    "    for ip in inbound:\n",
-    "        full_ctx = ''\n",
-    "        if 'nwloc' in inbound[ip] and len(inbound[ip]['nwloc']) > 0:\n",
-    "            full_ctx = inbound[ip]['nwloc'][2].split('.')[0]\n",
-    "        ctx = get_ctx_name(full_ctx) # get the machine type Only for vast Data\n",
-    "        if ctx not in in_ctxs:\n",
-    "            in_ctxs[ctx] = 1\n",
-    "        else:\n",
-    "            in_ctxs[ctx] += 1\n",
-    "    for ctx in in_ctxs:\n",
-    "        obj[\"children\"][0]['children'].append({\n",
-    "                'name': ctx,\n",
-    "                'size': in_ctxs[ctx]\n",
-    "            })        \n",
-    "        \n",
-    "    \n",
-    "    #------ Add Outbound ----------------#\n",
-    "    obj[\"children\"].append({'name': 'Outbound Only', 'children': [], 'size': len(outbound)})\n",
-    "    out_ctxs = {}\n",
-    "    for ip in outbound:\n",
-    "        full_ctx = ''\n",
-    "        if 'nwloc' in outbound[ip] and len(outbound[ip]['nwloc']) > 0:\n",
-    "            full_ctx = outbound[ip]['nwloc'][2].split('.')[0]\n",
-    "        ctx = get_ctx_name(full_ctx) # get the machine type Only for vast Data\n",
-    "        if ctx not in out_ctxs:\n",
-    "            out_ctxs[ctx] = 1\n",
-    "        else:\n",
-    "            out_ctxs[ctx] += 1\n",
-    "    for ctx in out_ctxs:\n",
-    "        obj[\"children\"][1]['children'].append({\n",
-    "                'name': ctx,\n",
-    "                'size': out_ctxs[ctx]\n",
-    "            }) \n",
-    "    \n",
-    "    #------ Add Twoway ----------------#\n",
-    "    obj[\"children\"].append({'name': 'two way', 'children': [], 'size': len(twoway)})\n",
-    "    tw_ctxs = {}\n",
-    "    for ip in twoway:\n",
-    "        full_ctx = ''\n",
-    "        if 'nwloc' in twoway[ip] and len(twoway[ip]['nwloc']) > 0:\n",
-    "            full_ctx = twoway[ip]['nwloc'][2].split('.')[0]\n",
-    "        ctx = get_ctx_name(full_ctx) # get the machine type Only for vast Data\n",
-    "        if ctx not in tw_ctxs:\n",
-    "            tw_ctxs[ctx] = 1\n",
-    "        else:\n",
-    "            tw_ctxs[ctx] += 1\n",
-    "    \n",
-    "    for ctx in tw_ctxs:\n",
-    "        obj[\"children\"][2]['children'].append({\n",
-    "                'name': ctx,\n",
-    "                'size': tw_ctxs[ctx]\n",
-    "            })\n",
-    "    \n",
-    "    json_str = json.dumps(obj)\n",
-    "    with open(stats_fpath, 'w') as stats_f:\n",
-    "        stats_f.write(json_str)\n",
-    "    return \"Stats file successfully created <br/>\"\n",
-    "\n",
-    "    \n",
-    "def get_ctx_name(full_context):    \n",
-    "    ctx= 'DMZ'\n",
-    "    if \"VPN\" in full_context:\n",
-    "        ctx = \"VPN\" \n",
-    "    elif \"DMZ\" in full_context:\n",
-    "        ctx = \"DMZ\"\n",
-    "    elif \"Proxy\" in full_context:\n",
-    "        ctx = \"Proxy\" \n",
-    "    elif \"FW\" in full_context:\n",
-    "        ctx = \"FW\"     \n",
-    "    return ctx\n",
-    "\n",
-    "# calculate number of inbound only, two-way, and outbound only\n",
-    "# build dict of IP addresses\n",
-    "# firstSeen,lastSeen,srcIP, dstIP, sport,dport,conns, maxPkts, avgPkts,maxBytes, avgBytes\n",
     "def get_in_out_and_twoway_conns():\n",
-    "    global inbound\n",
-    "    inbound = {}\n",
-    "    global outbound\n",
-    "    outbound = {}\n",
-    "    global twoway\n",
-    "    twoway = {}\n",
     "    srcdict = {}\n",
     "    dstdict = {}\n",
     "    conns_dict= {} \n",
-    "    rowct = 0\n",
-    "    if os.path.isfile(ir_f):         \n",
-    "        df = pd.read_csv(ir_f,sep='\\t') \n",
-    "        with open(ir_f, 'r') as f:\n",
-    "            reader = csv.reader(f,delimiter='\\t')\n",
-    "   #skip headers \n",
-    "            for row in reader:  \n",
-    "                if row != []:\n",
-    "                    srcdict[row[2]] = {\n",
-    "                        'ip_int': struct.unpack(\"!L\", socket.inet_aton(row[2]))[0],\n",
-    "                        'dst_ip': row[3],\n",
-    "                        'dst_ip_int': struct.unpack(\"!L\", socket.inet_aton(row[3]))[0],\n",
-    "                        'conns': int(row[6]),\n",
-    "                        'maxbytes': int(row[9])\n",
-    "                    }\n",
-    "                    dstdict[row[3]] = {\n",
-    "                         'ip_int': struct.unpack(\"!L\", socket.inet_aton(row[3]))[0],\n",
-    "                         'src_ip': row[2],\n",
-    "                         'src_ip_int': struct.unpack(\"!L\", socket.inet_aton(row[2]))[0],\n",
-    "                         'conns': int(row[6]),\n",
-    "                         'maxbytes': int(row[9])\n",
-    "                        }       \n",
-    "                    rowct +=1  \n",
+    "    rowct = 0 \n",
+    "    if not 'errors' in expanded_results :         \n",
+    "        df = pd.DataFrame(expanded_results['data']['flow']['threat']['details']) \n",
+    "        for row in expanded_results['data']['flow']['threat']['details']:  \n",
+    "            srcdict[row['srcIp']] = {\n",
+    "                'ip_int': struct.unpack(\"!L\", socket.inet_aton(str(row['srcIp'])))[0],\n",
+    "                'dst_ip': row['dstIp'],\n",
+    "                'dst_ip_int': struct.unpack(\"!L\", socket.inet_aton(str(row['dstIp'])))[0],\n",
+    "                'conns': int(row['connections']),\n",
+    "                'maxbytes': int(row['maxBytes'])\n",
+    "            }\n",
+    "            dstdict[row['dstIp']] = {\n",
+    "                 'ip_int': struct.unpack(\"!L\", socket.inet_aton(str(row['dstIp'])))[0],\n",
+    "                 'src_ip': row['srcIp'],\n",
+    "                 'src_ip_int': struct.unpack(\"!L\", socket.inet_aton(str(row['srcIp'])))[0],\n",
+    "                 'conns': int(row['connections']),\n",
+    "                 'maxbytes': int(row['maxBytes'])\n",
+    "                }       \n",
+    "            rowct +=1  \n",
     "        \n",
-    "        src = df.loc[df['dstip'] == anchor]\n",
-    "        src_per_conns = src.sort_values('conns',0,False)\n",
-    "        src_per_bytes = src.sort_values('maxbytes',0,False)\n",
-    "        dst = df.loc[df['srcip'] == anchor]\n",
-    "        dst_per_conns = dst.sort_values('conns',0,False)\n",
-    "        dst_per_bytes = dst.sort_values('maxbytes',0,False)\n",
+    "        src = df.loc[df['dstIp'] == anchor]\n",
+    "        src_per_conns = src.sort_values('connections',0,False)\n",
+    "        src_per_bytes = src.sort_values('maxBytes',0,False)\n",
+    "        dst = df.loc[df['srcIp'] == anchor]\n",
+    "        dst_per_conns = dst.sort_values('connections',0,False)\n",
+    "        dst_per_bytes = dst.sort_values('maxBytes',0,False)\n",
     "        children = []\n",
-    "        children += (display_results(['srcip','conns','sport','dport'], src_per_conns, \n",
+    "        children += (display_results(['srcIp','connections','srcPort','dstPort'], src_per_conns, \n",
     "                                          top_results),)\n",
-    "        children += (display_results(['dstip','conns','sport','dport'], dst_per_conns, \n",
+    "        children += (display_results(['dstIp','connections','srcPort','dstPort'], dst_per_conns, \n",
     "                                          top_results),)\n",
-    "        children += (display_results(['srcip','maxbytes','sport','dport'], src_per_bytes, \n",
+    "        children += (display_results(['srcIp','maxBytes','srcPort','dstPort'], src_per_bytes, \n",
     "                                           top_results),)\n",
-    "        children += (display_results(['dstip','maxbytes','sport','dport'], dst_per_bytes, \n",
+    "        children += (display_results(['dstIp','maxBytes','srcPort','dstPort'], dst_per_bytes, \n",
     "                                           top_results),)\n",
     "        result_tabs = widgets.Accordion(children=children, width='100%', selected_index=-1)\n",
@@ -505,245 +328,51 @@
     "        resultTableBox.children = [result_tabs,]\n",
     "         \n",
-    "    if rowct > 0:\n",
-    "        for result in srcdict:\n",
-    "            if result in dstdict:\n",
-    "                twoway[result] = srcdict[result]\n",
-    "            else:\n",
