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[19/59] [abbrv] [partial] isis-site git commit: ISIS-1521: deletes content-OLDSITE
diff --git a/content-OLDSITE/docs/js/foundation/5.5.1/foundation/foundation.reveal.js b/content-OLDSITE/docs/js/foundation/5.5.1/foundation/foundation.reveal.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e6a6018..0000000
--- a/content-OLDSITE/docs/js/foundation/5.5.1/foundation/foundation.reveal.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,471 +0,0 @@
-;(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
-  'use strict';
-  Foundation.libs.reveal = {
-    name : 'reveal',
-    version : '5.5.1',
-    locked : false,
-    settings : {
-      animation : 'fadeAndPop',
-      animation_speed : 250,
-      close_on_background_click : true,
-      close_on_esc : true,
-      dismiss_modal_class : 'close-reveal-modal',
-      multiple_opened : false,
-      bg_class : 'reveal-modal-bg',
-      root_element : 'body',
-      open : function(){},
-      opened : function(){},
-      close : function(){},
-      closed : function(){},
-      bg : $('.reveal-modal-bg'),
-      css : {
-        open : {
-          'opacity' : 0,
-          'visibility' : 'visible',
-          'display' : 'block'
-        },
-        close : {
-          'opacity' : 1,
-          'visibility' : 'hidden',
-          'display' : 'none'
-        }
-      }
-    },
-    init : function (scope, method, options) {
-      $.extend(true, this.settings, method, options);
-      this.bindings(method, options);
-    },
-    events : function (scope) {
-      var self = this,
-          S = self.S;
-      S(this.scope)
-        .off('.reveal')
-        .on('click.fndtn.reveal', '[' + this.add_namespace('data-reveal-id') + ']:not([disabled])', function (e) {
-          e.preventDefault();
-          if (!self.locked) {
-            var element = S(this),
-                ajax ='reveal-ajax'));
-            self.locked = true;
-            if (typeof ajax === 'undefined') {
-    , element);
-            } else {
-              var url = ajax === true ? element.attr('href') : ajax;
-    , element, {url : url});
-            }
-          }
-        });
-      S(document)
-        .on('click.fndtn.reveal', this.close_targets(), function (e) {
-          e.preventDefault();
-          if (!self.locked) {
-            var settings = S('[' + self.attr_name() + '].open').data(self.attr_name(true) + '-init') || self.settings,
-                bg_clicked = S([0] === S('.' + settings.bg_class)[0];
-            if (bg_clicked) {
-              if (settings.close_on_background_click) {
-                e.stopPropagation();
-              } else {
-                return;
-              }
-            }
-            self.locked = true;
-  , bg_clicked ? S('[' + self.attr_name() + '].open') : S(this).closest('[' + self.attr_name() + ']'));
-          }
-        });
-      if (S('[' + self.attr_name() + ']', this.scope).length > 0) {
-        S(this.scope)
-          // .off('.reveal')
-          .on('open.fndtn.reveal',
-          .on('opened.fndtn.reveal', this.settings.opened)
-          .on('opened.fndtn.reveal', this.open_video)
-          .on('close.fndtn.reveal', this.settings.close)
-          .on('closed.fndtn.reveal', this.settings.closed)
-          .on('closed.fndtn.reveal', this.close_video);
-      } else {
-        S(this.scope)
-          // .off('.reveal')
-          .on('open.fndtn.reveal', '[' + self.attr_name() + ']',
-          .on('opened.fndtn.reveal', '[' + self.attr_name() + ']', this.settings.opened)
-          .on('opened.fndtn.reveal', '[' + self.attr_name() + ']', this.open_video)
-          .on('close.fndtn.reveal', '[' + self.attr_name() + ']', this.settings.close)
-          .on('closed.fndtn.reveal', '[' + self.attr_name() + ']', this.settings.closed)
-          .on('closed.fndtn.reveal', '[' + self.attr_name() + ']', this.close_video);
-      }
-      return true;
-    },
-    // PATCH #3: turning on key up capture only when a reveal window is open
-    key_up_on : function (scope) {
-      var self = this;
-      // PATCH #1: fixing multiple keyup event trigger from single key press
-      self.S('body').off('keyup.fndtn.reveal').on('keyup.fndtn.reveal', function ( event ) {
-        var open_modal = self.S('[' + self.attr_name() + '].open'),
-            settings = + '-init') || self.settings ;
-        // PATCH #2: making sure that the close event can be called only while unlocked,
-        //           so that multiple keyup.fndtn.reveal events don't prevent clean closing of the reveal window.
-        if ( settings && event.which === 27  && settings.close_on_esc && !self.locked) { // 27 is the keycode for the Escape key
-, open_modal);
-        }
-      });
-      return true;
-    },
-    // PATCH #3: turning on key up capture only when a reveal window is open
-    key_up_off : function (scope) {
-      this.S('body').off('keyup.fndtn.reveal');
-      return true;
-    },
-    open : function (target, ajax_settings) {
-      var self = this,
-          modal;
-      if (target) {
-        if (typeof target.selector !== 'undefined') {
-          // Find the named node; only use the first one found, since the rest of the code assumes there's only one node
-          modal = self.S('#' +'reveal-id'))).first();
-        } else {
-          modal = self.S(this.scope);
-          ajax_settings = target;
-        }
-      } else {
-        modal = self.S(this.scope);
-      }
-      var settings = + '-init');
-      settings = settings || this.settings;
-      if (modal.hasClass('open') && target.attr('data-reveal-id') == modal.attr('id')) {
-        return self.close(modal);
-      }
-      if (!modal.hasClass('open')) {
-        var open_modal = self.S('[' + self.attr_name() + '].open');
-        if (typeof'css-top') === 'undefined') {
-'css-top', parseInt(modal.css('top'), 10))
-            .data('offset', this.cache_offset(modal));
-        }
-        this.key_up_on(modal);    // PATCH #3: turning on key up capture only when a reveal window is open
-        modal.on('open.fndtn.reveal').trigger('open.fndtn.reveal');
-        if (open_modal.length < 1) {
-          this.toggle_bg(modal, true);
-        }
-        if (typeof ajax_settings === 'string') {
-          ajax_settings = {
-            url : ajax_settings
-          };
-        }
-        if (typeof ajax_settings === 'undefined' || !ajax_settings.url) {
-          if (open_modal.length > 0) {
-            if (settings.multiple_opened) {
-              this.to_back(open_modal);
-            } else {
-              this.hide(open_modal, settings.css.close);
-            }
-          }
-        } else {
-          var old_success = typeof ajax_settings.success !== 'undefined' ? ajax_settings.success : null;
-          $.extend(ajax_settings, {
-            success : function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
-              if ( $.isFunction(old_success) ) {
-                var result = old_success(data, textStatus, jqXHR);
-                if (typeof result == 'string') {
-                  data = result;
-                }
-              }
-              modal.html(data);
-              self.S(modal).foundation('section', 'reflow');
-              self.S(modal).children().foundation();
-              if (open_modal.length > 0) {
-                if (settings.multiple_opened) {
-                  this.to_back(open_modal);
-                } else {
-                  this.hide(open_modal, settings.css.close);
-                }
-              }
-    ,;
-            }
-          });
-          $.ajax(ajax_settings);
-        }
-      }
-      self.S(window).trigger('resize');
-    },
-    close : function (modal) {
-      var modal = modal && modal.length ? modal : this.S(this.scope),
