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Posted to by on 2004/02/11 12:12:38 UTC

cvs commit: xml-forrest/scratchpad/forrestdoc/src/ant/org/apache/forrest/tools/taskdefs

nicolaken    2004/02/11 03:12:38

  Modified:    scratchpad/forrestdoc build.xml
  Added:       scratchpad/forrestdoc/src ant.xml java.xml js.xml
               scratchpad/forrestdoc core.xml
                        dir2projects-summary.xsl dir2projects.xsl
                        index.html styles.css
  Removed:     scratchpad/forrestdoc ws.xml
  Refactor the build so that each element has it's buildfile and
  so that I can generate the project or workspace builds more easily.
  Finished the first version of the workspace build :-)
  If forrest is ina Gump workspace, run
    build ws
  to have generate in the build dir of the workspace forrestdocs for all projects.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  xml-forrest/scratchpad/forrestdoc/src/ant.xml
  Index: ant.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" ?>
   name="forrestdoc-ant" default="dist" basedir=".">
     <condition property="">
        <available file="${project.dir}/build.xml"/>
     <echo>ant buildfine available: ${}</echo>
     <property name="target.vizant.dir"  location="${}/vizant" />
     <target name="vizant" depends="runvizant, antxml2formats" if=""/>
     <target name="runvizant" if="">
        <mkdir dir="${target.vizant.dir}" />
        <taskdef name="vizant" classname="org.apache.forrest.forrestdoc.ant.doc.Vizant">
           <classpath refid="task.classpath"/>
        <vizant antfile="${project.dir}/build.xml" 
           <attrstmt type="graph"> 
             <attr name="ranksep" value="1.0"/>
             <attr name="nodesep" value="0.5"/>
          <attrstmt type="node">
            <attr name="URL" value="javascript:alert('\N');"/>
            <attr name="color" value="grey90"/>
            <attr name="style" value="filled"/>
          <attrstmt type="edge">
            <attr name="color" value="grey70"/>
          <attrstmt type="edge.antcall">
            <attr name="label" value="antcall"/>
            <attr name="fontcolor" value="gray70"/>
            <attr name="fontsize" value="9"/>
          <attrstmt type="node.default">
            <attr name="color" value="pink"/>
            <attrstmt type="graph">
              <attr name="style" value="filled"/>
              <attr name="color" value="grey95"/>
     <target name="antxml2formats" if="">
        <xslt in="${target.vizant.dir}/buildgraph.xml" out="${target.vizant.dir}/" style="${resources.dir}/vizant/xml2dot.xsl" />
        <antcall target="dot">
          <param name="dot.source" value="${target.vizant.dir}/"/>
          <param name="dot.dest" value="${target.vizant.dir}/vizant"/>
         <antcall target="dot">
          <param name="dot.format" value="svg"/>
          <param name="dot.source" value="${target.vizant.dir}/"/>
          <param name="dot.dest" value="${target.vizant.dir}/vizant"/>
        <xslt in="${target.vizant.dir}/buildgraph.xml" out="${target.vizant.dir}/target.html" style="${resources.dir}/vizant/xml2html.xsl" />
        <xslt in="${target.vizant.dir}/buildgraph.xml" out="${target.vizant.dir}/buildtg.xml" style="${resources.dir}/vizant/xml2tg.xsl" />    
        <copy file="${target.vizant.dir}/buildtg.xml" tofile="${target.vizant.dir}/InitialXML._xml"/>  
        <copy todir="${target.vizant.dir}">
          <fileset dir="${resources.dir}/touchgraph" casesensitive="yes"/>
        <copy todir="${target.vizant.dir}">
          <fileset dir="${resources.dir}/vizant" casesensitive="yes"/>
     <target name="tg" if="">
      <java classname="com.touchgraph.linkbrowser.TGLinkBrowser" fork="yes">
       <arg value="${target.vizant.dir}/buildtg.xml"/>
            <fileset dir="${target.vizant.dir}" casesensitive="yes">
               <include name="**/*.jar"/>
               <include name="**/*.zip"/>
  1.1                  xml-forrest/scratchpad/forrestdoc/src/java.xml
  Index: java.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" ?>
  <!-- made to be imported in teh main forrestdoc build driver -->
