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[49/52] [abbrv] [partial] kudu git commit: Updating web site for Kudu 1.8.0 release
diff --git a/docs/administration.html b/docs/administration.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f01a20..0000000
--- a/docs/administration.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1758 +0,0 @@
-title: Apache Kudu Administration
-layout: default
-active_nav: docs
-last_updated: 'Last updated 2018-06-15 07:22:05 PDT'
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-<div class="container">
-  <div class="row">
-    <div class="col-md-9">
-<h1>Apache Kudu Administration</h1>
-      <div id="preamble">
-<div class="sectionbody">
-<div class="admonitionblock note">
-<td class="icon">
-<i class="fa icon-note" title="Note"></i>
-<td class="content">
-Kudu is easier to manage with <a href="">Cloudera Manager</a>
-than in a standalone installation. See Cloudera&#8217;s
-<a href="">Kudu documentation</a>
-for more details about using Kudu with Cloudera Manager.
-<div class="sect1">
-<h2 id="_starting_and_stopping_kudu_processes"><a class="link" href="#_starting_and_stopping_kudu_processes">Starting and Stopping Kudu Processes</a></h2>
-<div class="sectionbody">
-<div class="admonitionblock note">
-<td class="icon">
-<i class="fa icon-note" title="Note"></i>
-<td class="content">
-These instructions are relevant only when Kudu is installed using operating system packages
-(e.g. <code>rpm</code> or <code>deb</code>).
-<div class="olist arabic">
-<ol class="arabic">
-<p>Start Kudu services using the following commands:</p>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="content">
-<pre class="highlight"><code class="language-bash" data-lang="bash">$ sudo service kudu-master start
-$ sudo service kudu-tserver start</code></pre>
-<p>To stop Kudu services, use the following commands:</p>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="content">
-<pre class="highlight"><code class="language-bash" data-lang="bash">$ sudo service kudu-master stop
-$ sudo service kudu-tserver stop</code></pre>
-<div class="sect1">
-<h2 id="_kudu_web_interfaces"><a class="link" href="#_kudu_web_interfaces">Kudu Web Interfaces</a></h2>
-<div class="sectionbody">
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>Kudu tablet servers and masters expose useful operational information on a built-in web interface,</p>
-<div class="sect2">
-<h3 id="_kudu_master_web_interface"><a class="link" href="#_kudu_master_web_interface">Kudu Master Web Interface</a></h3>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>Kudu master processes serve their web interface on port 8051. The interface exposes several pages
-with information about the cluster state:</p>
-<div class="ulist">
-<p>A list of tablet servers, their host names, and the time of their last heartbeat.</p>
-<p>A list of tables, including schema and tablet location information for each.</p>
-<p>SQL code which you can paste into Impala Shell to add an existing table to Impala&#8217;s list of known data sources.</p>
-<div class="sect2">
-<h3 id="_kudu_tablet_server_web_interface"><a class="link" href="#_kudu_tablet_server_web_interface">Kudu Tablet Server Web Interface</a></h3>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>Each tablet server serves a web interface on port 8050. The interface exposes information
-about each tablet hosted on the server, its current state, and debugging information
-about maintenance background operations.</p>
-<div class="sect2">
-<h3 id="_common_web_interface_pages"><a class="link" href="#_common_web_interface_pages">Common Web Interface Pages</a></h3>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>Both Kudu masters and tablet servers expose a common set of information via their web interfaces:</p>
-<div class="ulist">
-<p>HTTP access to server logs.</p>
-<p>an <code>/rpcz</code> endpoint which lists currently running RPCs via JSON.</p>
-<p>pages giving an overview and detailed information on the memory usage of different
-components of the process.</p>
-<p>information on the current set of configuration flags.</p>
-<p>information on the currently running threads and their resource consumption.</p>
-<p>a JSON endpoint exposing metrics about the server.</p>
-<p>information on the deployed version number of the daemon.</p>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>These interfaces are linked from the landing page of each daemon&#8217;s web UI.</p>
-<div class="sect1">
-<h2 id="_kudu_metrics"><a class="link" href="#_kudu_metrics">Kudu Metrics</a></h2>
-<div class="sectionbody">
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>Kudu daemons expose a large number of metrics. Some metrics are associated with an entire
-server process, whereas others are associated with a particular tablet replica.</p>
-<div class="sect2">
-<h3 id="_listing_available_metrics"><a class="link" href="#_listing_available_metrics">Listing available metrics</a></h3>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>The full set of available metrics for a Kudu server can be dumped via a special command
-line flag:</p>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="content">
-<pre class="highlight"><code class="language-bash" data-lang="bash">$ kudu-tserver --dump_metrics_json
-$ kudu-master --dump_metrics_json</code></pre>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>This will output a large JSON document. Each metric indicates its name, label, description,
-units, and type. Because the output is JSON-formatted, this information can easily be
-parsed and fed into other tooling which collects metrics from Kudu servers.</p>
-<div class="sect2">
-<h3 id="_collecting_metrics_via_http"><a class="link" href="#_collecting_metrics_via_http">Collecting metrics via HTTP</a></h3>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>Metrics can be collected from a server process via its HTTP interface by visiting
-<code>/metrics</code>. The output of this page is JSON for easy parsing by monitoring services.
-This endpoint accepts several <code>GET</code> parameters in its query string:</p>
-<div class="ulist">
-<p><code>/metrics?metrics=&lt;substring1&gt;,&lt;substring2&gt;,&#8230;&#8203;</code> - limits the returned metrics to those which contain
-at least one of the provided substrings. The substrings also match entity names, so this
-may be used to collect metrics for a specific tablet.</p>
-<p><code>/metrics?include_schema=1</code> - includes metrics schema information such as unit, description,
-and label in the JSON output. This information is typically elided to save space.</p>
-<p><code>/metrics?compact=1</code> - eliminates unnecessary whitespace from the resulting JSON, which can decrease
-bandwidth when fetching this page from a remote host.</p>
-<p><code>/metrics?include_raw_histograms=1</code> - include the raw buckets and values for histogram metrics,
-enabling accurate aggregation of percentile metrics over time and across hosts.</p>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>For example:</p>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="content">
-<pre class="highlight"><code class="language-bash" data-lang="bash">$ curl -s 'http://example-ts:8050/metrics?include_schema=1&amp;metrics=connections_accepted'</code></pre>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="content">
-<pre class="highlight"><code class="language-json" data-lang="json">[
-    {
-        "type": "server",
-        "id": "kudu.tabletserver",
-        "attributes": {},
-        "metrics": [
-            {
-                "name": "rpc_connections_accepted",
-                "label": "RPC Connections Accepted",
-                "type": "counter",
-                "unit": "connections",
-                "description": "Number of incoming TCP connections made to the RPC server",
-                "value": 92
-            }
-        ]
-    }
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="content">
-<pre class="highlight"><code class="language-bash" data-lang="bash">$ curl -s 'http://example-ts:8050/metrics?metrics=log_append_latency'</code></pre>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="content">
-<pre class="highlight"><code class="language-json" data-lang="json">[
-    {
-        "type": "tablet",
-        "id": "c0ebf9fef1b847e2a83c7bd35c2056b1",
-        "attributes": {
-            "table_name": "lineitem",
-            "partition": "hash buckets: (55), range: [(&lt;start&gt;), (&lt;end&gt;))",
-            "table_id": ""
-        },
-        "metrics": [
-            {
-                "name": "log_append_latency",
-                "total_count": 7498,
-                "min": 4,
-                "mean": 69.3649,
-                "percentile_75": 29,
-                "percentile_95": 38,
-                "percentile_99": 45,
-                "percentile_99_9": 95,
-                "percentile_99_99": 167,
-                "max": 367244,
-                "total_sum": 520098
-            }
-        ]
-    }
-<div class="admonitionblock note">
-<td class="icon">
-<i class="fa icon-note" title="Note"></i>
-<td class="content">
-All histograms and counters are measured since the server start time, and are not reset upon collection.
