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Posted to by Glenn Golden <> on 2002/09/27 19:27:28 UTC

Changed to the customizers

All I wanted to do was to fix the problem with jetspeed run data holding the
current Profile in the user temp, which is the wrong scope.  Such a simple

Except it broke the custommizers...

I've checked in the fix to the rundata (sorry, forget to mention this
initial fix in the checkin message!).

I've made the om/profile classes cloneable.

I've changed the customizers to work with a clone of the current Profile /
PSMLDocument, only saving it as active when the change is saved.

I've noticed MANY MANY problems with the customizers as I found them (i.e. I
didn't do it!)  I'll be making other changes over the next while to fix

- it's easy to get a pane that has no ADD buttons active.  Just add a pane
and change it to a Tab or Menu.

- if you customize a portlet and change the skin or security, that change
might end up changing the Portlet used (the same one because of caching) by
other instances of the portlet (not in storage, but in memory).  This is a
problem of the PortletConfig, and how Portlets are not cached by their
security and skin (title?) but are cached by their parameters, and how the
customizer updates the portletConfig when it probably shouldn't.

- if you have the same portlet (i.e. the rss Mozilla) in different panes,
the customize icon (probably the others as well) all have the same wrong
psml id.

I wouldn't mind if anyone took a look at these changes in Customize (which
gets the ball rolling), CustomizeAction and JetspeedPortletInstance (which
take care of the Portlet parameter custommization), just to put some more
eyes on the problem.

And I may have broken something, it was a big change!  But I bet I fixed
more than I broke.

Oh, and I had to make a change in Castor PSML so that when a doc is stored
it goes ito it's version of the cache, as it does in the db psml.  I noticed
that parts of the code think a PSMLDocument's in the cache, but other parts
think that it's a Profile... Whoever goes in to replace the caching should
be aware of this and make it consistent (It looks like it needs to be the

So if somebody notices anything newly wrong (i.e. after these checkins,
perhaps I broke something) I'm happy to fix it (while this mess is still
somewhat clear in my mind).

- Glenn
Glenn R. Golden, Systems Research Programmer
University of Michigan School of Information               734-615-1419

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