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[5/9] drill git commit: reorg rn, 1.0 > 1.1
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-title: "Apache Drill 1.0.0 Release Notes"
-parent: "Release Notes"
- Today we're happy to announce the availability of Drill 1.0.0, providing additional enhancements and bug fixes. This release includes the following new features, enhancements, and bug fixes:
-<h2>        Sub-task
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2150</a>] -         Create an abstraction for repeated value vectors.
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2358</a>] -         Ensure DrillScanRel differentiates skip-all, scan-all &amp; scan-some in a backward compatible fashion
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2893</a>] -         ScanBatch throws a NullPointerException instead of returning OUT_OF_MEMORY
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2895</a>] -         AbstractRecordBatch.buildSchema() should properly handle OUT_OF_MEMORY outcome
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2902</a>] -         Add support for context UDFs: user (and its synonyms session_user, system_user) and current_schema
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2905</a>] -         RootExec implementations should properly handle IterOutcome.OUT_OF_MEMORY
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2920</a>] -         properly handle OutOfMemoryException
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2947</a>] -         AllocationHelper.allocateNew() doesn&#39;t have a consistent behavior when it can&#39;t allocate
-<h2>        Bug
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-148</a>] -         Remove sandbox directory from source control, it is no longer utilized
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-625</a>] -         Server does not release resources even after client connection is closed
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-708</a>] -         TRUNC(n1) function returns a decimal instead of int
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-994</a>] -         Reduce hbase timeout when it is not reachable
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-1245</a>] -         Drill should pinpoint to the &quot;Problem Record&quot; when it fails to parse a json file
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-1440</a>] -         Allow delimited files to have customizable quote characters
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-1460</a>] -         JsonReader fails reading files with decimal numbers and integers in the same field
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-1502</a>] -         Can&#39;t connect to mongo when requiring auth
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-1503</a>] -         CTAS does not work against mongo plugin
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-1542</a>] -         Early fragment termination causes non running intermediate fragments to error
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-1545</a>] -         Json files can only be read when they have a .json extension
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-1727</a>] -         REPEATED_CONTAINS sometimes doesn&#39;t work
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-1827</a>] -         Unit test framework reports expected and actual values backwards in unordered comparison
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-1832</a>] -         Select * from json file failed with java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: null
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-1866</a>] -         Tests that include limit sporadically fail when run as part of entire test suite on Linux
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-1891</a>] -         Error message does not get propagated correctly when reading from JSON file
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-1973</a>] -         Tableau query causes parsing error
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-1980</a>] -         Create table with a Cast to interval day results in a file which cannot be read
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2005</a>] -         Create table fails to write out a parquet file created from hive- read works fine
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2006</a>] -         Implement text reader with advanced capabilities
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2036</a>] -         select * query returns wrong result when column name in json file changes case
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2073</a>] -         Filter on a field in a nested repeated type throws an exception
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2074</a>] -         Queries fail with OutOfMemory Exception when Hash Join &amp; Agg are turned off
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2085</a>] -         Failed to propagate error
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2091</a>] -         NPE in AbstractSqlAccessor
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2093</a>] -         Columns of time and timestamp data type are not stored correctly in json format on CTAS
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2140</a>] -         RPC Error querying JSON with empty nested maps
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2141</a>] -         Data type error in group by and order by for JSON
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2158</a>] -          Failure while attempting to start Drillbit in embedded mode. 
