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Posted to by on 2012/07/10 03:31:08 UTC

[13/18] [Defect / Enhancement / New Feature] CS-15281 : Removal of third party dependencies in Citrix code base
diff --git a/tools/migration/paramiko/ b/tools/migration/paramiko/
deleted file mode 100644
index 58e6686..0000000
--- a/tools/migration/paramiko/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,377 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2003-2007  Robey Pointer <>
-# Copyright 2012 Citrix Systems, Inc. Licensed under the
-# Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this
-# file except in compliance with the License.  Citrix Systems, Inc.
-# reserves all rights not expressly granted by the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# Automatically generated by at 04/03/2012
-# 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA.
-Common API for all public keys.
-import base64
-from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
-import os
-from Crypto.Hash import MD5
-from Crypto.Cipher import DES3
-from paramiko.common import *
-from paramiko import util
-from paramiko.message import Message
-from paramiko.ssh_exception import SSHException, PasswordRequiredException
-class PKey (object):
-    """
-    Base class for public keys.
-    """
-    # known encryption types for private key files:
-    _CIPHER_TABLE = {
-        'DES-EDE3-CBC': { 'cipher': DES3, 'keysize': 24, 'blocksize': 8, 'mode': DES3.MODE_CBC }
-    }
-    def __init__(self, msg=None, data=None):
-        """
-        Create a new instance of this public key type.  If C{msg} is given,
-        the key's public part(s) will be filled in from the message.  If
-        C{data} is given, the key's public part(s) will be filled in from
-        the string.
-        @param msg: an optional SSH L{Message} containing a public key of this
-        type.
-        @type msg: L{Message}
-        @param data: an optional string containing a public key of this type
-        @type data: str
-        @raise SSHException: if a key cannot be created from the C{data} or
-        C{msg} given, or no key was passed in.
-        """
-        pass
-    def __str__(self):
-        """
-        Return a string of an SSH L{Message} made up of the public part(s) of
-        this key.  This string is suitable for passing to L{__init__} to
-        re-create the key object later.
-        @return: string representation of an SSH key message.
-        @rtype: str
-        """
-        return ''
-    def __cmp__(self, other):
-        """
-        Compare this key to another.  Returns 0 if this key is equivalent to
-        the given key, or non-0 if they are different.  Only the public parts
-        of the key are compared, so a public key will compare equal to its
-        corresponding private key.
-        @param other: key to compare to.
-        @type other: L{PKey}
-        @return: 0 if the two keys are equivalent, non-0 otherwise.
-        @rtype: int
-        """
-        hs = hash(self)
-        ho = hash(other)
-        if hs != ho:
-            return cmp(hs, ho)
-        return cmp(str(self), str(other))
-    def get_name(self):
-        """
-        Return the name of this private key implementation.
-        @return: name of this private key type, in SSH terminology (for
-        example, C{"ssh-rsa"}).
-        @rtype: str
-        """
-        return ''
-    def get_bits(self):
-        """
-        Return the number of significant bits in this key.  This is useful
-        for judging the relative security of a key.
-        @return: bits in the key.
-        @rtype: int
-        """
-        return 0
-    def can_sign(self):
-        """
-        Return C{True} if this key has the private part necessary for signing
-        data.
-        @return: C{True} if this is a private key.
-        @rtype: bool
-        """
-        return False
-    def get_fingerprint(self):
-        """
-        Return an MD5 fingerprint of the public part of this key.  Nothing
-        secret is revealed.
-        @return: a 16-byte string (binary) of the MD5 fingerprint, in SSH
-            format.
-        @rtype: str
-        """
-        return
-    def get_base64(self):
-        """
-        Return a base64 string containing the public part of this key.  Nothing
-        secret is revealed.  This format is compatible with that used to store
-        public key files or recognized host keys.
-        @return: a base64 string containing the public part of the key.
-        @rtype: str
-        """
-        return base64.encodestring(str(self)).replace('\n', '')
-    def sign_ssh_data(self, randpool, data):
-        """
-        Sign a blob of data with this private key, and return a L{Message}
-        representing an SSH signature message.
-        @param randpool: a secure random number generator.
-        @type randpool: L{Crypto.Util.randpool.RandomPool}
-        @param data: the data to sign.
-        @type data: str
-        @return: an SSH signature message.
-        @rtype: L{Message}
-        """
-        return ''
-    def verify_ssh_sig(self, data, msg):
-        """
-        Given a blob of data, and an SSH message representing a signature of
-        that data, verify that it was signed with this key.
-        @param data: the data that was signed.
-        @type data: str
-        @param msg: an SSH signature message
-        @type msg: L{Message}
-        @return: C{True} if the signature verifies correctly; C{False}
-            otherwise.
-        @rtype: boolean
-        """
-        return False
-    def from_private_key_file(cls, filename, password=None):
-        """
-        Create a key object by reading a private key file.  If the private
-        key is encrypted and C{password} is not C{None}, the given password
-        will be used to decrypt the key (otherwise L{PasswordRequiredException}
-        is thrown).  Through the magic of python, this factory method will
-        exist in all subclasses of PKey (such as L{RSAKey} or L{DSSKey}), but
-        is useless on the abstract PKey class.
-        @param filename: name of the file to read
-        @type filename: str
-        @param password: an optional password to use to decrypt the key file,
-            if it's encrypted
-        @type password: str
-        @return: a new key object based on the given private key
-        @rtype: L{PKey}
-        @raise IOError: if there was an error reading the file
-        @raise PasswordRequiredException: if the private key file is
-            encrypted, and C{password} is C{None}
-        @raise SSHException: if the key file is invalid
-        """
-        key = cls(filename=filename, password=password)
-        return key
-    from_private_key_file = classmethod(from_private_key_file)
-    def from_private_key(cls, file_obj, password=None):
-        """
-        Create a key object by reading a private key from a file (or file-like)
-        object.  If the private key is encrypted and C{password} is not C{None},
-        the given password will be used to decrypt the key (otherwise
-        L{PasswordRequiredException} is thrown).
-        @param file_obj: the file to read from
-        @type file_obj: file
-        @param password: an optional password to use to decrypt the key, if it's
-            encrypted
-        @type password: str
-        @return: a new key object based on the given private key
-        @rtype: L{PKey}
-        @raise IOError: if there was an error reading the key
-        @raise PasswordRequiredException: if the private key file is encrypted,
-            and C{password} is C{None}
-        @raise SSHException: if the key file is invalid
-        """
-        key = cls(file_obj=file_obj, password=password)
-        return key
-    from_private_key = classmethod(from_private_key)
-    def write_private_key_file(self, filename, password=None):
-        """
-        Write private key contents into a file.  If the password is not
-        C{None}, the key is encrypted before writing.
-        @param filename: name of the file to write
-        @type filename: str
-        @param password: an optional password to use to encrypt the key file
-        @type password: str
-        @raise IOError: if there was an error writing the file
-        @raise SSHException: if the key is invalid
-        """
-        raise Exception('Not implemented in PKey')
-    def write_private_key(self, file_obj, password=None):
-        """
-        Write private key contents into a file (or file-like) object.  If the
-        password is not C{None}, the key is encrypted before writing.
-        @param file_obj: the file object to write into
-        @type file_obj: file
-        @param password: an optional password to use to encrypt the key
-        @type password: str
-        @raise IOError: if there was an error writing to the file
-        @raise SSHException: if the key is invalid
-        """
-        raise Exception('Not implemented in PKey')
-    def _read_private_key_file(self, tag, filename, password=None):
-        """
-        Read an SSH2-format private key file, looking for a string of the type
-        C{"BEGIN xxx PRIVATE KEY"} for some C{xxx}, base64-decode the text we
-        find, and return it as a string.  If the private key is encrypted and
-        C{password} is not C{None}, the given password will be used to decrypt
-        the key (otherwise L{PasswordRequiredException} is thrown).
-        @param tag: C{"RSA"} or C{"DSA"}, the tag used to mark the data block.
-        @type tag: str
-        @param filename: name of the file to read.
-        @type filename: str
-        @param password: an optional password to use to decrypt the key file,
-            if it's encrypted.
-        @type password: str
-        @return: data blob that makes up the private key.
-        @rtype: str
-        @raise IOError: if there was an error reading the file.
-        @raise PasswordRequiredException: if the private key file is
-            encrypted, and C{password} is C{None}.
-        @raise SSHException: if the key file is invalid.