  <project  name="forrestdoc-java">
     <property name="target.javasrc.dir" location="${}/javasrc" />
     <property name="target.javadoc.dir" location="${}/javadoc" />
     <property name="target.xml.dir"     location="${}/xml" />
     <property name=""     location="${}/dot" />
     <property name="target.uml.dir"     location="${}/uml" />
     <presetdef name="fjavadoc">
         <fileset dir="${project.dir}" defaultexcludes="yes">
          <include name="**/*.java" />
     <target name="javasrc">
        <mkdir dir="${target.javasrc.dir}" />
        <java classname=""
           <sysproperty key="recurse" value="true" />
           <sysproperty  key="title" value="Java Code Documentation" />
           <sysproperty key="outdir" path="${target.javasrc.dir}" />
           <arg value="${project.dir}" />
           <classpath refid="task.classpath"/>
        <java classname=""
           <sysproperty key="recurse" value="true" />
           <sysproperty key="title" value="Java Code Documentation" />
           <sysproperty key="outdir" path="${target.javasrc.dir}" />
           <arg value="${project.dir}" />
           <classpath refid="task.classpath"/>
        <copy file="${resources.dir}/javasrc/styles.css"
              filtering="off" />
     <target name="javasrc2">
        <mkdir dir="${target.javasrc.dir}" />
        <taskdef name="javasrc" classname="">
          <classpath refid="task.classpath"/>
        <javasrc srcDir="${project.dir}" destDir="${target.javasrc.dir}" />
     <target name="uml" depends="xml, xml2dot, dot">
         <antcall target="dot">
          <param name="dot.format" value="svg"/>
     <target name="umlgraph" depends="umldoclet, dot"/>
     <target name="umldoclet">
           <doclet name=""
                <!--  <param name="-horizontal" value="true"/> -->
                <!--   <param name="-attributes" value="true"/> -->
                <!--  <param name="-operations" value="true"/> -->
                <!--   <param name="-visibility" value="true"/>  -->                          
                <!--  <param name="-types" value="true"/> -->       
                 <param name="-all" value="true"/>                     
     <target name="javadoc">
        <mkdir dir="${target.javadoc.dir}" />
          <fjavadoc destDir="${target.javadoc.dir}"
                    author = "true"
  <!--    <doctitle><![CDATA[<h1>Test</h1>]]></doctitle>
      <bottom><![CDATA[<i>Copyright &#169; 2000 Dummy Corp. All Rights Reserved.</i>]]></bottom>
      <tag name="todo" scope="all" description="To do:" />
      <link href=""/>
     <target name="xml">
        <mkdir dir="${target.xml.dir}" />
           <doclet name=""
         <!--   <param name="-foo" value="foovalue"/>
            <param name="-bar" value="barvalue"/> -->
       <move file="simple.xml" tofile="${target.xml.dir}/xmldocs.xml"/>
     <target name="xml2dot">
        <copy file="${resources.dir}/javadoc/javadoc-v04draft.dtd" todir="${target.xml.dir}" filtering="off" />
       <xslt force="true" in="${target.xml.dir}/xmldocs.xml" out="${}/" style="${resources.dir}/javadoc/xml2dot.xsl"/>
     <target name="dot">
        <mkdir dir="${target.uml.dir}" />
        <property name="dot.format" value="png"/> 
        <property name="dot.source" value="${}/"/> 
        <property name="dot.dest" value="${target.uml.dir}/graph"/> 
        <exec executable="dot">
           <arg line="-T${dot.format} ${dot.source} -o ${dot.dest}.${dot.format}" />
  1.1                  xml-forrest/scratchpad/forrestdoc/src/js.xml
  Index: js.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" ?>
   name="forrestdoc-js" default="dist" basedir=".">
     <property name="target.jsdoc.dir"   location="${}/jsdoc" />
     <target name="jsdoc">
        <mkdir dir="${target.jsdoc.dir}" />
        <taskdef name="jsdoc" classname="org.apache.forrest.forrestdoc.js.doc.JSDocTask" classpath="./build/classes/"/>
        <jsdoc jSDir="${project.dir}" destDir="${target.jsdoc.dir}" />
  1.5       +81 -252   xml-forrest/scratchpad/forrestdoc/build.xml