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2179</a>] -         better handle column called &#39;Timestamp&#39;
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2181</a>] -         Throw proper error message when flatten is used within an &#39;order by&#39; or &#39;group by&#39;
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2201</a>] -         clear error message on join on complex type
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2208</a>] -         Error message must be updated when query contains operations on a flattened column
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2219</a>] -         Concurrent modification exception in TopLevelAllocator if a child allocator is added during loop in close()
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2221</a>] -         CTAS (JSON) creates unreadable files when writing empty arrays
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2228</a>] -         Projecting &#39;*&#39; returns all nulls when we have flatten in a filter and order by
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2229</a>] -         SQL syntax errors should use SQLSyntaxErrorException
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2232</a>] -         Flatten functionality not well defined when we use flatten in an order by without projecting it
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2264</a>] -         Incorrect data when we use aggregate functions with flatten
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2277</a>] -         COUNT(*) should return 0 instead of an empty result set when there are no records
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2281</a>] -         Drill never returns when we use aggregate functions after a join with an order by
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2292</a>] -         CTAS broken when we have repeated maps
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2301</a>] -         Query fails when multiple table aliases are provided for CTEs
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2340</a>] -         count(*) fails with subquery not containing limit
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2350</a>] -         Star query failed with exception on JSON data
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2376</a>] -         UNION ALL on Aggregates with GROUP BY returns incomplete results
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2404</a>] -         After we cancel a query, DRILL sometimes hangs for the next query
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2408</a>] -         CTAS should not create empty folders when underlying query returns no results
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2411</a>] -         Scalar SUM/AVG over empty result set returns no rows instead of NULL
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2423</a>] -         DROP VIEW against non-existent views fails with ZK error
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2425</a>] -         Wrong results when identifier change cases within the same data file
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2437</a>] -         enhance exception injection to support session level injections
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2452</a>] -         ResultSet.getDouble should not throw an exception when the underlying type is a FLOAT
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2476</a>] -         Handle IterOutcome.STOP in buildSchema()
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2506</a>] -         IOOB with order by and limit
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2511</a>] -         Assert with full outer join when one of the join predicates is of a required type (nullabe parquet)
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2528</a>] -         Drill-JDBC-All Jar uses outdated classes
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2532</a>] -         Glob not always fired for DFS storage engine
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2533</a>] -         Metrics displayed in the profile UI should be rounded off instead of being truncated
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2535</a>] -         Column labels on drill profile page are incorrect
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2536</a>] -         Peak Mem column in the profile page displays 0 when value is less than 1MB
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2545</a>] -         Killing a JDBC client program does not kill the query on drillbits
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2548</a>] -         JDBC driver prints misleading SQL exception on getting record batches with no data
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2552</a>] -         ZK disconnect to foreman node results in hung query on client
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2554</a>] -         Incorrect results for repeated values when using jdbc
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2569</a>] -         Minor fragmentId in Profile UI gets truncated to the last 2 digits
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2570</a>] -         Broken JDBC-All Jar packaging can cause missing XML classes
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2589</a>] -         Creating a view with duplicate column names should fail or give a warning to the user
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2598</a>] -         Order by with limit on complex type throw IllegalStateException
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2617</a>] -         Errors in the execution stack will cause DeferredException to throw an IllegalStateException
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2624</a>] -         org.apache.drill.common.StackTrace prints garbage for line numbers
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2662</a>] -         Exception type not being included when propagating exception message
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2723</a>] -         Inaccurate row count estimate for text files results in BroadcastExchange
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2750</a>] -         Running 1 or more queries against Drillbits having insufficient DirectMem renders the Drillbits in an unusable state
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2753</a>] -         Implicit cast fails when comparing a double column and a varchar literal
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2754</a>] -         Allocation bug in splitAndTransfer method causing some flatten queries to fail
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2755</a>] -         Use and handle InterruptedException during query processing
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2757</a>] -         Verify operators correctly handle low memory conditions and cancellations
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2776</a>] -         querying a .json file that contains a repeated type returns the wrong results 
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2778</a>] -         Killing the drillbit which is the foreman results in hung sqlline
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2780</a>] -         java.lang.IllegalStateException files open exceptions in drillbit.out
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2793</a>] -         Killing a non foreman node results in direct memory being held on
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2801</a>] -         ORDER BY produces extra records
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2806</a>] -         Querying data from compressed csv file returns nulls and unreadable data
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2809</a>] -         Increase the default value of partitioner_sender_threads_factor
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2811</a>] -         Need option to specify Drillbit in the connection URI to connect to that specific Drillbit
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2816</a>] -         system error does not display the original Exception message
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2823</a>] -         Merge join should use implicit cast
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2824</a>] -         Function resolution should be deterministic
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2826</a>] -         Improve resilience to memory leaks and unclosed allocators
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2841</a>] -         Web UI very slow in a multi node machine
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2847</a>] -         DrillBufs from the RPC layer are being leaked
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2848</a>] -         Disable decimal data type by default
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2849</a>] -         Difference in query results over CSV file created by CTAS, compared to results over original CSV file 
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2865</a>] -         Drillbit runs out of memory on multiple consecutive CTAS
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2870</a>] -         Fix return type of aggregate functions to be nullable
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2871</a>] -         Plan for TPC-H 20 changed with DRILL-1384 (or DRILL-2761) causing performance degradation
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2872</a>] -         Result from json file returns data from map type fields as &quot;null&quot;
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2875</a>] -         IllegalStateException when querying the public yelp json dataset
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2878</a>] -         FragmentExecutor.closeOutResources() is not called if an exception happens in the Foreman before the fragment executor starts running
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2884</a>] -         Have cancel() cause &quot;query canceled&quot; rather than just &quot;ResultSet closed&quot;
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2886</a>] -         JDBC driver doesn&#39;t detect lost connection
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2887</a>] -         Fix bad applications of JdbcTest.connect()
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2889</a>] -         Rename JdbcTest to JdbcTestBase.
