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[01/50] [abbrv] incubator-hawq-docs git commit: HAWQ-1394 document HiveORC profile (closes #104)

Repository: incubator-hawq-docs
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  refs/heads/master 51cd83d56 -> 18ee9446d

HAWQ-1394 document HiveORC profile (closes #104)


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 8c37d043ab8b6ef59315a7bd92acb2c9b45dcedb
Parents: ce67ada
Author: Lisa Owen <>
Authored: Mon Mar 20 14:19:45 2017 -0700
Committer: David Yozie <>
Committed: Mon Mar 20 14:19:45 2017 -0700

 markdown/pxf/ | 183 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 175 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
diff --git a/markdown/pxf/ b/markdown/pxf/
index bc4e9f6..345bbca 100644
--- a/markdown/pxf/
+++ b/markdown/pxf/
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ The PXF Hive plug-in supports several file formats and profiles for accessing th
 | TextFile | Flat file with data in comma-, tab-, or space-separated value format or JSON notation. | Hive, HiveText |
 | SequenceFile | Flat file consisting of binary key/value pairs. | Hive |
 | RCFile | Record columnar data consisting of binary key/value pairs; high row compression rate. | Hive, HiveRC |
-| ORCFile | Optimized row columnar data with stripe, footer, and postscript sections; reduces data size. | Hive |
+| ORCFile | Optimized row columnar data with stripe, footer, and postscript sections; reduces data size. | Hive, HiveORC |
 | Parquet | Compressed columnar data representation. | Hive |
 | Avro | JSON-defined, schema-based data serialization format. | Hive |
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ The following table summarizes external mapping rules for Hive primitive types.
 Hive supports complex data types including array, struct, map, and union. PXF maps each of these complex types to `text`.  While HAWQ does not natively support these types, you can create HAWQ functions or application code to extract subcomponents of these complex data types.
-An example using complex data types with the `Hive` profile is provided later in this topic.
+Examples using complex data types with the `Hive` and `HiveORC` profiles are provided later in this topic.
 ## <a id="hive_sampledataset"></a>Sample Data Set
@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ HCatalog integration has the following limitations:
 In the previous section, you used HCatalog integration to query a Hive table. You can also create a PXF/HAWQ external table to access Hive table data. This Hive table access mechanism requires that you identify an appropriate Hive profile.
-The PXF Hive plug-in supports several Hive-related profiles. These include `Hive`, `HiveText`, and `HiveRC`. The `HiveText` and `HiveRC` profiles are specifically optimized for text and RC file formats, respectively. The `Hive` profile is optimized for all file storage types; use the `Hive` profile when the underlying Hive table is composed of multiple partitions with differing file formats.
+The PXF Hive plug-in supports several Hive-related profiles. These include `Hive`, `HiveText`, and `HiveRC`, and `HiveORC`. The `HiveText` and `HiveRC` profiles are specifically optimized for text and RC file formats, respectively. The `HiveORC` profile is optimized for ORC file formats. The `Hive` profile is optimized for all file storage types; use the `Hive` profile when the underlying Hive table is composed of multiple partitions with differing file formats.
 Use the following syntax to create a HAWQ external table representing Hive data:
@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ Use the following syntax to create a HAWQ external table representing Hive data:
     ( <column_name> <data_type> [, ...] | LIKE <other_table> )
 LOCATION ('pxf://<host>[:<port>]/<hive-db-name>.<hive-table-name>
-    ?PROFILE=Hive|HiveText|HiveRC[&DELIMITER=<delim>'])
+    ?PROFILE=Hive|HiveText|HiveRC|HiveORC[&DELIMITER=<delim>'])
 FORMAT 'CUSTOM|TEXT' (formatter='pxfwritable_import' | delimiter='<delim>')
@@ -336,9 +336,9 @@ Hive-plug-in-specific keywords and values used in the [CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE](..
 | \<port\>    | The PXF port. If \<port\> is omitted, PXF assumes \<host\> identifies a High Availability HDFS Nameservice and connects to the port number designated by the `pxf_service_port` server configuration parameter value. Default is 51200. |
 | \<hive-db-name\>    | The name of the Hive database. If omitted, defaults to the Hive database named `default`. |
 | \<hive-table-name\>    | The name of the Hive table. |
-| PROFILE    | The `PROFILE` keyword must specify one of the values `Hive`, `HiveText`, or `HiveRC`. |
+| PROFILE    | The `PROFILE` keyword must specify one of the values `Hive`, `HiveText`, `HiveRC`, or `HiveORC`. |
 | DELIMITER    | The `DELIMITER` clause is required for both the `HiveText` and `HiveRC` profiles and identifies the field delimiter used in the Hive data set.  \<delim\> must be a single ascii character or specified in hexadecimal representation. |
-| FORMAT (`Hive` profile)   | The `FORMAT` clause must specify `CUSTOM`. The `CUSTOM` format supports only the built-in `pxfwritable_import` `formatter`.   |
+| FORMAT (`Hive` and `HiveORC` profiles)   | The `FORMAT` clause must specify `CUSTOM`. The `CUSTOM` format supports only the built-in `pxfwritable_import` `formatter`.   |
 | FORMAT (`HiveText` and `HiveRC` profiles) | The `FORMAT` clause must specify `TEXT`. The `delimiter` must be specified a second time in '\<delim\>'. |
@@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ Use the PXF `HiveText` profile to create a queryable HAWQ external table from th
 2. Query the external table:
     ``` sql
-    postgres=# SELECT * FROM salesinfo_hivetextprofile WHERE location="Beijing";
+    postgres=# SELECT * FROM salesinfo_hivetextprofile WHERE location='Beijing';
     ``` shell
@@ -475,6 +475,96 @@ Use the `HiveRC` profile to query RCFile-formatted data in Hive tables.
+## <a id="hiveorc-intro"></a>HiveORC Profile
+The Optimized Row Columnar (ORC) file format is a columnar file format that provides a highly efficient way to both store and access HDFS data. ORC format offers improvements over text and RCFile formats in terms of both compression and performance. HAWQ/PXF supports ORC version 1.2.1.
+ORC is type-aware and specifically designed for Hadoop workloads. ORC files store both the type of and encoding information for the data in the file. All columns within a single group of row data (also known as stripe) are stored together on disk in ORC format files. The columnar nature of the ORC format type enables read projection, helping avoid accessing unecessary columns during a query.
+ORC also supports predicate pushdown with built-in indexes at the file, stripe, and row levels, moving the filter operation to the data loading phase.
+Refer to the [Apache orc]( and the Apache Hive [LanguageManual ORC]( websites for detailed information about the ORC file format.
+Use the `HiveORC` profile to access ORC format data. The `HiveORC` profile provides:
+- Enhanced query performance - Column projection information is leveraged to enhance query performance by reducing disk I/O and data payload.
+- Optimized predicate pushdown - Predicate pushdown is optimized for:
+    - `int2`, `int4`, `int8`, `float8`, `text`, `bpchar`, and `boolean` data type and `=`, `>`, `<`, `>=`, `<=`, `IS NULL`, and `IS NOT NULL` operator combinations
+    - `=`, `>`, `<`, `>=`, `<=`, `IS NULL`, and `IS NOT NULL` operators and comparisons between the integer types
+    - `=`, `>`, `<`, `>=`, `<=`, `IS NULL`, and `IS NOT NULL` operators and comparisons between the `float8` and `float4` types
+    - `IN` operator on arrays of `int2`, `int4`, `int8`, `boolean`, and `text`
+- Complex type support - You can access Hive tables composed of array, map, struct, and union data types. PXF serializes each of these complex types to `text`.
+**Note**: The `HiveORC` profile currently supports access to data stored in ORC format only through a Hive mapped table.
+### <a id="using-hiveorc-profile"></a>Example: Using the HiveORC Profile
+In the following example, you will create a Hive table stored in ORC format and use the `HiveORC` profile to query this Hive table.
+1. Create a Hive table with ORC file format:
+    ``` shell
+    $ HADOOP_USER_NAME=hdfs hive
+    ```
+    ``` sql
+    hive> CREATE TABLE sales_info_ORC (location string, month string,
+            number_of_orders int, total_sales double)
+          STORED AS ORC;
+    ```
+2. Insert the data from the `sales_info` table into `sales_info_ORC`:
+    ``` sql
+    hive> INSERT INTO TABLE sales_info_ORC SELECT * FROM sales_info;
+    ```
+    A copy of the sample data set is now stored in ORC format in `sales_info_ORC`.
+3. Perform a Hive query on `sales_info_ORC` to verify that the data was loaded successfully:
+    ``` sql
+    hive> SELECT * FROM sales_info_ORC;
+    ```
+4. Start the `psql` subsystem and turn on timing:
+    ``` shell
+    $ psql -d postgres
+    ```
+    ``` sql
+    postgres=> \timing
+    Timing is on.
+    ```
+4. Use the PXF `HiveORC` profile to create a queryable HAWQ external table from the Hive table named `sales_info_ORC` you created in Step 1. The `FORMAT` clause must specify `'CUSTOM'`. The `HiveORC` `CUSTOM` format supports only the built-in `'pxfwritable_import'` `formatter`.
+    ``` sql
+    postgres=> CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE salesinfo_hiveORCprofile(location text, month text, num_orders int, total_sales float8)
+                 LOCATION ('pxf://namenode:51200/default.sales_info_ORC?PROFILE=HiveORC')
+                 FORMAT 'CUSTOM' (formatter='pxfwritable_import');
+    ```
+5. Query the external table:
+    ``` sql
+    postgres=> SELECT * FROM salesinfo_hiveORCprofile;
+    ```
+    ``` pre
+       location    | month | number_of_orders | total_sales 
+    ---------------+-------+------------------+-------------
+     Prague        | Jan   |              101 |     4875.33
+     Rome          | Mar   |               87 |     1557.39
+     Bangalore     | May   |              317 |     8936.99
+     ...
+    Time: 425.416 ms
+    ```
 ## <a id="topic_dbb_nz3_ts"></a>Accessing Parquet-Format Hive Tables
 The PXF `Hive` profile supports both non-partitioned and partitioned Hive tables that use the Parquet storage format in HDFS. Simply map the table columns using equivalent HAWQ data types. For example, if a Hive table is created using:
@@ -498,8 +588,9 @@ And query the HAWQ external table using:
 postgres=# SELECT fname,lname FROM pxf_parquet_table;
+## <a id="complex_dt_example"></a> Complex Data Types
-## <a id="complex_dt_example"></a>Hive Profile Complex Data Type Example
+### <a id="complex_dt_example"></a>Example: Using the Hive Profile with Complex Data Types
 This example employs the `Hive` profile and the array and map complex types, specifically an array of integers and a string key/value pair map.
@@ -607,6 +698,82 @@ When specifying an array field in a Hive table, you must identify the terminator
     `intarray` and `propmap` are each serialized as text strings.
+### <a id="using-hiveorc-profile-complex"></a>Example: Using the HiveORC Profile with Complex Data Types
+In the following example, you will create a Hive table stored in ORC format. You will use the `HiveORC` profile to query the complex types in the `table_complextypes` Hive table you created in the previous exercise.
+1. Create a Hive table with ORC file format:
+    ``` shell
+    $ HADOOP_USER_NAME=hdfs hive
+    ```
+    ``` sql
+    hive> CREATE TABLE table_complextypes_ORC( index int, name string, intarray ARRAY<int>, propmap MAP<string, string>)
+            MAP KEYS TERMINATED BY ':'
+          STORED AS ORC;
+    ```
+2. Insert the data from the `table_complextypes` table into `table_complextypes_ORC`:
+    ``` sql
+    hive> INSERT INTO TABLE table_complextypes_ORC SELECT * FROM table_complextypes;
+    ```
+    A copy of the sample data set is now stored in ORC format in `table_complextypes_ORC`.
+3. Perform a Hive query on `table_complextypes_ORC` to verify that the data was loaded successfully:
+    ``` sql
+    hive> SELECT * FROM table_complextypes_ORC;
+    ```
+    ``` pre
+    OK
+    3       Prague       [1,2,3]    {"zone":"euro","status":"up"}
+    89      Rome         [4,5,6]    {"zone":"euro"}
+    400     Bangalore    [7,8,9]    {"zone":"apac","status":"pending"}
+    ...
+    ```
+4. Start the `psql` subsystem:
+    ``` shell
+    $ psql -d postgres
+    ```
+4. Use the PXF `HiveORC` profile to create a queryable HAWQ external table from the Hive table named `table_complextypes_ORC` you created in Step 1. The `FORMAT` clause must specify `'CUSTOM'`. The `HiveORC` `CUSTOM` format supports only the built-in `'pxfwritable_import'` `formatter`.
+    ``` sql
+    postgres=> CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE complextypes_hiveorc(index int, name text, intarray text, propmap text)
+               LOCATION ('pxf://namenode:51200/default.table_complextypes_ORC?PROFILE=HiveORC')
+                 FORMAT 'CUSTOM' (formatter='pxfwritable_import');
+    ```
+    Notice that the integer array and map complex types are mapped to type text.
+5. Query the external table:
+    ``` sql
+    postgres=> SELECT * FROM complextypes_hiveorc;
+    ```
+    ``` pre
+     index |    name    | intarray |              propmap               
+    -------+------------+----------+------------------------------------
+         3 | Prague     | [1,2,3]  | {"zone":"euro","status":"up"}
+        89 | Rome       | [4,5,6]  | {"zone":"euro"}
+       400 | Bangalore  | [7,8,9]  | {"zone":"apac","status":"pending"}
+     ...
+    ```
+    `intarray` and `propmap` are each serialized as text strings.
 ## <a id="partitionfiltering"></a>Partition Filtering
 The PXF Hive plug-in supports the Hive partitioning feature and directory structure. This enables partition exclusion on selected HDFS files comprising the Hive table.�To use�the partition filtering�feature to reduce network traffic and I/O, run a PXF query using a `WHERE` clause�that refers to a specific partition in the partitioned Hive table.

[24/50] [abbrv] incubator-hawq-docs git commit: misc ranger doc updates (closes #113)

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misc ranger doc updates (closes #113)


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 51428eb20bf32c98e3b322675333d27635c4113a
Parents: d57b25b
Author: Lisa Owen <>
Authored: Tue Apr 4 09:53:44 2017 -0700
Committer: David Yozie <>
Committed: Tue Apr 4 09:53:44 2017 -0700

 markdown/ranger/       |  2 +-
 markdown/ranger/ |  4 ++--
 markdown/ranger/ | 12 ++----------
 3 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
diff --git a/markdown/ranger/ b/markdown/ranger/
index c7aad86..f88a093 100644
--- a/markdown/ranger/
+++ b/markdown/ranger/
@@ -44,5 +44,5 @@ The Ranger plug-in service is not compatible with Highly-Available HAWQ deployme
 Ranger User Group policies cannot be used with HAWQ in this release. Only User Policies are currently supported.
-Some authorization checks for superuser-restricted authorization events are handled by HAWQ natively, even when Ranger integration is enabled. See [HAWQ-Native Authorization](ranger-policy-creation.html#alwaysnative).
+Some authorization checks for superuser-restricted authorization events are handled by HAWQ natively, even when Ranger integration is enabled. See [HAWQ-Native Authorization](../clientaccess/hawq-access-checks.html#alwaysnative).
diff --git a/markdown/ranger/ b/markdown/ranger/
index c7d0dbf..c7d44e5 100644
--- a/markdown/ranger/
+++ b/markdown/ranger/
@@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ specifying these permissions:
 | Permission    | Allows SQL Commands     | Equivalent GRANT Command |
-| usage-schema | TOO MANY TO LIST?, built-in HAWQ functions |  GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA \<schema-name\> TO \<user-name\> |
+| usage-schema | MANY |  GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA \<schema-name\> TO \<user-name\> |
 ## <a id="tblops"></a> Policies for Table Operations
diff --git a/markdown/ranger/ b/markdown/ranger/
index 2e53f69..f28b357 100644
--- a/markdown/ranger/
+++ b/markdown/ranger/
@@ -164,19 +164,11 @@ The following table identifies the permissions required for common SQL commands.
 <tr class="even">
-<td rowspan="4">CREATE FUNCTION<p>&lt;func-name&gt;<p>(untrusted &lt;language-name&gt;) &&</td>
+<td rowspan="2">CREATE FUNCTION<p>&lt;func-name&gt;<p>(untrusted &lt;language-name&gt;) &&</td>
 <td>usage-schema, create</td>
 <tr class="odd">
-<tr class="even">
-<tr class="odd">
@@ -217,7 +209,7 @@ The following table identifies the permissions required for common SQL commands.
 <tr class="even">
-<td rowspan="2">CREATE ... TABLESPACE<p>&lt;tablespace-name&gt;</td>
+<td rowspan="2">CREATE TABLE ...<p>TABLESPACE<p>&lt;tablespace-name&gt;</td>
 <td>usage-schema, create</td>

[13/50] [abbrv] incubator-hawq-docs git commit: updating ranger diagram to remove unnecessary background

Posted by
updating ranger diagram to remove unnecessary background


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 835030771a4cf081ca09a012c73a3ee5911bbce1
Parents: 2b722e8
Author: David Yozie <>
Authored: Mon Apr 3 13:35:41 2017 -0700
Committer: David Yozie <>
Committed: Mon Apr 3 13:35:41 2017 -0700

 markdown/images/hawq-ranger-arch.png | Bin 63005 -> 62985 bytes
 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/markdown/images/hawq-ranger-arch.png b/markdown/images/hawq-ranger-arch.png
index d3379df..61cd989 100644
Binary files a/markdown/images/hawq-ranger-arch.png and b/markdown/images/hawq-ranger-arch.png differ

[28/50] [abbrv] incubator-hawq-docs git commit: miscellaneous doc updates (closes #115)

Posted by
diff --git a/markdown/mdimages/svg/hawq_resource_management.svg b/markdown/mdimages/svg/hawq_resource_management.svg
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 l 0,0.70313 q 0.20313,-0.29688 0.375,-0.46875 0.17188,-0.1875 0.32813,-0.28125 0.15625,-0.10938 0.29687,-0.14063 0.15625,-0.0469 0.3125,-0.0469 0.0781,0 0.15625,0.0156 0.0937,0 0.1875,0.0156 0.10938,0.0156 0.1875,0.0469 0.0781,0.0312 0.10938,0.0625 0.0312,0.0156 0.0312,0.0469 0.0156,0.0156 0.0156,0.0625 0.0156,0.0312 0.0156,0.10937 0,0.0625 0,0.1875 z m 4.37137,3.78125 q 0,0.0937 -0.0156,0.17188 0,0.0625 -0.0156,0.10937 0,0.0469 -0.0312,0.0781 -0.0156,0.0312 -0.0781,0.10937 -0.0625,0.0625 -0.23437,0.15625 -0.15625,0.0937 -0.35938,0.17188 -0.20312,0.0781 -0.4375,0.125 -0.23437,0.0625 -0.48437,0.0625 -0.53125,0 -0.9375,-0.17188 -0.39063,-0.17187 -0.67188,-0.5 -0.26562,-0.34375 -0.40625,-0.8125 -0.14062,-0.48437 -0.14062,-1.125 0,-0.70312 0.17187,-1.21875 0.17188,-0.51562 0.46875,-0.84375 0.3125,-0.32812 0.71875,-0.48437 0.42188,-0.15625 0.89063,-0.15625 0.23437,0 0.45312,0.0469 0.21875,0.0312 0.39063,0.10938 0.1875,0.0625 0.32812,0.15625 0.15625,0.0937 0.21875,0.15625 0.0625,0.0625 0.
 0781,0.10937 0.0312,0.0312 0.0469,0.0937 0.0156,0.0469 0.0156,0.10938 0.0156,0.0625 0.0156,0.15625 0,0.20312 -0.0625,0.29687 -0.0469,0.0781 -0.10937,0.0781 -0.0781,0 -0.1875,-0.0781 -0.10938,-0.0937 -0.26563,-0.20312 -0.15625,-0.10938 -0.39062,-0.1875 -0.21875,-0.0937 -0.53125,-0.0937 -0.64063,0 -0.98438,0.5 -0.34375,0.48437 -0.34375,1.40625 0,0.46875 0.0781,0.82812 0.0937,0.34375 0.26562,0.59375 0.17188,0.23438 0.42188,0.34375 0.25,0.10938 0.57812,0.10938 0.3125,0 0.53125,-0.0937 0.23438,-0.0937 0.40625,-0.20313 0.17188,-0.125 0.28125,-0.21875 0.125,-0.0937 0.1875,-0.0937 0.0312,0 0.0625,0.0312 0.0312,0.0156 0.0469,0.0625 0.0156,0.0469 0.0156,0.125 0.0156,0.0781 0.0156,0.1875 z m 5.16226,-1.89062 q 0,0.21875 -0.10938,0.3125 -0.10937,0.0781 -0.23437,0.0781 l -3.17188,0 q 0,0.40625 0.0781,0.73438 0.0781,0.3125 0.26562,0.54687 0.1875,0.23438 0.48438,0.35938 0.3125,0.10937 0.75,0.10937 0.34375,0 0.60937,-0.0469 0.26563,-0.0625 0.45313,-0.125 0.20312,-0.0781 0.32812,-0.125 0.125,-0.0625
  0.1875,-0.0625 0.0469,0 0.0625,0.0156 0.0312,0.0156 0.0469,0.0625 0.0312,0.0312 0.0312,0.10938 0.0156,0.0625 0.0156,0.15625 0,0.0781 -0.0156,0.125 0,0.0469 -0.0156,0.0937 0,0.0312 -0.0312,0.0625 -0.0156,0.0312 -0.0469,0.0625 -0.0156,0.0312 -0.17188,0.10937 -0.14062,0.0625 -0.375,0.125 -0.21875,0.0625 -0.53125,0.10938 -0.29687,0.0625 -0.64062,0.0625 -0.59375,0 -1.04688,-0.17188 -0.45312,-0.17187 -0.76562,-0.5 -0.29688,-0.32812 -0.45313,-0.8125 -0.15625,-0.5 -0.15625,-1.15625 0,-0.625 0.15625,-1.10937 0.17188,-0.5 0.46875,-0.84375 0.29688,-0.35938 0.71875,-0.53125 0.4375,-0.1875 0.96875,-0.1875 0.57813,0 0.96875,0.1875 0.40625,0.17187 0.65625,0.48437 0.26563,0.29688 0.39063,0.71875 0.125,0.42188 0.125,0.89063 l 0,0.15625 z m -0.89063,-0.26563 q 0.0156,-0.6875 -0.3125,-1.07812 -0.32812,-0.40625 -0.96875,-0.40625 -0.32812,0 -0.57812,0.125 -0.25,0.125 -0.42188,0.32812 -0.15625,0.20313 -0.25,0.48438 -0.0937,0.26562 -0.0937,0.54687 l 2.625,0 z m 12.1331,2.89063 q 0,0.0469 -0.0312,0.0781 -
 0.0156,0.0312 -0.0781,0.0469 -0.0469,0.0156 -0.125,0.0312 -0.0781,0.0156 -0.21875,0.0156 -0.125,0 -0.21875,-0.0156 -0.0781,-0.0156 -0.14062,-0.0312 -0.0469,-0.0156 -0.0781,-0.0469 -0.0156,-0.0312 -0.0156,-0.0781 l 0,-6.04688 0,0 -2.48438,6.07813 q -0.0156,0.0312 -0.0469,0.0625 -0.0312,0.0312 -0.0937,0.0469 -0.0469,0.0156 -0.125,0.0156 -0.0781,0.0156 -0.1875,0.0156 -0.10938,0 -0.1875,-0.0156 -0.0781,0 -0.14063,-0.0156 -0.0469,-0.0312 -0.0781,-0.0469 -0.0312,-0.0312 -0.0469,-0.0625 l -2.35938,-6.07813 0,0 0,6.04688 q 0,0.0469 -0.0312,0.0781 -0.0156,0.0312 -0.0781,0.0469 -0.0469,0.0156 -0.14062,0.0312 -0.0781,0.0156 -0.21875,0.0156 -0.125,0 -0.21875,-0.0156 -0.0781,-0.0156 -0.125,-0.0312 -0.0469,-0.0156 -0.0781,-0.0469 -0.0156,-0.0312 -0.0156,-0.0781 l 0,-6.39063 q 0,-0.21875 0.10937,-0.3125 0.125,-0.10937 0.28125,-0.10937 l 0.54688,0 q 0.17187,0 0.29687,0.0312 0.14063,0.0312 0.23438,0.10937 0.0937,0.0625 0.15625,0.17188 0.0625,0.10937 0.125,0.25 l 2.00001,5.03125 0.0312,0 2.09375,-5.0
 1563 q 0.0625,-0.15625 0.125,-0.26562 0.0781,-0.10938 0.15625,-0.17188 0.0937,-0.0781 0.1875,-0.10937 0.10937,-0.0312 0.23437,-0.0312 l 0.59375,0 q 0.0781,0 0.14063,0.0312 0.0781,0.0156 0.125,0.0781 0.0625,0.0469 0.0937,0.125 0.0312,0.0781 0.0312,0.1875 l 0,6.39063 z m 5.09526,0.0156 q 0,0.0625 -0.0469,0.0937 -0.0469,0.0312 -0.125,0.0469 -0.0625,0.0156 -0.21875,0.0156 -0.14062,0 -0.21875,-0.0156 -0.0781,-0.0156 -0.125,-0.0469 -0.0312,-0.0312 -0.0312,-0.0937 l 0,-0.48437 q -0.3125,0.32812 -0.70312,0.53125 -0.39063,0.1875 -0.82813,0.1875 -0.39062,0 -0.70312,-0.10938 -0.29688,-0.0937 -0.51563,-0.28125 -0.21875,-0.1875 -0.34375,-0.45312 -0.10937,-0.28125 -0.10937,-0.64063 0,-0.40625 0.15625,-0.70312 0.17187,-0.29688 0.48437,-0.5 0.3125,-0.20313 0.76563,-0.29688 0.45312,-0.0937 1.01562,-0.0937 l 0.65625,0 0,-0.39062 q 0,-0.26563 -0.0625,-0.48438 -0.0469,-0.21875 -0.1875,-0.35937 -0.125,-0.14063 -0.34375,-0.20313 -0.20312,-0.0781 -0.51562,-0.0781 -0.3125,0 -0.57813,0.0781 -0.26562,0.0781 
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 0156,-0.0312 -0.0156,-0.0781 l 0,-2.82813 q 0,-0.40625 -0.0625,-0.65625 -0.0625,-0.26562 -0.1875,-0.4375 -0.125,-0.1875 -0.32812,-0.28125 -0.1875,-0.0937 -0.4375,-0.0937 -0.34375,0 -0.67188,0.23438 -0.32812,0.23437 -0.70312,0.6875 l 0,3.375 q 0,0.0469 -0.0156,0.0781 -0.0156,0.0312 -0.0781,0.0625 -0.0469,0.0156 -0.14063,0.0156 -0.0781,0.0156 -0.20312,0.0156 -0.125,0 -0.21875,-0.0156 -0.0781,0 -0.14063,-0.0156 -0.0469,-0.0312 -0.0625,-0.0625 -0.0156,-0.0312 -0.0156,-0.0781 l 0,-4.82813 q 0,-0.0469 0.0156,-0.0781 0.0156,-0.0312 0.0625,-0.0469 0.0469,-0.0312 0.10938,-0.0312 0.0781,-0.0156 0.20312,-0.0156 0.125,0 0.20313,0.0156 0.0781,0 0.10937,0.0312 0.0469,0.0156 0.0625,0.0469 0.0312,0.0312 0.0312,0.0781 l 0,0.64063 q 0.40625,-0.45313 0.8125,-0.65625 0.40625,-0.21875 0.8125,-0.21875 0.48438,0 0.8125,0.17187 0.34375,0.15625 0.54688,0.4375 0.20312,0.26563 0.28125,0.64063 0.0937,0.35937 0.0937,0.875 l 0,2.9375 z m 5.08307,0.0156 q 0,0.0625 -0.0469,0.0937 -0.0469,0.0312 -0.125,0.0469 -0.06
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[44/50] [abbrv] incubator-hawq-docs git commit: policy doc - built-in func warning, revise hdfs/hive considers

Posted by
policy doc - built-in func warning, revise hdfs/hive considers


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: e85f3a49ec1721c6f08567b782d537a691b5928e
Parents: a3ebec2
Author: Lisa Owen <>
Authored: Fri Apr 7 15:24:12 2017 -0700
Committer: Lisa Owen <>
Committed: Fri Apr 7 17:41:31 2017 -0700

 markdown/ranger/ | 15 +++++++++------
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
diff --git a/markdown/ranger/ b/markdown/ranger/
index 5bd12b4..ec78c35 100644
--- a/markdown/ranger/
+++ b/markdown/ranger/
@@ -319,10 +319,13 @@ Make note of the following considerations when employing Ranger authorization fo
 - `CREATE LANGUAGE` commands (superuser-only) issued for non-built-in languages (pljava, plpython, ..) require the `usage` permission for the `c` language.
-- If Ranger is enabled for Hive authorization in your HAWQ cluster:
-    -  Create Hive policy(s) providing the user `pxf` access to any Hive tables you want to expose via PXF HCatalog integration or HAWQ PXF external tables.
-    - The HAWQ policies providing access to PXF HCatalog integration must identify database `hcatalog`, schema `<hive-schema-name>`, and table `<hive-table-name>` resources.  These privileges are required in addition to any Hive policies for user `pxf` when Ranger is enabled for Hive authorization.
+- Using built-in functions may generate the message:  \u201cWARNING: usage privilege of namespace \<schema-name\> is required.\u201d This message is displayed even though the usage permission on \<schema-name\> is not actually required to execute the built-in function.
-- If you have enabled Ranger authorization for HDFS in your HAWQ cluster:
-    -  Create an HDFS policy(s) providing user `gpadmin` access to the HDFS HAWQ filespace.
-    -  If you plan to use PXF external tables to read and write HDFS data, create HDFS policies providing user `pxf` access to the HDFS files backing your PXF external tables.
+- When Ranger authorization is enabled for HDFS in your HAWQ cluster:
+    - The HDFS `xasecure.add-hadoop-authorization` property determines whether or not HDFS access controls are used as a fallback when no policy exists for a given HDFS resource. HAWQ access to HDFS is not affected when the `xasecure.add-hadoop-authorization` property is set to `true`. When this property is set to `false`, you must define HDFS Ranger policies permitting the `gadmin` HAWQ user read/write/execute access to the HAWQ HDFS filespace. 
+    - Access to HDFS-backed PXF external tables is not affected by the `xasecure.add-hadoop-authorization` property value, since the `pxf` user is a member of the `hdfs` superuser group.
+- Hive Ranger policies cannot control PXF access to Hive tables.
+    -  When Ranger authorization is enabled for HAWQ, the `gpadmin` user has access permissions to all Hive tables exposed through PXF external tables and HCatalog integration.
+    - Other HAWQ users may gain access to Hive-backed PXF external tables when provided `usage-schema` and `create` permissions on the `public` or any private schema. To restrict this access, selectively assign permissions to the `pxf` protocol. 
+    - HCatalog access to Hive tables is restricted by default when Ranger authorization is enabled for HAWQ; you must create policies to explicitly allow this access.

[47/50] [abbrv] incubator-hawq-docs git commit: Fix markdown formatting in README

Posted by
Fix markdown formatting in README


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: d687d9755657ffac08dbb2d8f9b3d28d97b51ce2
Parents: 5b3bda7
Author: David Yozie <>
Authored: Mon Apr 17 14:01:12 2017 -0700
Committer: David Yozie <>
Committed: Mon Apr 17 14:01:12 2017 -0700