-        """
-        f = open(filename, 'r')
-        data = self._read_private_key(tag, f, password)
-        f.close()
-        return data
-    def _read_private_key(self, tag, f, password=None):
-        lines = f.readlines()
-        start = 0
-        while (start < len(lines)) and (lines[start].strip() != '-----BEGIN ' + tag + ' PRIVATE KEY-----'):
-            start += 1
-        if start >= len(lines):
-            raise SSHException('not a valid ' + tag + ' private key file')
-        # parse any headers first
-        headers = {}
-        start += 1
-        while start < len(lines):
-            l = lines[start].split(': ')
-            if len(l) == 1:
-                break
-            headers[l[0].lower()] = l[1].strip()
-            start += 1
-        # find end
-        end = start
-        while (lines[end].strip() != '-----END ' + tag + ' PRIVATE KEY-----') and (end < len(lines)):
-            end += 1
-        # if we trudged to the end of the file, just try to cope.
-        try:
-            data = base64.decodestring(''.join(lines[start:end]))
-        except base64.binascii.Error, e:
-            raise SSHException('base64 decoding error: ' + str(e))
-        if 'proc-type' not in headers:
-            # unencryped: done
-            return data
-        # encrypted keyfile: will need a password
-        if headers['proc-type'] != '4,ENCRYPTED':
-            raise SSHException('Unknown private key structure "%s"' % headers['proc-type'])
-        try:
-            encryption_type, saltstr = headers['dek-info'].split(',')
-        except:
-            raise SSHException('Can\'t parse DEK-info in private key file')
-        if encryption_type not in self._CIPHER_TABLE:
-            raise SSHException('Unknown private key cipher "%s"' % encryption_type)
-        # if no password was passed in, raise an exception pointing out that we need one
-        if password is None:
-            raise PasswordRequiredException('Private key file is encrypted')
-        cipher = self._CIPHER_TABLE[encryption_type]['cipher']
-        keysize = self._CIPHER_TABLE[encryption_type]['keysize']
-        mode = self._CIPHER_TABLE[encryption_type]['mode']
-        salt = unhexlify(saltstr)
-        key = util.generate_key_bytes(MD5, salt, password, keysize)
-        return, mode, salt).decrypt(data)
-    def _write_private_key_file(self, tag, filename, data, password=None):
-        """
-        Write an SSH2-format private key file in a form that can be read by
-        paramiko or openssh.  If no password is given, the key is written in
-        a trivially-encoded format (base64) which is completely insecure.  If
-        a password is given, DES-EDE3-CBC is used.
-        @param tag: C{"RSA"} or C{"DSA"}, the tag used to mark the data block.
-        @type tag: str
-        @param filename: name of the file to write.
-        @type filename: str
-        @param data: data blob that makes up the private key.
-        @type data: str
-        @param password: an optional password to use to encrypt the file.
-        @type password: str
-        @raise IOError: if there was an error writing the file.
-        """
-        f = open(filename, 'w', 0600)
-        # grrr... the mode doesn't always take hold
-        os.chmod(filename, 0600)
-        self._write_private_key(tag, f, data, password)
-        f.close()
-    def _write_private_key(self, tag, f, data, password=None):
-        f.write('-----BEGIN %s PRIVATE KEY-----\n' % tag)
-        if password is not None:
-            # since we only support one cipher here, use it
-            cipher_name = self._CIPHER_TABLE.keys()[0]
-            cipher = self._CIPHER_TABLE[cipher_name]['cipher']
-            keysize = self._CIPHER_TABLE[cipher_name]['keysize']
-            blocksize = self._CIPHER_TABLE[cipher_name]['blocksize']
-            mode = self._CIPHER_TABLE[cipher_name]['mode']
-            salt = randpool.get_bytes(8)
-            key = util.generate_key_bytes(MD5, salt, password, keysize)
-            if len(data) % blocksize != 0:
-                n = blocksize - len(data) % blocksize
-                #data += randpool.get_bytes(n)
-                # that would make more sense ^, but it confuses openssh.
-                data += '\0' * n
-            data =, mode, salt).encrypt(data)
-            f.write('Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED\n')
-            f.write('DEK-Info: %s,%s\n' % (cipher_name, hexlify(salt).upper()))
-            f.write('\n')
-        s = base64.encodestring(data)
-        # re-wrap to 64-char lines
-        s = ''.join(s.split('\n'))
-        s = '\n'.join([s[i : i+64] for i in range(0, len(s), 64)])
-        f.write(s)
-        f.write('\n')
-        f.write('-----END %s PRIVATE KEY-----\n' % tag)
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deleted file mode 100644
index 0c12732..0000000
--- a/tools/migration/paramiko/
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-# Copyright (C) 2003-2007  Robey Pointer <>
-# Copyright 2012 Citrix Systems, Inc. Licensed under the
-# Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this
-# file except in compliance with the License.  Citrix Systems, Inc.
-# reserves all rights not expressly granted by the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# Automatically generated by at 04/03/2012
-# 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA.
-Utility functions for dealing with primes.
-from Crypto.Util import number
-from paramiko import util
-from paramiko.ssh_exception import SSHException
-def _generate_prime(bits, randpool):
-    "primtive attempt at prime generation"
-    hbyte_mask = pow(2, bits % 8) - 1
-    while True:
-        # loop catches the case where we increment n into a higher bit-range
-        x = randpool.get_bytes((bits+7) // 8)
-        if hbyte_mask > 0:
-            x = chr(ord(x[0]) & hbyte_mask) + x[1:]
-        n = util.inflate_long(x, 1)
-        n |= 1
-        n |= (1 << (bits - 1))
-        while not number.isPrime(n):
-            n += 2
-        if util.bit_length(n) == bits:
-            break
-    return n
-def _roll_random(rpool, n):
-    "returns a random # from 0 to N-1"
-    bits = util.bit_length(n-1)
-    bytes = (bits + 7) // 8
-    hbyte_mask = pow(2, bits % 8) - 1
-    # so here's the plan:
-    # we fetch as many random bits as we'd need to fit N-1, and if the
-    # generated number is >= N, we try again.  in the worst case (N-1 is a
-    # power of 2), we have slightly better than 50% odds of getting one that
-    # fits, so i can't guarantee that this loop will ever finish, but the odds
-    # of it looping forever should be infinitesimal.
-    while True:
-        x = rpool.get_bytes(bytes)
-        if hbyte_mask > 0:
-            x = chr(ord(x[0]) & hbyte_mask) + x[1:]
-        num = util.inflate_long(x, 1)
-        if num < n:
-            break
-    return num
-class ModulusPack (object):
-    """
-    convenience object for holding the contents of the /etc/ssh/moduli file,
-    on systems that have such a file.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, rpool):
-        # pack is a hash of: bits -> [ (generator, modulus) ... ]
-        self.pack = {}
-        self.discarded = []
-        self.randpool = rpool
-    def _parse_modulus(self, line):
-        timestamp, mod_type, tests, tries, size, generator, modulus = line.split()
-        mod_type = int(mod_type)
-        tests = int(tests)
-        tries = int(tries)
-        size = int(size)
-        generator = int(generator)
-        modulus = long(modulus, 16)
-        # weed out primes that aren't at least:
-        # type 2 (meets basic structural requirements)
-        # test 4 (more than just a small-prime sieve)
-        # tries < 100 if test & 4 (at least 100 tries of miller-rabin)
-        if (mod_type < 2) or (tests < 4) or ((tests & 4) and (tests < 8) and (tries < 100)):
-            self.discarded.append((modulus, 'does not meet basic requirements'))
-            return
-        if generator == 0:
-            generator = 2
-        # there's a bug in the ssh "moduli" file (yeah, i know: shock! dismay!
-        # call cnn!) where it understates the bit lengths of these primes by 1.
-        # this is okay.
-        bl = util.bit_length(modulus)
-        if (bl != size) and (bl != size + 1):
-            self.discarded.append((modulus, 'incorrectly reported bit length %d' % size))
-            return
-        if bl not in self.pack:
-            self.pack[bl] = []
-        self.pack[bl].append((generator, modulus))
-    def read_file(self, filename):
-        """
-        @raise IOError: passed from any file operations that fail.
-        """
-        self.pack = {}
-        f = open(filename, 'r')
-        for line in f:
-            line = line.strip()
-            if (len(line) == 0) or (line[0] == '#'):
-                continue
-            try:
-                self._parse_modulus(line)
-            except:
-                continue
-        f.close()
-    def get_modulus(self, min, prefer, max):
-        bitsizes = self.pack.keys()
-        bitsizes.sort()
-        if len(bitsizes) == 0:
-            raise SSHException('no moduli available')
-        good = -1
-        # find nearest bitsize >= preferred
-        for b in bitsizes:
-            if (b >= prefer) and (b < max) and ((b < good) or (good == -1)):
-                good = b
-        # if that failed, find greatest bitsize >= min
-        if good == -1:
-            for b in bitsizes:
-                if (b >= min) and (b < max) and (b > good):
-                    good = b
-        if good == -1:
-            # their entire (min, max) range has no intersection with our range.