-          open_modals = this.S('[' + this.attr_name() + '].open'),
-          settings = + '-init') || this.settings;
-      if (open_modals.length > 0) {
-        this.locked = true;
-        this.key_up_off(modal);   // PATCH #3: turning on key up capture only when a reveal window is open
-        modal.trigger('close').trigger('close.fndtn.reveal');
-        if ((settings.multiple_opened && open_modals.length === 1) || !settings.multiple_opened || modal.length > 1) {
-          this.toggle_bg(modal, false);
-          this.to_front(modal);
-        }
-        if (settings.multiple_opened) {
-          this.hide(modal, settings.css.close, settings);
-          this.to_front($($.makeArray(open_modals).reverse()[1]));
-        } else {
-          this.hide(open_modals, settings.css.close, settings);
-        }
-      }
-    },
-    close_targets : function () {
-      var base = '.' + this.settings.dismiss_modal_class;
-      if (this.settings.close_on_background_click) {
-        return base + ', .' + this.settings.bg_class;
-      }
-      return base;
-    },
-    toggle_bg : function (modal, state) {
-      if (this.S('.' + this.settings.bg_class).length === 0) {
- = $('<div />', {'class': this.settings.bg_class})
-          .appendTo('body').hide();
-      }
-      var visible =':visible').length > 0;
-      if ( state != visible ) {
-        if ( state == undefined ? visible : !state ) {
-          this.hide(;
-        } else {
-        }
-      }
-    },
-    show : function (el, css) {
-      // is modal
-      if (css) {
-        var settings = + '-init') || this.settings,
-            root_element = settings.root_element;
-        if (el.parent(root_element).length === 0) {
-          var placeholder = el.wrap('<div style="display: none;" />').parent();
-          el.on('closed.fndtn.reveal.wrapped', function () {
-            el.detach().appendTo(placeholder);
-            el.unwrap().unbind('closed.fndtn.reveal.wrapped');
-          });
-          el.detach().appendTo(root_element);
-        }
-        var animData = getAnimationData(settings.animation);
-        if (!animData.animate) {
-          this.locked = false;
-        }
-        if (animData.pop) {
- = $(window).scrollTop() -'offset') + 'px';
-          var end_css = {
-            top: $(window).scrollTop() +'css-top') + 'px',
-            opacity: 1
-          };
-          return setTimeout(function () {
-            return el
-              .css(css)
-              .animate(end_css, settings.animation_speed, 'linear', function () {
-                this.locked = false;
-                el.trigger('opened').trigger('opened.fndtn.reveal');
-              }.bind(this))
-              .addClass('open');
-          }.bind(this), settings.animation_speed / 2);
-        }
-        if (animData.fade) {
- = $(window).scrollTop() +'css-top') + 'px';
-          var end_css = {opacity: 1};
-          return setTimeout(function () {
-            return el
-              .css(css)
-              .animate(end_css, settings.animation_speed, 'linear', function () {
-                this.locked = false;
-                el.trigger('opened').trigger('opened.fndtn.reveal');
-              }.bind(this))
-              .addClass('open');
-          }.bind(this), settings.animation_speed / 2);
-        }
-        return el.css(css).show().css({opacity : 1}).addClass('open').trigger('opened').trigger('opened.fndtn.reveal');
-      }
-      var settings = this.settings;
-      // should we animate the background?
-      if (getAnimationData(settings.animation).fade) {
-        return el.fadeIn(settings.animation_speed / 2);
-      }
-      this.locked = false;
-      return;
-    },
-    to_back : function(el) {
-      el.addClass('toback');
-    },
-    to_front : function(el) {
-      el.removeClass('toback');
-    },
-    hide : function (el, css) {
-      // is modal
-      if (css) {
-        var settings = + '-init');
-        settings = settings || this.settings;
-        var animData = getAnimationData(settings.animation);
-        if (!animData.animate) {
-          this.locked = false;
-        }
-        if (animData.pop) {
-          var end_css = {
-            top: - $(window).scrollTop() -'offset') + 'px',
-            opacity: 0
-          };
-          return setTimeout(function () {
-            return el
-              .animate(end_css, settings.animation_speed, 'linear', function () {
-                this.locked = false;
-                el.css(css).trigger('closed').trigger('closed.fndtn.reveal');
-              }.bind(this))
-              .removeClass('open');
-          }.bind(this), settings.animation_speed / 2);
-        }
-        if (animData.fade) {
-          var end_css = {opacity : 0};
-          return setTimeout(function () {
-            return el
-              .animate(end_css, settings.animation_speed, 'linear', function () {
-                this.locked = false;
-                el.css(css).trigger('closed').trigger('closed.fndtn.reveal');
-              }.bind(this))
-              .removeClass('open');
-          }.bind(this), settings.animation_speed / 2);
-        }
-        return el.hide().css(css).removeClass('open').trigger('closed').trigger('closed.fndtn.reveal');
-      }
-      var settings = this.settings;
-      // should we animate the background?
-      if (getAnimationData(settings.animation).fade) {
-        return el.fadeOut(settings.animation_speed / 2);
-      }
-      return el.hide();
-    },
-    close_video : function (e) {
-      var video = $('.flex-video',,
-          iframe = $('iframe', video);
-      if (iframe.length > 0) {
-        iframe.attr('data-src', iframe[0].src);
-        iframe.attr('src', iframe.attr('src'));
-        video.hide();
-      }
-    },
-    open_video : function (e) {
-      var video = $('.flex-video',,
-          iframe = video.find('iframe');
-      if (iframe.length > 0) {
-        var data_src = iframe.attr('data-src');
-        if (typeof data_src === 'string') {
-          iframe[0].src = iframe.attr('data-src');
-        } else {
-          var src = iframe[0].src;
-          iframe[0].src = undefined;
-          iframe[0].src = src;
-        }
-      }
-    },
-    data_attr : function (str) {
-      if (this.namespace.length > 0) {
-        return this.namespace + '-' + str;
-      }
-      return str;
-    },
-    cache_offset : function (modal) {
-      var offset = + parseInt(modal.css('top'), 10);
-      modal.hide();
-      return offset;
-    },
-    off : function () {
-      $(this.scope).off('.fndtn.reveal');
-    },
-    reflow : function () {}
-  };
-  /*
-   * getAnimationData('popAndFade') // {animate: true,  pop: true,  fade: true}
-   * getAnimationData('fade')       // {animate: true,  pop: false, fade: true}
-   * getAnimationData('pop')        // {animate: true,  pop: true,  fade: false}
-   * getAnimationData('foo')        // {animate: false, pop: false, fade: false}
-   * getAnimationData(null)         // {animate: false, pop: false, fade: false}
-   */
-  function getAnimationData(str) {
-    var fade = /fade/i.test(str);
-    var pop = /pop/i.test(str);
-    return {
-      animate : fade || pop,
-      pop : pop,
-      fade : fade
-    };
-  }
-}(jQuery, window, window.document));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/content-OLDSITE/docs/js/foundation/5.5.1/foundation/foundation.slider.js b/content-OLDSITE/docs/js/foundation/5.5.1/foundation/foundation.slider.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4addce2..0000000
--- a/content-OLDSITE/docs/js/foundation/5.5.1/foundation/foundation.slider.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
-;(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
-  'use strict';
-  Foundation.libs.slider = {