-<div class="sect2">
-<h3 id="_diagnostics_logging"><a class="link" href="#_diagnostics_logging">Diagnostics Logging</a></h3>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>Kudu may be configured to dump various diagnostics information to a local log file.
-The diagnostics log will be written to the same directory as the other Kudu log files, with a
-similar naming format, substituting <code>diagnostics</code> instead of a log level like <code>INFO</code>.
-After any diagnostics log file reaches 64MB uncompressed, the log will be rolled and
-the previous file will be gzip-compressed.</p>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>Each line in the diagnostics log consists of the following components:</p>
-<div class="ulist">
-<p>A human-readable timestamp formatted in the same fashion as the other Kudu log files.</p>
-<p>The type of record. For example, a metrics record consists of the word <code>metrics</code>.</p>
-<p>A machine-readable timestamp, in microseconds since the Unix epoch.</p>
-<p>The record itself.</p>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>Currently, the only type of diagnostics record is a periodic dump of the server metrics.
-Each record is encoded in compact JSON format, and the server attempts to elide any metrics
-which have not changed since the previous record. In addition, counters which have never
-been incremented are elided. Otherwise, the format of the JSON record is identical to the
-format exposed by the HTTP endpoint above.</p>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>The frequency with which metrics are dumped to the diagnostics log is configured using the
-<code>--metrics_log_interval_ms</code> flag. By default, Kudu logs metrics every 60 seconds.</p>
-<div class="sect1">
-<h2 id="_common_kudu_workflows"><a class="link" href="#_common_kudu_workflows">Common Kudu workflows</a></h2>
-<div class="sectionbody">
-<div class="sect2">
-<h3 id="migrate_to_multi_master"><a class="link" href="#migrate_to_multi_master">Migrating to Multiple Kudu Masters</a></h3>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>For high availability and to avoid a single point of failure, Kudu clusters should be created with
-multiple masters. Many Kudu clusters were created with just a single master, either for simplicity
-or because Kudu multi-master support was still experimental at the time. This workflow demonstrates
-how to migrate to a multi-master configuration. It can also be used to migrate from two masters to
-three, with straightforward modifications.</p>
-<div class="admonitionblock warning">
-<td class="icon">
-<i class="fa icon-warning" title="Warning"></i>
-<td class="content">
-The workflow is unsafe for adding new masters to an existing configuration that already has
-three or more masters. Do not use it for that purpose.
-<div class="admonitionblock warning">
-<td class="icon">
-<i class="fa icon-warning" title="Warning"></i>
-<td class="content">
-All of the command line steps below should be executed as the Kudu UNIX user. The example
-commands assume the Kudu Unix user is <code>kudu</code>, which is typical.
-<div class="admonitionblock warning">
-<td class="icon">
-<i class="fa icon-warning" title="Warning"></i>
-<td class="content">
-The workflow presupposes at least basic familiarity with Kudu configuration management. If
-using Cloudera Manager (CM), the workflow also presupposes familiarity with it.
-<div class="sect3">
-<h4 id="_prepare_for_the_migration"><a class="link" href="#_prepare_for_the_migration">Prepare for the migration</a></h4>
-<div class="olist arabic">
-<ol class="arabic">
-<p>Establish a maintenance window (one hour should be sufficient). During this time the Kudu cluster
-will be unavailable.</p>
-<p>Decide how many masters to use. The number of masters should be odd. Three or five node master
-configurations are recommended; they can tolerate one or two failures respectively.</p>
-<p>Perform the following preparatory steps for the existing master:</p>
-<div class="ulist">
-<p>Identify and record the directories where the master&#8217;s write-ahead log (WAL) and data live. If
-using Kudu system packages, their default locations are /var/lib/kudu/master, but they may be
-customized via the <code>fs_wal_dir</code> and <code>fs_data_dirs</code> configuration parameters. The commands below
-assume that <code>fs_wal_dir</code> is /data/kudu/master/wal and <code>fs_data_dirs</code> is /data/kudu/master/data.
-Your configuration may differ. For more information on configuring these directories, see the
-<a href="configuration.html#directory_configuration">Kudu Configuration docs</a>.</p>
-<p>Identify and record the port the master is using for RPCs. The default port value is 7051, but it
-may have been customized using the <code>rpc_bind_addresses</code> configuration parameter.</p>
-<p>Identify the master&#8217;s UUID. It can be fetched using the following command:</p>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="content">
-<pre class="highlight"><code class="language-bash" data-lang="bash">$ sudo -u kudu kudu fs dump uuid --fs_wal_dir=&lt;master_wal_dir&gt; [--fs_data_dirs=&lt;master_data_dirs&gt;] 2&gt;/dev/null</code></pre>
-<div class="dlist">
-<dt class="hdlist1">master_data_dir</dt>
-<p>existing master&#8217;s previously recorded data directory</p>
-<dt class="hdlist1">Example</dt>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="content">
-<pre>$ sudo -u kudu kudu fs dump uuid --fs_wal_dir=/data/kudu/master/wal --fs_data_dirs=/data/kudu/master/data 2&gt;/dev/null
-<p>Optional: configure a DNS alias for the master. The alias could be a DNS cname (if the machine
-already has an A record in DNS), an A record (if the machine is only known by its IP address),
-or an alias in /etc/hosts. The alias should be an abstract representation of the master (e.g.
-<div class="admonitionblock warning">
-<td class="icon">
-<i class="fa icon-warning" title="Warning"></i>
-<td class="content">
-Without DNS aliases it is not possible to recover from permanent master failures without
-bringing the cluster down for maintenance, and as such, it is highly recommended.
-<p>If you have Kudu tables that are accessed from Impala, you must update
-the master addresses in the Apache Hive Metastore (HMS) database.</p>
-<div class="ulist">
-<p>If you set up the DNS aliases, run the following statement in <code>impala-shell</code>,
-replacing <code>master-1</code>, <code>master-2</code>, and <code>master-3</code> with your actual aliases.</p>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="content">
-<pre class="highlight"><code class="language-sql" data-lang="sql">ALTER TABLE table_name
-('kudu.master_addresses' = 'master-1,master-2,master-3');</code></pre>
-<p>If you do not have DNS aliases set up, see Step #11 in the Performing
-the migration section for updating HMS.</p>
-<p>Perform the following preparatory steps for each new master:</p>
-<div class="ulist">
-<p>Choose an unused machine in the cluster. The master generates very little load so it can be
-colocated with other data services or load-generating processes, though not with another Kudu
-master from the same configuration.</p>
-<p>Ensure Kudu is installed on the machine, either via system packages (in which case the <code>kudu</code> and
-<code>kudu-master</code> packages should be installed), or via some other means.</p>
-<p>Choose and record the directory where the master&#8217;s data will live.</p>
-<p>Choose and record the port the master should use for RPCs.</p>
-<p>Optional: configure a DNS alias for the master (e.g. <code>master-2</code>, <code>master-3</code>, etc).</p>
-<div class="sect3">
-<h4 id="perform-the-migration"><a class="link" href="#perform-the-migration">Perform the migration</a></h4>
-<div class="olist arabic">
-<ol class="arabic">
-<p>Stop all the Kudu processes in the entire cluster.</p>
-<p>Format the data directory on each new master machine, and record the generated UUID. Use the
-following command sequence:</p>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="content">
-<pre class="highlight"><code class="language-bash" data-lang="bash">$ sudo -u kudu kudu fs format --fs_wal_dir=&lt;master_wal_dir&gt; [--fs_data_dirs=&lt;master_data_dirs&gt;]
-$ sudo -u kudu kudu fs dump uuid --fs_wal_dir=&lt;master_wal_dir&gt; [--fs_data_dirs=&lt;master_data_dirs&gt;] 2&gt;/dev/null</code></pre>