---------------------------------------------------------------------- | 16 ++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
index 331d272..79cddb6 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -33,24 +33,24 @@ For Apache HAWQ (incubating), a preconfigured **book** is provided in the `/book
 2. Install bookbinder and its dependent gems. Make sure you are in the `book` directory and enter:
     ``` bash
-$ bundle install
+    $ bundle install
+    ```
 3. The installed `config.yml` file configures the book for building from your local HAWQ source files.  Build the output HTML files by executing the command:
     ``` bash
-$ bundle exec bookbinder bind local
+    $ bundle exec bookbinder bind local
+    ```
    Bookbinder converts the XML source into HTML, and puts the final output in the `final_app` directory.
 5. The `final_app` directory stages the HTML into a web application that you can view using the rack gem. To view the documentation build:
     ``` bash
-$ cd final_app
-$ bundle install
-$ rackup
+    $ cd final_app
+    $ bundle install
+    $ rackup
+    ```
    Your local documentation is now available for viewing at[http://localhost:9292](http://localhost:9292)

[23/50] [abbrv] incubator-hawq-docs git commit: reformat sql cmd/perm/resource table using html (closes #112)

Posted by
reformat sql cmd/perm/resource table using html (closes #112)


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: d57b25bcc63afdb250618569548cc54bf7e593f6
Parents: 43001b2
Author: Lisa Owen <>
Authored: Mon Apr 3 16:43:59 2017 -0700
Committer: David Yozie <>
Committed: Mon Apr 3 16:43:59 2017 -0700

 .../       | 22 ++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+)
diff --git a/markdown/ranger/ b/markdown/ranger/
index e96a427..d5ef7cd 100644
--- a/markdown/ranger/
+++ b/markdown/ranger/
@@ -130,6 +130,28 @@ Once the connection between HAWQ and Ranger is configured, you may choose to set
 6. Select **Service Actions > Restart All** and confirm that you want to restart the HAWQ cluster.
+## <a id="rpsadminstate"></a>Displaying the Status of HAWQ/Ranger Integration
+Determine the status of HAWQ/Ranger integration in your cluster by:
+- Identifying the access control method currently in place in your HAWQ cluster. If the `hawq_acl_type` server configuration parameter value is  set to `ranger`, you have enabled Ranger authorization for HAWQ.
+    ``` shell
+    gpadmin@master$ hawq config -s hawq_acl_type
+    GUC       : hawq_acl_type
+    Value     : ranger
+    ```
+- Querying the state of your HAWQ cluster. If `hawq state` or Ambari **HAWQ Service Check** output identifies that the HAWQ Ranger Plug-in Service status is Active, the plug-in is up and running:
+    ``` shell
+    gpadmin@master$ hawq state
+    ...
+    20170327:16:35:06:508426 hawq_state:master:gpadmin-[INFO]:--   Current HAWQ acl type                          = ranger
+    20170327:16:35:06:508426 hawq_state:master:gpadmin-[INFO]:--   HAWQ Ranger plugin service state               = Active
+    ...
+    ```
 ## <a id="customconfig"></a> Custom Configuration
 Configuration files for the HAWQ Ranger Plug-in Service are located in the `$GPHOME/ranger/etc` directory. These files include:

[30/50] [abbrv] incubator-hawq-docs git commit: miscellaneous doc updates (closes #115)

Posted by
diff --git a/markdown/mdimages/svg/hawq_architecture_components.svg b/markdown/mdimages/svg/hawq_architecture_components.svg
deleted file mode 100644
index 78d421a..0000000
--- a/markdown/mdimages/svg/hawq_architecture_components.svg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1083 +0,0 @@
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[31/50] [abbrv] incubator-hawq-docs git commit: miscellaneous doc updates (closes #115)

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 5625 -0.5625,0.46875 -0.1875,0.29687 -0.1875,0.65625 0,0.5625 0.42187,0.9375 0.4375,0.375 1.25,0.375 0.8125,0 1.4375,-0.34375 0.64063,-0.35938 0.9375,-0.98438 0.23438,-0.46875 0.23438,-1.40625 l 0,-0.51562 z m 9.03906,4.17187 0,-1.21875 q -0.96875,1.40625 -2.64062,1.40625 -0.73438,0 -1.375,-0.28125 -0.625,-0.28125 -0.9375,-0.70312 -0.3125,-0.4375 -0.4375,-1.04688 -0.0781,-0.42187 -0.0781,-1.3125 l 0,-5.14062 1.40625,0 0,4.59375 q 0,1.10937 0.0781,1.48437 0.14062,0.5625 0.5625,0.875 0.4375,0.3125 1.0625,0.3125 0.64062,0 1.1875,-0.3125 0.5625,-0.32812 0.78125,-0.89062 0.23437,-0.5625 0.23437,-1.625 l 0,-4.4375 1.40625,0 0,8.29687 -1.25,0 z m 3.42969,0 0,-11.45312 1.40625,0 0,11.45312 -1.40625,0 z m 6.64844,-1.26562 0.20312,1.25 q -0.59375,0.125 -1.0625,0.125 -0.76562,0 -1.1875,-0.23438 -0.42187,-0.25 -0.59375,-0.64062 -0.17187,-0.40625 -0.17187,-1.67188 l 0,-4.76562 -1.03125,0 0,-1.09375 1.03125,0 0,-2.0625 1.40625,-0.84375 0,2.90625 1.40625,0 0,1.09375 -1.40625,0 0,4.84375 q 0,0.6093
 7 0.0625,0.78125 0.0781,0.17187 0.25,0.28125 0.17187,0.0937 0.48437,0.0937 0.23438,0 0.60938,-0.0625 z"
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[22/50] [abbrv] incubator-hawq-docs git commit: add a section on ranger integration status (closes #110)

Posted by
add a section on ranger integration status (closes #110)


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 43001b293777c27320062c63ddec1390cc25b12b
Parents: 5853561
Author: Lisa Owen <>
Authored: Mon Apr 3 16:32:45 2017 -0700
Committer: David Yozie <>
Committed: Mon Apr 3 16:32:45 2017 -0700

 .../ranger/    | 393 +++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 351 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)
diff --git a/markdown/ranger/ b/markdown/ranger/
index dd05cc1..2e53f69 100644
--- a/markdown/ranger/
+++ b/markdown/ranger/
@@ -25,50 +25,359 @@ The following table identifies the permissions required for common SQL commands.
-- A `&&` in **SQL Command** column identifies a super-user operation.
+- A \<db-name\>/\*/* policy with `connect` permission is assumed for all SQL operations in the table.
+- A `&&` in the **SQL Command** column identifies a super-user operation.
 - A `##` in the **Resource** column signifies that additional policies may be required to provide access to resources used within the operation(s).
+<col width="30%" />
+<col width="20%" />
+<col width="50%" />
+<tr class="header">
+<th>SQL Command</th>
+<tr class="odd">
+<tr class="even">
+<td rowspan="2">ANALYZE &lt;table-name&gt;</td>
+<tr class="odd">
+<tr class="even">
+<td>usage-schema, create</td>
+<tr class="odd">
+<tr class="even">
+<td>ALTER TABLE ... RENAME</td>
+<tr class="odd">
+<td rowspan="2">ALTER TABLE<p>&lt;table-name&gt;<p>SET DISTRIBUTED BY</td>
+<td>usage-schema, create</td>
+<tr class="even">
+<tr class="odd">
+<td rowspan="2">BEGIN ... COMMIT</td>
+<tr class="even">
+<tr class="odd">
+<td> \c, CONNECT &lt;db-name&gt;</td>
+<td> connect </td>
+<tr class="even">
+<td rowspan="2">COPY &lt;table-name&gt; FROM &&</td>
+<tr class="odd">
+<td>insert, select</td>
+<tr class="even">
+<td rowspan="2">COPY &lt;table-name&gt; TO &&</td>
+<tr class="odd">
+<tr class="even">
+<td rowspan="2">CREATE AGGREGATE</td>
+<td>usage-schema, create</td>
+<tr class="odd">
+<tr class="even">
+<td rowspan="2">CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE</td>
+<td>usage-schema, create</td>
+<tr class="odd">
+<tr class="even">
+<td rowspan="4">CREATE FUNCTION<p>&lt;func-name&gt;<p>(trusted &lt;language-name&gt;)</td>
+<td>usage-schema, create</td>
+<tr class="odd">
+<tr class="even">
+<tr class="odd">
+<tr class="even">
+<td rowspan="4">CREATE FUNCTION<p>&lt;func-name&gt;<p>(untrusted &lt;language-name&gt;) &&</td>
+<td>usage-schema, create</td>
+<tr class="odd">
+<tr class="even">
+<tr class="odd">
+<tr class="even">
+<td>CREATE LANGUAGE &&</td>
+<tr class="odd">
+<td>usage-schema, create</td>
+<tr class="even">
+<tr class="odd">
+<td>CREATE TABLE<p>(&lt;private-schema&gt;) </td>
+<tr class="even">
+<td rowspan="2">CREATE TABLE ... AS</td>
+<td>usage-schema, create</td>
+<tr class="odd">
+<tr class="even">
+<td rowspan="2">CREATE ... TABLESPACE<p>&lt;tablespace-name&gt;</td>
+<td>usage-schema, create</td>
+<tr class="odd">
+<tr class="even">
+<tr class="odd">
+<td>usage-schema, create</td>
+<tr class="even">
+<tr class="odd">
+<tr class="even">
+<td rowspan="2">EXECUTE</td>
+<tr class="odd">
+<tr class="even">
+<td rowspan="2">EXPLAIN</td>
+<tr class="odd">
+<tr class="even">
+<td rowspan="2">INSERT INTO<p>&lt;table-name&gt;</td>
+<tr class="odd">
+<tr class="even">
+<tr class="odd">
+<td rowspan="4">SELECT &lt;agg-name&gt;</td>
+<tr class="even">
+<tr class="odd">
+<tr class="even">
+<tr class="odd">
+<td rowspan="2">SELECT &lt;func-name&gt;</td>
+<tr class="even">
+<tr class="odd">
+<td rowspan="2">SELECT (using operator)</td>
+<tr class="even">
+<tr class="odd">
+<td rowspan="2">SELECT...FROM<p>&lt;table-name&gt;</td>
+<tr class="even">
+<tr class="odd">
+<td rowspan="2">SELECT...INTO...FROM &lt;table-name&gt;</td>
+<td>usage-schema, create</td>
+<tr class="even">
+<tr class="odd">
+<td rowspan="2">SELECT...FROM<p>&lt;view-name&gt;</td>
+<tr class="even">
+<tr class="odd">
+<tr class="even">
+<tr class="odd">
+<td rowspan="2">VACUUM ANALYZE<p>&lt;table-name&gt;</td>
+<tr class="even">
-| SQL Command    | Permission     |  Resource |
-| \d | usage-schema | \<db-name\>/public/`*` |
-| ANALYZE \<table-name\>| usage-schema<p>select | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<table-name\> |
-| ALTER AGGREGATE ... RENAME TO  | usage-schema, create | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
-| ALTER SEQUENCE  | usage-schema | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
-| ALTER TABLE ... RENAME  | usage-schema | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
-| ALTER TABLE \<table-name\><p>SET DISTRIBUTED BY  | usage-schema, create<p>select | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<table-name\> |
-| BEGIN ... COMMIT   | usage-schema | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>## |
-| \c, CONNECT \<db-name\>| connect | \<db-name\>/`*`/`*` |
-| COPY \<table-name\> FROM && | usage-schema<p>insert, select | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<table-name\> |
-| COPY \<table-name\> TO | usage-schema<p>select | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<table-name\> |
-| CREATE AGGREGATE | usage-schema, create<p>execute | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<sfunc-name\> |
-| CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE  | usage-schema, create<p>select | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<protocol-name\> |
-| CREATE FUNCTION \<function-name\><p>(trusted \<language-name\>) | usage-schema, create<p>usage<p>execute | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p><p>\<db-name\>/\<language-name\><p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<function-name\><p>## |
-| CREATE FUNCTION \<function-name\><p>(untrusted \<language-name\>) && | usage-schema, create<p>usage<p>execute | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p><p>\<db-name\>/\<language-name\><p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<function-name\><p>## |
-| CREATE LANGUAGE &&  | usage | \<db-name\>/c |
-| CREATE OPERATOR<p>CREATE SEQUENCE<p>CREATE TABLE<p>CREATE TYPE<p>CREATE VIEW | usage-schema, create | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
-| CREATE OPERATOR CLASS && | usage-schema, create | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
-| CREATE SCHEMA | create-schema | \<db-name\>/`*`/`*` |
-| CREATE TABLE (\<private-schema\>)  | create | \<db-name\>/\<private-schema\>/`*` |
-| CREATE TABLE ... AS  | usage-schema, create<p>select | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<table-name\> |
-| CREATE ... TABLESPACE<p>\<tablespace-name\>  | usage-schema, create<p>create | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<tablespace-name\> |
-| CREATE TEMP SEQUENCE | temp | \<db-name\>/`*`/`*` |
-| CREATE TEMP TABLE | temp | \<db-name\>/`*`/`*` |
-| CREATE WRITABLE EXTERNAL<p> TABLE | usage-schema, create<p>insert | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<protocol-name\> |
-| DROP AGGREGATE<p>DROP FUNCTION<p>DROP OPERATOR<p>DROP SCHEMA<p>DROP TABLE<p>DROP VIEW   | usage-schema | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
-| DROP OPERATOR CLASS &&  | usage-schema | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
-| EXECUTE   | usage-schema | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>## |
-| EXPLAIN   | usage-schema | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>## |
-| INSERT INTO \<table-name\>  | usage-schema<p>insert | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<table-name\> |
-| PREPARE   | usage-schema | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
-| SELECT \<aggregate-name\> | usage-schema<p>execute<p>execute | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<aggregate-name\> <p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<sfunc-name\> <p>##|
-| SELECT \<function-name\> | usage-schema<p>execute | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<function-name\> <p>##|
-| SELECT (using operator) | execute | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<operator-procedure\> <p>## |
-| SELECT...FROM \<table-name\> | usage-schema<p>select | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<table-name\> |
-| SELECT...INTO...FROM \<table-name\> | usage-schema, create<p>select | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<table-name\> |
-| SELECT...FROM \<view-name\> | usage-schema<p>select | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<view-name\><p>## |
-| TRUNCATE  | usage-schema | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
-| VACUUM  | usage-schema | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
-| VACUUM ANALYZE \<table-name\>| usage-schema<p>select | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<table-name\> |

[07/50] [abbrv] incubator-hawq-docs git commit: overview - include link to config doc, add polling prop name

Posted by
overview - include link to config doc, add polling prop name


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: bb7086214c9d25e7ea0cf2f07294d297f90b97e7
Parents: f9f7d15
Author: Lisa Owen <>
Authored: Fri Mar 31 13:26:11 2017 -0700
Committer: Lisa Owen <>
Committed: Fri Mar 31 13:26:11 2017 -0700

 markdown/ranger/ | 6 +++---
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/markdown/ranger/ b/markdown/ranger/
index 55ef691..ef223e8 100644
--- a/markdown/ranger/
+++ b/markdown/ranger/
@@ -27,11 +27,11 @@ HAWQ supports using Apache Ranger for authorizing user access to HAWQ resources.
 ## <a id="arch"></a>Policy Management Architecture
 Each HAWQ installation includes a Ranger plug-in service to support Ranger Policy management. The Ranger plug-in service implements the Ranger REST API to bridge all requests between the Ranger Policy Manager and a HAWQ instance. 
-HAWQ also provides a JAR library that enables the Ranger Policy Manager to lookup HAWQ metadata (the names of databases, schemas, tables, and so forth) to populate the user interface and assist in creating new policies. This JAR uses a JDBC connection to HAWQ, and requires a one-time registration with the Ranger Policy Manager. 
+HAWQ also provides a JAR library that enables the Ranger Policy Manager to lookup HAWQ metadata (the names of databases, schemas, tables, and so forth) to populate the user interface and assist in creating new policies. This JAR uses a JDBC connection to HAWQ, and requires a one-time registration with the Ranger Policy Manager. See [Configuring HAWQ to use Ranger Policy Management](ranger-integration-config.html).
-A single configuration parameter, `hawq_acl_type` determines whether HAWQ defers all policy management to Ranger via the plug-in service, or whether HAWQ handles authorization natively using catalog tables. By default, HAWQ uses SQL commands to create all access policies, and the policy information is stored in catalog tables.  When you enable Ranger integration for policy management, any authorization policies that you have configured in HAWQ using SQL no longer apply to your installation; you must create new policies using the Ranger interface. See [Creating HAWQ Authorization Policies in Ranger](ranger-policy-creation.html)
+A single configuration parameter, `hawq_acl_type` determines whether HAWQ defers all policy management to Ranger via the plug-in service, or whether HAWQ handles authorization natively using catalog tables. By default, HAWQ uses SQL commands to create all access policies, and the policy information is stored in catalog tables.  When you enable Ranger integration for policy management, any authorization policies that you have configured in HAWQ using SQL no longer apply to your installation; you must create new policies using the Ranger interface. See [Creating HAWQ Authorization Policies in Ranger](ranger-policy-creation.html).
-The Ranger plug-in service caches Ranger policies locally on each HAWQ node to avoid unnecessary round trips between the HAWQ node and the Ranger Policy Manager server. You can use the configuration parameter `that` to control how frequently the plug-in service contacts the Ranger Policy Manager to refresh cached policies. See [Changing the Frequency of Policy Caching](ranger-integration-config.html#caching).
+The Ranger plug-in service caches Ranger policies locally on each HAWQ node to avoid unnecessary round trips between the HAWQ node and the Ranger Policy Manager server. You can use the configuration property `ranger.plugin.hawq.policy.pollIntervalMs` to control how frequently the plug-in service contacts the Ranger Policy Manager to refresh cached policies. See [Changing the Frequency of Policy Caching](ranger-integration-config.html#caching).
 ## <a id="limitations"></a>Limitations of Ranger Policy Management
 Neither Kerberos authentication nor SSL encryption is supported between a HAWQ node and the Ranger plug-in service, or between the plug-in service and the Ranger Policy Manager.

[35/50] [abbrv] incubator-hawq-docs git commit: miscellaneous doc updates (closes #115)

Posted by
miscellaneous doc updates (closes #115)


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 4759d34c62c0e2364ceaa5b36d94d31552ca8103
Parents: 12c58b1
Author: Lisa Owen <>
Authored: Tue Apr 4 16:21:56 2017 -0700
Committer: David Yozie <>
Committed: Tue Apr 4 16:21:56 2017 -0700

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--- a/book/master_middleman/source/subnavs/apache-hawq-nav.erb
+++ b/book/master_middleman/source/subnavs/apache-hawq-nav.erb
@@ -561,7 +561,6 @@
                   <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">default_tablespace</a></li>
                   <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">default_transaction_isolation</a></li>
                   <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">default_transaction_read_only</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">dfs_url</a></li>
                   <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">dynamic_library_path</a></li>
                   <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">effective_cache_size</a></li>
                   <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">enable_bitmapscan</a></li>
diff --git a/markdown/admin/ b/markdown/admin/
index f1e651a..20cebd3 100644
--- a/markdown/admin/
+++ b/markdown/admin/
@@ -173,11 +173,11 @@ This section discusses `gpfdist` and shows an example of how to backup and resto
 To use `gpfdist`, start the `gpfdist` server program on the host where you want to store backup files. You can start multiple `gpfdist` instances on the same host or on different hosts. For each `gpfdist` instance, you specify a directory from which `gpfdist` will serve files for readable external tables or create output files for writable external tables. For example, if you have a dedicated machine for backup with two disks, you can start two `gpfdist` instances, each using one disk:
-![](../mdimages/gpfdist_instances_backup.png "Deploying multiple gpfdist instances on a backup host")
+![](../images/gpfdist_instances_backup.png "Deploying multiple gpfdist instances on a backup host")
 You can also run `gpfdist` instances on each segment host. During backup, table data will be evenly distributed to all `gpfdist` instances specified in the `LOCATION` clause in the `CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE` definition.
-![](../mdimages/gpfdist_instances.png "Deploying gpfdist instances on each segment host")
+![](../images/gpfdist_instances.png "Deploying gpfdist instances on each segment host")
 ### <a id="example"></a>Example
diff --git a/markdown/admin/ b/markdown/admin/
index 090f882..fb8e0d2 100644
--- a/markdown/admin/
+++ b/markdown/admin/
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ Since the master does not house user data, only system catalog tables are synchr
 *Figure 1: Master Mirroring in HAWQ*
 If the primary master fails, the replication process stops, and an administrator can activate the standby master. Upon activation of the standby master, the replicated logs reconstruct the state of the primary master at the time of the last successfully committed transaction. The activated standby then functions as the HAWQ master, accepting connections on the port specified when the standby master was initialized.
diff --git a/markdown/admin/ b/markdown/admin/
index ba69a7d..73c7c39 100644
--- a/markdown/admin/
+++ b/markdown/admin/
@@ -1,6 +1,25 @@
 title: Managing HAWQ Using Ambari
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+specific language governing permissions and limitations
+under the License.
 Ambari provides an easy interface to perform some of the most common HAWQ and PXF Administration Tasks.
diff --git a/markdown/admin/ b/markdown/admin/
index f029acb..34d640f 100644
--- a/markdown/admin/
+++ b/markdown/admin/
@@ -2,6 +2,25 @@
 title: Using the Ambari REST API
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+specific language governing permissions and limitations
+under the License.
 You can monitor and manage the resources in your HAWQ cluster using the Ambari REST API.  In addition to providing access to the metrics information in your cluster, the API supports viewing, creating, deleting, and updating cluster resources.
 This section will provide an introduction to using the Ambari REST APIs for HAWQ-related cluster management activities.
diff --git a/markdown/ddl/ b/markdown/ddl/
index b0dc3f4..4e1c3f4 100644
--- a/markdown/ddl/
+++ b/markdown/ddl/
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ HAWQ supports:
 -   A combination of both types.
 <a id="im207241"></a>
-![](../mdimages/partitions.jpg "Example Multi-level Partition Design")
+![](../images/partitions.jpg "Example Multi-level Partition Design")
 ## <a id="topic64"></a>Table Partitioning in HAWQ
diff --git a/markdown/images/gpfdist_instances.png b/markdown/images/gpfdist_instances.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6fae2d4
Binary files /dev/null and b/markdown/images/gpfdist_instances.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7cd3e1a
Binary files /dev/null and b/markdown/images/gpfdist_instances_backup.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cea50b0
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d366e21
Binary files /dev/null and b/markdown/images/partitions.jpg differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb835d5
Binary files /dev/null and b/markdown/images/source/gporca.graffle differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f46bfb2
Binary files /dev/null and b/markdown/images/source/hawq_hcatalog.graffle differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef195ab
Binary files /dev/null and b/markdown/images/standby_master.jpg differ

[29/50] [abbrv] incubator-hawq-docs git commit: miscellaneous doc updates (closes #115)

Posted by
diff --git a/markdown/mdimages/svg/hawq_hcatalog.svg b/markdown/mdimages/svg/hawq_hcatalog.svg
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a99830..0000000
--- a/markdown/mdimages/svg/hawq_hcatalog.svg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
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 g><title>Layer 1</title><g><xl:use xl:href="#id24_Graphic" filter="url(#Shadow)"/><xl:use xl:href="#id10_Graphic" filter="url(#Shadow)"/></g><g filter="url(#Shadow_2)"><path d="M 594 183 L 627.75 123 L 695.25 123 L 729 183 L 695.25 243 L 627.75 243 Z" fill="white"/><path d="M 594 183 L 627.75 123 L 695.25 123 L 729 183 L 695.25 243 L 627.75 243 Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(599 174.5)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="14" font-weight="bold" x="46.16211" y="14" textLength="32.675781">HIVE</tspan></text></g><path d="M 540.59675 203 L 540.59675 183 L 583 183 L 583 173 L 603 193 L 583 213 L 583 203 Z" fill="#a9b7c2"/><path d="M 540.59675 203 L 540.59675 183 L 583 183 L 583 173 L 603 193 L 583 213 L 583 203 Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(553.39716 186)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12
 " font-weight="bold" x="6.7322738" y="11" textLength="23.33789">PXF</tspan></text><path d="M 540.59675 243 L 540.59675 223 L 583 223 L 583 213 L 603 233 L 583 253 L 583 243 Z" fill="#a9b7c2"/><path d="M 540.59675 243 L 540.59675 223 L 583 223 L 583 213 L 603 233 L 583 253 L 583 243 Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(553.39716 226)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="bold" x="6.7322738" y="11" textLength="23.33789">PXF</tspan></text><path d="M 540.59675 163 L 540.59675 143 L 583 143 L 583 133 L 603 153 L 583 173 L 583 163 Z" fill="#a9b7c2"/><path d="M 540.59675 163 L 540.59675 143 L 583 143 L 583 133 L 603 153 L 583 173 L 583 163 Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(553.39716 146)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="bold" x="6.7322738" y="11" textLength="23.33789">P
 XF</tspan></text><g filter="url(#Shadow_2)"><rect x="414" y="234" width="81" height="45" fill="#a9b7c1"/><rect x="414" y="234" width="81" height="45" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(419 251)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" font-weight="500" x="5.729248" y="9" textLength="59.541504">table metadata</tspan></text></g><line x1="358" y1="211.5" x2="442.10014" y2="211.94734" marker-end="url(#FilledArrow_Marker)" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><g filter="url(#Shadow_2)"><circle cx="400.5" cy="184.5" r="13.5000216" fill="#dbdbdb"/><circle cx="400.5" cy="184.5" r="13.5000216" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(394.7 177.5)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="bold" x="2.463086" y="11" textLength="6.673828">1</tspan></text></g><line x1="4
 14" y1="243" x2="367.9" y2="243" marker-end="url(#FilledArrow_Marker)" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><g id="id24_Graphic"><path d="M 452 240.8 L 452 183.2 C 452 179.2256 468.128 176 488 176 C 507.872 176 524 179.2256 524 183.2 L 524 240.8 C 524 244.7744 507.872 248 488 248 C 468.128 248 452 244.7744 452 240.8" fill="#a9b7c1"/><path d="M 452 240.8 L 452 183.2 C 452 179.2256 468.128 176 488 176 C 507.872 176 524 179.2256 524 183.2 L 524 240.8 C 524 244.7744 507.872 248 488 248 C 468.128 248 452 244.7744 452 240.8 M 452 183.2 C 452 187.1744 468.128 190.4 488 190.4 C 507.872 190.4 524 187.1744 524 183.2" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(457 207.1)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="14" font-weight="bold" x=".2758789" y="14" textLength="61.448242">HCatalog</tspan></text></g><line x1="360" y1="153" x2="530.69675" y2="153" marker-end="url(#FilledA
 rrow_Marker)" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><path d="M 254 261 L 225 261 L 198 261 L 198 243.9" marker-end="url(#FilledArrow_Marker)" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><g id="id10_Graphic"><path d="M 250 272.7 L 250 150.3 C 250 141.8544 274.192 135 304 135 C 333.808 135 358 141.8544 358 150.3 L 358 272.7 C 358 281.1456 333.808 288 304 288 C 274.192 288 250 281.1456 250 272.7" fill="white"/><path d="M 250 272.7 L 250 150.3 C 250 141.8544 274.192 135 304 135 C 333.808 135 358 141.8544 358 150.3 L 358 272.7 C 358 281.1456 333.808 288 304 288 C 274.192 288 250 281.1456 250 272.7 M 250 150.3 C 250 158.7456 274.192 165.6 304 165.6 C 333.808 165.6 358 158.7456 358 150.3" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(255 210.65)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="14" font-weight="bold" x="27.220703" y="14" textLengt
 h="20.220703">HA</tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="14" font-weight="bold" x="46.67578" y="14" textLength="24.103516">WQ</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow_2)"><path d="M 172.29774 210.86712 C 155.8125 207 162.3864 174.4452 188.68404 180 C 191.12388 169.17192 221.7045 170.92944 221.50458 180 C 240.67956 168.39864 265.18404 191.53152 248.74776 203.13288 C 268.47048 208.75752 248.49888 239.06232 232.3125 234 C 231.0171 242.43768 202.08072 245.3904 199.54092 234 C 183.15564 246.1644 148.98972 227.46096 172.29774 210.86712 Z" fill="white"/><path d="M 172.29774 210.86712 C 155.8125 207 162.3864 174.4452 188.68404 180 C 191.12388 169.17192 221.7045 170.92944 221.50458 180 C 240.67956 168.39864 265.18404 191.53152 248.74776 203.13288 C 268.47048 208.75752 248.49888 239.06232 232.3125 234 C 231.0171 242.43768 202.08072 245.3904 199.54092 234 C 183.15564 246.1644 148.98972 227.46096 172.29774 210.86712 Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" strok
 e-width="1"/><text transform="translate(179.3 187.5)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="11" font-weight="bold" x=".75078125" y="10" textLength="62.95459">in-memory: </tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="11" font-weight="500" x="2.2600586" y="23" textLength="56.879883">pg_exttable</tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="11" font-weight="500" x="3.4927246" y="36" textLength="54.41455">pg_class\u2026</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow_2)"><circle cx="220.5" cy="265.5" r="13.5000216" fill="#dbdbdb"/><circle cx="220.5" cy="265.5" r="13.5000216" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(214.7 258.5)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="bold" x="2.463086" y="11" textLength="6.673828">2</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow_2)"><circle cx="431.1501" cy="153" r="13.5000216" fill="#dbdbdb"/><circle cx="431.1501" cy="153" r="13.5000216" stroke="bl
 ack" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(425.3501 146)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="bold" x="2.463086" y="11" textLength="6.673828">3</tspan></text></g></g><g><title>Layer 2</title><path d="M 369.59675 221 L 369.59675 201 L 412 201 L 412 191 L 432 211 L 412 231 L 412 221 Z" fill="#a9b7c2"/><path d="M 369.59675 221 L 369.59675 201 L 412 201 L 412 191 L 432 211 L 412 231 L 412 221 Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(382.39716 204)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="bold" x="6.7322738" y="11" textLength="23.33789">PXF</tspan></text></g></g></svg>

[36/50] [abbrv] incubator-hawq-docs git commit: Removing release designation from Ranger limitations pending voted release

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Removing release designation from Ranger limitations pending voted release


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: c9ead701d1d3c0ed3ade1c47f6877141753dd6ed
Parents: 4759d34
Author: David Yozie <>
Authored: Wed Apr 5 10:31:25 2017 -0700
Committer: David Yozie <>
Committed: Wed Apr 5 10:31:25 2017 -0700

 markdown/ranger/ | 13 ++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
diff --git a/markdown/ranger/ b/markdown/ranger/
index f88a093..bfda4e8 100644
--- a/markdown/ranger/
+++ b/markdown/ranger/
@@ -37,12 +37,15 @@ A single configuration parameter, `hawq_acl_type` determines whether HAWQ defers
 The Ranger plug-in service caches Ranger policies locally on each HAWQ node to avoid unnecessary round trips between the HAWQ node and the Ranger Policy Manager server.
-## <a id="limitations"></a>Limitations of Ranger Policy Management in HAWQ
-Neither Kerberos authentication nor SSL encryption is supported between a HAWQ node and the Ranger plug-in service, or between the plug-in service and the Ranger Policy Manager.
+## <a id="limitations"></a>Limitations of Ranger Policy Management
-The Ranger plug-in service is not compatible with Highly-Available HAWQ deployments. Should you need to activate the standby master in your HAWQ cluster, you must manually update the HAWQ Ranger service definition with the new master node connection information.
+In this release, HAWQ integration with Ranger has several limitations:
-Ranger User Group policies cannot be used with HAWQ in this release. Only User Policies are currently supported.
+- Neither Kerberos authentication nor SSL encryption is supported between a HAWQ node and the Ranger plug-in service, or between the plug-in service and the Ranger Policy Manager.
-Some authorization checks for superuser-restricted authorization events are handled by HAWQ natively, even when Ranger integration is enabled. See [HAWQ-Native Authorization](../clientaccess/hawq-access-checks.html#alwaysnative).
+- The Ranger plug-in service is not compatible with Highly-Available HAWQ deployments. Should you need to activate the standby master in your HAWQ cluster, you must manually update the HAWQ Ranger service definition with the new master node connection information.
+- Ranger User Group policies cannot be used with HAWQ in this release. Only User Policies are currently supported.
+- Some authorization checks for superuser-restricted authorization events are handled by HAWQ natively, even when Ranger integration is enabled. See [HAWQ-Native Authorization](../clientaccess/hawq-access-checks.html#alwaysnative).

[18/50] [abbrv] incubator-hawq-docs git commit: Renaming subnav to remove versioning string

Posted by
Renaming subnav to remove versioning string


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 8b08a6ca253bba33289ade10c1eb2001188f0133
Parents: 1b0ae87
Author: David Yozie <>
Authored: Mon Apr 3 15:04:24 2017 -0700
Committer: David Yozie <>
Committed: Mon Apr 3 15:04:24 2017 -0700

 book/config.yml                                 |   2 +-
 .../source/subnavs/apache-hawq-nav-210.erb      | 912 -------------------
 .../source/subnavs/apache-hawq-nav.erb          | 912 +++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 913 insertions(+), 913 deletions(-)
diff --git a/book/config.yml b/book/config.yml
index cc83bbf..22d2799 100644
--- a/book/config.yml
+++ b/book/config.yml
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ sections:
  - repository:
      name: incubator-hawq-docs/markdown
    directory: docs/userguide/
-   subnav_template: apache-hawq-nav-210
+   subnav_template: apache-hawq-nav
   use_global_header: true

[25/50] [abbrv] incubator-hawq-docs git commit: restructure example scenario (closes #114)

Posted by
restructure example scenario (closes #114)


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 227bc09cfeabcfdbaf5c54d4029b742d0252f314
Parents: 51428eb
Author: Lisa Owen <>
Authored: Tue Apr 4 12:22:24 2017 -0700
Committer: David Yozie <>
Committed: Tue Apr 4 12:22:24 2017 -0700

 .../ranger/   | 58 ++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)
diff --git a/markdown/ranger/ b/markdown/ranger/
index a0e0869..5bd12b4 100644
--- a/markdown/ranger/
+++ b/markdown/ranger/
@@ -119,24 +119,14 @@ Refer to the [Ranger User Guide](
 ## <a id="excreatepolicies"></a>Example Scenario: Creating HAWQ Policies
-In this example scenario:
-Step 1:
+When you enable Ranger authorization for HAWQ with the default service definition in place, the configured policies assign the `gpadmin` administrative HAWQ user all permissions on all database objects. Other HAWQ users have no privileges, *even for the objects that they own*. In this example scenario:
 - Your HAWQ cluster includes a HAWQ user named `hawquser1` who has default privileges on a database named `testdb`. 
 - `hawquser1` creates `table99` in the `public` schema of `testdb` and inserts data into this table.
-Step 2:
-- You enable Ranger authorization.
-Step 3:
+- You enable Ranger authorization for HAWQ.
 - You create the HAWQ policies necessary to restore `hawquser1` access to the database `testdb` and the table `table99`.
-### <a id="exstep1"></a>Step 1: Creating HAWQ User and Database
-Create the HAWQ user and database resources:
+Perform the following steps to set up the example scenario:
 1. Create OS user `hawquser1` and assign a password:
@@ -172,7 +162,7 @@ Create the HAWQ user and database resources:
     gpadmin@master$ hawq stop cluster --reload
-6. `hawquser1` creates `table99` in `public` schema of `testdb` database:
+5. `hawquser1` creates `table99` in `public` schema of `testdb` database:
     ``` shell
     hawquser1@hawq-node$ psql -d testdb
@@ -191,22 +181,20 @@ Create the HAWQ user and database resources:
-### <a id="exstep2"></a>Step 2: Enabling Ranger Authorization for HAWQ
+6. You enable Ranger authorization for HAWQ.
-When you enable Ranger authorization for HAWQ with the default service definition in place, the configured policies assign the `gpadmin` administrative HAWQ user all permissions on all database objects. Other HAWQ users have no privileges, *even for the objects they own*.
+    When you enable Ranger authorization for HAWQ with the default service definition in place, the configured policies assign the `gpadmin` administrative HAWQ user all permissions on all database objects. Other HAWQ users have no privileges, *even for the objects that they own*.
-When `hawquser1` attempts to connect to `testdb` after Ranger authorization for HAWQ is enabled:
+7. `hawquser1` attempts to connect to `testdb` after Ranger authorization for HAWQ is enabled:
-``` shell
-hawquser1@hawq-node$ psql -d testdb
-psql: FATAL:  permission denied for database "testdb2"
-DETAIL:  User does not have CONNECT privilege.
-Notice that `hawquser1` no longer has permission to access `testdb` after Ranger authorization for HAWQ is enabled.
+    ``` shell
+    hawquser1@hawq-node$ psql -d testdb
+    psql: FATAL:  permission denied for database "testdb"
+    DETAIL:  User does not have CONNECT privilege.
+    ```
+    Notice that `hawquser1` no longer has permission to access `testdb` after Ranger authorization for HAWQ is enabled.
-### <a id="exstep3"></a>Step 3: Creating HAWQ Policies to Restore Access
 Create the policies(s) that restore `hawquser1`'s access to `testdb` and `table99`:
@@ -218,7 +206,7 @@ Create the policies(s) that restore `hawquser1`'s access to `testdb` and `table9
     The **List of Policies: hawq** page identifies all currently defined HAWQ policies. These policies provide all permissions on all HAWQ database resources only to the `gpadmin` user.
-3. Create a policy for `hawquser1` that provides `CONNECT` privilege to the `testdb` database. 
+4. Create a policy for `hawquser1` that provides `CONNECT` privilege to the `testdb` database. 
     Click the **Add New Policy** button and enter the following information in the **Policy Details** and **Allow Conditions** fields:
@@ -226,9 +214,9 @@ Create the policies(s) that restore `hawquser1`'s access to `testdb` and `table9
     Notice that both the `schema` and `table` field values are set to `*` in this policy. Wild-carding both of these fields is **required** when defining a database-level policy.
-6. Save the policy named `testdb-connect`.
+5. Save the policy named `testdb-connect`.
-4. Verify that `hawquser1` can now connect to `testdb`:
+6. Verify that `hawquser1` can now connect to `testdb`:
     ``` shell
     hawquser1@hawq-node$ psql -d testdb
@@ -238,7 +226,7 @@ Create the policies(s) that restore `hawquser1`'s access to `testdb` and `table9
-5. `hawquser1` attempts to select from `table99`:
+7. `hawquser1` attempts to select from `table99`:
     ``` sql
     testdb=> SELECT * FROM table99;
@@ -247,7 +235,7 @@ Create the policies(s) that restore `hawquser1`'s access to `testdb` and `table9
     Connect privilege to the `testdb` database is not sufficient for `hawquser1` to access `table99`. The WARNING message indicates that `hawquser1` is missing privileges for the `public` schema.
-6. Create a policy for `hawquser1` that provides `USAGE` privileges on the `testdb` database `public` schema. 
+8. Create a policy for `hawquser1` that provides `USAGE` privileges on the `testdb` database `public` schema. 
     Click the **Add New Policy** button and enter the following information in the **Policy Details** and **Allow Conditions** fields:
@@ -255,9 +243,9 @@ Create the policies(s) that restore `hawquser1`'s access to `testdb` and `table9
     Notice that the `table` field value is set to `*` in this policy and that  you assign the schema-level `usage-schema` and `create` permissions. The `usage-schema` permission allows `hawquser1` to use the `public` schema. The `create` permission allows `hawquser1` to create objects in this schema.
-6. Save the policy named `testdb-public`.
+9. Save the policy named `testdb-public`.
-7. `hawquser1` again attempts to select from `table99`:
+10. `hawquser1` again attempts to select from `table99`:
     ``` sql
     testdb=> SELECT * FROM table99;
@@ -266,15 +254,15 @@ Create the policies(s) that restore `hawquser1`'s access to `testdb` and `table9
     Access to the `testdb` database and `public` schema is still not sufficient for `hawquser1` to select the data in `table99`. You must explicitly configure access to this table.
-8. Create a policy for `hawquser1` that provides `SELECT` permission on the table named `table99`. 
+11. Create a policy for `hawquser1` that provides `SELECT` permission on the table named `table99`. 
     Click the **Add New Policy** button and enter the following information in the **Policy Details** and **Allow Conditions** fields:
     ![HAWQ Policy Details](../images/table-policy.png)
-6. Save the policy named `testdb-public-table99`.
+12. Save the policy named `testdb-public-table99`.
-7. `hawquser1` again attempts to select from `table99`:
+13. `hawquser1` again attempts to select from `table99`:
     ``` sql
     testdb=> SELECT * FROM table99;

[10/50] [abbrv] incubator-hawq-docs git commit: deferring super-user events discussion to policy doc. Adding more clarifying info about non-HA support (closes #109)

Posted by
deferring super-user events discussion to policy doc. Adding more clarifying info about non-HA support (closes #109)


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 6358aa44fd57ee4edb0dac4a03b53b12b0974930
Parents: bb06233
Author: David Yozie <>
Authored: Mon Apr 3 09:50:51 2017 -0700
Committer: David Yozie <>
Committed: Mon Apr 3 09:50:51 2017 -0700

 .../       | 187 ++++++++++---------
 markdown/ranger/     |   2 +-
 2 files changed, 95 insertions(+), 94 deletions(-)
diff --git a/markdown/ranger/ b/markdown/ranger/
index 3da8e78..a168df1 100644
--- a/markdown/ranger/
+++ b/markdown/ranger/
@@ -21,17 +21,17 @@ specific language governing permissions and limitations
 under the License.
-Your HAWQ 2.2.0 installation includes the following HAWQ-related Ranger components:
-- Ranger Administrative UI
-- HAWQ Ranger Plug-in Service
-The Ranger Administrative UI is installed when you install HDP. You configure the Ranger service itself through Ambari. You configure HAWQ-Ranger authorization policies through the Ranger Administrative UI, which you can access at `http://<ranger-admin-node>:6080`. 
-Installing or upgrading to HAWQ 2.2.0 installs the HAWQ Ranger Plug-in Service, but neither configures nor registers the plug-in.  
-To use Ranger for managing HAWQ authentication events, you must first install and register several HAWQ JAR files on the Ranger Administration host. This one-time configuration establishes connectivity to your HAWQ cluster from the Ranger Administration host. 
+Your HAWQ 2.2.0 installation includes the following HAWQ-related Ranger components:
+- Ranger Administrative UI
+- HAWQ Ranger Plug-in Service
+The Ranger Administrative UI is installed when you install HDP. You configure the Ranger service itself through Ambari. You configure HAWQ-Ranger authorization policies through the Ranger Administrative UI, which you can access at `http://<ranger-admin-node>:6080`. 
+Installing or upgrading to HAWQ 2.2.0 installs the HAWQ Ranger Plug-in Service, but neither configures nor registers the plug-in.  
+To use Ranger for managing HAWQ authentication events, you must first install and register several HAWQ JAR files on the Ranger Administration host. This one-time configuration establishes connectivity to your HAWQ cluster from the Ranger Administration host. 
 After registering the JAR files, you enable or disable Ranger integration in HAWQ by setting the `hawq_acl_type` configuration parameter. When Ranger is enabled, all access to HAWQ resources is controlled through Ranger security policies. The HAWQ Ranger Plug-in pre-populates Ranger with HAWQ policies to allow `gpadmin` superuser access to all resources. See [Creating HAWQ Authorization Policies in Ranger](ranger-policy-creation.html) for information about creating policies in Ranger.
 Use the following procedures to register the HAWQ Ranger Plug-in Service and enable Ranger authorization for HAWQ.
@@ -40,39 +40,40 @@ Use the following procedures to register the HAWQ Ranger Plug-in Service and ena
 To use HAWQ Ranger integration, install a compatible Hadoop distribution and Apache Ranger 0.6. You must also have `admin` access to the **Ranger Admin UI**.
 ## <a id="jar"></a>Step 1: Install Ranger Connectivity to HAWQ
-1. `ssh` into the Ranger Administration host as a user with root privileges:
+1. `ssh` into the Ranger Administration host as a user with root privileges:
     ``` bash
     $ ssh root@<ranger-admin-node>
-2. Create the directory for the HAWQ JAR files:
+2. Create the directory for the HAWQ JAR files:
     ``` bash
     root@ranger-admin-node$ cd /usr/hdp/current/ranger-admin/ews/webapp/WEB-INF/classes/ranger-plugins
     root@ranger-admin-node$ mkdir hawq
-3. Copy the necessary HAWQ JAR files (`postgresql-9.1-901-1.jdbc4.jar` and `ranger-plugin-admin-`) from the HAWQ master node to the new directory:
+3. Copy the necessary HAWQ JAR files (`postgresql-9.1-901-1.jdbc4.jar` and `ranger-plugin-admin-`) from the HAWQ master node to the new directory:
     ``` bash
     root@ranger-admin-node$ scp <hawq-master>:/usr/local/hawq/ranger/lib/*.jar ./hawq
-4. Change the ownership of the new folder and JAR files to the `ranger` user:
+4. Change the ownership of the new folder and JAR files to the `ranger` user:
     ``` bash
     root@ranger-admin-node$ chown -R ranger:ranger hawq
-5. The `` script configures Ranger connectivity to your HAWQ cluster. The command has the syntax:
+5. The `` script configures Ranger connectivity to your HAWQ cluster. The command has the syntax:
     ``` pre -r <ranger_admin_node>:<ranger_port> -u <ranger_user> -p <ranger_password> -h <hawq_master>:<hawq_port> -w <hawq_user> -q <hawq_password>
-    ```
+    ```
-    Log in to the HAWQ master node as the `gpadmin` user and execute the `` script. Ensure that \<hawq_master\> identifies the fully qualified domain name of the HAWQ master node. For example:
+    Log in to the HAWQ master node as the `gpadmin` user and execute the `` script. Ensure that \<hawq_master\> identifies the fully qualified domain name of the HAWQ master node. For example:
-    ``` bash
+    ``` bash
     gpadmin@master$ cd /usr/local/hawq/ranger/bin
     gpadmin@master$ ./ -r ranger_host:6080 -u admin -p admin -h hawq_master:5432 -w gpadmin -q gpadmin
     RANGER URL  = ranger_host:6080
     RANGER User = admin
     RANGER Password = [*****]
@@ -84,82 +85,82 @@ To use HAWQ Ranger integration, install a compatible Hadoop distribution and Apa
     HAWQ service instance was not found in Ranger Admin, creating it.
     Updated POLICY_MGR_URL to http://ranger_host:6080 in /usr/local/hawq_2_2_0_0/ranger/etc/
     Updated default value of JAVA_HOME to /usr/jdk64/jdk1.8.0_77 in /usr/local/hawq_2_2_0_0/ranger/etc/
-    ```
-    **Note**: You can also enter the short form of the command: `./ -r` and the script will prompt you for entries.
-    When the script completes, the default HAWQ service definition is registered in the Ranger Admin UI. This service definition is named `hawq`.
-6. Locate the `pg_hba.conf` file in the master directory of the HAWQ master node. To display the HAWQ master directory:
-    ``` bash
-    gpadmin@master$ hawq config --show hawq_master_directory
-    GUC		: hawq_master_directory
-    Value	: /data/hawq/master
-    ```
-    Edit the `pg_hba.conf` file on the HAWQ master node to configure HAWQ access for \<hawq_user\> on the \<ranger-admin-node\>. For example, you would add an entry similar to the following for the example `` call above:
-    ``` bash
-    host  all     gpadmin    ranger_host/32       trust
-    ```
-    And reload HAWQ configuration:
-    ``` bash
-    gpadmin@master$ hawq stop cluster --reload
-    ```
-7.  After HAWQ reloads the configuration, use the fully-qualified domain name to log into the Ambari server. Click the **Ranger** link to display the Ranger Summary page, then select **Quick Links > Ranger Admin UI**. 
-8.  Log into the Ranger Access Manager. Click the **Edit** button for the **HAWQ** service. Ensure that the Active Status is set to Enabled, and click **Test Connection**. You should receive a message that Ranger connected successfully.  If the connection fails, verify the `hawq` service Config Properties, as well as your `pg_hba.conf` entries, and re-test the connection.
-## <a id="enable"></a>Step 2: Configure HAWQ to Use Ranger Policy Management
-The default Ranger service definition for HAWQ assigns the HAWQ administrator (typically `gpadmin`) all privileges to all objects. 
+    ```
+    **Note**: You can also enter the short form of the command: `./ -r` and the script will prompt you for entries.
+    When the script completes, the default HAWQ service definition is registered in the Ranger Admin UI. This service definition is named `hawq`.
+6. Locate the `pg_hba.conf` file in the master directory of the HAWQ master node. To display the HAWQ master directory:
+    ``` bash
+    gpadmin@master$ hawq config --show hawq_master_directory
+    GUC		: hawq_master_directory
+    Value	: /data/hawq/master
+    ```
+    Edit the `pg_hba.conf` file on the HAWQ master node to configure HAWQ access for \<hawq_user\> on the \<ranger-admin-node\>. For example, you would add an entry similar to the following for the example `` call above:
+    ``` bash
+    host  all     gpadmin    ranger_host/32       trust
+    ```
+    And reload HAWQ configuration:
+    ``` bash
+    gpadmin@master$ hawq stop cluster --reload
+    ```
+7.  After HAWQ reloads the configuration, use the fully-qualified domain name to log into the Ambari server. Click the **Ranger** link to display the Ranger Summary page, then select **Quick Links > Ranger Admin UI**. 
+8.  Log into the Ranger Access Manager. Click the **Edit** button for the **HAWQ** service. Ensure that the Active Status is set to Enabled, and click **Test Connection**. You should receive a message that Ranger connected successfully.  If the connection fails, verify the `hawq` service Config Properties, as well as your `pg_hba.conf` entries, and re-test the connection.
+## <a id="enable"></a>Step 2: Configure HAWQ to Use Ranger Policy Management
+The default Ranger service definition for HAWQ assigns the HAWQ administrator (typically `gpadmin`) all privileges to all objects. 
 Once the connection between HAWQ and Ranger is configured, you can either set up policies for the HAWQ users according to the procedures in [Creating HAWQ Authorization Policies in Ranger](ranger-policy-creation.html) or enable Ranger with only the default policies. 
-**Note**: Any authorization defined using GRANT commands will no longer apply after enabling HAWQ Ranger. Only gpadmin access is allowed when Ranger is first initialized.
+**Note**: Any authorization defined using GRANT commands will no longer apply after enabling HAWQ Ranger. Only gpadmin access is allowed when Ranger is first initialized.
 1. On Ambari, select the **HAWQ** Service, and then select the **Configs** tab.
 2. Select the **Advanced** tab, and then expand **Custom hawq-site**.
 4. Click **Add Property...** and add the new property, `hawq_acl_type=ranger` property. (If the property already exists, change its value from `standalone` (the default) to `ranger`.)
 5. Click **Save** to save your changes.
-6. Select **Service Actions > Restart All** and confirm that you want to restart the HAWQ cluster.
-## <a id="customconfig"></a> Custom Configuration
-Configuration files for the HAWQ Ranger Plug-in Service are located in the `$GPHOME/ranger/etc` directory. These files include:
-| File     |  Description     |
-| ranger-hawq-audit.xml |  HAWQ Ranger audit-related configuration, including the audit provider (log4j, Solr, HDFS) and provider-specific configuration |
-| ranger-hawq-security.xml |  HAWQ Ranger service configuration, including the policy change polling interval |
-| |  HAWQ Ranger deployment-related configuration, including the HAWQ Ranger Plug-in Service port definition and JVM parameters|
-Any configuration changes you make after you have registered the HAWQ Ranger Plug-in require a restart of the service. You can either restart the HAWQ cluster or restart just the HAWQ Ranger Plug-in Service:
-``` shell
-gpadmin@master$ /usr/local/hawq/ranger/bin/ stop
-gpadmin@master$ /usr/local/hawq/ranger/bin/ start
-### <a id="caching"></a>Changing the Frequency of Policy Caching
-The default polling interval for HAWQ Ranger Plug-in Service policy updates is 30 seconds. To increase or decrease this value, update the `ranger.plugin.hawq.policy.pollIntervalMs` property setting in the `ranger-hawq-security.xml` file:
-    &lt;name&gt;ranger.plugin.hawq.policy.pollIntervalMs&lt;/name&gt;
-    <b>&lt;value&gt;30000&lt;/value&gt;</b>
-    &lt;description&gt;
-        How often to poll for changes in policies?
-    &lt;/description&gt;
-Provide a value in milliseconds.
-You must restart the HAWQ Ranger Plug-in Service as described above after updating the polling interval.
+6. Select **Service Actions > Restart All** and confirm that you want to restart the HAWQ cluster.
+## <a id="customconfig"></a> Custom Configuration
+Configuration files for the HAWQ Ranger Plug-in Service are located in the `$GPHOME/ranger/etc` directory. These files include:
+| File     |  Description     |
+| ranger-hawq-audit.xml |  HAWQ Ranger audit-related configuration, including the audit provider (log4j, Solr, HDFS) and provider-specific configuration |
+| ranger-hawq-security.xml |  HAWQ Ranger service configuration, including the policy change polling interval |
+| |  HAWQ Ranger deployment-related configuration, including the HAWQ Ranger Plug-in Service port definition and JVM parameters|
+Any configuration changes you make after you have registered the HAWQ Ranger Plug-in require a restart of the service. You can either restart the HAWQ cluster or restart just the HAWQ Ranger Plug-in Service:
+``` shell
+gpadmin@master$ /usr/local/hawq/ranger/bin/ stop
+gpadmin@master$ /usr/local/hawq/ranger/bin/ start
+### <a id="caching"></a>Changing the Frequency of Policy Caching
+The default polling interval for HAWQ Ranger Plug-in Service policy updates is 30 seconds. To increase or decrease this value, update the `ranger.plugin.hawq.policy.pollIntervalMs` property setting in the `ranger-hawq-security.xml` file:
+    &lt;name&gt;ranger.plugin.hawq.policy.pollIntervalMs&lt;/name&gt;
+    <b>&lt;value&gt;30000&lt;/value&gt;</b>
+    &lt;description&gt;
+        How often to poll for changes in policies?
+    &lt;/description&gt;
+Provide a value in milliseconds.
+You must restart the HAWQ Ranger Plug-in Service as described above after updating the polling interval.
diff --git a/markdown/ranger/ b/markdown/ranger/
index 11ec69a..c728105 100644
--- a/markdown/ranger/
+++ b/markdown/ranger/
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ The Ranger plug-in service caches Ranger policies locally on each HAWQ node to a
 ## <a id="limitations"></a>Limitations of Ranger Policy Management in HAWQ
 Neither Kerberos authentication nor SSL encryption is supported between a HAWQ node and the Ranger plug-in service, or between the plug-in service and the Ranger Policy Manager.
-The Ranger plug-in service is not compatible Highly-Available HAWQ deployments. Should you need to activate the standby master in your HAWQ cluster, you must manually update the HAWQ Ranger service definition with the new master node connection information.
+The Ranger plug-in service is not compatible with Highly-Available HAWQ deployments. Should you need to activate the standby master in your HAWQ cluster, you must manually update the HAWQ Ranger service definition with the new master node connection information.
 HAWQ supports setting user-level authorization policies with Ranger. These correspond to access policies that would typically be applied using the SQL `GRANT` command, and include authorization events for:

[12/50] [abbrv] incubator-hawq-docs git commit: Add link to main Ranger docs; Add limitation that group policies not supported in this release

Posted by
Add link to main Ranger docs; Add limitation that group policies not supported in this release


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 2b722e8abd523762ad2382058219541f9b3733ee
Parents: 98a7ba0
Author: David Yozie <>
Authored: Mon Apr 3 11:26:59 2017 -0700
Committer: David Yozie <>
Committed: Mon Apr 3 11:26:59 2017 -0700

 markdown/ranger/ | 11 ++---------
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
diff --git a/markdown/ranger/ b/markdown/ranger/
index 01b6e90..4659b38 100644
--- a/markdown/ranger/
+++ b/markdown/ranger/
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ under the License.
 HAWQ supports using Apache Ranger for authorizing user access to HAWQ resources. Using Ranger enables you to manage all of your Hadoop components' authorization policies using the same user interface, policy store, and auditing stores.
+See the [Apache Ranger documentation]( for more information about the core functionality of Ranger.
 ## <a id="arch"></a>Policy Management Architecture
@@ -41,15 +42,7 @@ Neither Kerberos authentication nor SSL encryption is supported between a HAWQ n
 The Ranger plug-in service is not compatible with Highly-Available HAWQ deployments. Should you need to activate the standby master in your HAWQ cluster, you must manually update the HAWQ Ranger service definition with the new master node connection information.
-HAWQ supports setting user-level authorization policies with Ranger. These correspond to access policies that would typically be applied using the SQL `GRANT` command, and include authorization events for:
-- Databases
-- Schemas
-- Tables
-- Sequences
-- Functions
-- Languages
-- Protocols
+Ranger User Group policies cannot be used with HAWQ in this release. Only User Policies are currently supported.
 Some authorization checks for superuser-restricted authorization events are handled by HAWQ natively, even when Ranger integration is enabled. See [HAWQ-Native Authorization](ranger-policy-creation.html#alwaysnative).

[38/50] [abbrv] incubator-hawq-docs git commit: generalizing HAWQ version in ranger config

Posted by
generalizing HAWQ version in ranger config


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 5f5727ac0caa4c3a3a4a9682e39c6776e1d71f09
Parents: 980e47f
Author: David Yozie <>
Authored: Wed Apr 5 10:38:00 2017 -0700
Committer: David Yozie <>
Committed: Wed Apr 5 10:38:00 2017 -0700

 markdown/ranger/ | 12 ++++++------
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
diff --git a/markdown/ranger/ b/markdown/ranger/
index d5ef7cd..ff279ff 100644
--- a/markdown/ranger/
+++ b/markdown/ranger/
@@ -21,14 +21,14 @@ specific language governing permissions and limitations
 under the License.
-Your HAWQ 2.2.0 installation includes the following HAWQ-related Ranger components:
+Your HAWQ installation includes the following HAWQ-related Ranger components:
 - Ranger Administrative UI
 - HAWQ Ranger Plug-in Service
 The Ranger Administrative UI is installed when you install HDP. You configure the Ranger service itself through Ambari. You configure HAWQ-Ranger authorization policies through the Ranger Administrative UI, which you can access at `http://<ranger-admin-node>:6080`. 
-Installing or upgrading to HAWQ 2.2.0 installs the HAWQ Ranger Plug-in Service, but neither configures nor registers the plug-in.  
+Installing or upgrading to HAWQ installs the HAWQ Ranger Plug-in Service, but neither configures nor registers the plug-in.  
 To use Ranger for managing HAWQ authentication events, you must first install and register several HAWQ JAR files on the Ranger Administration host. This one-time configuration establishes connectivity to your HAWQ cluster from the Ranger Administration host. 
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ To use HAWQ Ranger integration, install a compatible Hadoop distribution and Apa
     root@ranger-admin-node$ cd /usr/hdp/current/ranger-admin/ews/webapp/WEB-INF/classes/ranger-plugins
     root@ranger-admin-node$ mkdir hawq
-3. Copy the necessary HAWQ JAR files (`postgresql-9.1-901-1.jdbc4.jar` and `ranger-plugin-admin-`) from the HAWQ master node to the new directory:
+3. Copy the necessary HAWQ JAR files (`postgresql-9.1-901-1.jdbc4.jar` and `ranger-plugin-admin-<version>.jar`) from the HAWQ master node to the new directory:
     ``` bash
     root@ranger-admin-node$ scp <hawq-master>:/usr/local/hawq/ranger/lib/*.jar ./hawq
@@ -81,10 +81,10 @@ To use HAWQ Ranger integration, install a compatible Hadoop distribution and Apa
     HAWQ PORT = 5432
     HAWQ User = gpadmin
     HAWQ Password = [*******]
-    HAWQ service definition was not found in Ranger Admin, creating it by uploading /usr/local/hawq_2_2_0_0/ranger/etc/ranger-servicedef-hawq.json
+    HAWQ service definition was not found in Ranger Admin, creating it by uploading /usr/local/hawq_<version>/ranger/etc/ranger-servicedef-hawq.json
     HAWQ service instance was not found in Ranger Admin, creating it.
-    Updated POLICY_MGR_URL to http://ranger_host:6080 in /usr/local/hawq_2_2_0_0/ranger/etc/
-    Updated default value of JAVA_HOME to /usr/jdk64/jdk1.8.0_77 in /usr/local/hawq_2_2_0_0/ranger/etc/
+    Updated POLICY_MGR_URL to http://ranger_host:6080 in /usr/local/hawq_<version>/ranger/etc/
+    Updated default value of JAVA_HOME to /usr/jdk64/jdk1.8.0_77 in /usr/local/hawq_<version>/ranger/etc/
     **Note**: You can also enter the short form of the command: `./ -r` and the script will prompt you for entries.

[03/50] [abbrv] incubator-hawq-docs git commit: Adding draft documentation for Ranger integration feature

Posted by
Adding draft documentation for Ranger integration feature


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: a7e32e0ce4f8cd15001f7b4900218bbfa2ba8d45
Parents: 9175d25
Author: David Yozie <>
Authored: Thu Mar 30 12:33:22 2017 -0700
Committer: David Yozie <>
Committed: Thu Mar 30 12:33:30 2017 -0700

 markdown/admin/             |   6 +
 markdown/images/hawqpolicydetails.png           | Bin 0 -> 165359 bytes
 markdown/ranger/     | 156 ++++++
 .../       | 131 +++++
 markdown/ranger/     |  64 +++
 .../ranger/   | 508 +++++++++++++++++++
 .../cli/admin_utilities/   |   1 +
 7 files changed, 866 insertions(+)
diff --git a/markdown/admin/ b/markdown/admin/
index 482caef..882ecd9 100644
--- a/markdown/admin/
+++ b/markdown/admin/
@@ -282,6 +282,12 @@ PXF provides both service- and database-level logging. Refer to [PXF Logging](..
 Ambari log files may be useful in helping diagnose general cluster problems. The Ambari server log files are located in the `/var/log/ambari-server/` directory. Ambari agent log files are located in `/var/log/ambari-agent/`. Refer to [Reviewing Ambari Log Files]( for additional information.
+## <a id="rangerlogs"></a> Ranger Log Files
+The HAWQ Ranger Plug-in Service log files may be useful in helping diagnose Ranger connectivity and authorization problems. You will find these log files in the `$GPHOME/ranger/plugin-service/logs/` directory. In addition to HAWQ Ranger Plug-in service-related logs, this directory includes the `log4j` provider `audit.log` file. (Refer to [Auditing Authorization Events](../ranger/ranger-auditing.html) for information on configuring HAWQ Ranger audit logging.)
+Ranger log files are located in the `/var/log/ranger/admin/` directory.
 ## <a id="logging_other"></a>Hadoop Log Files
diff --git a/markdown/images/hawqpolicydetails.png b/markdown/images/hawqpolicydetails.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c7945f
Binary files /dev/null and b/markdown/images/hawqpolicydetails.png differ
diff --git a/markdown/ranger/ b/markdown/ranger/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f6fed0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/markdown/ranger/
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+title: Auditing Authorization Events
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+specific language governing permissions and limitations
+under the License.
+The HAWQ Ranger Plug-in Service supports storing auditing records in any of the Ranger auditing framework audit destinations, referred to as *audit sink*s. The `/usr/local/hawq/ranger/etc/ranger-hawq-audit.xml` file specifies the audit configuration. It contains sample definitions for the HDFS, Solr, and Log4j audit sinks.
+As a best practice, configure one or more audit sinks in `ranger-hawq-audit.xml` before you register the HAWQ Ranger Plug-in Service. By default only the Log4j sink is enabled. Production deployments should use both a Solr and an HDFS audit sink, with the Solr destination configured to automatically purge audit records after some period of time.  This configuration enables you to search the most recent audit records, while a keeping a full history of auditing records in HDFS.
+If you modify `ranger-hawq-audit.xml` after you have registered the HAWQ Ranger Plug-in, you must restart the plug-in for the changes to take effect.
+Full documentation for the Ranger auditing configuration properties and the Ranger auditing framework is available at [Ranger 0.5 Audit Configuration](
+## <a id="solr"></a>Configuring Solr Auditing
+To configure a Solr audit sink, you define a different set of properties in `ranger-hawq-audit.xml` depending on whether you use Zookeeper or a direct URL connect to your Solr destination. For a production environment, use Zookeeper instead of a direct URL.