-    name : 'slider',
-    version : '5.5.1',
-    settings : {
-      start : 0,
-      end : 100,
-      step : 1,
-      precision : null,
-      initial : null,
-      display_selector : '',
-      vertical : false,
-      trigger_input_change : false,
-      on_change : function () {}
-    },
-    cache : {},
-    init : function (scope, method, options) {
-      Foundation.inherit(this, 'throttle');
-      this.bindings(method, options);
-      this.reflow();
-    },
-    events : function () {
-      var self = this;
-      $(this.scope)
-        .off('.slider')
-        .on('mousedown.fndtn.slider touchstart.fndtn.slider pointerdown.fndtn.slider',
-        '[' + self.attr_name() + ']:not(.disabled, [disabled]) .range-slider-handle', function (e) {
-          if (! {
-            e.preventDefault();
-            self.set_active_slider($(;
-          }
-        })
-        .on('mousemove.fndtn.slider touchmove.fndtn.slider pointermove.fndtn.slider', function (e) {
-          if (!! {
-            e.preventDefault();
-            if ($.data([0], 'settings').vertical) {
-              var scroll_offset = 0;
-              if (!e.pageY) {
-                scroll_offset = window.scrollY;
-              }
-              self.calculate_position(, self.get_cursor_position(e, 'y') + scroll_offset);
-            } else {
-              self.calculate_position(, self.get_cursor_position(e, 'x'));
-            }
-          }
-        })
-        .on('mouseup.fndtn.slider touchend.fndtn.slider pointerup.fndtn.slider', function (e) {
-          self.remove_active_slider();
-        })
-        .on('change.fndtn.slider', function (e) {
-          self.settings.on_change();
-        });
-      self.S(window)
-        .on('resize.fndtn.slider', self.throttle(function (e) {
-          self.reflow();
-        }, 300));
-    },
-    get_cursor_position : function (e, xy) {
-      var pageXY = 'page' + xy.toUpperCase(),
-          clientXY = 'client' + xy.toUpperCase(),
-          position;
-      if (typeof e[pageXY] !== 'undefined') {
-        position = e[pageXY];
-      } else if (typeof e.originalEvent[clientXY] !== 'undefined') {
-        position = e.originalEvent[clientXY];
-      } else if (e.originalEvent.touches && e.originalEvent.touches[0] && typeof e.originalEvent.touches[0][clientXY] !== 'undefined') {
-        position = e.originalEvent.touches[0][clientXY];
-      } else if (e.currentPoint && typeof e.currentPoint[xy] !== 'undefined') {
-        position = e.currentPoint[xy];
-      }
-      return position;
-    },
-    set_active_slider : function ($handle) {
- = $handle;
-    },
-    remove_active_slider : function () {
- = null;
-    },
-    calculate_position : function ($handle, cursor_x) {
-      var self = this,
-          settings = $.data($handle[0], 'settings'),
-          handle_l = $.data($handle[0], 'handle_l'),
-          handle_o = $.data($handle[0], 'handle_o'),
-          bar_l = $.data($handle[0], 'bar_l'),
-          bar_o = $.data($handle[0], 'bar_o');
-      requestAnimationFrame(function () {
-        var pct;
-        if (Foundation.rtl && !settings.vertical) {
-          pct = self.limit_to(((bar_o + bar_l - cursor_x) / bar_l), 0, 1);
-        } else {
-          pct = self.limit_to(((cursor_x - bar_o) / bar_l), 0, 1);
-        }
-        pct = settings.vertical ? 1 - pct : pct;
-        var norm = self.normalized_value(pct, settings.start, settings.end, settings.step, settings.precision);
-        self.set_ui($handle, norm);
-      });
-    },
-    set_ui : function ($handle, value) {
-      var settings = $.data($handle[0], 'settings'),
-          handle_l = $.data($handle[0], 'handle_l'),
-          bar_l = $.data($handle[0], 'bar_l'),
-          norm_pct = this.normalized_percentage(value, settings.start, settings.end),
-          handle_offset = norm_pct * (bar_l - handle_l) - 1,
-          progress_bar_length = norm_pct * 100,
-          $handle_parent = $handle.parent(),
-          $hidden_inputs = $handle.parent().children('input[type=hidden]');
-      if (Foundation.rtl && !settings.vertical) {
-        handle_offset = -handle_offset;
-      }
-      handle_offset = settings.vertical ? -handle_offset + bar_l - handle_l + 1 : handle_offset;
-      this.set_translate($handle, handle_offset, settings.vertical);
-      if (settings.vertical) {
-        $handle.siblings('.range-slider-active-segment').css('height', progress_bar_length + '%');
-      } else {
-        $handle.siblings('.range-slider-active-segment').css('width', progress_bar_length + '%');
-      }
-      $handle_parent.attr(this.attr_name(), value).trigger('change').trigger('change.fndtn.slider');
-      $hidden_inputs.val(value);
-      if (settings.trigger_input_change) {
-          $hidden_inputs.trigger('change');
-      }
-      if (!$handle[0].hasAttribute('aria-valuemin')) {
-        $handle.attr({
-          'aria-valuemin' : settings.start,
-          'aria-valuemax' : settings.end
-        });
-      }
-      $handle.attr('aria-valuenow', value);
-      if (settings.display_selector != '') {
-        $(settings.display_selector).each(function () {
-          if (this.hasOwnProperty('value')) {
-            $(this).val(value);
-          } else {
-            $(this).text(value);
-          }
-        });
-      }
-    },
-    normalized_percentage : function (val, start, end) {
-      return Math.min(1, (val - start) / (end - start));
-    },
-    normalized_value : function (val, start, end, step, precision) {
-      var range = end - start,
-          point = val * range,
-          mod = (point - (point % step)) / step,
-          rem = point % step,
-          round = ( rem >= step * 0.5 ? step : 0);
-      return ((mod * step + round) + start).toFixed(precision);
-    },
-    set_translate : function (ele, offset, vertical) {
-      if (vertical) {
-        $(ele)
-          .css('-webkit-transform', 'translateY(' + offset + 'px)')
-          .css('-moz-transform', 'translateY(' + offset + 'px)')
-          .css('-ms-transform', 'translateY(' + offset + 'px)')
-          .css('-o-transform', 'translateY(' + offset + 'px)')
-          .css('transform', 'translateY(' + offset + 'px)');
-      } else {
-        $(ele)
-          .css('-webkit-transform', 'translateX(' + offset + 'px)')
-          .css('-moz-transform', 'translateX(' + offset + 'px)')
-          .css('-ms-transform', 'translateX(' + offset + 'px)')
-          .css('-o-transform', 'translateX(' + offset + 'px)')
-          .css('transform', 'translateX(' + offset + 'px)');
-      }
-    },
-    limit_to : function (val, min, max) {
-      return Math.min(Math.max(val, min), max);
-    },
-    initialize_settings : function (handle) {
-      var settings = $.extend({}, this.settings, this.data_options($(handle).parent())),
-          decimal_places_match_result;
-      if (settings.precision === null) {
-        decimal_places_match_result = ('' + settings.step).match(/\.([\d]*)/);
-        settings.precision = decimal_places_match_result && decimal_places_match_result[1] ? decimal_places_match_result[1].length : 0;
-      }
-      if (settings.vertical) {
-        $.data(handle, 'bar_o', $(handle).parent().offset().top);
-        $.data(handle, 'bar_l', $(handle).parent().outerHeight());
-        $.data(handle, 'handle_o', $(handle).offset().top);
-        $.data(handle, 'handle_l', $(handle).outerHeight());
-      } else {
-        $.data(handle, 'bar_o', $(handle).parent().offset().left);
-        $.data(handle, 'bar_l', $(handle).parent().outerWidth());
-        $.data(handle, 'handle_o', $(handle).offset().left);
-        $.data(handle, 'handle_l', $(handle).outerWidth());
-      }
-      $.data(handle, 'bar', $(handle).parent());
-      $.data(handle, 'settings', settings);