-            # if their range is below ours, pick the smallest.  otherwise pick
-            # the largest.  it'll be out of their range requirement either way,
-            # but we'll be sending them the closest one we have.
-            good = bitsizes[0]
-            if min > good:
-                good = bitsizes[-1]
-        # now pick a random modulus of this bitsize
-        n = _roll_random(self.randpool, len(self.pack[good]))
-        return self.pack[good][n]
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index e8d35fd..0000000
--- a/tools/migration/paramiko/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2003-2007  Robey Pointer <>
-# Copyright 2012 Citrix Systems, Inc. Licensed under the
-# Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this
-# file except in compliance with the License.  Citrix Systems, Inc.
-# reserves all rights not expressly granted by the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# Automatically generated by at 04/03/2012
-# 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA.
-Resource manager.
-import weakref
-class ResourceManager (object):
-    """
-    A registry of objects and resources that should be closed when those
-    objects are deleted.
-    This is meant to be a safer alternative to python's C{__del__} method,
-    which can cause reference cycles to never be collected.  Objects registered
-    with the ResourceManager can be collected but still free resources when
-    they die.
-    Resources are registered using L{register}, and when an object is garbage
-    collected, each registered resource is closed by having its C{close()}
-    method called.  Multiple resources may be registered per object, but a
-    resource will only be closed once, even if multiple objects register it.
-    (The last object to register it wins.)
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        self._table = {}
-    def register(self, obj, resource):
-        """
-        Register a resource to be closed with an object is collected.
-        When the given C{obj} is garbage-collected by the python interpreter,
-        the C{resource} will be closed by having its C{close()} method called.
-        Any exceptions are ignored.
-        @param obj: the object to track
-        @type obj: object
-        @param resource: the resource to close when the object is collected
-        @type resource: object
-        """
-        def callback(ref):
-            try:
-                resource.close()
-            except:
-                pass
-            del self._table[id(resource)]
-        # keep the weakref in a table so it sticks around long enough to get
-        # its callback called. :)
-        self._table[id(resource)] = weakref.ref(obj, callback)
-# singleton
-ResourceManager = ResourceManager()
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index fdfaa5e..0000000
--- a/tools/migration/paramiko/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2012 Citrix Systems, Inc. Licensed under the
-# Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this
-# file except in compliance with the License.  Citrix Systems, Inc.
-# reserves all rights not expressly granted by the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# Automatically generated by at 04/03/2012
-# -*- coding: ascii -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2008  Dwayne C. Litzenberger <>
-# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-import sys
-import threading
-from Crypto.Util.randpool import RandomPool as _RandomPool
-    import platform
-except ImportError:
-    platform = None     # Not available using Python 2.2
-def _strxor(a, b):
-    assert len(a) == len(b)
-    return "".join(map(lambda x, y: chr(ord(x) ^ ord(y)), a, b))
-## Find a strong random entropy source, depending on the detected platform.
-## WARNING TO DEVELOPERS: This will fail on some systems, but do NOT use
-## Crypto.Util.randpool.RandomPool as a fall-back.  RandomPool will happily run
-## with very little entropy, thus _silently_ defeating any security that
-## Paramiko attempts to provide.  (This is current as of PyCrypto 2.0.1).
-if ((platform is not None and platform.system().lower() == 'windows') or
-        sys.platform == 'win32'):
-    # MS Windows
-    from paramiko import rng_win32
-    rng_device = rng_win32.open_rng_device()
-    # Assume POSIX (any system where /dev/urandom exists)
-    from paramiko import rng_posix
-    rng_device = rng_posix.open_rng_device()
-class StrongLockingRandomPool(object):
-    """Wrapper around RandomPool guaranteeing strong random numbers.
-    Crypto.Util.randpool.RandomPool will silently operate even if it is seeded
-    with little or no entropy, and it provides no prediction resistance if its
-    state is ever compromised throughout its runtime.  It is also not thread-safe.
-    This wrapper augments RandomPool by XORing its output with random bits from
-    the operating system, and by controlling access to the underlying
-    RandomPool using an exclusive lock.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, instance=None):
-        if instance is None:
-            instance = _RandomPool()
-        self.randpool = instance
-        self.randpool_lock = threading.Lock()
-        self.entropy = rng_device
-        # Stir 256 bits of entropy from the RNG device into the RandomPool.
-        self.randpool.stir(
-        self.entropy.randomize()
-    def stir(self, s=''):
-        self.randpool_lock.acquire()
-        try:
-            self.randpool.stir(s)
-        finally:
-            self.randpool_lock.release()
-        self.entropy.randomize()
-    def randomize(self, N=0):
-        self.randpool_lock.acquire()
-        try:
-            self.randpool.randomize(N)
-        finally:
-            self.randpool_lock.release()
-        self.entropy.randomize()
-    def add_event(self, s=''):
-        self.randpool_lock.acquire()
-        try:
-            self.randpool.add_event(s)
-        finally:
-            self.randpool_lock.release()
-    def get_bytes(self, N):
-        self.randpool_lock.acquire()
-        try:
-            randpool_data = self.randpool.get_bytes(N)
-        finally:
-            self.randpool_lock.release()
-        entropy_data =
-        result = _strxor(randpool_data, entropy_data)
-        assert len(randpool_data) == N and len(entropy_data) == N and len(result) == N
-        return result
-# vim:set ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 expandtab:
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index f138950..0000000
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-# Copyright 2012 Citrix Systems, Inc. Licensed under the
-# Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this
-# file except in compliance with the License.  Citrix Systems, Inc.
-# reserves all rights not expressly granted by the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# Automatically generated by at 04/03/2012
-# -*- coding: ascii -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2008  Dwayne C. Litzenberger <>
-# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-import os
-import stat
-class error(Exception):
-    pass
-class _RNG(object):
-    def __init__(self, file):
-        self.file = file
-    def read(self, bytes):
-        return
-    def close(self):
-        return self.file.close()
-    def randomize(self):
-        return
-def open_rng_device(device_path=None):
-    """Open /dev/urandom and perform some sanity checks."""
-    f = None
-    g = None
-    if device_path is None:
-        device_path = "/dev/urandom"
-    try:
-        # Try to open /dev/urandom now so that paramiko will be able to access
-        # it even if os.chroot() is invoked later.
-        try:
-            f = open(device_path, "rb", 0)
-        except EnvironmentError:
-            raise error("Unable to open /dev/urandom")
-        # Open a second file descriptor for sanity checking later.
-        try:
-            g = open(device_path, "rb", 0)
-        except EnvironmentError:
-            raise error("Unable to open /dev/urandom")
-        # Check that /dev/urandom is a character special device, not a regular file.
-        st = os.fstat(f.fileno())   # f
-        if stat.S_ISREG(st.st_mode) or not stat.S_ISCHR(st.st_mode):
-            raise error("/dev/urandom is not a character special device")
-        st = os.fstat(g.fileno())   # g
-        if stat.S_ISREG(st.st_mode) or not stat.S_ISCHR(st.st_mode):
-            raise error("/dev/urandom is not a character special device")
-        # Check that /dev/urandom always returns the number of bytes requested
-        x =
-        y =
-        if len(x) != 20 or len(y) != 20:
-            raise error("Error reading from /dev/urandom: input truncated")
-        # Check that different reads return different data
-        if x == y:
-            raise error("/dev/urandom is broken; returning identical data: %r == %r" % (x, y))
-        # Close the duplicate file object
-        g.close()
-        # Return the first file object
-        return _RNG(f)
-    except error:
-        if f is not None:
-            f.close()
-        if g is not None:
-            g.close()
-        raise
-# vim:set ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 expandtab:
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deleted file mode 100644
index 8065e94..0000000
--- a/tools/migration/paramiko/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2012 Citrix Systems, Inc. Licensed under the
-# Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this
-# file except in compliance with the License.  Citrix Systems, Inc.