+If you use Zookeeper to connect to Solr, configure these auditing properties in `ranger-hawq-audit.xml`:
+Table 1. Properties for Zookeeper Configuration
+| Property | Value | Description |
+| -------- | ----- | ----------- |
+| xasecure.audit.destination.solr | true | Use this property to enable or disable the Solr sink. |
+| xasecure.audit.destination.solr.zookeepers | &lt;zookeeper connect string&gt; | Specify the Zookeeper connection string for the Solr destination. |
+| xasecure.audit.destination.solr.collection | &lt;collection name&gt; | Specify the Solr collection name to use for indexing the HAWQ audit records. By default HAWQ uses the `ranger_audits` collection. |
+| xasecure.audit.destination.solr.batch.filespool.* | Multiple Properties | See [Configuration related to File spooling]( in the Ranger documentation if you want to configure spooling of auditing events to disk when the in-memory buffer is full. |
+| xasecure.audit.destination.solr.urls | NONE | Leave this property value empty or set it to `NONE` when using Zookeeper to connect to Solr. |
+For example:
+<!-- ********************************* -->
+<!-- SOLR audit provider configuration -->
+<!-- ********************************* -->
+    <name>xasecure.audit.destination.solr</name>
+    <value>true</value>
+    <name>xasecure.audit.destination.solr.zookeepers</name>
+    <value>zkhost1:2181,zkhost2:2181/infra-solr</value>
+    <name>xasecure.audit.destination.solr.collection</name>
+    <value>ranger_audits</value>
+    <name>xasecure.audit.destination.solr.urls</name>
+    <value>NONE</value>
+    <name>xasecure.audit.destination.solr.batch.filespool.enabled</name>
+    <value>true</value>
+    <name>xasecure.audit.destination.solr.batch.filespool.dir</name>
+    <value>/usr/local/hawq_2_2_0_0/ranger/plugin-service/logs/spool/audit/solr</value>
+## <a id="hdfs"></a>Configuring HDFS Auditing
+To configure an HDFS audit sink, define these auditing properties in `ranger-hawq-audit.xml`:
+Table 2. Properties for HDFS Configuration
+| Property | Value | Description |
+| -------- | ----- | ----------- |
+| xasecure.audit.destination.hdfs | true | Use this property to enable or disable the HDFS sink. |
+| xasecure.audit.destination.hdfs.dir | &lt;HDFS directory&gt; | Specify the HDFS directory in which the plug-in records audit events. | 
+| xasecure.audit.destination.hdfs.batch.filespool.* | Multiple Properties | See [Configuration related to File spooling]( in the Ranger documentation if you want to configure spooling of auditing events to disk when the in-memory buffer is full. |
+For example:
+<!-- ********************************* -->
+<!-- HDFS audit provider configuration -->
+<!-- ********************************* -->
+    <name>xasecure.audit.destination.hdfs</name>
+    <value>true</value>
+    <name>xasecure.audit.destination.hdfs.dir</name>
+    <value>hdfs://localhost:8020/ranger/audit</value>
+    <name>xasecure.audit.destination.hdfs.batch.filespool.enabled</name>
+    <value>true</value>
+    <name>xasecure.audit.destination.hdfs.batch.filespool.dir</name>
+    <value>/usr/local/hawq_2_2_0_0/ranger/plugin-service/logs/spool/audit/hdfs</value>
+## <a id="log4j"></a>Configuring Log4j Auditing
+To configure a Log4j audit sink, define these auditing properties in `ranger-hawq-audit.xml`:
+Table 3. Properties for Log4j Configuration
+| Property | Value | Description |
+| -------- | ----- | ----------- |
+| xasecure.audit.destination.log4j | true | Use this property to enable or disable the Log4j sink. |
+| xasecure.audit.destination.log4j.logger | &lt;Logger Name&gt; | Specify the name of the logger to use for sending audit events. | 
+| xasecure.audit.destination.log4j.batch.filespool.* | Multiple Properties | See [Configuration related to File spooling]( in the Ranger documentation if you want to configure spooling of auditing events to disk when the in-memory buffer is full. |
+For example:
+<!-- ********************************** -->
+<!-- Log4j audit provider configuration -->
+<!-- ********************************** -->
+    <name>xasecure.audit.destination.log4j</name>
+    <value>true</value>
+    <name>xasecure.audit.destination.log4j.logger</name>
+    <value>ranger_audit_logger</value>
+## <a id="reconfigure"></a>Changing the Plug-in Auditing Settings
+If you modify `ranger-hawq-audit.xml` after you have registered the HAWQ Ranger Plug-in, you must either restart the HAWQ cluster or restart the plug-in for the changes to take effect.
+To restart only the HAWQ Ranger Plug-in:
+``` bash
+$ /usr/local/hawq_2_2_0_0/ranger/bin/ stop
+$ /usr/local/hawq_2_2_0_0/ranger/bin/ start
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/markdown/ranger/ b/markdown/ranger/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b687b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/markdown/ranger/
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+title: Configuring HAWQ to use Ranger Policy Management
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+specific language governing permissions and limitations
+under the License.
+Your HAWQ 2.2.0 installation includes the following HAWQ-related Ranger components:
+- Ranger Administrative UI
+- HAWQ Ranger Plug-in Service
+The Ranger Administrative UI is installed when you install HDP. You configure the Ranger service itself through Ambari. You configure HAWQ-Ranger authorization policies through the Ranger Administrative UI, which you can access at `http://<ranger-admin-node>:6080`. 
+Installing or upgrading to HAWQ 2.2.0 installs the HAWQ Ranger Plug-in Service, but neither configures nor registers the plug-in.  
+To use Ranger for managing HAWQ authentication events, you must first install and register several HAWQ JAR files on the Ranger Administration host. This one-time configuration establishes connectivity to your HAWQ cluster from the Ranger Administration host. 
+After registering the JAR files, you enable or disable Ranger integration in HAWQ by setting the `hawq_acl_type` configuration parameter. After Ranger integration is enabled, you must use the Ranger interface to create all security policies to manage access to HAWQ resources. Ranger is only pre-populated with policies to allow `gpadmin` superuser access to default resources. See [Creating HAWQ Authorization Policies in Ranger](ranger-policy-creation.html) for information about creating policies in Ranger. When Ranger is enabled, all access to HAWQ resources is controlled by security policies on Ranger. 
+Use the following procedures to register the HAWQ Ranger Plug-in Service and enable Ranger authorization for HAWQ..
+## <a id="prereq"></a>Prerequisites
+To use HAWQ Ranger integration, install a compatible Hadoop distribution and Apache Ranger 0.6. You must also have `admin` access to the **Ranger Admin UI**.
+## <a id="jar"></a>Step 1: Install Ranger Connectivity to HAWQ
+1. `ssh` into the Ranger Administration host as a user with root privileges:
+    ``` bash
+    $ ssh root@<ranger-admin-node>
+    root@ranger-admin-node$ 
+    ```
+2. Create the directory for the HAWQ JAR files:
+    ``` bash
+    root@ranger-admin-node$ cd /usr/hdp/current/ranger-admin/ews/webapp/WEB-INF/classes/ranger-plugins
+    root@ranger-admin-node$ mkdir hawq
+    ```
+3. Copy the necessary HAWQ JAR files (`postgresql-9.1-901-1.jdbc4.jar` and `ranger-plugin-admin-`) from the HAWQ master node to the new directory:
+    ``` bash
+    root@ranger-admin-node$ scp <hawq-master>:/usr/local/hawq/ranger/lib/*.jar ./hawq
+    ```
+4. Change the ownership of the new folder and JAR files to the `ranger` user:
+    ``` bash
+    root@ranger-admin-node$ chown -R ranger:ranger hawq
+    ```
+5. The `` script configures Ranger connectivity to your HAWQ cluster. The command has the syntax:
+    ``` pre
+ -r <ranger_admin_node>:<ranger_port> -u <ranger_user> -p <ranger_password> -h <hawq_master>:<hawq_port> -w <hawq_user> -q <hawq_password>
+    ```
+    Log in to the HAWQ master node as the `gpadmin` user and execute the `` script. Ensure \<hawq_master\> identifies the fully qualified domain name of the HAWQ master node. For example:
+    ``` bash
+    sudo su - gpadmin
+    gpadmin@master$ cd /usr/local/hawq/ranger/bin
+    gpadmin@master$ ./ -r ranger_host:6080 -u admin -p admin -h hawq_master:5432 -w gpadmin -q gpadmin
+    ```
+    ***Note*** You can also enter the short form of the command: `./ -r` and the script will prompt you for entries. 
+    When the script completes, the default HAWQ service definition is registered in the Ranger Admin UI. This service definition is named `hawq`.
+6. Locate the `pg_hba.conf` file on the HAWQ master node, for example:
+    ``` bash
+    gpadmin@master$ hawq config --show hawq_master_directory
+     GUC		: hawq_master_directory
+     Value		: /data/hawq/master
+    ```
+    Edit the `pg_hba.conf` file on the HAWQ master node to configure HAWQ access for \<hawq_user\> on the \<ranger-admin-node\>. For example, you would add an entry similar to the following for the example `` call above:
+    ``` bash
+    host  all     gpadmin    ranger_host/32       trust
+    ```
+    And reload HAWQ configuration:
+    ``` bash
+    gpadmin@master$ hawq stop cluster --reload
+    ```
+7.  When setup is complete, use the fully-qualified domain name to log into the Ambari server. Use the Ranger link in the left nav to bring up the Ranger Summary pane in the HAWQ Ambari interface. Use the Quick Links to access Ranger. This link will take you to the Ranger Login interface. 
+8.  Log into the Ranger Access Manager. You will see a list of icons under the Service Manager. Click the **Edit** icon on the right, under the HAWQ service icon. Ensure that the Active Status is set to Enabled, and click the **Test Connection** button. You should receive a message that Ranger connected successfully.  If it fails to connect, you may need to edit your Ranger connection in  `pg_hba.conf,` perform 
+  ``` bash
+   gpadmin@masterhawq stop cluster --reload
+   ```
+  and re-test the connection.
+## <a id="enable"></a>Step 2: Configure HAWQ to Use Ranger Policy Management
+The default Ranger service definition for HAWQ assigns the HAWQ administrator (typically `gpadmin`) all privileges to all objects. 
+Once the connection between HAWQ and Ranger is configured, you can either set up policies for the HAWQ users according to the procedures in [Creating HAWQ Authorization Policies in Ranger](ranger-policy-creation.html) or enable Ranger with only the default policies. 
+**Note**: Any authorization defined using GRANT commands will no longer apply after enabling HAWQ Ranger. Only gpadmin access is allowed when Ranger is first initialized.
+1. On Ambari, select the **HAWQ** Service, and then select the **Configs** tab.
+2. Select the **Advanced** tab, and then expand **Custom hawq-site**.
+4. Click **Add Property...** and add the new property, `hawq_acl_type=ranger` property. (If the property already exists, change its value from `standalone` (the default) to `ranger`.)
+5. Click **Save** to save your changes.
+6. Select **Service Actions > Restart All** and confirm that you want to restart the HAWQ cluster.
+## <a id="caching"></a>Changing the Frequency of Policy Caching
+You may wish to change the frequency of policy caching to suit your individual needs.
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56b45be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/markdown/ranger/
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+title: Overview of Ranger Policy Management
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+specific language governing permissions and limitations
+under the License.
+HAWQ supports using Apache Ranger for authorizing user access to HAWQ resources. Using Ranger enables you to manage all of your Hadoop components' authorization policies using the same user interface, policy store, and auditing stores.
+## <a id="arch"></a>Policy Management Architecture
+Each HAWQ installation includes a Ranger plug-in service to support Ranger Policy management. The Ranger plug-in service implements the Ranger REST API to bridge all requests between the Ranger Policy Manager and a HAWQ instance. 
+HAWQ also provides a JAR library that enables the Ranger Policy Manager to lookup HAWQ metadata (the names of databases, schemas, tables, and so forth) to populate the user interface and assist in creating new policies. This JAR uses a JDBC connection to HAWQ, and requires a one-time registration with the Ranger Policy Manager. 
+A single configuration parameter, `hawq_acl_type` determines whether HAWQ defers all policy management to Ranger via the plug-in service, or whether HAWQ handles authorization natively using catalog tables. By default, HAWQ uses SQL commands to create all access policies, and the policy information is stored in catalog tables.  When you enable Ranger integration for policy management, any authorization policies that you have configured in HAWQ using SQL no longer apply to your installation; you must create new policies using the Ranger interface. See [Creating HAWQ Authorization Policies in Ranger](ranger-policy-creation.html)
+The Ranger plug-in service caches Ranger policies locally on each HAWQ node to avoid unnecessary round trips between the HAWQ node and the Ranger Policy Manager server. You can use the configuration parameter `that` to control how frequently the plug-in service contacts the Ranger Policy Manager to refresh cached policies. See [Changing the Frequency of Policy Caching](ranger-integration-config.html#caching).
+## <a id="limitations"></a>Limitations of Ranger Policy Management
+Neither Kerberos authentication nor SSL encryption is supported between a HAWQ node and the Ranger plug-in service, or between the plug-in service and the Ranger Policy Manager.
+The Ranger plug-in service is not compatible Highly-Available Ranger deployments. The plug-in will not connect to another Ranger Policy Manager if a failure occurs.
+HAWQ supports setting user-level authorization policies with Ranger. These correspond to access policies that would typically be applied using the SQL `GRANT` command, and include authorization events for:
+- Databases
+- Schemas
+- Tables
+- Sequences
+- Functions
+- Languages
+- Protocols
+All authorization checks for superuser-restricted authorization events are handled by HAWQ natively, even when Ranger integration is enabled. These superuser-restricted events include:
+- `CREATE CAST` command
+- `CREATE`, `DROP`, or `ALTER` commands that involve a foreign-data wrapper
+- `CREATE FUNCTION` command for untrusted languages.
+- `CREATE` or `DROP` commands for procedural Languages
+- `CREATE`, `DROP`, or `ALTER` commands for resource queues
+- `CREATE TABLESPACE` command. Note that Ranger does manage authorization for creating databases, tables, indexes, and so forth _within_ an existing tablespace.
+- `CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE` commands that include the `EXECUTE` clause.
+- `COPY` command. Use of the `COPY` command is always limited to the superuser. When Ranger policy management is enabled, the superuser must have `SELECT` or `INSERT` privileges on a table in order to `COPY` from or to that table.
+- Built-in functions such as pg_logdir_ls, pg_ls_dir, pg_read_file, pg_reload_conf, pg_rotate_logfile, pg_signal_backend, pg_start_backup,  pg_stat_file, pg_stat_get_activity, pg_stat_get_backend_activity_start, pg_stat_get_backend_activity, pg_stat_get_backend_client_addr, pg_stat_get_backend_client_port, pg_stat_get_backend_start, pg_stat_get_backend_waiting, pg_stop_backup, pg_switch_xlog, and pg_stat_reset.
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index 0000000..c66f5ba
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+title: Creating HAWQ Authorization Policies in Ranger
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+specific language governing permissions and limitations
+under the License.
+Ranger secures your Hadoop services, providing a centralized console to manage user access to the data in your HAWQ cluster.
+Native HAWQ authorization provides SQL standard authorization at the database and table level for specific users/roles using `GRANT` and `REVOKE` SQL commands. HAWQ integration with Ranger provides policy-based authorization, enabling you to identify the conditions under which a user and/or group can access individual HAWQ resources, including the operations permitted on those resources. 
+**Note**: The HAWQ `GRANT` and `REVOKE` operations are not permitted when Ranger authorization is enabled for HAWQ; you must configure all user and object access through Ranger policies.
+You will configure HAWQ-Ranger authorization through the Ranger Administrative UI, which you can access at `http://<ranger-admin-node>:6080`.
+## <a id="userrole"></a>User/Role Mapping
+When configuring your HAWQ cluster, you identify the HAWQ database objects to which you want specific users to have access. This configuration is required for both HAWQ-Native and HAWQ-Ranger authorization. 
+You create HAWQ users with the `createuser` command line utility or `CREATE ROLE` SQL command. These HAWQ users may or may not reflect an underlying operating system user.
+Ranger includes a `UserSync` process to synchronize users and groups on the \<ranger-admin-node\>. You can sync users and groups from the operating system (default), a file, or from LDAP/AD services. Once the sync source is identified, Ranger `UserSync` automatically detects new users provisioned on the \<ranger-admin-node\>.
+If your HAWQ cluster includes HAWQ-only roles (i.e. roles with no associated OS user), you must manually configure a Ranger user for each such role. You would use the Ranger Admin UI **Settings > Users/Groups** page for this purpose.
+## <a id="authchecks"></a>HAWQ Authorization
+### <a id="pghbaconf"></a> pg_hba.conf
+The `pg_hba.conf` file on the HAWQ master node identifies the users you permit to access the HAWQ cluster, and the hosts from which the access may be initiated. This authentication is the first line of defense for both HAWQ-Native and HAWQ-Ranger authorization.
+### <a id="alwaysnative"></a> HAWQ-Native Authorization
+HAWQ *always* employs its native authorization for operations on its catalog. HAWQ also uses only native authorization for the following HAWQ operations, *even when Ranger is enabled*. These operations are available to superusers and may be available those non-admin users to which access was specifically configured:
+- operations on HAWQ catalog
+- HAWQ catalog-related built-in functions
+- `CREATE CAST` command when function is NULL
+- `CREATE DATABASE`, `DROP DATABASE`, `createdb`, `dropdb`
+- `hawq filespace`
+- `CREATE`, `DROP`, or `ALTER` commands for resource queues
+- `CREATE ROLE`, `DROP ROLE`, `SET ROLE`, `createuser`, `dropuser`
+- `CREATE TABLESPACE`, `DROP TABLESPACE` (Ranger does manage authorization for creating tables and indexes _within_ an existing tablespace.)
+The following SQL operations do not require any authorization checks:
+- `SET`, `RESET`
+### <a id="rangersuperuser"></a> HAWQ-Ranger Authorization
+When Ranger is enabled, HAWQ-Ranger authorization is employed for access to user  database objects outside of the operations mentioned above. HAWQ will deny an operation if no policy exists providing the appropriate permissions for the requesting user to access the specific resource(s). 
+In cases where an operation requires super-user privileges, HAWQ first performs a super-user check, then requests the Ranger access check. Those operations requiring super-user checks include:
+- `CREATE`, `DROP`, or `ALTER` commands that involve a foreign-data wrapper
+- `CREATE LANGUAGE`, `DROP LANGUAGE` for non-built-in languages
+- `CREATE FUNCTION` command for untrusted languages.
+- `CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE` commands that include the `EXECUTE` clause.
+- `COPY` command. Use of the `COPY` command is always limited to the superuser. When Ranger policy management is enabled, the superuser must have `SELECT` or `INSERT` privileges on a table in order to `COPY` from or to that table.
+### <a id="authalgorithm"></a> Access Check Algorithm
+A simple algorithm describing the HAWQ access checks follows:
+``` pre
+1. Confirm user access allowed by pg_hba.conf file
+2. Perform HAWQ access checks
+     user-is-superuser = (is user superuser?)
+     op-needs-superuser = (does operation require superuser?)
+     use-hawq-native-auth = (does operation require hawq-native authorization?)
+     ranger-enabled = (is ranger enabled?)
+     - If( op-needs-superuser && !user-is-superuser )
+          Denied
+     - If( use-hawq-native-auth || !ranger-enabled )
+          HAWQ-Native authorization check
+       Else   
+          HAWQ-Ranger policy check
+## <a id="policyeval"></a> Ranger Policy Evaluation
+Ranger evaluates policies from most to least restrictive, searching for a policy with sufficient privileges allowing the requesting user access to the identified resource(s). Deny conditions are evaluated before allow conditions. And policies for specific resources are evaluated before those identifying a wildcard `*` resource.
+Refer to the [Ranger User Guide ??apache or hortonworks??]( and [Deny-conditions and excludes in Ranger policies]( for detailed information on the Ranger Admin UI and Ranger policy evaluation.
+## <a id="policydef"></a> HAWQ Policy Definition
+When configuring a HAWQ-Ranger authorization policy, you:
+- Name and provide a description for the policy
+- Identify the HAWQ resource(s) to which the policy applies
+- Identify the conditions under which access to the HAWQ resource(s) should be allowed
+- Enable/Disable audit logging for the policy
+![HAWQ Policy Details](../images/hawqpolicydetails.png)
+### <a id="createpoliciesresource"></a> HAWQ Ranger Resources
+You configure the resources to which a HAWQ policy applies in the **Create Policy > Policy Details** pane of the Ranger HAWQ Policy editor. HAWQ resources whose access is managed by Ranger include:
+| Resource    |  Description     |
+| database |  The database to which you want to provide access |
+| schema |  The schema in which you want to provide access |
+| table |  The table to which you want to provide access |
+| sequence |  The sequence to which you want to provide access |
+| function |  The user-defined function to which you want to provide access |
+| language |  The language to which you want to provide access |
+| tablespace |  The tablespace to which you want to provide access to create databases and tables |
+| protocol |  The protocol to which you want to provide access |
+The HAWQ Ranger service definition supports only the combinations of resources that reflect the scoping of database objects with HAWQ:
+- database/schema/table
+- database/schema/sequence
+- database/schema/function
+- database/language
+- tablespace
+- protocol
+The Ranger policy editor provides resource name look-up. That is, when you start entering data into a resource field, HAWQ populates a pop-up list with all existing HAWQ object names matching your text. 
+The policy editor also allows you to wildcard (`*`) resources in policy details. More restrictive policies will not use wildcarding, but rather will identify specific resource names.
+When specifying resources and permissions in your set of policy definitions, you will want to take into consideration the operations you wish to permit on a resource itself, as well as the operations you may wish to allow on subordinate resources. 
+### <a id="createpoliciesconditions"></a> Resource Access Conditions
+When defining a HAWQ policy via the Ranger Admin UI, you identify the Groups/Users to which to permit or deny access to the specified HAWQ resource(s). You also identify the permissions for the resource(s) that you wish to assign or deny to these users. You provide this information in the **Create Policy > Allow Conditions** and **Deny Conditions** panes of the Ranger HAWQ Policy editor.
+#### <a id="conditionusergroup"></a> Identifying Users and Groups
+You may identify one or more users and/or groups to which to provide or deny access to HAWQ resources in the Allow/Deny Conditions of a HAWQ policy. These users/groups must be known to Ranger. 
+| Field   | Value   |  Description     |
+| Group | \<group-name\> | The group(s) to which you want to provide or deny access. All groups sync'd from \<ranger-admin-node\> are available in the picklist. |
+| User | \<user-name\> | The user(s) to which you want to provide or deny access. All users sync'd from \<ranger-admin-node\> or explicitly registered via the Ranger Admin UI are available in the picklist.  |
+#### <a id="conditionperms"></a> Identifying Permissions
+You can assign users/groups the following permissions when allowing or denying access to specific HAWQ resources:
+| Permission   |  Description     |
+| select | Select from a table or sequence, or through a protocol |
+| insert | Insert or copy into a table, or insert through a protocol |
+| update | Update a sequence value |
+| delete | This permission is not used by HAWQ |
+| references | This permission is not used by HAWQ |
+| usage | Use a language or sequence |
+| create | Create a table, function, sequence, etc. |
+| connect | Connect to a specific database |
+| execute | ?Create and? Execute a function |
+| temp | Create a temporary table or sequence |
+| create-schema | Create a schema |
+| usage-schema | Use a schema |
+These permissions map pretty closely to the privileges you assign when using specific HAWQ `GRANT` commands when configuring HAWQ-Native authorization.
+**Note**: The HAWQ Ranger policy editor always displays the complete list of HAWQ permissions. This list is not filtered on the operations supported by the specific resource(s) you identify in the **Policy Details**.
+## <a id="createpolicies"></a>Creating HAWQ Policies
+You will configure HAWQ-Ranger authorization policies through the Ranger Administrative UI, which you access at `http://<ranger-admin-node>:6080`.
+Define more restrictive HAWQ policies first to ensure that you do not accidentally provide unwanted access to specific resources.
+It may take a collection of policies to provide access to a specific HAWQ database resource.
+### <a id="wildcardinpolicies"></a> Wildcarding in HAWQ Policies
+When defining a HAWQ policy, wildcarding (`*`) a leaf node resource will scope the policy at two levels:
+1. `*` = no resource - permissions you identify are assigned to the parent resource
+2. `*` = all resources - permissions you identify are assigned to all instances of the resource at that level
+For example, consider the following policies assigned to user `hawquser1` for a table named `table99` in the `public` schema of database `testdb`:
+    Policy 1: testdb/public/*(table), usage-schema permission  
+    Policy 2: testdb/public/table99, select permission
+Policies 1 and 2 collectively permit `hawquser1` to access the `public` schema of `testdb` and select from `table99` residing in that schema. In Policy 1, wildcarding is used to scope the permissions to those operations you can perform within the schema (`usage-schema`). `*`\(table\) in this context effectively acts as no tables. Policy 2 restricts the `select` operation to the specific table named `table99`.
+Contrast this with the single policy below:
+    Policy 10: testdb/public/*(table), usage-schema and select permissions
+Policy 10 permits the policy holder to use the `public` schema and select from *any* table in the schema. In this policy, you use wildcarding and a subordinate object privilege (`select`) to apply a permission to **all** instances of the resource. `*`\(table\) in this context effectively applies to all tables.
+### <a id="dbops"></a> Policies for Database Operations
+The database operations governed by HAWQ-Ranger authorization are those that you perform at the purely database-level. These operations include connecting to the database, creating schemas, and creating temporary tables and sequences. Use the following HAWQ Ranger Policy Details to assign permissions for these operations:
+| Resource    | Value   |  Description     |
+| database | \<db-name\> | The database to which you want to provide access |
+| schema | `*` | No schema |
+| table | `*` | No table |
+specifying the permissions you wish to assign:
+| Permission    | Allows SQL Commands     |  Equivalent GRANT Command |
+| connect | CONNECT | GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE \<db-name\> TO \<user-name\> |
+| create-schema | CREATE SCHEMA | GRANT CREATE ON DATABASE \<db-name\> TO \<user-name\> |
+### <a id="dbschemaops"></a> Policies for Schema Operations
+You perform many HAWQ operations within the scope of a specific database and schema, including creating/dropping/altering database objects. These operations will require permission to use the specified schema. 
+The HAWQ schema named `public` is the default schema. When HAWQ-Native authorization is in effect, users are automatically granted access to this schema. When Ranger is enabled, users must be explicitly assigned the `usage-schema` permission to the `public` schema.
+Use these HAWQ Ranger Policy Details to assign permission for schema-related operations:
+| Resource    | Value   |  Description     |
+| database | \<db-name\> | The database to which you want to provide access |
+| schema | \<schema-name\> | The schema in which you want to provide access |
+| table &#124; sequence &#124; function | `* `| No table/sequence/function |
+specifying these permissions:
+| Permission    | Allows SQL Commands     | Equivalent GRANT Command |
+| usage-schema | TOO MANY TO LIST?, built-in HAWQ functions |  GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA \<schema-name\> TO \<user-name\> |
+### <a id="tblops"></a> Policies for Table Operations
+You can insert data into and select a table within schemas in which you have `usage-schema` permissions. Use the following HAWQ Ranger Policy Details to assign permission for these operations:
+| Resource    | Value   |  Description     |
+| database | \<db-name\> | The database to which you want to provide access |
+| schema | \<schema-name\> | The schema in which you want to provide access |
+| table | \<table-name\> | The table to which you want to provide access |
+specifying the permissions you wish to assign:
+| Permission    | Allows SQL Commands     | Equivalent GRANT Command |
+| select  | ANALYZE, COPY INTO, SELECT, VACUUM ANALYZE | GRANT SELECT ON TABLE \<table-name\> TO \<user-name\> |
+| insert  | COPY FROM, INSERT | GRANT INSERT ON TABLE \<table-name\> TO \<user-name\> |
+### <a id="sequenceops"></a> Policies for Sequence Operations
+You can use and select sequences and update sequence values in schemas in which you have `usage-schema` permissions. You can also use the `nextval()` and `setval()` HAWQ built-in functions to return and set sequence values. Use the following HAWQ Ranger Policy Details to assign permission for these operations:
+| Resource    | Value   |  Description     |
+| database | \<db-name\> | The database to which you want to provide access |
+| schema | \<schema-name\> | The schema in which you want to provide access |
+| sequence | \<sequence-name\> | The sequence to which you want to provide access |
+specifying the permissions you wish to assign:
+| Permission    | Allows SQL Commands, built-in functions   | Equivalent GRANT Command |
+| select | SELECT \<sequence-name\> | GRANT SELECT ON SEQUENCE \<sequence-name\> TO \<user-name\> |
+| usage, update | nextval() | GRANT USAGE, UPDATE ON SEQUENCE \<sequence-name\> TO \<user-name\> |
+| update | setval() | GRANT UPDATE ON SEQUENCE \<sequence-name\> TO \<user-name\> |
+### <a id="functionops"></a> Policies for Function Operations
+You can execute user-defined functions in schemas in which you have `usage-schema` permissions. Use the following HAWQ Ranger Policy Details to assign permission for this operation:
+| Resource    | Value   |  Description     |
+| database | \<db-name\> | The database to which you want to provide access |
+| schema | \<schema-name\> | The schema in which you want to provide access |
+| function | \<function-name\> | The user-defined function to which you want to provide access |
+specifying the permissions you wish to assign:
+| Permission    | Allows SQL Commands     | Equivalent GRANT Command |
+| execute | SELECT \<function-name\>() | GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION \<function-name\> TO \<user-name\>  |
+**Note**: Functions typically access database objects such as tables, views, sequences, etc and other functions. When setting up your HAWQ policies, ensure you have also provided access to all database resources referenced within the function (recursively).
+### <a id="dblangops"></a> Policies for Language Operations
+Only super-users may register and drop languages for a specific database. These operations are governed by HAWQ-Native authorization. 
+You may choose to permit users to use a specific language to create user-defined functions. Use these HAWQ Ranger Policy Details to assign such permission:
+| Resource    | Value   |  Description     |
+| database | \<db-name\> | The database to which you want to provide access |
+| language | \<language-name\> | The language to which you want to provide access (plpgsql, sql, other languages explicitly registered in the database) |
+specifying these permissions:
+| Permission    | Allows SQL Commands     | Equivalent GRANT Command |
+| usage | CREATE FUNCTION ... LANGUAGE \<language-name\> |    GRANT USAGE ON LANGUAGE\<language-name\> TO \<user-name\> |
+### <a id="dbtblspaceops"></a> Policies for Tablespace Operations
+Only super-users may create and drop tablespaces. These operations are governed by HAWQ-Native authorization. 
+You may choose to allow specific users to create tables within an existing tablespace. Use these HAWQ Ranger Policy Details to assign such permissions:
+| Resource    | Value   |  Description     |
+| tablespace | \<tablespace-name\> | The tablespace to which you want to provide access |
+specifying these permissions:
+| Permission    | Allows SQL Commands     | Equivalent GRANT Command |
+| create | CREATE TABLE ... TABLESPACE |  GRANT CREATE ON \<tablespace-name\> TO \<user-name\> |
+### <a id="dbprotocolops"></a> Policies for Protocol Operations
+??gpfdist(s) and http protocols - hawq-native or ranger? super-user? 
+You may choose to permit access to the `pxf` protocol to create readable and writable external tables. Use the following HAWQ Ranger Policy Details to assign permission for these operations:
+| Resource    | Value   |  Description     |
+| protocol | \<protocol-name\> | The protocol to which you want to provide access \(pxf\) |
+specifying the permissions you wish to assign:
+| Permission    | Allows SQL Commands     | Equivalent GRANT Command |
+| select | CREATE READABLE EXTERNAL TABLE | GRANT SELECT ON PROTOCOL \<protocol-name\> TO \<user-name\> |
+| insert  | CREATE WRITABLE EXTERNAL TABLE | GRANT INSERT ON PROTOCOL \<protocol-name\> TO \<user-name\> |
+Refer to [Using PXF with Ranger Authorization](#pxfranger) later in this topic for additional considerations when accessing HAWQ PXF external tables with Ranger enabled.
+## <a id="admintasks"></a>Policy Creation for HAWQ Maintenance Tasks
+Administrators periodically perform maintentance tasks on the HAWQ cluster, including vacuuming and analyzing databases. Users performing these operations must be the owner of the databases, and must be explicitly assigned the permissions to do so, just as you would for general database operations.
+The `ANALYZE` operation requires `select` permission on the table to be analyzed, as well as `usage-schema` permissions on the schema in which the table resides.
+The `VACUUM ANALYZE` operation requires `select` permission on all table(s) specified, as well as `usage-schema` permissions on the schema(s) in which the tables reside.
+The `VACUUM` and `TRUNCATE` operations require `usage-schema` permissions on the schema in which the table resides. 
+## <a id="specialconsider"></a>Special Considerations
+- The `psql` `search_path` session configuration parameter affects Ranger access control checks for `CREATE` operations.  (?all of them?) The object will be created under the *first* schema in the `search_path` in which `usage-schema` permissions were assigned to the user. The schema `search_path` does not affect `SELECT` or other operations.
+- When Ranger authorization is enabled for HAWQ, members of HAWQ roles assigned create database permissions must be provided `pg_hba.conf` access to the `postgres` database to use the `createdb` command line utility. This configuration step is not required for `CREATE DATABASE` operations invoked within the `psql` shell.
+- `CREATE LANGUAGE` commands (super-user-only) issued for non-built-in languages (pljava, plpython, ..) require the `usage` permission for the `c` language.
+- The HAWQ Ranger service definition includes identifying information for the HAWQ master hostname and port. Should you need to activate the standby master in your HAWQ cluster, you must update the HAWQ Ranger service definition with the new master node identifying information.  ?WHEN - before or after activating the standby master?.
+## <a id="permsummary"></a>Summary of Permissions per SQL Command
+| SQL Command    | Permission     |  Resource |
+| \d | usage-schema | \<db-name\>/public/`*` |
+| ANALYZE \<table-name\>| usage-schema<p>select | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<table-name\> |
+| ALTER AGGREGATE ... RENAME TO  | usage-schema, create | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
+| ALTER SEQUENCE  | usage-schema | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
+| ALTER TABLE ... RENAME  | usage-schema | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
+| ALTER TABLE \<table-name\> SET DISTRIBUTED BY  | usage-schema, create<p>select | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<table-name\> |
+| BEGIN ... COMMIT   | usage-schema | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>## |
+| \c, CONNECT \<db-name\>| connect | \<db-name\>/`*`/`*` |
+| COPY \<table-name\> FROM ** | usage-schema<p>insert, select | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<table-name\> |
+| COPY \<table-name\> TO | usage-schema<p>select | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<table-name\> |
+| CREATE AGGREGATE | usage-schema, create<p>execute | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<sfunc-name\> |
+| CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE (pxf protocol) | usage-schema, create<p>select | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>pxf |
+| CREATE FUNCTION \<function-name\> (trusted \<language-name\>) | usage-schema, create<p>usage<p>execute | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p><p>\<db-name\>/\<language-name\><p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<function-name\><p>## |
+| CREATE FUNCTION \<function-name\> (untrusted \<language-name\>) ** | usage-schema, create<p>usage<p>execute | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p><p>\<db-name\>/\<language-name\><p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<function-name\><p>## |
+| CREATE LANGUAGE **  | usage | \<db-name\>/c |
+| CREATE OPERATOR | usage-schema, create | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
+| CREATE OPERATOR CLASS * | usage-schema, create | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
+| CREATE SCHEMA | create-schema | \<db-name\>/`*`/`*` |
+| CREATE SEQUENCE  | usage-schema, create | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
+| CREATE TABLE  | usage-schema, create | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
+| CREATE TABLE (in <\private-schema\>)  | create | \<db-name\>/\<private-schema\>/`*` |
+| CREATE TABLE ... AS  | usage-schema, create<p>select | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<table-name\> |
+| CREATE ... TABLESPACE \<tablespace-name\>  | usage-schema, create<p>create | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<tablespace-name\> |
+| CREATE TEMP SEQUENCE | temp | \<db-name\>/`*`/`*` |
+| CREATE TEMP TABLE | temp | \<db-name\>/`*`/`*` |
+| CREATE TYPE  | usage-schema, create | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
+| CREATE VIEW  | usage-schema, create | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
+| CREATE WRITABLE EXTERNAL TABLE (pxf protocol) | usage-schema, create<p>insert | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>pxf |
+| DROP AGGREGATE   | usage-schema | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
+| DROP FUNCTION   | usage-schema | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
+| DROP SCHEMA   | usage-schema | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
+| DROP TABLE   | usage-schema | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
+| DROP VIEW    | usage-schema | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
+| DROP OPERATOR  | usage-schema | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
+| DROP OPERATOR CLASS **  | usage-schema | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
+| EXECUTE   | usage-schema | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>## |
+| EXPLAIN   | usage-schema | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>## |
+| INSERT INTO \<table-name\>  | usage-schema<p>insert | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<table-name\> |
+| PREPARE   | usage-schema | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
+| SELECT \<aggregate-name\> | usage-schema<p>execute<p>execute | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<aggregate-name\> <p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<sfunc-name\> <p>##|
+| SELECT \<built-in-function\>  | usage-schema | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
+| SELECT \<function-name\> (trusted ??) | usage-schema<p>execute | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<function-name\> <p>##|
+| SELECT (using operator) | execute | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<operator-procedure\> <p>## |
+| SELECT ... FROM \<table-name\> | usage-schema<p>select | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<table-name\> |
+| SELECT ... INTO ... FROM \<table-name\> | usage-schema, create<p>select | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<table-name\> |
+| SELECT ... FROM \<view-name\> | usage-schema<p>select | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<view-name\><p>## |
+| TRUNCATE  | usage-schema | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
+| VACUUM  | usage-schema | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
+| VACUUM ANALYZE \<table-name\>| usage-schema<p>select | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<table-name\> |
+- A `**` in **SQL Command** column identifies a super-user operation.
+- A `##` in the **Resource** column signifies that additional policies may be required to provide access to resources used within the operation(s).
+## <a id="pxfranger"></a>Using PXF with Ranger Authorization
+### <a id="pxfrangerhive"></a>Accessing Hive Data
+If Ranger is enabled for Hive authorization, you must create Hive policies that allow user `pxf` to access the desired Hive tables.
+The HAWQ policies providing access to PXF HCatalog integration must identify database `hcatalog`, schema `<hive-schema-name>`, and table `<hive-table-name>` resources.  These privileges are required in addition to any Hive policies for user `pxf` when Ranger is enabled for Hive authorization.
+**Note**: When creating HAWQ policies for PXF HCatalog authorization, resource name look up is not available for Hive schema and table names.
+### <a id="pxfrangerhdfs"></a>Accessing HDFS Data
+If Ranger is enabled for HDFS authorization, you must create HDFS policies that allow user `pxf` to access the HDFS directories backing the PXF tables.
+## <a id="madlibranger"></a>Using MADLib with Ranger Authorization
+You can use MADlib, an open source library for in-database analytics, with your HAWQ installation. MADlib functions typically operate on source, output, and model tables. When Ranger is enabled for HAWQ authorization, you will need to provide access to all MADLib-related databases, schemas, tables, and functions to the appropriate users.  
+Consider the following when setting up HAWQ policies for MADlib access:
+- Assign `temp` permission to the database on which users will run MADlib functions.
+- MADlib users often share their output tables. If this is the case in your deployment, create a shared schema dedicated to output tables, assigning `usage-schema` and `create` privileges for all MADlib users to this shared schema.
+- Assign `create-schema` database permission to those MADlib users that do not choose to share their output tables.
+- `madlib` Schema-Level Permissions
+    - Assign `usage-schema` and `create` privileges to the `madlib` schema.
+    - Assign `execute` permissions on all functions within the `madlib` schema, including any functions called within.
+    - Assign `insert` and `select` permissions to all tables within the `madlib` schema.
+    - Assign the `usage-schema` and `create` permissions for the current schema, and any schema in which the source, output, and model tables may reside.
+- Function-Specific Permissions 
+    - Assign `insert` and `select` permissions for the source, output, and model tables.
+    - Assign `insert` and `select` permissions for the output \_summary and \__group tables.
+## <a id="bestpractices"></a>Best Practices
+- Create policies *before* enabling HAWQ-Ranger authorization. This will ensure access is available to users without any downtime.
+- Define more restrictive HAWQ policies first to ensure that you do not accidentally provide unwanted access to specific resources.
+- Identify and configure your Ranger auditing requirements *before* enabling HAWQ-Ranger authorization.
+- If you use Ranger authorization for Hive, create Hive policy(s) providing the user `pxf` access to any Hive tables you want to expose via PXF HCatalog integration or HAWQ PXF external tables.
+- If you have enabled Ranger authorization for HDFS:
+    -  Create an HDFS policy(s) providing user `gpadmin` access to the HDFS HAWQ filespace (?hawq\_dfs\_url?).
+    -  If you plan to use PXF external tables to read and write HDFS data, create HDFS policies providing user `pxf` access to the HDFS files backing your PXF external tables.
+## <a id="troubleshooting"></a>Troubleshooting
+| Problem/Error    | Discussion    |
+| HAWQ object lookup in Ranger Admin UI not working | If object lookup is not working:<p> 1. Verify that the HAWQ Ranger plug-in JARs and JDBC driver have been copied to \<ranger-admin-node\>.<p> 2. Test the connection between the Ranger Admin UI and the HAWQ master node by clicking the edit icon associated with the active HAWQ service definition, then clicking the **Config Properties: > Test Connection** button.<p> 3. Verify that the HAWQ master node `pg_hba.conf` file includes a `host` entry for \<ranger-admin-node\>, HAWQ user (typically `gpadmin`).|
diff --git a/markdown/reference/cli/admin_utilities/ b/markdown/reference/cli/admin_utilities/
index e56ecd1..a8c505f 100644
--- a/markdown/reference/cli/admin_utilities/
+++ b/markdown/reference/cli/admin_utilities/
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ The `hawq state` utility displays information about a running HAWQ instance. A H
 -   Master and segment configuration information (hosts, data directories, etc.).
 -   The ports used by the system.
 -   Whether a standby master is present, and if it is active.
+-   Whether Ranger authorization is enabled for HAWQ, and if so, the status of the HAWQ Ranger Plug-in Service.
 ## <a id="topic1__section4"></a>Options

[04/50] [abbrv] incubator-hawq-docs git commit: Adding config section, edits to Ranger doc (closes #108)

Posted by
Adding config section, edits to Ranger doc (closes #108)


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 970717b4d52da6645d8e0e185d75fc1f8b75c62f
Parents: a7e32e0
Author: Lisa Owen <>
Authored: Thu Mar 30 15:31:38 2017 -0700
Committer: David Yozie <>
Committed: Thu Mar 30 15:31:38 2017 -0700

 .../       | 59 ++++++++++++++------
 1 file changed, 41 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
diff --git a/markdown/ranger/ b/markdown/ranger/
index 8b687b5..373959c 100644
--- a/markdown/ranger/
+++ b/markdown/ranger/
@@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ Installing or upgrading to HAWQ 2.2.0 installs the HAWQ Ranger Plug-in Service,
 To use Ranger for managing HAWQ authentication events, you must first install and register several HAWQ JAR files on the Ranger Administration host. This one-time configuration establishes connectivity to your HAWQ cluster from the Ranger Administration host. 
-After registering the JAR files, you enable or disable Ranger integration in HAWQ by setting the `hawq_acl_type` configuration parameter. After Ranger integration is enabled, you must use the Ranger interface to create all security policies to manage access to HAWQ resources. Ranger is only pre-populated with policies to allow `gpadmin` superuser access to default resources. See [Creating HAWQ Authorization Policies in Ranger](ranger-policy-creation.html) for information about creating policies in Ranger. When Ranger is enabled, all access to HAWQ resources is controlled by security policies on Ranger. 
+After registering the JAR files, you enable or disable Ranger integration in HAWQ by setting the `hawq_acl_type` configuration parameter. When Ranger is enabled, all access to HAWQ resources is controlled through Ranger security policies. The HAWQ Ranger Plug-in pre-populates Ranger with HAWQ policies to allow `gpadmin` superuser access to all resources. See [Creating HAWQ Authorization Policies in Ranger](ranger-policy-creation.html) for information about creating policies in Ranger.
-Use the following procedures to register the HAWQ Ranger Plug-in Service and enable Ranger authorization for HAWQ..
+Use the following procedures to register the HAWQ Ranger Plug-in Service and enable Ranger authorization for HAWQ.
 ## <a id="prereq"></a>Prerequisites
 To use HAWQ Ranger integration, install a compatible Hadoop distribution and Apache Ranger 0.6. You must also have `admin` access to the **Ranger Admin UI**.
@@ -68,15 +68,14 @@ To use HAWQ Ranger integration, install a compatible Hadoop distribution and Apa -r <ranger_admin_node>:<ranger_port> -u <ranger_user> -p <ranger_password> -h <hawq_master>:<hawq_port> -w <hawq_user> -q <hawq_password>
-    Log in to the HAWQ master node as the `gpadmin` user and execute the `` script. Ensure \<hawq_master\> identifies the fully qualified domain name of the HAWQ master node. For example:
+    Log in to the HAWQ master node as the `gpadmin` user and execute the `` script. Ensure that \<hawq_master\> identifies the fully qualified domain name of the HAWQ master node. For example:
     ``` bash
-    sudo su - gpadmin
     gpadmin@master$ cd /usr/local/hawq/ranger/bin
     gpadmin@master$ ./ -r ranger_host:6080 -u admin -p admin -h hawq_master:5432 -w gpadmin -q gpadmin
-    ***Note*** You can also enter the short form of the command: `./ -r` and the script will prompt you for entries. 
+    **Note**: You can also enter the short form of the command: `./ -r` and the script will prompt you for entries.
     When the script completes, the default HAWQ service definition is registered in the Ranger Admin UI. This service definition is named `hawq`.
@@ -84,9 +83,8 @@ To use HAWQ Ranger integration, install a compatible Hadoop distribution and Apa
     ``` bash
     gpadmin@master$ hawq config --show hawq_master_directory
-     GUC		: hawq_master_directory
-     Value		: /data/hawq/master
+    GUC		: hawq_master_directory
+    Value		: /data/hawq/master
     Edit the `pg_hba.conf` file on the HAWQ master node to configure HAWQ access for \<hawq_user\> on the \<ranger-admin-node\>. For example, you would add an entry similar to the following for the example `` call above:
@@ -103,13 +101,7 @@ To use HAWQ Ranger integration, install a compatible Hadoop distribution and Apa
 7.  When setup is complete, use the fully-qualified domain name to log into the Ambari server. Use the Ranger link in the left nav to bring up the Ranger Summary pane in the HAWQ Ambari interface. Use the Quick Links to access Ranger. This link will take you to the Ranger Login interface. 
-8.  Log into the Ranger Access Manager. You will see a list of icons under the Service Manager. Click the **Edit** icon on the right, under the HAWQ service icon. Ensure that the Active Status is set to Enabled, and click the **Test Connection** button. You should receive a message that Ranger connected successfully.  If it fails to connect, you may need to edit your Ranger connection in  `pg_hba.conf,` perform 
-  ``` bash
-   gpadmin@masterhawq stop cluster --reload
-   ```
-  and re-test the connection.
+8.  Log into the Ranger Access Manager. You will see a list of icons under the Service Manager. Click the **Edit** icon on the right, under the HAWQ service icon. Ensure that the Active Status is set to Enabled, and click the **Test Connection** button. You should receive a message that Ranger connected successfully.  If the connection fails, verify the `hawq` service Config Properties, as well as your `pg_hba.conf` entries, and re-test the connection.
 ## <a id="enable"></a>Step 2: Configure HAWQ to Use Ranger Policy Management
@@ -124,8 +116,39 @@ Once the connection between HAWQ and Ranger is configured, you can either set up
 4. Click **Add Property...** and add the new property, `hawq_acl_type=ranger` property. (If the property already exists, change its value from `standalone` (the default) to `ranger`.)
 5. Click **Save** to save your changes.
 6. Select **Service Actions > Restart All** and confirm that you want to restart the HAWQ cluster.
-## <a id="caching"></a>Changing the Frequency of Policy Caching
+## <a id="customconfig"></a> Custom Configuration
+Configuration files for the HAWQ Ranger Plug-in Service are located in the `$GPHOME/ranger/etc` directory. These files include:
+| File     |  Description     |
+| ranger-hawq-audit.xml |  HAWQ Ranger audit-related configuration, including the audit provider (log4j, Solr, HDFS) and provider-specific configuration |
+| ranger-hawq-security.xml |  HAWQ Ranger service configuration, including the policy change polling interval |
+| |  HAWQ Ranger deployment-related configuration, including the HAWQ Ranger Plug-in Service port definition and JVM parameters|
+Any configuration changes you make after you have registered the HAWQ Ranger Plug-in require a restart of the service. You can either restart the HAWQ cluster or restart just the HAWQ Ranger Plug-in Service:
+``` shell
+gpadmin@master$ /usr/local/hawq/ranger/bin/ stop
+gpadmin@master$ /usr/local/hawq/ranger/bin/ start
+### <a id="caching"></a>Changing the Frequency of Policy Caching
-You may wish to change the frequency of policy caching to suit your individual needs.
\ No newline at end of file
+The default polling interval for HAWQ Ranger Plug-in Service policy updates is 30 seconds. To increase or decrease this value, update the `ranger.plugin.hawq.policy.pollIntervalMs` property setting in the `ranger-hawq-security.xml` file:
+    &lt;name&gt;ranger.plugin.hawq.policy.pollIntervalMs&lt;/name&gt;
+    <b>&lt;value&gt;30000&lt;/value&gt;</b>
+    &lt;description&gt;
+        How often to poll for changes in policies?
+    &lt;/description&gt;
+Provide a value in milliseconds.
+You must restart the HAWQ Ranger Plug-in Service as described above after updating the polling interval.

[39/50] [abbrv] incubator-hawq-docs git commit: add ranger-related gucs - hawq_acl_type, hawq_rps_address_port (closes #116)

Posted by
add ranger-related gucs - hawq_acl_type, hawq_rps_address_port (closes #116)


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 6391858bb86a29e0f40ce5dc61447b799a464510
Parents: 5f5727a
Author: Lisa Owen <>
Authored: Thu Apr 6 10:00:03 2017 -0700
Committer: David Yozie <>
Committed: Thu Apr 6 10:00:03 2017 -0700

 .../source/subnavs/apache-hawq-nav.erb          |  3 +++
 .../reference/guc/ | 10 ++++++++
 .../guc/       | 24 ++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 37 insertions(+)
diff --git a/book/master_middleman/source/subnavs/apache-hawq-nav.erb b/book/master_middleman/source/subnavs/apache-hawq-nav.erb
index c511d0e..5c784e9 100644
--- a/book/master_middleman/source/subnavs/apache-hawq-nav.erb
+++ b/book/master_middleman/source/subnavs/apache-hawq-nav.erb
@@ -525,6 +525,7 @@
                   <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Lock Management Parameters</a></li>
                   <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Past PostgreSQL Version Compatibility Parameters</a></li>
                   <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Query Tuning Parameters</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Ranger Configuration Parameters</a></li>
                   <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Statistics Collection Parameters</a></li>
                   <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">System Resource Consumption Parameters</a></li>
@@ -647,6 +648,7 @@
                   <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_workfile_limit_files_per_query</a></li>
                   <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_workfile_limit_per_query</a></li>
                   <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_workfile_limit_per_segment</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_acl_type</a></li>
                   <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_dfs_url</a></li>
                   <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_global_rm_type</a></li>
                   <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_master_address_host</a></li>
@@ -677,6 +679,7 @@
                   <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_rm_yarn_app_name</a></li>
                   <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_rm_yarn_queue_name</a></li>
                   <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_rm_yarn_scheduler_address</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_rps_address_port</a></li>
                   <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_segment_address_port</a></li>
                   <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_segment_directory</a></li>
                   <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_segment_temp_directory</a></li>
diff --git a/markdown/reference/guc/ b/markdown/reference/guc/
index ad35bb8..3cb567c 100644
--- a/markdown/reference/guc/
+++ b/markdown/reference/guc/
@@ -382,6 +382,16 @@ These parameters adjust the amount of data sampled by an `ANALYZE` operation. Ad
 -   [gp\_max\_plan\_size](parameter_definitions.html#gp_max_plan_size)
 -   [gp\_statistics\_pullup\_from\_child\_partition](parameter_definitions.html#gp_statistics_pullup_from_child_partition)
+## <a id="ranger_related"></a>Ranger Configuration Parameters
+These parameters control certain aspects of Ranger configuration, including enabling Ranger authorization for HAWQ and the HAWQ Ranger Plug-in Service port setting.
+-   [hawq\_acl\_type](parameter_definitions.html#hawq_acl_type)
+-   [hawq\_rps\_address\_port](parameter_definitions.html#hawq_rps_address_port)
 ## <a id="statistics_collection"></a>Statistics Collection Parameters
 ### <a id="topic_qvz_nz3_yv"></a>Automatic Statistics Collection
diff --git a/markdown/reference/guc/ b/markdown/reference/guc/
index 51c1c23..43a8d8a 100644
--- a/markdown/reference/guc/
+++ b/markdown/reference/guc/
@@ -264,6 +264,8 @@ Descriptions of the HAWQ server configuration parameters listed alphabetically.
 -   **[gp\_workfile\_limit\_per\_segment](../../reference/guc/parameter_definitions.html#gp_workfile_limit_per_segment)**
+-   **[hawq\_acl\_type](../../reference/guc/parameter_definitions.html#hawq_acl_type)**
 -   **[hawq\_dfs\_url](../../reference/guc/parameter_definitions.html#hawq_dfs_url)**
 -   **[hawq\_global\_rm\_type](../../reference/guc/parameter_definitions.html#hawq_global_rm_type)**
@@ -324,6 +326,8 @@ Descriptions of the HAWQ server configuration parameters listed alphabetically.
 -   **[hawq\_rm\_yarn\_scheduler\_address](../../reference/guc/parameter_definitions.html#hawq_rm_yarn_scheduler_address)**
+-   **[hawq\_rps\_address\_port](../../reference/guc/parameter_definitions.html#hawq_rps_address_port)**
 -   **[hawq\_segment\_address\_port](../../reference/guc/parameter_definitions.html#hawq_segment_address_port)**
 -   **[hawq\_segment\_directory](../../reference/guc/parameter_definitions.html#hawq_segment_directory)**
@@ -1854,6 +1858,15 @@ Sets the maximum total disk size that all running queries are allowed to use for
 | kilobytes   | 0       | local, system, restart |
+## <a name="hawq_acl_type"></a>hawq\_acl\_type
+Identifies the authorization method currently configured in your HAWQ cluster. HAWQ supports native and Ranger authorization. Refer to [Configuring HAWQ to Use Ranger Policy Management](../../ranger/ranger-integration-config.html) for detailed information on configuring Ranger authorization for HAWQ.
+| Value Range                                                             | Default             | Set Classifications     |
+| standalone<p>ranger | standalone | master, restart |
 ## <a name="hawq_dfs_url"></a>hawq\_dfs\_url
 URL for HAWQ data directories on HDFS. The directory that you specify must be writeable by the `gpadmin` user. For example 'localhost:8020/hawq\_default'. If you have high availability enabled for your HDFS NameNodes, then this configuration parameter must be set to the service ID you configured in HDFS. See "HAWQ Filespaces and High Availability Enabled HDFS" for more information.
@@ -2124,6 +2137,17 @@ Server address (host and port) of the YARN resource manager scheduler (the value
 | valid hostname and port | �       | master              |
+## <a name="hawq_rps_address_port"></a>hawq\_rps\_address\_port
+Identifies the port on which the HAWQ Ranger Plug-in Service runs. The `hawq_rps_address_port` configuration parameter value must match the  `` `RPS_HTTP_PORT` environment variable setting. If you update the port, you must restart your HAWQ cluster, or reload HAWQ configuration and restart the HAWQ Ranger Plug-in Service.
+| Value Range                                                             | Default             | Set Classifications     |
+| 1-65535 | 8432 | master, reload |
 ## <a name="hawq_segment_address_port"></a>hawq\_segment\_address\_port
 Base port for the HAWQ segment host.

[43/50] [abbrv] incubator-hawq-docs git commit: hawq_rm_return_percent_on_overcommit clarification

Posted by
hawq_rm_return_percent_on_overcommit clarification


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: a3ebec2d865b67eb4a292ab6bbacf11c3fe6e3b1
Parents: 975ef85
Author: Lisa Owen <>
Authored: Fri Apr 7 09:46:58 2017 -0700
Committer: Lisa Owen <>
Committed: Fri Apr 7 09:46:58 2017 -0700

 markdown/reference/guc/ | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/markdown/reference/guc/ b/markdown/reference/guc/
index 1f94c5a..70416d6 100644
--- a/markdown/reference/guc/
+++ b/markdown/reference/guc/
@@ -2043,7 +2043,7 @@ Amount of time, in seconds, before idle resources are returned to YARN.
 ## <a name="hawq_rm_return_percent_on_overcommit"></a>hawq\_rm\_return\_percent\_on\_overcommit
-Determines how many containers the global resource manager should return to the global resource manager (YARN for example.) This configuration only applies when HAWQ's YARN queue is busy, and HAWQ makes the YARN queue overuse its resources. The default value is 10, which means HAWQ will return 10% of acquired YARN containers by pausing the allocation of resources to HAWQ queries.
+Determines how many containers HAWQ should return to the global resource manager (YARN for example.) This configuration only applies when HAWQ's YARN queue is busy, and HAWQ makes the YARN queue overuse its resources. The default value is 10, which means HAWQ will return 10% of acquired YARN containers by pausing the allocation of resources to HAWQ queries.
 In a typical deployment, you do not need to modify the default value of this parameter.

[27/50] [abbrv] incubator-hawq-docs git commit: miscellaneous doc updates (closes #115)

Posted by
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diff --git a/markdown/overview/ b/markdown/overview/
index 7febdda..39e9a32 100755
--- a/markdown/overview/
+++ b/markdown/overview/
@@ -27,13 +27,13 @@ In a typical HAWQ deployment, each slave node has one physical HAWQ segment, an
 The following diagram provides a high-level architectural view of a typical HAWQ deployment.
 HAWQ is tightly integrated with YARN, the Hadoop resource management framework, for query resource management. HAWQ caches containers from YARN in a resource pool and then manages those resources locally by leveraging HAWQ's own finer-grained resource management for users and groups. To execute a query, HAWQ allocates a set of virtual segments according to the cost of a query, resource queue definitions, data locality and the current resource usage in the system. Then the query is dispatched to corresponding physical hosts, which can be a subset of nodes or the whole cluster. The HAWQ resource enforcer on each node monitors and controls the real time resources used by the query to avoid resource usage violations.
 The following diagram provides another view of the software components that constitute HAWQ.
 ## <a id="hawqmaster"></a>HAWQ Master
diff --git a/markdown/reference/guc/ b/markdown/reference/guc/
index 5c2fa57..51c1c23 100644
--- a/markdown/reference/guc/
+++ b/markdown/reference/guc/
@@ -85,8 +85,6 @@ Descriptions of the HAWQ server configuration parameters listed alphabetically.
 -   **[default\_transaction\_read\_only](../../reference/guc/parameter_definitions.html#default_transaction_read_only)**
--   **[dfs\_url](../../reference/guc/parameter_definitions.html#dfs_url)**
 -   **[dynamic\_library\_path](../../reference/guc/parameter_definitions.html#dynamic_library_path)**
 -   **[effective\_cache\_size](../../reference/guc/parameter_definitions.html#effective_cache_size)**
@@ -909,13 +907,6 @@ Controls the default read-only status of each new transaction. A read-only SQL t
 | Boolean     | off     | master, session, reload |
-## <a name="dfs_url"></a>dfs\_url 
-See [hawq\_dfs\_url](#hawq_dfs_url).