  Index: build.xml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/xml-forrest/scratchpad/forrestdoc/build.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision 1.5
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.5
  --- build.xml	10 Feb 2004 18:56:52 -0000	1.4
  +++ build.xml	11 Feb 2004 11:12:37 -0000	1.5
  @@ -1,41 +1,11 @@
   <?xml version="1.0" ?>
  - name="forrestdoc" default="dist" basedir=".">
  + name="forrestdoc" default="project" basedir=".">
      <!-- init -->
      <tstamp />
  -   <taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/"/>
  -   <property name="project.dir"  location="." />
  -   <property name="target.dir"   location="${project.dir}/build/forrestdoc"/>  
  -   <basename property="project.dirname"  file="${project.dir}"/>
  -   <property name=""   location="${target.dir}/${project.dirname}"/>  
  -   <echo>scan dir: ${project.dir}</echo>
  -   <echo>target dir: ${}</echo>
  -   <condition property="">
  -      <available file="${project.dir}/build.xml"/>
  -  </condition>
  -   <echo>ant buildfine available: ${}</echo>
  -   <property name="src.dir"           location="./src/java" />
  -   <property name="resources.dir"     location="./src/resources" />
  -   <property name="build.dir"         location="./build" />
  -   <property name="dist.dir"          location="./dist" />
  -   <property name="lib.dir"           location="./lib" />   
  -   <property name="build.classes.dir" location="${build.dir}/classes" />
  +   <property file=""/>
  -   <property name="target.javasrc.dir" location="${}/javasrc" />
  -   <property name="target.javadoc.dir" location="${}/javadoc" />
  -   <property name="target.xml.dir"     location="${}/xml" />
  -   <property name=""     location="${}/dot" />
  -   <property name="target.uml.dir"     location="${}/uml" />
  -   <property name="target.jsdoc.dir"   location="${}/jsdoc" />
  -   <property name="target.vizant.dir"  location="${}/vizant" />
      <path id="lib.classpath">
         <fileset  dir="${lib.dir}">
            <include name="*.jar" />
  @@ -48,18 +18,18 @@
      <path id="task.classpath">
         <path refid="lib.classpath"/>
         <pathelement path="${build.classes.dir}"/>
  +      <pathelement path="${}"/>
  -   <presetdef name="fjavadoc">
  -     <javadoc 
  -           useexternalfile="true">
  -       <fileset dir="${project.dir}" defaultexcludes="yes">
  -        <include name="**/*.java" />
  -       </fileset>
  -    </javadoc>
  -   </presetdef>
  +   <mkdir dir="${}" />
  +   <javac srcdir="${ant.src.dir}"
  +          debug="true"
  +          destdir="${}"
  +          classpathref="lib.classpath" />
  +   <taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/"/>
  +   <taskdef name="extendedpathconvert" classname="" classpathref="task.classpath"/>
      <!-- Targets -->
      <target name="compile"
  @@ -83,228 +53,87 @@
         <delete dir="${build.dir}" />
         <delete dir="${dist.dir}" />
  -   <target name="test" 
  -           description="test this project" 
  -           depends="all">
  -   </target>        
  -   <target name="project" 
  -           description="create all possible docs for this project" 
  -           depends="javasrc, jsdoc, xml, uml, javadoc, vizant">
  -      <copy todir="${}">
  -        <fileset dir="${resources.dir}/common" casesensitive="yes"/>
  -      </copy> 
  -   </target>    
      <target name="all" 
              description="test this project" 
  -   </target>     
  -   <!-- 
  -       The utility targets to run the aspects of ForrestDoc
  -    -->
  -   <target name="javasrc" depends="compile">
  -      <mkdir dir="${target.javasrc.dir}" />
  -      <java classname=""
  -             fork="true"
  -             dir="."
  -             failonerror="true"
  -             maxmemory="256m">
  -         <sysproperty key="recurse" value="true" />
  -         <sysproperty  key="title" value="Java Code Documentation" />
  -         <sysproperty key="outdir" path="${target.javasrc.dir}" />
  -         <arg value="${project.dir}" />
  -         <classpath refid="task.classpath"/>
  -      </java>
  -      <java classname=""
  -            fork="true"
  -            dir="."