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2894</a>] -         FixedValueVectors shouldn&#39;t set it&#39;s data buffer to null when it fails to allocate it
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2897</a>] -         Update Limit 0 to avoid parallelization
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2904</a>] -         Fix wrong &quot;before rows&quot; message to &quot;after rows&quot; message
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2907</a>] -         Drill performance degrades significantly over time - resource leak
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2914</a>] -         regression: Mondrian query534.q, drill give wrong result
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2921</a>] -         Query with a mix of distinct and not distinct scalar aggregates runs out of memory
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2927</a>] -         Pending query in resource queue starts after timeout
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2928</a>] -         C++ Client - io_service needs to be reset if it runs out of work
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2932</a>] -         Error text reported via System.out.println rather than thrown SQLException&#39;s message
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2934</a>] -         Exception when distinct aggregate is compared to numeric literal with decimal point 
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2936</a>] -         TPCH 4 and 18 SF100 hangs when hash agg is turned off
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2940</a>] -         Large allocations are not released until GC kicks in
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2942</a>] -         Allow Use of epoll RPC layer on Linux
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2943</a>] -         Drill parsing error during deserialization for an Order-By
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2944</a>] -         Switch to G1GC to reduce GC cpu overhead.
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2951</a>] -         Tables are not visible when Drillbit is specified in the connection URL
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2953</a>] -         Group By + Order By query results are not ordered.
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2957</a>] -         Netty Memory Manager doesn&#39;t move empty chunks between lists
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2959</a>] -         Compression codecs are leaking or slow to recapture memory
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2960</a>] -         Default hive storage plugin missing from fresh drill install
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2961</a>] -         Statement.setQueryTimeout() should throw a SQLException
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2962</a>] -         Correlated subquery with scalar aggregate or scalar aggregate with expression throws  and error
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2963</a>] -         Exists with empty left batch causes IllegalStateException
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2966</a>] -         HAVING clause with CASE statement with IN predicate causes assertion
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2968</a>] -         crash on parquet file
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2971</a>] -         If Bit&lt;&gt;Bit connection is unexpectedly closed and we were already blocked on writing to socket, we&#39;ll stay forever in ResettableBarrier.await()
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2973</a>] -         Error messages not showing up in sqlline
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2976</a>] -         Set default of extended JSON support for output to false until issues are resolved
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2977</a>] -         In WorkManager, startFragmentPendingRemote() and addFragmentRunner() need to be permuted
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2978</a>] -         FragmentManager is not removed from the WorkEventBus if it&#39;s FragmentExecutor is cancelled before it starts running
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2979</a>] -         Storage HBase doesn&#39;t support customized hbase property zookeeper.znode.parent
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2989</a>] -         TPCDS Query corrupts Drillbits and causing subsequent unrelated queries to hang (and timeout)
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2993</a>] -         SQLLine hangs when we cancel a query in the middle of displaying results
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2994</a>] -         Incorrect error message when disconnecting from server (using direct connection to drillbit)
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2998</a>] -         Update C++ client to send/receive heartbeat message 
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3000</a>] -         I got JIRA report #3000.  Now ... to use it for good or evil?