 ## <a name="dynamic_library_path"></a>dynamic\_library\_path 
 If a dynamically loadable module needs to be opened and the file name specified in the `CREATE FUNCTION` or `LOAD` command does not have a directory component (i.e. the name does not contain a slash), the system will search this path for the required file. The compiled-in PostgreSQL package library directory is substituted for $libdir. This is where the modules provided by the standard PostgreSQL distribution are installed.
diff --git a/markdown/resourcemgmt/ b/markdown/resourcemgmt/
index f5412df..7b66702 100644
--- a/markdown/resourcemgmt/
+++ b/markdown/resourcemgmt/
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ In Hadoop clusters, resources are frequently managed globally by YARN. YARN prov
 The following diagram depicts the layout of a HAWQ cluster in a YARN-managed Hadoop environment:
 When you run HAWQ natively in a Hadoop cluster, you can configure HAWQ to register as an application in YARN. After configuration, HAWQ's resource manager communicates with YARN to acquire resources \(when needed to execute queries\) and return resources \(when no longer needed\) back to YARN.
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ Resource queues are the main tool for managing the degree of concurrency in a HA
 Internally, HAWQ manages its resources dynamically based on a system of hierarchical resource queues. HAWQ uses resource queues to allocate resources efficiently to concurrently running queries. Resource queues are organized as a n-ary tree, as depicted in the diagram below.
 When HAWQ is initialized, there is always one queue named `pg_root` at the root of the tree and one queue named `pg_default`. If YARN is configured, HAWQ's resource manager automatically fetches the capacity of this root queue from the global resource manager. When you create a new resource queue, you must specify a parent queue. This forces all resource queues to organize into a tree.
diff --git a/markdown/resourcemgmt/ b/markdown/resourcemgmt/
index 833cac8..1fc2c51 100644
--- a/markdown/resourcemgmt/
+++ b/markdown/resourcemgmt/
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Resource queues are the main tool for managing the degree of concurrency in a HA
 Internally, HAWQ manages its resources dynamically based on a system of hierarchical resource queues. HAWQ uses resource queues to allocate resources efficiently to concurrently running queries. Resource queues are organized as a n-ary tree, as depicted in the diagram below.
 When HAWQ is initialized, there is always one queue named `pg_root` at the root of the tree and one queue named `pg_default`. If YARN is configured, HAWQ's resource manager automatically fetches the capacity of this root queue from the global resource manager. When you create a new resource queue, you must specify a parent queue. This forces all resource queues to organize into a tree.

[50/50] [abbrv] incubator-hawq-docs git commit: Merge branch 'develop'

Posted by
Merge branch 'develop'


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 18ee9446db2dbe05522eb528c6d91a5de0fff070
Parents: 51cd83d be34a83
Author: David Yozie <>
Authored: Mon Apr 24 17:03:30 2017 -0700
Committer: David Yozie <>
Committed: Mon Apr 24 17:03:30 2017 -0700

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[48/50] [abbrv] incubator-hawq-docs git commit: HAWQ-1432 - new topic for locating a HAWQ table's HDFS files (closes #118)

Posted by
HAWQ-1432 - new topic for locating a HAWQ table's HDFS files (closes #118)


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 2e6e0f386801a529f66fb0e0b20e50bebed020a9
Parents: d687d97
Author: Lisa Owen <>
Authored: Fri Apr 21 13:43:12 2017 -0700
Committer: David Yozie <>
Committed: Fri Apr 21 13:43:12 2017 -0700

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             <a href="/docs/userguide/">Creating and Managing Tables</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/"> Identifying HAWQ Table HDFS Files</a>
+          </li>
+          <li>
             <a href="/docs/userguide/">Choosing the Table Storage Model</a>
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new file mode 100644
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+title: Identifying HAWQ Table HDFS Files
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+specific language governing permissions and limitations
+under the License.
+You can determine the HDFS location of the data file(s) associated with a specific HAWQ table using the HAWQ filespace HDFS location, the table identifier, and the identifiers for the tablespace and database in which the table resides. 
+The number of HDFS data files associated with a HAWQ table is determined by the distribution mechanism (hash or random) identified when the table was first created or altered.
+Only an HDFS or HAWQ superuser may access HAWQ table HDFS files.
+## <a id="idhdfsloc"></a> HDFS Location
+The format of the HDFS file path for a HAWQ table is:
+``` pre
+The HDFS file path components are described in the table below.
+|   Path Component   | Description  |
+| \<name-node\>  |  The HDFS NameNode host.  |
+| \<port\>  |  The HDFS NameNode port. |
+| \<hawq-filespace-dir\>  |  The HDFS directory location of the HAWQ filespace. The default HAWQ filespace HDFS directory is `hawq_default`. |
+| \<tablespace-oid\>  |  The tablespace object identifier. The default HAWQ tablespace identifier is `16385`. |
+| \<database-oid\>  |  The database object identifier. |
+| \<table-relfilenode\>  |  The table object identifier. |
+| \<file-number\>  |  The file number. |
+**Note**: The HAWQ filespace name and its HDFS directory location must be identified when you create a new HAWQ filespace. You must know both to locate the HDFS files for a specific HAWQ table.
+The \<name-node\>:\<port\>/\<default-hawq-filespace-dir\> together comprise the `hawq_dfs_url` server configuration parameter. To display the value of the HAWQ default filespace URL:
+``` shell
+gpadmin@master$ hawq config -s hawq_dfs_url
+GUC      : hawq_dfs_url
+Value    : <name-node>:8020/hawq_default
+or view the **HAWQ** service **Configs > Advanced**, **General** pane, in your Ambari console.
+You can determine the tablespace, database, and table object identifiers through HAWQ catalog queries. See the [Example](#ex_hdfslochash) below.
+## <a id="idnumfiles"></a> Number of Data Files
+The number of data files that are created for a HAWQ table differs for hash-distributed and randomly-distributed HAWQ tables.
+Hash-distributed HAWQ tables use a fixed number of virtual segments (vsegs). This number is determined by the `default_hash_table_bucket_number` server configuration parameter setting, or the `BUCKETNUM` value you provide in the `CREATE TABLE` call. The number of HDFS files that HAWQ creates for a hash-distributed table also depends on the maximum number of concurrent inserts that have been executed against the table. The number of HDFS files is always the `default_hash_table_bucket_number` or `BUCKETNUM` value multiplied by the maximum number of concurrent inserts.
+The number of HDFS files generated for a randomly-distributed HAWQ table varies depending on the total number of virtual segments that have written data to the table.
+## <a id="ex_hdfslochash"></a> Example: Locating HDFS Files for a HAWQ Table
+Perform the following steps to identify the HDFS location of the data files associated with a hash-distributed HAWQ table. The SQL queries used in this example are applicable to randomly-distributed HAWQ tables as well.
+**Note**: Your HAWQ catalog object identifier query results may differ.
+1. Start the `psql` subsystem:
+    ``` shell
+    gpadmin@master$ psql -d testdb
+    ```
+2. Create a hash-distributed table with 4 buckets and insert some data:
+    ``` sql
+    testdb=# CREATE TABLE hash_tbl (id int) WITH (BUCKETNUM=4) DISTRIBUTED BY (id);
+    testdb=# INSERT INTO hash_tbl SELECT i FROM generate_series(1,100) AS i;
+    INSERT 0 100
+    ```
+4. Determine the tablespace identifier for your filespace. You must know both the filespace and tablespace names. For example:
+    ``` sql
+    testdb=# SELECT fsname, spcname AS tablespace_name, tablespace_oid 
+               FROM  pg_filespace, gp_persistent_tablespace_node, pg_tablespace 
+               WHERE pg_tablespace.spcfsoid = gp_persistent_tablespace_node.filespace_oid 
+                 AND pg_filespace.oid = pg_tablespace.spcfsoid 
+                 AND fsname !~ '^pg_' ORDER BY 1;
+       fsname   | tablespace_name | tablespace_oid 
+    ------------+-----------------+----------------
+     dfs_system | dfs_default     |          16385
+     tryfs      | try_tablespace  |          16619
+    (2 rows)
+    ```
+    The default HAWQ filespace name is `dfs_system`. The tablespace identifier associated with the default HAWQ tablespace named `dfs_default` is `16385`. Make note of this identifier.
+    The example above includes a second HAWQ filespace named `tryfs`. The tablespace identifier associated with the tablespace named `try_tablespace` is `16619`.
+3. Determine the object identifier of the database `testdb`:
+    ``` sql
+    testdb=# SELECT oid FROM pg_database WHERE datname = 'testdb';
+      oid  
+    -------
+     16508
+    (1 row)
+    ```
+    Make note of this identifier.
+4.  Tables of the same name may reside in different schemas. The catalog query you use to determine the identifier for the `hash_tbl` table also includes the schema name (`public`):
+    ``` sql
+    testdb=# SELECT relname, relfilenode, nspname, relnamespace  
+               FROM pg_class, pg_namespace  
+               WHERE relname = 'hash_tbl' AND nspname = 'public' AND relnamespace=pg_namespace.oid;
+     relname  | relfilenode |  nspname  | relnamespace 
+    ----------+-------------+-----------+--------------
+     hash_tbl |       55784 | public    |         2200
+    (1 row)
+    ```
+    Make note of the `relfilenode` value for `hash_tbl`.
+4. Construct an HDFS file path for `hash_tbl`. For example, using the HDFS directory location of the HAWQ default filespace:
+    ``` pre
+    hdfs://<name-node>:<port>/<hawq-filespace-name>/<tablespace-oid>/<database-oid>/<table-relfilenode>/<file-number>
+    hdfs://<name-node>:8020/hawq_default/16385/16508/55784
+    ```
+    Substitute your HDFS NameNode for \<name-node\>.
+4. Locate the HDFS file(s):
+    ``` shell
+    gpadmin@master$ hdfs dfs -ls hdfs://<name-node>:8020/hawq_default/16385/16508/55784
+    Found 6 items
+    -rw-------   3 gpadmin gpadmin        176 2017-04-17 15:24 hdfs://name-node:8020/hawq_default/16385/16508/55784/1
+    -rw-------   3 gpadmin gpadmin        168 2017-04-17 15:24 hdfs://name-node:8020/hawq_default/16385/16508/55784/2
+    -rw-------   3 gpadmin gpadmin        192 2017-04-17 15:24 hdfs://name-node:8020/hawq_default/16385/16508/55784/3
+    -rw-------   3 gpadmin gpadmin        168 2017-04-17 15:24 hdfs://name-node:8020/hawq_default/16385/16508/55784/4
+    ```
+    As expected, `hash_tbl` is comprised of 4 HDFS data files, a multiple of the `BUCKETNUM` you specified when creating the table in Step 2.

[34/50] [abbrv] incubator-hawq-docs git commit: miscellaneous doc updates (closes #115)

Posted by
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[16/50] [abbrv] incubator-hawq-docs git commit: Renaming subnav to remove versioning string

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+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Installing HAWQ Using Ambari</a>
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+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Installing HAWQ from the Command Line (Optional)</a>
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+          <li>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Amazon EC2 Configuration</a>
+          </li>
+          <li>
+            <a href="/hdb/install/install_package_extensions.html">Installing Procedural Languages and Package Extensions for HAWQ</a>
+          </li>
+          <li>
+            <a href="/hdb/install/install_pgcrypto.html">Installing Cryptographic Functions for PostgreSQL (pgcrypto)</a></li>
+          <li>
+            <a href="/hdb/install/install_pljava.html">Installing PL/Java</a>
+          </li>
+          <li>
+            <a href="/hdb/install/install_plr.html">Installing PL/R</a>
+          </li> 
+        </ul>
+      </li>-->
+      <li class="has_submenu">
+        <span>
+          HAWQ System Overview
+        </span>
+        <ul>
+          <li>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">What is HAWQ?</a>
+          </li>
+          <li>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">HAWQ Architecture</a>
+          </li>
+          <li>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Table Distribution and Storage</a>
+          </li>
+          <li>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Elastic Query Execution Runtime</a>
+          </li>
+          <li>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Resource Management</a>
+          </li>
+          <li>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">HDFS Catalog Cache</a>
+          </li>
+          <li>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Management Tools</a>
+          </li>
+          <li>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">High Availability, Redundancy and Fault Tolerance</a>
+          </li>
+        </ul>
+      </li>
+      <li class="has_submenu">
+        <span>
+          Running a HAWQ Cluster
+        </span>
+        <ul>
+          <li>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Overview</a>
+          </li>
+          <li>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Introducing the HAWQ Operating Environment</a>
+          </li>
+          <li class="has_submenu">
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Managing HAWQ Using Ambari</a>
+           <ul>
+            <li>
+              <a href="/docs/userguide/">Using the Ambari REST API</a>
+            </li>
+           </ul>
+          </li>
+          <li>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Starting and Stopping HAWQ</a>
+          </li>
+          <li>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Expanding a Cluster</a>
+          </li>
+          <li>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Removing a Node</a>
+          </li>
+          <li>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Backing Up and Restoring HAWQ</a>
+          </li>
+          <li>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">High Availability in HAWQ</a>
+          </li>
+          <li>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Master Mirroring</a>
+          </li>
+          <li>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">HAWQ Filespaces and High Availability Enabled HDFS</a>
+          </li>
+          <li>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Understanding the Fault Tolerance Service</a>
+          </li>
+          <li>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Recommended Monitoring and Maintenance Tasks</a>
+          </li>
+          <li>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Routine System Maintenance Tasks</a>
+          </li>
+          <li>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Monitoring a HAWQ System</a>
+          </li>
+          <li>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">HAWQ Administrative Log Files</a>
+          </li>
+        </ul>
+      </li>
+      <li class="has_submenu">
+        <span>
+          Managing Resources
+        </span>
+        <ul>
+          <li>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">How HAWQ Manages Resources</a>
+          </li>
+          <li>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Best Practices for Configuring Resource Management</a>
+          </li>
+          <li>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Configuring Resource Management</a>
+          </li>
+          <li>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Integrating YARN with HAWQ</a>
+          </li>
+          <li>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Working with Hierarchical Resource Queues</a>
+          </li>
+          <li>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Analyzing Resource Manager Status</a>
+          </li>
+        </ul>
+      </li>
+      <li class="has_submenu">
+        <span>
+          Managing Client Access
+        </span>
+        <ul>
+          <li>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Configuring Client Authentication</a>
+          </li>
+          <li>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Using LDAP Authentication with TLS/SSL</a>
+          </li>
+          <li>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Using Kerberos Authentication</a>
+          </li>
+          <li>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Diabling Kerberos Security</a>
+          </li>
+          <li>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Managing Roles and Privileges</a>
+          </li>
+          <li>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Establishing a Database Session</a>
+          </li>
+          <li>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Supported Client Applications</a>
+          </li>
+          <li>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">HAWQ Client Applications</a>
+          </li>
+          <li>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Connecting with psql</a>
+          </li>
+          <li>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">HAWQ Database Drivers and APIs</a>
+          </li>
+          <li>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Troubleshooting Connection Problems</a>
+          </li>
+        </ul>
+      </li>
+      <li class="has_submenu">
+        <span>
+          Defining Database Objects
+        </span>
+        <ul>
+          <li>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Overview</a>
+          </li>
+          <li>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Creating and Managing Databases</a>
+          </li>
+          <li>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Creating and Managing Tablespaces</a>
+          </li>
+          <li>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Creating and Managing Schemas</a>
+          </li>
+          <li>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Creating and Managing Tables</a>
+          </li>
+          <li>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Choosing the Table Storage Model</a>
+          </li>
+          <li>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Partitioning Large Tables</a>
+          </li>
+          <li>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Creating and Managing Views</a>
+          </li>
+        </ul>
+      </li>
+      <li class="has_submenu">
+        <span>
+          Using Procedural Languages
+        </span>
+        <ul>
+          <li>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Using Languages in HAWQ</a>
+          </li>
+          <li>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Using HAWQ Built-In Languages</a>
+          </li>
+          <li>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Using PL/Java</a>
+          </li>
+          <li>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Using PL/pgSQL</a>
+          </li>
+          <li>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Using PL/Python</a>
+          </li>
+          <li>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Using PL/R</a>
+          </li>
+        </ul>
+      </li>
+      <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Managing Data with HAWQ</a>
+        <ul>
+          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Basic Data Operations</a></li>
+          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">About Database Statistics</a></li>
+          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Concurrency Control</a></li>
+          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Working with Transactions</a></li>
+          <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Loading and Unloading Data</a>
+            <ul>
+              <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Working with File-Based External Tables</a>
+                <ul>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Accessing File-Based External Tables</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gpfdist Protocol</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gpfdists Protocol</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Handling Errors in External Table Data</a></li>
+                </ul>
+              </li>
+              <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Using the HAWQ File Server (gpfdist)</a>
+                <ul>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">About gpfdist Setup and Performance</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Controlling Segment Parallelism</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Installing gpfdist</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Starting and Stopping gpfdist</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Troubleshooting gpfdist</a></li>
+                </ul>
+              </li>
+              <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Creating and Using Web External Tables</a>
+                <ul>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Command-based Web External Tables</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">URL-based Web External Tables</a></li>
+                </ul>
+              </li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Loading Data Using an External Table</a></li>
+              <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Loading and Writing Non-HDFS Custom Data</a>
+                <ul>
+                  <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Using a Custom Format</a>
+                    <ul>
+                      <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Importing and Exporting Fixed Width Data</a></li>
+                      <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Examples - Read Fixed-Width Data</a></li>
+                    </ul>
+                  </li>
+                </ul>
+              </li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Creating External Tables - Examples</a>
+              </li>
+              <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Handling Load Errors</a>
+                <ul>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Define an External Table with Single Row Error Isolation</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Capture Row Formatting Errors and Declare a Reject Limit </a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Identifying Invalid CSV Files in Error Table Data</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Moving Data between Tables</a></li>
+                </ul>
+              </li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Registering Files into HAWQ Internal Tables</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Loading Data with hawq load</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Loading Data with COPY</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Running COPY in Single Row Error Isolation Mode</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Optimizing Data Load and Query Performance</a></li>
+              <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Unloading Data from HAWQ</a>
+                <ul>
+                  <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Defining a File-Based Writable External Table</a>
+                    <ul>
+                      <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Example - HAWQ file server (gpfdist)</a></li>
+                    </ul>
+                  </li>
+                  <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Defining a Command-Based Writable External Web Table</a>
+                    <ul>
+                      <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Disabling EXECUTE for Web or Writable External Tables</a></li>
+                    </ul>
+                  </li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Unloading Data Using a Writable External Table</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Unloading Data Using COPY</a></li>
+                </ul>
+              </li>
+              <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Transforming XML Data</a>
+                <ul>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Determine the Transformation Schema</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Write a Transform</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Write the gpfdist Configuration</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Load the Data</a></li>
+                  <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Transfer and Store the Data</a>
+                    <ul>
+                      <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Transforming with GPLOAD</a></li>
+                      <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Transforming with INSERT INTO SELECT FROM</a></li>
+                      <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Configuration File Format</a></li>
+                    </ul>
+                  </li>
+                  <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">XML Transformation Examples</a>
+                    <ul>
+                      <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Command-based Web External Tables</a></li>
+                      <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Example using IRS MeF XML Files (In demo Directory)</a></li>
+                      <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Example using WITSML\u2122 Files (In demo Directory)</a></li>
+                    </ul>
+                  </li>
+                </ul>
+              </li>
+              <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Formatting Data Files</a>
+                <ul>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Formatting Rows</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Formatting Columns</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Representing NULL Values</a></li>
+                  <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Escaping</a>
+                    <ul>
+                      <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Escaping in Text Formatted Files</a></li>
+                      <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Escaping in CSV Formatted Files</a></li>
+                    </ul>
+                  </li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Character Encoding</a></li>
+                </ul>
+              </li>
+            </ul>
+          </li>
+          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">HAWQ InputFormat for MapReduce</a></li>
+        </ul>
+      </li>
+      <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Using PXF with Unmanaged Data</a>
+            <ul>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Installing PXF Plugins</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Configuring PXF</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Accessing HDFS File Data</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Accessing Hive Data</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Accessing HBase Data</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Accessing JSON Data</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Writing Data to HDFS</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Using Profiles to Read and Write Data</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">PXF External Tables and API</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Troubleshooting PXF</a></li>
+            </ul>
+      </li>
+      <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Querying Data</a>
+        <ul>
+          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">About HAWQ Query Processing</a></li>
+          <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">About GPORCA</a>
+            <ul>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Overview of GPORCA</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">GPORCA Features and Enhancements</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Enabling GPORCA</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Considerations when Using GPORCA</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Determining The Query Optimizer In Use</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Changed Behavior with GPORCA</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">GPORCA Limitations</a></li>
+            </ul>
+          </li>
+          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Defining Queries</a></li>
+          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Using Functions and Operators</a></li>
+          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Query Performance</a></li>
+          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Query Profiling</a></li>
+        </ul>
+      </li>
+      <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Best Practices</a>
+        <ul>
+          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Configuring HAWQ</a></li>
+          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Operating HAWQ</a></li>
+          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Securing HAWQ</a></li>
+          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Managing Resources</a></li>
+          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Managing Data</a></li>
+          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Querying Data</a></li>
+        </ul>
+      </li>
+      <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Troubleshooting</a>
+        <ul>
+          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Query Performance Issues</a></li>
+          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Rejection of Query Resource Requests</a></li>
+          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Queries Cancelled Due to High VMEM Usage</a></li>
+          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Segments Do Not Appear in gp_segment_configuration</a></li>
+          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Handling Segment Resource Fragmentation</a></li>
+        </ul>
+      </li>
+      <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">HAWQ Reference</a>
+        <ul>
+          <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">SQL Commands</a>
+            <ul>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ABORT</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ALTER AGGREGATE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ALTER CONVERSION</a></li>  
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ALTER DATABASE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ALTER FUNCTION</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ALTER OPERATOR</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ALTER OPERATOR CLASS</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ALTER RESOURCE QUEUE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ALTER ROLE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ALTER TABLE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ALTER TABLESPACE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ALTER TYPE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ALTER USER</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ANALYZE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">BEGIN</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CHECKPOINT</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CLOSE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">COMMIT</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">COPY</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE AGGREGATE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE CAST</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE CONVERSION</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE DATABASE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE FUNCTION</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE GROUP</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE LANGUAGE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE OPERATOR</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE OPERATOR CLASS</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE RESOURCE QUEUE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE ROLE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE SCHEMA</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE SEQUENCE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE TABLE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE TABLE AS</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE TABLESPACE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE TYPE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE USER</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE VIEW</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DEALLOCATE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DECLARE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP AGGREGATE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP CAST</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP CONVERSION</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP DATABASE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP EXTERNAL TABLE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP FILESPACE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP FUNCTION</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP GROUP</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP LANGUAGE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP OPERATOR</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP OPERATOR CLASS</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP OWNED</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP RESOURCE QUEUE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP ROLE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP SCHEMA</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP SEQUENCE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP TABLE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP TABLESPACE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP TYPE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP USER</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP VIEW</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">END</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">EXECUTE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">EXPLAIN</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">FETCH</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">GRANT</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">INSERT</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">PREPARE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">REASSIGN OWNED</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">RELEASE SAVEPOINT</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">RESET</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">REVOKE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ROLLBACK</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">SAVEPOINT</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">SELECT</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">SELECT INTO</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">SET</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">SET ROLE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">SHOW</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">TRUNCATE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">VACUUM</a></li>
+            </ul>
+          </li>
+          <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Server Configuration Parameter Reference</a>
+            <ul>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">About Server Configuration Parameters</a></li>
+              <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Configuration Parameter Categories</a>
+                <ul>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Append-Only Table Parameters</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Client Connection Default Parameters</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Connection and Authentication Parameters</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Database and Tablespace/Filespace Parameters</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Error Reporting and Logging Parameters</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">External Table Parameters</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">GPORCA Parameters</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">HAWQ Array Configuration Parameters</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">HAWQ Extension Framework (PXF) Parameters</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">HAWQ PL/Java Extension Parameters</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">HAWQ Resource Management Parameters</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Lock Management Parameters</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Past PostgreSQL Version Compatibility Parameters</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Query Tuning Parameters</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Statistics Collection Parameters</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">System Resource Consumption Parameters</a></li>
+                </ul>
+              </li>
+              <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Configuration Parameters</a>
+                <ul>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">add_missing_from</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">application_name</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">array_nulls</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">authentication_timeout</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">backslash_quote</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">block_size</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">bonjour_name</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">check_function_bodies</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">client_encoding</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">client_min_messages</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">cpu_index_tuple_cost</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">cpu_operator_cost</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">cpu_tuple_cost</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">cursor_tuple_fraction</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">custom_variable_classes</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DateStyle</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">db_user_namespace</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">deadlock_timeout</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">debug_assertions</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">debug_pretty_print</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">debug_print_parse</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">debug_print_plan</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">debug_print_prelim_plan</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">debug_print_rewritten</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">debug_print_slice_table</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">default_hash_table_bucket_number</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">default_statistics_target</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">default_tablespace</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">default_transaction_isolation</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">default_transaction_read_only</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">dfs_url</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">dynamic_library_path</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">effective_cache_size</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">enable_bitmapscan</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">enable_groupagg</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">enable_hashagg</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">enable_hashjoin</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">enable_indexscan</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">enable_mergejoin</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">enable_nestloop</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">enable_seqscan</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">enable_sort</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">enable_tidscan</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">escape_string_warning</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">explain_pretty_print</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">extra_float_digits</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">from_collapse_limit</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_adjust_selectivity_for_outerjoins</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_analyze_relative_error</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_autostats_mode</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_autostats_on_change_threshhold</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_backup_directIO</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_backup_directIO_read_chunk_mb</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_cached_segworkers_threshold</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_command_count</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_connections_per_thread</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_debug_linger</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_dynamic_partition_pruning</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_enable_agg_distinct</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_enable_agg_distinct_pruning</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_enable_direct_dispatch</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_enable_fallback_plan</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_enable_fast_sri</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_enable_groupext_distinct_gather</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_enable_groupext_distinct_pruning</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_enable_multiphase_agg</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_enable_predicate_propagation</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_enable_preunique</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_enable_sequential_window_plans</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_enable_sort_distinct</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_enable_sort_limit</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_external_enable_exec</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_external_grant_privileges</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_external_max_segs</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_filerep_tcp_keepalives_count</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_filerep_tcp_keepalives_idle</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_filerep_tcp_keepalives_interval</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_hashjoin_tuples_per_bucket</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_idf_deduplicate</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_interconnect_cache_future_packets</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_interconnect_default_rtt</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_interconnect_fc_method</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_interconnect_hash_multiplier</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_interconnect_min_retries_before_timeout</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_interconnect_min_rto</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_interconnect_queue_depth</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_interconnect_setup_timeout</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_interconnect_snd_queue_depth</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_interconnect_timer_checking_period</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_interconnect_timer_period</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_interconnect_type</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_log_format</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_max_csv_line_length</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_max_databases</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_max_filespaces</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_max_packet_size</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_max_plan_size</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_max_tablespaces</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_motion_cost_per_row</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_reject_percent_threshold</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_reraise_signal</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_role</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_safefswritesize</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_segment_connect_timeout</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_segments_for_planner</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_session_id</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_set_proc_affinity</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_set_read_only</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_statistics_pullup_from_child_partition</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_statistics_use_fkeys</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_vmem_idle_resource_timeout</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_vmem_protect_segworker_cache_limit</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_workfile_checksumming</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_workfile_compress_algorithm</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_workfile_limit_files_per_query</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_workfile_limit_per_query</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_workfile_limit_per_segment</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_dfs_url</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_global_rm_type</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_master_address_host</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_master_address_port</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_master_directory</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_master_temp_directory</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_re_memory_overcommit_max</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_rm_cluster_report_period</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_rm_force_alterqueue_cancel_queued_request</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_rm_master_port</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_rm_memory_limit_perseg</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_rm_min_resource_perseg</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_rm_nresqueue_limit</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_rm_nslice_perseg_limit</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_rm_nvcore_limit_perseg</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_rm_nvseg_perquery_limit</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_rm_nvseg_perquery_perseg_limit</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_rm_nvseg_variance_amon_seg_limit</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_rm_rejectrequest_nseg_limit</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_rm_resource_idle_timeout</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_rm_return_percent_on_overcommit</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_rm_segment_heartbeat_interval</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_rm_segment_port</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_rm_stmt_nvseg</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_rm_stmt_vseg_memory</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_rm_tolerate_nseg_limit</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_rm_yarn_address</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_rm_yarn_app_name</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_rm_yarn_queue_name</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_rm_yarn_scheduler_address</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_segment_address_port</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_segment_directory</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_segment_temp_directory</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">integer_datetimes</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">IntervalStyle</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">join_collapse_limit</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">krb_caseins_users</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">krb_server_keyfile</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">krb_srvname</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">lc_collate</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">lc_ctype</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">lc_messages</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">lc_monetary</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">lc_numeric</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">lc_time</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">listen_addresses</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">local_preload_libraries</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">log_autostats</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">log_connections</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">log_disconnections</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">log_dispatch_stats</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">log_duration</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">log_error_verbosity</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">log_executor_stats</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">log_hostname</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">log_min_duration_statement</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">log_min_error_statement</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">log_min_messages</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">log_parser_stats</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">log_planner_stats</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">log_rotation_age</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">log_rotation_size</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">log_statement</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">log_statement_stats</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">log_timezone</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">log_truncate_on_rotation</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">max_appendonly_tables</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">max_connections</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">max_files_per_process</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">max_fsm_pages</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">max_fsm_relations</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">max_function_args</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">max_identifier_length</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">max_index_keys</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">max_locks_per_transaction</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">max_prepared_transactions</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">max_stack_depth</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">optimizer</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">optimizer_analyze_root_partition</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">optimizer_minidump</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">optimizer_parts_to_force_sort_on_insert</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">optimizer_prefer_scalar_dqa_multistage_agg</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">password_encryption</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pgstat_track_activity_query_size</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pljava_classpath</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pljava_statement_cache_size</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pljava_release_lingering_savepoints</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pljava_vmoptions</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">port</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pxf_enable_filter_pushdown</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pxf_enable_stat_collection</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pxf_remote_service_login</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pxf_remote_service_secret</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pxf_service_address</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pxf_service_port</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pxf_stat_max_fragments</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">random_page_cost</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">regex_flavor</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">runaway_detector_activation_percent</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">search_path</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">seg_max_connections</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">seq_page_cost</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">server_encoding</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">server_version</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">server_version_num</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">shared_buffers</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">shared_preload_libraries</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ssl</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ssl_ciphers</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">standard_conforming_strings</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">statement_timeout</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">superuser_reserved_connections</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">tcp_keepalives_count</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">tcp_keepalives_idle</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">tcp_keepalives_interval</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">temp_buffers</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">TimeZone</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">timezone_abbreviations</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">track_activities</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">track_counts</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">transaction_isolation</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">transaction_read_only</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">transform_null_equals</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">unix_socket_directory</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">unix_socket_group</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">unix_socket_permissions</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">update_process_title</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">vacuum_cost_delay</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">vacuum_cost_limit</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">vacuum_cost_page_dirty</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">vacuum_cost_page_miss</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">vacuum_freeze_min_age</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">xid_stop_limit</a></li>
+                </ul>
+              </li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Sample hawq-site.xml Configuration File</a></li>
+            </ul>
+          </li>
+          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">HDFS Configuration Reference</a></li>
+          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Environment Variables</a></li>
+          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Character Set Support Reference</a></li>
+          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Data Types</a></li>
+          <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">System Catalog Reference</a>
+            <ul>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">System Tables</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">System Views</a></li>
+              <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">System Catalogs Definitions</a>
+                <ul>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_configuration_history</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_distribution_policy</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_global_sequence</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_master_mirroring</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_persistent_database_node</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_persistent_filespace_node</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_persistent_relation_node</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_persistent_relfile_node</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_persistent_tablespace_node</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_relfile_node</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_segment_configuration</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_version_at_initdb</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_aggregate</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_am</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_amop</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_amproc</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_appendonly</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_attrdef</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_attribute</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_attribute_encoding</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_auth_members</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_authid</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_cast</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_class</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_compression</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_constraint</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_conversion</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_database</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_depend</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_description</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_exttable</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_filespace</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_filespace_entry</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_index</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_inherits</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_language</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_largeobject</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_listener</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_locks</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_namespace</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_opclass</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_operator</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_partition</a></li>
+                  <li><a 


[49/50] [abbrv] incubator-hawq-docs git commit: HAWQ-1296 - initial draft of hawq getting started guide (closes #98)

Posted by
HAWQ-1296 - initial draft of hawq getting started guide (closes #98)


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: be34a8339d0bb1b9dea5079af18e5ffe5a65fd46
Parents: 2e6e0f3
Author: Lisa Owen <>
Authored: Mon Apr 24 14:28:03 2017 -0700
Committer: David Yozie <>
Committed: Mon Apr 24 14:28:03 2017 -0700

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       <li class="has_submenu">
+        <a href="/docs/userguide/">Getting Started with HAWQ Tutorial</a>
+          <ul>
+            <li>
+              <a href="/docs/userguide/">Lesson 1 - Runtime Environment</a>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <a href="/docs/userguide/">Lesson 2 - Cluster Administration</a>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <a href="/docs/userguide/">Lesson 3 - Database Administration</a>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <a href="/docs/userguide/">Lesson 4 - Sample Data Set and HAWQ Schemas</a>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <a href="/docs/userguide/">Lesson 5 - HAWQ Tables</a>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <a href="/docs/userguide/">Lesson 6 - HAWQ Extension Framework (PXF)</a>
+            </li>
+          </ul>
+        </li>
+      <li class="has_submenu">
           Running a HAWQ Cluster
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+title: Lesson 3 - Database Administration
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+specific language governing permissions and limitations
+under the License.
+The HAWQ `gpadmin` user and other users who are granted the necessary privileges can execute SQL commands to create HAWQ databases and tables. These commands may be invoked via scripts, programs, and from the `psql` client utility.
+This lesson introduces basic HAWQ database administration commands and tasks using `psql`. You will create a database and a simple table, and add data to and query the table.
+## <a id="tut_adminprereq"></a> Prerequisites
+Ensure that you have [Set Up your HAWQ Runtime Environment](introhawqenv.html#tut_runtime_setup) and that your HAWQ cluster is up and running.
+## <a id="tut_ex_createdb"></a>Exercise: Create the HAWQ Tutorial Database
+In this exercise, you use the `psql` command line utility to create a HAWQ database.
+1. Start the `psql` subsystem:
+    ``` shell
+    gpadmin@master$ psql -d postgres
+    ```
+    You enter the `psql` interpreter, connecting to the `postgres` database. `postgres` is a default template database created during HAWQ installation.
+    ``` sql
+    psql (8.2.15)
+    Type "help" for help.
+    postgres=# 
+    ```
+    The `psql` prompt is the database name followed by `=#` or `=>`. `=#` identifies the session as that of a database superuser. The default `psql` prompt for a non-superuser is `=>`.
+2. Create a database named `hawqgsdb`:
+    ``` sql
+    postgres=# CREATE DATABASE hawqgsdb;
+    ```
+    The `;` at the end of the `CREATE DATABASE` statement instructs `psql` to interpret the command. SQL commands that span multiple lines are not interpreted until the `;` is entered.
+3. Connect to the `hawqgsdb` database you just created:
+    ``` sql
+    postgres=# \c hawqgsdb
+    You are now connected to database "hawqgsdb" as user "gpadmin".
+    hawqgsdb=#
+    ```
+4. Use the `psql` `\l` meta-command to list all HAWQ databases:
+    ``` sql
+    hawqgsdb=# \l
+                         List of databases
+          Name       |  Owner  | Encoding | Access privileges 
+    -----------------+---------+----------+-------------------
+     hawqgsdb        | gpadmin | UTF8     | 
+     postgres        | gpadmin | UTF8     | 
+     template0       | gpadmin | UTF8     | 
+     template1       | gpadmin | UTF8     | 
+    (4 rows)
+    ```
+    HAWQ creates two additional template databases during installation, `template0` and `template1`, as you see above. Your HAWQ cluster may list additional databases.
+5. Exit `psql`:
+    ``` sql
+    hawqgsdb=# \q
+    ```
+## <a id="tut_ex_usepsql"></a>Exercise: Use psql for Table Operations
+You manage and access HAWQ databases and tables via the `psql` utility, an interactive front-end to the HAWQ database. In this exercise, you use `psql` to create, add data to, and query a simple HAWQ table.
+1. Start the `psql` subsystem:
+    ``` shell
+    gpadmin@master$ psql -d hawqgsdb
+    ```
+    The `-d hawqgsdb` option instructs `psql` to connect directly to the `hawqgsdb` database.
+2. Create a table named `first_tbl` that has a single integer column named `i`:
+    ``` sql
+    hawqgsdb=# CREATE TABLE first_tbl( i int );
+    ```
+3. Display descriptive information about table `first_tbl`:
+    ``` sql
+    hawqgsdb=# \d first_tbl
+    Append-Only Table "public.first_tbl"
+     Column |  Type   | Modifiers 
+    --------+---------+-----------
+     i      | integer | 
+    Compression Type: None
+    Compression Level: 0
+    Block Size: 32768
+    Checksum: f
+    Distributed randomly
+    ```
+    `first_tbl` is a table in the HAWQ `public` schema. `first_tbl` has a single integer column, was created with no compression, and is distributed randomly.
+4. Add some data to `first_tbl`:
+    ``` sql
+    hawqgsdb=# INSERT INTO first_tbl VALUES(1);
+    INSERT 0 1
+    hawqgsdb=# INSERT INTO first_tbl VALUES(2);
+    INSERT 0 1 
+    ```
+    Each `INSERT` command adds a row to `first_tbl`, the first adding a row with the value `i=1`, and the second, a row with the value `i=2`. Each `INSERT` also displays the number of rows added (1).
+4. HAWQ provides several built-in functions for data manipulation. The  `generate_series(<start>, <end>)` function generates a series of numbers beginning with `<start>` and finishing at `<end>`. Use the `generate_series()` HAWQ built-in function to add rows for `i=3`, `i=4`, and `i=5` to `first_tbl`:
+    ``` sql
+    hawqgsdb=# INSERT INTO first_tbl SELECT generate_series(3, 5);
+    INSERT 0 3
+    ```
+    This `INSERT `command uses the `generate_series()` built-in function to add 3 rows to `first_tbl`, starting with `i=3` and writing and incrementing `i` for each new row.
+5. Perform a query to return all rows in the `first_tbl` table:
+    ``` sql
+    hawqgsdb=# SELECT * FROM first_tbl;
+     i  
+    ----
+      1
+      2
+      3
+      4
+      5
+    (5 rows)
+    ```
+    The `SELECT *` command queries `first_tbl`, returning all columns and all rows. `SELECT` also displays the total number of rows returned in the query.
+6. Perform a query to return column `i` for all rows in `first_tbl` where `i` is greater than 3:
+    ``` sql
+    hawqgsdb=# SELECT i FROM first_tbl WHERE i>3;
+     i  
+    ----
+      4
+      5
+    (2 rows)
+    ```
+    The `SELECT` command returns the 2 rows (`i=4` and `i=5`) in the table where `i` is larger than 3 and displays the value of `i`.
+7. Exit the `psql` subsystem:
+    ``` sql
+    hawqgsdb=# \q
+    ```
+8. `psql` includes an option, `-c`, to run a single SQL command from the shell command line. Perform the same query you ran in Step 7 using the `-c <sql-command>` option:
+    ``` shell
+    gpadmin@master$ psql -d hawqgsdb -c 'SELECT i FROM first_tbl WHERE i>3'
+    ```
+    Notice that you enclose the SQL command in single quotes.
+9. Set the HAWQ `PGDATABASE` environment variable to identify `hawqsgdb`:
+    ``` shell
+    gpadmin@master$ export PGDATABASE=hawqgsdb
+    ```
+    `$PGDATABASE` identifies the default database to which to connect when invoking the HAWQ `psql` command.
+10. Re-run the query from the command line again, this time omitting the `-d` option:
+    ``` shell
+    gpadmin@master$ psql -c 'SELECT i FROM first_tbl WHERE i>3'
+    ```
+    When no database is specified on the command line, `psql` attempts to connect to the database identified by `$PGDATABASE`.
+11. Add the `PGDATABASE` setting to your `.bash_profile`:
+    ``` shell
+    export PGDATABASE=hawqgsdb
+    ```  
+## <a id="tut_dbadmin_summary"></a>Summary
+You created the database you will use in later lessons. You also created, inserted data into, and queried a simple HAWQ table using`psql`.
+For information on SQL command support in HAWQ, refer to the [SQL Command](../../reference/SQLCommandReference.html) reference. 
+For detailed information on the `psql` subsystem, refer to the [psql](../../reference/cli/client_utilities/psql.html) reference page. Commonly-used `psql` meta\-commands are identified in the table below.
+| Action                                                    | Command                                                                                                                                                                                            |
+| List databases | `\l` |
+| List tables in current database   | `\dt`                                                                                         |
+| Describe a specific table   | `\d <table-name>`                                                                                         |
+| Execute an SQL script     | `\i <script-name>`                                                                                         |
+| Quit/Exit    | `\q`                                                                                         |
+Lesson 4 introduces the Retail demo, a more complicated data set used in upcoming lessons. You will download and examine the data set and work files. You will also load some of the data set into HDFS.
+**Lesson 4**: [Sample Data Set and HAWQ Schemas](dataandscripts.html)
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+title: Lesson 2 - Cluster Administration
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+specific language governing permissions and limitations
+under the License.
+The HAWQ `gpadmin` administrative user has super-user capabilities on all HAWQ databases and HAWQ cluster management commands.
+HAWQ configuration parameters affect the behaviour of both the HAWQ cluster and individual HAWQ nodes.
+This lesson introduces basic HAWQ cluster administration tasks. You will view and update HAWQ configuration parameters.
+**Note**: Before installing HAWQ, you or your administrator choose to configure and manage the HAWQ cluster either using the command line or using the Ambari UI. You will perform command line and Ambari exercises for managing your HAWQ cluster in this lesson. Although you are introduced to both, command line and Ambari HAWQ cluster management modes should not be mixed.
+## <a id="tut_adminprereq"></a> Prerequisites
+Ensure that you have [Set Up your HAWQ Runtime Environment](introhawqenv.html#tut_runtime_setup) and that your HAWQ cluster is up and running.
+## <a id="tut_ex_cmdline_cfg"></a>Exercise: View and Update HAWQ Configuration from the Command Line
+If you choose to manage your HAWQ cluster from the command line, you will perform many administrative functions using the `hawq` utility. The `hawq` command line utility provides subcommands including `start`, `stop`, `config`, and `state`.
+In this exercise, you will use the command line to view and set HAWQ server configuration parameters. 
+Perform the following steps to view the HAWQ HDFS filespace URL and set the `pljava_classpath` server configuration parameter:
+1. The `hawq_dfs_url` configuration parameter identifies the HDFS NameNode (or HDFS NameService if HDFS High Availability is enabled) host, port, and the HAWQ filespace location within HDFS. Display the value of this parameter:
+    ``` shell
+    gpadmin@master$ hawq config -s hawq_dfs_url
+    GUC	   : hawq_dfs_url
+    Value  : <hdfs-namenode>:8020/hawq_data
+    ```
+    Make note of the <hdfs-namenode> hostname or IP address returned, you will need this in *Lesson 6: HAWQ Extension Framework (PXF)*.
+2. The HAWQ PL/Java `pljava_classpath` server configuration parameter identifies the classpath used by the HAWQ PL/Java extension. View the current `pljava_classpath` configuration parameter setting:
+    ``` shell
+    gpadmin@master$ hawq config -s pljava_classpath
+    GUC		: pljava_classpath
+    Value   :
+    ```
+    The value is currently not set, as indicated by the empty `Value`.
+3. Your HAWQ installation includes an example PL/Java JAR file. Set `pljava_classpath` to include the `examples.jar` file installed with HAWQ:
+    ``` shell
+    gpadmin@master$ hawq config -c pljava_classpath -v 'examples.jar'
+    GUC pljava_classpath does not exist in hawq-site.xml
+    Try to add it with value: examples.jar
+    GUC	    : pljava_classpath
+    Value   : examples.jar
+    ```
+    The message 'GUC pljava\_classpath does not exist in hawq-site.xml; Try to add it with value: examples.jar' indicates that HAWQ could not find a previous setting for `pljava_classpath` and attempts to set this configuration parameter to `examples.jar`, the value you provided with the `-v` option.
+3. You must reload the HAWQ configuration after setting a configuration parameter: 
+    ``` shell
+    gpadmin@master$ hawq stop cluster --reload
+    20170411:19:58:17:428600 hawq_stop:master:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Prepare to do 'hawq stop'
+    20170411:19:58:17:428600 hawq_stop:master:gpadmin-[INFO]:-You can find log in:
+    20170411:19:58:17:428600 hawq_stop:master:gpadmin-[INFO]:-/home/gpadmin/hawqAdminLogs/hawq_stop_20170411.log
+    20170411:19:58:17:428600 hawq_stop:master:gpadmin-[INFO]:-GPHOME is set to:
+    20170411:19:58:17:428600 hawq_stop:master:gpadmin-[INFO]:-/usr/local/hawq/.
+    20170411:19:58:17:428600 hawq_stop:master:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Reloading configuration without restarting hawq cluster
+    Continue with HAWQ service stop Yy|Nn (default=N):
+    > 
+    ```
+    Reloading configuration does not actually stop the cluster, as noted in the INFO messages above.
+    HAWQ prompts you to confirm the operation. Enter `y` to confirm:
+    ``` shell
+    > y
+    20170411:19:58:22:428600 hawq_stop:master:gpadmin-[INFO]:-No standby host configured
+    20170411:19:58:23:428600 hawq_stop:master:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Reload hawq cluster
+    20170411:19:58:23:428600 hawq_stop:master:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Reload hawq master
+    20170411:19:58:23:428600 hawq_stop:master:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Master reloaded successfully
+    20170411:19:58:23:428600 hawq_stop:master:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Reload hawq segment
+   20170411:19:58:23:428600 hawq_stop:master:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Reload segments in list: ['segment']
+   20170411:19:58:23:428600 hawq_stop:master:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Total segment number is: 1
+    20170411:19:58:25:428600 hawq_stop:master:gpadmin-[INFO]:-1 of 1 segments reload successfully
+    20170411:19:58:25:428600 hawq_stop:master:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Segments reloaded successfully
+    20170411:19:58:25:428600 hawq_stop:master:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Cluster reloaded successfully
+    ```
+    Configuration parameter value changes made by `hawq config` are system-wide; they are propagated to all segments across the cluster.
+## <a id="tut_ex_hawqstatecmdline"></a>Exercise: View the State of Your HAWQ Cluster via Ambari
+You may choose to use Ambari to manage the HAWQ deployment. The Ambari Web UI provides a graphical front-end to HAWQ cluster management activities.
+Perform the following steps to view the state of your HAWQ cluster via the Ambari web console:
+1. Start the Ambari web UI: 
+    ``` shell
+    <ambari-server-node>:8080
+    ```
+    Ambari runs on port 8080.
+2. Log in to the Ambari UI using the Ambari user credentials.
+    The Ambari UI dashboard window displays.
+3. Select the **HAWQ** service from the service list in the left pane.
+    The HAWQ service page **Summary** tab is displayed.  This page includes a **Summary** pane identifying the HAWQ master and all HAWQ segment nodes in your cluster. The **Metrics** pane includes a set of HAWQ-specific metrics tiles.
+4. Perform a HAWQ service check operation by selecting the **Run Service Check** item from the **Service Actions** button drop-down menu and **Confirm**ing the operation.
+    ![HAWQ Service Actions](imgs/hawqsvcacts.png)
+    The **Background Operations Running** dialog displays. This dialog identifies all service-related operations performed on your HAWQ cluster.
+    ![Ambari Background Operations](imgs/ambbgops.png)
+5. Select the most recent **HAWQ Service Check** operation from the top of the **Operations** column. Select the HAWQ master host name from the **HAWQ Service Check** dialog, and then select the **Check HAWQ** task.
+    ![HAWQ Service Check Output](imgs/hawqsvccheckout.png)
+    The **Check HAWQ** task dialog displays the output of the service check operation. This operation returns the state of your HAWQ cluster, as well as the results of HAWQ database operation tests performed by Ambari.
+## <a id="tut_ex_ambari_cfg"></a>Exercise: View and Update HAWQ Configuration via Ambari
+Perform the following steps to view the HDFS NodeName and set the HAWQ PL/Java `pljava_classpath` configuration parameter and value via Ambari:
+1. Navigate to the **HAWQ** service page.
+2. Select the **Configs** tab to view the current HAWQ-specific configuration settings.
+    HAWQ general settings displayed include master and segment data and temp directory locations, as well as specific resource management parameters.
+3. Select the **Advanced** tab to view additional HAWQ parameter settings.
+    ![HAWQ Advanced Configs](imgs/hawqcfgsadv.png)
+    The **General** drop down pane opens. This tab displays information including the HAWQ master hostname and master and segment port numbers.
+4. Locate the **HAWQ DFS URL** configuration parameter setting in the **General** pane. This value should match that returned by `hawq config -s hawq_dfs_url` in the previous exercise. Make note of the HDFS NameNode hostname or IP address if you have not done so previously.
+    **Note**: The **HDFS** service, **Configs > Advanced Configs** tab also identifies the HDFS NameNode hostname.
+4. **Advanced \<config\>** and **Custom \<config\>** drop down panes provide access to advanced configuration settings for HAWQ and other cluster components. Select the **Advanced hawq-site** drop down.
+    ![Advanced hawq-site](imgs/advhawqsite.png)
+    Specific HAWQ configuration parameters and values are displayed in the pane. Hover the mouse cursor over the value field to display a tooltip description of a specific configuration parameter.
+5. Select the **Custom hawq-site** drop down.
+    Currently configured custom parameters and values are displayed in the pane.  If no configuration parameters are set, the pane will be empty.
+6. Select **Add Property ...**.
+    The **Add Property** dialog displays. This dialog includes **Type**, **Key**, and **Value** entry fields.
+7. Select the single property add mode (single label icon) in the **Add Property** dialog and fill in the fields:
+    **Key**: pljava_classpath  
+    **Value**: examples.jar
+    ![Add Property](imgs/addprop.png)
+8. **Add** the custom property, then **Save** the updated configuration, optionally providing a **Note** in the **Save Configuration** dialog.
+    ![Restart Button](imgs/orangerestart.png)
+    Notice the now orange-colored **Restart** button in the right corner of the window. You must restart the HAWQ service after adding or updating configuration parameter values through Ambari.
+9. Select the orange **Restart** button to **Restart All Affected** HAWQ nodes.
+    You can monitor the restart operation from the **Background Operations Running** dialog.
+10. When the restart operation completes, log out of the Ambari console by clicking the **admin** button and selecting the **Sign out** drop down menu item.
+## <a id="tut_hawqadmin_summary"></a>Summary
+In this lesson, you viewed the state of the HAWQ cluster and learned how to change cluster configuration parameters. 
+For additional information on HAWQ server configuration parameters, see [Server Configuration Parameter Reference](../../reference/HAWQSiteConfig.html).
+The following table identifies HAWQ management commands used in the tutorial exercises. For detailed information on specific HAWQ management commands, refer to the [HAWQ Management Tools Reference](../../reference/cli/management_tools.html).
+<a id="topic_table_clustmgmtcmd"></a>
+| Action                                                    | Command                                                                                                                                                                                            |
+| Get HAWQ cluster status | `$ hawq state` |
+| Start/stop/restart HAWQ \<object\> (cluster, master, segment, standby, allsegments) | `$ hawq start <object>` <p> `$ hawq stop <object>` <p> `$ hawq restart <object>` |
+| List all HAWQ configuration parameters and their current settings     | `$ hawq config -l`                                                                                         |
+| Display the current setting of a specific HAWQ configuration parameter    | `$ hawq config -s <param-name>`                                                                                         |
+| Add/change the value of HAWQ configuration parameter (command-line managed HAWQ clusters only)  | `$ hawq config -c <param-name> -v <value>`                                                                                         |
+| Reload HAWQ configuration        | `$ hawq stop cluster --reload`                                                                                         |
+Lesson 3 introduces basic HAWQ database administration activities and commands.
+**Lesson 3**: [Database Administration](basicdbadmin.html)
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+title: Lesson 4 - Sample Data Set and HAWQ Schemas
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+specific language governing permissions and limitations
+under the License.
+The sample Retail demo data set used in the tutorial exercises models an online retail store operation. The store carries different categories of products. Customers order the products. The company delivers the products to the customers.
+This and later exercises operate on this example data set. The data set is provided in a set of `gzip`'d `.tsv` (tab-separated values) text files. The exercises also reference scripts and other supporting files that operate on the data set.
+In this section, you are introduced to the Retail demo data schema. You will download and examine the data set and work files. You will also load some of the data into HDFS.
+## <a id="tut_dataset_prereq"></a>Prerequisites
+Ensure that you have [Created the HAWQ Tutorial Database](basicdbadmin.html#tut_ex_createdb) and that your HAWQ cluster is up and running.
+## <a id="tut_exdownloadfilessteps"></a>Exercise: Download the Retail Demo Data and Script Files
+Perform the following steps to download the sample data set and scripts:
+1. Open a terminal window and log in to the HAWQ master node as the `gpadmin` user:
+    ``` shell
+    $ ssh gpadmin@<master>
+    ```
+3. Create a working directory for the data files and scripts:
+    ``` shell
+    gpadmin@master$ mkdir /tmp/hawq_getstart
+    gpadmin@master$ cd /tmp/hawq_getstart
+    ```
+    You may choose a different base work directory. If you do, ensure that all path components up to and including the `hawq_getstart` directory have read and execute permissions for all.
+4. Download the tutorial work and data files from `github`, checking out the appropriate tag/branch:
+    ``` shell
+    gpadmin@master$ git clone
+    Cloning into 'hawq-samples'...
+    remote: Counting objects: 42, done.
+    remote: Total 42 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 42
+    Unpacking objects: 100% (42/42), done.
+    Checking out files: 100% (18/18), done.
+    gpadmin@master$ cd hawq-samples
+    gpadmin@master$ git checkout hawq2x_tutorial
+    ```
+5. Save the path to the work files base directory:
+    ``` shell
+    gpadmin@master$ export HAWQGSBASE=/tmp/hawq_getstart/hawq-samples
+    ```
+    (If you chose a different base work directory, modify the command as appropriate.) 
+6. Add the `$HAWQGSBASE` environment variable setting to your `.bash_profile`.
+7. Examine the tutorial files. Exercises in this guide reference data files and SQL and shell scripts residing in the `hawq-samples` repository.  Specifically:
+    | Directory                                                    | Content                                                                                                                                                                                            |
+    |----------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
+    | datasets/retail/ | Retail demo data set data files (`.tsv.gz` format) |
+    | tutorials/getstart/        | *Getting Started with HAWQ* guide work files |
+    | tutorials/getstart/hawq/  | SQL and shell scripts used by the HAWQ tables exercises                    |
+    | tutorials/getstart/pxf/   | SQL and shell scripts used by the PXF exercises                                                                                                                                                                                 |
+    <p>
+    (`hawq-samples` repository directories not mentioned in the table above are not used by the *Getting Started with HAWQ* exercises.)
+## <a id="tut_dsschema_ex"></a>Exercise: Create the Retail Demo HAWQ Schema
+A HAWQ schema is a namespace for a database. It contains named objects like tables, data types, functions, and operators. Access these objects by qualifying their name with the prefix `<schema-name>`.
+Perform the following steps to create the Retail demo data schema:
+1. Start the `psql` subsystem:
+    ``` shell
+    gpadmin@master$ psql
+    hawqgsdb=#
+    ```
+    You are connected to the `hawqgsdb` database.
+2. List the HAWQ schemas:
+    ``` sql
+    hawqgsdb=# \dn
+           List of schemas
+            Name        |  Owner  
+    --------------------+---------
+     hawq_toolkit       | gpadmin
+     information_schema | gpadmin
+     pg_aoseg           | gpadmin
+     pg_bitmapindex     | gpadmin
+     pg_catalog         | gpadmin
+     pg_toast           | gpadmin
+     public             | gpadmin
+    (7 rows)
+    ```
+    Every database includes a schema named `public`. Database objects you create without specifying a schema are created in the default schema. The default HAWQ schema is the `public` schema, unless you explicitly set it to another schema. (More about this later.)
+3. Display the tables in the `public` schema:
+    ``` sql
+    hawqgsdb=#\dt public.*
+               List of relations
+     Schema |    Name   | Type  |  Owner  |   Storage   
+    --------+-----------+-------+---------+-------------
+     public | first_tbl | table | gpadmin | append only
+    (1 row)
+    ```
+    In Lesson 3, you created the `first_tbl` table in the `public` schema.
+4. Create a schema named `retail_demo` to represent the Retail demo namespace:
+    ``` sql
+    hawqgsdb=# CREATE SCHEMA retail_demo;
+    ```
+5. The `search_path` server configuration parameter identifies the order in which HAWQ should search or apply schemas for objects. Set the schema search path to include the new `retail_demo` schema first:
+    ``` sql
+    hawqgsdb=# SET search_path TO retail_demo, public;
+    SET
+    ```
+    `retail_demo`, the first schema in your `search_path`, becomes your default schema.
+    **Note**: Setting `search_path` in this manner sets the parameter only for the current `psql` session. You must re-set `search_path` in subsequent `psql` sessions.
+4. Create another table named `first_tbl`:
+    ``` sql
+    hawqgsdb=# CREATE TABLE first_tbl( i int );
+    hawqgsdb=# INSERT INTO first_tbl SELECT generate_series(100,103);
+    INSERT 0 4
+    hawqgsdb=# SELECT * FROM first_tbl;
+      i  
+    -----
+     100
+     101
+     102
+     103
+    (4 rows)
+    ```
+    HAWQ creates this table named `first_tbl` in your default schema since no schema was explicitly identified for the table. Your default schema is  `retail_demo` due to your current `search_path` schema ordering.
+5. Verify that this `first_tbl` was created in the `retail_demo` schema by displaying the tables in this schema:
+    ``` sql
+    hawqgsdb=#\dt retail_demo.*
+                         List of relations
+       Schema    |         Name         | Type  |  Owner  |   Storage   
+    -------------+----------------------+-------+---------+-------------
+     retail_demo | first_tbl            | table | gpadmin | append only
+    (1 row)
+    ```
+6. Query the `first_tbl` table that you created in Lesson 3:
+    ``` sql
+    hawqgsdb=# SELECT * from public.first_tbl;
+      i 
+    ---
+     1
+     2
+     3
+     4
+     5
+    (5 rows)
+    ```
+    You must prepend the table name with `public.` to explicitly identify the `first_tbl` table in which you are interested. 
+7. Exit `psql`:
+    ``` sql
+    hawqgsdb=# \q
+    ```
+## <a id="tut_loadhdfs_ex"></a>Exercise: Load the Dimension Data to HDFS
+The Retail demo data set includes the entities described in the table below. A fact table consists of business facts. Orders and order line items are fact tables. Dimension tables provide descriptive information for the measurements in a fact table. The other entities are represented in dimension tables. 
+|   Entity   | Description  |
+| customers\_dim  |  Customer data: first/last name, id, gender  |
+| customer\_addresses\_dim  |  Address and phone number of each customer |
+| email\_addresses\_dim  |  Customer e-mail addresses |
+| categories\_dim  |  Product category name, id |
+| products\_dim  |  Product details including name, id, category, and price |
+| date\_dim  |  Date information including year, quarter, month, week, day of week |
+| payment\_methods  |  Payment method code, id |
+| orders  |  Details of an order such as the id, payment method, billing address, day/time, and other fields. Each order is associated with a specific customer. |
+| order\_lineitems  |  Details of an order line item such as the id, item id, category, store, shipping address, and other fields. Each line item references a specific product from a specific order from a specific customer. |
+Perform the following steps to load the Retail demo dimension data into HDFS for later consumption:
+1. Navigate to the PXF script directory:
+    ``` shell
+    gpadmin@master$ cd $HAWQGSBASE/tutorials/getstart/pxf
+    ```
+2. Using the provided script, load the sample data files representing dimension data into an HDFS directory named `/retail_demo`. The script removes any existing `/retail_demo` directory and contents before loading the data: 
+    ``` shell
+    gpadmin@master$ ./
+    running: sudo -u hdfs hdfs -rm -r -f -skipTrash /retail_demo
+    sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfs -mkdir /retail_demo/categories_dim
+    sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfs -put /tmp/hawq_getstart/hawq-samples/datasets/retail/categories_dim.tsv.gz /retail_demo/categories_dim/
+    sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfs -mkdir /retail_demo/customer_addresses_dim
+    sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfs -put /tmp/hawq_getstart/hawq-samples/datasets/retail/customer_addresses_dim.tsv.gz /retail_demo/customer_addresses_dim/
+    ...
+    ```
+	 `` loads the dimension data `.tsv.gz` files directly into HDFS. Each file is loaded to its respective `/retail_demo/<basename>/<basename>.tsv.gz` file path.
+3. View the contents of the HDFS `/retail_demo` directory hierarchy:
+    ``` shell
+    gpadmin@master$ sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfs -ls /retail_demo/*
+    -rw-r--r--   3 hdfs hdfs        590 2017-04-10 19:59 /retail_demo/categories_dim/categories_dim.tsv.gz
+    Found 1 items
+    -rw-r--r--   3 hdfs hdfs   53995977 2017-04-10 19:59 /retail_demo/customer_addresses_dim/customer_addresses_dim.tsv.gz
+    Found 1 items
+    -rw-r--r--   3 hdfs hdfs    4646775 2017-04-10 19:59 /retail_demo/customers_dim/customers_dim.tsv.gz
+    Found 1 items
+    ...
+    Because the retail demo data exists only as `.tsv.gz` files in HDFS, you cannot immediately query the data using HAWQ. In the next lesson, you create HAWQ external tables that reference these data files, after which you can query them via PXF.
+    ```
+## <a id="tut_dataset_summary"></a>Summary
+In this lesson, you downloaded the tutorial data set and work files, created the `retail_demo` HAWQ schema, and loaded the Retail demo dimension data into HDFS. 
+In Lessons 5 and 6, you will create and query HAWQ internal and external tables in the `retail_demo` schema.
+**Lesson 5**: [HAWQ Tables](introhawqtbls.html)
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+title: Lesson 1 - Runtime Environment
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+specific language governing permissions and limitations
+under the License.
+This section introduces you to the HAWQ runtime environment. You will examine your HAWQ installation, set up your HAWQ environment, and execute HAWQ management commands. If installed in your environment, you will also explore the Ambari management console.
+## <a id="tut_runtime_usercred"></a>Prerequisites
+- Install a HAWQ commercial product distribution or HAWQ sandbox virtual machine or docker environment, or build and install HAWQ from source. Ensure that your HAWQ installation is configured appropriately.
+- Make note of the HAWQ master node hostname or IP address.
+- The HAWQ administrative user is named `gpadmin`. This is the user account from which you will administer your HAWQ cluster. To perform the exercises in this tutorial, you must:
+    - Obtain the `gpadmin` user credentials.
+    - Ensure that your HAWQ runtime environment is configured such that the HAWQ admin user `gpadmin` can run commands to access the HDFS Hadoop system accounts (`hdfs`, `hadoop`) via `sudo` without having to provide a password.
+    - Obtain the Ambari UI user name and password (optional, if Ambari is installed in your HAWQ deployment). The default Ambari user name and password are both `admin`.
+## <a id="tut_runtime_setup"></a> Exercise: Set Up your HAWQ Runtime Environment
+HAWQ installs a script that you can use to set up your HAWQ cluster environment. The `` script, located in your HAWQ root install directory, sets `$PATH` and other environment variables to find HAWQ files.  Most importantly, `` sets the `$GPHOME` environment variable to point to the root directory of the HAWQ installation.  If you installed HAWQ from a product distribution or are running a HAWQ sandbox environment, the HAWQ root is typically `/usr/local/hawq`. If you built HAWQ from source or downloaded the tarball, your `$GPHOME` may differ.
+Perform the following steps to set up your HAWQ runtime environment:
+4.	Log in to the HAWQ master node using the `gpadmin` user credentials; you may not need to provide a password:
+    ``` shell
+    $ ssh gpadmin@<master>
+    Password:
+    gpadmin@master$ 
+    ```
+5. Set up your HAWQ operating environment by sourcing the `` file. If you built HAWQ from source or downloaded the tarball, substitute the path to the installed or extracted `` file \(for example `/opt/hawq-`\):
+    ``` shell
+    gpadmin@master$ source /usr/local/hawq/
+    ```
+    `source`ing `` sets:
+    - `$GPHOME`
+    - `$PATH` to include the HAWQ `$GPHOME/bin/` directory 
+    - `$LD_LIBRARY_PATH` to include the HAWQ libraries in `$GPHOME/lib/`
+    ``` shell
+    gpadmin@master$ echo $GPHOME
+    /usr/local/hawq/.
+    gpadmin@master$ echo $PATH
+    /usr/local/hawq/./bin:/usr/lib64/qt-3.3/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/home/gpadmin/bin
+    gpadmin@master$ echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+    /usr/local/hawq/./lib
+    ```
+    **Note**: You must source `` before invoking any HAWQ commands. 
+3. Edit your (`gpadmin`) `.bash_profile` or other shell initialization file to source `` on login.  For example, add:
+    ``` shell
+    source /usr/local/hawq/
+    ```
+4. Set the HAWQ-specific environment variables relevant to your deployment in your shell initialization file. These include `PGDATABASE`, `PGHOST`, `PGOPTIONS`, `PGPORT`, and `PGUSER.` You may not need to set any of these environment variables. For example, if you use a custom HAWQ master port number, make this port number the default by setting the `PGPORT` environment variable in your shell initialization file; add:
+    ``` shell
+    export PGPORT=5432
+    ```
+    Setting `PGPORT` simplifies `psql` invocation by providing a default for the port option value.
+    Similarly, setting `PGDATABASE` simplifies `psql` invocation by providing a default for the database option value.
+6. Examine your HAWQ installation:
+    ``` shell
+    gpadmin@master$ ls $GPHOME
+    bin  docs  etc  include  lib  sbin  share
+    ```
+    The HAWQ command line utilities are located in `$GPHOME/bin`. `$GPHOME/lib` includes HAWQ and PostgreSQL libraries.
+6. View the current state of your HAWQ cluster, and if it is not already running, start the cluster. In practice, you will perform different procedures depending upon whether you manage your cluster from the command line or use Ambari. While you are introduced to both in this tutorial, lessons will focus on command line instructions, as not every HAWQ deployment will utilize Ambari.<p>
+    *Command Line*:
+    ``` shell
+    gpadmin@master$ hawq state
+    Failed to connect to database, this script can only be run when the database is up.
+    ```
+    If your cluster is not running, start it:
+    ``` shell
+    gpadmin@master$ hawq start cluster
+    20170411:15:54:47:357122 hawq_start:master:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Prepare to do 'hawq start'
+    20170411:15:54:47:357122 hawq_start:master:gpadmin-[INFO]:-You can find log in:
+    20170411:15:54:47:357122 hawq_start:master:gpadmin-[INFO]:-/home/gpadmin/hawqAdminLogs/hawq_start_20170411.log
+    20170411:15:54:47:357122 hawq_start:master:gpadmin-[INFO]:-GPHOME is set to:
+    20170411:15:54:47:357122 hawq_start:master:gpadmin-[INFO]:-/usr/local/hawq/.
+    20170411:15:54:47:357122 hawq_start:master:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Start hawq with args: ['start', 'cluster']
+    20170411:15:54:47:357122 hawq_start:master:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Gathering information and validating the environment...
+    20170411:15:54:47:357122 hawq_start:master:gpadmin-[INFO]:-No standby host configured
+    20170411:15:54:47:357122 hawq_start:master:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Start all the nodes in hawq cluster
+    20170411:15:54:47:357122 hawq_start:master:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Starting master node 'master'
+    20170411:15:54:47:357122 hawq_start:master:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Start master service
+    20170411:15:54:48:357122 hawq_start:master:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Master started successfully
+    20170411:15:54:48:357122 hawq_start:master:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Start all the segments in hawq cluster
+    20170411:15:54:48:357122 hawq_start:master:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Start segments in list: ['segment']
+    20170411:15:54:48:357122 hawq_start:master:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Start segment service
+    20170411:15:54:48:357122 hawq_start:master:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Total segment number is: 1
+    .....
+    20170411:15:54:53:357122 hawq_start:master:gpadmin-[INFO]:-1 of 1 segments start successfully
+    20170411:15:54:53:357122 hawq_start:master:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Segments started successfully
+    20170411:15:54:53:357122 hawq_start:master:gpadmin-[INFO]:-HAWQ cluster started successfully
+    ```
+    Get the status of your cluster:
+    ``` shell
+    gpadmin@master$ hawq state
+    20170411:16:39:18:370305 hawq_state:master:gpadmin-[INFO]:-- HAWQ instance status summary
+    20170411:16:39:18:370305 hawq_state:master:gpadmin-[INFO]:------------------------------------------------------
+    20170411:16:39:18:370305 hawq_state:master:gpadmin-[INFO]:--   Master instance                                = Active
+    20170411:16:39:18:370305 hawq_state:master:gpadmin-[INFO]:--   No Standby master defined                           
+    20170411:16:39:18:370305 hawq_state:master:gpadmin-[INFO]:--   Total segment instance count from config file  = 1
+    20170411:16:39:18:370305 hawq_state:master:gpadmin-[INFO]:------------------------------------------------------ 
+    20170411:16:39:18:370305 hawq_state:master:gpadmin-[INFO]:--   Segment Status                                    
+    20170411:16:39:18:370305 hawq_state:master:gpadmin-[INFO]:------------------------------------------------------ 
+    20170411:16:39:18:370305 hawq_state:master:gpadmin-[INFO]:--   Total segments count from catalog      = 1
+    20170411:16:39:18:370305 hawq_state:master:gpadmin-[INFO]:--   Total segment valid (at master)        = 1
+    20170411:16:39:18:370305 hawq_state:master:gpadmin-[INFO]:--   Total segment failures (at master)     = 0
+    20170411:16:39:18:370305 hawq_state:master:gpadmin-[INFO]:--   Total number of files missing   = 0
+    20170411:16:39:18:370305 hawq_state:master:gpadmin-[INFO]:--   Total number of files found     = 1
+    ```
+    State information returned includes the status of the master node, standby master, number of segment instances, and for each segment, the number valid and failed.<p>
+    *Ambari*:
+    If your deployment includes an Ambari server, perform the following steps to start and view the current state of your HAWQ cluster. 
+    1. Start the Ambari management console by entering the following URL in your favorite (supported) browser window:
+        ``` shell
+        <ambari-server-node>:8080
+        ```
+    2. Log in with the Ambari credentials (default `admin`:`admin`) and view the Ambari dashboard:
+        ![Ambari Dashboard](imgs/ambariconsole.png)
+        The Ambari dashboard provides an at-a-glance status of the health of your HAWQ cluster. A list of each running service and its status is provided in the left panel. The main display area includes a set of configurable tiles providing specific information about your cluster, including HAWQ segment status, HDFS disk usage, and resource manager metrics. 
+    3. Navigate to the **HAWQ** service listed in the left pane. If the service is not running (i.e. no green checkmark to the left of the service name), start your HAWQ cluster by clicking the **HAWQ** service name, and then selecting the **Start** operation from the **Service Actions** menu button.
+    4. Log out of the Ambari console by clicking the **admin** button and selecting the **Sign out** drop down menu item.
+## <a id="tut_runtime_sumary"></a>Summary
+Your HAWQ cluster is now running. For additional information:
+- [HAWQ Files and Directories](../../admin/setuphawqopenv.html#hawq_env_files_and_dirs) identifies HAWQ files and directories and their install locations.
+- [Environment Variables](../../reference/HAWQEnvironmentVariables.html#optionalenvironmentvariables) includes a complete list of HAWQ deployment-specific environment variables.
+- [Running a HAWQ Cluster](../../admin/RunningHAWQ.html) provides an overview of the components comprising a HAWQ cluster, including the users (administrative and operating), deployment systems (HAWQ master, standby, and segments), databases, and data sources.
+Lesson 2 introduces basic HAWQ cluster administration activities and commands.
+**Lesson 2**: [Cluster Administration](basichawqadmin.html)
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+title: Lesson 5 - HAWQ Tables
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+specific language governing permissions and limitations
+under the License.
+HAWQ writes data to, and reads data from, HDFS natively. HAWQ tables are similar to tables in any relational database, except that table rows (data) are distributed across the different segments in the cluster.
+In this exercise, you will run scripts that use the SQL `CREATE TABLE` command to create HAWQ tables. You will load the Retail demo fact data into the HAWQ tables using the SQL `COPY` command. You will then perform simple and complex queries on the data.
+## <a id="tut_introhawqtblprereq"></a>Prerequisites
+Ensure that you have:
+- [Set Up your HAWQ Runtime Environment](introhawqenv.html#tut_runtime_setup)
+- [Created the HAWQ Tutorial Database](basicdbadmin.html#tut_ex_createdb)
+- [Downloaded the Retail Data and Script Files](dataandscripts.html#tut_exdownloadfilessteps)
+- [Created the Retail Demo HAWQ Schema](dataandscripts.html#tut_dsschema_ex)
+- Started your HAWQ cluster.
+## <a id="tut_excreatehawqtblsteps"></a>Exercise: Create, Add Data to, and Query HAWQ Retail Demo Tables
+Perform the following steps to create and load HAWQ tables from the sample Retail demo data set. 
+1. Navigate to the HAWQ script directory:
+    ``` shell
+    gpadmin@master$ cd $HAWQGSBASE/tutorials/getstart/hawq
+    ```
+2. Create tables for the Retail demo fact data using the script provided:
+    ``` shell
+    gpadmin@master$ psql -f ./create_hawq_tables.sql 
+    psql:./create_hawq_tables.sql:2: NOTICE:  table "order_lineitems_hawq" does not exist, skipping
+    psql:./create_hawq_tables.sql:41: NOTICE:  table "orders_hawq" does not exist, skipping
+    ```
+    **Note**: The `create_hawq_tables.sql` script deletes each table before attempting to create it. If this is your first time performing this exercise, you can safely ignore the `psql` "table does not exist, skipping" messages.)
+3. Let's take a look at the `create_hawq_tables.sql` script; for example:
+    ``` shell
+    gpadmin@master$ vi create_hawq_tables.sql
+    ```
+    Notice the use of the `retail_demo.` schema name prefix to the `order_lineitems_hawq` table name:
+    ``` sql
+    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS retail_demo.order_lineitems_hawq;
+    CREATE  TABLE retail_demo.order_lineitems_hawq
+    (
+        order_id TEXT,
+        order_item_id TEXT,
+        product_id TEXT,
+        product_name TEXT,
+        customer_id TEXT,
+        store_id TEXT,
+        item_shipment_status_code TEXT,
+        order_datetime TEXT,
+        ship_datetime TEXT,
+        item_return_datetime TEXT,
+        item_refund_datetime TEXT,
+        product_category_id TEXT,
+        product_category_name TEXT,
+        payment_method_code TEXT,
+        tax_amount TEXT,
+        item_quantity TEXT,
+        item_price TEXT,
+        discount_amount TEXT,
+        coupon_code TEXT,
+        coupon_amount TEXT,
+        ship_address_line1 TEXT,
+        ship_address_line2 TEXT,
+        ship_address_line3 TEXT,
+        ship_address_city TEXT,
+        ship_address_state TEXT,
+        ship_address_postal_code TEXT,
+        ship_address_country TEXT,
+        ship_phone_number TEXT,
+        ship_customer_name TEXT,
+        ship_customer_email_address TEXT,
+        ordering_session_id TEXT,
+        website_url TEXT
+    )
+    WITH (appendonly=true, compresstype=zlib) DISTRIBUTED RANDOMLY;
+    ```
+    The `CREATE TABLE` statement above creates a table named `order_lineitems_hawq` in the `retail_demo` schema. `order_lineitems_hawq` has several columns. `order_id` and `customer_id` provide keys into the orders fact and customers dimension tables. The data in `order_lineitems_hawq` is distributed randomly and is compressed using the `zlib` compression algorithm.
+    The `create_hawq_tables.sql` script also creates the `orders_hawq` fact table.
+6. Take a look at the `` script:
+    ``` shell
+    gpadmin@master$ vi
+    ```
+    Again, notice the use of the `retail_demo.` schema name prefix to the table names. 
+    Examine the `psql -c` `COPY` commands:
+    ``` shell
+    zcat $DATADIR/order_lineitems.tsv.gz | psql -d hawqgsdb -c "COPY retail_demo.order_lineitems_hawq FROM STDIN DELIMITER E'\t' NULL E'';"
+    zcat $DATADIR/orders.tsv.gz | psql -d hawqgsdb -c "COPY retail_demo.orders_hawq FROM STDIN DELIMITER E'\t' NULL E'';"
+    ```
+    The `` shell script uses the `zcat` command to uncompress the `.tsv.gz` data files. The SQL `COPY` command copies `STDIN` (i.e. the output of the `zcat` command) to the HAWQ table. The `COPY` command also identifies the `DELIMITER` used in the file (tab) and the `NULL` string ('').
+6. Use the `` script to load the Retail demo fact data into the newly-created tables. This process may take some time to complete.
+    ``` shell
+    gpadmin@master$ ./
+    ```
+6. Use the provided script to verify that the Retail demo fact tables were loaded successfully:
+    ``` shell
+    gpadmin@master$ ./
+    ```
+    The output of the `` script should match the following:
+    ``` shell						    
+        Table Name                |    Count 
+    ------------------------------+------------------------
+     order_lineitems_hawq         |   744196
+     orders_hawq                  |   512071
+    ------------------------------+------------------------
+    ```
+7. Run a query on the `order_lineitems_hawq` table that returns the `product_id`, `item_quantity`, `item_price`, and `coupon_amount` for all order line items associated with order id `8467975147`:
+    ``` shell
+    gpadmin@master$ psql
+    hawqgsdb=# SELECT product_id, item_quantity, item_price, coupon_amount 
+                 FROM retail_demo.order_lineitems_hawq 
+                 WHERE order_id='8467975147' ORDER BY item_price;
+     product_id | item_quantity | item_price | coupon_amount 
+    ------------+---------------+------------+---------------
+     1611429    | 1             | 11.38      | 0.00000
+     1035114    | 1             | 12.95      | 0.15000
+     1382850    | 1             | 17.56      | 0.50000
+     1562908    | 1             | 18.50      | 0.00000
+     1248913    | 1             | 34.99      | 0.50000
+     741706     | 1             | 45.99      | 0.00000
+    (6 rows)
+    ```
+    The `ORDER BY` clause identifies the sort column, `item_price`. If you do not specify an `ORDER BY` column(s), the rows are returned in the order in which they were added to the table.
+7. Determine the top three postal codes by order revenue by running the following query on the `orders_hawq` table:
+    ``` sql
+    hawqgsdb=# SELECT billing_address_postal_code,
+                 sum(total_paid_amount::float8) AS total,
+                 sum(total_tax_amount::float8) AS tax
+               FROM retail_demo.orders_hawq
+                 GROUP BY billing_address_postal_code
+                 ORDER BY total DESC LIMIT 3;
+    ```
+    Notice the use of the `sum()` aggregate function to add the order totals (`total_amount_paid`) and tax totals (`total_tax_paid`) for all orders. These totals are grouped/summed for each `billing_address_postal_code`.
+    Compare your output to the following:
+    ``` pre
+     billing_address_postal_code |   total   |    tax    
+    ----------------------------+-----------+-----------
+     48001                       | 111868.32 | 6712.0992
+     15329                       | 107958.24 | 6477.4944
+     42714                       | 103244.58 | 6194.6748
+    (3 rows)
+    ```
+10. Run the following query on the `orders_hawq` and `order_lineitems_hawq` tables to display the `product_id`, `item_quantity`, and `item_price` for all line items identifying a `product_id` of `1869831`:
+    ``` sql
+    hawqgsdb=# SELECT retail_demo.order_lineitems_hawq.order_id, product_id, item_quantity, item_price
+                 FROM retail_demo.order_lineitems_hawq, retail_demo.orders_hawq
+               WHERE retail_demo.order_lineitems_hawq.order_id=retail_demo.orders_hawq.order_id AND retail_demo.order_lineitems_hawq.product_id=1869831
+                 ORDER BY retail_demo.order_lineitems_hawq.order_id, product_id;
+      order_id  | product_id | item_quantity | item_price 
+    ------------+------------+---------------+------------
+     4831097728 | 1869831    | 1             | 11.87
+     6734073469 | 1869831    | 1             | 11.87
+    (2 rows)
+    ```
+11. Exit the `psql` subsystem:
+    ``` sql
+    hawqgsdb=# \q
+    ```
+## <a id="tut_introhawqtbl_summary"></a>Summary
+In this lesson, you created and loaded Retail order and order line item data into HAWQ fact tables. You also queried these tables, learning how to filter the data to your needs. 
+In Lesson 6, you use PXF external tables to similarly access dimension data stored in HDFS.
+**Lesson 6**: [HAWQ Extension Framework (PXF)](intropxfhdfs.html)
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+title: Lesson 6 - HAWQ Extension Framework (PXF)
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+specific language governing permissions and limitations
+under the License.
+Data in many HAWQ deployments may already reside in external sources. The HAWQ Extension Framework (PXF) provides access to this external data via built-in connectors called plug-ins. PXF plug-ins facilitate mapping a data source to a HAWQ external table definition. PXF is installed with HDFS, Hive, HBase, and JSON plug-ins.
+In this exercise, you use the PXF HDFS plug-in to: 
+- Create PXF external table definitions
+- Perform queries on the data you loaded into HDFS
+- Run more complex queries on HAWQ and PXF tables
+## <a id="tut_intropxfprereq"></a>Prerequisites
+Ensure that you have:
+- [Set Up your HAWQ Runtime Environment](introhawqenv.html#tut_runtime_setup)
+- [Created the HAWQ Tutorial Database](basicdbadmin.html#tut_ex_createdb)
+- [Downloaded the Retail Data and Script Files](dataandscripts.html#tut_exdownloadfilessteps)
+- [Created the Retail Demo HAWQ Schema](dataandscripts.html#tut_dsschema_ex)
+- [Loaded the Dimension Data to HDFS](dataandscripts.html#tut_loadhdfs_ex)
+- [Created the HAWQ Retail Demo Fact Tables](introhawqtbls.html#tut_excreatehawqtblsteps)
+- Started your HAWQ cluster. 
+You should also retrieve the hostname or IP address of the HDFS NameNode that you noted in [View and Update HAWQ Configuration](basichawqadmin.html#tut_ex_cmdline_cfg).
+## <a id="tut_excreatepxftblsteps"></a>Exercise: Create and Query PXF External Tables
+Perform the following steps to create HAWQ external table definitions to read the dimension data you previously loaded into HDFS.
+1. Log in to the HAWQ master node as the `gpadmin` user:
+    ``` shell
+    $ ssh gpadmin@<master>
+    ```
+2. Navigate to the PXF script directory:
+    ``` shell
+    gpadmin@master$ cd $HAWQGSBASE/tutorials/getstart/pxf
+    ```
+6. Start the `psql` subsystem:
+    ``` shell
+    gpadmin@master$ psql
+    hawqgsdb=#
+    ```
+8. Create a HAWQ external table definition to represent the Retail demo `customers_dim` dimension data you loaded into HDFS in Lesson 4; substitute your NameNode hostname or IP address in the \<namenode\> field of the `LOCATION` clause:
+	 ``` sql
+    hawqgsdb=# CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE retail_demo.customers_dim_pxf
+                (customer_id TEXT, first_name TEXT,
+                 last_name TEXT, gender TEXT)
+               LOCATION ('pxf://<namenode>:51200/retail_demo/customers_dim/customers_dim.tsv.gz?profile=HdfsTextSimple')
+               FORMAT 'TEXT' (DELIMITER = E'\t');
+    ```
+    The `LOCATION` clause of a `CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE` statement specifying the `pxf` protocol must include:
+    - The hostname or IP address of your HAWQ cluster's HDFS \<namenode\>.
+    - The location and/or name of the external data source. You specified the HDFS file path to the `customer_dim` data file above.
+    - The PXF `profile` to use to access the external data. The PXF HDFS plug-in supports the `HdfsTextSimple` profile to access delimited text format data.
+    The `FORMAT` clause of a `CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE` statement specifying the `pxf` protocol and `HdfsTextSimple` profile must identify `TEXT` format and include the `DELIMITER` character used to access the external data source. You identified a tab delimiter character above.
+5. The `create_pxf_tables.sql` SQL script creates HAWQ external table definitions for the remainder of the Retail dimension data. In another terminal window, edit `create_pxf_tables.sql`, replacing each occurrence of NAMENODE with the hostname or IP address you specified in the previous step. For example:
+    ``` shell
+    gpadmin@master$ cd $HAWQGSBASE/tutorials/getstart/pxf
+    gpadmin@master$ vi create_pxf_tables.sql
+    ```
+6. Run the `create_pxf_tables.sql` SQL script to create the remainder of the HAWQ external table definitions, then exit the `psql` subsystem:
+    ``` sql
+    hawqgsdb=# \i create_pxf_tables.sql
+    hawqgsdb=# \q
+    ```
+    **Note**: The `create_pxf_tables.sql` script deletes each external table before attempting to create it. If this is your first time performing this exercise, you can safely ignore the `psql` "table does not exist, skipping" messages.
+6. Run the following script to verify that you successfully created the external table definitions:
+    ``` shell
+    gpadmin@master$ ./ 
+    ```
+    The output of the script should match the following:
+    ``` pre
+        Table Name                 |    Count 
+    -------------------------------+------------------------
+     customers_dim_pxf             |   401430  
+     categories_dim_pxf            |   56 
+     customer_addresses_dim_pxf    |   1130639
+     email_addresses_dim_pxf       |   401430
+     payment_methods_pxf           |   5
+     products_dim_pxf              |   698911
+    -------------------------------+------------------------
+    ```
+8. Display the allowed payment methods by running the following query on the `payment_methods_pxf` table:
+    ``` sql
+    gpadmin@master$ psql
+    hawqgsdb=# SELECT * FROM retail_demo.payment_methods_pxf;
+     payment_method_id | payment_method_code 
+    -------------------+---------------------
+                     4 | GiftCertificate
+                     3 | CreditCard
+                     5 | FreeReplacement
+                     2 | Credit
+                     1 | COD
+    (5 rows)
+    ```
+8. Run the following query on the `customers_dim_pxf` and `customer_addresses_dim_pxf` tables to display the names of all male customers in the 06119 zip code:
+    ``` sql
+    hawqgsdb=# SELECT last_name, first_name
+                 FROM retail_demo.customers_dim_pxf, retail_demo.customer_addresses_dim_pxf
+               WHERE retail_demo.customers_dim_pxf.customer_id=retail_demo.customer_addresses_dim_pxf.customer_id AND
+                 retail_demo.customer_addresses_dim_pxf.zip_code='06119' AND 
+                 retail_demo.customers_dim_pxf.gender='M';
+    ```
+    Compare your output to the following:
+    ``` shell
+     last_name | first_name 
+    -----------+------------
+     Gigliotti | Maurice
+     Detweiler | Rashaad
+     Nusbaum   | Morton
+     Mann      | Damian
+     ...
+    ```
+11. Exit the `psql` subsystem:
+    ``` sql
+    hawqgsdb=# \q
+    ```
+## <a id="tut_exhawqpxfquerysteps"></a>Exercise: Query HAWQ and PXF Tables
+Often, data will reside in both HAWQ tables and external data sources. In these instances, you can use both HAWQ internal and PXF external tables to relate and query the data.
+Perform the following steps to identify the names and email addresses of all customers who made gift certificate purchases, providing an overall order total for such purchases. The orders fact data resides in a HAWQ-managed table and the customers data resides in HDFS.
+1. Start the `psql` subsystem:
+    ``` shell
+    gpadmin@master$ psql
+    hawqgsdb=#
+    ```
+2. The orders fact data is accessible via the `orders_hawq` table created in the previous lesson. The customers data is accessible via the `customers_dim_pxf` table created in the previous exercise. Using these internal and external HAWQ  tables, construct a query to identify the names and email addresses of all customers who made gift certificate purchases; also include an overall order total for such purchases:
+    ``` sql
+    hawqgsdb=# SELECT substring(retail_demo.orders_hawq.customer_email_address for 37) AS email_address, last_name, 
+                 sum(retail_demo.orders_hawq.total_paid_amount::float8) AS gift_cert_total
+               FROM retail_demo.customers_dim_pxf, retail_demo.orders_hawq
+               WHERE retail_demo.orders_hawq.payment_method_code='GiftCertificate' AND 
+                     retail_demo.orders_hawq.customer_id=retail_demo.customers_dim_pxf.customer_id
+               GROUP BY retail_demo.orders_hawq.customer_email_address, last_name ORDER BY last_name;
+    ```
+    The `SELECT` statement above uses columns from the HAWQ `orders_hawq` and PXF external `customers_dim_pxf` tables to form the query. The `orders_hawq` `customer_id` field is compared with the `customers_dim_pxf` `customer_id` field to produce the orders associated with a specific customer where the `orders_hawq` `payment_method_code` identifies `GiftCertificate`.
+    Query output:
+    ``` pre
+                 email_address             |   last_name    |   gift_cert_total    
+    ---------------------------------------+----------------+-------------------
+  | Aaron          |             17.16
+               | Aaron          |            102.33
+                  | Aaron          |             72.36
+         | Abad           |             14.97
+            | Abad           |            125.93
+              | Abad           |            107.99
+     ...
+    ```
+    Enter `q` at any time to exit the query results.
+3. Exit the `psql` subsystem:
+    ``` sql
+    hawqgsdb=# \q
+    ```
+## <a id="tut_intropxf_summary"></a>Summary    
+In this lesson, you created PXF external tables to access HDFS data and queried these tables. You also performed a query using this external data and the HAWQ internal fact tables created previously, executing business logic on both your managed and unmanaged data.
+For additional information about PXF, refer to [Using PXF with Unmanaged Data](../../pxf/HawqExtensionFrameworkPXF.html).
+Refer to [Accessing HDFS File Data](../../pxf/HDFSFileDataPXF.html) for detailed information about the PXF HDFS Plug-in.
+This lesson wraps up the *Getting Started with HAWQ* tutorial. Now that you are familiar with basic environment set-up, cluster, database, and data management activities, you should feel more confident interacting with your HAWQ cluster.
+**Next Steps**: View HAWQ documentation related to [Running a HAWQ Cluster](../../admin/RunningHAWQ.html).
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new file mode 100644
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+title: Getting Started with HAWQ
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+specific language governing permissions and limitations
+under the License.
+## <a id="tut_getstartov"></a>Overview
+This tutorial provides a quick introduction to get you up and running with your HAWQ installation.  You will be introduced to basic HAWQ functionality, including cluster management, database creation, and simple querying. You will also become acquainted with using the HAWQ Extension Framework (PXF) to access and query external HDFS data sources.
+## <a id="tut_getstartov_prereq"></a>Prerequisites
+Ensure that you have a running HAWQ 2.x single or multi-node cluster. You may choose to use a:
+- HAWQ commercial product distribution, such as [Pivotal HDB](
+- [HAWQ sandbox virtual machine]( or [HAWQ docker environment](
+- HAWQ installation you built from [source](
+## <a id="tut_hawqexlist"></a>Lessons 
+This guide includes the following content and exercises:
+[Lesson 1: Runtime Environment](gettingstarted/introhawqenv.html) - Examine and set up the HAWQ runtime environment.  
+[Lesson 2: Cluster Administration](gettingstarted/basichawqadmin.html) - Perform common HAWQ cluster management activities.  
+[Lesson 3: Database Administration](gettingstarted/basicdbadmin.html) - Perform common HAWQ database management activities.  
+[Lesson 4: Sample Data Set and HAWQ Schemas](gettingstarted/dataandscripts.html) - Download tutorial data and work files, create the Retail demo schema, load data to HDFS.  
+[Lesson 5: HAWQ Tables](gettingstarted/introhawqtbls.html) - Create and query HAWQ-managed tables.  
+[Lesson 6: HAWQ Extension Framework (PXF)](gettingstarted/intropxfhdfs.html) - Use PXF to access external HDFS data.  

[08/50] [abbrv] incubator-hawq-docs git commit: update plugin output to use hosts from invocation

Posted by
update plugin output to use hosts from invocation


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 187f22431ce64da95a8e6172d68d451e2ae6e3c1
Parents: bb70862
Author: Lisa Owen <>
Authored: Fri Mar 31 13:41:14 2017 -0700
Committer: Lisa Owen <>
Committed: Fri Mar 31 13:41:14 2017 -0700

 markdown/ranger/ | 6 +++---
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
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index a274158..3da8e78 100644
--- a/markdown/ranger/
+++ b/markdown/ranger/
@@ -73,16 +73,16 @@ To use HAWQ Ranger integration, install a compatible Hadoop distribution and Apa
     ``` bash
     gpadmin@master$ cd /usr/local/hawq/ranger/bin
     gpadmin@master$ ./ -r ranger_host:6080 -u admin -p admin -h hawq_master:5432 -w gpadmin -q gpadmin
-    RANGER URL  = localhost:6080
+    RANGER URL  = ranger_host:6080
     RANGER User = admin
     RANGER Password = [*****]
-    HAWQ HOST = localhost
+    HAWQ HOST = hawq_master
     HAWQ PORT = 5432
     HAWQ User = gpadmin
     HAWQ Password = [*******]
     HAWQ service definition was not found in Ranger Admin, creating it by uploading /usr/local/hawq_2_2_0_0/ranger/etc/ranger-servicedef-hawq.json
     HAWQ service instance was not found in Ranger Admin, creating it.
-    Updated POLICY_MGR_URL to http://localhost:6080 in /usr/local/hawq_2_2_0_0/ranger/etc/
+    Updated POLICY_MGR_URL to http://ranger_host:6080 in /usr/local/hawq_2_2_0_0/ranger/etc/
     Updated default value of JAVA_HOME to /usr/jdk64/jdk1.8.0_77 in /usr/local/hawq_2_2_0_0/ranger/etc/

[17/50] [abbrv] incubator-hawq-docs git commit: Renaming subnav to remove versioning string

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-<div id="sub-nav" class="js-sidenav nav-container" role="navigation">
-  <a class="sidenav-title" data-behavior="SubMenuMobile">  Doc Index</a>
-  <div class="nav-content">
-    <ul>
-      <li>
-        Apache HAWQ (incubating)
-      </li>
-      <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">System Requirements</a>
-      </li>
-<!--      <li class="has_submenu">
-        <span>
-          Installing Apache HAWQ
-        </span>
-        <ul>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Selecting HAWQ Host Machines</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Installing HAWQ Using Ambari</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Installing HAWQ from the Command Line (Optional)</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Amazon EC2 Configuration</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/hdb/install/install_package_extensions.html">Installing Procedural Languages and Package Extensions for HAWQ</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/hdb/install/install_pgcrypto.html">Installing Cryptographic Functions for PostgreSQL (pgcrypto)</a></li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/hdb/install/install_pljava.html">Installing PL/Java</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/hdb/install/install_plr.html">Installing PL/R</a>
-          </li> 
-        </ul>
-      </li>-->
-      <li class="has_submenu">
-        <span>
-          HAWQ System Overview
-        </span>
-        <ul>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">What is HAWQ?</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">HAWQ Architecture</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Table Distribution and Storage</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Elastic Query Execution Runtime</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Resource Management</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">HDFS Catalog Cache</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Management Tools</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">High Availability, Redundancy and Fault Tolerance</a>
-          </li>
-        </ul>
-      </li>
-      <li class="has_submenu">
-        <span>
-          Running a HAWQ Cluster
-        </span>
-        <ul>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Overview</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Introducing the HAWQ Operating Environment</a>
-          </li>
-          <li class="has_submenu">
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Managing HAWQ Using Ambari</a>
-           <ul>
-            <li>
-              <a href="/docs/userguide/">Using the Ambari REST API</a>
-            </li>
-           </ul>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Starting and Stopping HAWQ</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Expanding a Cluster</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Removing a Node</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Backing Up and Restoring HAWQ</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">High Availability in HAWQ</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Master Mirroring</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">HAWQ Filespaces and High Availability Enabled HDFS</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Understanding the Fault Tolerance Service</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Recommended Monitoring and Maintenance Tasks</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Routine System Maintenance Tasks</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Monitoring a HAWQ System</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">HAWQ Administrative Log Files</a>
-          </li>
-        </ul>
-      </li>
-      <li class="has_submenu">
-        <span>
-          Managing Resources
-        </span>
-        <ul>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">How HAWQ Manages Resources</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Best Practices for Configuring Resource Management</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Configuring Resource Management</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Integrating YARN with HAWQ</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Working with Hierarchical Resource Queues</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Analyzing Resource Manager Status</a>
-          </li>
-        </ul>
-      </li>
-      <li class="has_submenu">
-        <span>
-          Managing Client Access
-        </span>
-        <ul>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Configuring Client Authentication</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Using LDAP Authentication with TLS/SSL</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Using Kerberos Authentication</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Diabling Kerberos Security</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Managing Roles and Privileges</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Establishing a Database Session</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Supported Client Applications</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">HAWQ Client Applications</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Connecting with psql</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">HAWQ Database Drivers and APIs</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Troubleshooting Connection Problems</a>
-          </li>
-        </ul>
-      </li>
-      <li class="has_submenu">
-        <span>
-          Defining Database Objects
-        </span>