-    },
-    set_initial_position : function ($ele) {
-      var settings = $.data($ele.children('.range-slider-handle')[0], 'settings'),
-          initial = ((typeof settings.initial == 'number' && !isNaN(settings.initial)) ? settings.initial : Math.floor((settings.end - settings.start) * 0.5 / settings.step) * settings.step + settings.start),
-          $handle = $ele.children('.range-slider-handle');
-      this.set_ui($handle, initial);
-    },
-    set_value : function (value) {
-      var self = this;
-      $('[' + self.attr_name() + ']', this.scope).each(function () {
-        $(this).attr(self.attr_name(), value);
-      });
-      if (!!$(this.scope).attr(self.attr_name())) {
-        $(this.scope).attr(self.attr_name(), value);
-      }
-      self.reflow();
-    },
-    reflow : function () {
-      var self = this;
-      self.S('[' + this.attr_name() + ']').each(function () {
-        var handle = $(this).children('.range-slider-handle')[0],
-            val = $(this).attr(self.attr_name());
-        self.initialize_settings(handle);
-        if (val) {
-          self.set_ui($(handle), parseFloat(val));
-        } else {
-          self.set_initial_position($(this));
-        }
-      });
-    }
-  };
-}(jQuery, window, window.document));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/content-OLDSITE/docs/js/foundation/5.5.1/foundation/ b/content-OLDSITE/docs/js/foundation/5.5.1/foundation/
deleted file mode 100644
index e32b0eb..0000000
--- a/content-OLDSITE/docs/js/foundation/5.5.1/foundation/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
-;(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
-  'use strict';
- = {
-    name : 'tab',
-    version : '5.5.1',
-    settings : {
-      active_class : 'active',
-      callback : function () {},
-      deep_linking : false,
-      scroll_to_content : true,
-      is_hover : false
-    },
-    default_tab_hashes : [],
-    init : function (scope, method, options) {
-      var self = this,
-          S = this.S;
-      this.bindings(method, options);
-      // store the initial href, which is used to allow correct behaviour of the
-      // browser back button when deep linking is turned on.
-      self.entry_location = window.location.href;
-      this.handle_location_hash_change();
-      // Store the default active tabs which will be referenced when the
-      // location hash is absent, as in the case of navigating the tabs and
-      // returning to the first viewing via the browser Back button.
-      S('[' + this.attr_name() + '] > .active > a', this.scope).each(function () {
-        self.default_tab_hashes.push(this.hash);
-      });
-    },
-    events : function () {
-      var self = this,
-          S = this.S;
-      var usual_tab_behavior =  function (e) {
-          var settings = S(this).closest('[' + self.attr_name() + ']').data(self.attr_name(true) + '-init');
-          if (!settings.is_hover || Modernizr.touch) {
-            e.preventDefault();
-            e.stopPropagation();
-            self.toggle_active_tab(S(this).parent());
-          }
-        };
-      S(this.scope)
-        .off('.tab')
-        // Click event: tab title
-        .on('', '[' + this.attr_name() + '] > * > a', usual_tab_behavior )
-        .on('', '[' + this.attr_name() + '] > * > a', usual_tab_behavior )
-        // Hover event: tab title
-        .on('', '[' + this.attr_name() + '] > * > a', function (e) {
-          var settings = S(this).closest('[' + self.attr_name() + ']').data(self.attr_name(true) + '-init');
-          if (settings.is_hover) {
-            self.toggle_active_tab(S(this).parent());
-          }
-        });
-      // Location hash change event
-      S(window).on('', function (e) {
-        e.preventDefault();
-        self.handle_location_hash_change();
-      });
-    },
-    handle_location_hash_change : function () {
-      var self = this,
-          S = this.S;
-      S('[' + this.attr_name() + ']', this.scope).each(function () {
-        var settings = S(this).data(self.attr_name(true) + '-init');
-        if (settings.deep_linking) {
-          // Match the location hash to a label
-          var hash;
-          if (settings.scroll_to_content) {
-            hash = self.scope.location.hash;
-          } else {
-            // prefix the hash to prevent anchor scrolling
-            hash = self.scope.location.hash.replace('fndtn-', '');
-          }
-          if (hash != '') {
-            // Check whether the location hash references a tab content div or
-            // another element on the page (inside or outside the tab content div)
-            var hash_element = S(hash);
-            if (hash_element.hasClass('content') && hash_element.parent().hasClass('tabs-content')) {
-              // Tab content div
-              self.toggle_active_tab($('[' + self.attr_name() + '] > * > a[href=' + hash + ']').parent());
-            } else {
-              // Not the tab content div. If inside the tab content, find the
-              // containing tab and toggle it as active.
-              var hash_tab_container_id = hash_element.closest('.content').attr('id');
-              if (hash_tab_container_id != undefined) {
-                self.toggle_active_tab($('[' + self.attr_name() + '] > * > a[href=#' + hash_tab_container_id + ']').parent(), hash);
-              }
-            }
-          } else {
-            // Reference the default tab hashes which were initialized in the init function
-            for (var ind = 0; ind < self.default_tab_hashes.length; ind++) {
-              self.toggle_active_tab($('[' + self.attr_name() + '] > * > a[href=' + self.default_tab_hashes[ind] + ']').parent());
-            }
-          }
-        }
-       });
-     },
-    toggle_active_tab : function (tab, location_hash) {
-      var self = this,
-          S = self.S,
-          tabs = tab.closest('[' + this.attr_name() + ']'),
-          tab_link = tab.find('a'),
-          anchor = tab.children('a').first(),
-          target_hash = '#' + anchor.attr('href').split('#')[1],
-          target = S(target_hash),
-          siblings = tab.siblings(),
-          settings = + '-init'),
-          interpret_keyup_action = function (e) {
-            // Light modification of Heydon Pickering's Practical ARIA Examples:
-            // define current, previous and next (possible) tabs
-            var $original = $(this);
-            var $prev = $(this).parents('li').prev().children('[role="tab"]');
-            var $next = $(this).parents('li').next().children('[role="tab"]');
-            var $target;
-            // find the direction (prev or next)
-            switch (e.keyCode) {
-              case 37:
-                $target = $prev;
-                break;
-              case 39:
-                $target = $next;
-                break;
-              default:
-                $target = false
-                  break;
-            }
-            if ($target.length) {
-              $original.attr({
-                'tabindex' : '-1',
-                'aria-selected' : null
-              });
-              $target.attr({
-                'tabindex' : '0',
-                'aria-selected' : true
-              }).focus();
-            }
-            // Hide panels
-            $('[role="tabpanel"]')
-              .attr('aria-hidden', 'true');
-            // Show panel which corresponds to target
-            $('#' + $(document.activeElement).attr('href').substring(1))
-              .attr('aria-hidden', null);
-          },
-          go_to_hash = function(hash) {
-            // This function allows correct behaviour of the browser's back button when deep linking is enabled. Without it
-            // the user would get continually redirected to the default hash.