  -            failonerror="true"
  -            maxmemory="256m">
  -         <sysproperty key="recurse" value="true" />
  -         <sysproperty key="title" value="Java Code Documentation" />
  -         <sysproperty key="outdir" path="${target.javasrc.dir}" />
  -         <arg value="${project.dir}" />
  -         <classpath refid="task.classpath"/>
  -      </java>
  -      <copy file="${resources.dir}/javasrc/styles.css"
  -            todir="${target.javasrc.dir}"
  -            filtering="off" />
  -   </target>
  -   <target name="jsdoc" depends="compile">
  -      <mkdir dir="${target.jsdoc.dir}" />
  -      <taskdef name="jsdoc" classname="org.apache.forrest.forrestdoc.js.doc.JSDocTask" classpath="./build/classes/"/>
  -      <jsdoc jSDir="${project.dir}" destDir="${target.jsdoc.dir}" />
  -   <target name="javasrc2" depends="compile">
  -      <mkdir dir="${target.javasrc.dir}" />
  -      <taskdef name="javasrc" classname="">
  -        <classpath refid="task.classpath"/>
  -      </taskdef>
  -      <javasrc srcDir="${project.dir}" destDir="${target.javasrc.dir}" />
  -   </target>   
  -   <target name="uml" depends="xml, xml2dot, dot">
  -       <antcall target="dot">
  -        <param name="dot.format" value="svg"/>
  -      </antcall>    
  -   </target>
  -   <target name="umlgraph" depends="umldoclet, dot"/>
  -   <target name="umldoclet" depends="compile">
  -        <fjavadoc>
  -         <doclet name=""
  -                 path="./build/classes/">
  -              <!--  <param name="-horizontal" value="true"/> -->
  -              <!--   <param name="-attributes" value="true"/> -->
  -              <!--  <param name="-operations" value="true"/> -->
  -              <!--   <param name="-visibility" value="true"/>  -->                          
  -              <!--  <param name="-types" value="true"/> -->       
  -               <param name="-all" value="true"/>                     
  -       </doclet>
  -     </fjavadoc>
  -   </target>
  -   <target name="javadoc">
  -      <mkdir dir="${target.javadoc.dir}" />
  -        <fjavadoc destDir="${target.javadoc.dir}"
  -                  author = "true"
  -                  version="true">
  -<!--    <doctitle><![CDATA[<h1>Test</h1>]]></doctitle>
  -    <header><![CDATA[<h2>header</h2>]]></header>
  -    <footer><![CDATA[<h3>footer</h3>]]></footer>    
  -    <bottom><![CDATA[<i>Copyright &#169; 2000 Dummy Corp. All Rights Reserved.</i>]]></bottom>
  -    <tag name="todo" scope="all" description="To do:" />
  -    <link href=""/>
  -     </fjavadoc>
  -   </target>   
  +   <target name="project"  depends="compile"
  +           description="create all possible docs for this project">
  +         <echo>START</echo>
  +         <trycatch property="foo" reference="bar">
  +         <try>
  +            <ant antfile="core.xml" dir="." target="project"
  +                inheritAll="true" inheritRefs="true"/>
  +         </try>
  +         <catch>
  +           <echo>In &lt;catch&gt;.</echo>
  +         </catch>
  +         <finally>
  +           <echo>In &lt;finally&gt;.</echo>
  +         </finally>
  +       </trycatch>
  +   </target>    
  -   <target name="xml" depends="compile">
  -      <mkdir dir="${target.xml.dir}" />
  -        <fjavadoc>
  -         <doclet name=""
  -                 path="./build/classes/">
  -       <!--   <param name="-foo" value="foovalue"/>
  -          <param name="-bar" value="barvalue"/> -->
  -       </doclet>
  -     </fjavadoc>
  -     <move file="simple.xml" tofile="${target.xml.dir}/xmldocs.xml"/>
  -   </target>   
  -   <target name="xml2dot">
  -      <copy file="${resources.dir}/javadoc/javadoc-v04draft.dtd" todir="${target.xml.dir}" filtering="off" />
  -     <xslt force="true" in="${target.xml.dir}/xmldocs.xml" out="${}/" style="${resources.dir}/javadoc/xml2dot.xsl"/>
  -   </target>   
  -   <target name="dot">
  -      <mkdir dir="${target.uml.dir}" />
  -      <property name="dot.format" value="png"/> 
  -      <property name="dot.source" value="${}/"/> 
  -      <property name="dot.dest" value="${target.uml.dir}/graph"/> 
  -      <exec executable="dot">
  -         <arg line="-T${dot.format} ${dot.source} -o ${dot.dest}.${dot.format}" />
  -      </exec>
  -   </target>
  -   <target name="vizant" depends="runvizant, xml2formats" if=""/>
  +   <!-- driver targets -->   
  -   <target name="runvizant" depends="compile" if="">
  -      <mkdir dir="${target.vizant.dir}" />
  -      <taskdef name="vizant" classname="org.apache.forrest.forrestdoc.ant.doc.Vizant">
  -         <classpath refid="task.classpath"/>
  -      </taskdef>   
  -      <vizant antfile="${project.dir}/build.xml" 
  -              outfile="${target.vizant.dir}/buildgraph.xml" 
  -              uniqueref="true">