-        <ul>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Overview</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Creating and Managing Databases</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Creating and Managing Tablespaces</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Creating and Managing Schemas</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Creating and Managing Tables</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Choosing the Table Storage Model</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Partitioning Large Tables</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Creating and Managing Views</a>
-          </li>
-        </ul>
-      </li>
-      <li class="has_submenu">
-        <span>
-          Using Procedural Languages
-        </span>
-        <ul>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Using Languages in HAWQ</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Using HAWQ Built-In Languages</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Using PL/Java</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Using PL/pgSQL</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Using PL/Python</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Using PL/R</a>
-          </li>
-        </ul>
-      </li>
-      <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Managing Data with HAWQ</a>
-        <ul>
-          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Basic Data Operations</a></li>
-          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">About Database Statistics</a></li>
-          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Concurrency Control</a></li>
-          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Working with Transactions</a></li>
-          <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Loading and Unloading Data</a>
-            <ul>
-              <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Working with File-Based External Tables</a>
-                <ul>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Accessing File-Based External Tables</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gpfdist Protocol</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gpfdists Protocol</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Handling Errors in External Table Data</a></li>
-                </ul>
-              </li>
-              <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Using the HAWQ File Server (gpfdist)</a>
-                <ul>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">About gpfdist Setup and Performance</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Controlling Segment Parallelism</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Installing gpfdist</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Starting and Stopping gpfdist</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Troubleshooting gpfdist</a></li>
-                </ul>
-              </li>
-              <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Creating and Using Web External Tables</a>
-                <ul>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Command-based Web External Tables</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">URL-based Web External Tables</a></li>
-                </ul>
-              </li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Loading Data Using an External Table</a></li>
-              <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Loading and Writing Non-HDFS Custom Data</a>
-                <ul>
-                  <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Using a Custom Format</a>
-                    <ul>
-                      <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Importing and Exporting Fixed Width Data</a></li>
-                      <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Examples - Read Fixed-Width Data</a></li>
-                    </ul>
-                  </li>
-                </ul>
-              </li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Creating External Tables - Examples</a>
-              </li>
-              <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Handling Load Errors</a>
-                <ul>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Define an External Table with Single Row Error Isolation</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Capture Row Formatting Errors and Declare a Reject Limit </a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Identifying Invalid CSV Files in Error Table Data</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Moving Data between Tables</a></li>
-                </ul>
-              </li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Registering Files into HAWQ Internal Tables</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Loading Data with hawq load</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Loading Data with COPY</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Running COPY in Single Row Error Isolation Mode</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Optimizing Data Load and Query Performance</a></li>
-              <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Unloading Data from HAWQ</a>
-                <ul>
-                  <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Defining a File-Based Writable External Table</a>
-                    <ul>
-                      <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Example - HAWQ file server (gpfdist)</a></li>
-                    </ul>
-                  </li>
-                  <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Defining a Command-Based Writable External Web Table</a>
-                    <ul>
-                      <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Disabling EXECUTE for Web or Writable External Tables</a></li>
-                    </ul>
-                  </li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Unloading Data Using a Writable External Table</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Unloading Data Using COPY</a></li>
-                </ul>
-              </li>
-              <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Transforming XML Data</a>
-                <ul>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Determine the Transformation Schema</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Write a Transform</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Write the gpfdist Configuration</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Load the Data</a></li>
-                  <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Transfer and Store the Data</a>
-                    <ul>
-                      <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Transforming with GPLOAD</a></li>
-                      <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Transforming with INSERT INTO SELECT FROM</a></li>
-                      <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Configuration File Format</a></li>
-                    </ul>
-                  </li>
-                  <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">XML Transformation Examples</a>
-                    <ul>
-                      <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Command-based Web External Tables</a></li>
-                      <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Example using IRS MeF XML Files (In demo Directory)</a></li>
-                      <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Example using WITSML\u2122 Files (In demo Directory)</a></li>
-                    </ul>
-                  </li>
-                </ul>
-              </li>
-              <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Formatting Data Files</a>
-                <ul>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Formatting Rows</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Formatting Columns</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Representing NULL Values</a></li>
-                  <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Escaping</a>
-                    <ul>
-                      <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Escaping in Text Formatted Files</a></li>
-                      <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Escaping in CSV Formatted Files</a></li>
-                    </ul>
-                  </li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Character Encoding</a></li>
-                </ul>
-              </li>
-            </ul>
-          </li>
-          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">HAWQ InputFormat for MapReduce</a></li>
-        </ul>
-      </li>
-      <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Using PXF with Unmanaged Data</a>
-            <ul>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Installing PXF Plugins</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Configuring PXF</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Accessing HDFS File Data</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Accessing Hive Data</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Accessing HBase Data</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Accessing JSON Data</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Writing Data to HDFS</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Using Profiles to Read and Write Data</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">PXF External Tables and API</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Troubleshooting PXF</a></li>
-            </ul>
-      </li>
-      <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Querying Data</a>
-        <ul>
-          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">About HAWQ Query Processing</a></li>
-          <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">About GPORCA</a>
-            <ul>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Overview of GPORCA</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">GPORCA Features and Enhancements</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Enabling GPORCA</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Considerations when Using GPORCA</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Determining The Query Optimizer In Use</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Changed Behavior with GPORCA</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">GPORCA Limitations</a></li>
-            </ul>
-          </li>
-          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Defining Queries</a></li>
-          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Using Functions and Operators</a></li>
-          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Query Performance</a></li>
-          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Query Profiling</a></li>
-        </ul>
-      </li>
-      <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Best Practices</a>
-        <ul>
-          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Configuring HAWQ</a></li>
-          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Operating HAWQ</a></li>
-          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Securing HAWQ</a></li>
-          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Managing Resources</a></li>
-          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Managing Data</a></li>
-          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Querying Data</a></li>
-        </ul>
-      </li>
-      <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Troubleshooting</a>
-        <ul>
-          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Query Performance Issues</a></li>
-          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Rejection of Query Resource Requests</a></li>
-          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Queries Cancelled Due to High VMEM Usage</a></li>
-          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Segments Do Not Appear in gp_segment_configuration</a></li>
-          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Handling Segment Resource Fragmentation</a></li>
-        </ul>
-      </li>
-      <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">HAWQ Reference</a>
-        <ul>
-          <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">SQL Commands</a>
-            <ul>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ABORT</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ALTER AGGREGATE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ALTER CONVERSION</a></li>  
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ALTER DATABASE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ALTER FUNCTION</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ALTER OPERATOR</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ALTER OPERATOR CLASS</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ALTER RESOURCE QUEUE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ALTER ROLE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ALTER TABLE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ALTER TABLESPACE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ALTER TYPE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ALTER USER</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ANALYZE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">BEGIN</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CHECKPOINT</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CLOSE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">COMMIT</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">COPY</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE AGGREGATE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE CAST</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE CONVERSION</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE DATABASE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE FUNCTION</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE GROUP</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE LANGUAGE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE OPERATOR</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE OPERATOR CLASS</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE RESOURCE QUEUE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE ROLE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE SCHEMA</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE SEQUENCE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE TABLE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE TABLE AS</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE TABLESPACE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE TYPE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE USER</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE VIEW</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DEALLOCATE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DECLARE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP AGGREGATE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP CAST</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP CONVERSION</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP DATABASE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP EXTERNAL TABLE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP FILESPACE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP FUNCTION</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP GROUP</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP LANGUAGE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP OPERATOR</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP OPERATOR CLASS</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP OWNED</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP RESOURCE QUEUE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP ROLE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP SCHEMA</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP SEQUENCE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP TABLE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP TABLESPACE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP TYPE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP USER</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP VIEW</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">END</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">EXECUTE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">EXPLAIN</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">FETCH</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">GRANT</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">INSERT</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">PREPARE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">REASSIGN OWNED</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">RELEASE SAVEPOINT</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">RESET</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">REVOKE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ROLLBACK</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">SAVEPOINT</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">SELECT</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">SELECT INTO</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">SET</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">SET ROLE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">SHOW</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">TRUNCATE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">VACUUM</a></li>
-            </ul>
-          </li>
-          <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Server Configuration Parameter Reference</a>
-            <ul>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">About Server Configuration Parameters</a></li>
-              <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Configuration Parameter Categories</a>
-                <ul>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Append-Only Table Parameters</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Client Connection Default Parameters</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Connection and Authentication Parameters</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Database and Tablespace/Filespace Parameters</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Error Reporting and Logging Parameters</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">External Table Parameters</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">GPORCA Parameters</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">HAWQ Array Configuration Parameters</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">HAWQ Extension Framework (PXF) Parameters</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">HAWQ PL/Java Extension Parameters</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">HAWQ Resource Management Parameters</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Lock Management Parameters</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Past PostgreSQL Version Compatibility Parameters</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Query Tuning Parameters</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Statistics Collection Parameters</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">System Resource Consumption Parameters</a></li>
-                </ul>
-              </li>
-              <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Configuration Parameters</a>
-                <ul>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">add_missing_from</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">application_name</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">array_nulls</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">authentication_timeout</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">backslash_quote</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">block_size</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">bonjour_name</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">check_function_bodies</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">client_encoding</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">client_min_messages</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">cpu_index_tuple_cost</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">cpu_operator_cost</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">cpu_tuple_cost</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">cursor_tuple_fraction</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">custom_variable_classes</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DateStyle</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">db_user_namespace</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">deadlock_timeout</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">debug_assertions</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">debug_pretty_print</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">debug_print_parse</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">debug_print_plan</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">debug_print_prelim_plan</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">debug_print_rewritten</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">debug_print_slice_table</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">default_hash_table_bucket_number</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">default_statistics_target</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">default_tablespace</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">default_transaction_isolation</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">default_transaction_read_only</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">dfs_url</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">dynamic_library_path</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">effective_cache_size</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">enable_bitmapscan</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">enable_groupagg</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">enable_hashagg</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">enable_hashjoin</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">enable_indexscan</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">enable_mergejoin</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">enable_nestloop</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">enable_seqscan</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">enable_sort</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">enable_tidscan</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">escape_string_warning</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">explain_pretty_print</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">extra_float_digits</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">from_collapse_limit</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_adjust_selectivity_for_outerjoins</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_analyze_relative_error</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_autostats_mode</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_autostats_on_change_threshhold</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_backup_directIO</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_backup_directIO_read_chunk_mb</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_cached_segworkers_threshold</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_command_count</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_connections_per_thread</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_debug_linger</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_dynamic_partition_pruning</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_enable_agg_distinct</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_enable_agg_distinct_pruning</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_enable_direct_dispatch</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_enable_fallback_plan</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_enable_fast_sri</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_enable_groupext_distinct_gather</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_enable_groupext_distinct_pruning</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_enable_multiphase_agg</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_enable_predicate_propagation</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_enable_preunique</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_enable_sequential_window_plans</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_enable_sort_distinct</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_enable_sort_limit</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_external_enable_exec</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_external_grant_privileges</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_external_max_segs</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_filerep_tcp_keepalives_count</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_filerep_tcp_keepalives_idle</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_filerep_tcp_keepalives_interval</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_hashjoin_tuples_per_bucket</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_idf_deduplicate</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_interconnect_cache_future_packets</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_interconnect_default_rtt</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_interconnect_fc_method</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_interconnect_hash_multiplier</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_interconnect_min_retries_before_timeout</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_interconnect_min_rto</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_interconnect_queue_depth</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_interconnect_setup_timeout</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_interconnect_snd_queue_depth</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_interconnect_timer_checking_period</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_interconnect_timer_period</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_interconnect_type</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_log_format</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_max_csv_line_length</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_max_databases</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_max_filespaces</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_max_packet_size</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_max_plan_size</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_max_tablespaces</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_motion_cost_per_row</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_reject_percent_threshold</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_reraise_signal</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_role</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_safefswritesize</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_segment_connect_timeout</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_segments_for_planner</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_session_id</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_set_proc_affinity</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_set_read_only</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_statistics_pullup_from_child_partition</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_statistics_use_fkeys</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_vmem_idle_resource_timeout</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_vmem_protect_segworker_cache_limit</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_workfile_checksumming</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_workfile_compress_algorithm</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_workfile_limit_files_per_query</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_workfile_limit_per_query</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_workfile_limit_per_segment</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_dfs_url</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_global_rm_type</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_master_address_host</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_master_address_port</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_master_directory</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_master_temp_directory</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_re_memory_overcommit_max</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_rm_cluster_report_period</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_rm_force_alterqueue_cancel_queued_request</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_rm_master_port</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_rm_memory_limit_perseg</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_rm_min_resource_perseg</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_rm_nresqueue_limit</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_rm_nslice_perseg_limit</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_rm_nvcore_limit_perseg</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_rm_nvseg_perquery_limit</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_rm_nvseg_perquery_perseg_limit</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_rm_nvseg_variance_amon_seg_limit</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_rm_rejectrequest_nseg_limit</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_rm_resource_idle_timeout</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_rm_return_percent_on_overcommit</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_rm_segment_heartbeat_interval</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_rm_segment_port</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_rm_stmt_nvseg</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_rm_stmt_vseg_memory</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_rm_tolerate_nseg_limit</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_rm_yarn_address</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_rm_yarn_app_name</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_rm_yarn_queue_name</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_rm_yarn_scheduler_address</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_segment_address_port</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_segment_directory</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">hawq_segment_temp_directory</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">integer_datetimes</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">IntervalStyle</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">join_collapse_limit</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">krb_caseins_users</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">krb_server_keyfile</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">krb_srvname</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">lc_collate</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">lc_ctype</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">lc_messages</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">lc_monetary</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">lc_numeric</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">lc_time</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">listen_addresses</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">local_preload_libraries</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">log_autostats</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">log_connections</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">log_disconnections</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">log_dispatch_stats</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">log_duration</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">log_error_verbosity</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">log_executor_stats</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">log_hostname</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">log_min_duration_statement</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">log_min_error_statement</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">log_min_messages</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">log_parser_stats</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">log_planner_stats</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">log_rotation_age</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">log_rotation_size</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">log_statement</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">log_statement_stats</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">log_timezone</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">log_truncate_on_rotation</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">max_appendonly_tables</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">max_connections</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">max_files_per_process</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">max_fsm_pages</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">max_fsm_relations</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">max_function_args</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">max_identifier_length</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">max_index_keys</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">max_locks_per_transaction</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">max_prepared_transactions</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">max_stack_depth</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">optimizer</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">optimizer_analyze_root_partition</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">optimizer_minidump</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">optimizer_parts_to_force_sort_on_insert</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">optimizer_prefer_scalar_dqa_multistage_agg</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">password_encryption</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pgstat_track_activity_query_size</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pljava_classpath</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pljava_statement_cache_size</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pljava_release_lingering_savepoints</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pljava_vmoptions</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">port</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pxf_enable_filter_pushdown</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pxf_enable_stat_collection</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pxf_remote_service_login</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pxf_remote_service_secret</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pxf_service_address</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pxf_service_port</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pxf_stat_max_fragments</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">random_page_cost</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">regex_flavor</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">runaway_detector_activation_percent</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">search_path</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">seg_max_connections</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">seq_page_cost</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">server_encoding</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">server_version</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">server_version_num</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">shared_buffers</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">shared_preload_libraries</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ssl</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ssl_ciphers</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">standard_conforming_strings</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">statement_timeout</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">superuser_reserved_connections</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">tcp_keepalives_count</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">tcp_keepalives_idle</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">tcp_keepalives_interval</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">temp_buffers</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">TimeZone</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">timezone_abbreviations</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">track_activities</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">track_counts</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">transaction_isolation</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">transaction_read_only</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">transform_null_equals</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">unix_socket_directory</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">unix_socket_group</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">unix_socket_permissions</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">update_process_title</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">vacuum_cost_delay</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">vacuum_cost_limit</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">vacuum_cost_page_dirty</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">vacuum_cost_page_miss</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">vacuum_freeze_min_age</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">xid_stop_limit</a></li>
-                </ul>
-              </li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Sample hawq-site.xml Configuration File</a></li>
-            </ul>
-          </li>
-          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">HDFS Configuration Reference</a></li>
-          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Environment Variables</a></li>
-          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Character Set Support Reference</a></li>
-          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Data Types</a></li>
-          <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">System Catalog Reference</a>
-            <ul>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">System Tables</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">System Views</a></li>
-              <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">System Catalogs Definitions</a>
-                <ul>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_configuration_history</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_distribution_policy</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_global_sequence</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_master_mirroring</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_persistent_database_node</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_persistent_filespace_node</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_persistent_relation_node</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_persistent_relfile_node</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_persistent_tablespace_node</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_relfile_node</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_segment_configuration</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_version_at_initdb</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_aggregate</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_am</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_amop</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_amproc</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_appendonly</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_attrdef</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_attribute</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_attribute_encoding</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_auth_members</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_authid</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_cast</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_class</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_compression</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_constraint</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_conversion</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_database</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_depend</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_description</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_exttable</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_filespace</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_filespace_entry</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_index</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_inherits</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_language</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_largeobject</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_listener</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_locks</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_namespace</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_opclass</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_operator</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">pg_partition</a></li>


[45/50] [abbrv] incubator-hawq-docs git commit: incorporate frank s madlib comments

Posted by
incorporate frank s madlib comments


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 6be57c3bfed9399c6ec2bab2149f7250cc8878d9
Parents: e85f3a4
Author: Lisa Owen <>
Authored: Mon Apr 10 16:12:41 2017 -0700
Committer: Lisa Owen <>
Committed: Mon Apr 10 16:12:41 2017 -0700

 markdown/ranger/ | 18 ++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
diff --git a/markdown/ranger/ b/markdown/ranger/
index 8f6d55a..f074c30 100644
--- a/markdown/ranger/
+++ b/markdown/ranger/
@@ -22,21 +22,19 @@ under the License.
-You can use MADlib, an open source library for in-database analytics, with your HAWQ installation. MADlib functions typically operate on source, output, and model tables. When Ranger is enabled for HAWQ authorization, you will need to provide access to all MADLib-related databases, schemas, tables, and functions to the appropriate users.  
+You can use MADlib, an open source library for in-database analytics, with your HAWQ installation. MADlib functions typically operate on source, output, and model tables. When Ranger is enabled for HAWQ authorization, you will need to explicitly provide access to all MADlib-related databases, schemas, tables, and functions to the appropriate users.  
-Consider the following when setting up HAWQ policies for MADlib access:
+Consider the following when setting up HAWQ Ranger policies for MADlib access:
-- Assign `temp` permission to the database on which users will run MADlib functions.
-- MADlib users often share their output tables. If this is the case in your deployment, create a shared schema dedicated to output tables, assigning `usage-schema` and `create` privileges for all MADlib users to this shared schema.
-- Assign `create-schema` database permission to those MADlib users that do not choose to share their output tables.
+- Assign `temp` permission to the database(s) on which users will run MADlib functions. This permission is required because MADlib creates temporary tables at runtime.
+- MADlib users often share their output tables. If this is the case in your deployment, create a shared schema dedicated to output tables, assigning `usage-schema` and `create` privileges to this shared schema to all MADlib users. 
+    - When calling a MADlib function, prepend the output table name with the shared schema name; for example, `shared_schema.output_table1`. This ensures that all tables created by the MADlib function (model summary tables, dictionary tables, etc.) are written to the same, accessible shared schema.
+    - MADlib sometimes creates output tables in addition to the one specified by the user. Prepending the shared schema name to the output table name ensures that these MADlib-generated output tables are accessible. 
+- Assign the `create-schema` database permission to those MADlib users who choose not to share their output tables. This permits those users to create private schemas for their MADlib output tables, rendering them inaccessible to other users.
 - `madlib` Schema-Level Permissions
+    - By default, MADlib is installed in a schema named `madlib`. You can choose to install MADlib in a different schema. References to `madlib` in the list below apply to the schema in which you installed MADlib.
     - Assign `usage-schema` and `create` privileges to the `madlib` schema.
     - Assign `execute` permissions on all functions within the `madlib` schema, including any functions called within.
     - Assign `insert` and `select` permissions to all tables within the `madlib` schema.
     - Assign the `usage-schema` and `create` permissions for the current schema, and any schema in which the source, output, and model tables may reside.
-- Function-Specific Permissions 
-    - Assign `insert` and `select` permissions for the source, output, and model tables.
-    - Assign `insert` and `select` permissions for the output \_summary and \__group tables.

[02/50] [abbrv] incubator-hawq-docs git commit: small correction to pxf_service_address configuration

Posted by
small correction to pxf_service_address configuration


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 9175d252c49b4faa699b37a3cf2bbec1ba0eb1ee
Parents: 8c37d04
Author: David Yozie <>
Authored: Thu Mar 23 14:42:08 2017 -0700
Committer: David Yozie <>
Committed: Thu Mar 23 14:42:08 2017 -0700

 markdown/pxf/ | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/markdown/pxf/ b/markdown/pxf/
index 345bbca..a226537 100644
--- a/markdown/pxf/
+++ b/markdown/pxf/
@@ -205,10 +205,10 @@ The following diagram depicts how HAWQ integrates with HCatalog to query Hive ta
 To enable HCatalog query integration in HAWQ, perform the following steps:
 1.  Make sure your deployment meets the requirements listed in [Prerequisites](#installingthepxfhiveplugin).
-2.  If necessary, set the `pxf_service_address` global configuration property to the hostname or IP address and port where you have installed the PXF Hive plug-in. By default, the value is set to `localhost:51200`.
+2.  If necessary, set the `pxf_service_address` global configuration property to the hostname or IP address and port where you have installed the PXF Hive plug-in (preferably the HDFS NameNode). By default, the value is set to `localhost:51200`. For example:
     ``` sql
-    postgres=# SET pxf_service_address TO <hivenode>:51200
+    postgres=# SET pxf_service_address TO '<namenode>:51200';
 3.  HCatalog internally uses the `pxf` protocol to query.  Grant this protocol privilege to all roles requiring access:

[06/50] [abbrv] incubator-hawq-docs git commit: copyedits to Ranger policy doc

Posted by
copyedits to Ranger policy doc


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: f9f7d151b721f3cb05a402a5437a43716d424fb1
Parents: 8823a9c
Author: David Yozie <>
Authored: Fri Mar 31 12:48:19 2017 -0700
Committer: David Yozie <>
Committed: Fri Mar 31 12:48:19 2017 -0700

 .../ranger/   | 92 ++++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 45 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-)
diff --git a/markdown/ranger/ b/markdown/ranger/
index 937ebab..62d29ff 100644
--- a/markdown/ranger/
+++ b/markdown/ranger/
@@ -23,22 +23,22 @@ under the License.
 Ranger secures your Hadoop services, providing a centralized console to manage user access to the data in your HAWQ cluster.
-Native HAWQ authorization provides SQL standard authorization at the database and table level for specific users/roles using `GRANT` and `REVOKE` SQL commands. HAWQ integration with Ranger provides policy-based authorization, enabling you to identify the conditions under which a user and/or group can access individual HAWQ resources, including the operations permitted on those resources. 
+Native HAWQ authorization provides SQL standard authorization at the database and table level for specific users/roles using the `GRANT` and `REVOKE` SQL commands. HAWQ integration with Ranger provides policy-based authorization, enabling you to identify the conditions under which a user and/or group can access individual HAWQ resources, including the operations permitted on those resources. 
-**Note**: The HAWQ `GRANT` and `REVOKE` operations are not permitted when Ranger authorization is enabled for HAWQ; you must configure all user and object access through Ranger policies.
+**Note**: The HAWQ `GRANT` and `REVOKE` operations are not permitted when Ranger authorization is enabled for HAWQ; you must configure all user and object access using Ranger policies.
-You will configure HAWQ-Ranger authorization through the Ranger Administrative UI, which you can access at `http://<ranger-admin-node>:6080`.
+You configure HAWQ-Ranger authorization with the Ranger Administrative UI, which you can access at `http://<ranger-admin-node>:6080`.
-## <a id="userrole"></a>User/Role Mapping
+## <a id="userrole"></a>User and Role Mapping
-When configuring your HAWQ cluster, you identify the HAWQ database objects to which you want specific users to have access. This configuration is required for both HAWQ-Native and HAWQ-Ranger authorization. 
+With either HAWQ native or Ranger authorization, you identify the HAWQ database objects to which you want specific users to have access. 
-You create HAWQ users with the `createuser` command line utility or `CREATE ROLE` SQL command. These HAWQ users may or may not reflect an underlying operating system user.
+You create HAWQ users with the `createuser` command line utility or `CREATE ROLE` SQL command. These HAWQ users may or may not correspond to an underlying operating system user.
-Ranger includes a `UserSync` process to synchronize users and groups on the \<ranger-admin-node\>. You can sync users and groups from the operating system (default), a file, or from LDAP/AD services. Once the sync source is identified, Ranger `UserSync` automatically detects new users provisioned on the \<ranger-admin-node\>.
+Ranger includes a `UserSync` process that synchronizes users and groups on the Ranger administration node. You can synchronize users and groups from the operating system (default), from a file, or from LDAP/AD services. After the synchronization source is identified, the Ranger `UserSync` process automatically detects when new users provisioned and adds them on the Ranger administration node.
-If your HAWQ cluster includes HAWQ-only roles (i.e. roles with no associated OS user), you must manually configure a Ranger user for each such role. You would use the Ranger Admin UI **Settings > Users/Groups** page for this purpose.
+If your HAWQ cluster includes HAWQ-only roles (roles that have no associated operating system user), then you must manually configure a Ranger user for each such role. Use the Ranger Admin UI **Settings > Users/Groups** page for this purpose.
@@ -49,13 +49,13 @@ If your HAWQ cluster includes HAWQ-only roles (i.e. roles with no associated OS
 The `pg_hba.conf` file on the HAWQ master node identifies the users you permit to access the HAWQ cluster, and the hosts from which the access may be initiated. This authentication is the first line of defense for both HAWQ-Native and HAWQ-Ranger authorization.
-### <a id="alwaysnative"></a> HAWQ-Native Authorization
+### <a id="alwaysnative"></a> HAWQ Native Authorization
 HAWQ *always* employs its native authorization for operations on its catalog. HAWQ also uses only native authorization for the following HAWQ operations, *even when Ranger is enabled*. These operations are available to superusers and may be available those non-admin users to which access was specifically configured:
 - operations on HAWQ catalog
 - `CREATE CAST` command when function is NULL
 - `CREATE DATABASE`, `DROP DATABASE`, `createdb`, `dropdb`
-- `hawq filespace`
+- `hawq filespace` management tool
 - `CREATE`, `DROP`, or `ALTER` commands for resource queues
 - `CREATE ROLE`, `DROP ROLE`, `SET ROLE`, `createuser`, `dropuser`
 - `CREATE TABLESPACE`, `DROP TABLESPACE` (Ranger does manage authorization for creating tables and indexes _within_ an existing tablespace.)
@@ -68,22 +68,22 @@ The following SQL operations do not require any authorization checks:
 - `SET`, `RESET`
-### <a id="rangersuperuser"></a> HAWQ-Ranger Authorization
-When Ranger is enabled, HAWQ-Ranger authorization is employed for access to user  database objects outside of the operations mentioned above. HAWQ will deny an operation if no policy exists providing the appropriate permissions for the requesting user to access the specific resource(s). 
+### <a id="rangersuperuser"></a> Ranger Authorization
+When Ranger authorization is enabled, HAWQ uses Ranger policies to determine access to all user database objects, apart from the operations listed above. HAWQ denies a user operation if no policy exists to provide the necessary permissions for the requesting user to access the specific resource(s). 
-In cases where an operation requires super-user privileges, HAWQ first performs a super-user check, then requests the Ranger access check. Those operations requiring super-user checks include:
+In cases where an operation requires super-user privileges, HAWQ first performs a super-user check, and then requests the Ranger policy check. Operations that require super-user checks include:
 - `CREATE`, `DROP`, or `ALTER` commands that involve a foreign-data wrapper
-- `CREATE LANGUAGE`, `DROP LANGUAGE` for non-built-in languages
-- `CREATE FUNCTION` command for untrusted languages.
-- `CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE` commands that include the `EXECUTE` clause.
+- `CREATE LANGUAGE` and `DROP LANGUAGE` for non-built-in languages
+- `CREATE FUNCTION` command for untrusted languages
+- `CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE` commands that include the `EXECUTE` clause
-- `COPY` command. Use of the `COPY` command is always limited to the superuser. When Ranger policy management is enabled, the superuser must have `SELECT` or `INSERT` privileges on a table in order to `COPY` from or to that table.
+- `COPY` command. Using `COPY` is always limited to the super-user. When Ranger policy management is enabled, the super-user must have `SELECT` or `INSERT` privileges on a table in order to `COPY` from or to that table.
 ### <a id="authalgorithm"></a> Access Check Algorithm
-A simple algorithm describing the HAWQ access checks follows:
+This algorithm describes HAWQ access checking:
 ``` pre
 1. Confirm user access allowed by pg_hba.conf file
@@ -101,26 +101,26 @@ A simple algorithm describing the HAWQ access checks follows:
 ## <a id="policyeval"></a> Ranger Policy Evaluation
-Ranger evaluates policies from most to least restrictive, searching for a policy with sufficient privileges allowing the requesting user access to the identified resource(s). Deny conditions are evaluated before allow conditions. And policies for specific resources are evaluated before those identifying a wildcard `*` resource.
+Ranger evaluates policies from most to least restrictive, searching for a policy with sufficient privileges to allow the requesting user to access the identified resource(s). Deny conditions are evaluated before allow conditions. Policies for specific resources are evaluated before policies that specify a wildcard `*` resource.
-Refer to the [Ranger User Guide ??apache or hortonworks??]( and [Deny-conditions and excludes in Ranger policies]( for detailed information on the Ranger Admin UI and Ranger policy evaluation.
+Refer to the [Ranger User Guide]( and [Deny-conditions and excludes in Ranger policies]( for detailed information about the Ranger Admin UI and Ranger policy evaluation.
 ## <a id="policydef"></a> HAWQ Policy Definition
-When configuring a HAWQ-Ranger authorization policy, you:
+To configure a Ranger authorization policy for HAWQ, you:
-- Name and provide a description for the policy
-- Identify the HAWQ resource(s) to which the policy applies
-- Identify the conditions under which access to the HAWQ resource(s) should be allowed
-- Enable/Disable audit logging for the policy
+1.  Name and provide a description for the policy.
+2.  Identify the HAWQ resource(s) to which the policy applies.
+3.  Identify the conditions under which access to the HAWQ resource(s) should be allowed.
+4.  Enable/Disable audit logging for the policy.
 ![HAWQ Policy Details](../images/hawqpolicydetails.png)
 ### <a id="createpoliciesresource"></a> HAWQ Ranger Resources
-You configure the resources to which a HAWQ policy applies in the **Create Policy > Policy Details** pane of the Ranger HAWQ Policy editor. HAWQ resources whose access is managed by Ranger include:
+Configure the resources to which a HAWQ policy applies in the **Create Policy > Policy Details** page of the Ranger HAWQ Policy editor. Ranger manages access to the following HAWQ resources:
 | Resource    |  Description     |
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ You configure the resources to which a HAWQ policy applies in the **Create Polic
 | tablespace |  The tablespace to which you want to provide access to create databases and tables |
 | protocol |  The protocol to which you want to provide access |
-The HAWQ Ranger service definition supports only the combinations of resources that reflect the scoping of database objects with HAWQ:
+The HAWQ Ranger service definition supports only those combinations of resources that reflect the actual scoping of database objects with HAWQ. These scopes are:
 - database/schema/table
 - database/schema/sequence
@@ -142,20 +142,20 @@ The HAWQ Ranger service definition supports only the combinations of resources t
 - tablespace
 - protocol
-The Ranger policy editor provides resource name look-up. That is, when you start entering data into a resource field, HAWQ populates a pop-up list with all existing HAWQ object names matching your text. 
+The Ranger policy editor provides resource name look-ups. When you start entering characters into a resource field, HAWQ populates a pop-up list with all existing HAWQ object names that atch your text. 
-The policy editor also allows you to wildcard (`*`) resources in policy details. More restrictive policies will not use wildcarding, but rather will identify specific resource names.
+The policy editor also allows you to include wildcard (`*`) resources and patterns in policy details. More restrictive policies do not use wildcarding, but instead identify specific resource names.
-When specifying resources and permissions in your set of policy definitions, you will want to take into consideration the operations you wish to permit on a resource itself, as well as the operations you may wish to allow on subordinate resources. 
+When you specify resources and permissions in a policy definition, take into consideration the operations that you want to permit on the resource itself, as well as the operations that you may want to permit on subordinate resources. 
 ### <a id="createpoliciesconditions"></a> Resource Access Conditions
-When defining a HAWQ policy via the Ranger Admin UI, you identify the Groups/Users to which to permit or deny access to the specified HAWQ resource(s). You also identify the permissions for the resource(s) that you wish to assign or deny to these users. You provide this information in the **Create Policy > Allow Conditions** and **Deny Conditions** panes of the Ranger HAWQ Policy editor.
+When you define a HAWQ policy using the Ranger Admin UI, you identify the Groups/Users to which the policy will permit or deny access for the specified HAWQ resource(s). You also identify the permissions for the resource(s) that you want to assign or deny to those users. Specify this information in the **Create Policy > Allow Conditions** and **Deny Conditions** panes of the Ranger HAWQ Policy editor.
 #### <a id="conditionusergroup"></a> Identifying Users and Groups
-You may identify one or more users and/or groups to which to provide or deny access to HAWQ resources in the Allow/Deny Conditions of a HAWQ policy. These users/groups must be known to Ranger. 
+You can identify one or more users and/or groups to which a policy provides or denies access in the Allow/Deny Conditions of a HAWQ policy. These users/groups must be known to Ranger. 
 | Field   | Value   |  Description     |
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ You may identify one or more users and/or groups to which to provide or deny acc
 #### <a id="conditionperms"></a> Identifying Permissions
-You can assign users/groups the following permissions when allowing or denying access to specific HAWQ resources:
+You can assign users/groups the following permissions for allowing or denying access to specific HAWQ resources:
 | Permission   |  Description     |
@@ -182,40 +182,38 @@ You can assign users/groups the following permissions when allowing or denying a
 | create-schema | Create a schema |
 | usage-schema | Use a schema |
-These permissions map pretty closely to the privileges you assign when using specific HAWQ `GRANT` commands when configuring HAWQ-Native authorization.
+These permissions map closely to the privileges that you can assign using HAWQ `GRANT` commands with HAWQ native authorization.
-**Note**: The HAWQ Ranger policy editor always displays the complete list of HAWQ permissions. This list is not filtered on the operations supported by the specific resource(s) you identify in the **Policy Details**.
+**Note**: The HAWQ Ranger policy editor always displays the complete list of HAWQ permissions. This list is not filtered by the operations that are actually supported by the resource(s) you have selected.
 ## <a id="createpolicies"></a>Creating HAWQ Policies
-You will configure HAWQ-Ranger authorization policies through the Ranger Administrative UI, which you access at `http://<ranger-admin-node>:6080`.
+Configure HAWQ-Ranger authorization policies using the Ranger Administrative UI, which you access at `http://<ranger-admin-node>:6080`.
-Define more restrictive HAWQ policies first to ensure that you do not accidentally provide unwanted access to specific resources.
+As a best practice, define more restrictive HAWQ policies first to ensure that you do not accidentally provide unwanted access to specific resources.
-It may take a collection of policies to provide access to a specific HAWQ database resource.
+It generally requires a collection of Ranger policies to provide access to a given HAWQ database resource.
 ### <a id="wildcardinpolicies"></a> Wildcarding in HAWQ Policies
-When defining a HAWQ policy, wildcarding (`*`) a leaf node resource will scope the policy at two levels:
+When you define a HAWQ policy, using the wildcard character (`*`) in a leaf node resource works to scope the policy in one of the following ways:
-1. `*` = no resource - permissions you identify are assigned to the parent resource
-2. `*` = all resources - permissions you identify are assigned to all instances of the resource at that level
+- `*` = no resource. All permissions in the policy apply to the parent resource.
+- `*` = all resources. All permissions in the policy apply to all instances of the resource at the leaf level.
-For example, consider the following policies assigned to user `hawquser1` for a table named `table99` in the `public` schema of database `testdb`:
+For example, consider the following two policies that are assigned to user `hawquser1` for a table named `table99` in the `public` schema of database `testdb`:
     Policy 1: testdb/public/*(table), usage-schema permission  
     Policy 2: testdb/public/table99, select permission
-Policies 1 and 2 collectively permit `hawquser1` to access the `public` schema of `testdb` and select from `table99` residing in that schema. In Policy 1, wildcarding is used to scope the permissions to those operations you can perform within the schema (`usage-schema`). `*`\(table\) in this context effectively acts as no tables. Policy 2 restricts the `select` operation to the specific table named `table99`.
+Policies 1 and 2 collectively permit `hawquser1` to access the `public` schema of `testdb` and to select from `table99` in that schema. Policy 1 applies a schema-level permission (`usage-schema`), and the wildcard character scopes this permission to those operations can be performed in the schema `public`. `*`\(table\) in this context applies the policy permission to no tables. Policy 2 restricts the `select` operation to the specific table named `table99`.
-Contrast this with the single policy below:
+Contrast this with the single policy:
     Policy 10: testdb/public/*(table), usage-schema and select permissions
-Policy 10 permits the policy holder to use the `public` schema and select from *any* table in the schema. In this policy, you use wildcarding and a subordinate object privilege (`select`) to apply a permission to **all** instances of the resource. `*`\(table\) in this context effectively applies to all tables.
+Policy 10 permits the policy holder to use the `public` schema and select from *any* table in the schema. In this policy, using the wildcard character with a subordinate object privilege, `select`, applies that permission to **all** instances of the leaf resource. `*`\(table\) in this context applies the policy permission to all tables in schema `public`.
 ### <a id="dbops"></a> Policies for Database Operations