-<div class="dlist">
-<dt class="hdlist1">master_data_dir</dt>
-<p>new master&#8217;s previously recorded data directory</p>
-<dt class="hdlist1">Example</dt>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="content">
-<pre>$ sudo -u kudu kudu fs format --fs_wal_dir=/data/kudu/master/wal --fs_data_dirs=/data/kudu/master/data
-$ sudo -u kudu kudu fs dump uuid --fs_wal_dir=/data/kudu/master/wal --fs_data_dirs=/data/kudu/master/data 2&gt;/dev/null
-<p>If using CM, add the new Kudu master roles now, but do not start them.</p>
-<div class="ulist">
-<p>If using DNS aliases, override the empty value of the <code>Master Address</code> parameter for each role
-(including the existing master role) with that master&#8217;s alias.</p>
-<p>Add the port number (separated by a colon) if using a non-default RPC port value.</p>
-<p>Rewrite the master&#8217;s Raft configuration with the following command, executed on the existing
-master machine:</p>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="content">
-<pre class="highlight"><code class="language-bash" data-lang="bash">$ sudo -u kudu kudu local_replica cmeta rewrite_raft_config --fs_wal_dir=&lt;master_wal_dir&gt; [--fs_data_dirs=&lt;master_data_dirs&gt;] &lt;tablet_id&gt; &lt;all_masters&gt;</code></pre>
-<div class="dlist">
-<dt class="hdlist1">master_data_dir</dt>
-<p>existing master&#8217;s previously recorded data directory</p>
-<dt class="hdlist1">tablet_id</dt>
-<p>must be the string <code>00000000000000000000000000000000</code></p>
-<dt class="hdlist1">all_masters</dt>
-<p>space-separated list of masters, both new and existing. Each entry in the list must be
-a string of the form <code>&lt;uuid&gt;:&lt;hostname&gt;:&lt;port&gt;</code></p>
-<div class="dlist">
-<dt class="hdlist1">uuid</dt>
-<p>master&#8217;s previously recorded UUID</p>
-<dt class="hdlist1">hostname</dt>
-<p>master&#8217;s previously recorded hostname or alias</p>
-<dt class="hdlist1">port</dt>
-<p>master&#8217;s previously recorded RPC port number</p>
-<dt class="hdlist1">Example</dt>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="content">
-<pre>$ sudo -u kudu kudu local_replica cmeta rewrite_raft_config --fs_wal_dir=/data/kudu/master/wal --fs_data_dirs=/data/kudu/master/data 00000000000000000000000000000000 4aab798a69e94fab8d77069edff28ce0:master-1:7051 f5624e05f40649b79a757629a69d061e:master-2:7051 988d8ac6530f426cbe180be5ba52033d:master-3:7051</pre>
-<p>Modify the value of the <code>master_addresses</code> configuration parameter for both existing master and new masters.
-The new value must be a comma-separated list of all of the masters. Each entry is a string of the form <code>&lt;hostname&gt;:&lt;port&gt;</code></p>
-<div class="dlist">
-<dt class="hdlist1">hostname</dt>
-<p>master&#8217;s previously recorded hostname or alias</p>
-<dt class="hdlist1">port</dt>
-<p>master&#8217;s previously recorded RPC port number</p>
-<p>Start the existing master.</p>
-<p>Copy the master data to each new master with the following command, executed on each new master
-<div class="admonitionblock warning">
-<td class="icon">
-<i class="fa icon-warning" title="Warning"></i>
-<td class="content">
-If your Kudu cluster is secure, in addition to running as the Kudu UNIX user, you must
-  authenticate as the Kudu service user prior to running this command.
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="content">
-<pre class="highlight"><code class="language-bash" data-lang="bash">$ sudo -u kudu kudu local_replica copy_from_remote --fs_wal_dir=&lt;master_wal_dir&gt; [--fs_data_dirs=&lt;master_data_dirs&gt;] &lt;tablet_id&gt; &lt;existing_master&gt;</code></pre>
-<div class="dlist">
-<dt class="hdlist1">master_data_dir</dt>
-<p>new master&#8217;s previously recorded data directory</p>
-<dt class="hdlist1">tablet_id</dt>
-<p>must be the string <code>00000000000000000000000000000000</code></p>
-<dt class="hdlist1">existing_master</dt>
-<p>RPC address of the existing master and must be a string of the form
-<div class="dlist">
-<dt class="hdlist1">hostname</dt>
-<p>existing master&#8217;s previously recorded hostname or alias</p>
-<dt class="hdlist1">port</dt>
-<p>existing master&#8217;s previously recorded RPC port number</p>
-<dt class="hdlist1">Example</dt>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="content">
-<pre>$ sudo -u kudu kudu local_replica copy_from_remote --fs_wal_dir=/data/kudu/master/wal --fs_data_dirs=/data/kudu/master/data 00000000000000000000000000000000 master-1:7051</pre>
-<p>Start all of the new masters.</p>
-<div class="admonitionblock warning">
-<td class="icon">
-<i class="fa icon-warning" title="Warning"></i>
-<td class="content">
-Skip the next step if using CM.
-<p>Modify the value of the <code>tserver_master_addrs</code> configuration parameter for each tablet server.
-The new value must be a comma-separated list of masters where each entry is a string of the form
-<div class="dlist">
-<dt class="hdlist1">hostname</dt>
-<p>master&#8217;s previously recorded hostname or alias</p>
-<dt class="hdlist1">port</dt>
-<p>master&#8217;s previously recorded RPC port number</p>
-<p>Start all of the tablet servers.</p>
-<p>If you have Kudu tables that are accessed from Impala and you didn&#8217;t set up
-DNS aliases, update the HMS database manually in the underlying database that
-provides the storage for HMS.</p>
-<div class="ulist">
-<p>The following is an example SQL statement you should run in the HMS database:</p>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="content">
-<pre class="highlight"><code class="language-sql" data-lang="sql">UPDATE TABLE_PARAMS
-  ',,'
-WHERE PARAM_KEY = 'kudu.master_addresses' AND PARAM_VALUE = 'old-master';</code></pre>
-<p>In <code>impala-shell</code>, run:</p>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="content">
-<pre class="highlight"><code class="language-bash" data-lang="bash">INVALIDATE METADATA;</code></pre>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>==== Verify the migration was successful</p>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>To verify that all masters are working properly, perform the following sanity checks:</p>
-<div class="ulist">
-<p>Using a browser, visit each master&#8217;s web UI. Look at the /masters page. All of the masters should
-be listed there with one master in the LEADER role and the others in the FOLLOWER role. The
-contents of /masters on each master should be the same.</p>
-<p>Run a Kudu system check (ksck) on the cluster using the <code>kudu</code> command line
-tool. See <a href="#ksck">Checking Cluster Health with <code>ksck</code></a> for more details.</p>
-<div class="sect2">
-<h3 id="_recovering_from_a_dead_kudu_master_in_a_multi_master_deployment"><a class="link" href="#_recovering_from_a_dead_kudu_master_in_a_multi_master_deployment">Recovering from a dead Kudu Master in a Multi-Master Deployment</a></h3>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>Kudu multi-master deployments function normally in the event of a master loss. However, it is
-important to replace the dead master; otherwise a second failure may lead to a loss of availability,
-depending on the number of available masters. This workflow describes how to replace the dead
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>Due to <a href="">KUDU-1620</a>, it is not possible to perform
-this workflow without also restarting the live masters. As such, the workflow requires a
-maintenance window, albeit a potentially brief one if the cluster was set up with DNS aliases.</p>
-<div class="admonitionblock warning">
-<td class="icon">
-<i class="fa icon-warning" title="Warning"></i>
-<td class="content">
-Kudu does not yet support live Raft configuration changes for masters. As such, it is only
-possible to replace a master if the deployment was created with DNS aliases or if every node in the
-cluster is first shut down. See the <a href="#migrate_to_multi_master">multi-master migration workflow</a> for
-more details on deploying with DNS aliases.
-<div class="admonitionblock warning">
-<td class="icon">
-<i class="fa icon-warning" title="Warning"></i>
-<td class="content">
-The workflow presupposes at least basic familiarity with Kudu configuration management. If
-using Cloudera Manager (CM), the workflow also presupposes familiarity with it.