-# reserves all rights not expressly granted by the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# Automatically generated by at 04/03/2012
-# -*- coding: ascii -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2008  Dwayne C. Litzenberger <>
-# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-class error(Exception):
-    pass
-# Try to import the "winrandom" module
-    from Crypto.Util import winrandom as _winrandom
-except ImportError:
-    _winrandom = None
-# Try to import the "urandom" module
-    from os import urandom as _urandom
-except ImportError:
-    _urandom = None
-class _RNG(object):
-    def __init__(self, readfunc):
- = readfunc
-    def randomize(self):
-        # According to "Cryptanalysis of the Random Number Generator of the
-        # Windows Operating System", by Leo Dorrendorf and Zvi Gutterman
-        # and Benny Pinkas <>,
-        # CryptGenRandom only updates its internal state using kernel-provided
-        # random data every 128KiB of output.
-*1024)    # discard 128 KiB of output
-def _open_winrandom():
-    if _winrandom is None:
-        raise error("Crypto.Util.winrandom module not found")
-    # Check that we can open the winrandom module
-    try:
-        r0 =
-        r1 =
-    except Exception, exc:
-        raise error(" failed: %s" % str(exc), exc)
-    # Check that we can read from the winrandom module
-    try:
-        x = r0.get_bytes(20)
-        y = r1.get_bytes(20)
-    except Exception, exc:
-        raise error("winrandom get_bytes failed: %s" % str(exc), exc)
-    # Check that the requested number of bytes are returned
-    if len(x) != 20 or len(y) != 20:
-        raise error("Error reading from winrandom: input truncated")
-    # Check that different reads return different data
-    if x == y:
-        raise error("winrandom broken: returning identical data")
-    return _RNG(r0.get_bytes)
-def _open_urandom():
-    if _urandom is None:
-        raise error("os.urandom function not found")
-    # Check that we can read from os.urandom()
-    try:
-        x = _urandom(20)
-        y = _urandom(20)
-    except Exception, exc:
-        raise error("os.urandom failed: %s" % str(exc), exc)
-    # Check that the requested number of bytes are returned
-    if len(x) != 20 or len(y) != 20:
-        raise error("os.urandom failed: input truncated")
-    # Check that different reads return different data
-    if x == y:
-        raise error("os.urandom failed: returning identical data")
-    return _RNG(_urandom)
-def open_rng_device():
-    # Try using the Crypto.Util.winrandom module
-    try:
-        return _open_winrandom()
-    except error:
-        pass
-    # Several versions of PyCrypto do not contain the winrandom module, but
-    # Python >= 2.4 has os.urandom, so try to use that.
-    try:
-        return _open_urandom()
-    except error:
-        pass
-    # SECURITY NOTE: DO NOT USE Crypto.Util.randpool.RandomPool HERE!
-    # If we got to this point, RandomPool will silently run with very little
-    # entropy.  (This is current as of PyCrypto 2.0.1).
-    # See
-    # and
-    raise error("Unable to find a strong random entropy source.  You cannot run this software securely under the current configuration.")
-# vim:set ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 expandtab:
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deleted file mode 100644
index 160ad69..0000000
--- a/tools/migration/paramiko/
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@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2003-2007  Robey Pointer <>
-# Copyright 2012 Citrix Systems, Inc. Licensed under the
-# Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this
-# file except in compliance with the License.  Citrix Systems, Inc.
-# reserves all rights not expressly granted by the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# Automatically generated by at 04/03/2012
-# 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA.
-from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
-from Crypto.Hash import SHA, MD5
-from Crypto.Cipher import DES3
-from paramiko.common import *
-from paramiko import util
-from paramiko.message import Message
-from paramiko.ber import BER, BERException
-from paramiko.pkey import PKey
-from paramiko.ssh_exception import SSHException
-class RSAKey (PKey):
-    """
-    Representation of an RSA key which can be used to sign and verify SSH2
-    data.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, msg=None, data=None, filename=None, password=None, vals=None, file_obj=None):
-        self.n = None
-        self.e = None
-        self.d = None
-        self.p = None
-        self.q = None
-        if file_obj is not None:
-            self._from_private_key(file_obj, password)
-            return
-        if filename is not None:
-            self._from_private_key_file(filename, password)
-            return
-        if (msg is None) and (data is not None):
-            msg = Message(data)
-        if vals is not None:
-            self.e, self.n = vals
-        else:
-            if msg is None:
-                raise SSHException('Key object may not be empty')
-            if msg.get_string() != 'ssh-rsa':
-                raise SSHException('Invalid key')
-            self.e = msg.get_mpint()
-            self.n = msg.get_mpint()
-        self.size = util.bit_length(self.n)
-    def __str__(self):
-        m = Message()
-        m.add_string('ssh-rsa')
-        m.add_mpint(self.e)
-        m.add_mpint(self.n)
-        return str(m)
-    def __hash__(self):
-        h = hash(self.get_name())
-        h = h * 37 + hash(self.e)
-        h = h * 37 + hash(self.n)
-        return hash(h)
-    def get_name(self):
-        return 'ssh-rsa'
-    def get_bits(self):
-        return self.size
-    def can_sign(self):
-        return self.d is not None
-    def sign_ssh_data(self, rpool, data):
-        digest =
-        rsa = RSA.construct((long(self.n), long(self.e), long(self.d)))
-        sig = util.deflate_long(rsa.sign(self._pkcs1imify(digest), '')[0], 0)
-        m = Message()
-        m.add_string('ssh-rsa')
-        m.add_string(sig)
-        return m
-    def verify_ssh_sig(self, data, msg):
-        if msg.get_string() != 'ssh-rsa':
-            return False
-        sig = util.inflate_long(msg.get_string(), True)
-        # verify the signature by SHA'ing the data and encrypting it using the
-        # public key.  some wackiness ensues where we "pkcs1imify" the 20-byte
-        # hash into a string as long as the RSA key.
-        hash_obj = util.inflate_long(self._pkcs1imify(, True)
-        rsa = RSA.construct((long(self.n), long(self.e)))
-        return rsa.verify(hash_obj, (sig,))
-    def _encode_key(self):
-        if (self.p is None) or (self.q is None):
-            raise SSHException('Not enough key info to write private key file')
-        keylist = [ 0, self.n, self.e, self.d, self.p, self.q,
-                    self.d % (self.p - 1), self.d % (self.q - 1),
-                    util.mod_inverse(self.q, self.p) ]
-        try:
-            b = BER()
-            b.encode(keylist)
-        except BERException:
-            raise SSHException('Unable to create ber encoding of key')
-        return str(b)
-    def write_private_key_file(self, filename, password=None):
-        self._write_private_key_file('RSA', filename, self._encode_key(), password)
-    def write_private_key(self, file_obj, password=None):
-        self._write_private_key('RSA', file_obj, self._encode_key(), password)
-    def generate(bits, progress_func=None):
-        """
-        Generate a new private RSA key.  This factory function can be used to
-        generate a new host key or authentication key.
-        @param bits: number of bits the generated key should be.
-        @type bits: int
-        @param progress_func: an optional function to call at key points in
-            key generation (used by C{pyCrypto.PublicKey}).
-        @type progress_func: function
-        @return: new private key
-        @rtype: L{RSAKey}
-        """
-        randpool.stir()
-        rsa = RSA.generate(bits, randpool.get_bytes, progress_func)
-        key = RSAKey(vals=(rsa.e, rsa.n))
-        key.d = rsa.d
-        key.p = rsa.p
-        key.q = rsa.q
-        return key
-    generate = staticmethod(generate)
-    ###  internals...
-    def _pkcs1imify(self, data):
-        """
-        turn a 20-byte SHA1 hash into a blob of data as large as the key's N,
-        using PKCS1's \"emsa-pkcs1-v1_5\" encoding.  totally bizarre.
-        """
-        SHA1_DIGESTINFO = '\x30\x21\x30\x09\x06\x05\x2b\x0e\x03\x02\x1a\x05\x00\x04\x14'
-        size = len(util.deflate_long(self.n, 0))
-        filler = '\xff' * (size - len(SHA1_DIGESTINFO) - len(data) - 3)
-        return '\x00\x01' + filler + '\x00' + SHA1_DIGESTINFO + data
-    def _from_private_key_file(self, filename, password):
-        data = self._read_private_key_file('RSA', filename, password)
-        self._decode_key(data)
-    def _from_private_key(self, file_obj, password):
-        data = self._read_private_key('RSA', file_obj, password)
-        self._decode_key(data)
-    def _decode_key(self, data):
-        # private key file contains:
-        # RSAPrivateKey = { version = 0, n, e, d, p, q, d mod p-1, d mod q-1, q**-1 mod p }
-        try:
-            keylist = BER(data).decode()
-        except BERException:
-            raise SSHException('Unable to parse key file')
-        if (type(keylist) is not list) or (len(keylist) < 4) or (keylist[0] != 0):
-            raise SSHException('Not a valid RSA private key file (bad ber encoding)')
-        self.n = keylist[1]
-        self.e = keylist[2]
-        self.d = keylist[3]
-        # not really needed
-        self.p = keylist[4]
-        self.q = keylist[5]
-        self.size = util.bit_length(self.n)
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deleted file mode 100644
index 67147f6..0000000
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-# Copyright (C) 2003-2007  Robey Pointer <>
-# Copyright 2012 Citrix Systems, Inc. Licensed under the
-# Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this
-# file except in compliance with the License.  Citrix Systems, Inc.
