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[03/11] hbase git commit: HBASE-20831 Copy master doc into branch-2.1 and edit to make it suit 2.1.0
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Binary files /dev/null and b/src/site/resources/images/hbase_replication_diagram.jpg differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26896a4
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/site/resources/images/hbasecon2015.30percent.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b59280d
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/site/resources/images/hbasecon2016-stack-logo.jpg differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ff181e
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/site/resources/images/hbasecon2016-stacked.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b25f89
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/site/resources/images/hbasecon2017.png differ
diff --git a/src/site/resources/images/hbaseconasia2017.png b/src/site/resources/images/hbaseconasia2017.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8548870
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/site/resources/images/hbaseconasia2017.png differ
diff --git a/src/site/resources/images/hfile.png b/src/site/resources/images/hfile.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5762970
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/site/resources/images/hfile.png differ
diff --git a/src/site/resources/images/hfilev2.png b/src/site/resources/images/hfilev2.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54cc0cf
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/site/resources/images/hfilev2.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c2c72e
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/site/resources/images/jumping-orca_rotated.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01be6ff
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/site/resources/images/jumping-orca_rotated.xcf differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1942f9a
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/site/resources/images/jumping-orca_rotated_12percent.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..219c657
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/site/resources/images/jumping-orca_rotated_25percent.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be9e3d9
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/site/resources/images/jumping-orca_transparent_rotated.xcf differ
diff --git a/src/site/resources/images/region_split_process.png b/src/site/resources/images/region_split_process.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2717617
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/site/resources/images/region_split_process.png differ
diff --git a/src/site/resources/images/region_states.png b/src/site/resources/images/region_states.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba69e97
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/site/resources/images/region_states.png differ
diff --git a/src/site/resources/images/replication_overview.png b/src/site/resources/images/replication_overview.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47d7b4c
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/site/resources/images/replication_overview.png differ
diff --git a/src/site/resources/images/timeline_consistency.png b/src/site/resources/images/timeline_consistency.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94c47e0
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/site/resources/images/timeline_consistency.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b93209
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/site/resources/repo/org/apache/maven/skins/maven-fluido-skin/1.5-HBASE/maven-fluido-skin-1.5-HBASE.jar differ
diff --git a/src/site/resources/repo/org/apache/maven/skins/maven-fluido-skin/1.5-HBASE/maven-fluido-skin-1.5-HBASE.pom b/src/site/resources/repo/org/apache/maven/skins/maven-fluido-skin/1.5-HBASE/maven-fluido-skin-1.5-HBASE.pom
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d12092b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/site/resources/repo/org/apache/maven/skins/maven-fluido-skin/1.5-HBASE/maven-fluido-skin-1.5-HBASE.pom
@@ -0,0 +1,718 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+specific language governing permissions and limitations
+under the License.
+<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
+  <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
+  <parent>
+    <groupId>org.apache.maven.skins</groupId>
+    <artifactId>maven-skins</artifactId>
+    <version>10</version>
+    <relativePath>../maven-skins/pom.xml</relativePath>
+  </parent>
+  <artifactId>maven-fluido-skin</artifactId>
+  <version>1.5-HBASE</version>
+  <name>Apache Maven Fluido Skin</name>
+  <description>The Apache Maven Fluido Skin is an Apache Maven site skin
+    built on top of Twitter's bootstrap.</description>
+  <inceptionYear>2011</inceptionYear>
+  <scm>
+    <connection>scm:svn:</connection>
+    <developerConnection>scm:svn:</developerConnection>
+    <url></url>
+  </scm>
+  <issueManagement>
+    <system>jira</system>
+    <url></url>
+  </issueManagement>
+  <distributionManagement>
+    <site>
+      <id></id>
+      <url>scm:svn:${}</url>
+    </site>
+  </distributionManagement>
+  <contributors>
+    <!-- in alphabetical order -->
+    <contributor>
+      <name>Bruno P. Kinoshita</name>
+      <email>brunodepaulak AT yahoo DOT com DOT br</email>
+    </contributor>
+    <contributor>
+      <name>Carlos Villaronga</name>
+      <email>cvillaronga AT gmail DOT com</email>
+    </contributor>
+    <contributor>
+      <name>Christian Grobmeier</name>
+      <email>grobmeier AT apache DOT org</email>
+    </contributor>
+    <contributor>
+      <name>Conny Kreyssel</name>
+      <email>dev AT kreyssel DOT org</email>