-<div class="admonitionblock warning">
-<td class="icon">
-<i class="fa icon-warning" title="Warning"></i>
-<td class="content">
-All of the command line steps below should be executed as the Kudu UNIX user, typically
-<div class="sect3">
-<h4 id="_prepare_for_the_recovery"><a class="link" href="#_prepare_for_the_recovery">Prepare for the recovery</a></h4>
-<div class="olist arabic">
-<ol class="arabic">
-<p>If the deployment was configured without DNS aliases perform the following steps:</p>
-<div class="ulist">
-<p>Establish a maintenance window (one hour should be sufficient). During this time the Kudu cluster
-will be unavailable.</p>
-<p>Shut down all Kudu tablet server processes in the cluster.</p>
-<p>Ensure that the dead master is well and truly dead. Take whatever steps needed to prevent it from
-accidentally restarting; this can be quite dangerous for the cluster post-recovery.</p>
-<p>Choose one of the remaining live masters to serve as a basis for recovery. The rest of this
-workflow will refer to this master as the "reference" master.</p>
-<p>Choose an unused machine in the cluster where the new master will live. The master generates very
-little load so it can be colocated with other data services or load-generating processes, though
-not with another Kudu master from the same configuration. The rest of this workflow will refer to
-this master as the "replacement" master.</p>
-<p>Perform the following preparatory steps for the replacement master:</p>
-<div class="ulist">
-<p>Ensure Kudu is installed on the machine, either via system packages (in which case the <code>kudu</code> and
-<code>kudu-master</code> packages should be installed), or via some other means.</p>
-<p>Choose and record the directory where the master&#8217;s data will live.</p>
-<p>Perform the following preparatory steps for each live master:</p>
-<div class="ulist">
-<p>Identify and record the directory where the master&#8217;s data lives. If using Kudu system packages,
-the default value is /var/lib/kudu/master, but it may be customized via the <code>fs_wal_dir</code> and
-<code>fs_data_dirs</code> configuration parameters. Please note if you&#8217;ve set <code>fs_data_dirs</code> to some directories
-other than the value of <code>fs_wal_dir</code>, it should be explicitly included in every command below where
-<code>fs_wal_dir</code> is also included. For more information on configuring these directories, see the
-<a href="configuration.html#directory_configuration">Kudu Configuration docs</a>.</p>
-<p>Identify and record the master&#8217;s UUID. It can be fetched using the following command:</p>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="content">
-<pre class="highlight"><code class="language-bash" data-lang="bash">$ sudo -u kudu kudu fs dump uuid --fs_wal_dir=&lt;master_wal_dir&gt; [--fs_data_dirs=&lt;master_data_dirs&gt;] 2&gt;/dev/null</code></pre>
-<div class="dlist">
-<dt class="hdlist1">master_data_dir</dt>
-<p>live master&#8217;s previously recorded data directory</p>
-<dt class="hdlist1">Example</dt>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="content">
-<pre>$ sudo -u kudu kudu fs dump uuid --fs_wal_dir=/data/kudu/master/wal --fs_data_dirs=/data/kudu/master/data 2&gt;/dev/null
-<p>Perform the following preparatory steps for the reference master:</p>
-<div class="ulist">
-<p>Identify and record the directory where the master&#8217;s data lives. If using Kudu system packages,
-the default value is /var/lib/kudu/master, but it may be customized via the <code>fs_wal_dir</code> and
-<code>fs_data_dirs</code> configuration parameters. Please note if you&#8217;ve set <code>fs_data_dirs</code> to some directories
-other than the value of <code>fs_wal_dir</code>, it should be explicitly included in every command below where
-<code>fs_wal_dir</code> is also included. For more information on configuring these directories, see the
-<a href="configuration.html#directory_configuration">Kudu Configuration docs</a>.</p>
-<p>Identify and record the UUIDs of every master in the cluster, using the following command:</p>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="content">
-<pre class="highlight"><code class="language-bash" data-lang="bash">$ sudo -u kudu kudu local_replica cmeta print_replica_uuids --fs_wal_dir=&lt;master_wal_dir&gt; [--fs_data_dirs=&lt;master_data_dirs&gt;] &lt;tablet_id&gt; 2&gt;/dev/null</code></pre>
-<div class="dlist">
-<dt class="hdlist1">master_data_dir</dt>
-<p>reference master&#8217;s previously recorded data directory</p>
-<dt class="hdlist1">tablet_id</dt>
-<p>must be the string <code>00000000000000000000000000000000</code></p>
-<dt class="hdlist1">Example</dt>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="content">
-<pre>$ sudo -u kudu kudu local_replica cmeta print_replica_uuids --fs_wal_dir=/data/kudu/master/wal --fs_data_dirs=/data/kudu/master/data 00000000000000000000000000000000 2&gt;/dev/null
-80a82c4b8a9f4c819bab744927ad765c 2a73eeee5d47413981d9a1c637cce170 1c3f3094256347528d02ec107466aef3</pre>
-<p>Using the two previously-recorded lists of UUIDs (one for all live masters and one for all
-masters), determine and record (by process of elimination) the UUID of the dead master.</p>
-<div class="sect3">
-<h4 id="_perform_the_recovery"><a class="link" href="#_perform_the_recovery">Perform the recovery</a></h4>
-<div class="olist arabic">
-<ol class="arabic">
-<p>Format the data directory on the replacement master machine using the previously recorded
-UUID of the dead master. Use the following command sequence:</p>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="content">
-<pre class="highlight"><code class="language-bash" data-lang="bash">$ sudo -u kudu kudu fs format --fs_wal_dir=&lt;master_wal_dir&gt; [--fs_data_dirs=&lt;master_data_dirs&gt;] --uuid=&lt;uuid&gt;</code></pre>
-<div class="dlist">
-<dt class="hdlist1">master_data_dir</dt>
-<p>replacement master&#8217;s previously recorded data directory</p>
-<dt class="hdlist1">uuid</dt>
-<p>dead master&#8217;s previously recorded UUID</p>
-<dt class="hdlist1">Example</dt>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="content">
-<pre>$ sudo -u kudu kudu fs format --fs_wal_dir=/data/kudu/master/wal --fs_data_dirs=/data/kudu/master/data --uuid=80a82c4b8a9f4c819bab744927ad765c</pre>
-<p>Copy the master data to the replacement master with the following command:</p>
-<div class="admonitionblock warning">
-<td class="icon">
-<i class="fa icon-warning" title="Warning"></i>
-<td class="content">
-If your Kudu cluster is secure, in addition to running as the Kudu UNIX user, you must
-  authenticate as the Kudu service user prior to running this command.