-            var is_entry_location = window.location.href === self.entry_location,
-                default_hash = settings.scroll_to_content ? self.default_tab_hashes[0] : is_entry_location ? window.location.hash :'fndtn-' + self.default_tab_hashes[0].replace('#', '')
-            if (!(is_entry_location && hash === default_hash)) {
-              window.location.hash = hash;
-            }
-          };
-      // allow usage of data-tab-content attribute instead of href
-      if (S(this).data(this.data_attr('tab-content'))) {
-        target_hash = '#' + S(this).data(this.data_attr('tab-content')).split('#')[1];
-        target = S(target_hash);
-      }
-      if (settings.deep_linking) {
-        if (settings.scroll_to_content) {
-          // retain current hash to scroll to content
-          go_to_hash(location_hash || target_hash);
-          if (location_hash == undefined || location_hash == target_hash) {
-            tab.parent()[0].scrollIntoView();
-          } else {
-            S(target_hash)[0].scrollIntoView();
-          }
-        } else {
-          // prefix the hashes so that the browser doesn't scroll down
-          if (location_hash != undefined) {
-            go_to_hash('fndtn-' + location_hash.replace('#', ''));
-          } else {
-            go_to_hash('fndtn-' + target_hash.replace('#', ''));
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      // WARNING: The activation and deactivation of the tab content must
-      // occur after the deep linking in order to properly refresh the browser
-      // window (notably in Chrome).
-      // Clean up multiple attr instances to done once
-      tab.addClass(settings.active_class).triggerHandler('opened');
-      tab_link.attr({'aria-selected' : 'true',  tabindex : 0});
-      siblings.removeClass(settings.active_class)
-      siblings.find('a').attr({'aria-selected' : 'false',  tabindex : -1});
-      target.siblings().removeClass(settings.active_class).attr({'aria-hidden' : 'true',  tabindex : -1});
-      target.addClass(settings.active_class).attr('aria-hidden', 'false').removeAttr('tabindex');
-      settings.callback(tab);
-      target.triggerHandler('toggled', [tab]);
-      tabs.triggerHandler('toggled', [target]);
-'keydown').on('keydown', interpret_keyup_action );
-    },
-    data_attr : function (str) {
-      if (this.namespace.length > 0) {
-        return this.namespace + '-' + str;
-      }
-      return str;
-    },
-    off : function () {},
-    reflow : function () {}
-  };
-}(jQuery, window, window.document));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/content-OLDSITE/docs/js/foundation/5.5.1/foundation/foundation.tooltip.js b/content-OLDSITE/docs/js/foundation/5.5.1/foundation/foundation.tooltip.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c4aa284..0000000
--- a/content-OLDSITE/docs/js/foundation/5.5.1/foundation/foundation.tooltip.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,307 +0,0 @@
-;(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
-  'use strict';
-  Foundation.libs.tooltip = {
-    name : 'tooltip',
-    version : '5.5.1',
-    settings : {
-      additional_inheritable_classes : [],
-      tooltip_class : '.tooltip',
-      append_to : 'body',
-      touch_close_text : 'Tap To Close',
-      disable_for_touch : false,
-      hover_delay : 200,
-      show_on : 'all',
-      tip_template : function (selector, content) {
-        return '<span data-selector="' + selector + '" id="' + selector + '" class="'
-          + Foundation.libs.tooltip.settings.tooltip_class.substring(1)
-          + '" role="tooltip">' + content + '<span class="nub"></span></span>';
-      }
-    },
-    cache : {},
-    init : function (scope, method, options) {
-      Foundation.inherit(this, 'random_str');
-      this.bindings(method, options);
-    },
-    should_show : function (target, tip) {
-      var settings = $.extend({}, this.settings, this.data_options(target));
-      if (settings.show_on === 'all') {
-        return true;
-      } else if (this.small() && settings.show_on === 'small') {
-        return true;
-      } else if (this.medium() && settings.show_on === 'medium') {
-        return true;
-      } else if (this.large() && settings.show_on === 'large') {
-        return true;
-      }
-      return false;
-    },
-    medium : function () {
-      return matchMedia(Foundation.media_queries['medium']).matches;
-    },
-    large : function () {
-      return matchMedia(Foundation.media_queries['large']).matches;
-    },
-    events : function (instance) {
-      var self = this,
-          S = self.S;
-      self.create(this.S(instance));
-      $(this.scope)
-        .off('.tooltip')
-        .on('mouseenter.fndtn.tooltip mouseleave.fndtn.tooltip touchstart.fndtn.tooltip MSPointerDown.fndtn.tooltip',
-          '[' + this.attr_name() + ']', function (e) {
-          var $this = S(this),
-              settings = $.extend({}, self.settings, self.data_options($this)),
-              is_touch = false;
-          if (Modernizr.touch && /touchstart|MSPointerDown/i.test(e.type) && S('a')) {
-            return false;
-          }
-          if (/mouse/i.test(e.type) && self.ie_touch(e)) {
-            return false;
-          }
-          if ($this.hasClass('open')) {
-            if (Modernizr.touch && /touchstart|MSPointerDown/i.test(e.type)) {
-              e.preventDefault();
-            }
-            self.hide($this);
-          } else {
-            if (settings.disable_for_touch && Modernizr.touch && /touchstart|MSPointerDown/i.test(e.type)) {
-              return;
-            } else if (!settings.disable_for_touch && Modernizr.touch && /touchstart|MSPointerDown/i.test(e.type)) {
-              e.preventDefault();
-              S(settings.tooltip_class + '.open').hide();
-              is_touch = true;
-            }
-            if (/enter|over/i.test(e.type)) {
-              this.timer = setTimeout(function () {
-                var tip = self.showTip($this);
-              }.bind(this), self.settings.hover_delay);
-            } else if (e.type === 'mouseout' || e.type === 'mouseleave') {
-              clearTimeout(this.timer);
-              self.hide($this);
-            } else {
-              self.showTip($this);
-            }
-          }
-        })
-        .on('mouseleave.fndtn.tooltip touchstart.fndtn.tooltip MSPointerDown.fndtn.tooltip', '[' + this.attr_name() + '].open', function (e) {
-          if (/mouse/i.test(e.type) && self.ie_touch(e)) {
-            return false;
-          }
-          if ($(this).data('tooltip-open-event-type') == 'touch' && e.type == 'mouseleave') {
-            return;
-          } else if ($(this).data('tooltip-open-event-type') == 'mouse' && /MSPointerDown|touchstart/i.test(e.type)) {
-            self.convert_to_touch($(this));
-          } else {
-            self.hide($(this));
-          }
-        })
-        .on('DOMNodeRemoved DOMAttrModified', '[' + this.attr_name() + ']:not(a)', function (e) {
-          self.hide(S(this));
-        });
-    },
-    ie_touch : function (e) {
-      // How do I distinguish between IE11 and Windows Phone 8?????