+    </contributor>
+    <contributor>
+      <name>Michael Koch</name>
+      <email>tensberg AT gmx DOT net</email>
+    </contributor>
+    <contributor>
+      <name>Emmanuel Hugonnet</name>
+      <email>emmanuel DOT hugonnet AT gmail DOT com</email>
+    </contributor>
+    <contributor>
+      <name>Ivan Habunek</name>
+      <email>ihabunek AT apache DOT org</email>
+    </contributor>
+    <contributor>
+      <name>Eric Barboni</name>
+    </contributor>
+    <contributor>
+      <name>Michael Osipov</name>
+      <email>michaelo AT apache DOT org</email>
+    </contributor>
+  </contributors>
+  <properties>
+    <bootstrap.version>2.3.2</bootstrap.version>
+    <jquery.version>1.11.2</jquery.version>
+  </properties>
+  <build>
+    <resources>
+      <resource>
+        <directory>.</directory>
+        <targetPath>META-INF</targetPath>
+        <includes>
+          <include>NOTICE</include>
+          <include>LICENSE</include>
+        </includes>
+      </resource>
+      <!-- exclude css and js since will include the minified version -->
+      <resource>
+        <directory>${basedir}/src/main/resources</directory>
+        <excludes>
+          <exclude>css/**</exclude>
+          <exclude>js/**</exclude>
+        </excludes>
+        <filtering>true</filtering> <!-- add skin-info -->
+      </resource>
+      <!-- include the print.css -->
+      <resource>
+        <directory>${basedir}/src/main/resources</directory>
+        <includes>
+          <include>css/print.css</include>
+        </includes>
+      </resource>
+      <!-- include minified only -->
+      <resource>
+        <directory>${}/${}</directory>
+        <includes>
+          <include>css/apache-maven-fluido-${project.version}.min.css</include>
+          <include>js/apache-maven-fluido-${project.version}.min.js</include>
+        </includes>
+      </resource>
+    </resources>
+    <pluginManagement>
+      <plugins>
+        <plugin>
+          <groupId>org.apache.rat</groupId>
+          <artifactId>apache-rat-plugin</artifactId>
+          <configuration>
+            <excludes combine.children="append">
+              <exclude>src/main/resources/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg</exclude>
+              <exclude>src/main/resources/js/prettify.js</exclude>
+              <exclude>src/main/resources/js/jquery-*.js</exclude>
+            </excludes>
+          </configuration>
+        </plugin>
+      </plugins>
+    </pluginManagement>
+    <plugins>
+      <plugin>
+        <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
+        <artifactId>maven-resources-plugin</artifactId>
+        <dependencies><!-- TODO remove when upgrading to version 2.8: see MSHARED-325 / MRESOURCES-192 -->
+          <dependency>
+              <groupId>org.apache.maven.shared</groupId>
+              <artifactId>maven-filtering</artifactId>
+              <version>1.3</version>
+          </dependency>
+        </dependencies>
+        <configuration>
+          <delimiters>
+            <delimiter>@</delimiter>
+          </delimiters>
+          <useDefaultDelimiters>false</useDefaultDelimiters>
+        </configuration>
+      </plugin>
+      <plugin>
+        <groupId>com.samaxes.maven</groupId>
+        <artifactId>maven-minify-plugin</artifactId>
+        <version>1.3.5</version>
+        <executions>
+          <execution>
+            <id>default-minify</id>
+            <phase>generate-resources</phase>
+            <configuration>
+              <webappSourceDir>${basedir}/src/main/resources</webappSourceDir>
+              <cssSourceDir>css</cssSourceDir>
+              <cssSourceFiles>
+                <cssSourceFile>bootstrap-${bootstrap.version}.css</cssSourceFile>
+                <cssSourceFile>maven-base.css</cssSourceFile>
+                <cssSourceFile>maven-theme.css</cssSourceFile>
+                <cssSourceFile>prettify.css</cssSourceFile>
+              </cssSourceFiles>
+              <cssFinalFile>apache-maven-fluido-${project.version}.css</cssFinalFile>
+              <jsSourceDir>js</jsSourceDir>
+              <jsSourceFiles>
+                <jsSourceFile>jquery-${jquery.version}.js</jsSourceFile>
+                <jsSourceFile>bootstrap-${bootstrap.version}.js</jsSourceFile>
+                <jsSourceFile>prettify.js</jsSourceFile>
+                <jsSourceFile>fluido.js</jsSourceFile>
+              </jsSourceFiles>
+              <jsFinalFile>apache-maven-fluido-${project.version}.js</jsFinalFile>
+            </configuration>
+            <goals>
+              <goal>minify</goal>
+            </goals>
+          </execution>
+        </executions>
+      </plugin>
+    </plugins>
+  </build>
+  <profiles>
+    <profile>
+      <id>run-its</id>
+      <build>
+        <plugins>
+          <plugin>
+            <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
+            <artifactId>maven-invoker-plugin</artifactId>
+            <configuration>
+              <debug>true</debug>
+              <projectsDirectory>src/it</projectsDirectory>
+              <cloneProjectsTo>${}/it</cloneProjectsTo>
+              <preBuildHookScript>setup</preBuildHookScript>
+              <postBuildHookScript>verify</postBuildHookScript>
+              <localRepositoryPath>${}/local-repo</localRepositoryPath>
+              <settingsFile>src/it/settings.xml</settingsFile>
+              <pomIncludes>
+                <pomInclude>*/pom.xml</pomInclude>
+              </pomIncludes>
+              <goals>
+                <goal>site</goal>
+              </goals>
+            </configuration>
+            <executions>
+              <execution>
+                <id>integration-test</id>
+                <goals>
+                  <goal>install</goal>
+                  <goal>integration-test</goal>
+                  <goal>verify</goal>
+                </goals>
+              </execution>