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3001</a>] -         Some functional tests fail when new text reader is disabled
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3005</a>] -         Spurious Error messages when using PrintingResultsListener
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3006</a>] -         CTAS with interval data type creates invalid parquet file
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3007</a>] -         Update Drill configuration settings to avoid mmap threshold increases on Linux
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3009</a>] -         Reduce the IN list threshold to take advantage of Values operator
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3010</a>] -         Convert bad command error messages into UserExceptions in SqlHandlers
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3012</a>] -         Values Operator doesn&#39;t propagate operator id
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3017</a>] -         NPE when cleaning up some RecordReader implementations
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3018</a>] -         Queries with scalar aggregate  and non equality (non correlated) fail to plan
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3020</a>] -         Some exception message text not displayed in SQLLine, etc.; copy to thrown SQLException&#39;s message
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3022</a>] -         Ensure sequential shutdown of Drillbits
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3033</a>] -         Add memory leak fixes found so far in DRILL-1942 to 1.0
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3037</a>] -         Unable to query on hdfs after moving to 0.9.0 version
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3046</a>] -         Memory Leak after cancelling a query
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3047</a>] -         Command failed while establishing connection
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3048</a>] -         Disable assertions by default
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3049</a>] -         Increase sort spooling threshold
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3050</a>] -         Increase query context max memory
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3051</a>] -         Integer overflow in TimedRunnable
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3052</a>] -         canceling a fragment executor before it starts running will cause the Foreman to wait indefinitely for a terminal message from that fragment
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3057</a>] -         A query that used to work before now fails in the optimizer
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3058</a>] -         RemoteConnection of RPC double closes the connection
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3061</a>] -         Fix memory leaks in TestDrillbitResilience
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3062</a>] -         regression: Mondrian query447.q - lots of rows missing in result set
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3063</a>] -         TestQueriesOnLargeFile leaks memory with 16M limit
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3065</a>] -         Memory Leak at ExternalSortBatch
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3066</a>] -         AtomicRemainder - Tried to close remainder, but it has already been closed.
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3069</a>] -         Wrong result for aggregate query with filter  on SF100 
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3070</a>] -         Memory Leak when we run out of memory
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3071</a>] -         RecordBatchLoader#load leaks memory if an exception is thrown while loading the batch.
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3072</a>] -         Profile UI fails to load when there is an empty json profile
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3074</a>] -         ReconnectingClient.waitAndRun can stuck in infinite loop if it fails to establish the connection
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3077</a>] -         sqlline&#39;s return code is 0 even when it force exits due to failed sql command
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3079</a>] -         Move JSON Execution Plan parsing to FragmentExecutor
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3080</a>] -         Error message is invalid if workload queue times out
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3081</a>] -         Fix situation where Drill reports null &lt;--&gt; null in connection error
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3085</a>] -         In ExternalSortBatch, Memory Leak in Runtime Generation Code
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3087</a>] -         Union All returns incorrect results.
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3088</a>] -         IllegalStateException: Cleanup before finished. 0 out of 1 strams have finished
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3089</a>] -         Revert to 4 forked test and allow override from command line
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3092</a>] -         Memory leak when an allocation fails near the creation of a RecordBatchData object
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3093</a>] -         Leaking RawBatchBuffer
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3098</a>] -         Set Unix style &quot;line.separator&quot; for tests
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3099</a>] -         FileSelection&#39;s selectionRoot does not include the scheme and authority
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3100</a>] -         TestImpersonationDisabledWithMiniDFS fails on Windows
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3101</a>] -         Setting &quot;slice_target&quot; to 1 changes the order of the columns in a &quot;select *&quot; query with order by
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3103</a>] -         EncoderException: RpcEncoder must produce at least one message.