  -       <!--       
  -         <attrstmt type="graph"> 
  -           <attr name="ranksep" value="1.0"/>
  -           <attr name="nodesep" value="0.5"/>
  -         </attrstmt>
  +   <target name="ws"  depends="compile"
  +           description="create all possible docs for this workspace">
  +     <property name="" location="${ws.dir}"/>
  +     <property name="" location="${ws.dir}/build/forrestdoc"/>    
  +     <property name="ws.temp.dir" location="${ws.dir}/build/temp"/>     
  +     <mkdir dir="${}" />
  +     <mkdir dir="${ws.temp.dir}" />              
  -        <attrstmt type="node">
  -          <attr name="URL" value="javascript:alert('\N');"/>
  -          <attr name="color" value="grey90"/>
  -          <attr name="style" value="filled"/>
  -        </attrstmt>
  -        <attrstmt type="edge">
  -          <attr name="color" value="grey70"/>
  -        </attrstmt>
  -        <attrstmt type="edge.antcall">
  -          <attr name="label" value="antcall"/>
  -          <attr name="fontcolor" value="gray70"/>
  -          <attr name="fontsize" value="9"/>
  -        </attrstmt>
  -        <attrstmt type="node.default">
  -          <attr name="color" value="pink"/>
  -        </attrstmt>
  -        <subgraph>
  -          <attrstmt type="graph">
  -            <attr name="style" value="filled"/>
  -            <attr name="color" value="grey95"/>
  -          </attrstmt>
  -        </subgraph>
  -       --> 
  -      </vizant>        
  -   </target>
  -   <target name="xml2formats" if="">
  -      <xslt in="${target.vizant.dir}/buildgraph.xml" out="${target.vizant.dir}/" style="${resources.dir}/vizant/xml2dot.xsl" />
  -      <antcall target="dot">
  -        <param name="dot.source" value="${target.vizant.dir}/"/>
  -        <param name="dot.dest" value="${target.vizant.dir}/vizant"/>
  -      </antcall> 
  -       <antcall target="dot">
  -        <param name="dot.format" value="svg"/>
  -        <param name="dot.source" value="${target.vizant.dir}/"/>
  -        <param name="dot.dest" value="${target.vizant.dir}/vizant"/>
  -      </antcall> 
  -      <xslt in="${target.vizant.dir}/buildgraph.xml" out="${target.vizant.dir}/target.html" style="${resources.dir}/vizant/xml2html.xsl" />
  -      <xslt in="${target.vizant.dir}/buildgraph.xml" out="${target.vizant.dir}/buildtg.xml" style="${resources.dir}/vizant/xml2tg.xsl" />    
  -      <copy file="${target.vizant.dir}/buildtg.xml" tofile="${target.vizant.dir}/InitialXML._xml"/>  
  -      <copy todir="${target.vizant.dir}">
  -        <fileset dir="${resources.dir}/touchgraph" casesensitive="yes"/>
  -      </copy>          
  +     <dirset dir="${ws.dir}" id="ws.project.dirs">
  +        <include name="*"/>
  +        <exclude name=".*"/>
  +        <exclude name="build"/>
  +     </dirset>
  +     <extendedpathconvert pathsep="," type="xml" file="${ws.temp.dir}/dirs.xml" refid="ws.project.dirs">
  +       <map from="${}" to=""/>
  +     </extendedpathconvert>     
  +     <xslt in="${ws.temp.dir}/dirs.xml" 
  +           out="${}/projects.html" style="${resources.dir}/ws/dir2projects.xsl" />
  +     <xslt in="${ws.temp.dir}/dirs.xml" 
  +           out="${}/projects-summary.html" style="${resources.dir}/ws/dir2projects-summary.xsl" />    
  +     <copy file="${resources.dir}/ws/index.html" todir="${}"/>    
  +     <copy file="${resources.dir}/ws/styles.css" todir="${}"/>
  +    <for param="current.project.dir">
  +      <path>
  +       <dirset  refid="ws.project.dirs"/>
  +      </path> 
  +        <sequential>
  +         <echo>START @{current.project.dir}</echo>
  +         <trycatch property="foo" reference="bar">
  +         <try>
  +            <ant antfile="core.xml" dir="." target="project"
  +                inheritAll="true" inheritRefs="true">
  +              <property name="project.dir"    value="@{current.project.dir}"/>
  +              <property name="target.dir"  value="${ws.dir}/build/forrestdoc"/>  
  +           </ant>
  +         </try>
  +         <catch>
  +           <echo>In &lt;catch&gt;.</echo>
  +         </catch>
  +         <finally>
  +           <echo>In &lt;finally&gt;.</echo>
  +         </finally>
  +       </trycatch>
  -      <copy todir="${target.vizant.dir}">
  -        <fileset dir="${resources.dir}/vizant" casesensitive="yes"/>
  -      </copy>      
  -   </target>
  -   <target name="tg" if="">
  -    <java classname="com.touchgraph.linkbrowser.TGLinkBrowser" fork="yes">
  -     <arg value="${target.vizant.dir}/buildtg.xml"/>
  -     <classpath>
  -       <path>
  -          <fileset dir="${target.vizant.dir}" casesensitive="yes">
  -           <patternset>
  -             <include name="**/*.jar"/>
  -             <include name="**/*.zip"/>
  -           </patternset>