+            </executions>
+          </plugin>
+        </plugins>
+      </build>
+    </profile>
+    <profile>
+      <id>reporting</id>
+      <build>
+        <plugins>
+          <plugin>
+            <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
+            <artifactId>maven-resources-plugin</artifactId>
+            <executions>
+              <execution>
+                <id>copy-sidebar</id>
+                <phase>site</phase>
+                <goals>
+                  <goal>copy-resources</goal>
+                </goals>
+                <configuration>
+                  <resources>
+                    <resource>
+                      <directory>${}/it/sidebar/target/site/</directory>
+                    </resource>
+                  </resources>
+                  <outputDirectory>${}/site/sidebar/</outputDirectory>
+                </configuration>
+              </execution>
+              <execution>
+                <id>copy-topbar</id>
+                <phase>site</phase>
+                <goals>
+                  <goal>copy-resources</goal>
+                </goals>
+                <configuration>
+                  <resources>
+                    <resource>
+                      <directory>${}/it/topbar/target/site/</directory>
+                    </resource>
+                  </resources>
+                  <outputDirectory>${}/site/topbar/</outputDirectory>
+                </configuration>
+              </execution>
+              <execution>
+                <id>copy-topbar-inverse</id>
+                <phase>site</phase>
+                <goals>
+                  <goal>copy-resources</goal>
+                </goals>
+                <configuration>
+                  <resources>
+                    <resource>
+                      <directory>${}/it/topbar-inverse/target/site/</directory>
+                    </resource>
+                  </resources>
+                  <outputDirectory>${}/site/topbar-inverse/</outputDirectory>
+                </configuration>
+              </execution>
+              <execution>
+                <id>copy-mskins-10</id>
+                <phase>site</phase>
+                <goals>
+                  <goal>copy-resources</goal>
+                </goals>
+                <configuration>
+                  <resources>
+                    <resource>
+                      <directory>${}/it/mskins-10/target/site/</directory>
+                    </resource>
+                  </resources>
+                  <outputDirectory>${}/site/mskins-10/</outputDirectory>
+                </configuration>
+              </execution>
+              <execution>
+                <id>copy-mskins-13</id>
+                <phase>site</phase>
+                <goals>
+                  <goal>copy-resources</goal>
+                </goals>
+                <configuration>
+                  <resources>
+                    <resource>
+                      <directory>${}/it/mskins-13/target/site/</directory>
+                    </resource>
+                  </resources>
+                  <outputDirectory>${}/site/mskins-13/</outputDirectory>
+                </configuration>
+              </execution>
+              <execution>
+                <id>copy-mskins-14</id>
+                <phase>site</phase>
+                <goals>
+                  <goal>copy-resources</goal>
+                </goals>
+                <configuration>
+                  <resources>
+                    <resource>
+                      <directory>${}/it/mskins-14/target/site/</directory>
+                    </resource>
+                  </resources>
+                  <outputDirectory>${}/site/mskins-14/</outputDirectory>
+                </configuration>
+              </execution>
+              <execution>
+                <id>copy-mskins-14_sitesearch</id>
+                <phase>site</phase>
+                <goals>
+                  <goal>copy-resources</goal>
+                </goals>
+                <configuration>
+                  <resources>
+                    <resource>
+                      <directory>${}/it/mskins-14_sitesearch/target/site/</directory>
+                    </resource>
+                  </resources>
+                  <outputDirectory>${}/site/mskins-14_sitesearch/</outputDirectory>
+                </configuration>
+              </execution>
+              <execution>
+                <id>copy-mskins-15</id>
+                <phase>site</phase>
+                <goals>
+                  <goal>copy-resources</goal>
+                </goals>
+                <configuration>
+                  <resources>
+                    <resource>
+                      <directory>${}/it/mskins-15/target/site/</directory>
+                    </resource>
+                  </resources>
+                  <outputDirectory>${}/site/mskins-15/</outputDirectory>
+                </configuration>
+              </execution>
+              <execution>
+                <id>copy-mskins-16</id>
+                <phase>site</phase>
+                <goals>
+                  <goal>copy-resources</goal>
+                </goals>
+                <configuration>
+                  <resources>
+                    <resource>
+                      <directory>${}/it/mskins-16/target/site/</directory>
+                    </resource>
+                  </resources>
+                  <outputDirectory>${}/site/mskins-16/</outputDirectory>
+                </configuration>
+              </execution>
+              <execution>
+                <id>copy-mskins-17</id>
+                <phase>site</phase>
+                <goals>
+                  <goal>copy-resources</goal>
+                </goals>
+                <configuration>
+                  <resources>
+                    <resource>
+                      <directory>${}/it/mskins-17/target/site/</directory>