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3105</a>] -         OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3107</a>] -         Dynamic partition pruning fails on Windows (TestDirectoryExplorerUDFs)
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3109</a>] -         Cancellation from sqlline is broken with the updated version
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3110</a>] -         OutOfMemoryError causes memory accounting leak 
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3112</a>] -         Drill UI profile page shows exceptions where a long running query is submitted via the UI
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3114</a>] -         Sqlline throws exception at launch
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3115</a>] -         SQLLine colors do not work well with CYGWIN
-<h2>        Improvement
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-1662</a>] - stop should timeout
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2433</a>] -         Implicit cast between date and timestamp is missing in joins
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2508</a>] -         Add new column to sys.options table that exposes whether or not the current system value is the default
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2602</a>] -         Throw an error on schema change during streaming aggregation
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2697</a>] -         Pause injections should pause indefinitely until signalled
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2725</a>] -         Faster work assignment logic
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2772</a>] -         Display status of query when viewing the query&#39;s profile page
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2946</a>] -         Tableau 9.0 Desktop Enablement Document
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2955</a>] -         Enable color in sqlline for exceptions
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2969</a>] -         Readers don&#39;t report number of records read in profile
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2981</a>] -         Add simplified activity log
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2982</a>] -         Tableau 9.0 Server Enablement Documentation
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2984</a>] -         UserException is logging through its parent class logger
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3027</a>] -         Add convenience methods to test builder for creating nested baseline values
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3053</a>] -         add unchecked exception injection site in ChildAllocator
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-3084</a>] -         Add drill-* convenience methods for common cli startup commands
-<h2>        New Feature
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-1573</a>] -         Add configuration to skip header row in text files
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2382</a>] -         enhance exception injection to support node-specific injections
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2383</a>] -         add exception and pause injections for testing drillbit stability
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2658</a>] -         Add ilike and regex substring functions
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2958</a>] -         Move Drill to alternative cost-based planner for Join planning
-<h2>        Task
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2316</a>] -         Docs Enhancement: Data Sources and File Formats, Basics Tutorial
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2336</a>] -         configuration storage plugin docs update
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2364</a>] -         JSON Data Model Reference 2nd draft
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2381</a>] -         write lexical structures section, JSON/Parquet reference fixes, updates to data types
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2397</a>] -         Enhance SQL Ref Data Types docs
-<li>[<a href=''>DRILL-2736</a>] -         review feedback on multitenancy and user auth
-You can now [download Drill 1.0.0]({{ site.baseurl }}/download/).
diff --git a/_docs/rn/ b/_docs/rn/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..256300a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_docs/rn/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+title: "Apache Drill M1 Release Notes (Apache Drill Alpha)"
+parent: "Release Notes"
+### Milestone 1 Goals
+The first release of Apache Drill is designed as a technology preview for
+people to better understand the architecture and vision. It is a functional
+release tying to piece together the key components of a next generation MPP
+query engine. It is designed to allow milestone 2 (M2) to focus on
+architectural analysis and performance optimization.
+  * Provide a new optimistic DAG execution engine for data analysis
+  * Build a new columnar shredded in-memory format and execution model that minimizes data serialization/deserialization costs and operator complexity
+  * Provide a model for runtime generated functions and relational operators that minimizes complexity and maximizes performance
+  * Support queries against columnar on disk format (Parquet) and JSON
+  * Support the most common set of standard SQL read-only phrases using ANSI standards. Includes: SELECT, FROM, WHERE, HAVING, ORDER, GROUP BY, IN, DISTINCT, LEFT JOIN, RIGHT JOIN, INNER JOIN
+  * Support schema-on-read querying and execution
+  * Build a set of columnar operation primitives including Merge Join, Sort, Streaming Aggregate, Filter, Selection Vector removal.
+  * Support unlimited level of subqueries and correlated subqueries
+  * Provided an extensible query-language agnostic JSON-base logical data flow syntax.
+  * Support complex data type manipulation via logical plan operations
+### Known Issues
+SQL Parsing  
+Because Apache Drill is built to support late-bound changing schemas while SQL
+is statically typed, there are couple of special requirements that are
+required writing SQL queries. These are limited to the current release and
+will be correct in a future milestone release.
+  * All tables are exposed as a single map field that contains
+  * Drill Alpha doesn't support implicit or explicit casts outside those required above.