-    "                outbound[result] = srcdict[result]\n",
-    "\n",
-    "        for result in dstdict:\n",
-    "            if result not in srcdict:\n",
-    "                inbound[result] = dstdict[result]   \n",
-    "                \n",
-    "    global top_inbound_b\n",
-    "    global top_outbound_b\n",
-    "    global top_twoway_b\n",
-    "    if len(inbound) > 0:\n",
-    "        top_inbound_b = get_top_bytes(inbound,top_results)\n",
-    "        top_inbound_conns = get_top_conns(inbound,top_results)\n",
-    "        top_inbound_b.update(top_inbound_conns) # merge the two dictionaries\n",
-    "    if len(outbound) > 0:\n",
-    "        top_outbound_b = get_top_bytes(outbound,top_results)\n",
-    "        top_outbound_conns = get_top_conns(outbound,top_results)\n",
-    "        top_outbound_b.update(top_outbound_conns) # merge the two dictionaries\n",
-    "    if len(twoway) > 0:        \n",
-    "        top_twoway_b = get_top_bytes(twoway,top_results)\n",
-    "        top_twoway_conns = get_top_conns(twoway,top_results)\n",
-    "        top_twoway_b.update(top_twoway_conns) # merge the two dictionaries\n",
     "def display_results(cols, dataframe, top):    \n",
     "    table = dataframe[:top].to_html(classes='table table-striped table-bordered table-hover', columns=cols, index=False)\n",
     "    return widgets.HTML(value=table, width='100%')\n",
-    "            \n",
-    "#=========== Adds GEO IP information to the outbound, inbound and twoway connections==============================# \n",
-    "def add_geospatial_info():\n",
-    "    # get geospatial info, only when iplocation file is available\n",
-    "    if iplist != '':\n",
-    "        for srcip in outbound:\n",
-    "            reader = csv.reader([linecache.getline(iploc, bisect.bisect(iplist,outbound[srcip]['ip_int'])).replace('\\n','')])\n",
-    "            outbound[srcip]['geo'] =\n",
-    "            reader = csv.reader([linecache.getline(iploc, bisect.bisect(iplist,outbound[srcip]['dst_ip_int'])).replace('\\n','')])\n",
-    "            outbound[srcip]['geo_dst'] =\n",
-    "\n",
-    "        for dstip in twoway:\n",
-    "            reader = csv.reader([linecache.getline(iploc, bisect.bisect(iplist,twoway[dstip]['ip_int'])).replace('\\n','')])\n",
-    "            twoway[dstip]['geo'] =\n",
-    "\n",
-    "        for srcip in inbound:\n",
-    "            reader = csv.reader([linecache.getline(iploc, bisect.bisect(iplist,inbound[srcip]['ip_int'])).replace('\\n','')])\n",
-    "            inbound[srcip]['geo'] =\n",
-    "            reader = csv.reader([linecache.getline(iploc, bisect.bisect(iplist,inbound[srcip]['src_ip_int'])).replace('\\n','')])\n",
-    "            inbound[srcip]['geo_src'] =\n",
-    "     \n",
-    "             \n",
-    "              \n",
-    "# need some way to combine timelines of outbound and two-way with big picture inbound only\n",
-    "# get network context - get start and end ranges\n",
-    "def add_network_context():\n",
-    "    nwdict = {}\n",
-    "    if os.path.isfile(nwloc) : \n",
-    "        with open(nwloc, 'r') as f:\n",
-    "            reader = csv.reader(f,delimiter=',')\n",
-    "  \n",
-    "            #address range, description\n",
-    "            for row in reader:\n",
-    "                if '/' in row[0]: \n",
-    "                    #Range in subnet\n",
-    "                    iprange = row[0].split('/')\n",
-    "                    if len(iprange) < 2:\n",
-    "                        ipend = 0\n",
-    "                    else:\n",
-    "                        ipend = int(iprange[1])\n",
-    "                    nwdict[row[0]] = [struct.unpack(\"!L\", socket.inet_aton(iprange[0]))[0],\n",
-    "                                      struct.unpack(\"!L\", socket.inet_aton(iprange[0]))[0]+2**(32-ipend)-1, row[1]]  \n",
-    "                elif '-' in row[0]: \n",
-    "                    #IP Range \n",
-    "                    iprange = row[0].split('-')   \n",
-    "                    nwdict[row[0]] = [struct.unpack(\"!L\", socket.inet_aton(iprange[0].replace(\" \", \"\")))[0],\n",
-    "                                      struct.unpack(\"!L\", socket.inet_aton(iprange[1].replace(\" \", \"\")))[0], row[1]]\n",
-    "                else:\n",
-    "                    #Exact match  \n",
-    "                    nwdict[row[0]] = [struct.unpack(\"!L\", socket.inet_aton(row[0]))[0],\n",
-    "                                      struct.unpack(\"!L\", socket.inet_aton(row[0]))[0], row[1]] \n",
-    "\n",
-    "        for srcip in outbound:  \n",
-    "            temp_ip = struct.unpack(\"!L\", socket.inet_aton(srcip))[0]\n",
-    "            if srcip in nwdict:\n",
-    "                inbound[srcip]['nwloc'] = nwdict[srcip]\n",
-    "            else:\n",
-    "                matchingVals = [x for x in nwdict if nwdict[x][1] >= temp_ip and nwdict[x][0] <= temp_ip]\n",
-    "                outbound[srcip]['nwloc'] = nwdict[matchingVals[0]] if len(matchingVals) > 0 else ''      \n",
-    "\n",
-    "        for dstip in twoway:  \n",
-    "            temp_ip = struct.unpack(\"!L\", socket.inet_aton(dstip))[0]\n",
-    "            if dstip in nwdict:\n",
-    "                twoway[dstip]['nwloc'] = nwdict[dstip]\n",
-    "            else:\n",
-    "                matchingVals = [x for x in nwdict if nwdict[x][1] >= temp_ip and nwdict[x][0] <= temp_ip]\n",
-    "                twoway[dstip]['nwloc'] = nwdict[matchingVals[0]] if len(matchingVals) > 0 else ''\n",
-    "\n",
-    "        for srcip in inbound:\n",
-    "            temp_ip = struct.unpack(\"!L\", socket.inet_aton(srcip))[0]\n",
-    "            if srcip in nwdict:\n",
-    "                inbound[srcip]['nwloc'] = nwdict[srcip]\n",
-    "            else:\n",
-    "                matchingVals = [x for x in nwdict if nwdict[x][1] >= temp_ip and nwdict[x][0] <= temp_ip]\n",
-    "                inbound[srcip]['nwloc'] = nwdict[matchingVals[0]] if len(matchingVals) > 0 else ''\n",
-    "\n",
-    "                \n",
-    "def generate_attack_map_file(ip, inbound, outbound, twoway): \n",
-    "    if iplist != '':\n",
-    "        globe_fpath = dpath + 'globe-' + ip + \".json\"\n",
-    "        globe_json = {}\n",
-    "        globe_json['type'] = \"FeatureCollection\"\n",
-    "        globe_json['sourceips'] = []\n",
-    "        globe_json['destips'] = [] \n",
-    "        for srcip in twoway:\n",
-    "            try:\n",
-    "                row =  twoway[srcip]['geo']                \n",
-    "                globe_json['destips'].append({\n",
-    "                        'type': 'Feature',\n",
-    "                        'properties': {\n",
-    "                            'location':row[8],\n",
-    "                            'ip':srcip,\n",
-    "                            'type':1\n",
-    "                        },\n",
-    "                        'geometry': {\n",
-    "                            'type': 'Point',\n",
-    "                            'coordinates': [float(row[7]), float(row[6])]\n",
-    "                        }\n",
-    "                    })\n",
-    "            except ValueError:\n",
-    "                pass\n",
-    "\n",
-    "\n",
-    "        for dstip in outbound:\n",
-    "            try:\n",
-    "                row =  outbound[dstip]['geo']\n",
-    "                dst_geo = outbound[dstip]['geo_dst']\n",
-    "                globe_json['sourceips'].append({\n",
-    "                        'type': 'Feature',\n",
-    "                        'properties': {\n",
-    "                            'location':row[8],\n",
-    "                            'ip':dstip,\n",
-    "                            'type':3\n",
-    "                        },\n",
-    "                        'geometry': {\n",
-    "                            'type': 'Point',\n",
-    "                            'coordinates': [float(row[7]), float(row[6])]\n",
-    "                        }\n",
-    "                    })\n",
-    "                globe_json['destips'].append({\n",
-    "                        'type': 'Feature',\n",
-    "                        'properties': {\n",
-    "                            'location':row[8],\n",
-    "                            'ip':outbound[dstip]['dst_ip'],\n",
-    "                            'type':3\n",