+                    </resource>
+                  </resources>
+                  <outputDirectory>${}/site/mskins-17/</outputDirectory>
+                </configuration>
+              </execution>
+              <execution>
+                <id>copy-mskins-21</id>
+                <phase>site</phase>
+                <goals>
+                  <goal>copy-resources</goal>
+                </goals>
+                <configuration>
+                  <resources>
+                    <resource>
+                      <directory>${}/it/mskins-21/target/site/</directory>
+                    </resource>
+                  </resources>
+                  <outputDirectory>${}/site/mskins-21/</outputDirectory>
+                </configuration>
+              </execution>
+              <execution>
+                <id>copy-mskins-22</id>
+                <phase>site</phase>
+                <goals>
+                  <goal>copy-resources</goal>
+                </goals>
+                <configuration>
+                  <resources>
+                    <resource>
+                      <directory>${}/it/mskins-22/target/site/</directory>
+                    </resource>
+                  </resources>
+                  <outputDirectory>${}/site/mskins-22/</outputDirectory>
+                </configuration>
+              </execution>
+              <execution>
+                <id>copy-mskins-22_default</id>
+                <phase>site</phase>
+                <goals>
+                  <goal>copy-resources</goal>
+                </goals>
+                <configuration>
+                  <resources>
+                    <resource>
+                      <directory>${}/it/mskins-22_default/target/site/</directory>
+                    </resource>
+                  </resources>
+                  <outputDirectory>${}/site/mskins-22_default/</outputDirectory>
+                </configuration>
+              </execution>
+              <execution>
+                <id>copy-mskins-22_topbar</id>
+                <phase>site</phase>
+                <goals>
+                  <goal>copy-resources</goal>
+                </goals>
+                <configuration>
+                  <resources>
+                    <resource>
+                      <directory>${}/it/mskins-22_topbar/target/site/</directory>
+                    </resource>
+                  </resources>
+                  <outputDirectory>${}/site/mskins-22_topbar/</outputDirectory>
+                </configuration>
+              </execution>
+              <execution>
+                <id>copy-mskins-23</id>
+                <phase>site</phase>
+                <goals>
+                  <goal>copy-resources</goal>
+                </goals>
+                <configuration>
+                  <resources>
+                    <resource>
+                      <directory>${}/it/mskins-23/target/site/</directory>
+                    </resource>
+                  </resources>
+                  <outputDirectory>${}/site/mskins-23/</outputDirectory>
+                </configuration>
+              </execution>
+              <execution>
+                <id>copy-mskins-24</id>
+                <phase>site</phase>
+                <goals>
+                  <goal>copy-resources</goal>
+                </goals>
+                <configuration>
+                  <resources>
+                    <resource>
+                      <directory>${}/it/mskins-24/target/site/</directory>
+                    </resource>
+                  </resources>
+                  <outputDirectory>${}/site/mskins-24/</outputDirectory>
+                </configuration>
+              </execution>
+              <execution>
+                <id>copy-mskins-24_topbar</id>
+                <phase>site</phase>
+                <goals>
+                  <goal>copy-resources</goal>
+                </goals>
+                <configuration>
+                  <resources>
+                    <resource>
+                      <directory>${}/it/mskins-24_topbar/target/site/</directory>
+                    </resource>
+                  </resources>
+                  <outputDirectory>${}/site/mskins-24_topbar/</outputDirectory>
+                </configuration>
+              </execution>
+              <execution>
+                <id>copy-mskins-25</id>
+                <phase>site</phase>
+                <goals>
+                  <goal>copy-resources</goal>
+                </goals>
+                <configuration>
+                  <resources>
+                    <resource>
+                      <directory>${}/it/mskins-25/target/site/</directory>
+                    </resource>
+                  </resources>
+                  <outputDirectory>${}/site/mskins-25/</outputDirectory>
+                </configuration>
+              </execution>
+              <execution>
+                <id>copy-mskins-28</id>
+                <phase>site</phase>
+                <goals>
+                  <goal>copy-resources</goal>
+                </goals>
+                <configuration>
+                  <resources>
+                    <resource>
+                      <directory>${}/it/mskins-28/target/site/</directory>
+                    </resource>
+                  </resources>
+                  <outputDirectory>${}/site/mskins-28/</outputDirectory>
+                </configuration>
+              </execution>
+              <execution>
+                <id>copy-mskins-31</id>
+                <phase>site</phase>
+                <goals>
+                  <goal>copy-resources</goal>
+                </goals>
+                <configuration>
+                  <resources>
+                    <resource>
+                      <directory>${}/it/mskins-31/target/site/</directory>
+                    </resource>
+                  </resources>