+  * Drill Alpha does not include, there are currently a couple of differences for how to write a query in order to query against UDFs
+  * Drill currently supports simple and aggregate functions using scalar, repeated and
+  * Nested data support incomplete. Drill Alpha supports nested data structures as well repeated fields. 
diff --git a/_docs/rn/ b/_docs/rn/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..256300a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_docs/rn/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+title: "Apache Drill M1 Release Notes (Apache Drill Alpha)"
+parent: "Release Notes"
+### Milestone 1 Goals
+The first release of Apache Drill is designed as a technology preview for
+people to better understand the architecture and vision. It is a functional
+release tying to piece together the key components of a next generation MPP
+query engine. It is designed to allow milestone 2 (M2) to focus on
+architectural analysis and performance optimization.
+  * Provide a new optimistic DAG execution engine for data analysis
+  * Build a new columnar shredded in-memory format and execution model that minimizes data serialization/deserialization costs and operator complexity
+  * Provide a model for runtime generated functions and relational operators that minimizes complexity and maximizes performance
+  * Support queries against columnar on disk format (Parquet) and JSON
+  * Support the most common set of standard SQL read-only phrases using ANSI standards. Includes: SELECT, FROM, WHERE, HAVING, ORDER, GROUP BY, IN, DISTINCT, LEFT JOIN, RIGHT JOIN, INNER JOIN
+  * Support schema-on-read querying and execution
+  * Build a set of columnar operation primitives including Merge Join, Sort, Streaming Aggregate, Filter, Selection Vector removal.
+  * Support unlimited level of subqueries and correlated subqueries
+  * Provided an extensible query-language agnostic JSON-base logical data flow syntax.
+  * Support complex data type manipulation via logical plan operations
+### Known Issues
+SQL Parsing  
+Because Apache Drill is built to support late-bound changing schemas while SQL
+is statically typed, there are couple of special requirements that are
+required writing SQL queries. These are limited to the current release and
+will be correct in a future milestone release.
+  * All tables are exposed as a single map field that contains
+  * Drill Alpha doesn't support implicit or explicit casts outside those required above.
+  * Drill Alpha does not include, there are currently a couple of differences for how to write a query in order to query against UDFs
+  * Drill currently supports simple and aggregate functions using scalar, repeated and
+  * Nested data support incomplete. Drill Alpha supports nested data structures as well repeated fields. 
diff --git a/_docs/rn/ b/_docs/rn/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2dff978
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_docs/rn/
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+title: "Apache Drill 0.5.0 Release Notes"
+parent: "Release Notes"
+Apache Drill 0.5.0, the first beta release for Drill, is designed to help
+enthusiasts start working and experimenting with Drill. It also continues the
+Drill monthly release cycle as we drive towards general availability.
+The 0.5.0 release is primarily a bug fix release, with [more than 100 JIRAs](h
+on=12324880) closed, but there are some notable features. For information
+about the features, see the [Apache Drill Blog for the 0.5.0
+This release is available as [binary](
+ubator/drill/drill-0.5.0-incubating/apache-drill-0.5.0-incubating.tar.gz) and 
+bating/apache-drill-0.5.0-incubating-src.tar.gz) tarballs that are compiled
+against Apache Hadoop. Drill has been tested against MapR, Cloudera, and
+Hortonworks Hadoop distributions. There are associated build profiles and
+JIRAs that can help you run Drill against your preferred distribution.
+Apache Drill 0.5.0 Key Notes and Limitations
+  * The current release supports in memory and beyond memory execution. However, you must disable memory-intensive hash aggregate and hash join operations to leverage this functionality.
+  * While the Drill execution engine supports dynamic schema changes during the course of a query, some operators have yet to implement support for this behavior, such as Sort. Others operations, such as streaming aggregate, may have partial support that leads to unexpected results.
+  * There are known issues with joining text files without using an intervening view. See [DRILL-1401]( for more information.
diff --git a/_docs/rn/ b/_docs/rn/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0dac30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_docs/rn/
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+title: "Apache Drill 0.4.0 Release Notes"
+parent: "Release Notes"
+The 0.4.0 release is a developer preview release, designed to help enthusiasts
+start to work with and experiment with Drill. It is the first Drill release
+that provides distributed query execution.