-    "                        },\n",
-    "                        'geometry': {\n",
-    "                            'type': 'Point',\n",
-    "                            'coordinates': [float(dst_geo[7]), float(dst_geo[6])]\n",
-    "                        }\n",
-    "                    }) \n",
-    "\n",
-    "            except ValueError:\n",
-    "                pass\n",
-    "\n",
-    "        for dstip in inbound:\n",
-    "            try:\n",
-    "                row =  inbound[dstip]['geo']\n",
-    "                dst_geo = inbound[dstip]['geo_src']\n",
-    "                globe_json['sourceips'].append({\n",
-    "                        'type': 'Feature',\n",
-    "                        'properties': {\n",
-    "                            'location':row[8],\n",
-    "                            'ip':dstip,\n",
-    "                            'type':2\n",
-    "                        },\n",
-    "                        'geometry': {\n",
-    "                            'type': 'Point',\n",
-    "                            'coordinates': [float(row[7]), float(row[6])]\n",
-    "                        }\n",
-    "                    })\n",
-    "                globe_json['destips'].append({\n",
-    "                        'type': 'Feature',\n",
-    "                        'properties': {\n",
-    "                            'location':row[8],\n",
-    "                            'ip':inbound[dstip]['src_ip'],\n",
-    "                            'type':2\n",
-    "                        },\n",
-    "                        'geometry': {\n",
-    "                            'type': 'Point',\n",
-    "                            'coordinates': [float(dst_geo[7]), float(dst_geo[6])]\n",
-    "                        }\n",
-    "                    })\n",
-    "            except ValueError:\n",
-    "                pass\n",
-    "\n",
-    "        json_str = json.dumps(globe_json)\n",
-    "        with open(globe_fpath, 'w') as globe_f:\n",
-    "            globe_f.write(json_str)\n",
-    "        response = \"Geolocation map successfully created <br/>\"\n",
-    "    else:\n",
-    "        response = \"The map can't be created without an iploc file <br/>\"        \n",
-    "        \n",
-    "    return response\n",
     "    \n",
     "def add_threat(ip,threat_title, threat_comment):\n",
-    "    content = ''\n",
-    "    try:\n",
-    "        threat_f = open(threats_file, 'r')\n",
-    "        content =\n",
-    "        if '{0}|{1}|{2}\\n'.format(ip,threat_title,threat_comment) not in content:\n",
-    "            content += '{0}|{1}|{2}\\n'.format(ip,threat_title,threat_comment)\n",
-    "        threat_f.close() \n",
-    "    except:\n",
-    "        content = 'ip|title|summary\\n'\n",
-    "        content += '{0}|{1}|{2}\\n'.format(ip,threat_title,threat_comment)\n",
-    "    \n",
-    "    threat_fw = open(threats_file, 'w')\n",
-    "    threat_fw.write(content)\n",
-    "    threat_fw.close()\n",
-    "    return \"\"\n",
-    "\n",
+    "       \n",
+    "    mutation=\"\"\"mutation(\n",
+    "                $date: SpotDateType, \n",
+    "                $ip: SpotIpType!, \n",
+    "                $text: String!, \n",
+    "                $title: String!,\n",
+    "                $threatDetails: [NetflowThreatDetailsInputType]!,\n",
+    "                $topResults:Int) \n",
+    "                {\n",
+    "                  flow {\n",
+    "                    createStoryboard(input:{\n",
+    "                        threatDetails: $threatDetails,\n",
+    "                        date: $date, \n",
+    "                        ip: $ip, \n",
+    "                        title: $title, \n",
+    "                        text: $text,\n",
+    "                        first:$topResults})\n",
+    "                    {success}\n",
+    "                  }\n",
+    "                }\"\"\"\n",
+    " \n",
+    "    variables={\n",
+    "        'date': datetime.datetime.strptime(date, '%Y%m%d').strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),\n",
+    "        'ip': ip,\n",
+    "        'title': threat_title,\n",
+    "        'text': threat_comment,\n",
+    "        'threatDetails': expanded_results['data']['flow']['threat']['details'],\n",
+    "        'first':top_results\n",
+    "\n",
+    "        }\n",
     "    \n",
-    "def get_top_bytes(conns_dict, top):\n",
-    "    topbytes = sorted(conns_dict.iteritems(), key=lambda (x,y): y['maxbytes'], reverse=True)\n",
-    "    topbytes = topbytes[0:top]\n",
-    "    return dict(topbytes)\n",
-    "\n",
-    "\n",
-    "def get_top_conns(conns_dict, top):    \n",
-    "    topconns = sorted(conns_dict.iteritems(), key=lambda (x,y): y['conns'], reverse=True)\n",
-    "    topconns = topconns[0:top]\n",
-    "    return dict(topconns)\n",
+    "    response = GraphQLClient.request(mutation,variables)\n",
+    "    if not 'errors' in response:\n",
+    "        return \"Story board successfully created\"\n",
+    "    else:\n",
+    "        return response['errors'][0]['message']\n",
     "    \n",
-    "def file_is_empty(path):\n",
-    "    return os.stat(path).st_size==0\n",
-    "\n",
     "def removeWidget(index):\n",
     "    js_command = \"$('.widget-area > .widget-subarea > .widget-box:eq({0})').remove();\".format(index)    \n",
     "    display(Javascript(js_command))"
@@ -777,7 +406,7 @@
    "name": "python",
    "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
    "pygments_lexer": "ipython2",
-   "version": "2.7.10"
+   "version": "2.7.5"
  "nbformat": 4,
diff --git a/spot-oa/oa/proxy/ipynb_templates/Edge_Investigation_master.ipynb b/spot-oa/oa/proxy/ipynb_templates/Edge_Investigation_master.ipynb
index 0cfc28b..8eedc53 100644
--- a/spot-oa/oa/proxy/ipynb_templates/Edge_Investigation_master.ipynb
+++ b/spot-oa/oa/proxy/ipynb_templates/Edge_Investigation_master.ipynb
@@ -18,18 +18,14 @@
     "import urllib2\n",
     "import json\n",
     "import os\n",
+    "import datetime\n",
     "import csv \n",
     "# getting date from the parent path. \n",
     "path = os.getcwd().split(\"/\") \n",
     "date = path[len(path)-1]   \n",
     "dsource = path[len(path)-2]  \n",
-    "dpath = '/'.join(['data' if var == 'ipynb' else var for var in path]) + '/'\n",
-    "\n",
-    "sconnect = dpath + 'proxy_scores.tsv'\n",
-    "sconnectbu = dpath + 'proxy_scores_bu.tsv'\n",
-    "score_tmp = dpath + 'proxy_tmp.tsv'  \n",
-    "score_fbk = dpath + 'proxy_scores_fb.csv'"
+    "score_values = []"
@@ -47,7 +43,7 @@
     "from IPython.display import display, HTML, clear_output, Javascript \n",
     "def fill_list(list_control,source):\n",
-    "    options_list = ['--Select--'] \n",
+    "    options_list = ['- Select -'] \n",
     "    options_list.extend([s for s in source])\n",
     "    list_control.options = options_list\n",
@@ -90,16 +86,28 @@
     "def data_loader(): \n",
     "    us_uris = []\n",
-    "\n",
-    "    with open(sconnect, 'r') as f:\n",
-    "        reader = csv.DictReader(f, delimiter='\\t')\n",
+    "    \n",
+    "    response = GraphQLClient.request(\n",
+    "        query=\"\"\"query($date:SpotDateType!) {\n",
+    "                proxy{\n",
+    "                    suspicious(date:$date){\n",
+    "                    uri\n",
+    "                }\n",
+    "            }\n",
+    "        }\"\"\",\n",
+    "        variables={\n",
+    "            'date': datetime.datetime.strptime(date, '%Y%m%d').strftime('%Y-%m-%d')\n",
+    "        }\n",
+    "    )\n",
+    "    \n",
+    "    if not 'errors' in response:\n",
+    "        for row in response['data']['proxy']['suspicious']:\n",
+    "            us_uris.append(row['uri'])\n",
+    "    else:\n",
+    "        print 'An error occured : '+ response['errors'][0]['message']\n",
     "        \n",
-    "        for row in reader: \n",
-    "            if row['fulluri'] not in us_uris and row['uri_sev'] == '0': \n",
-    "                us_uris.append(row['fulluri'])\n",
-    "\n",
     "    fill_list(uri_select,us_uris)\n",
-    "    uri_select.value = \"--Select--\"   \n",
+    "    uri_select.value = \"- Select -\"   \n",
     "display(Javascript(\"$('.widget-area > .widget-subarea > *').remove();\"))\n",
@@ -125,83 +133,61 @@
     "import datetime\n",
     "import subprocess \n",
-    "def assign_score(b):\n",