+                  <outputDirectory>${}/site/mskins-31/</outputDirectory>
+                </configuration>
+              </execution>
+              <execution>
+                <id>copy-mskins-33</id>
+                <phase>site</phase>
+                <goals>
+                  <goal>copy-resources</goal>
+                </goals>
+                <configuration>
+                  <resources>
+                    <resource>
+                      <directory>${}/it/mskins-33/target/site/</directory>
+                    </resource>
+                  </resources>
+                  <outputDirectory>${}/site/mskins-33/</outputDirectory>
+                </configuration>
+              </execution>
+              <execution>
+                <id>copy-mskins-33_topbar</id>
+                <phase>site</phase>
+                <goals>
+                  <goal>copy-resources</goal>
+                </goals>
+                <configuration>
+                  <resources>
+                    <resource>
+                      <directory>${}/it/mskins-33_topbar/target/site/</directory>
+                    </resource>
+                  </resources>
+                  <outputDirectory>${}/site/mskins-33_topbar/</outputDirectory>
+                </configuration>
+              </execution>
+              <execution>
+                <id>copy-mskins-34</id>
+                <phase>site</phase>
+                <goals>
+                  <goal>copy-resources</goal>
+                </goals>
+                <configuration>
+                  <resources>
+                    <resource>
+                      <directory>${}/it/mskins-34/target/site/</directory>
+                    </resource>
+                  </resources>
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+                    </resource>
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+                </configuration>
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+                <goals>
+                  <goal>copy-resources</goal>
+                </goals>
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+                      <directory>${}/it/mskins-41/target/site/</directory>
+                    </resource>
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+                  <outputDirectory>${}/site/mskins-41/</outputDirectory>
+                </configuration>
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+                <phase>site</phase>
+                <goals>
+                  <goal>copy-resources</goal>
+                </goals>
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+                      <directory>${}/it/mskins-72/target/site/</directory>
+                    </resource>
+                  </resources>
+                  <outputDirectory>${}/site/mskins-72/</outputDirectory>
+                </configuration>
+              </execution>
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+                <id>copy-mskins-75</id>
+                <phase>site</phase>
+                <goals>
+                  <goal>copy-resources</goal>
+                </goals>
+                <configuration>
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+                    <resource>
+                      <directory>${}/it/mskins-75/target/site/</directory>
+                    </resource>
+                  </resources>
+                  <outputDirectory>${}/site/mskins-75/</outputDirectory>
+                </configuration>
+              </execution>
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+                <id>copy-mskins-76</id>
+                <phase>site</phase>
+                <goals>
+                  <goal>copy-resources</goal>
+                </goals>
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+                  <resources>
+                    <resource>
+                      <directory>${}/it/mskins-76/target/site/</directory>
+                    </resource>
+                  </resources>
+                  <outputDirectory>${}/site/mskins-76/</outputDirectory>
+                </configuration>
+              </execution>
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+                <id>copy-mskins-76_topbar</id>
+                <phase>site</phase>
+                <goals>
+                  <goal>copy-resources</goal>
+                </goals>
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+                  <resources>
+                    <resource>
+                      <directory>${}/it/mskins-76_topbar/target/site/</directory>
+                    </resource>
+                  </resources>
+                  <outputDirectory>${}/site/mskins-76_topbar/</outputDirectory>
+                </configuration>
+              </execution>
+              <execution>
+                <id>copy-mskins-85</id>
+                <phase>site</phase>
+                <goals>
+                  <goal>copy-resources</goal>
+                </goals>
+                <configuration>
+                  <resources>
+                    <resource>
+                      <directory>${}/it/mskins-85/target/site/</directory>
+                    </resource>
+                  </resources>
+                  <outputDirectory>${}/site/mskins-85/</outputDirectory>
+                </configuration>
+              </execution>
+            </executions>
+          </plugin>
+        </plugins>
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+            <artifactId>maven-invoker-plugin</artifactId>
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+ */
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3f0dd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/site/xdoc/acid-semantics.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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+specific language governing permissions and limitations
+under the License.