-      return false;
-    },
-    showTip : function ($target) {
-      var $tip = this.getTip($target);
-      if (this.should_show($target, $tip)) {
-        return$target);
-      }
-      return;
-    },
-    getTip : function ($target) {
-      var selector = this.selector($target),
-          settings = $.extend({}, this.settings, this.data_options($target)),
-          tip = null;
-      if (selector) {
-        tip = this.S('span[data-selector="' + selector + '"]' + settings.tooltip_class);
-      }
-      return (typeof tip === 'object') ? tip : false;
-    },
-    selector : function ($target) {
-      var id = $target.attr('id'),
-          dataSelector = $target.attr(this.attr_name()) || $target.attr('data-selector');
-      if ((id && id.length < 1 || !id) && typeof dataSelector != 'string') {
-        dataSelector = this.random_str(6);
-        $target
-          .attr('data-selector', dataSelector)
-          .attr('aria-describedby', dataSelector);
-      }
-      return (id && id.length > 0) ? id : dataSelector;
-    },
-    create : function ($target) {
-      var self = this,
-          settings = $.extend({}, this.settings, this.data_options($target)),
-          tip_template = this.settings.tip_template;
-      if (typeof settings.tip_template === 'string' && window.hasOwnProperty(settings.tip_template)) {
-        tip_template = window[settings.tip_template];
-      }
-      var $tip = $(tip_template(this.selector($target), $('<div></div>').html($target.attr('title')).html())),
-          classes = this.inheritable_classes($target);
-      $tip.addClass(classes).appendTo(settings.append_to);
-      if (Modernizr.touch) {
-        $tip.append('<span class="tap-to-close">' + settings.touch_close_text + '</span>');
-        $tip.on('touchstart.fndtn.tooltip MSPointerDown.fndtn.tooltip', function (e) {
-          self.hide($target);
-        });
-      }
-      $target.removeAttr('title').attr('title', '');
-    },
-    reposition : function (target, tip, classes) {
-      var width, nub, nubHeight, nubWidth, column, objPos;
-      tip.css('visibility', 'hidden').show();
-      width ='width');
-      nub = tip.children('.nub');
-      nubHeight = nub.outerHeight();
-      nubWidth = nub.outerHeight();
-      if (this.small()) {
-        tip.css({'width' : '100%'});
-      } else {
-        tip.css({'width' : (width) ? width : 'auto'});
-      }
-      objPos = function (obj, top, right, bottom, left, width) {
-        return obj.css({
-          'top' : (top) ? top : 'auto',
-          'bottom' : (bottom) ? bottom : 'auto',
-          'left' : (left) ? left : 'auto',
-          'right' : (right) ? right : 'auto'
-        }).end();
-      };
-      objPos(tip, (target.offset().top + target.outerHeight() + 10), 'auto', 'auto', target.offset().left);
-      if (this.small()) {
-        objPos(tip, (target.offset().top + target.outerHeight() + 10), 'auto', 'auto', 12.5, $(this.scope).width());
-        tip.addClass('tip-override');
-        objPos(nub, -nubHeight, 'auto', 'auto', target.offset().left);
-      } else {
-        var left = target.offset().left;
-        if (Foundation.rtl) {
-          nub.addClass('rtl');
-          left = target.offset().left + target.outerWidth() - tip.outerWidth();
-        }
-        objPos(tip, (target.offset().top + target.outerHeight() + 10), 'auto', 'auto', left);
-        tip.removeClass('tip-override');
-        if (classes && classes.indexOf('tip-top') > -1) {
-          if (Foundation.rtl) {
-            nub.addClass('rtl');
-          }
-          objPos(tip, (target.offset().top - tip.outerHeight()), 'auto', 'auto', left)
-            .removeClass('tip-override');
-        } else if (classes && classes.indexOf('tip-left') > -1) {
-          objPos(tip, (target.offset().top + (target.outerHeight() / 2) - (tip.outerHeight() / 2)), 'auto', 'auto', (target.offset().left - tip.outerWidth() - nubHeight))
-            .removeClass('tip-override');
-          nub.removeClass('rtl');
-        } else if (classes && classes.indexOf('tip-right') > -1) {
-          objPos(tip, (target.offset().top + (target.outerHeight() / 2) - (tip.outerHeight() / 2)), 'auto', 'auto', (target.offset().left + target.outerWidth() + nubHeight))
-            .removeClass('tip-override');
-          nub.removeClass('rtl');
-        }
-      }
-      tip.css('visibility', 'visible').hide();
-    },
-    small : function () {
-      return matchMedia(Foundation.media_queries.small).matches &&
-        !matchMedia(Foundation.media_queries.medium).matches;
-    },
-    inheritable_classes : function ($target) {
-      var settings = $.extend({}, this.settings, this.data_options($target)),
-          inheritables = ['tip-top', 'tip-left', 'tip-bottom', 'tip-right', 'radius', 'round'].concat(settings.additional_inheritable_classes),
-          classes = $target.attr('class'),
-          filtered = classes ? $.map(classes.split(' '), function (el, i) {
-            if ($.inArray(el, inheritables) !== -1) {
-              return el;
-            }
-          }).join(' ') : '';
-      return $.trim(filtered);
-    },
-    convert_to_touch : function ($target) {
-      var self = this,
-          $tip = self.getTip($target),
-          settings = $.extend({}, self.settings, self.data_options($target));
-      if ($tip.find('.tap-to-close').length === 0) {
-        $tip.append('<span class="tap-to-close">' + settings.touch_close_text + '</span>');
-        $tip.on('click.fndtn.tooltip.tapclose touchstart.fndtn.tooltip.tapclose MSPointerDown.fndtn.tooltip.tapclose', function (e) {
-          self.hide($target);
-        });
-      }
-      $'tooltip-open-event-type', 'touch');
-    },
-    show : function ($target) {
-      var $tip = this.getTip($target);
-      if ($'tooltip-open-event-type') == 'touch') {
-        this.convert_to_touch($target);
-      }
-      this.reposition($target, $tip, $target.attr('class'));
-      $target.addClass('open');
-      $tip.fadeIn(150);
-    },
-    hide : function ($target) {
-      var $tip = this.getTip($target);
-      $tip.fadeOut(150, function () {
-        $tip.find('.tap-to-close').remove();
-        $'click.fndtn.tooltip.tapclose MSPointerDown.fndtn.tapclose');
-        $target.removeClass('open');
-      });
-    },
-    off : function () {
-      var self = this;
-      this.S(this.scope).off('.fndtn.tooltip');
-      this.S(this.settings.tooltip_class).each(function (i) {
-        $('[' + self.attr_name() + ']').eq(i).attr('title', $(this).text());
-      }).remove();
-    },
-    reflow : function () {}
-  };
-}(jQuery, window, window.document));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/content-OLDSITE/docs/js/foundation/5.5.1/foundation/foundation.topbar.js b/content-OLDSITE/docs/js/foundation/5.5.1/foundation/foundation.topbar.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 07d528e..0000000
--- a/content-OLDSITE/docs/js/foundation/5.5.1/foundation/foundation.topbar.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,452 +0,0 @@
-;(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
-  'use strict';
-  Foundation.libs.topbar = {
-    name : 'topbar',
-    version : '5.5.1',
-    settings : {
-      index : 0,
-      sticky_class : 'sticky',
-      custom_back_text : true,
-      back_text : 'Back',
-      mobile_show_parent_link : true,
-      is_hover : true,
-      scrolltop : true, // jump to top when sticky nav menu toggle is clicked
-      sticky_on : 'all'
-    },
-    init : function (section, method, options) {
-      Foundation.inherit(this, 'add_custom_rule register_media throttle');
-      var self = this;
-      self.register_media('topbar', 'foundation-mq-topbar');
-      this.bindings(method, options);
-      self.S('[' + this.attr_name() + ']', this.scope).each(function () {
-        var topbar = $(this),
-            settings = + '-init'),
-            section = self.S('section, .top-bar-section', this);
-'index', 0);
-        var topbarContainer = topbar.parent();
-        if (topbarContainer.hasClass('fixed') || self.is_sticky(topbar, topbarContainer, settings) ) {
-          self.settings.sticky_class = settings.sticky_class;
-          self.settings.sticky_topbar = topbar;
-'height', topbarContainer.outerHeight());
-'stickyoffset', topbarContainer.offset().top);
-        } else {
-'height', topbar.outerHeight());
-        }
-        if (!settings.assembled) {
-          self.assemble(topbar);
-        }
-        if (settings.is_hover) {
-          self.S('.has-dropdown', topbar).addClass('not-click');
-        } else {
-          self.S('.has-dropdown', topbar).removeClass('not-click');
-        }
-        // Pad body when sticky (scrolled) or fixed.