[32/50] [abbrv] incubator-hawq-docs git commit: miscellaneous doc updates (closes #115)

Posted by
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 5 0.0625,0.109375 0.0312,0.0625 0.0312,0.171875 0.0156,0.109375 0.0156,0.25 z m 7.08804,-2.578125 q 0,0.28125 -0.15625,0.40625 -0.14062,0.125 -0.3125,0.125 l -4.32812,0 q 0,0.546875 0.10937,0.984375 0.10938,0.4375 0.35938,0.765625 0.26562,0.3125 0.67187,0.484375 0.42188,0.15625 1.01563,0.15625 0.46875,0 0.82812,-0.07813 0.35938,-0.07813 0.625,-0.171875 0.28125,-0.09375 0.45313,-0.171875 0.17187,-0.07813 0.25,-0.07813 0.0625,0 0.0937,0.03125 0.0469,0.01563 0.0625,0.07813 0.0312,0.04687 0.0312,0.140625 0.0156,0.09375 0.0156,0.21875 0,0.09375 -0.0156,0.171875 0,0.0625 -0.0156,0.125 0,0.04687 -0.0312,0.09375 -0.0312,0.04687 -0.0781,0.09375 -0.0312,0.03125 -0.23438,0.125 -0.1875,0.09375 -0.5,0.1875 -0.3125,0.07813 -0.73437,0.140625 -0.40625,0.07813 -0.875,0.07813 -0.8125,0 -1.4375,-0.21875 -0.60938,-0.234375 -1.03125,-0.671875 -0.40625,-0.453125 -0.625,-1.125 -0.20313,-0.6875 -0.20313,-1.578125 0,-0.84375 0.21875,-1.515625 0.21875,-0.6875 0.625,-1.15625 0.42188,-0.46875 1,-0.71875 0.5937
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 0625 -0.0312,0.109375 -0.0312,0.03125 -0.10937,0.0625 -0.0625,0.01563 -0.1875,0.03125 -0.10938,0.03125 -0.29688,0.03125 -0.17187,0 -0.29687,-0.03125 -0.10938,-0.01563 -0.1875,-0.03125 -0.0625,-0.03125 -0.0937,-0.0625 -0.0156,-0.04687 -0.0156,-0.109375 l 0,-8.71875 q 0,-0.3125 0.15625,-0.4375 0.15625,-0.140625 0.35938,-0.140625 l 0.76562,0 q 0.23438,0 0.40625,0.04687 0.17188,0.04687 0.29688,0.140625 0.14062,0.09375 0.21875,0.25 0.0937,0.140625 0.17187,0.34375 l 2.73438,6.859375 0.0469,0 2.84375,-6.84375 q 0.0937,-0.21875 0.1875,-0.375 0.0937,-0.15625 0.20312,-0.234375 0.10938,-0.09375 0.25,-0.140625 0.14063,-0.04687 0.32813,-0.04687 l 0.79687,0 q 0.10938,0 0.20313,0.04687 0.10937,0.03125 0.17187,0.109375 0.0781,0.0625 0.10938,0.171875 0.0469,0.09375 0.0469,0.25 l 0,8.71875 z m 7.06206,0.01563 q 0,0.07813 -0.0625,0.125 -0.0625,0.04687 -0.17188,0.0625 -0.0937,0.03125 -0.29687,0.03125 -0.1875,0 -0.29688,-0.03125 -0.10937,-0.01563 -0.17187,-0.0625 -0.0469,-0.04687 -0.0469,-0.125 l 0,-0.6
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 8 0.0937,-0.78125 z m 6.19763,2.40625 q 0,0.0469 -0.0312,0.0781 -0.0156,0.0312 -0.0625,0.0625 -0.0469,0.0156 -0.125,0.0156 -0.0781,0.0156 -0.1875,0.0156 -0.125,0 -0.20313,-0.0156 -0.0781,0 -0.125,-0.0156 -0.0469,-0.0312 -0.0625,-0.0625 -0.0156,-0.0312 -0.0156,-0.0781 l 0,-0.64063 q -0.40625,0.46875 -0.8125,0.6875 -0.40625,0.20313 -0.8125,0.20313 -0.48438,0 -0.82813,-0.15625 -0.32812,-0.17188 -0.53125,-0.45313 -0.20312,-0.28125 -0.29687,-0.64062 -0.0781,-0.375 -0.0781,-0.89063 l 0,-2.9375 q 0,-0.0469 0.0156,-0.0781 0.0156,-0.0312 0.0625,-0.0469 0.0625,-0.0312 0.14062,-0.0312 0.0937,-0.0156 0.21875,-0.0156 0.14063,0 0.21875,0.0156 0.0937,0 0.14063,0.0312 0.0469,0.0156 0.0625,0.0469 0.0312,0.0312 0.0312,0.0781 l 0,2.8125 q 0,0.42188 0.0625,0.6875 0.0625,0.25 0.1875,0.4375 0.125,0.17188 0.3125,0.28125 0.20312,0.0937 0.45312,0.0937 0.34375,0 0.67188,-0.23437 0.32812,-0.25 0.70312,-0.70313 l 0,-3.375 q 0,-0.0469 0.0156,-0.0781 0.0156,-0.0312 0.0625,-0.0469 0.0625,-0.0312 0.14062,-0.0312 0
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 l 0,0.70313 q 0.20313,-0.29688 0.375,-0.46875 0.17188,-0.1875 0.32813,-0.28125 0.15625,-0.10938 0.29687,-0.14063 0.15625,-0.0469 0.3125,-0.0469 0.0781,0 0.15625,0.0156 0.0937,0 0.1875,0.0156 0.10938,0.0156 0.1875,0.0469 0.0781,0.0312 0.10938,0.0625 0.0312,0.0156 0.0312,0.0469 0.0156,0.0156 0.0156,0.0625 0.0156,0.0312 0.0156,0.10937 0,0.0625 0,0.1875 z m 4.37137,3.78125 q 0,0.0937 -0.0156,0.17188 0,0.0625 -0.0156,0.10937 0,0.0469 -0.0312,0.0781 -0.0156,0.0312 -0.0781,0.10937 -0.0625,0.0625 -0.23437,0.15625 -0.15625,0.0937 -0.35938,0.17188 -0.20312,0.0781 -0.4375,0.125 -0.23437,0.0625 -0.48437,0.0625 -0.53125,0 -0.9375,-0.17188 -0.39063,-0.17187 -0.67188,-0.5 -0.26562,-0.34375 -0.40625,-0.8125 -0.14062,-0.48437 -0.14062,-1.125 0,-0.70312 0.17187,-1.21875 0.17188,-0.51562 0.46875,-0.84375 0.3125,-0.32812 0.71875,-0.48437 0.42188,-0.15625 0.89063,-0.15625 0.23437,0 0.45312,0.0469 0.21875,0.0312 0.39063,0.10938 0.1875,0.0625 0.32812,0.15625 0.15625,0.0937 0.21875,0.15625 0.0625,0.0625 0.
 0781,0.10937 0.0312,0.0312 0.0469,0.0937 0.0156,0.0469 0.0156,0.10938 0.0156,0.0625 0.0156,0.15625 0,0.20312 -0.0625,0.29687 -0.0469,0.0781 -0.10937,0.0781 -0.0781,0 -0.1875,-0.0781 -0.10938,-0.0937 -0.26563,-0.20312 -0.15625,-0.10938 -0.39062,-0.1875 -0.21875,-0.0937 -0.53125,-0.0937 -0.64063,0 -0.98438,0.5 -0.34375,0.48437 -0.34375,1.40625 0,0.46875 0.0781,0.82812 0.0937,0.34375 0.26562,0.59375 0.17188,0.23438 0.42188,0.34375 0.25,0.10938 0.57812,0.10938 0.3125,0 0.53125,-0.0937 0.23438,-0.0937 0.40625,-0.20313 0.17188,-0.125 0.28125,-0.21875 0.125,-0.0937 0.1875,-0.0937 0.0312,0 0.0625,0.0312 0.0312,0.0156 0.0469,0.0625 0.0156,0.0469 0.0156,0.125 0.0156,0.0781 0.0156,0.1875 z m 5.16226,-1.89062 q 0,0.21875 -0.10938,0.3125 -0.10937,0.0781 -0.23437,0.0781 l -3.17188,0 q 0,0.40625 0.0781,0.73438 0.0781,0.3125 0.26562,0.54687 0.1875,0.23438 0.48438,0.35938 0.3125,0.10937 0.75,0.10937 0.34375,0 0.60937,-0.0469 0.26563,-0.0625 0.45313,-0.125 0.20312,-0.0781 0.32812,-0.125 0.125,-0.0625
  0.1875,-0.0625 0.0469,0 0.0625,0.0156 0.0312,0.0156 0.0469,0.0625 0.0312,0.0312 0.0312,0.10938 0.0156,0.0625 0.0156,0.15625 0,0.0781 -0.0156,0.125 0,0.0469 -0.0156,0.0937 0,0.0312 -0.0312,0.0625 -0.0156,0.0312 -0.0469,0.0625 -0.0156,0.0312 -0.17188,0.10937 -0.14062,0.0625 -0.375,0.125 -0.21875,0.0625 -0.53125,0.10938 -0.29687,0.0625 -0.64062,0.0625 -0.59375,0 -1.04688,-0.17188 -0.45312,-0.17187 -0.76562,-0.5 -0.29688,-0.32812 -0.45313,-0.8125 -0.15625,-0.5 -0.15625,-1.15625 0,-0.625 0.15625,-1.10937 0.17188,-0.5 0.46875,-0.84375 0.29688,-0.35938 0.71875,-0.53125 0.4375,-0.1875 0.96875,-0.1875 0.57813,0 0.96875,0.1875 0.40625,0.17187 0.65625,0.48437 0.26563,0.29688 0.39063,0.71875 0.125,0.42188 0.125,0.89063 l 0,0.15625 z m -0.89063,-0.26563 q 0.0156,-0.6875 -0.3125,-1.07812 -0.32812,-0.40625 -0.96875,-0.40625 -0.32812,0 -0.57812,0.125 -0.25,0.125 -0.42188,0.32812 -0.15625,0.20313 -0.25,0.48438 -0.0937,0.26562 -0.0937,0.54687 l 2.625,0 z m 12.1331,2.89063 q 0,0.0469 -0.0312,0.0781 -
 0.0156,0.0312 -0.0781,0.0469 -0.0469,0.0156 -0.125,0.0312 -0.0781,0.0156 -0.21875,0.0156 -0.125,0 -0.21875,-0.0156 -0.0781,-0.0156 -0.14062,-0.0312 -0.0469,-0.0156 -0.0781,-0.0469 -0.0156,-0.0312 -0.0156,-0.0781 l 0,-6.04688 0,0 -2.48438,6.07813 q -0.0156,0.0312 -0.0469,0.0625 -0.0312,0.0312 -0.0937,0.0469 -0.0469,0.0156 -0.125,0.0156 -0.0781,0.0156 -0.1875,0.0156 -0.10938,0 -0.1875,-0.0156 -0.0781,0 -0.14063,-0.0156 -0.0469,-0.0312 -0.0781,-0.0469 -0.0312,-0.0312 -0.0469,-0.0625 l -2.35938,-6.07813 0,0 0,6.04688 q 0,0.0469 -0.0312,0.0781 -0.0156,0.0312 -0.0781,0.0469 -0.0469,0.0156 -0.14062,0.0312 -0.0781,0.0156 -0.21875,0.0156 -0.125,0 -0.21875,-0.0156 -0.0781,-0.0156 -0.125,-0.0312 -0.0469,-0.0156 -0.0781,-0.0469 -0.0156,-0.0312 -0.0156,-0.0781 l 0,-6.39063 q 0,-0.21875 0.10937,-0.3125 0.125,-0.10937 0.28125,-0.10937 l 0.54688,0 q 0.17187,0 0.29687,0.0312 0.14063,0.0312 0.23438,0.10937 0.0937,0.0625 0.15625,0.17188 0.0625,0.10937 0.125,0.25 l 2.00001,5.03125 0.0312,0 2.09375,-5.0
 1563 q 0.0625,-0.15625 0.125,-0.26562 0.0781,-0.10938 0.15625,-0.17188 0.0937,-0.0781 0.1875,-0.10937 0.10937,-0.0312 0.23437,-0.0312 l 0.59375,0 q 0.0781,0 0.14063,0.0312 0.0781,0.0156 0.125,0.0781 0.0625,0.0469 0.0937,0.125 0.0312,0.0781 0.0312,0.1875 l 0,6.39063 z m 5.09526,0.0156 q 0,0.0625 -0.0469,0.0937 -0.0469,0.0312 -0.125,0.0469 -0.0625,0.0156 -0.21875,0.0156 -0.14062,0 -0.21875,-0.0156 -0.0781,-0.0156 -0.125,-0.0469 -0.0312,-0.0312 -0.0312,-0.0937 l 0,-0.48437 q -0.3125,0.32812 -0.70312,0.53125 -0.39063,0.1875 -0.82813,0.1875 -0.39062,0 -0.70312,-0.10938 -0.29688,-0.0937 -0.51563,-0.28125 -0.21875,-0.1875 -0.34375,-0.45312 -0.10937,-0.28125 -0.10937,-0.64063 0,-0.40625 0.15625,-0.70312 0.17187,-0.29688 0.48437,-0.5 0.3125,-0.20313 0.76563,-0.29688 0.45312,-0.0937 1.01562,-0.0937 l 0.65625,0 0,-0.39062 q 0,-0.26563 -0.0625,-0.48438 -0.0469,-0.21875 -0.1875,-0.35937 -0.125,-0.14063 -0.34375,-0.20313 -0.20312,-0.0781 -0.51562,-0.0781 -0.3125,0 -0.57813,0.0781 -0.26562,0.0781 
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 0156,-0.0312 -0.0156,-0.0781 l 0,-2.82813 q 0,-0.40625 -0.0625,-0.65625 -0.0625,-0.26562 -0.1875,-0.4375 -0.125,-0.1875 -0.32812,-0.28125 -0.1875,-0.0937 -0.4375,-0.0937 -0.34375,0 -0.67188,0.23438 -0.32812,0.23437 -0.70312,0.6875 l 0,3.375 q 0,0.0469 -0.0156,0.0781 -0.0156,0.0312 -0.0781,0.0625 -0.0469,0.0156 -0.14063,0.0156 -0.0781,0.0156 -0.20312,0.0156 -0.125,0 -0.21875,-0.0156 -0.0781,0 -0.14063,-0.0156 -0.0469,-0.0312 -0.0625,-0.0625 -0.0156,-0.0312 -0.0156,-0.0781 l 0,-4.82813 q 0,-0.0469 0.0156,-0.0781 0.0156,-0.0312 0.0625,-0.0469 0.0469,-0.0312 0.10938,-0.0312 0.0781,-0.0156 0.20312,-0.0156 0.125,0 0.20313,0.0156 0.0781,0 0.10937,0.0312 0.0469,0.0156 0.0625,0.0469 0.0312,0.0312 0.0312,0.0781 l 0,0.64063 q 0.40625,-0.45313 0.8125,-0.65625 0.40625,-0.21875 0.8125,-0.21875 0.48438,0 0.8125,0.17187 0.34375,0.15625 0.54688,0.4375 0.20312,0.26563 0.28125,0.64063 0.0937,0.35937 0.0937,0.875 l 0,2.9375 z m 5.08307,0.0156 q 0,0.0625 -0.0469,0.0937 -0.0469,0.0312 -0.125,0.0469 -0.06
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 .125,0.5625 0,0.32813 -0.14062,0.625 -0.14063,0.29688 -0.4375,0.53125 -0.28125,0.23438 -0.73438,0.35938 -0.4375,0.125 -1.04687,0.125 -0.57813,0 -1,-0.0937 -0.40625,-0.0937 -0.67188,-0.26563 -0.26562,-0.17187 -0.39062,-0.42187 -0.10938,-0.23438 -0.10938,-0.51563 0,-0.17187 0.0469,-0.34375 0.0469,-0.15625 0.125,-0.3125 0.0937,-0.15625 0.21875,-0.28125 0.14062,-0.14062 0.3125,-0.28125 -0.26563,-0.125 -0.39063,-0.32812 -0.125,-0.20313 -0.125,-0.45313 0,-0.32812 0.125,-0.57812 0.14063,-0.26563 0.34375,-0.46875 -0.17187,-0.1875 -0.26562,-0.4375 -0.0937,-0.25 -0.0937,-0.60938 0,-0.40625 0.14062,-0.73437 0.14063,-0.32813 0.375,-0.54688 0.25,-0.23437 0.59375,-0.35937 0.35938,-0.125 0.76563,-0.125 0.21875,0 0.40625,0.0312 0.1875,0.0156 0.35937,0.0625 l 1.45313,0 q 0.0937,0 0.14062,0.0937 0.0469,0.0781 0.0469,0.26562 z m -1.39063,1.28125 q 0,-0.5 -0.26562,-0.76562 -0.26563,-0.28125 -0.76563,-0.28125 -0.26562,0 -0.45312,0.0937 -0.1875,0.0781 -0.3125,0.23437 -0.125,0.14063 -0.1875,0.34375 -0.062
 5,0.1875 -0.0625,0.40625 0,0.46875 0.26562,0.75 0.26563,0.26563 0.76563,0.26563 0.26562,0 0.45312,-0.0781 0.1875,-0.0781 0.3125,-0.21875 0.14063,-0.15625 0.1875,-0.34375 0.0625,-0.20312 0.0625,-0.40625 z m 0.45313,3.82813 q 0,-0.3125 -0.26563,-0.48438 -0.25,-0.17187 -0.6875,-0.1875 l -1.25,-0.0312 q -0.17187,0.125 -0.28125,0.25 -0.10937,0.125 -0.17187,0.23438 -0.0625,0.10937 -0.0937,0.21875 -0.0156,0.10937 -0.0156,0.21875 0,0.34375 0.34375,0.51562 0.35938,0.1875 1,0.1875 0.40625,0 0.67188,-0.0781 0.26562,-0.0781 0.4375,-0.20313 0.17187,-0.125 0.23437,-0.29687 0.0781,-0.17188 0.0781,-0.34375 z m 6.04718,-3.125 q 0,0.21875 -0.10938,0.3125 -0.10937,0.0781 -0.23437,0.0781 l -3.17188,0 q 0,0.40625 0.0781,0.73438 0.0781,0.3125 0.26562,0.54687 0.1875,0.23438 0.48438,0.35938 0.3125,0.10937 0.75,0.10937 0.34375,0 0.60937,-0.0469 0.26563,-0.0625 0.45313,-0.125 0.20312,-0.0781 0.32812,-0.125 0.125,-0.0625 0.1875,-0.0625 0.0469,0 0.0625,0.0156 0.0312,0.0156 0.0469,0.0625 0.0312,0.0312 0.0312,0.
 10938 0.0156,0.0625 0.0156,0.15625 0,0.0781 -0.0156,0.125 0,0.0469 -0.0156,0.0937 0,0.0312 -0.0312,0.0625 -0.0156,0.0312 -0.0469,0.0625 -0.0156,0.0312 -0.17188,0.10937 -0.14062,0.0625 -0.375,0.125 -0.21875,0.0625 -0.53125,0.10938 -0.29687,0.0625 -0.64062,0.0625 -0.59375,0 -1.04688,-0.17188 -0.45312,-0.17187 -0.76562,-0.5 -0.29688,-0.32812 -0.45313,-0.8125 -0.15625,-0.5 -0.15625,-1.15625 0,-0.625 0.15625,-1.10937 0.17188,-0.5 0.46875,-0.84375 0.29688,-0.35938 0.71875,-0.53125 0.4375,-0.1875 0.96875,-0.1875 0.57813,0 0.96875,0.1875 0.40625,0.17187 0.65625,0.48437 0.26563,0.29688 0.39063,0.71875 0.125,0.42188 0.125,0.89063 l 0,0.15625 z m -0.89063,-0.26563 q 0.0156,-0.6875 -0.3125,-1.07812 -0.32812,-0.40625 -0.96875,-0.40625 -0.32812,0 -0.57812,0.125 -0.25,0.125 -0.42188,0.32812 -0.15625,0.20313 -0.25,0.48438 -0.0937,0.26562 -0.0937,0.54687 l 2.625,0 z m 4.88024,-1.625 q 0,0.125 0,0.20313 0,0.0781 -0.0156,0.125 -0.0156,0.0469 -0.0469,0.0781 -0.0156,0.0156 -0.0625,0.0156 -0.0469,0 -0.10
 938,-0.0156 -0.0625,-0.0312 -0.14062,-0.0469 -0.0781,-0.0312 -0.17188,-0.0469 -0.0937,-0.0312 -0.20312,-0.0312 -0.14063,0 -0.26563,0.0625 -0.125,0.0469 -0.28125,0.17188 -0.14062,0.125 -0.29687,0.32812 -0.15625,0.20313 -0.34375,0.5 l 0,3.17188 q 0,0.0469 -0.0156,0.0781 -0.0156,0.0312 -0.0781,0.0625 -0.0469,0.0156 -0.14063,0.0156 -0.0781,0.0156 -0.20312,0.0156 -0.125,0 -0.21875,-0.0156 -0.0781,0 -0.14063,-0.0156 -0.0469,-0.0312 -0.0625,-0.0625 -0.0156,-0.0312 -0.0156,-0.0781 l 0,-4.82813 q 0,-0.0469 0.0156,-0.0781 0.0156,-0.0312 0.0625,-0.0469 0.0469,-0.0312 0.10938,-0.0312 0.0781,-0.0156 0.20312,-0.0156 0.125,0 0.20313,0.0156 0.0781,0 0.10937,0.0312 0.0469,0.0156 0.0625,0.0469 0.0312,0.0312 0.0312,0.0781 l 0,0.70313 q 0.20313,-0.29688 0.375,-0.46875 0.17188,-0.1875 0.32813,-0.2812