-# reserves all rights not expressly granted by the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# Automatically generated by at 04/03/2012
-# 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA.
-L{ServerInterface} is an interface to override for server support.
-import threading
-from paramiko.common import *
-from paramiko import util
-class InteractiveQuery (object):
-    """
-    A query (set of prompts) for a user during interactive authentication.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, name='', instructions='', *prompts):
-        """
-        Create a new interactive query to send to the client.  The name and
-        instructions are optional, but are generally displayed to the end
-        user.  A list of prompts may be included, or they may be added via
-        the L{add_prompt} method.
-        @param name: name of this query
-        @type name: str
-        @param instructions: user instructions (usually short) about this query
-        @type instructions: str
-        @param prompts: one or more authentication prompts
-        @type prompts: str
-        """
- = name
-        self.instructions = instructions
-        self.prompts = []
-        for x in prompts:
-            if (type(x) is str) or (type(x) is unicode):
-                self.add_prompt(x)
-            else:
-                self.add_prompt(x[0], x[1])
-    def add_prompt(self, prompt, echo=True):
-        """
-        Add a prompt to this query.  The prompt should be a (reasonably short)
-        string.  Multiple prompts can be added to the same query.
-        @param prompt: the user prompt
-        @type prompt: str
-        @param echo: C{True} (default) if the user's response should be echoed;
-            C{False} if not (for a password or similar)
-        @type echo: bool
-        """
-        self.prompts.append((prompt, echo))
-class ServerInterface (object):
-    """
-    This class defines an interface for controlling the behavior of paramiko
-    in server mode.
-    Methods on this class are called from paramiko's primary thread, so you
-    shouldn't do too much work in them.  (Certainly nothing that blocks or
-    sleeps.)
-    """
-    def check_channel_request(self, kind, chanid):
-        """
-        Determine if a channel request of a given type will be granted, and
-        return C{OPEN_SUCCEEDED} or an error code.  This method is
-        called in server mode when the client requests a channel, after
-        authentication is complete.
-        If you allow channel requests (and an ssh server that didn't would be
-        useless), you should also override some of the channel request methods
-        below, which are used to determine which services will be allowed on
-        a given channel:
-            - L{check_channel_pty_request}
-            - L{check_channel_shell_request}
-            - L{check_channel_subsystem_request}
-            - L{check_channel_window_change_request}
-            - L{check_channel_x11_request}
-        The C{chanid} parameter is a small number that uniquely identifies the
-        channel within a L{Transport}.  A L{Channel} object is not created
-        unless this method returns C{OPEN_SUCCEEDED} -- once a
-        L{Channel} object is created, you can call L{Channel.get_id} to
-        retrieve the channel ID.
-        The return value should either be C{OPEN_SUCCEEDED} (or
-        C{0}) to allow the channel request, or one of the following error
-        codes to reject it:
-        The default implementation always returns
-        @param kind: the kind of channel the client would like to open
-            (usually C{"session"}).
-        @type kind: str
-        @param chanid: ID of the channel
-        @type chanid: int
-        @return: a success or failure code (listed above)
-        @rtype: int
-        """
-    def get_allowed_auths(self, username):
-        """
-        Return a list of authentication methods supported by the server.
-        This list is sent to clients attempting to authenticate, to inform them
-        of authentication methods that might be successful.
-        The "list" is actually a string of comma-separated names of types of
-        authentication.  Possible values are C{"password"}, C{"publickey"},
-        and C{"none"}.
-        The default implementation always returns C{"password"}.
-        @param username: the username requesting authentication.
-        @type username: str
-        @return: a comma-separated list of authentication types
-        @rtype: str
-        """
-        return 'password'
-    def check_auth_none(self, username):
-        """
-        Determine if a client may open channels with no (further)
-        authentication.
-        Return L{AUTH_FAILED} if the client must authenticate, or
-        L{AUTH_SUCCESSFUL} if it's okay for the client to not
-        authenticate.
-        The default implementation always returns L{AUTH_FAILED}.
-        @param username: the username of the client.
-        @type username: str
-        @return: L{AUTH_FAILED} if the authentication fails;
-            L{AUTH_SUCCESSFUL} if it succeeds.
-        @rtype: int
-        """
-        return AUTH_FAILED
-    def check_auth_password(self, username, password):
-        """
-        Determine if a given username and password supplied by the client is
-        acceptable for use in authentication.
-        Return L{AUTH_FAILED} if the password is not accepted,
-        L{AUTH_SUCCESSFUL} if the password is accepted and completes
-        the authentication, or L{AUTH_PARTIALLY_SUCCESSFUL} if your
-        authentication is stateful, and this key is accepted for
-        authentication, but more authentication is required.  (In this latter
-        case, L{get_allowed_auths} will be called to report to the client what
-        options it has for continuing the authentication.)
-        The default implementation always returns L{AUTH_FAILED}.
-        @param username: the username of the authenticating client.
-        @type username: str
-        @param password: the password given by the client.
-        @type password: str
-        @return: L{AUTH_FAILED} if the authentication fails;
-            L{AUTH_SUCCESSFUL} if it succeeds;
-            L{AUTH_PARTIALLY_SUCCESSFUL} if the password auth is
-            successful, but authentication must continue.
-        @rtype: int
-        """
-        return AUTH_FAILED
-    def check_auth_publickey(self, username, key):
-        """
-        Determine if a given key supplied by the client is acceptable for use
-        in authentication.  You should override this method in server mode to
-        check the username and key and decide if you would accept a signature
-        made using this key.
-        Return L{AUTH_FAILED} if the key is not accepted,
-        L{AUTH_SUCCESSFUL} if the key is accepted and completes the
-        authentication, or L{AUTH_PARTIALLY_SUCCESSFUL} if your
-        authentication is stateful, and this password is accepted for
-        authentication, but more authentication is required.  (In this latter
-        case, L{get_allowed_auths} will be called to report to the client what
-        options it has for continuing the authentication.)
-        Note that you don't have to actually verify any key signtature here.
-        If you're willing to accept the key, paramiko will do the work of
-        verifying the client's signature.
-        The default implementation always returns L{AUTH_FAILED}.
-        @param username: the username of the authenticating client
-        @type username: str
-        @param key: the key object provided by the client
-        @type key: L{PKey <pkey.PKey>}
-        @return: L{AUTH_FAILED} if the client can't authenticate
-            with this key; L{AUTH_SUCCESSFUL} if it can;
-            L{AUTH_PARTIALLY_SUCCESSFUL} if it can authenticate with
-            this key but must continue with authentication
-        @rtype: int
-        """
-        return AUTH_FAILED
-    def check_auth_interactive(self, username, submethods):
-        """
-        Begin an interactive authentication challenge, if supported.  You
-        should override this method in server mode if you want to support the
-        C{"keyboard-interactive"} auth type, which requires you to send a
-        series of questions for the client to answer.
-        Return L{AUTH_FAILED} if this auth method isn't supported.  Otherwise,
-        you should return an L{InteractiveQuery} object containing the prompts
-        and instructions for the user.  The response will be sent via a call
-        to L{check_auth_interactive_response}.
-        The default implementation always returns L{AUTH_FAILED}.
-        @param username: the username of the authenticating client
-        @type username: str
-        @param submethods: a comma-separated list of methods preferred by the
-            client (usually empty)
-        @type submethods: str
-        @return: L{AUTH_FAILED} if this auth method isn't supported; otherwise
-            an object containing queries for the user
-        @rtype: int or L{InteractiveQuery}
-        """
-        return AUTH_FAILED
-    def check_auth_interactive_response(self, responses):
-        """
-        Continue or finish an interactive authentication challenge, if
-        supported.  You should override this method in server mode if you want
-        to support the C{"keyboard-interactive"} auth type.
-        Return L{AUTH_FAILED} if the responses are not accepted,
-        L{AUTH_SUCCESSFUL} if the responses are accepted and complete
-        the authentication, or L{AUTH_PARTIALLY_SUCCESSFUL} if your
-        authentication is stateful, and this set of responses is accepted for
-        authentication, but more authentication is required.  (In this latter
-        case, L{get_allowed_auths} will be called to report to the client what
-        options it has for continuing the authentication.)