-    "    scored_threats = []\n",
+    "def assign_score(b): \n",
     "    clear_output()\n",
     "    uri = quick_text.value or uri_select.value\n",
-    "    uri_sev = int(rating_btn.selected_label) if not \"--Select--\" in uri_select.value else \"\"\n",
-    "\n",
-    "    with open(sconnect, 'r') as f:\n",
-    "        reader = csv.DictReader(f, delimiter='\\t')\n",
-    "        rowct = 0\n",
-    "        with open(score_tmp, 'w') as score:\n",
-    "            wr = csv.DictWriter(score, delimiter='\\t', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE, fieldnames=reader.fieldnames)            \n",
-    "            wr.writeheader()\n",
-    "                \n",
-    "            for row in reader:\n",
-    "                if row['fulluri'] == uri:\n",
-    "                    row['uri_sev'] = uri_sev\n",
-    "                    scored_threats.append(row)                    \n",
-    "                    rowct += 1\n",
-    "                try:\n",
-    "                    wr.writerow(row)\n",
-    "                except:\n",
-    "                    print str(row)\n",
-    "                    \n",
-    "        #works on the feedback tab-separated file\n",
-    "        if not os.path.exists(score_fbk):  \n",
-    "            with open(score_fbk, 'w') as feedback:\n",
-    "                wr = csv.DictWriter(feedback, delimiter='\\t', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE, fieldnames=reader.fieldnames)            \n",
-    "                wr.writeheader()\n",
-    "            \n",
-    "        with open(score_fbk, 'a') as feedback:\n",
-    "            for row in scored_threats:\n",
-    "                wr = csv.DictWriter(feedback, delimiter='\\t', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE, fieldnames=reader.fieldnames)            \n",
-    "                wr.writerow(row)\n",
-    "  \n",
+    "    uri_sev = int(rating_btn.selected_label) if not \"- Select -\" in uri_select.value else \"\"\n",
+    "    \n",
+    "    clear_output()\n",
+    "    #Gets input values\n",
+    "    global score_values\n",
+    "    \n",
+    "    score_values.append((uri, uri_sev))\n",
+    "    \n",
+    "    if uri_select.value != \"- Select -\":\n",
+    "        display(Javascript(\"$(\\\"option[data-value='\" + uri_select.value +\"']\\\").remove();\"))\n",
+    "      \n",
     "    clear_output()\n",
-    "    print \"{0} matching requests scored\".format(rowct)\n",
-    "    !mv $score_tmp $sconnect\n",
     "    data_loader()\n",
-    "    uri_select.value = \"--Select--\"\n",
+    "    uri_select.value = \"- Select -\"\n",
     "    quick_text.value = \"\"\n",
     "def save(b):   \n",
-    "    clear_output()\n",
-    "    display(Javascript(\"$('.widget-area > .widget-subarea > *').remove();\"))\n",
-    "    data_loader()\n",
-    "    display(scoring_form)\n",
-    "    display(Javascript('reloadParentData();')) \n",
-    "    ml_feedback()\n",
-    "    print \"Suspicious requests successfully updated\"\n",
-    "\n",
+    "    variables=[]\n",
+    "    global score_values\n",
+    "    mutation=\"\"\"mutation($input:[ProxyScoreInputType!]!)\n",
+    "                {\n",
+    "                  proxy{\n",
+    "                    score(input:$input)\n",
+    "                        {success}\n",
+    "                  }\n",
+    "                }\"\"\" \n",
+    "    \n",
+    "    for row in score_values:\n",
+    "        variables.append({\n",
+    "            'date': datetime.datetime.strptime(date, '%Y%m%d').strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),\n",
+    "            'uri': row[0] if row[0] != \"\" else None,\n",
+    "            'score': row[1] if row[1] != \"\" else None  \n",
+    "            })\n",
+    "\n",
+    "    var = {'input':variables}\n",
+    "    response = GraphQLClient.request(mutation,var)\n",
+    "    \n",
+    "    score_values = []\n",
+    "    if not 'errors' in response:\n",
+    "        clear_output()    \n",
+    "        display(Javascript(\"$('.widget-area > .widget-subarea > *').remove();\"))\n",
+    "        data_loader() \n",
+    "        display(scoring_form)\n",
+    "        display(Javascript('reloadParentData();')) \n",
+    "        print \"Suspicious connects successfully updated\"\n",
+    "    else:\n",
+    "        print \"An error ocurred: \" + response['errors'][0]['message']\n",
-    "assign_btn.on_click(assign_score)\n",
-    "save_btn.on_click(save)\n",
     "        \n",
-    "\n",
-    "def ml_feedback():\n",
-    "    dst_name = os.path.basename(sconnect)\n",
-    "    str_fb=\"DSOURCE={0} &&\\\n",
-    "        FDATE={1} &&\\\n",
-    "        source /etc/spot.conf &&\\\n",
-    "        usr=$(echo $LUSER | cut -f3 -d'/') &&\\\n",
-    "        mlnode=$MLNODE &&\\\n",
-    "        lpath=$LPATH &&\\\n",
-    "        scp {2} $usr@$mlnode:$lpath/{3}\".format(dsource,date,score_fbk,dst_name)\n",
-    ", shell=True)"
-   ]
-  },
-  {
-   "cell_type": "code",
-   "execution_count": null,
-   "metadata": {
-    "collapsed": true
-   },
-   "outputs": [],
-   "source": [
-    "# !cp $sconnectbu $sconnect"
+    "assign_btn.on_click(assign_score)\n",
+    "save_btn.on_click(save)"
diff --git a/spot-oa/oa/proxy/ipynb_templates/Threat_Investigation_master.ipynb b/spot-oa/oa/proxy/ipynb_templates/Threat_Investigation_master.ipynb
index 5cd89db..f68f5c9 100644
--- a/spot-oa/oa/proxy/ipynb_templates/Threat_Investigation_master.ipynb
+++ b/spot-oa/oa/proxy/ipynb_templates/Threat_Investigation_master.ipynb
@@ -26,17 +26,10 @@
     "except ImportError:\n",
     "    from IPython.html import widgets\n",
     "from IPython.display import display, HTML, clear_output, Javascript \n",
-    "\n",
-    "with open('/etc/spot.conf') as conf:\n",
-    "    for line in conf.readlines():\n",
-    "        if \"DBNAME=\" in line: DBNAME = line.split(\"=\")[1].strip('\\n').replace(\"'\",\"\");      \n",
-    "        elif \"IMPALA_DEM=\" in line: IMPALA_DEM = line.split(\"=\")[1].strip('\\n').replace(\"'\",\"\"); \n",
     "            \n",
     "path = os.getcwd().split(\"/\") \n",
     "date = path[len(path)-1]   \n",
     "dpath = '/'.join(['data' if var == 'ipynb' else var for var in path]) + '/'\n",
-    "sconnect = dpath + 'proxy_scores.tsv' \n",
-    "threat_f = dpath + \"threats.csv\"\n",
     "anchor = ''\n",
     "anchor_hash = ''\n",
     "clientips  = defaultdict(int)\n",
@@ -148,28 +141,31 @@
     "    clear_output() \n",
     "    c_uri = []\n",
     "    uri_sev=[]\n",
-    "\n",
-    "    #discards threats already commented\n",
-    "    if os.path.isfile(threat_f) and not file_is_empty(threat_f):\n",
-    "        with open(threat_f, 'r') as th:\n",
-    "            t_read = csv.reader(th, delimiter='|')\n",
-    "  \n",
-    "            for row in t_read: \n",
-    "                if row[0] != '' : c_uri.append(row[0])\n",
-    "            \n",
-    "    with open(sconnect, 'r') as f:\n",
-    "        reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter='\\t')\n",
-    "\n",
-    "        for row in reader:\n",
-    "        #   \"p_date\":0 , \"p_time\":1, \"clientip\":2 , \"host\":3, \"reqmethod\":4 , \"useragent\":5 , \"resconttype\":6\n",
-    "        # , \"duration\":7, \"username\":8 , \"webcat\":9, \"referer\":10, \"respcode\":11, \"uriport\":12, \"uripath\":13\n",
-    "        # , \"uriquery\":14, \"serverip\":15, \"scbytes\":16 , \"csbytes\":17, \"fulluri\":18, \"word\":19\n",
-    "            #Forms a hash out of the anchor to use it as the file name\n",
-    "            if row[22] == '1': \n",
-    "                row_hash =[18])).hexdigest()\n",
-    "                if row[18] not in uri_sev and row_hash not in c_uri:\n",
-    "                    uri_sev.append(row[18])\n",
-    "\n",
+    "          \n",
+    "    response = GraphQLClient.request(\n",
+    "        query=\"\"\"query($date:SpotDateType!) {\n",
+    "                 proxy{\n",
+    "                    threats{\n",
+    "                        list(date:$date) {\n",
+    "                            score\n",
+    "                            uri\n",
+    "                            datetime\n",
+    "                        }\n",
+    "                    }\n",
+    "            }\n",
+    "        }\"\"\",\n",
+    "        variables={\n",
+    "            'date': datetime.datetime.strptime(date, '%Y%m%d').strftime('%Y-%m-%d')\n",