-        self.add_custom_rule('.f-topbar-fixed { padding-top: ' +'height') + 'px }');
-        if (topbarContainer.hasClass('fixed')) {
-          self.S('body').addClass('f-topbar-fixed');
-        }
-      });
-    },
-    is_sticky : function (topbar, topbarContainer, settings) {
-      var sticky     = topbarContainer.hasClass(settings.sticky_class);
-      var smallMatch = matchMedia(Foundation.media_queries.small).matches;
-      var medMatch   = matchMedia(Foundation.media_queries.medium).matches;
-      var lrgMatch   = matchMedia(Foundation.media_queries.large).matches;
-       if (sticky && settings.sticky_on === 'all') {
-          return true;
-       }
-       if (sticky && this.small() && settings.sticky_on.indexOf('small') !== -1) {
-           if (smallMatch && !medMatch && !lrgMatch) { return true; }
-       }
-       if (sticky && this.medium() && settings.sticky_on.indexOf('medium') !== -1) {
-           if (smallMatch && medMatch && !lrgMatch) { return true; }
-       }
-       if (sticky && this.large() && settings.sticky_on.indexOf('large') !== -1) {
-           if (smallMatch && medMatch && lrgMatch) { return true; }
-       }
-       // fix for iOS browsers
-       if (sticky && navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPad|iPhone|iPod)/g)) {
-        return true;
-       }
-       return false;
-    },
-    toggle : function (toggleEl) {
-      var self = this,
-          topbar;
-      if (toggleEl) {
-        topbar = self.S(toggleEl).closest('[' + this.attr_name() + ']');
-      } else {
-        topbar = self.S('[' + this.attr_name() + ']');
-      }
-      var settings = + '-init');
-      var section = self.S('section, .top-bar-section', topbar);
-      if (self.breakpoint()) {
-        if (!self.rtl) {
-          section.css({left : '0%'});
-          $('>.name', section).css({left : '100%'});
-        } else {
-          section.css({right : '0%'});
-          $('>.name', section).css({right : '100%'});
-        }
-        self.S('li.moved', section).removeClass('moved');
-'index', 0);
-        topbar
-          .toggleClass('expanded')
-          .css('height', '');
-      }
-      if (settings.scrolltop) {
-        if (!topbar.hasClass('expanded')) {
-          if (topbar.hasClass('fixed')) {
-            topbar.parent().addClass('fixed');
-            topbar.removeClass('fixed');
-            self.S('body').addClass('f-topbar-fixed');
-          }
-        } else if (topbar.parent().hasClass('fixed')) {
-          if (settings.scrolltop) {
-            topbar.parent().removeClass('fixed');
-            topbar.addClass('fixed');
-            self.S('body').removeClass('f-topbar-fixed');
-            window.scrollTo(0, 0);
-          } else {
-            topbar.parent().removeClass('expanded');
-          }
-        }
-      } else {
-        if (self.is_sticky(topbar, topbar.parent(), settings)) {
-          topbar.parent().addClass('fixed');
-        }
-        if (topbar.parent().hasClass('fixed')) {
-          if (!topbar.hasClass('expanded')) {
-            topbar.removeClass('fixed');
-            topbar.parent().removeClass('expanded');
-            self.update_sticky_positioning();
-          } else {
-            topbar.addClass('fixed');
-            topbar.parent().addClass('expanded');
-            self.S('body').addClass('f-topbar-fixed');
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    },
-    timer : null,
-    events : function (bar) {
-      var self = this,
-          S = this.S;
-      S(this.scope)
-        .off('.topbar')
-        .on('click.fndtn.topbar', '[' + this.attr_name() + '] .toggle-topbar', function (e) {
-          e.preventDefault();
-          self.toggle(this);
-        })
-        .on('click.fndtn.topbar', '.top-bar .top-bar-section li a[href^="#"],[' + this.attr_name() + '] .top-bar-section li a[href^="#"]', function (e) {
-            var li = $(this).closest('li');
-            if (self.breakpoint() && !li.hasClass('back') && !li.hasClass('has-dropdown')) {
-              self.toggle();
-            }
-        })
-        .on('click.fndtn.topbar', '[' + this.attr_name() + '] li.has-dropdown', function (e) {
-          var li = S(this),
-              target = S(,
-              topbar = li.closest('[' + self.attr_name() + ']'),
-              settings = + '-init');
-          if ('revealId')) {
-            self.toggle();
-            return;
-          }
-          if (self.breakpoint()) {
-            return;
-          }
-          if (settings.is_hover && !Modernizr.touch) {
-            return;
-          }
-          e.stopImmediatePropagation();
-          if (li.hasClass('hover')) {
-            li
-              .removeClass('hover')
-              .find('li')
-              .removeClass('hover');
-            li.parents('li.hover')
-              .removeClass('hover');
-          } else {
-            li.addClass('hover');
-            $(li).siblings().removeClass('hover');
-            if (target[0].nodeName === 'A' && target.parent().hasClass('has-dropdown')) {
-              e.preventDefault();
-            }
-          }
-        })
-        .on('click.fndtn.topbar', '[' + this.attr_name() + '] .has-dropdown>a', function (e) {
-          if (self.breakpoint()) {
-            e.preventDefault();
-            var $this = S(this),
-                topbar = $this.closest('[' + self.attr_name() + ']'),
-                section = topbar.find('section, .top-bar-section'),
-                dropdownHeight = $'.dropdown').outerHeight(),
-                $selectedLi = $this.closest('li');
-  'index','index') + 1);
-            $selectedLi.addClass('moved');
-            if (!self.rtl) {
-              section.css({left : -(100 *'index')) + '%'});
-              section.find('>.name').css({left : 100 *'index') + '%'});
-            } else {
-              section.css({right : -(100 *'index')) + '%'});
-              section.find('>.name').css({right : 100 *'index') + '%'});
-            }
-            topbar.css('height', $this.siblings('ul').outerHeight(true) +'height'));
-          }
-        });
-      S(window).off('.topbar').on('resize.fndtn.topbar', self.throttle(function () {
-      }, 50)).trigger('resize').trigger('resize.fndtn.topbar').load(function () {
-          // Ensure that the offset is calculated after all of the pages resources have loaded
-          S(this).trigger('resize.fndtn.topbar');
-      });
-      S('body').off('.topbar').on('click.fndtn.topbar', function (e) {
-        var parent = S('li').closest('li.hover');
-        if (parent.length > 0) {
-          return;
-        }
-        S('[' + self.attr_name() + '] li.hover').removeClass('hover');
-      });
-      // Go up a level on Click
-      S(this.scope).on('click.fndtn.topbar', '[' + this.attr_name() + '] .has-dropdown .back', function (e) {
-        e.preventDefault();
-        var $this = S(this),