  -         </fileset>  
  -       </path> 
  -     </classpath>
  -      </java>
  -   </target>
  +        </sequential>          
  +    </for>          
  +   </target>    
  1.1                  xml-forrest/scratchpad/forrestdoc/
  1.1                  xml-forrest/scratchpad/forrestdoc/core.xml
  Index: core.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" ?>
   name="forrestdoc" default="dist" basedir=".">
     <property name="project.dir"   location="."/>  
     <property name="target.dir"   location="${project.dir}/build/forrestdoc"/>  
     <basename property="project.dirname"  file="${project.dir}"/>
     <property name=""   location="${target.dir}/${project.dirname}"/>  
     <echo>Using Project dir: ${project.dir}</echo>
     <echo>Using Target dir: ${}</echo>
     <import file="./src/java.xml"/>   
     <import file="./src/ant.xml"/>
     <import file="./src/js.xml"/>   
     <target name="project" 
             description="create all possible docs for this project" 
             depends="javasrc, jsdoc, xml, uml, javadoc, vizant">
        <copy todir="${}">
          <fileset dir="${resources.dir}/common" casesensitive="yes"/>
  1.1                  xml-forrest/scratchpad/forrestdoc/src/resources/ws/dir2projects-summary.xsl
  Index: dir2projects-summary.xsl
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
  	<xsl:output method = "html" encoding="Windows-1252" />
  	<xsl:template match="/">	
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css"/></head><body>
  <h2>Forrestdoc run for Gump Workspace</h2>
  <table class="summary">
            <hr></hr>Made with Apache ForrestDoc.
  	<xsl:template match="pathelement">	
         <xsl:variable name="dir" select="substring(.,2)" />
         <xsl:variable name="url" select="concat(substring(.,2),'/index.html')" />
         <tr><td><a href="{$url}"><xsl:value-of select="$dir" /></a></td></tr>
  1.1                  xml-forrest/scratchpad/forrestdoc/src/resources/ws/dir2projects.xsl
  Index: dir2projects.xsl
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  1.1                  xml-forrest/scratchpad/forrestdoc/src/resources/ws/index.html
  Index: index.html
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  1.1                  xml-forrest/scratchpad/forrestdoc/src/resources/ws/styles.css
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  .classListItem  {  margin:0; padding:0; border:0 } 
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  p.variableRefListheader a  { color:#232187; } 
  1.1                  xml-forrest/scratchpad/forrestdoc/src/ant/org/apache/forrest/tools/taskdefs/
   * Copyright  2001-2004 The Apache Software Foundation
   *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
   *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
   *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   *  limitations under the License.
  import java.util.StringTokenizer;
  import java.util.Vector;
   * Converts path and classpath information to a specific target OS
   * format. The resulting formatted path is placed into the specified property.
   * @author Larry Streepy <a href="">
   * @author Nicola Ken Barozzi <a href="">
   * @since Ant 1.4
   * @ant.task category="utility"
  public class PathConvert extends Task {
      // Members
       * Path to be converted
      private Path path = null;
       * Reference to path/fileset to convert
      private Reference refid = null;
       * The target OS type
      private String targetOS = null;
       * Set when targetOS is set to windows
      private boolean targetWindows = false;
       * Set if we're running on windows
      private boolean onWindows = false;
       * Set if we should create a new property even if the result is empty
      private boolean setonempty = true;
       * The property to receive the conversion
      private String property = null;//
       * The file to write the conversion to
      private File file = null;//
       * The type of the output, xml or plain
      private String type = null;//
       * Path prefix map
      private Vector prefixMap = new Vector();
       * User override on path sep char
      private String pathSep = null;
       * User override on directory sep char
      private String dirSep = null;
       * constructor
      public PathConvert() {
          onWindows = Os.isFamily("dos");
       * Helper class, holds the nested &lt;map&gt; values. Elements will look like
       * this: &lt;map from=&quot;d:&quot; to=&quot;/foo&quot;/&gt;
       * When running on windows, the prefix comparison will be case
       * insensitive.
      public class MapEntry {
          /** Set the &quot;from&quot; attribute of the map entry  */
           * the prefix string to search for; required.