+This release is built upon [more than 800
+It is a pre-beta release on the way towards Drill. As a developer snapshot,
+the release contains a large number of outstanding bugs that will make some
+use cases challenging. Feel free to consult outstanding issues [targeted for
+the 0.5.0
+to see whether your use case is affected.
+To read more about this release and new features introduced, please view the
+[0.4.0 announcement blog
+The release is available as both [binary](
+and [source](
+incubating/apache-drill-0.4.0-incubating-src.tar.gz) tarballs. In both cases,
+these are compiled against Apache Hadoop. Drill has also been tested against
+MapR, Cloudera and Hortonworks Hadoop distributions and there are associated
+build profiles or JIRAs that can help you run against your preferred
+Some Key Notes & Limitations
+  * The current release supports in memory and beyond memory execution. However, users must disable memory-intensive hash aggregate and hash join operations to leverage this functionality.
+  * In many cases,merge join operations return incorrect results.
+  * Use of a local filter in a join “on” clause when using left, right or full outer joins may result in incorrect results.
+  * Because of known memory leaks and memory overrun issues you may need more memory and you may need to restart the system in some cases.
+  * Some types of complex expressions, especially those involving empty arrays may fail or return incorrect results.
+  * While the Drill execution engine supports dynamic schema changes during the course of a query, some operators have yet to implement support for this behavior (such as Sort). Others operations (such as streaming aggregate) may have partial support that leads to unexpected results.
+  * Protobuf, UDF, query plan interfaces and all interfaces are subject to change in incompatible ways.
+  * Multiplication of some types of DECIMAL(28+,*) will return incorrect result.
diff --git a/_docs/sql-reference/sql-functions/ b/_docs/sql-reference/sql-functions/
index 4474691..32ccc8e 100644
--- a/_docs/sql-reference/sql-functions/
+++ b/_docs/sql-reference/sql-functions/
@@ -537,7 +537,7 @@ These functions perform the following operations, respectively:
 * Converts the time string in format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss to a Unix timestamp in seconds using the default timezone and locale.
 * Converts the time string with the given pattern to a Unix time stamp in seconds.
 |   EXPR$0    |
@@ -545,7 +545,7 @@ SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP() FROM sys.version;
 1 row selected (0.749 seconds)
-SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP()('2009-03-20 11:15:55') from sys.version;
+SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2009-03-20 11:15:55') FROM sys.version;
 |   EXPR$0    |
@@ -553,7 +553,7 @@ SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP()('2009-03-20 11:15:55') from sys.version;
 1 row selected (1.848 seconds)
-SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP()('2009-03-20', 'yyyy-MM-dd') from sys.version;
+SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2009-03-20', 'yyyy-MM-dd') FROM sys.version;
 |   EXPR$0    |
@@ -561,11 +561,10 @@ SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP()('2009-03-20', 'yyyy-MM-dd') from sys.version;
 1 row selected (0.181 seconds)
-SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP()('2015-05-29 08:18:53.0', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS') from sys.version;
+SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2015-05-29 08:18:53.0', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS') FROM sys.version;
 |   EXPR$0    |
 | 1432912733  |
+1 row selected (0.171 seconds)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_docs/sql-reference/sql-window-functions/ b/_docs/sql-reference/sql-window-functions/
index 1baca3f..c328898 100644
--- a/_docs/sql-reference/sql-window-functions/
+++ b/_docs/sql-reference/sql-window-functions/
@@ -177,10 +177,4 @@ The following delimiters define the frame:
 * Window functions precede ORDER BY.  
 * Drill processes window functions after the WHERE, GROUP BY, and HAVING clauses.  
 * Including the OVER() clause after an aggregate set function turns the function into an aggregate window function. 
-* You can use window functions to aggregate over any number of rows in the window frame. 
\ No newline at end of file
+* You can use window functions to aggregate over any number of rows in the window frame. 
\ No newline at end of file