+<!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V2.0//EN"
+          "">
+<document xmlns=""
+  xmlns:xsi=""
+  xsi:schemaLocation="">
+  <properties>
+    <title>
+      Apache HBase (TM) ACID Properties
+    </title>
+  </properties>
+  <body>
+    <section name="About this Document">
+      <p>Apache HBase (TM) is not an ACID compliant database. However, it does guarantee certain specific
+      properties.</p>
+      <p>This specification enumerates the ACID properties of HBase.</p>
+    </section>
+    <section name="Definitions">
+      <p>For the sake of common vocabulary, we define the following terms:</p>
+      <dl>
+        <dt>Atomicity</dt>
+        <dd>an operation is atomic if it either completes entirely or not at all</dd>
+        <dt>Consistency</dt>
+        <dd>
+          all actions cause the table to transition from one valid state directly to another
+          (eg a row will not disappear during an update, etc)
+        </dd>
+        <dt>Isolation</dt>
+        <dd>
+          an operation is isolated if it appears to complete independently of any other concurrent transaction
+        </dd>
+        <dt>Durability</dt>
+        <dd>any update that reports &quot;successful&quot; to the client will not be lost</dd>
+        <dt>Visibility</dt>
+        <dd>an update is considered visible if any subsequent read will see the update as having been committed</dd>
+      </dl>
+      <p>
+        The terms <em>must</em> and <em>may</em> are used as specified by RFC 2119.
+        In short, the word &quot;must&quot; implies that, if some case exists where the statement
+        is not true, it is a bug. The word &quot;may&quot; implies that, even if the guarantee
+        is provided in a current release, users should not rely on it.
+      </p>
+    </section>
+    <section name="APIs to consider">
+      <ul>
+        <li>Read APIs
+        <ul>
+          <li>get</li>
+          <li>scan</li>
+        </ul>
+        </li>
+        <li>Write APIs</li>
+        <ul>
+          <li>put</li>
+          <li>batch put</li>
+          <li>delete</li>
+        </ul>
+        <li>Combination (read-modify-write) APIs</li>
+        <ul>
+          <li>incrementColumnValue</li>
+          <li>checkAndPut</li>
+        </ul>
+      </ul>
+    </section>
+    <section name="Guarantees Provided">
+      <section name="Atomicity">
+        <ol>
+          <li>All mutations are atomic within a row. Any put will either wholly succeed or wholly fail.[3]</li>
+          <ol>
+            <li>An operation that returns a &quot;success&quot; code has completely succeeded.</li>
+            <li>An operation that returns a &quot;failure&quot; code has completely failed.</li>
+            <li>An operation that times out may have succeeded and may have failed. However,
+            it will not have partially succeeded or failed.</li>
+          </ol>
+          <li> This is true even if the mutation crosses multiple column families within a row.</li>
+          <li> APIs that mutate several rows will _not_ be atomic across the multiple rows.