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="content">
-<pre class="highlight"><code class="language-bash" data-lang="bash">$ sudo -u kudu kudu local_replica copy_from_remote --fs_wal_dir=&lt;master_wal_dir&gt; [--fs_data_dirs=&lt;master_data_dirs&gt;] &lt;tablet_id&gt; &lt;reference_master&gt;</code></pre>
-<div class="dlist">
-<dt class="hdlist1">master_data_dir</dt>
-<p>replacement master&#8217;s previously recorded data directory</p>
-<dt class="hdlist1">tablet_id</dt>
-<p>must be the string <code>00000000000000000000000000000000</code></p>
-<dt class="hdlist1">reference_master</dt>
-<p>RPC address of the reference master and must be a string of the form
-<div class="dlist">
-<dt class="hdlist1">hostname</dt>
-<p>reference master&#8217;s previously recorded hostname or alias</p>
-<dt class="hdlist1">port</dt>
-<p>reference master&#8217;s previously recorded RPC port number</p>
-<dt class="hdlist1">Example</dt>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="content">
-<pre>$ sudo -u kudu kudu local_replica copy_from_remote --fs_wal_dir=/data/kudu/master/wal --fs_data_dirs=/data/kudu/master/data 00000000000000000000000000000000 master-2:7051</pre>
-<p>If using CM, add the replacement Kudu master role now, but do not start it.</p>
-<div class="ulist">
-<p>Override the empty value of the <code>Master Address</code> parameter for the new role with the replacement
-master&#8217;s alias.</p>
-<p>Add the port number (separated by a colon) if using a non-default RPC port value.</p>
-<p>If the cluster was set up with DNS aliases, reconfigure the DNS alias for the dead master to point
-at the replacement master.</p>
-<p>If the cluster was set up without DNS aliases, perform the following steps:</p>
-<div class="ulist">
-<p>Stop the remaining live masters.</p>
-<p>Rewrite the Raft configurations on these masters to include the replacement master. See Step 4 of
-<a href="#perform-the-migration">Perform the Migration</a> for more details.</p>
-<p>Start the replacement master.</p>
-<p>Restart the remaining masters in the new multi-master deployment. While the masters are shut down,
-there will be an availability outage, but it should last only as long as it takes for the masters
-to come back up.</p>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>Congratulations, the dead master has been replaced! To verify that all masters are working properly,
-consider performing the following sanity checks:</p>
-<div class="ulist">
-<p>Using a browser, visit each master&#8217;s web UI. Look at the /masters page. All of the masters should
-be listed there with one master in the LEADER role and the others in the FOLLOWER role. The
-contents of /masters on each master should be the same.</p>
-<p>Run a Kudu system check (ksck) on the cluster using the <code>kudu</code> command line
-tool. See <a href="#ksck">Checking Cluster Health with <code>ksck</code></a> for more details.</p>
-<div class="sect2">
-<h3 id="_removing_kudu_masters_from_a_multi_master_deployment"><a class="link" href="#_removing_kudu_masters_from_a_multi_master_deployment">Removing Kudu Masters from a Multi-Master Deployment</a></h3>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>In the event that a multi-master deployment has been overallocated nodes, the following steps should
-be taken to remove the unwanted masters.</p>
-<div class="admonitionblock warning">
-<td class="icon">
-<i class="fa icon-warning" title="Warning"></i>
-<td class="content">
-In planning the new multi-master configuration, keep in mind that the number of masters
-should be odd and that three or five node master configurations are recommended.
-<div class="admonitionblock warning">
-<td class="icon">
-<i class="fa icon-warning" title="Warning"></i>
-<td class="content">
-Dropping the number of masters below the number of masters currently needed for a Raft
-majority can incur data loss. To mitigate this, ensure that the leader master is not removed during
-this process.
-<div class="sect3">
-<h4 id="_prepare_for_the_removal"><a class="link" href="#_prepare_for_the_removal">Prepare for the removal</a></h4>
-<div class="olist arabic">
-<ol class="arabic">
-<p>Establish a maintenance window (one hour should be sufficient). During this time the Kudu cluster
-will be unavailable.</p>
-<p>Identify the UUID and RPC address current leader of the multi-master deployment by visiting the
-<code>/masters</code> page of any master&#8217;s web UI. This master must not be removed during this process; its
-removal may result in severe data loss.</p>
-<p>Stop all the Kudu processes in the entire cluster.</p>
-<p>If using CM, remove the unwanted Kudu master.</p>
-<div class="sect3">
-<h4 id="_perform_the_removal"><a class="link" href="#_perform_the_removal">Perform the removal</a></h4>
-<div class="olist arabic">
-<ol class="arabic">
-<p>Rewrite the Raft configuration on the remaining masters to include only the remaining masters. See
-Step 4 of <a href="#perform-the-migration">Perform the Migration</a> for more details.</p>
-<p>Remove the data directories and WAL directory on the unwanted masters. This is a precaution to
-ensure that they cannot start up again and interfere with the new multi-master deployment.</p>
-<p>Modify the value of the <code>master_addresses</code> configuration parameter for the masters of the new
-multi-master deployment. If migrating to a single-master deployment, the <code>master_addresses</code> flag
-should be omitted entirely.</p>
-<p>Start all of the masters that were not removed.</p>
-<p>Modify the value of the <code>tserver_master_addrs</code> configuration parameter for the tablet servers to
-remove any unwanted masters.</p>
-<p>Start all of the tablet servers.</p>
-<div class="sect3">
-<h4 id="_verify_the_migration_was_successful"><a class="link" href="#_verify_the_migration_was_successful">Verify the migration was successful</a></h4>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>To verify that all masters are working properly, perform the following sanity checks:</p>
-<div class="ulist">
-<p>Using a browser, visit each master&#8217;s web UI. Look at the /masters page. All of the masters should
-be listed there with one master in the LEADER role and the others in the FOLLOWER role. The
-contents of /masters on each master should be the same.</p>
-<p>Run a Kudu system check (ksck) on the cluster using the <code>kudu</code> command line
-tool. See <a href="#ksck">Checking Cluster Health with <code>ksck</code></a> for more details.</p>
-<div class="sect2">
-<h3 id="ksck"><a class="link" href="#ksck">Checking Cluster Health with <code>ksck</code></a></h3>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>The <code>kudu</code> CLI includes a tool named <code>ksck</code> which can be used for checking
-cluster health and data integrity. <code>ksck</code> will identify issues such as
-under-replicated tablets, unreachable tablet servers, or tablets without a
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p><code>ksck</code> should be run from the command line, and requires the full list of master
-addresses to be specified:</p>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="content">
-<pre class="highlight"><code class="language-bash" data-lang="bash">$ sudo -u kudu kudu cluster ksck,,</code></pre>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>To see a full list of the options available with <code>ksck</code>, use the <code>--help</code> flag.
-If the cluster is healthy, <code>ksck</code> will print a success message, and return a
-zero (success) exit status.</p>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="content">
-<pre>Connected to the Master
-Fetched info from all 1 Tablet Servers
-Table IntegrationTestBigLinkedList is HEALTHY (1 tablet(s) checked)
-The metadata for 1 table(s) is HEALTHY
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>If the cluster is unhealthy, for instance if a tablet server process has
-stopped, <code>ksck</code> will report the issue(s) and return a non-zero exit status:</p>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="content">
-<pre>Connected to the Master
-WARNING: Unable to connect to Tablet Server 8a0b66a756014def82760a09946d1fce
-( Network error: could not send Ping RPC to server: Client connection negotiation failed: client connection to connect: Connection refused (error 61)
-WARNING: Fetched info from 0 Tablet Servers, 1 weren't reachable
-Tablet ce3c2d27010d4253949a989b9d9bf43c of table 'IntegrationTestBigLinkedList'
-is unavailable: 1 replica(s) not RUNNING
-  8a0b66a756014def82760a09946d1fce ( TS unavailable [LEADER]
-  Table IntegrationTestBigLinkedList has 1 unavailable tablet(s)
-  WARNING: 1 out of 1 table(s) are not in a healthy state
-  ==================
-  Errors:
-  ==================
-  error fetching info from tablet servers: Network error: Not all Tablet Servers are reachable
-  table consistency check error: Corruption: 1 table(s) are bad
-  Runtime error: ksck discovered errors</pre>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>To verify data integrity, the optional <code>--checksum_scan</code> flag can be set, which
-will ensure the cluster has consistent data by scanning each tablet replica and
-comparing results. The <code>--tables</code> or <code>--tablets</code> flags can be used to limit the
-scope of the checksum scan to specific tables or tablets, respectively. For
-example, checking data integrity on the <code>IntegrationTestBigLinkedList</code> table can
-be done with the following command:</p>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="content">
-<pre class="highlight"><code class="language-bash" data-lang="bash">$ sudo -u kudu kudu cluster ksck --checksum_scan --tables IntegrationTestBigLinkedList,,</code></pre>
-<div class="sect2">
-<h3 id="change_dir_config"><a class="link" href="#change_dir_config">Changing Directory Configurations</a></h3>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>For higher read parallelism and larger volumes of storage per server, users may
-want to configure servers to store data in multiple directories on different
-devices. Once a server is started, users must go through the following steps
-to change the directory configuration.</p>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>Users can add or remove data directories to an existing master or tablet server
-via the <code>kudu fs update_dirs</code> tool. Data is striped across data directories,
-and when a new data directory is added, new data will be striped across the
-union of the old and new directories.</p>
-<div class="admonitionblock note">
-<td class="icon">
-<i class="fa icon-note" title="Note"></i>
-<td class="content">
-Unless the <code>--force</code> flag is specified, Kudu will not allow for the
-removal of a directory across which tablets are configured to spread data. If
-<code>--force</code> is specified, all tablets configured to use that directory will fail
-upon starting up and be replicated elsewhere.
