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Posted to by Ernie Rael <> on 2020/03/30 14:49:38 UTC

proposed PR for 12.0 with changeset parentage issue

I did a PR,, last night 
that fixes a couple problems with the "new maven project" dialog (an 
exception and a newly created project with a syntax error). I think the 
PR has the wrong parent (my bad); it's parent probably should be 

    @  changeset:   4122:a21deae90ed9
    |  bookmark:    ValidationsForMavenProjectCreation
    |  parent:      4102:a92abb562f42
    |  summary:     [NETBEANS-4083] Add missing validation in new maven
    project dialog
    o    changeset:   4102:a92abb562f42
    |\   bookmark:    release120
    | ~  tag:         12.0-beta2
    |    tag:         upstream/release120
    o    changeset:   4101:4881ea11ed7b
    |\   tag:         upstream/master

I think this parentage issue, might be why the PR didn't hook up to the 
issue automagically. There are ways to hook up the PR to the issue 
but that's beyond my reach.

If there's something I need to do to clean this PR up, LMK.


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