+          For example, a multiput that operates on rows 'a','b', and 'c' may return having
+          mutated some but not all of the rows. In such cases, these APIs will return a list
+          of success codes, each of which may be succeeded, failed, or timed out as described above.</li>
+          <li> The checkAndPut API happens atomically like the typical compareAndSet (CAS) operation
+          found in many hardware architectures.</li>
+          <li> The order of mutations is seen to happen in a well-defined order for each row, with no
+          interleaving. For example, if one writer issues the mutation &quot;a=1,b=1,c=1&quot; and
+          another writer issues the mutation &quot;a=2,b=2,c=2&quot;, the row must either
+          be &quot;a=1,b=1,c=1&quot; or &quot;a=2,b=2,c=2&quot; and must <em>not</em> be something
+          like &quot;a=1,b=2,c=1&quot;.</li>
+          <ol>
+            <li>Please note that this is not true _across rows_ for multirow batch mutations.</li>
+          </ol>
+        </ol>
+      </section>
+      <section name="Consistency and Isolation">
+        <ol>
+          <li>All rows returned via any access API will consist of a complete row that existed at
+          some point in the table's history.</li>
+          <li>This is true across column families - i.e a get of a full row that occurs concurrent
+          with some mutations 1,2,3,4,5 will return a complete row that existed at some point in time
+          between mutation i and i+1 for some i between 1 and 5.</li>
+          <li>The state of a row will only move forward through the history of edits to it.</li>
+        </ol>
+        <section name="Consistency of Scans">
+        <p>
+          A scan is <strong>not</strong> a consistent view of a table. Scans do
+          <strong>not</strong> exhibit <em>snapshot isolation</em>.
+        </p>
+        <p>
+          Rather, scans have the following properties:
+        </p>
+        <ol>
+          <li>
+            Any row returned by the scan will be a consistent view (i.e. that version
+            of the complete row existed at some point in time) [1]
+          </li>
+          <li>
+            A scan will always reflect a view of the data <em>at least as new as</em>
+            the beginning of the scan. This satisfies the visibility guarantees
+          enumerated below.</li>
+          <ol>
+            <li>For example, if client A writes data X and then communicates via a side
+            channel to client B, any scans started by client B will contain data at least
+            as new as X.</li>
+            <li>A scan _must_ reflect all mutations committed prior to the construction
+            of the scanner, and _may_ reflect some mutations committed subsequent to the
+            construction of the scanner.</li>
+            <li>Scans must include <em>all</em> data written prior to the scan (except in
+            the case where data is subsequently mutated, in which case it _may_ reflect
+            the mutation)</li>
+          </ol>
+        </ol>
+        <p>
+          Those familiar with relational databases will recognize this isolation level as &quot;read committed&quot;.
+        </p>
+        <p>
+          Please note that the guarantees listed above regarding scanner consistency
+          are referring to &quot;transaction commit time&quot;, not the &quot;timestamp&quot;
+          field of each cell. That is to say, a scanner started at time <em>t</em> may see edits
+          with a timestamp value greater than <em>t</em>, if those edits were committed with a
+          &quot;forward dated&quot; timestamp before the scanner was constructed.
+        </p>
+        </section>
+      </section>
+      <section name="Visibility">
+        <ol>
+          <li> When a client receives a &quot;success&quot; response for any mutation, that
+          mutation is immediately visible to both that client and any client with whom it
+          later communicates through side channels. [3]</li>
+          <li> A row must never exhibit so-called &quot;time-travel&quot; properties. That
+          is to say, if a series of mutations moves a row sequentially through a series of
+          states, any sequence of concurrent reads will return a subsequence of those states.</li>
+          <ol>
+            <li>For example, if a row's cells are mutated using the &quot;incrementColumnValue&quot;
+            API, a client must never see the value of any cell decrease.</li>
+            <li>This is true regardless of which read API is used to read back the mutation.</li>
+          </ol>
+          <li> Any version of a cell that has been returned to a read operation is guaranteed to
+          be durably stored.</li>
+        </ol>
+      </section>
+      <section name="Durability">
+        <ol>
+          <li> All visible data is also durable data. That is to say, a read will never return
+          data that has not been made durable on disk[2]</li>
+          <li> Any operation that returns a &quot;success&quot; code (eg does not throw an exception)
+          will be made durable.[3]</li>
+          <li> Any operation that returns a &quot;failure&quot; code will not be made durable
+          (subject to the Atomicity guarantees above)</li>
+          <li> All reasonable failure scenarios will not affect any of the guarantees of this document.</li>
+        </ol>
+      </section>
+      <section name="Tunability">
+        <p>All of the above guarantees must be possible within Apache HBase. For users who would like to trade
+        off some guarantees for performance, HBase may offer several tuning options. For example:</p>
+        <ul>
+          <li>Visibility may be tuned on a per-read basis to allow stale reads or time travel.</li>
+          <li>Durability may be tuned to only flush data to disk on a periodic basis</li>
+        </ul>
+      </section>
+    </section>
+    <section name="More Information">
+      <p>
+      For more information, see the <a href="book.html#client">client architecture</a> or <a href="book.html#datamodel">data model</a> sections in the Apache HBase Reference Guide.