+    "        }\n",
+    "    )  \n",
+    "     \n",
+    "    if not 'errors' in response: \n",
+    "        for row in response['data']['proxy']['threats']['list']:        \n",
+    "            if row['uri'] not in uri_sev and row['score'] == 1: \n",
+    "                uri_sev.append(row['uri'])\n",
+    "    else:\n",
+    "        print \"An error ocurred: \" + response[\"errors\"][0][\"message\"]\n",
+    " \n",
     "    threat_title.value =\"<h4>Suspicious URI</h4>\"\n",
     "                       \n",
     "    if len(uri_sev) == 0:\n",
@@ -191,92 +187,87 @@
     "    display(topBox) \n",
     "  \n",
     "    def search_ip(b):  \n",
-    "        global anchor  \n",
-    "        global anchor_hash\n",
-    "        global ir_f\n",
+    "        global anchor\n",
+    "        global expanded_results\n",
     "        anchor='' \n",
-    "        anchor_hash = ''\n",
     "        anchor = susp_select.value   \n",
-    "        anchor_hash =\n",
     "        removeWidget(3)\n",
     "        removeWidget(2)\n",
     "        removeWidget(1) \n",
-    "        height=80        \n",
-    "        ir_f = dpath + 'es-' + anchor_hash + \".csv\" \n",
-    "        table = \"<table><th>TIME</th><th>CLIENT IP</th><th>USERNAME</th><th>DURATION</th> \\\n",
-    "        <th>FULL URI</th><th>WEB CATEGORY</th><th>RESPONSE CODE</th><th>REQUEST METHOD</th><th>USER AGENT</th> \\\n",
-    "        <th>MIME TYPE</th><th>REFERER</th><th>URI PORT</th><th>PROXY IP</th><th>SERVER BYTES</th><th>CLIENT BYTES</th>\"\n",
+    "        height=80   \n",
     "        \n",
-    "        if not os.path.isfile(ir_f) or (os.path.isfile(ir_f) and file_is_empty(ir_f)):\n",
-    "            # time:0, clientip:1, username:2, duration:3, fullURI:4, webcat:5, respcode:6, reqmethod:7\n",
-    "            # useragent:8, resconttype: 9, referer: 10, uriport:11, serverip:12, scbytes:13, csbytes:14\n",
-    "            imp_query = (\"\\\"SELECT p_time, clientip, username, duration, fulluri, webcat, respcode, reqmethod,\\\n",
-    "                 useragent, resconttype, referer, uriport, serverip, scbytes, csbytes FROM {0}.proxy\\\n",
-    "                 WHERE y='{1}' AND m='{2}' AND d='{3}' AND (fulluri='{4}' OR referer ='{4}') ORDER BY p_time\\\"\")   \n",
-    "            \n",
-    "            imp_query = imp_query.format(DBNAME,yy,mm,dd,anchor) \n",
-    "            !impala-shell -i $IMPALA_DEM --quiet -q \"INVALIDATE METADATA\"\n",
-    "            !impala-shell -i $IMPALA_DEM --quiet --print_header -B --output_delimiter='\\t' -q $imp_query -o $ir_f\n",
-    "           \n",
-    "        clear_output() \n",
-    "        req_method = {}\n",
+    "        expanded_results = GraphQLClient.request(\n",
+    "            query=\"\"\"query($date:SpotDateType!,$uri:String!){\n",
+    "                              proxy{\n",
+    "                                threat{\n",
+    "                                  details(date:$date,uri:$uri) {\n",
+    "                                    username\n",
+    "                                    webCategory\n",
+    "                                    responseContentType\n",
+    "                                    datetime\n",
+    "                                    referer\n",
+    "                                    clientToServerBytes\n",
+    "                                    duration\n",
+    "                                    userAgent\n",
+    "                                    uri\n",
+    "                                    serverIp\n",
+    "                                    requestMethod\n",
+    "                                    responseCode\n",
+    "                                    uriPort\n",
+    "                                    clientIp\n",
+    "                                    serverToClientBytes\n",
+    "                                  }\n",
+    "                                }\n",
+    "                              }  \n",
+    "                            }\n",
+    "                            \"\"\",\n",
+    "                        variables={\n",
+    "                        'date': datetime.datetime.strptime(date, '%Y%m%d').strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),\n",
+    "                        'uri': anchor\n",
+    "                        }\n",
+    "                    )\n",
+    "        \n",
+    "        \n",
+    "        if not 'errors' in expanded_results: \n",
+    "            i = 0\n",
+    "            table = \"<table><th>TIME</th><th>CLIENT IP</th><th>USERNAME</th><th>DURATION</th> \\\n",
+    "            <th>FULL URI</th><th>WEB CATEGORY</th><th>RESPONSE CODE</th><th>REQUEST METHOD</th><th>USER AGENT</th> \\\n",
+    "            <th>MIME TYPE</th><th>REFERER</th><th>URI PORT</th><th>PROXY IP</th><th>SERVER BYTES</th><th>CLIENT BYTES</th>\"\n",
+    "            for row in expanded_results['data']['proxy']['threat']['details']:\n",
+    "                if i < top_results:\n",
+    "                    table += \"<tr><td>\"+ str(row['datetime'])+\"</td><td>\"+str(row['clientIp'])+\"</td>\\\n",
+    "                    <td><div class='spot-text-wrapper' data-toggle='tooltip'>\"+str(row['username'])+\"\\\n",
+    "                    </div></td><td>\"+str(row['duration'])+\"</td>\\\n",
+    "                    <td><div class='spot-text-wrapper' data-toggle='tooltip'>\"+str(row['uri'])+\"</div>\\\n",
+    "                    </td><td>\"+str(row['webCategory'])+\"</td>\\\n",
+    "                    <td>\"+str(row['responseCode'])+\"</td><td>\"+str(row['requestMethod'])+\"</td>\\\n",
+    "                    <td><div class='spot-text-wrapper' data-toggle='tooltip'>\"+str(row['userAgent'])+\"</div></td>\\\n",
+    "                    <td><div class='spot-text-wrapper' data-toggle='tooltip'>\"+str(row['responseContentType'])+\"</div></td>\\\n",
+    "                    <td><div class='spot-text-wrapper' data-toggle='tooltip'>\"+str(row['referer'])+\"</div></td>\\\n",
+    "                    <td>\"+str(row['uriPort'])+\"</td><td>\"+str(row['serverIp'])+\"</td><td>\\\n",
+    "                    \"+str(row['serverToClientBytes'])+\"</td><td>\"+str(row['clientToServerBytes'])+\"</td></tr>\"\n",
+    "\n",
+    "                height += 20\n",
+    "                i+=1\n",
+    "            table += \"</table>\"                \n",
+    "            result_html_title.value='<h4>Displaying top {0} search results</h4>'.format(top_results)\n",
+    "        else:\n",
+    "            table = \"<table></table>\"\n",
+    "            result_html_title.value='<h4>No results were found.</h4>'\n",
-    "        with open(ir_f, 'r') as f:\n",
-    "            #Creates default dictionaries\n",
-    "            global reqmethods\n",
-    "            global rescontype\n",
-    "            global referers\n",
-    "            global refered\n",
-    "            global requests\n",
-    "            global clientips\n",
-    "            clientips  = defaultdict(int)\n",
-    "            reqmethods = defaultdict(int)\n",
-    "            rescontype = defaultdict(int)\n",
-    "            referers   = defaultdict(int)\n",
-    "            refered    = defaultdict(int)\n",
-    "            try:\n",
-    "                reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter='\\t')\n",
-    "       # Skip headers\n",
-    "                i=0         \n",
-    "                for row in reader:\n",
-    "                    clientips[row[1]]+=1\n",
-    "                    reqmethods[row[7]]+=1\n",
-    "                    rescontype[row[9]]+=1\n",
-    "                    if row[10] != anchor:\n",
-    "                        #Source URI's that refered the user to the threat\n",
-    "                        referers[row[10]]+=1\n",
-    "                        if({'clientip':row[1],'referer':row[10],'reqmethod':row[7],'resconttype':row[9]}) not in requests:\n",
-    "                            requests.append({'clientip':row[1],'referer':row[10],'reqmethod':row[7],'resconttype':row[9]})\n",
-    "                        if i < top_results:\n",
-    "                            table += \"<tr><td>\"+row[0]+\"</td><td>\"+row[1]+\"</td>\\\n",
-    "                            <td><div class='spot-text-wrapper' data-toggle='tooltip'>\"+row[2]+\"</div></td><td>\"+row[3]+\"</td>\\\n",