           * Note that this value is case-insensitive when the build is
           * running on a Windows platform and case-sensitive when running on
           * a Unix platform.
           * @param from
          public void setFrom(String from) {
              this.from = from;
           *  The replacement text to use when from is matched; required.
           * @param to new prefix
          public void setTo(String to) {
     = to;
           * Apply this map entry to a given path element
           * @param elem Path element to process
           * @return String Updated path element after mapping
          public String apply(String elem) {
              if (from == null || to == null) {
                  throw new BuildException("Both 'from' and 'to' must be set "
                       + "in a map entry");
              // If we're on windows, then do the comparison ignoring case
              String cmpElem = onWindows ? elem.toLowerCase() : elem;
              String cmpFrom = onWindows ? from.toLowerCase() : from;
              // If the element starts with the configured prefix, then
              // convert the prefix to the configured 'to' value.
              if (cmpElem.startsWith(cmpFrom)) {
                  int len = from.length();
                  if (len >= elem.length()) {
                      elem = to;
                  } else {
                      elem = to + elem.substring(len);
              return elem;
          // Members
          private String from = null;
          private String to = null;
       * an enumeration of supported targets:
       * windows", "unix", "netware", and "os/2".
      public static class TargetOs extends EnumeratedAttribute {
          public String[] getValues() {
              return new String[]{"windows", "unix", "netware", "os/2", "tandem"};
      /** Create a nested PATH element  */
      public Path createPath() {
          if (isReference()) {
              throw noChildrenAllowed();
          if (path == null) {
              path = new Path(getProject());
          return path.createPath();
       * Create a nested MAP element
       * @return a Map to configure
      public MapEntry createMap() {
          MapEntry entry = new MapEntry();
          return entry;
       * Set targetos to a platform to one of
       * "windows", "unix", "netware", or "os/2".
       * Required unless unless pathsep and/or dirsep are specified.
       * @deprecated use the method taking a TargetOs argument instead
       * @see #setTargetos(PathConvert.TargetOs)
      public void setTargetos(String target) {
          TargetOs to = new TargetOs();
       * Set targetos to a platform to one of
       * "windows", "unix", "netware", or "os/2"; required unless
       * unless pathsep and/or dirsep are specified.
       * @since Ant 1.5
      public void setTargetos(TargetOs target) {
          targetOS = target.getValue();
          // Currently, we deal with only two path formats: Unix and Windows
          // And Unix is everything that is not Windows
          // for NetWare and OS/2, piggy-back on Windows, since in the
          // validateSetup code, the same assumptions can be made as
          // with windows - that ; is the path separator
          targetWindows = !targetOS.equals("unix") && !targetOS.equals("tandem");
       * Set setonempty
       * If false, don't set the new property if the result is the empty string.
       * @param setonempty true or false
       * @since Ant 1.5
       public void setSetonempty(boolean setonempty) {
           this.setonempty = setonempty;
       * The property into which the converted path will be placed.
      public void setProperty(String p) {
          property = p;
       * The file into which the converted path will be written.
      public void setFile(File f) {
          file = f;
       * The type of output into which the converted path will be placed.
       * Can be <code>plain</core> or <code>xml</code> 
      public void setType(String t) {
          type = t;
       * Adds a reference to a Path, FileSet, DirSet, or FileList defined
       * elsewhere.
      public void setRefid(Reference r) {
          if (path != null) {
              throw noChildrenAllowed();
          refid = r;
       * Set the default path separator string;
       * defaults to current JVM
       * {@link File.pathSeparator}
       * @param sep path separator string
      public void setPathSep(String sep) {
          pathSep = sep;
       * Set the default directory separator string;
       * defaults to current JVM {@link File.separator}
       * @param sep directory separator string
      public void setDirSep(String sep) {
          dirSep = sep;
       * Has the refid attribute of this element been set?
       * @return true if refid is valid
      public boolean isReference() {
          return refid != null;
      /** Do the execution.