+      </p>
+    </section>
+    <section name="Footnotes">
+      <p>[1] A consistent view is not guaranteed intra-row scanning -- i.e. fetching a portion of
+          a row in one RPC then going back to fetch another portion of the row in a subsequent RPC.
+          Intra-row scanning happens when you set a limit on how many values to return per Scan#next
+          (See <a href="">Scan#setBatch(int)</a>).
+      </p>
+      <p>[2] In the context of Apache HBase, &quot;durably on disk&quot; implies an hflush() call on the transaction
+      log. This does not actually imply an fsync() to magnetic media, but rather just that the data has been
+      written to the OS cache on all replicas of the log. In the case of a full datacenter power loss, it is
+      possible that the edits are not truly durable.</p>
+      <p>[3] Puts will either wholly succeed or wholly fail, provided that they are actually sent
+      to the RegionServer.  If the writebuffer is used, Puts will not be sent until the writebuffer is filled
+      or it is explicitly flushed.</p>
+    </section>
+  </body>
diff --git a/src/site/xdoc/bulk-loads.xml b/src/site/xdoc/bulk-loads.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2cbec1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/site/xdoc/bulk-loads.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+specific language governing permissions and limitations
+under the License.
+<document xmlns=""
+  xmlns:xsi=""
+  xsi:schemaLocation="">
+  <properties>
+    <title>
+      Bulk Loads in Apache HBase (TM)
+    </title>
+  </properties>
+  <body>
+       <p>This page has been retired.  The contents have been moved to the
+      <a href="">Bulk Loading</a> section
+ in the Reference Guide.
+ </p>
+  </body>
diff --git a/src/site/xdoc/coc.xml b/src/site/xdoc/coc.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc2b549
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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+<!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V2.0//EN"
+          "">
+<document xmlns=""
+  xmlns:xsi=""
+  xsi:schemaLocation="">
+  <properties>
+    <title>
+      Code of Conduct Policy
+    </title>
+  </properties>
+  <body>
+  <section name="Code of Conduct Policy">
+We expect participants in discussions on the HBase project mailing lists, IRC
+channels, and JIRA issues to abide by the Apache Software Foundation's
+<a href="">Code of Conduct</a>.
+If you feel there has been a violation of this code, please point out your
+concerns publicly in a friendly and matter of fact manner. Nonverbal
+communication is prone to misinterpretation and misunderstanding. Everyone has
+bad days and sometimes says things they regret later. Someone else's
+communication style may clash with yours, but the difference can be amicably
+resolved. After pointing out your concerns please be generous upon receiving an
+Should there be repeated instances of code of conduct violations, or if there is
+an obvious and severe violation, the HBase PMC may become involved. When this
+happens the PMC will openly discuss the matter, most likely on the dev@hbase
+mailing list, and will consider taking the following actions, in order, if there
+is a continuing problem with an individual:
+<li>A friendly off-list warning;</li>
+<li>A friendly public warning, if the communication at issue was on list, otherwise another off-list warning;</li>
+<li>A three month suspension from the public mailing lists and possible operator action in the IRC channels.</li>
+<li>A permanent ban from the public mailing lists, IRC channels, and project JIRA.</li>
+For flagrant violations requiring a firm response the PMC may opt to skip early
+steps. No action will be taken before public discussion leading to consensus or
+a successful majority vote.
+  </section>
+  <section name="Diversity Statement">
+As a project and a community, we encourage you to participate in the HBase project
+in whatever capacity suits you, whether it involves development, documentation,
+answering questions on mailing lists, triaging issue and patch review, managing
+releases, or any other way that you want to help. We appreciate your
+contributions and the time you dedicate to the HBase project. We strive to
+recognize the work of participants publicly. Please let us know if we can
+improve in this area.
+We value diversity and strive to support participation by people with all
+different backgrounds. Rich projects grow from groups with different points of
+view and different backgrounds. We welcome your suggestions about how we can
+welcome participation by people at all skill levels and with all aspects of the
+If you can think of something we are doing that we shouldn't, or something that
+we should do but aren't, please let us know. If you feel comfortable doing so,
+use the public mailing lists. Otherwise, reach out to a PMC member or send an
+email to <a href="">the private PMC mailing list</a>.
+  </section>
+  </body>