-    "                            <td><div class='spot-text-wrapper' data-toggle='tooltip'>\"+row[4]+\"</div></td><td>\"+row[5]+\"</td>\\\n",
-    "                            <td>\"+row[6]+\"</td><td>\"+row[7]+\"</td>\\\n",
-    "                            <td><div class='spot-text-wrapper' data-toggle='tooltip'>\"+row[8]+\"</div></td>\\\n",
-    "                            <td><div class='spot-text-wrapper' data-toggle='tooltip'>\"+row[9]+\"</div></td>\\\n",
-    "                            <td><div class='spot-text-wrapper' data-toggle='tooltip'>\"+row[10]+\"</div></td>\\\n",
-    "                            <td>\"+row[11]+\"</td><td>\"+row[12]+\"</td><td>\"+row[13]+\"</td><td>\"+row[14]+\"</td></tr>\"\n",
-    "                    else:\n",
-    "                        #Destination URI's refered by the threat\n",
-    "                        refered[row[4]]+=1\n",
-    "                    height += 20\n",
-    "                    i+=1\n",
-    "                table += \"</table>\"                \n",
-    "                result_html_title.value='<h4>Displaying top {0} search results</h4>'.format(top_results)\n",
-    "            except:\n",
-    "                table = \"<table></table>\"\n",
-    "                result_html_title.value='<h4>No results were found.</h4>'\n",
-    "                \n",
-    "            result_html.value=table\n",
-    "            result_html_box.children = [result_html]\n",
+    "        result_html.value=table\n",
+    "        result_html_box.children = [result_html]\n",
     " \n",
-    "            display_threat_box(anchor)\n",
-    "            resultTableBox.children = [result_html_title, result_html_box]\n",
-    "            display(bottomBox)\n",
+    "        display_threat_box(anchor)\n",
+    "        resultTableBox.children = [result_html_title, result_html_box]\n",
+    "        display(bottomBox)\n",
+    "        \n",
+    "        \n",
     "    search_btn.on_click(search_ip)\n",
     "        \n",
-    "def display_threat_box(ip):    \n",
+    "def display_threat_box(ip):   \n",
+    "    global expanded_results\n",
     "    result_title.value=\"<h4 class='spot-text-wrapper spot-text-xlg' data-toggle='tooltip'>Threat summary for \" + anchor +\"</h4>\"\n",
     "    tc_txt_title = widgets.Text(value='', placeholder='Threat Title', width='100%')\n",
     "    tc_txa_summary = widgets.Textarea(value='', height=100, width='95%')\n",
@@ -293,75 +284,56 @@
     "    resultSummaryBox.children = [result_title,result_summary_box]\n",
     "    \n",
     "    def save_threat_summary(b):\n",
-    "        global anchor \n",
-    "        global anchor_hash \n",
-    "        if anchor != '':      \n",
-    "            global threat_f\n",
-    "            if not os.path.exists(threat_f):  \n",
-    "                with open(threat_f, 'w') as comment:\n",
-    "                    comment.write('hash|title|summary\\n')\n",
-    "            \n",
-    "            with open(threat_f, 'a') as comment:\n",
-    "                comment.write(anchor_hash + '|' + tc_txt_title.value + '|' +\n",
-    "                                  tc_txa_summary.value.replace('\\n', '\\\\n') + '\\n') \n",
-    "            \n",
-    "            display(Javascript(\"$(\\\"option[data-value='\" + anchor +\"']\\\").remove();\"))   \n",
-    "            display(Javascript(\"$('.widget-area > .widget-subarea > .widget-box:gt(0)').remove();\"))\n",
-    "            \n",
-    "            response = \"Summary successfully saved\"\n",
-    "            incident_progression(anchor, anchor_hash)\n",
-    "            timeline(anchor, anchor_hash)\n",
+    "        result_msg = \"\"\n",
+    "        threat_title = tc_txt_title.value \n",
+    "        threat_comment = tc_txa_summary.value\n",
+    "\n",
+    "        \n",
+    "        if anchor != '':   \n",
+    "            mutation=\"\"\"mutation(\n",
+    "                        $date: SpotDateType, \n",
+    "                        $uri: String!, \n",
+    "                        $text: String!, \n",
+    "                        $title: String!,\n",
+    "                        $threatDetails: [ProxyThreatDetailsInputType!]!,\n",
+    "                        $first:Int) \n",
+    "                        {\n",
+    "                          proxy {\n",
+    "                            createStoryboard(input:{\n",
+    "                                threatDetails: $threatDetails,\n",
+    "                                date: $date, \n",
+    "                                uri: $uri, \n",
+    "                                title: $title, \n",
+    "                                text: $text,\n",
+    "                                first:$first})\n",
+    "                            {success}\n",
+    "                          }\n",
+    "                        }\"\"\"\n",
+    "\n",
+    "            variables={\n",
+    "                'date': datetime.datetime.strptime(date, '%Y%m%d').strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),\n",
+    "                'uri': anchor,\n",
+    "                'title': threat_title,\n",
+    "                'text': threat_comment,\n",
+    "                'threatDetails': expanded_results['data']['proxy']['threat']['details'],\n",
+    "                'first':top_results\n",
+    "                }\n",
+    "\n",
+    "            response = GraphQLClient.request(mutation,variables)\n",
+    "            if not 'errors' in response:\n",
+    "                start_investigation()\n",
+    "                result_msg = \"Story board successfully created\"\n",
+    "            else:\n",
+    "                result_msg = response['errors'][0]['message'] \n",
     "        else:\n",
-    "            response = \"No data selected\" \n",
-    "       \n",
+    "            result_msg = \"No data selected\" \n",
+    "\n",
     "        susp_select.selected_label = susp_select.options[0]\n",
-    "        display(widgets.Box((widgets.HTML(value=response, width='100%'),)))\n",
+    "        display(widgets.Box((widgets.HTML(value=result_msg, width='100%'),)))\n",
     "    \n",
     "    tc_btn_save.on_click(save_threat_summary)\n",
-    "    \n",
-    "    \n",
-    "def incident_progression(anchor, anchor_hash):\n",
-    "    file_name = dpath + 'incident-progression-'+anchor_hash+'.json'\n",
-    "    jsonstring = json.dumps({'fulluri':anchor, 'requests':requests,'referer_for':referers.keys()})\n",
-    "    if not os.path.exists(file_name):\n",
-    "         with open(file_name, 'w') as f:\n",
-    "            f.write(jsonstring)        \n",
-    "    response = \"Incident progression successfuly created\"\n",
-    "    display(widgets.Box((widgets.HTML(value=response, width='100%'),)))\n",
-    "    \n",
-    "    \n",
-    "def timeline(anchor, anchor_hash): \n",
-    "    response = \"\"\n",
-    "    susp_ips = []\n",
-    "    if clientips:\n",
-    "        srtlist = sorted(list(clientips.items()), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)\n",
-    "        for val in srtlist[:top_results]:\n",
-    "            susp_ips.append(val[0])  \n",
-    "            \n",
-    "    if anchor != \"\":\n",
-    "        sbdet_f = dpath + \"timeline-\"+anchor_hash+\".tsv\"\n",
-    "        if not os.path.isfile(sbdet_f) or (os.path.isfile(sbdet_f) and file_is_empty(sbdet_f)):  \n",
-    "            imp_query = \"\\\"SELECT concat(cast(p_date as string), ' ', cast(MIN(p_time) as string)) AS tstart,\\\n",
-    "            concat(cast(p_date as string), ' ', cast(MAX(p_time) as string)) AS tend, SUM(duration) AS duration,\\\n",
-    "            clientip, respcode from {0}.proxy WHERE fulluri='{1}' AND clientip IN ({5}) \\\n",
-    "            AND y='{2}' AND m='{3}' AND d='{4}' GROUP BY clientip, p_time, respcode, p_date ORDER BY clientip\\\n",
-    "            LIMIT {6}\\\"\"\n",
-    "            imp_query=imp_query.format(DBNAME,anchor,yy,mm,dd,(\"'\" + \"','\".join(susp_ips) + \"'\"), details_limit)  \n",
-    "            !impala-shell -i $IMPALA_DEM --quiet -q \"INVALIDATE METADATA\"\n",
-    "            !impala-shell -i $IMPALA_DEM --quiet --print_header -B --output_delimiter='\\t' -q $imp_query -o $sbdet_f\n",
-    "            clear_output()\n",
-    "            \n",
-    "            response = \"Timeline successfully saved\"\n",
-    "    else:\n",