       * @throws BuildException if something is invalid
      public void execute() throws BuildException {
          Path savedPath = path;
          String savedPathSep = pathSep; // may be altered in validateSetup
          String savedDirSep = dirSep; // may be altered in validateSetup
          try {
              // If we are a reference, create a Path from the reference
              if (isReference()) {
                  path = new Path(getProject()).createPath();
                  Object obj = refid.getReferencedObject(getProject());
                  if (obj instanceof Path) {
                  } else if (obj instanceof FileSet) {
                      FileSet fs = (FileSet) obj;
                  } else if (obj instanceof DirSet) {
                      DirSet ds = (DirSet) obj;
                  } else if (obj instanceof FileList) {
                      FileList fl = (FileList) obj;
                  } else {
                      throw new BuildException("'refid' does not refer to a "
                           + "path, fileset, dirset, or "
                           + "filelist.");
              validateSetup(); // validate our setup
              // Currently, we deal with only two path formats: Unix and Windows
              // And Unix is everything that is not Windows
              // (with the exception for NetWare and OS/2 below)
              // for NetWare and OS/2, piggy-back on Windows, since here and
              // in the apply code, the same assumptions can be made as with
              // windows - that \\ is an OK separator, and do comparisons
              // case-insensitive.
              String fromDirSep = onWindows ? "\\" : "/";
              StringBuffer rslt = new StringBuffer(100);
              // Get the list of path components in canonical form
              String[] elems = path.list();
              if (type.equals("xml")) rslt.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?><path>");    
              for (int i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) {
                  if (type.equals("xml")) rslt.append("<pathelement>");    
                  String elem = elems[i];
                  elem = mapElement(elem); // Apply the path prefix map
                  // Now convert the path and file separator characters from the
                  // current os to the target os.
                  if (i != 0 && !type.equals("xml")) {
                  StringTokenizer stDirectory =
                      new StringTokenizer(elem, fromDirSep, true);
                  String token = null;
                  while (stDirectory.hasMoreTokens()) {
                      token = stDirectory.nextToken();
                          if (fromDirSep.equals(token)) {
                          } else {
                  if (type.equals("xml")) rslt.append("</pathelement>");   
              if (type.equals("xml")) rslt.append("</path>");    
              // Place the result into the specified property,
              // unless setonempty == false
              String value = rslt.toString();
              if (setonempty) {
                  exportProperty(property, value);
              } else {
                  if (rslt.length() > 0) {
                      exportProperty(property, value);
          } finally {
              path = savedPath;
              dirSep = savedDirSep;
              pathSep = savedPathSep;
      private void exportProperty(String property, String value) throws BuildException{
          if(property!=null) {
              log("Set property " + property + " = " + value, Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
              getProject().setNewProperty(property, value);
          if(file!=null) {
              log("Writing to file " + file.getPath() + " \n value: " + value, Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
              PrintStream ps = null;
              try {
                  ps = new PrintStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file)));
              } catch (IOException ioe) {
                  throw new BuildException(ioe, getLocation());
              } finally {
                  if (ps != null) {
       * Apply the configured map to a path element. The map is used to convert
       * between Windows drive letters and Unix paths. If no map is configured,
       * then the input string is returned unchanged.
       * @param elem The path element to apply the map to
       * @return String Updated element
      private String mapElement(String elem) {
          int size = prefixMap.size();
          if (size != 0) {
              // Iterate over the map entries and apply each one.
              // Stop when one of the entries actually changes the element.
              for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
                  MapEntry entry = (MapEntry) prefixMap.elementAt(i);
                  String newElem = entry.apply(elem);
                  // Note I'm using "!=" to see if we got a new object back from
                  // the apply method.
                  if (newElem != elem) {
                      elem = newElem;
                      break; // We applied one, so we're done
          return elem;
       * Validate that all our parameters have been properly initialized.
       * @throws BuildException if something is not setup properly
      private void validateSetup() throws BuildException {
          if (path == null) {
              throw new BuildException("You must specify a path to convert");
          if (property == null && file == null ) {
              throw new BuildException("You must specify at least a property or a file");
          // Must either have a target OS or both a dirSep and pathSep
          if (targetOS == null && pathSep == null && dirSep == null) {
              throw new BuildException("You must specify at least one of "
                   + "targetOS, dirSep, or pathSep");
          // Determine the separator strings.  The dirsep and pathsep attributes
          // override the targetOS settings.
          String dsep = File.separator;
          String psep = File.pathSeparator;
          if (targetOS != null) {
              psep = targetWindows ? ";" : ":";
              dsep = targetWindows ? "\\" : "/";
          if (pathSep != null) {
              // override with pathsep=
              psep = pathSep;
          if (dirSep != null) {
              // override with dirsep=
              dsep = dirSep;
          pathSep = psep;
          dirSep = dsep;
       * Creates an exception that indicates that this XML element must not have
       * child elements if the refid attribute is set.
      private BuildException noChildrenAllowed() {
          return new BuildException("You must not specify nested <path> "
               + "elements when using the refid attribute.");