-            topbar = $this.closest('[' + self.attr_name() + ']'),
-            section = topbar.find('section, .top-bar-section'),
-            settings = + '-init'),
-            $movedLi = $this.closest('li.moved'),
-            $previousLevelUl = $movedLi.parent();
-'index','index') - 1);
-        if (!self.rtl) {
-          section.css({left : -(100 *'index')) + '%'});
-          section.find('>.name').css({left : 100 *'index') + '%'});
-        } else {
-          section.css({right : -(100 *'index')) + '%'});
-          section.find('>.name').css({right : 100 *'index') + '%'});
-        }
-        if ('index') === 0) {
-          topbar.css('height', '');
-        } else {
-          topbar.css('height', $previousLevelUl.outerHeight(true) +'height'));
-        }
-        setTimeout(function () {
-          $movedLi.removeClass('moved');
-        }, 300);
-      });
-      // Show dropdown menus when their items are focused
-      S(this.scope).find('.dropdown a')
-        .focus(function () {
-          $(this).parents('.has-dropdown').addClass('hover');
-        })
-        .blur(function () {
-          $(this).parents('.has-dropdown').removeClass('hover');
-        });
-    },
-    resize : function () {
-      var self = this;
-      self.S('[' + this.attr_name() + ']').each(function () {
-        var topbar = self.S(this),
-            settings = + '-init');
-        var stickyContainer = topbar.parent('.' + self.settings.sticky_class);
-        var stickyOffset;
-        if (!self.breakpoint()) {
-          var doToggle = topbar.hasClass('expanded');
-          topbar
-            .css('height', '')
-            .removeClass('expanded')
-            .find('li')
-            .removeClass('hover');
-            if (doToggle) {
-              self.toggle(topbar);
-            }
-        }
-        if (self.is_sticky(topbar, stickyContainer, settings)) {
-          if (stickyContainer.hasClass('fixed')) {
-            // Remove the fixed to allow for correct calculation of the offset.
-            stickyContainer.removeClass('fixed');
-            stickyOffset = stickyContainer.offset().top;
-            if (self.S(document.body).hasClass('f-topbar-fixed')) {
-              stickyOffset -='height');
-            }
-  'stickyoffset', stickyOffset);
-            stickyContainer.addClass('fixed');
-          } else {
-            stickyOffset = stickyContainer.offset().top;
-  'stickyoffset', stickyOffset);
-          }
-        }
-      });
-    },
-    breakpoint : function () {
-      return !matchMedia(Foundation.media_queries['topbar']).matches;
-    },
-    small : function () {
-      return matchMedia(Foundation.media_queries['small']).matches;
-    },
-    medium : function () {
-      return matchMedia(Foundation.media_queries['medium']).matches;
-    },
-    large : function () {
-      return matchMedia(Foundation.media_queries['large']).matches;
-    },
-    assemble : function (topbar) {
-      var self = this,
-          settings = + '-init'),
-          section = self.S('section, .top-bar-section', topbar);
-      // Pull element out of the DOM for manipulation
-      section.detach();
-      self.S('.has-dropdown>a', section).each(function () {
-        var $link = self.S(this),
-            $dropdown = $link.siblings('.dropdown'),
-            url = $link.attr('href'),
-            $titleLi;
-        if (!$dropdown.find('.title.back').length) {
-          if (settings.mobile_show_parent_link == true && url) {
-            $titleLi = $('<li class="title back js-generated"><h5><a href="javascript:void(0)"></a></h5></li><li class="parent-link hide-for-large-up"><a class="parent-link js-generated" href="' + url + '">' + $link.html() +'</a></li>');
-          } else {
-            $titleLi = $('<li class="title back js-generated"><h5><a href="javascript:void(0)"></a></h5>');
-          }
-          // Copy link to subnav
-          if (settings.custom_back_text == true) {
-            $('h5>a', $titleLi).html(settings.back_text);
-          } else {
-            $('h5>a', $titleLi).html('&laquo; ' + $link.html());
-          }
-          $dropdown.prepend($titleLi);
-        }
-      });
-      // Put element back in the DOM
-      section.appendTo(topbar);
-      // check for sticky
-      this.sticky();
-      this.assembled(topbar);
-    },
-    assembled : function (topbar) {
-, $.extend({},, {assembled : true}));
-    },
-    height : function (ul) {
-      var total = 0,
-          self = this;
-      $('> li', ul).each(function () {
-        total += self.S(this).outerHeight(true);
-      });
-      return total;
-    },
-    sticky : function () {
-      var self = this;
-      this.S(window).on('scroll', function () {
-        self.update_sticky_positioning();
-      });
-    },
-    update_sticky_positioning : function () {
-      var klass = '.' + this.settings.sticky_class,
-          $window = this.S(window),
-          self = this;
-      if (self.settings.sticky_topbar && self.is_sticky(this.settings.sticky_topbar, this.settings.sticky_topbar.parent(), this.settings)) {
-        var distance ='stickyoffset');
-        if (!self.S(klass).hasClass('expanded')) {
-          if ($window.scrollTop() > (distance)) {
-            if (!self.S(klass).hasClass('fixed')) {
-              self.S(klass).addClass('fixed');
-              self.S('body').addClass('f-topbar-fixed');
-            }
-          } else if ($window.scrollTop() <= distance) {
-            if (self.S(klass).hasClass('fixed')) {
-              self.S(klass).removeClass('fixed');
-              self.S('body').removeClass('f-topbar-fixed');
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    },
-    off : function () {
-      this.S(this.scope).off('.fndtn.topbar');
-      this.S(window).off('.fndtn.topbar');
-    },
-    reflow : function () {}
-  };
-}(jQuery, window, window.document));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/content-OLDSITE/docs/js/foundation/5.5.1/vendor/fastclick.js b/content-OLDSITE/docs/js/foundation/5.5.1/vendor/fastclick.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 11dc5e1..0000000
--- a/content-OLDSITE/docs/js/foundation/5.5.1/vendor/fastclick.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
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-	 * @preserve FastClick: polyfill to remove click delays on browsers with touch UIs.
-	 *
-	 * @codingstandard ftlabs-jsv2
-	 * @copyright The Financial Times Limited [All Rights Reserved]
-	 * @license MIT License (see LICENSE.txt)
-	 */
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\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/content-OLDSITE/docs/js/foundation/5.5.1/vendor/jquery.cookie.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
- * jQuery Cookie Plugin v1.4.1
- *
- *
- * Copyright 2013 Klaus Hartl
- * Released under the MIT license
- */
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\ No newline at end of file