-    "        response = \"Timeline couldn't be created\"\n",
     "    \n",
-    "    display(widgets.Box((widgets.HTML(value=response, width='100%'),)))\n",
-    "    data_loader()\n",
-    "    \n",
-    "def file_is_empty(path):\n",
-    "    return os.stat(path).st_size==0\n",
-    "\n",
     "def removeWidget(index):\n",
     "    js_command = \"$('.widget-area > .widget-subarea > .widget-box:eq({0})').remove();\".format(index)    \n",
     "    display(Javascript(js_command)) "
diff --git a/spot-oa/oa/proxy/proxy_conf.json b/spot-oa/oa/proxy/proxy_conf.json
index 5378939..2228e80 100644
--- a/spot-oa/oa/proxy/proxy_conf.json
+++ b/spot-oa/oa/proxy/proxy_conf.json
@@ -42,14 +42,12 @@
         , "serverip":15
         , "scbytes":16
         , "csbytes":17
-        , "fulluri":18
+        , "fulluri":18 
         , "word":19
-        , "score":20
+        , "ml_score":20
         , "uri_rep":21
-        , "uri_sev":22
-        , "respcode_name":23
-        , "network_context":24
-        , "hash":25
+        , "respcode_name":22
+        , "network_context":23 
diff --git a/spot-oa/oa/proxy/ b/spot-oa/oa/proxy/
index 1324f1a..02a9297 100644
--- a/spot-oa/oa/proxy/
+++ b/spot-oa/oa/proxy/
@@ -27,8 +27,12 @@ from utils import Util
 from import Data
 from components.iana.iana_transform import IanaTransform
 from import NetworkContext
+import api.resources.hdfs_client as HDFSClient
+import api.resources.impala_engine as impala
 from multiprocessing import Process
 import pandas as pd 
+from impala.util import as_pandas
 import time
 import md5
@@ -78,13 +82,12 @@ class OA(object):
+        self._clear_previous_executions()   
-        self._add_reputation()
-        self._add_severity()
+        self._add_reputation() 
-        self._add_network_context()
-        self._add_hash()
+        self._add_network_context() 
@@ -102,6 +105,27 @@ class OA(object):
         self._data_path,self._ingest_summary_path,self._ipynb_path = Util.create_oa_folders("proxy",self._date)
+    def _clear_previous_executions(self):
+"Cleaning data from previous executions for the day")       
+        yr = self._date[:4]
+        mn = self._date[4:6]
+        dy = self._date[6:]  
+        table_schema = []
+        HUSER = self._spot_conf.get('conf', 'HUSER').replace("'", "").replace('"', '')
+        table_schema=['suspicious', 'edge','threat_investigation', 'timeline', 'storyboard', 'summary' ] 
+        for path in table_schema:
+            HDFSClient.delete_folder("{0}/{1}/hive/oa/{2}/y={3}/m={4}/d={5}".format(HUSER,self._table_name,path,yr,mn,dy),user="impala")
+        HDFSClient.delete_folder("{0}/{1}/hive/oa/{2}/y={3}/m={4}".format(HUSER,self._table_name,"summary",yr,mn),user="impala")
+        #removes Feedback file
+        HDFSClient.delete_folder("{0}/{1}/scored_results/{2}{3}{4}/feedback/ml_feedback.csv".format(HUSER,self._table_name,yr,mn,dy))
+        #removes json files from the storyboard
+        HDFSClient.delete_folder("{0}/{1}/oa/{2}/{3}/{4}/{5}".format(HUSER,self._table_name,"storyboard",yr,mn,dy))
     def _add_ipynb(self):
         if os.path.isdir(self._ipynb_path):
@@ -140,23 +164,23 @@ class OA(object):
             self._logger.error("There was an error getting ML results from HDFS")
-        # add headers.
-"Adding headers")
-        self._proxy_scores_headers = [  str(key) for (key,value) in self._conf['proxy_score_fields'].items() ]
         self._proxy_scores = self._proxy_results[:]
     def _create_proxy_scores_csv(self):
-        proxy_scores_csv = "{0}/proxy_scores.tsv".format(self._data_path)
-        proxy_scores_final = self._proxy_scores[:];
-        proxy_scores_final.insert(0,self._proxy_scores_headers)
-        Util.create_csv_file(proxy_scores_csv,proxy_scores_final, self._results_delimiter)
-        # create bk file
-        proxy_scores_bu_csv = "{0}/proxy_scores_bu.tsv".format(self._data_path)
-        Util.create_csv_file(proxy_scores_bu_csv,proxy_scores_final, self._results_delimiter)
+        # get date parameters.
+        yr = self._date[:4]
+        mn = self._date[4:6]
+        dy = self._date[6:] 
+        value_string = ""
+        for row in self._proxy_scores:
+            value_string += str(tuple(Util.cast_val(item) for item in row)) + ","              
+        load_into_impala = ("""
+             INSERT INTO {0}.proxy_scores partition(y={2}, m={3}, d={4}) VALUES {1}
+        """).format(self._db, value_string[:-1], yr, mn, dy) 
+        impala.execute_query(load_into_impala)
     def _add_reputation(self):
@@ -200,12 +224,6 @@ class OA(object):
             self._proxy_scores = [ conn + [""] for conn in self._proxy_scores  ]
-    def _add_severity(self):
-        # Add severity column
-        self._proxy_scores = [conn + [0] for conn in self._proxy_scores]
     def _add_iana(self):
         iana_conf_file = "{0}/components/iana/iana_config.json".format(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))))
@@ -225,96 +243,72 @@ class OA(object):
             nc_conf = json.loads(open(nc_conf_file).read())["NC"]
             proxy_nc = NetworkContext(nc_conf,self._logger)
             ip_dst_index = self._conf["proxy_score_fields"]["clientip"]
-            self._proxy_scores = [ conn + [proxy_nc.get_nc(conn[ip_dst_index])] for conn in self._proxy_scores ]
+            self._proxy_scores = [ conn + [proxy_nc.get_nc(conn[ip_dst_index])] for conn in self._proxy_scores ] 
             self._proxy_scores = [ conn + [""] for conn in self._proxy_scores ]
-    def _add_hash(self):
-        #A hash string is generated to be used as the file name for the edge files.
-        #These fields are used for the hash creation, so this combination of values is treated as
-        #a 'unique' connection
-        cip_index = self._conf["proxy_score_fields"]["clientip"]
-        uri_index = self._conf["proxy_score_fields"]["fulluri"]
-        tme_index = self._conf["proxy_score_fields"]["p_time"]
-        self._proxy_scores = [conn + [str([cip_index]) + str(conn[uri_index])).hexdigest() + str((conn[tme_index].split(":"))[0]) )] for conn in self._proxy_scores]
     def _get_oa_details(self):
 "Getting OA Proxy suspicious details")
         # start suspicious connects details process.
         p_sp = Process(target=self._get_suspicious_details)
-        # p_sp.join()
     def _get_suspicious_details(self):
-        hash_list = []
+        uri_list = []
         iana_conf_file = "{0}/components/iana/iana_config.json".format(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))))
         if os.path.isfile(iana_conf_file):
             iana_config  = json.loads(open(iana_conf_file).read())
             proxy_iana = IanaTransform(iana_config["IANA"])
         for conn in self._proxy_scores:
-            conn_hash = conn[self._conf["proxy_score_fields"]["hash"]]
-            if conn_hash not in hash_list:
-                hash_list.append(conn_hash)
-                clientip = conn[self._conf["proxy_score_fields"]["clientip"]]
-                fulluri = conn[self._conf["proxy_score_fields"]["fulluri"]]
-                date=conn[self._conf["proxy_score_fields"]["p_date"]].split('-')
-                if len(date) == 3:
-                    year=date[0]
-                    month=date[1].zfill(2)
-                    day=date[2].zfill(2)
-                    hh=(conn[self._conf["proxy_score_fields"]["p_time"]].split(":"))[0]
-                    self._get_proxy_details(fulluri,clientip,conn_hash,year,month,day,hh,proxy_iana)
-    def _get_proxy_details(self,fulluri,clientip,conn_hash,year,month,day,hh,proxy_iana):
-        limit = 250
-        output_delimiter = '\t'
-        edge_file ="{0}/edge-{1}-{2}.tsv".format(self._data_path,clientip,conn_hash)
-        edge_tmp  ="{0}/edge-{1}-{2}.tmp".format(self._data_path,clientip,conn_hash)
-        if not os.path.isfile(edge_file):
-            proxy_qry = ("SELECT p_date, p_time, clientip, host, webcat, respcode, reqmethod, useragent, resconttype, \
-                referer, uriport, serverip, scbytes, csbytes, fulluri FROM {0}.{1} WHERE y=\'{2}\' AND m=\'{3}\' AND d=\'{4}\' AND \
-                h=\'{5}\' AND fulluri =\'{6}\' AND clientip = \'{7}\' LIMIT {8};").format(self._db,self._table_name, year,month,day,hh,fulluri,clientip,limit)
-            # execute query
-            self._engine.query(proxy_qry,edge_tmp,output_delimiter)
-            # add IANA to results.