-        If you wish to continue interactive authentication with more questions,
-        you may return an L{InteractiveQuery} object, which should cause the
-        client to respond with more answers, calling this method again.  This
-        cycle can continue indefinitely.
-        The default implementation always returns L{AUTH_FAILED}.
-        @param responses: list of responses from the client
-        @type responses: list(str)
-        @return: L{AUTH_FAILED} if the authentication fails;
-            L{AUTH_SUCCESSFUL} if it succeeds;
-            L{AUTH_PARTIALLY_SUCCESSFUL} if the interactive auth is
-            successful, but authentication must continue; otherwise an object
-            containing queries for the user
-        @rtype: int or L{InteractiveQuery}
-        """
-        return AUTH_FAILED
-    def check_port_forward_request(self, address, port):
-        """
-        Handle a request for port forwarding.  The client is asking that
-        connections to the given address and port be forwarded back across
-        this ssh connection.  An address of C{""} indicates a global
-        address (any address associated with this server) and a port of C{0}
-        indicates that no specific port is requested (usually the OS will pick
-        a port).
-        The default implementation always returns C{False}, rejecting the
-        port forwarding request.  If the request is accepted, you should return
-        the port opened for listening.
-        @param address: the requested address
-        @type address: str
-        @param port: the requested port
-        @type port: int
-        @return: the port number that was opened for listening, or C{False} to
-            reject
-        @rtype: int
-        """
-        return False
-    def cancel_port_forward_request(self, address, port):
-        """
-        The client would like to cancel a previous port-forwarding request.
-        If the given address and port is being forwarded across this ssh
-        connection, the port should be closed.
-        @param address: the forwarded address
-        @type address: str
-        @param port: the forwarded port
-        @type port: int
-        """
-        pass
-    def check_global_request(self, kind, msg):
-        """
-        Handle a global request of the given C{kind}.  This method is called
-        in server mode and client mode, whenever the remote host makes a global
-        request.  If there are any arguments to the request, they will be in
-        C{msg}.
-        There aren't any useful global requests defined, aside from port
-        forwarding, so usually this type of request is an extension to the
-        protocol.
-        If the request was successful and you would like to return contextual
-        data to the remote host, return a tuple.  Items in the tuple will be
-        sent back with the successful result.  (Note that the items in the
-        tuple can only be strings, ints, longs, or bools.)
-        The default implementation always returns C{False}, indicating that it
-        does not support any global requests.
-        @note: Port forwarding requests are handled separately, in
-            L{check_port_forward_request}.
-        @param kind: the kind of global request being made.
-        @type kind: str
-        @param msg: any extra arguments to the request.
-        @type msg: L{Message}
-        @return: C{True} or a tuple of data if the request was granted;
-            C{False} otherwise.
-        @rtype: bool
-        """
-        return False
-    ###  Channel requests
-    def check_channel_pty_request(self, channel, term, width, height, pixelwidth, pixelheight,
-                                  modes):
-        """
-        Determine if a pseudo-terminal of the given dimensions (usually
-        requested for shell access) can be provided on the given channel.
-        The default implementation always returns C{False}.
-        @param channel: the L{Channel} the pty request arrived on.
-        @type channel: L{Channel}
-        @param term: type of terminal requested (for example, C{"vt100"}).
-        @type term: str
-        @param width: width of screen in characters.
-        @type width: int
-        @param height: height of screen in characters.
-        @type height: int
-        @param pixelwidth: width of screen in pixels, if known (may be C{0} if
-            unknown).
-        @type pixelwidth: int
-        @param pixelheight: height of screen in pixels, if known (may be C{0}
-            if unknown).
-        @type pixelheight: int
-        @return: C{True} if the psuedo-terminal has been allocated; C{False}
-            otherwise.
-        @rtype: bool
-        """
-        return False
-    def check_channel_shell_request(self, channel):
-        """
-        Determine if a shell will be provided to the client on the given
-        channel.  If this method returns C{True}, the channel should be
-        connected to the stdin/stdout of a shell (or something that acts like
-        a shell).
-        The default implementation always returns C{False}.
-        @param channel: the L{Channel} the request arrived on.
-        @type channel: L{Channel}
-        @return: C{True} if this channel is now hooked up to a shell; C{False}
-            if a shell can't or won't be provided.
-        @rtype: bool
-        """
-        return False
-    def check_channel_exec_request(self, channel, command):
-        """
-        Determine if a shell command will be executed for the client.  If this
-        method returns C{True}, the channel should be connected to the stdin,
-        stdout, and stderr of the shell command.
-        The default implementation always returns C{False}.
-        @param channel: the L{Channel} the request arrived on.
-        @type channel: L{Channel}
-        @param command: the command to execute.
-        @type command: str
-        @return: C{True} if this channel is now hooked up to the stdin,
-            stdout, and stderr of the executing command; C{False} if the
-            command will not be executed.
-        @rtype: bool
-        @since: 1.1
-        """
-        return False
-    def check_channel_subsystem_request(self, channel, name):
-        """
-        Determine if a requested subsystem will be provided to the client on
-        the given channel.  If this method returns C{True}, all future I/O
-        through this channel will be assumed to be connected to the requested
-        subsystem.  An example of a subsystem is C{sftp}.
-        The default implementation checks for a subsystem handler assigned via
-        L{Transport.set_subsystem_handler}.
-        If one has been set, the handler is invoked and this method returns
-        C{True}.  Otherwise it returns C{False}.
-        @note: Because the default implementation uses the L{Transport} to
-            identify valid subsystems, you probably won't need to override this
-            method.
-        @param channel: the L{Channel} the pty request arrived on.
-        @type channel: L{Channel}
-        @param name: name of the requested subsystem.
-        @type name: str
-        @return: C{True} if this channel is now hooked up to the requested
-            subsystem; C{False} if that subsystem can't or won't be provided.
-        @rtype: bool
-        """
-        handler_class, larg, kwarg = channel.get_transport()._get_subsystem_handler(name)
-        if handler_class is None:
-            return False
-        handler = handler_class(channel, name, self, *larg, **kwarg)
-        handler.start()
-        return True
-    def check_channel_window_change_request(self, channel, width, height, pixelwidth, pixelheight):
-        """
-        Determine if the pseudo-terminal on the given channel can be resized.
-        This only makes sense if a pty was previously allocated on it.
-        The default implementation always returns C{False}.
-        @param channel: the L{Channel} the pty request arrived on.
-        @type channel: L{Channel}
-        @param width: width of screen in characters.
-        @type width: int
-        @param height: height of screen in characters.
-        @type height: int
-        @param pixelwidth: width of screen in pixels, if known (may be C{0} if
-            unknown).
-        @type pixelwidth: int
-        @param pixelheight: height of screen in pixels, if known (may be C{0}
-            if unknown).
-        @type pixelheight: int
-        @return: C{True} if the terminal was resized; C{False} if not.
-        @rtype: bool
-        """
-        return False
-    def check_channel_x11_request(self, channel, single_connection, auth_protocol, auth_cookie, screen_number):
-        """
-        Determine if the client will be provided with an X11 session.  If this
-        method returns C{True}, X11 applications should be routed through new
-        SSH channels, using L{Transport.open_x11_channel}.
-        The default implementation always returns C{False}.
-        @param channel: the L{Channel} the X11 request arrived on
-        @type channel: L{Channel}
-        @param single_connection: C{True} if only a single X11 channel should
-            be opened
-        @type single_connection: bool
-        @param auth_protocol: the protocol used for X11 authentication
-        @type auth_protocol: str
-        @param auth_cookie: the cookie used to authenticate to X11
-        @type auth_cookie: str
-        @param screen_number: the number of the X11 screen to connect to
-        @type screen_number: int
-        @return: C{True} if the X11 session was opened; C{False} if not
-        @rtype: bool
-        """
-        return False
-    def check_channel_direct_tcpip_request(self, chanid, origin, destination):
-        """
-        Determine if a local port forwarding channel will be granted, and
-        return C{OPEN_SUCCEEDED} or an error code.  This method is
-        called in server mode when the client requests a channel, after
-        authentication is complete.
-        The C{chanid} parameter is a small number that uniquely identifies the
-        channel within a L{Transport}.  A L{Channel} object is not created
-        unless this method returns C{OPEN_SUCCEEDED} -- once a
-        L{Channel} object is created, you can call L{Channel.get_id} to
-        retrieve the channel ID.
