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Posted to by Howard Yang <> on 2007/12/28 05:58:14 UTC

how to change &# xE9(Hex) to &# 233(Oct) in axis2-1.3/axiom-1.2.5 soap xml

Hi All,

when i use axiom-1.2.5 code to add multilanguage char to SOAP xml in axis2-1.3
"ééé" was translated to "&#x E9;&#x E9;&#x E9;"
and logon webservice can not work,
if we use gSoap c++ code to generate SOAP xml,
"ééé" was translated to "&# 233;&# 233;&# 233;"
and logon webservice is OK,
"é": Unicode=U+00E9 (E9)16=(233)10 

it seems that this logon webservice only recognize "&# 233"(Oct)
for i can not change this webservice, and "&# 233"(Oct) and "&#xE9"(Hex) are all legal XML string,

so how can axis2/axiom export "&#Oct" for un_ascii char?
Thanks in advance! 

PS: axis2 code to generate SOAP xml

OMFactory fac = OMAbstractFactory.getOMFactory();
// Empty namespace used when namespace prefix should be omitted 
OMNamespace noNs = fac.createOMNamespace("", ""); 
// Create required data node: [USERNAME]
OMAttribute attr_type_xsi_string = fac.createOMAttribute(Constants.ATTR_TYPE, xsi,
Constants.NS_PREFIX_SCHEMA_XSD + ":" + Constants.XSD_STRING.getLocalPart());
OMElement userName = fac.createOMElement("UserName ", noNs);
userName.addChild(fac.createOMText(userName, "ééé"));

Best Regards,
Howard Yang

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