+            clientip = conn[self._conf["proxy_score_fields"]["clientip"]]
+            fulluri = conn[self._conf["proxy_score_fields"]["fulluri"]]
+            date=conn[self._conf["proxy_score_fields"]["p_date"]].split('-')
+            if len(date) == 3:
+                year=date[0]
+                month=date[1].zfill(2)
+                day=date[2].zfill(2)
+                hh=(conn[self._conf["proxy_score_fields"]["p_time"]].split(":"))[0]
+                self._get_proxy_details(fulluri,clientip,year,month,day,hh,proxy_iana)
+    def _get_proxy_details(self,fulluri,clientip,year,month,day,hh,proxy_iana):
+        limit = 250 
+        value_string = ""
+        query_to_load =("""
+            SELECT p_date, p_time, clientip, host, webcat, respcode, reqmethod, useragent, resconttype,
+            referer, uriport, serverip, scbytes, csbytes, fulluri, {5} as hh
+            FROM {0}.{1} WHERE y='{2}' AND m='{3}' AND d='{4}' AND
+            h='{5}' AND fulluri='{6}' AND clientip='{7}' LIMIT {8};
+        """).format(self._db,self._table_name, year,month,day,hh,fulluri,clientip,limit)
+        detail_results = impala.execute_query(query_to_load)
+        if proxy_iana:
+             # add IANA to results.
   "Adding IANA translation to details results")
-            with open(edge_tmp) as proxy_details_csv:
-                rows = csv.reader(proxy_details_csv, delimiter=output_delimiter,quotechar='"')
-                next(proxy_details_csv)
-                update_rows = [[conn[0]] + [conn[1]] + [conn[2]] + [conn[3]] + [conn[4]] + [proxy_iana.get_name(conn[5],"proxy_http_rcode") if proxy_iana else conn[5]] + [conn[6]] + [conn[7]] + [conn[8]] + [conn[9]] + [conn[10]] + [conn[11]] + [conn[12]] + [conn[13]] + [conn[14]] if len(conn) > 0 else [] for conn in rows]
-                update_rows = filter(None, update_rows)
-                header = ["p_date","p_time","clientip","host","webcat","respcode","reqmethod","useragent","resconttype","referer","uriport","serverip","scbytes","csbytes","fulluri"]
-                update_rows.insert(0,header)
-		# due an issue with the output of the query.
-		update_rows = [ [ w.replace('"','') for w in l ] for l in update_rows ]
-            # create edge file.
-  "Creating edge file:{0}".format(edge_file))
-            with open(edge_file,'wb') as proxy_details_edge:
-                writer = csv.writer(proxy_details_edge, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE, delimiter=output_delimiter)
-                if update_rows:
-                    writer.writerows(update_rows)
-                else:
-                    shutil.copy(edge_tmp,edge_file)
-            try:
-                os.remove(edge_tmp)
-            except OSError:
-                pass
+            updated_rows = [conn + (proxy_iana.get_name(conn[5],"proxy_http_rcode"),) for conn in detail_results]
+            updated_rows = filter(None, updated_rows)            
+        else:
+            updated_rows = [conn + ("") for conn in detail_results ]
+        for row in updated_rows:
+            value_string += str(tuple(item for item in row)) + ","     
+        if value_string != "":  
+            query_to_insert=("""
+                INSERT INTO {0}.proxy_edge PARTITION (y={1}, m={2}, d={3}) VALUES ({4});
+            """).format(self._db,year, month, day, value_string[:-1])
+            impala.execute_query(query_to_insert) 
     def _ingest_summary(self): 
         # get date parameters.
@@ -328,44 +322,36 @@ class OA(object):
         result_rows = []        
         df_filtered =  pd.DataFrame()
-        ingest_summary_file = "{0}/is_{1}{2}.csv".format(self._ingest_summary_path,yr,mn)			
-        ingest_summary_tmp = "{0}.tmp".format(ingest_summary_file)
-        if os.path.isfile(ingest_summary_file):
-        	df = pd.read_csv(ingest_summary_file, delimiter=',')
-            #discards previous rows from the same date
-        	df_filtered = df[df['date'].str.contains("{0}-{1}-{2}".format(yr, mn, dy)) == False] 
-        else:
-        	df = pd.DataFrame()
         # get ingest summary.
-        ingest_summary_qry = ("SELECT p_date, p_time, COUNT(*) as total "
-                                    " FROM {0}.{1}"
-                                    " WHERE y='{2}' AND m='{3}' AND d='{4}' "
-                                    " AND p_date IS NOT NULL AND p_time IS NOT NULL " 
-                                    " AND clientip IS NOT NULL AND p_time != '' "
-                                    " AND host IS NOT NULL AND fulluri IS NOT NULL "
-                                    " GROUP BY p_date, p_time;") 
-        ingest_summary_qry = ingest_summary_qry.format(self._db,self._table_name, yr, mn, dy)
-        results_file = "{0}/results_{1}.csv".format(self._ingest_summary_path,self._date)        
-        self._engine.query(ingest_summary_qry,output_file=results_file,delimiter=",")
+        query_to_load=("""
+                SELECT p_date, p_time, COUNT(*) as total
+                FROM {0}.{1} WHERE y='{2}' AND m='{3}' AND d='{4}'
+                AND p_date IS NOT NULL AND p_time IS NOT NULL
+                AND clientip IS NOT NULL AND p_time != ''
+                AND host IS NOT NULL AND fulluri IS NOT NULL
+                GROUP BY p_date, p_time;
+        """).format(self._db,self._table_name, yr, mn, dy)
-        if os.path.isfile(results_file):
-            df_results = pd.read_csv(results_file, delimiter=',')  
+        results = impala.execute_query(query_to_load) 
+        if results:
+            df_results = as_pandas(results)
             #Forms a new dataframe splitting the minutes from the time column/
             df_new = pd.DataFrame([["{0} {1}:{2}".format(val['p_date'], val['p_time'].split(":")[0].zfill(2), val['p_time'].split(":")[1].zfill(2)), int(val['total']) if not math.isnan(val['total']) else 0 ] for key,val in df_results.iterrows()],columns = ingest_summary_cols)
+            value_string = ''
             #Groups the data by minute 
             sf = df_new.groupby(by=['date'])['total'].sum()
             df_per_min = pd.DataFrame({'date':sf.index, 'total':sf.values})
-            df_final = df_filtered.append(df_per_min, ignore_index=True)
-            df_final.to_csv(ingest_summary_tmp,sep=',', index=False)
-            os.remove(results_file)
-            os.rename(ingest_summary_tmp,ingest_summary_file)
+            df_final = df_filtered.append(df_per_min, ignore_index=True).to_records(False,False) 
+            if len(df_final) > 0:
+                query_to_insert=("""
+                    INSERT INTO {0}.proxy_ingest_summary PARTITION (y={1}, m={2}) VALUES {3};
+                """).format(self._db, yr, mn, tuple(df_final))
+                impala.execute_query(query_to_insert) 
   "No data found for the ingest summary")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/spot-oa/oa/ b/spot-oa/oa/
index 99b006e..2bed10e 100644
--- a/spot-oa/oa/
+++ b/spot-oa/oa/
@@ -121,6 +121,18 @@ class Util(object):
+	@classmethod
+    	def cast_val(self,value):
+       	    try: 
+            	val = int(value) 
+            except:
+            	try:
+                    val = float(value) 
+            	except:
+                    val = str(value) 
+            return val    
 class SecHead(object):
     def __init__(self, fp):
         self.fp = fp