-        The origin and destination parameters are (ip_address, port) tuples
-        that correspond to both ends of the TCP connection in the forwarding
-        tunnel.
-        The return value should either be C{OPEN_SUCCEEDED} (or
-        C{0}) to allow the channel request, or one of the following error
-        codes to reject it:
-        The default implementation always returns
-        @param chanid: ID of the channel
-        @type chanid: int
-        @param origin: 2-tuple containing the IP address and port of the
-            originator (client side)
-        @type origin: tuple
-        @param destination: 2-tuple containing the IP address and port of the
-            destination (server side)
-        @type destination: tuple
-        @return: a success or failure code (listed above)
-        @rtype: int
-        """
-class SubsystemHandler (threading.Thread):
-    """
-    Handler for a subsytem in server mode.  If you create a subclass of this
-    class and pass it to
-    L{Transport.set_subsystem_handler},
-    an object of this
-    class will be created for each request for this subsystem.  Each new object
-    will be executed within its own new thread by calling L{start_subsystem}.
-    When that method completes, the channel is closed.
-    For example, if you made a subclass C{MP3Handler} and registered it as the
-    handler for subsystem C{"mp3"}, then whenever a client has successfully
-    authenticated and requests subsytem C{"mp3"}, an object of class
-    C{MP3Handler} will be created, and L{start_subsystem} will be called on
-    it from a new thread.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, channel, name, server):
-        """
-        Create a new handler for a channel.  This is used by L{ServerInterface}
-        to start up a new handler when a channel requests this subsystem.  You
-        don't need to override this method, but if you do, be sure to pass the
-        C{channel} and C{name} parameters through to the original C{__init__}
-        method here.
-        @param channel: the channel associated with this subsystem request.
-        @type channel: L{Channel}
-        @param name: name of the requested subsystem.
-        @type name: str
-        @param server: the server object for the session that started this
-            subsystem
-        @type server: L{ServerInterface}
-        """
-        threading.Thread.__init__(self, target=self._run)
-        self.__channel = channel
-        self.__transport = channel.get_transport()
-        self.__name = name
-        self.__server = server
-    def get_server(self):
-        """
-        Return the L{ServerInterface} object associated with this channel and
-        subsystem.
-        @rtype: L{ServerInterface}
-        """
-        return self.__server
-    def _run(self):
-        try:
-            self.__transport._log(DEBUG, 'Starting handler for subsystem %s' % self.__name)
-            self.start_subsystem(self.__name, self.__transport, self.__channel)
-        except Exception, e:
-            self.__transport._log(ERROR, 'Exception in subsystem handler for "%s": %s' %
-                                  (self.__name, str(e)))
-            self.__transport._log(ERROR, util.tb_strings())
-        try:
-            self.finish_subsystem()
-        except:
-            pass
-    def start_subsystem(self, name, transport, channel):
-        """
-        Process an ssh subsystem in server mode.  This method is called on a
-        new object (and in a new thread) for each subsystem request.  It is
-        assumed that all subsystem logic will take place here, and when the
-        subsystem is finished, this method will return.  After this method
-        returns, the channel is closed.
-        The combination of C{transport} and C{channel} are unique; this handler
-        corresponds to exactly one L{Channel} on one L{Transport}.
-        @note: It is the responsibility of this method to exit if the
-            underlying L{Transport} is closed.  This can be done by checking
-            L{Transport.is_active} or noticing an EOF
-            on the L{Channel}.  If this method loops forever without checking
-            for this case, your python interpreter may refuse to exit because
-            this thread will still be running.
-        @param name: name of the requested subsystem.
-        @type name: str
-        @param transport: the server-mode L{Transport}.
-        @type transport: L{Transport}
-        @param channel: the channel associated with this subsystem request.
-        @type channel: L{Channel}
-        """
-        pass
-    def finish_subsystem(self):
-        """
-        Perform any cleanup at the end of a subsystem.  The default
-        implementation just closes the channel.
-        @since: 1.1
-        """
-        self.__channel.close()
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deleted file mode 100644
index 0ed6796..0000000
--- a/tools/migration/paramiko/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2003-2007  Robey Pointer <>
-# Copyright 2012 Citrix Systems, Inc. Licensed under the
-# Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this
-# file except in compliance with the License.  Citrix Systems, Inc.
-# reserves all rights not expressly granted by the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# Automatically generated by at 04/03/2012
-# 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA.
-import select
-import socket
-import struct
-from paramiko.common import *
-from paramiko import util
-from import Channel
-from paramiko.message import Message
-           = range(1, 21)
-SFTP_OK = 0
-SFTP_DESC = [ 'Success',
-              'End of file',
-              'No such file',
-              'Permission denied',
-              'Failure',
-              'Bad message',
-              'No connection',
-              'Connection lost',
-              'Operation unsupported' ]
-# for debugging
-    CMD_INIT: 'init',
-    CMD_VERSION: 'version',
-    CMD_OPEN: 'open',
-    CMD_CLOSE: 'close',
-    CMD_READ: 'read',
-    CMD_WRITE: 'write',
-    CMD_LSTAT: 'lstat',
-    CMD_FSTAT: 'fstat',
-    CMD_SETSTAT: 'setstat',
-    CMD_FSETSTAT: 'fsetstat',
-    CMD_OPENDIR: 'opendir',
-    CMD_READDIR: 'readdir',
-    CMD_REMOVE: 'remove',
-    CMD_MKDIR: 'mkdir',
-    CMD_RMDIR: 'rmdir',
-    CMD_REALPATH: 'realpath',
-    CMD_STAT: 'stat',
-    CMD_RENAME: 'rename',
-    CMD_READLINK: 'readlink',
-    CMD_SYMLINK: 'symlink',
-    CMD_STATUS: 'status',
-    CMD_HANDLE: 'handle',
-    CMD_DATA: 'data',
-    CMD_NAME: 'name',
-    CMD_ATTRS: 'attrs',
-    CMD_EXTENDED: 'extended',
-    CMD_EXTENDED_REPLY: 'extended_reply'
-    }
-class SFTPError (Exception):
-    pass
-class BaseSFTP (object):
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.logger = util.get_logger('paramiko.sftp')
-        self.sock = None
-        self.ultra_debug = False
-    ###  internals...
-    def _send_version(self):
-        self._send_packet(CMD_INIT, struct.pack('>I', _VERSION))
-        t, data = self._read_packet()
-        if t != CMD_VERSION:
-            raise SFTPError('Incompatible sftp protocol')
-        version = struct.unpack('>I', data[:4])[0]
-        #        if version != _VERSION:
-        #            raise SFTPError('Incompatible sftp protocol')
-        return version
-    def _send_server_version(self):
-        # winscp will freak out if the server sends version info before the
-        # client finishes sending INIT.
-        t, data = self._read_packet()
-        if t != CMD_INIT:
-            raise SFTPError('Incompatible sftp protocol')
-        version = struct.unpack('>I', data[:4])[0]
-        # advertise that we support "check-file"
-        extension_pairs = [ 'check-file', 'md5,sha1' ]
-        msg = Message()
-        msg.add_int(_VERSION)
-        msg.add(*extension_pairs)
-        self._send_packet(CMD_VERSION, str(msg))
-        return version
-    def _log(self, level, msg, *args):
-        self.logger.log(level, msg, *args)
-    def _write_all(self, out):
-        while len(out) > 0:
-            n = self.sock.send(out)
-            if n <= 0:
-                raise EOFError()
-            if n == len(out):
-                return
-            out = out[n:]
-        return
-    def _read_all(self, n):
-        out = ''
-        while n > 0:
-            if isinstance(self.sock, socket.socket):
-                # sometimes sftp is used directly over a socket instead of
-                # through a paramiko channel.  in this case, check periodically
-                # if the socket is closed.  (for some reason, recv() won't ever
-                # return or raise an exception, but calling select on a closed
-                # socket will.)
-                while True:
-                    read, write, err =[ self.sock ], [], [], 0.1)
-                    if len(read) > 0:
-                        x = self.sock.recv(n)
-                        break
-            else:
-                x = self.sock.recv(n)
-            if len(x) == 0:
-                raise EOFError()
-            out += x
-            n -= len(x)
-        return out
-    def _send_packet(self, t, packet):
-        #self._log(DEBUG2, 'write: %s (len=%d)' % (CMD_NAMES.get(t, '0x%02x' % t), len(packet)))
-        out = struct.pack('>I', len(packet) + 1) + chr(t) + packet
-        if self.ultra_debug:
-            self._log(DEBUG, util.format_binary(out, 'OUT: '))
-        self._write_all(out)
-    def _read_packet(self):
-        x = self._read_all(4)
-        # most sftp servers won't accept packets larger than about 32k, so
-        # anything with the high byte set (> 16MB) is just garbage.