-<div class="admonitionblock note">
-<td class="icon">
-<i class="fa icon-note" title="Note"></i>
-<td class="content">
-If the <a href="configuration.html$directory_configuration">metadata
-directory</a> overlaps with a data directory, as was the default prior to Kudu
-1.7, or if a non-default metadata directory is configured, the
-<code>--fs_metadata_dir</code> configuration must be specified when running the <code>kudu fs
-update_dirs</code> tool.
-<div class="admonitionblock note">
-<td class="icon">
-<i class="fa icon-note" title="Note"></i>
-<td class="content">
-Only new tablet replicas (i.e. brand new tablets' replicas and replicas
-that are copied to the server for high availability) will use the new
-directory. Existing tablet replicas on the server will not be rebalanced across
-the new directory.
-<div class="admonitionblock warning">
-<td class="icon">
-<i class="fa icon-warning" title="Warning"></i>
-<td class="content">
-All of the command line steps below should be executed as the Kudu
-UNIX user, typically <code>kudu</code>.
-<div class="olist arabic">
-<ol class="arabic">
-<p>The tool can only run while the server is offline, so establish a maintenance
-window to update the server. The tool itself runs quickly, so this offline
-window should be brief, and as such, only the server to update needs to be
-offline. However, if the server is offline for too long (see the
-<code>follower_unavailable_considered_failed_sec</code> flag), the tablet replicas on it
-may be evicted from their Raft groups. To avoid this, it may be desirable to
-bring the entire cluster offline while performing the update.</p>
-<p>Run the tool with the desired directory configuration flags. For example, if a
-cluster was set up with <code>--fs_wal_dir=/wals</code>, <code>--fs_metadata_dir=/meta</code>, and
-<code>--fs_data_dirs=/data/1,/data/2,/data/3</code>, and <code>/data/3</code> is to be removed (e.g.
-due to a disk error), run the command:</p>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="content">
-<pre class="highlight"><code class="language-bash" data-lang="bash">$ sudo -u kudu kudu fs update_dirs --force --fs_wal_dir=/wals --fs_metadata_dir=/meta --fs_data_dirs=/data/1,/data/2</code></pre>
-<p>Modify the values of the <code>fs_data_dirs</code> flags for the updated sever. If using
-CM, make sure to only update the configurations of the updated server, rather
-than of the entire Kudu service.</p>
-<p>Once complete, the server process can be started. When Kudu is installed using
-system packages, <code>service</code> is typically used:</p>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="content">
-<pre class="highlight"><code class="language-bash" data-lang="bash">$ sudo service kudu-tserver start</code></pre>
-<div class="sect2">
-<h3 id="disk_failure_recovery"><a class="link" href="#disk_failure_recovery">Recovering from Disk Failure</a></h3>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>Kudu nodes can only survive failures of disks on which certain Kudu directories
-are mounted. For more information about the different Kudu directory types, see
-the section on <a href="configuration.html#directory_configuration">Kudu Directory
-Configurations</a>. Below describes this behavior across different Apache Kudu
-<table id="disk_failure_behavior" class="tableblock frame-all grid-all spread">
-<caption class="title">Table 1. Kudu Disk Failure Behavior</caption>
-<col style="width: 33.3333%;">
-<col style="width: 33.3333%;">
-<col style="width: 33.3334%;">
-<th class="tableblock halign-left valign-top">Node Type</th>
-<th class="tableblock halign-left valign-top">Kudu Directory Type</th>
-<th class="tableblock halign-left valign-top">Kudu Releases that Crash on Disk Failure</th>
-<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"><p class="tableblock">Master</p></td>
-<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"><p class="tableblock">All</p></td>
-<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"><p class="tableblock">All</p></td>
-<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"><p class="tableblock">Tablet Server</p></td>
-<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"><p class="tableblock">Directory containing WALs</p></td>
-<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"><p class="tableblock">All</p></td>
-<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"><p class="tableblock">Tablet Server</p></td>
-<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"><p class="tableblock">Directory containing tablet metadata</p></td>
-<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"><p class="tableblock">All</p></td>
-<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"><p class="tableblock">Tablet Server</p></td>
-<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"><p class="tableblock">Directory containing data blocks only</p></td>
-<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"><p class="tableblock">Pre-1.6.0</p></td>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>When a disk failure occurs that does not lead to a crash, Kudu will stop using
-the affected directory, shut down tablets with blocks on the affected
-directories, and automatically re-replicate the affected tablets to other
-tablet servers. The affected server will remain alive and print messages to the
-log indicating the disk failure, for example:</p>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="content">
-<pre>E1205 19:06:24.163748 27115] Directory /data/8/kudu/data marked as failed
-E1205 19:06:30.324795 27064] Not using report from /data/8/kudu/data: IO error: Could not open container 0a6283cab82d4e75848f49772d2638fe: /data/8/kudu/data/0a6283cab82d4e75848f49772d2638fe.metadata: Read-only file system (error 30)
-E1205 19:06:33.564638 27220] T 4957808439314e0d97795c1394348d80 P 70f7ee61ead54b1885d819f354eb3405: aborting tablet bootstrap: tablet has data in a failed directory</pre>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>While in this state, the affected node will avoid using the failed disk,
-leading to lower storage volume and reduced read parallelism. The administrator
-should schedule a brief window to <a href="#change_dir_config">update the node&#8217;s
-directory configuration</a> to exclude the failed disk.</p>
-<div class="sect2">
-<h3 id="tablet_majority_down_recovery"><a class="link" href="#tablet_majority_down_recovery">Bringing a tablet that has lost a majority of replicas back online</a></h3>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>If a tablet has permanently lost a majority of its replicas, it cannot recover
-automatically and operator intervention is required. The steps below may cause
-recent edits to the tablet to be lost, potentially resulting in permanent data
-loss. Only attempt the procedure below if it is impossible to bring
-a majority back online.</p>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>Suppose a tablet has lost a majority of its replicas. The first step in
-diagnosing and fixing the problem is to examine the tablet&#8217;s state using ksck:</p>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="content">
-<pre class="highlight"><code class="language-bash" data-lang="bash">$ sudo -u kudu kudu cluster ksck --tablets=e822cab6c0584bc0858219d1539a17e6 master-00,master-01,master-02
-Connected to the Master
-Fetched info from all 5 Tablet Servers
-Tablet e822cab6c0584bc0858219d1539a17e6 of table 'my_table' is unavailable: 2 replica(s) not RUNNING
-  638a20403e3e4ae3b55d4d07d920e6de (tserver-00:7150): RUNNING
-  9a56fa85a38a4edc99c6229cba68aeaa (tserver-01:7150): bad state
-    State:       FAILED
-    Data state:  TABLET_DATA_READY
-    Last status: &lt;failure message&gt;
-  c311fef7708a4cf9bb11a3e4cbcaab8c (tserver-02:7150): bad state
-    State:       FAILED
-    Data state:  TABLET_DATA_READY
-    Last status: &lt;failure message&gt;</code></pre>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>This output shows that, for tablet <code>e822cab6c0584bc0858219d1539a17e6</code>, the two
-tablet replicas on <code>tserver-01</code> and <code>tserver-02</code> failed. The remaining replica
-is not the leader, so the leader replica failed as well. This means the chance
-of data loss is higher since the remaining replica on <code>tserver-00</code> may have
-been lagging. In general, to accept the potential data loss and restore the
-tablet from the remaining replicas, divide the tablet replicas into two groups:</p>
-<div class="olist arabic">
-<ol class="arabic">
-<p>Healthy replicas: Those in <code>RUNNING</code> state as reported by ksck</p>
-<p>Unhealthy replicas</p>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>For example, in the above ksck output, the replica on tablet server <code>tserver-00</code>
-is healthy, while the replicas on <code>tserver-01</code> and <code>tserver-02</code> are unhealthy.
