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Posted to by Apache Wiki <> on 2009/11/04 21:29:40 UTC

[Jackrabbit Wiki] Trivial Update of "JackrabbitOnTomcat6withJndiAndPostgresql" by tcleminson

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The "JackrabbitOnTomcat6withJndiAndPostgresql" page has been changed by tcleminson.


  Install the jackrabbit .war file.  If the system will be a dedicated jackrabbit server you can rename the jackrabbit-1.5.4.war file to ROOT.war and have it unpacked as ROOT.  This means you can access the jackrabbit instance as instead of
- Create a '''${catalina.home}/common''' directory and copy ''jcr-1.0.jar'' to it.  Edit '''${catalina.home}/conf/''' and add ''${catalina.home/common,${catalina.home}/common/*.jar'' to the ''common.loader'' entry.  This allows us to add libraries to the server without mixing them with the standard tomcat libraries - something that's extremely helpful when things stop working and you aren't sure which library is the culprit!
+ Create a '''${catalina.home}/common''' directory and copy ''jcr-1.0.jar'' to it.  Edit '''${catalina.home}/conf/''' and add ''${catalina.home}/common,${catalina.home}/common/*.jar'' to the ''common.loader'' entry.  This allows us to add libraries to the server without mixing them with the standard tomcat libraries - something that's extremely helpful when things stop working and you aren't sure which library is the culprit!
  Finally, edit '''/etc/default/tomcat6''' to add ''-Djava.rmi.server.hostname=hostname'' to ''CATALINA_OPTS'', where you have changed 'hostname' to a public network interface.  If you don't do this the RMI library will probably pick something weird like (NOT and you'll spend hours knocking head-shaped holes in the wall.  You will need to use a public network interface to allow others to connect to the RMI server.