-        if x[0] != '\x00':
-            raise SFTPError('Garbage packet received')
-        size = struct.unpack('>I', x)[0]
-        data = self._read_all(size)
-        if self.ultra_debug:
-            self._log(DEBUG, util.format_binary(data, 'IN: '));
-        if size > 0:
-            t = ord(data[0])
-            #self._log(DEBUG2, 'read: %s (len=%d)' % (CMD_NAMES.get(t), '0x%02x' % t, len(data)-1))
-            return t, data[1:]
-        return 0, ''
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deleted file mode 100644
index 731386f..0000000
--- a/tools/migration/paramiko/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Robey Pointer <>
-# Copyright 2012 Citrix Systems, Inc. Licensed under the
-# Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this
-# file except in compliance with the License.  Citrix Systems, Inc.
-# reserves all rights not expressly granted by the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# Automatically generated by at 04/03/2012
-# 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA.
-import stat
-import time
-from paramiko.common import *
-from paramiko.sftp import *
-class SFTPAttributes (object):
-    """
-    Representation of the attributes of a file (or proxied file) for SFTP in
-    client or server mode.  It attemps to mirror the object returned by
-    C{os.stat} as closely as possible, so it may have the following fields,
-    with the same meanings as those returned by an C{os.stat} object:
-        - st_size
-        - st_uid
-        - st_gid
-        - st_mode
-        - st_atime
-        - st_mtime
-    Because SFTP allows flags to have other arbitrary named attributes, these
-    are stored in a dict named C{attr}.  Occasionally, the filename is also
-    stored, in C{filename}.
-    """
-    FLAG_SIZE = 1
-    FLAG_UIDGID = 2
-    FLAG_AMTIME = 8
-    FLAG_EXTENDED = 0x80000000L
-    def __init__(self):
-        """
-        Create a new (empty) SFTPAttributes object.  All fields will be empty.
-        """
-        self._flags = 0
-        self.st_size = None
-        self.st_uid = None
-        self.st_gid = None
-        self.st_mode = None
-        self.st_atime = None
-        self.st_mtime = None
-        self.attr = {}
-    def from_stat(cls, obj, filename=None):
-        """
-        Create an SFTPAttributes object from an existing C{stat} object (an
-        object returned by C{os.stat}).
-        @param obj: an object returned by C{os.stat} (or equivalent).
-        @type obj: object
-        @param filename: the filename associated with this file.
-        @type filename: str
-        @return: new L{SFTPAttributes} object with the same attribute fields.
-        @rtype: L{SFTPAttributes}
-        """
-        attr = cls()
-        attr.st_size = obj.st_size
-        attr.st_uid = obj.st_uid
-        attr.st_gid = obj.st_gid
-        attr.st_mode = obj.st_mode
-        attr.st_atime = obj.st_atime
-        attr.st_mtime = obj.st_mtime
-        if filename is not None:
-            attr.filename = filename
-        return attr
-    from_stat = classmethod(from_stat)
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return '<SFTPAttributes: %s>' % self._debug_str()
-    ###  internals...
-    def _from_msg(cls, msg, filename=None, longname=None):
-        attr = cls()
-        attr._unpack(msg)
-        if filename is not None:
-            attr.filename = filename
-        if longname is not None:
-            attr.longname = longname
-        return attr
-    _from_msg = classmethod(_from_msg)
-    def _unpack(self, msg):
-        self._flags = msg.get_int()
-        if self._flags & self.FLAG_SIZE:
-            self.st_size = msg.get_int64()
-        if self._flags & self.FLAG_UIDGID:
-            self.st_uid = msg.get_int()
-            self.st_gid = msg.get_int()
-        if self._flags & self.FLAG_PERMISSIONS:
-            self.st_mode = msg.get_int()
-        if self._flags & self.FLAG_AMTIME:
-            self.st_atime = msg.get_int()
-            self.st_mtime = msg.get_int()
-        if self._flags & self.FLAG_EXTENDED:
-            count = msg.get_int()
-            for i in range(count):
-                self.attr[msg.get_string()] = msg.get_string()
-    def _pack(self, msg):
-        self._flags = 0
-        if self.st_size is not None:
-            self._flags |= self.FLAG_SIZE
-        if (self.st_uid is not None) and (self.st_gid is not None):
-            self._flags |= self.FLAG_UIDGID
-        if self.st_mode is not None:
-            self._flags |= self.FLAG_PERMISSIONS
-        if (self.st_atime is not None) and (self.st_mtime is not None):
-            self._flags |= self.FLAG_AMTIME
-        if len(self.attr) > 0:
-            self._flags |= self.FLAG_EXTENDED
-        msg.add_int(self._flags)
-        if self._flags & self.FLAG_SIZE:
-            msg.add_int64(self.st_size)
-        if self._flags & self.FLAG_UIDGID:
-            msg.add_int(self.st_uid)
-            msg.add_int(self.st_gid)
-        if self._flags & self.FLAG_PERMISSIONS:
-            msg.add_int(self.st_mode)
-        if self._flags & self.FLAG_AMTIME:
-            # throw away any fractional seconds
-            msg.add_int(long(self.st_atime))
-            msg.add_int(long(self.st_mtime))
-        if self._flags & self.FLAG_EXTENDED:
-            msg.add_int(len(self.attr))
-            for key, val in self.attr.iteritems():
-                msg.add_string(key)
-                msg.add_string(val)
-        return
-    def _debug_str(self):
-        out = '[ '
-        if self.st_size is not None:
-            out += 'size=%d ' % self.st_size
-        if (self.st_uid is not None) and (self.st_gid is not None):
-            out += 'uid=%d gid=%d ' % (self.st_uid, self.st_gid)
-        if self.st_mode is not None:
-            out += 'mode=' + oct(self.st_mode) + ' '
-        if (self.st_atime is not None) and (self.st_mtime is not None):
-            out += 'atime=%d mtime=%d ' % (self.st_atime, self.st_mtime)
-        for k, v in self.attr.iteritems():
-            out += '"%s"=%r ' % (str(k), v)
-        out += ']'
-        return out
-    def _rwx(n, suid, sticky=False):
-        if suid:
-            suid = 2
-        out = '-r'[n >> 2] + '-w'[(n >> 1) & 1]
-        if sticky:
-            out += '-xTt'[suid + (n & 1)]
-        else:
-            out += '-xSs'[suid + (n & 1)]
-        return out
-    _rwx = staticmethod(_rwx)
-    def __str__(self):
-        "create a unix-style long description of the file (like ls -l)"
-        if self.st_mode is not None:
-            kind = stat.S_IFMT(self.st_mode)
-            if kind == stat.S_IFIFO:
-                ks = 'p'
-            elif kind == stat.S_IFCHR:
-                ks = 'c'
-            elif kind == stat.S_IFDIR:
-                ks = 'd'
-            elif kind == stat.S_IFBLK:
-                ks = 'b'
-            elif kind == stat.S_IFREG:
-                ks = '-'
-            elif kind == stat.S_IFLNK:
-                ks = 'l'
-            elif kind == stat.S_IFSOCK:
-                ks = 's'
-            else:
-                ks = '?'
-            ks += self._rwx((self.st_mode & 0700) >> 6, self.st_mode & stat.S_ISUID)
-            ks += self._rwx((self.st_mode & 070) >> 3, self.st_mode & stat.S_ISGID)
-            ks += self._rwx(self.st_mode & 7, self.st_mode & stat.S_ISVTX, True)
-        else:
-            ks = '?---------'
-        # compute display date
-        if (self.st_mtime is None) or (self.st_mtime == 0xffffffff):
-            # shouldn't really happen
-            datestr = '(unknown date)'
-        else:
-            if abs(time.time() - self.st_mtime) > 15552000:
-                # (15552000 = 6 months)
-                datestr = time.strftime('%d %b %Y', time.localtime(self.st_mtime))
-            else:
-                datestr = time.strftime('%d %b %H:%M', time.localtime(self.st_mtime))
-        filename = getattr(self, 'filename', '?')
-        # not all servers support uid/gid
-        uid = self.st_uid
-        gid = self.st_gid
-        if uid is None:
-            uid = 0
-        if gid is None:
-            gid = 0
-        return '%s   1 %-8d %-8d %8d %-12s %s' % (ks, uid, gid, self.st_size, datestr, filename)