-On each tablet server with a healthy replica, alter the consensus configuration
-to remove unhealthy replicas. In the typical case of 1 out of 3 surviving
-replicas, there will be only one healthy replica, so the consensus configuration
-will be rewritten to include only the healthy replica.</p>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="content">
-<pre class="highlight"><code class="language-bash" data-lang="bash">$ sudo -u kudu kudu remote_replica unsafe_change_config tserver-00:7150 &lt;tablet-id&gt; &lt;tserver-00-uuid&gt;</code></pre>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>where <code>&lt;tablet-id&gt;</code> is <code>e822cab6c0584bc0858219d1539a17e6</code> and
-<code>&lt;tserver-00-uuid&gt;</code> is the uuid of <code>tserver-00</code>,
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>Once the healthy replicas' consensus configurations have been forced to exclude
-the unhealthy replicas, the healthy replicas will be able to elect a leader.
-The tablet will become available for writes, though it will still be
-under-replicated. Shortly after the tablet becomes available, the leader master
-will notice that it is under-replicated, and will cause the tablet to
-re-replicate until the proper replication factor is restored. The unhealthy
-replicas will be tombstoned by the master, causing their remaining data to be
-<div class="sect3">
-<h4 id="rebuilding_kudu"><a class="link" href="#rebuilding_kudu">Rebuilding a Kudu Filesystem Layout</a></h4>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>In the event that critical files are lost, i.e. WALs or tablet-specific
-metadata, all Kudu directories on the server must be deleted and rebuilt to
-ensure correctness. Doing so will destroy the copy of the data for each tablet
-replica hosted on the local server. Kudu will automatically re-replicate tablet
-replicas removed in this way, provided the replication factor is at least three
-and all other servers are online and healthy.</p>
-<div class="admonitionblock note">
-<td class="icon">
-<i class="fa icon-note" title="Note"></i>
-<td class="content">
-These steps use a tablet server as an example, but the steps are the same
-for Kudu master servers.
-<div class="admonitionblock warning">
-<td class="icon">
-<i class="fa icon-warning" title="Warning"></i>
-<td class="content">
-If multiple nodes need their FS layouts rebuilt, wait until all
-replicas previously hosted on each node have finished automatically
-re-replicating elsewhere before continuing. Failure to do so can result in
-permanent data loss.
-<div class="admonitionblock warning">
-<td class="icon">
-<i class="fa icon-warning" title="Warning"></i>
-<td class="content">
-Before proceeding, ensure the contents of the directories are backed
-up, either as a copy or in the form of other tablet replicas.
-<div class="olist arabic">
-<ol class="arabic">
-<p>The first step to rebuilding a server with a new directory configuration is
-emptying all of the server&#8217;s existing directories. For example, if a tablet
-server is configured with <code>--fs_wal_dir=/data/0/kudu-tserver-wal</code>,
-<code>--fs_metadata_dir=/data/0/kudu-tserver-meta</code>, and
-<code>--fs_data_dirs=/data/1/kudu-tserver,/data/2/kudu-tserver</code>, the following
-commands will remove the WAL directory&#8217;s and data directories' contents:</p>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="content">
-<pre class="highlight"><code class="language-bash" data-lang="bash"># Note: this will delete all of the data from the local tablet server.
-$ rm -rf /data/0/kudu-tserver-wal/* /data/0/kudu-tserver-meta/* /data/1/kudu-tserver/* /data/2/kudu-tserver/*</code></pre>
-<p>If using CM, update the configurations for the rebuilt server to include only
-the desired directories. Make sure to only update the configurations of servers
-to which changes were applied, rather than of the entire Kudu service.</p>
-<p>After directories are deleted, the server process can be started with the new
-directory configuration. The appropriate sub-directories will be created by
-Kudu upon starting up.</p>
-    </div>
-    <div class="col-md-3">
-  <div id="toc" data-spy="affix" data-offset-top="70">
-  <ul>
-      <li>
-          <a href="index.html">Introducing Kudu</a> 
-      </li> 
-      <li>
-          <a href="release_notes.html">Kudu Release Notes</a> 
-      </li> 
-      <li>
-          <a href="quickstart.html">Getting Started with Kudu</a> 
-      </li> 
-      <li>
-          <a href="installation.html">Installation Guide</a> 
-      </li> 
-      <li>
-          <a href="configuration.html">Configuring Kudu</a> 
-      </li> 
-      <li>
-          <a href="kudu_impala_integration.html">Using Impala with Kudu</a> 
-      </li> 
-      <li>
-<span class="active-toc">Administering Kudu</span>
-            <ul class="sectlevel1">
-<li><a href="#_starting_and_stopping_kudu_processes">Starting and Stopping Kudu Processes</a></li>
-<li><a href="#_kudu_web_interfaces">Kudu Web Interfaces</a>
-<ul class="sectlevel2">
-<li><a href="#_kudu_master_web_interface">Kudu Master Web Interface</a></li>
-<li><a href="#_kudu_tablet_server_web_interface">Kudu Tablet Server Web Interface</a></li>
-<li><a href="#_common_web_interface_pages">Common Web Interface Pages</a></li>
-<li><a href="#_kudu_metrics">Kudu Metrics</a>
-<ul class="sectlevel2">
-<li><a href="#_listing_available_metrics">Listing available metrics</a></li>
-<li><a href="#_collecting_metrics_via_http">Collecting metrics via HTTP</a></li>
-<li><a href="#_diagnostics_logging">Diagnostics Logging</a></li>
-<li><a href="#_common_kudu_workflows">Common Kudu workflows</a>
-<ul class="sectlevel2">
-<li><a href="#migrate_to_multi_master">Migrating to Multiple Kudu Masters</a>
-<ul class="sectlevel3">
-<li><a href="#_prepare_for_the_migration">Prepare for the migration</a></li>
-<li><a href="#perform-the-migration">Perform the migration</a></li>
-<li><a href="#_recovering_from_a_dead_kudu_master_in_a_multi_master_deployment">Recovering from a dead Kudu Master in a Multi-Master Deployment</a>
-<ul class="sectlevel3">
-<li><a href="#_prepare_for_the_recovery">Prepare for the recovery</a></li>
-<li><a href="#_perform_the_recovery">Perform the recovery</a></li>
-<li><a href="#_removing_kudu_masters_from_a_multi_master_deployment">Removing Kudu Masters from a Multi-Master Deployment</a>
-<ul class="sectlevel3">
-<li><a href="#_prepare_for_the_removal">Prepare for the removal</a></li>
-<li><a href="#_perform_the_removal">Perform the removal</a></li>
-<li><a href="#_verify_the_migration_was_successful">Verify the migration was successful</a></li>
-<li><a href="#ksck">Checking Cluster Health with <code>ksck</code></a></li>
-<li><a href="#change_dir_config">Changing Directory Configurations</a></li>
-<li><a href="#disk_failure_recovery">Recovering from Disk Failure</a></li>
-<li><a href="#tablet_majority_down_recovery">Bringing a tablet that has lost a majority of replicas back online</a>
-<ul class="sectlevel3">
-<li><a href="#rebuilding_kudu">Rebuilding a Kudu Filesystem Layout</a></li>
-      </li> 
-      <li>
-          <a href="troubleshooting.html">Troubleshooting Kudu</a> 
-      </li> 
-      <li>
-          <a href="developing.html">Developing Applications with Kudu</a> 
-      </li> 
-      <li>
-          <a href="schema_design.html">Kudu Schema Design</a> 
-      </li> 
-      <li>
-          <a href="security.html">Kudu Security</a> 
-      </li> 
-      <li>
-          <a href="transaction_semantics.html">Kudu Transaction Semantics</a> 
-      </li> 
-      <li>
-          <a href="background_tasks.html">Background Maintenance Tasks</a> 
-      </li> 
-      <li>
-          <a href="configuration_reference.html">Kudu Configuration Reference</a> 
-      </li> 
-      <li>
-          <a href="command_line_tools_reference.html">Kudu Command Line Tools Reference</a> 
-      </li> 
-      <li>
-          <a href="known_issues.html">Known Issues and Limitations</a> 
-      </li> 
-      <li>
-          <a href="contributing.html">Contributing to Kudu</a> 
-      </li> 
-      <li>
-          <a href="export_control.html">Export Control Notice</a> 
-      </li> 
-  </ul>
-  </div>
-    </div>
-  </div>
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deleted file mode 100644
index 3dd650a..0000000
--- a/docs/background_tasks.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-title: Apache Kudu Background Maintenance Tasks
-layout: default
-active_nav: docs
-last_updated: 'Last updated 2018-06-14 08:17:56 PDT'
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-<div class="container">
-  <div class="row">
-    <div class="col-md-9">
-<h1>Apache Kudu Background Maintenance Tasks</h1>
-      <div id="preamble">
-<div class="sectionbody">
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>Kudu relies on running background tasks for many important automatic
-maintenance activities. These tasks include flushing data from memory to disk,
-compacting data to improve performance, freeing up disk space, and more.</p>
-<div class="sect1">
-<h2 id="_maintenance_manager"><a class="link" href="#_maintenance_manager">Maintenance manager</a></h2>
-<div class="sectionbody">
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>The maintenance manager schedules and runs background tasks. At any given point
-in time, the maintenance manager is prioritizing the next task based on the
-improvement needed at that moment, such as relieving memory pressure, improving
-read performance, or freeing up disk space. The number of worker threads
-dedicated to running background tasks can be controlled by setting
-<div class="sect1">
-<h2 id="_flushing_data_to_disk"><a class="link" href="#_flushing_data_to_disk">Flushing data to disk</a></h2>
-<div class="sectionbody">
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>Flushing data from memory to disk relieves memory pressure and can improve read
-performance by switching from a write-optimized, row-oriented in-memory format
-in the <code>MemRowSet</code> to a read-optimized, column-oriented format on disk.
-Background tasks that flush data include <code>FlushMRSOp</code> and
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>The metrics associated with these ops have the prefix <code>flush_mrs</code> and
-<code>flush_dms</code>, respectively.</p>
-<div class="sect1">
-<h2 id="_compacting_on_disk_data"><a class="link" href="#_compacting_on_disk_data">Compacting on-disk data</a></h2>
-<div class="sectionbody">
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>Kudu constantly performs several types of compaction tasks in order to maintain
-consistent read and write performance over time. A merging compaction, which combines
-multiple <code>DiskRowSets</code> together into a single <code>DiskRowSet</code>, is run by
-<code>CompactRowSetsOp</code>. There are two types of delta store compaction operations
-that may be run as well: <code>MinorDeltaCompactionOp</code> and <code>MajorDeltaCompactionOp</code>.</p>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>For more information on what these different types of compaction operations do,
-please see the
-<a href="">Kudu Tablet
-design document</a>.</p>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>The metrics associated with these tasks have the prefix <code>compact_rs</code>,
-<code>delta_minor_compact_rs</code>, and <code>delta_major_compact_rs</code>, respectively.</p>
-<div class="sect1">
-<h2 id="_write_ahead_log_gc"><a class="link" href="#_write_ahead_log_gc">Write-ahead log GC</a></h2>
-<div class="sectionbody">
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>Kudu maintains a write-ahead log (WAL) per tablet that is split into discrete
-fixed-size segments. A tablet periodically rolls the WAL to a new log segment
-when the active segment reaches a configured size (controlled by
-<code>--log_segment_size_mb</code>). In order to save disk space and decrease startup
-time, a background task called <code>LogGCOp</code> attempts to garbage-collect (GC) old
-WAL segments by deleting them from disk once it is determined that they are no
-longer needed by the local node for durability.</p>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>The metrics associated with this background task have the prefix <code>log_gc</code>.</p>
-<div class="sect1">
-<h2 id="_tablet_history_gc_and_the_ancient_history_mark"><a class="link" href="#_tablet_history_gc_and_the_ancient_history_mark">Tablet history GC and the ancient history mark</a></h2>
-<div class="sectionbody">
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>Because Kudu uses a multiversion concurrency control (MVCC) mechanism to
-ensure that snapshot scans can proceeed isolated from new changes to a table,
-periodically old historical data should be garbage-collected (removed) to free
-up disk space. While Kudu never removes rows or data that are visible in the
-latest version of the data, Kudu does remove records of old changes that are no
-longer visible.</p>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>The point in time in the past beyond which historical MVCC data becomes
-inaccessible and is free to be deleted is called the <em>ancient history mark</em>
-(AHM). The AHM can be configured by setting <code>--tablet_history_max_age_sec</code>.</p>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>There are two background tasks that GC historical MVCC data older than the AHM:
-the one that runs the merging compaction, called <code>CompactRowSetsOp</code> (see
-above), and a separate background task that deletes old undo delta blocks,
-called <code>UndoDeltaBlockGCOp</code>. Running <code>UndoDeltaBlockGCOp</code> reduces disk space
-usage in all workloads, but particularly in those with a higher volume of
-updates or upserts.</p>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>The metrics associated with this background task have the prefix
-    </div>
-    <div class="col-md-3">
-  <div id="toc" data-spy="affix" data-offset-top="70">
-  <ul>
-      <li>
-          <a href="index.html">Introducing Kudu</a> 
-      </li> 
-      <li>
-          <a href="release_notes.html">Kudu Release Notes</a> 
-      </li> 
-      <li>
-          <a href="quickstart.html">Getting Started with Kudu</a> 
-      </li> 
-      <li>
-          <a href="installation.html">Installation Guide</a> 
-      </li> 
-      <li>
-          <a href="configuration.html">Configuring Kudu</a> 
-      </li> 
-      <li>
-          <a href="kudu_impala_integration.html">Using Impala with Kudu</a> 
-      </li> 
-      <li>
-          <a href="administration.html">Administering Kudu</a> 
-      </li> 
-      <li>
-          <a href="troubleshooting.html">Troubleshooting Kudu</a> 
-      </li> 
-      <li>
-          <a href="developing.html">Developing Applications with Kudu</a> 
-      </li> 
-      <li>
-          <a href="schema_design.html">Kudu Schema Design</a> 
-      </li> 
-      <li>
-          <a href="security.html">Kudu Security</a> 
-      </li> 
-      <li>
-          <a href="transaction_semantics.html">Kudu Transaction Semantics</a> 
-      </li> 
-      <li>
-<span class="active-toc">Background Maintenance Tasks</span>
-            <ul class="sectlevel1">
-<li><a href="#_maintenance_manager">Maintenance manager</a></li>
-<li><a href="#_flushing_data_to_disk">Flushing data to disk</a></li>
-<li><a href="#_compacting_on_disk_data">Compacting on-disk data</a></li>
-<li><a href="#_write_ahead_log_gc">Write-ahead log GC</a></li>
-<li><a href="#_tablet_history_gc_and_the_ancient_history_mark">Tablet history GC and the ancient history mark</a></li>
-      </li> 
-      <li>
-          <a href="configuration_reference.html">Kudu Configuration Reference</a> 
-      </li> 
-      <li>
-          <a href="command_line_tools_reference.html">Kudu Command Line Tools Reference</a> 
-      </li> 
-      <li>
-          <a href="known_issues.html">Known Issues and Limitations</a> 
-      </li> 
-      <li>
-          <a href="contributing.html">Contributing to Kudu</a> 
-      </li> 
-      <li>
-          <a href="export_control.html">Export Control Notice</a> 
-      </li> 
-  </ul>
-  </div>
-    </div>
-  </div>
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