[46/50] [abbrv] incubator-hawq-docs git commit: remove pgcrypto download reference

Posted by
remove pgcrypto download reference


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 5b3bda70a20222679698185a3bd4d2ae7c7da7ec
Parents: 6be57c3
Author: Lisa Owen <>
Authored: Mon Apr 17 10:42:36 2017 -0700
Committer: Lisa Owen <>
Committed: Mon Apr 17 10:42:36 2017 -0700

 markdown/clientaccess/ | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/markdown/clientaccess/ b/markdown/clientaccess/
index 2675c75..e9e9aa2 100644
--- a/markdown/clientaccess/
+++ b/markdown/clientaccess/
@@ -154,9 +154,9 @@ Row-level or column-level access is not supported, nor is labeled security. Row-
 ## <a id="topic8"></a>Encrypting Data 
-PostgreSQL provides an optional package of encryption/decryption functions called `pgcrypto`, which can also be installed and used in HAWQ. The `pgcrypto` package is not installed by default with HAWQ. However, you can download a `pgcrypto` package from [Pivotal Network]( 
+PostgreSQL provides an optional package of encryption/decryption functions called `pgcrypto`, which you can enable in HAWQ.
-If you are building HAWQ from source files, then you should enable `pgcrypto` support as an option when compiling HAWQ.
+If you are building HAWQ from source, then you should enable `pgcrypto` support as an option when compiling HAWQ.
 The `pgcrypto` functions allow database administrators to store certain columns of data in encrypted form. This adds an extra layer of protection for sensitive data, as data stored in HAWQ in encrypted form cannot be read by users who do not have the encryption key, nor be read directly from the disks.

[15/50] [abbrv] incubator-hawq-docs git commit: policy topic restructure (closes #111)

Posted by
policy topic restructure (closes #111)


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 1b0ae87e7e31d49b44e20d70bd0287d7f32436c9
Parents: 245c21c
Author: Lisa Owen <>
Authored: Mon Apr 3 14:58:08 2017 -0700
Committer: David Yozie <>
Committed: Mon Apr 3 14:58:08 2017 -0700

 .../clientaccess/ |  75 +++
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 markdown/images/schema-policy.png               | Bin 0 -> 101116 bytes
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 11 files changed, 574 insertions(+), 383 deletions(-)
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@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+title: Introducing HAWQ Authorization
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+specific language governing permissions and limitations
+under the License.
+Native HAWQ authorization provides SQL standard authorization at the database and table level for specific users/roles using the `GRANT` and `REVOKE` SQL commands. HAWQ integration with Ranger provides policy-based authorization, enabling you to identify the conditions under which a user and/or group can access individual HAWQ resources, including the operations permitted on those resources.
+Native HAWQ and Ranger authorization are mutually exclusive.
+Native HAWQ and Ranger authorization share `pg_hba.conf`-based user authentication. Native HAWQ authorization is used for certain database operations, even when Ranger is enabled. Additionally, HAWQ always verifies superuser privileges.
+## <a id="pghbaconf"></a> pg_hba.conf
+The `pg_hba.conf` file on the HAWQ master node identifies the users you permit to access the HAWQ cluster, and the hosts from which the access may be initiated. This authentication is the first line of defense for both HAWQ-Native and HAWQ-Ranger authorization.
+## <a id="alwaysnative"></a> HAWQ Native Authorization
+HAWQ *always* employs its native authorization for operations on its catalog. HAWQ also uses only native authorization for the following HAWQ operations, *even when Ranger is enabled*. These operations are available to superusers and may be available those non-admin users to which access was specifically configured:
+- operations on HAWQ catalog
+- `CREATE CAST` command when function is NULL
+- `CREATE DATABASE`, `DROP DATABASE`, `createdb`, `dropdb`
+- `hawq filespace` management tool
+- `CREATE`, `DROP`, or `ALTER` commands for resource queues
+- `CREATE ROLE`, `DROP ROLE`, `SET ROLE`, `createuser`, `dropuser`
+- `CREATE TABLESPACE`, `DROP TABLESPACE` (Ranger does manage authorization for creating tables and indexes _within_ an existing tablespace.)
+- HAWQ catalog-related built-in functions such as pg\_logdir\_ls, pg\_ls\_dir, pg\_read\_file, pg\_reload\_conf, pg\_rotate\_logfile, pg\_signal\_backend, pg\_start\_backup,  pg\_stat\_file, pg\_stat\_get\_activity, pg\_stat\_get\_backend\_activity\_start, pg\_stat\_get\_backend\_activity, pg\_stat\_get\_backend\_client\_addr, pg\_stat\_get\_backend\_client\_port, pg\_stat\_get\_backend\_start, pg\_stat\_get\_backend\_waiting, pg\_stop\_backup, pg\_switch\_xlog, and pg\_stat\_reset.
+The following SQL operations do not require any authorization checks:
+- `SET`, `RESET`
+## <a id="rangersuperuser"></a> Ranger Authorization
+When Ranger authorization is enabled, HAWQ uses Ranger policies to determine access to all user database objects, apart from the operations listed above. HAWQ denies a user operation if no policy exists to provide the necessary permissions for the requesting user to access the specific resource(s). 
+In cases where an operation requires super-user privileges, HAWQ first performs a super-user check, and then requests the Ranger policy check. Operations that require super-user checks include:
+- `CREATE`, `DROP`, or `ALTER` commands that involve a foreign-data wrapper
+- `CREATE LANGUAGE` and `DROP LANGUAGE` for non-built-in languages
+- `CREATE FUNCTION` command for untrusted languages
+- `CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE` commands that include the `EXECUTE` clause
+- `COPY` command. Using `COPY` is always limited to the super-user. When Ranger policy management is enabled, the super-user must have `SELECT` or `INSERT` privileges on a table in order to `COPY` from or to that table.
+## <a id="authalgorithm"></a> Access Check Summary
+When determining if a database operation is supported for a specific user, HAWQ:
+1. Confirms user access allowed by pg_hba.conf file.
+2. Determines if the operation requires superuser access, and if so, verifies the requesting user has such privileges.
+3. Determines if the operation requires native HAWQ authorization.
+4. Determines if Ranger authorization for HAWQ is enabled.
+4. Performs a HAWQ Native authorization check if required or if Ranger is not enabled  **OR**  Performs a HAWQ Ranger policy check.
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Binary files /dev/null and b/markdown/images/testdb-policy.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f6d55a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/markdown/ranger/
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+title: Using MADLib with Ranger Authorization
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+specific language governing permissions and limitations
+under the License.
+You can use MADlib, an open source library for in-database analytics, with your HAWQ installation. MADlib functions typically operate on source, output, and model tables. When Ranger is enabled for HAWQ authorization, you will need to provide access to all MADLib-related databases, schemas, tables, and functions to the appropriate users.  
+Consider the following when setting up HAWQ policies for MADlib access:
+- Assign `temp` permission to the database on which users will run MADlib functions.
+- MADlib users often share their output tables. If this is the case in your deployment, create a shared schema dedicated to output tables, assigning `usage-schema` and `create` privileges for all MADlib users to this shared schema.
+- Assign `create-schema` database permission to those MADlib users that do not choose to share their output tables.
+- `madlib` Schema-Level Permissions
+    - Assign `usage-schema` and `create` privileges to the `madlib` schema.
+    - Assign `execute` permissions on all functions within the `madlib` schema, including any functions called within.
+    - Assign `insert` and `select` permissions to all tables within the `madlib` schema.
+    - Assign the `usage-schema` and `create` permissions for the current schema, and any schema in which the source, output, and model tables may reside.
+- Function-Specific Permissions 
+    - Assign `insert` and `select` permissions for the source, output, and model tables.
+    - Assign `insert` and `select` permissions for the output \_summary and \__group tables.
diff --git a/markdown/ranger/ b/markdown/ranger/
index a168df1..e96a427 100644
--- a/markdown/ranger/
+++ b/markdown/ranger/
@@ -113,54 +113,45 @@ To use HAWQ Ranger integration, install a compatible Hadoop distribution and Apa
 7.  After HAWQ reloads the configuration, use the fully-qualified domain name to log into the Ambari server. Click the **Ranger** link to display the Ranger Summary page, then select **Quick Links > Ranger Admin UI**. 
-8.  Log into the Ranger Access Manager. Click the **Edit** button for the **HAWQ** service. Ensure that the Active Status is set to Enabled, and click **Test Connection**. You should receive a message that Ranger connected successfully.  If the connection fails, verify the `hawq` service Config Properties, as well as your `pg_hba.conf` entries, and re-test the connection.
+8.  Log in to the Ranger Access Manager. Click the **Edit** button for the **HAWQ** service. Ensure that the Active Status is set to Enabled, and click **Test Connection**. You should receive a message that Ranger connected successfully.  If the connection fails, verify the `hawq` service Config Properties, as well as your `pg_hba.conf` entries, and re-test the connection.
 ## <a id="enable"></a>Step 2: Configure HAWQ to Use Ranger Policy Management
 The default Ranger service definition for HAWQ assigns the HAWQ administrator (typically `gpadmin`) all privileges to all objects. 
-Once the connection between HAWQ and Ranger is configured, you can either set up policies for the HAWQ users according to the procedures in [Creating HAWQ Authorization Policies in Ranger](ranger-policy-creation.html) or enable Ranger with only the default policies. 
+Once the connection between HAWQ and Ranger is configured, you may choose to set up policies for the HAWQ users according to the procedures in [Creating HAWQ Authorization Policies in Ranger](ranger-policy-creation.html) or enable Ranger with only the default policies. 
-**Note**: Any authorization defined using GRANT commands will no longer apply after enabling HAWQ Ranger. Only gpadmin access is allowed when Ranger is first initialized.
+**Note**: Any authorization defined using `GRANT` commands will no longer apply after enabling HAWQ Ranger. Enabling Ranger authorization for HAWQ with only the default policies defined provides access only to the `gpadmin` user.
-1. On Ambari, select the **HAWQ** Service, and then select the **Configs** tab.
+1. Log in to the Ambari UI, select the **HAWQ** Service, and then select the **Configs** tab.
 2. Select the **Advanced** tab, and then expand **Custom hawq-site**.
 4. Click **Add Property...** and add the new property, `hawq_acl_type=ranger` property. (If the property already exists, change its value from `standalone` (the default) to `ranger`.)
 5. Click **Save** to save your changes.
-6. Select **Service Actions > Restart All** and confirm that you want to restart the HAWQ cluster.
-## <a id="customconfig"></a> Custom Configuration
-Configuration files for the HAWQ Ranger Plug-in Service are located in the `$GPHOME/ranger/etc` directory. These files include:
-| File     |  Description     |
-| ranger-hawq-audit.xml |  HAWQ Ranger audit-related configuration, including the audit provider (log4j, Solr, HDFS) and provider-specific configuration |
-| ranger-hawq-security.xml |  HAWQ Ranger service configuration, including the policy change polling interval |
-| |  HAWQ Ranger deployment-related configuration, including the HAWQ Ranger Plug-in Service port definition and JVM parameters|
-Any configuration changes you make after you have registered the HAWQ Ranger Plug-in require a restart of the service. You can either restart the HAWQ cluster or restart just the HAWQ Ranger Plug-in Service:
-``` shell
-gpadmin@master$ /usr/local/hawq/ranger/bin/ stop
-gpadmin@master$ /usr/local/hawq/ranger/bin/ start
-### <a id="caching"></a>Changing the Frequency of Policy Caching
-The default polling interval for HAWQ Ranger Plug-in Service policy updates is 30 seconds. To increase or decrease this value, update the `ranger.plugin.hawq.policy.pollIntervalMs` property setting in the `ranger-hawq-security.xml` file:
-    &lt;name&gt;ranger.plugin.hawq.policy.pollIntervalMs&lt;/name&gt;
-    <b>&lt;value&gt;30000&lt;/value&gt;</b>
-    &lt;description&gt;
-        How often to poll for changes in policies?
-    &lt;/description&gt;
-Provide a value in milliseconds.
-You must restart the HAWQ Ranger Plug-in Service as described above after updating the polling interval.
+6. Select **Service Actions > Restart All** and confirm that you want to restart the HAWQ cluster.
+## <a id="customconfig"></a> Custom Configuration
+Configuration files for the HAWQ Ranger Plug-in Service are located in the `$GPHOME/ranger/etc` directory. These files include:
+| File     |  Description     |
+| ranger-hawq-audit.xml |  HAWQ Ranger audit-related configuration, including the audit provider (log4j, Solr, HDFS) and provider-specific configuration |
+| ranger-hawq-security.xml |  HAWQ Ranger service configuration, including the policy change polling interval |
+| |  HAWQ Ranger deployment-related configuration, including the HAWQ Ranger Plug-in Service port definition and JVM parameters|
+Any configuration changes you make after you have registered the HAWQ Ranger Plug-in require a restart of the service. You can either restart the HAWQ cluster or restart just the HAWQ Ranger Plug-in Service:
+``` shell
+gpadmin@master$ /usr/local/hawq/ranger/bin/ stop
+gpadmin@master$ /usr/local/hawq/ranger/bin/ start
+## <a id="troubleshoot"></a> Troubleshooting Ranger Configuration
+If resource name lookup is not working in the Ranger Admin UI:
+1. Verify that the HAWQ Ranger plug-in JARs and JDBC driver have been copied to \<ranger-admin-node\>.
+2. Test the connection between the Ranger Admin UI and the HAWQ master node by clicking the edit icon associated with the active HAWQ service definition, then clicking the **Config Properties: > Test Connection** button.
+3. Verify that the HAWQ master node `pg_hba.conf` file includes a `host` entry for \<ranger-admin-node\>, HAWQ user (typically `gpadmin`).
diff --git a/markdown/ranger/ b/markdown/ranger/
index 4659b38..c7aad86 100644
--- a/markdown/ranger/
+++ b/markdown/ranger/
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ HAWQ also provides a JAR library that enables the Ranger Policy Manager to looku
 A single configuration parameter, `hawq_acl_type` determines whether HAWQ defers all policy management to Ranger via the plug-in service, or whether HAWQ handles authorization natively using catalog tables. By default, HAWQ uses SQL commands to create all access policies, and the policy information is stored in catalog tables.  When you enable Ranger integration for policy management, any authorization policies that you have configured in HAWQ using SQL no longer apply to your installation; you must create new policies using the Ranger interface. See [Creating HAWQ Authorization Policies in Ranger](ranger-policy-creation.html).
-The Ranger plug-in service caches Ranger policies locally on each HAWQ node to avoid unnecessary round trips between the HAWQ node and the Ranger Policy Manager server. You can use the configuration property `ranger.plugin.hawq.policy.pollIntervalMs` to control how frequently the plug-in service contacts the Ranger Policy Manager to refresh cached policies. See [Changing the Frequency of Policy Caching](ranger-integration-config.html#caching).
+The Ranger plug-in service caches Ranger policies locally on each HAWQ node to avoid unnecessary round trips between the HAWQ node and the Ranger Policy Manager server.
 ## <a id="limitations"></a>Limitations of Ranger Policy Management in HAWQ
 Neither Kerberos authentication nor SSL encryption is supported between a HAWQ node and the Ranger plug-in service, or between the plug-in service and the Ranger Policy Manager.
diff --git a/markdown/ranger/ b/markdown/ranger/
index 62d29ff..a0e0869 100644
--- a/markdown/ranger/
+++ b/markdown/ranger/
@@ -27,88 +27,10 @@ Native HAWQ authorization provides SQL standard authorization at the database an
 **Note**: The HAWQ `GRANT` and `REVOKE` operations are not permitted when Ranger authorization is enabled for HAWQ; you must configure all user and object access using Ranger policies.
-You configure HAWQ-Ranger authorization with the Ranger Administrative UI, which you can access at `http://<ranger-admin-node>:6080`.
+## <a id="policydef"></a> Defining HAWQ Policies
-## <a id="userrole"></a>User and Role Mapping
-With either HAWQ native or Ranger authorization, you identify the HAWQ database objects to which you want specific users to have access. 
-You create HAWQ users with the `createuser` command line utility or `CREATE ROLE` SQL command. These HAWQ users may or may not correspond to an underlying operating system user.
-Ranger includes a `UserSync` process that synchronizes users and groups on the Ranger administration node. You can synchronize users and groups from the operating system (default), from a file, or from LDAP/AD services. After the synchronization source is identified, the Ranger `UserSync` process automatically detects when new users provisioned and adds them on the Ranger administration node.
-If your HAWQ cluster includes HAWQ-only roles (roles that have no associated operating system user), then you must manually configure a Ranger user for each such role. Use the Ranger Admin UI **Settings > Users/Groups** page for this purpose.
-## <a id="authchecks"></a>HAWQ Authorization
-### <a id="pghbaconf"></a> pg_hba.conf
-The `pg_hba.conf` file on the HAWQ master node identifies the users you permit to access the HAWQ cluster, and the hosts from which the access may be initiated. This authentication is the first line of defense for both HAWQ-Native and HAWQ-Ranger authorization.
-### <a id="alwaysnative"></a> HAWQ Native Authorization
-HAWQ *always* employs its native authorization for operations on its catalog. HAWQ also uses only native authorization for the following HAWQ operations, *even when Ranger is enabled*. These operations are available to superusers and may be available those non-admin users to which access was specifically configured:
-- operations on HAWQ catalog
-- `CREATE CAST` command when function is NULL
-- `CREATE DATABASE`, `DROP DATABASE`, `createdb`, `dropdb`
-- `hawq filespace` management tool
-- `CREATE`, `DROP`, or `ALTER` commands for resource queues
-- `CREATE ROLE`, `DROP ROLE`, `SET ROLE`, `createuser`, `dropuser`
-- `CREATE TABLESPACE`, `DROP TABLESPACE` (Ranger does manage authorization for creating tables and indexes _within_ an existing tablespace.)
-- HAWQ catalog-related built-in functions such as pg\_logdir\_ls, pg\_ls\_dir, pg\_read\_file, pg\_reload\_conf, pg\_rotate\_logfile, pg\_signal\_backend, pg\_start\_backup,  pg\_stat\_file, pg\_stat\_get\_activity, pg\_stat\_get\_backend\_activity\_start, pg\_stat\_get\_backend\_activity, pg\_stat\_get\_backend\_client\_addr, pg\_stat\_get\_backend\_client\_port, pg\_stat\_get\_backend\_start, pg\_stat\_get\_backend\_waiting, pg\_stop\_backup, pg\_switch\_xlog, and pg\_stat\_reset.
-The following SQL operations do not require any authorization checks:
-- `SET`, `RESET`
-### <a id="rangersuperuser"></a> Ranger Authorization
-When Ranger authorization is enabled, HAWQ uses Ranger policies to determine access to all user database objects, apart from the operations listed above. HAWQ denies a user operation if no policy exists to provide the necessary permissions for the requesting user to access the specific resource(s). 
-In cases where an operation requires super-user privileges, HAWQ first performs a super-user check, and then requests the Ranger policy check. Operations that require super-user checks include:
-- `CREATE`, `DROP`, or `ALTER` commands that involve a foreign-data wrapper
-- `CREATE LANGUAGE` and `DROP LANGUAGE` for non-built-in languages
-- `CREATE FUNCTION` command for untrusted languages
-- `CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE` commands that include the `EXECUTE` clause
-- `COPY` command. Using `COPY` is always limited to the super-user. When Ranger policy management is enabled, the super-user must have `SELECT` or `INSERT` privileges on a table in order to `COPY` from or to that table.
-### <a id="authalgorithm"></a> Access Check Algorithm
-This algorithm describes HAWQ access checking:
-``` pre
-1. Confirm user access allowed by pg_hba.conf file
-2. Perform HAWQ access checks
-     user-is-superuser = (is user superuser?)
-     op-needs-superuser = (does operation require superuser?)
-     use-hawq-native-auth = (does operation require hawq-native authorization?)
-     ranger-enabled = (is ranger enabled?)
-     - If( op-needs-superuser && !user-is-superuser )
-          Denied
-     - If( use-hawq-native-auth || !ranger-enabled )
-          HAWQ-Native authorization check
-       Else   
-          HAWQ-Ranger policy check
-## <a id="policyeval"></a> Ranger Policy Evaluation
-Ranger evaluates policies from most to least restrictive, searching for a policy with sufficient privileges to allow the requesting user to access the identified resource(s). Deny conditions are evaluated before allow conditions. Policies for specific resources are evaluated before policies that specify a wildcard `*` resource.
-Refer to the [Ranger User Guide]( and [Deny-conditions and excludes in Ranger policies]( for detailed information about the Ranger Admin UI and Ranger policy evaluation.
-## <a id="policydef"></a> HAWQ Policy Definition
-To configure a Ranger authorization policy for HAWQ, you:
+You configure HAWQ-Ranger authorization with the Ranger Administrative UI, which you can access at `http://<ranger-admin-node>:6080`. To configure a Ranger authorization policy for HAWQ, you:
 1.  Name and provide a description for the policy.
 2.  Identify the HAWQ resource(s) to which the policy applies.
@@ -133,7 +55,7 @@ Configure the resources to which a HAWQ policy applies in the **Create Policy >
 | tablespace |  The tablespace to which you want to provide access to create databases and tables |
 | protocol |  The protocol to which you want to provide access |
-The HAWQ Ranger service definition supports only those combinations of resources that reflect the actual scoping of database objects with HAWQ. These scopes are:
+The HAWQ Ranger service definition supports only those combinations of resources that reflect the actual scoping of database objects with HAWQ. These combinations are:
 - database/schema/table
 - database/schema/sequence
@@ -142,18 +64,19 @@ The HAWQ Ranger service definition supports only those combinations of resources
 - tablespace
 - protocol
-The Ranger policy editor provides resource name look-ups. When you start entering characters into a resource field, HAWQ populates a pop-up list with all existing HAWQ object names that atch your text. 
-The policy editor also allows you to include wildcard (`*`) resources and patterns in policy details. More restrictive policies do not use wildcarding, but instead identify specific resource names.
+The Ranger policy editor provides resource name look-ups. When you start entering characters into a resource field, HAWQ populates a pop-up list with all existing HAWQ object names that match your text. 
+### <a id="createpoliciesconditions"></a> Resource Access Conditions
-When you specify resources and permissions in a policy definition, take into consideration the operations that you want to permit on the resource itself, as well as the operations that you may want to permit on subordinate resources. 
+When you define a HAWQ policy using the Ranger Admin UI, you identify the Groups/Users to which the policy will permit or deny access for the specified HAWQ resource(s). You also identify the permissions for the resource(s) that you want to assign or deny to those users. Specify this information in the **Create Policy > Allow Conditions** and **Deny Conditions** panes of the Ranger HAWQ Policy editor.
+#### <a id="conditionusergroup"></a> HAWQ Roles
-### <a id="createpoliciesconditions"></a> Resource Access Conditions
+You create HAWQ users with the `createuser` command line utility or `CREATE ROLE` SQL command. These HAWQ users may or may not correspond to an underlying operating system user. With either HAWQ native or Ranger authorization, you identify the HAWQ database objects to which you want these users/roles to have access. 
-When you define a HAWQ policy using the Ranger Admin UI, you identify the Groups/Users to which the policy will permit or deny access for the specified HAWQ resource(s). You also identify the permissions for the resource(s) that you want to assign or deny to those users. Specify this information in the **Create Policy > Allow Conditions** and **Deny Conditions** panes of the Ranger HAWQ Policy editor.
+Ranger includes a `UserSync` process that synchronizes users and groups on the Ranger administration node. You can synchronize users and groups from the operating system (default), from a file, or from LDAP/AD services. After the synchronization source is identified, the Ranger `UserSync` process automatically detects when new users are provisioned on the Ranger administration node.
-#### <a id="conditionusergroup"></a> Identifying Users and Groups
+**Note**: If your HAWQ cluster includes HAWQ-only roles (roles that have no associated operating system user), then you must manually configure a Ranger user for each such role. Use the Ranger Admin UI **Settings > Users/Groups** page for this purpose.
 You can identify one or more users and/or groups to which a policy provides or denies access in the Allow/Deny Conditions of a HAWQ policy. These users/groups must be known to Ranger. 
@@ -162,10 +85,11 @@ You can identify one or more users and/or groups to which a policy provides or d
 | Group | \<group-name\> | The group(s) to which you want to provide or deny access. All groups sync'd from \<ranger-admin-node\> are available in the picklist. |
 | User | \<user-name\> | The user(s) to which you want to provide or deny access. All users sync'd from \<ranger-admin-node\> or explicitly registered via the Ranger Admin UI are available in the picklist.  |
+**Note**: Group-based assignment of policies is not yet supported in HAWQ. Assign policies to users only.
-#### <a id="conditionperms"></a> Identifying Permissions
+#### <a id="conditionperms"></a> Permissions
-You can assign users/groups the following permissions for allowing or denying access to specific HAWQ resources:
+You can assign users the following permissions for allowing or denying access to specific HAWQ resources:
 | Permission   |  Description     |
@@ -177,331 +101,240 @@ You can assign users/groups the following permissions for allowing or denying ac
 | usage | Use a language or sequence |
 | create | Create a table, function, sequence, etc. |
 | connect | Connect to a specific database |
-| execute | ?Create and? Execute a function |
+| execute | Create and execute a function |
 | temp | Create a temporary table or sequence |
 | create-schema | Create a schema |
 | usage-schema | Use a schema |
-These permissions map closely to the privileges that you can assign using HAWQ `GRANT` commands with HAWQ native authorization.
-**Note**: The HAWQ Ranger policy editor always displays the complete list of HAWQ permissions. This list is not filtered by the operations that are actually supported by the resource(s) you have selected.
-## <a id="createpolicies"></a>Creating HAWQ Policies
-Configure HAWQ-Ranger authorization policies using the Ranger Administrative UI, which you access at `http://<ranger-admin-node>:6080`.
-As a best practice, define more restrictive HAWQ policies first to ensure that you do not accidentally provide unwanted access to specific resources.
-It generally requires a collection of Ranger policies to provide access to a given HAWQ database resource.
+These permissions map closely to the privileges that you can assign using HAWQ `GRANT` commands with native HAWQ authorization.
-### <a id="wildcardinpolicies"></a> Wildcarding in HAWQ Policies
+**Note**: The HAWQ Ranger policy editor always displays the complete list of HAWQ permissions. This list is not filtered by the operations that are actually supported by the resource(s) you have selected. Refer to [HAWQ Resources and Permissions](ranger-resource-perms.html) for the specific permissions supported by each HAWQ resource. Additionally, [SQL Command Permissions Summary](ranger-sqlcmd-summary.html) summarizes the policies and permissions required for some common HAWQ SQL commands.
-When you define a HAWQ policy, using the wildcard character (`*`) in a leaf node resource works to scope the policy in one of the following ways:
-- `*` = no resource. All permissions in the policy apply to the parent resource.
-- `*` = all resources. All permissions in the policy apply to all instances of the resource at the leaf level.
-For example, consider the following two policies that are assigned to user `hawquser1` for a table named `table99` in the `public` schema of database `testdb`:
-    Policy 1: testdb/public/*(table), usage-schema permission  
-    Policy 2: testdb/public/table99, select permission
-Policies 1 and 2 collectively permit `hawquser1` to access the `public` schema of `testdb` and to select from `table99` in that schema. Policy 1 applies a schema-level permission (`usage-schema`), and the wildcard character scopes this permission to those operations can be performed in the schema `public`. `*`\(table\) in this context applies the policy permission to no tables. Policy 2 restricts the `select` operation to the specific table named `table99`.
-Contrast this with the single policy:
-    Policy 10: testdb/public/*(table), usage-schema and select permissions
-Policy 10 permits the policy holder to use the `public` schema and select from *any* table in the schema. In this policy, using the wildcard character with a subordinate object privilege, `select`, applies that permission to **all** instances of the leaf resource. `*`\(table\) in this context applies the policy permission to all tables in schema `public`.
+## <a id="policyeval"></a> Ranger Policy Evaluation
+Ranger evaluates policies from most to least restrictive, searching for a policy with sufficient privileges to allow the requesting user to access the identified resource(s). Deny conditions are evaluated before allow conditions.
+Refer to the [Ranger User Guide]( and [Deny-conditions and excludes in Ranger policies]( for detailed information about the Ranger Admin UI and Ranger policy evaluation.
-### <a id="dbops"></a> Policies for Database Operations
-The database operations governed by HAWQ-Ranger authorization are those that you perform at the purely database-level. These operations include connecting to the database, creating schemas, and creating temporary tables and sequences. Use the following HAWQ Ranger Policy Details to assign permissions for these operations:
+## <a id="excreatepolicies"></a>Example Scenario: Creating HAWQ Policies
-| Resource    | Value   |  Description     |
-| database | \<db-name\> | The database to which you want to provide access |
-| schema | `*` | No schema |
-| table | `*` | No table |
+In this example scenario:
-specifying the permissions you wish to assign:
-| Permission    | Allows SQL Commands     |  Equivalent GRANT Command |
-| connect | CONNECT | GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE \<db-name\> TO \<user-name\> |
-| create-schema | CREATE SCHEMA | GRANT CREATE ON DATABASE \<db-name\> TO \<user-name\> |
+Step 1:
+- Your HAWQ cluster includes a HAWQ user named `hawquser1` who has default privileges on a database named `testdb`. 
+- `hawquser1` creates `table99` in the `public` schema of `testdb` and inserts data into this table.
-### <a id="dbschemaops"></a> Policies for Schema Operations
+Step 2:
-You perform many HAWQ operations within the scope of a specific database and schema, including creating/dropping/altering database objects. These operations will require permission to use the specified schema. 
+- You enable Ranger authorization.
-The HAWQ schema named `public` is the default schema. When HAWQ-Native authorization is in effect, users are automatically granted access to this schema. When Ranger is enabled, users must be explicitly assigned the `usage-schema` permission to the `public` schema.
+Step 3:
-Use these HAWQ Ranger Policy Details to assign permission for schema-related operations:
+- You create the HAWQ policies necessary to restore `hawquser1` access to the database `testdb` and the table `table99`.
-| Resource    | Value   |  Description     |
-| database | \<db-name\> | The database to which you want to provide access |
-| schema | \<schema-name\> | The schema in which you want to provide access |
-| table &#124; sequence &#124; function | `* `| No table/sequence/function |
+### <a id="exstep1"></a>Step 1: Creating HAWQ User and Database
-specifying these permissions:
+Create the HAWQ user and database resources:
-| Permission    | Allows SQL Commands     | Equivalent GRANT Command |
-| usage-schema | TOO MANY TO LIST?, built-in HAWQ functions |  GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA \<schema-name\> TO \<user-name\> |
+1. Create OS user `hawquser1` and assign a password:
+    ``` shell
+    root@ranger-admin-node$ useradd hawquser1
+    root@ranger-admin-node$ passwd hawquser1
+    ```
-### <a id="tblops"></a> Policies for Table Operations
+2. Create database `testdb`:
-You can insert data into and select a table within schemas in which you have `usage-schema` permissions. Use the following HAWQ Ranger Policy Details to assign permission for these operations:
+    ``` shell
+    gpadmin@master$ createdb testdb
+    ```
-| Resource    | Value   |  Description     |
-| database | \<db-name\> | The database to which you want to provide access |
-| schema | \<schema-name\> | The schema in which you want to provide access |
-| table | \<table-name\> | The table to which you want to provide access |
+3. Create a HAWQ user/role associated with OS user `hawquser1`:
-specifying the permissions you wish to assign:
+    ``` shell
+    gpadmin@master$ creatuser hawquser1
+    Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) n
+    Shall the new role be allowed to create databases? (y/n) y
+    Shall the new role be allowed to create more new roles? (y/n) n
+    ```
-| Permission    | Allows SQL Commands     | Equivalent GRANT Command |
-| select  | ANALYZE, COPY INTO, SELECT, VACUUM ANALYZE | GRANT SELECT ON TABLE \<table-name\> TO \<user-name\> |
-| insert  | COPY FROM, INSERT | GRANT INSERT ON TABLE \<table-name\> TO \<user-name\> |
+4. Add a `pg_hba.conf` entry to allow `hawquser1` to access `testdb`:
+    ``` pre
+    host    testdb       hawquser1    client_host/32   trust
+    ```
-### <a id="sequenceops"></a> Policies for Sequence Operations
+    And reload HAWQ configuration:
-You can use and select sequences and update sequence values in schemas in which you have `usage-schema` permissions. You can also use the `nextval()` and `setval()` HAWQ built-in functions to return and set sequence values. Use the following HAWQ Ranger Policy Details to assign permission for these operations:
+    ``` shell
+    gpadmin@master$ hawq stop cluster --reload
+    ```
-| Resource    | Value   |  Description     |
-| database | \<db-name\> | The database to which you want to provide access |
-| schema | \<schema-name\> | The schema in which you want to provide access |
-| sequence | \<sequence-name\> | The sequence to which you want to provide access |
+6. `hawquser1` creates `table99` in `public` schema of `testdb` database:
-specifying the permissions you wish to assign:
+    ``` shell
+    hawquser1@hawq-node$ psql -d testdb
+    ```
+    ``` sql
+    testdb=> CREATE TABLE table99( id int );
+    testdb=> INSERT INTO table99 SELECT generate_series(1, 11);
+    INSERT 0 11
+    testdb=> SELECT * FROM table99;
+     id
+    ----
+      1
+      2
+    ...
+    ```
-| Permission    | Allows SQL Commands, built-in functions   | Equivalent GRANT Command |
-| select | SELECT \<sequence-name\> | GRANT SELECT ON SEQUENCE \<sequence-name\> TO \<user-name\> |
-| usage, update | nextval() | GRANT USAGE, UPDATE ON SEQUENCE \<sequence-name\> TO \<user-name\> |
-| update | setval() | GRANT UPDATE ON SEQUENCE \<sequence-name\> TO \<user-name\> |
+### <a id="exstep2"></a>Step 2: Enabling Ranger Authorization for HAWQ
+When you enable Ranger authorization for HAWQ with the default service definition in place, the configured policies assign the `gpadmin` administrative HAWQ user all permissions on all database objects. Other HAWQ users have no privileges, *even for the objects they own*.
-### <a id="functionops"></a> Policies for Function Operations
+When `hawquser1` attempts to connect to `testdb` after Ranger authorization for HAWQ is enabled:
-You can execute user-defined functions in schemas in which you have `usage-schema` permissions. Use the following HAWQ Ranger Policy Details to assign permission for this operation:
+``` shell
+hawquser1@hawq-node$ psql -d testdb
+psql: FATAL:  permission denied for database "testdb2"
+DETAIL:  User does not have CONNECT privilege.
+Notice that `hawquser1` no longer has permission to access `testdb` after Ranger authorization for HAWQ is enabled.
-| Resource    | Value   |  Description     |
-| database | \<db-name\> | The database to which you want to provide access |
-| schema | \<schema-name\> | The schema in which you want to provide access |
-| function | \<function-name\> | The user-defined function to which you want to provide access |
-specifying the permissions you wish to assign:
+### <a id="exstep3"></a>Step 3: Creating HAWQ Policies to Restore Access
-| Permission    | Allows SQL Commands     | Equivalent GRANT Command |
-| execute | SELECT \<function-name\>() | GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION \<function-name\> TO \<user-name\>  |
+Create the policies(s) that restore `hawquser1`'s access to `testdb` and `table99`:
-**Note**: Functions typically access database objects such as tables, views, sequences, etc and other functions. When setting up your HAWQ policies, ensure you have also provided access to all database resources referenced within the function (recursively).
+1. You configure HAWQ Ranger authorization policies using the Ranger Administrative UI, which you access at `http://<ranger-admin-node>:6080`. Log in to the Ranger Administrative UI as the Ranger `admin` user.
+2. Open the **Settings > Users/Groups** page, and verify the `hawquser1` user has been sync'd to Ranger.
-### <a id="dblangops"></a> Policies for Language Operations
+3. Click the **Access Manager** button and select the default HAWQ service definition named `hawq`.
-Only super-users may register and drop languages for a specific database. These operations are governed by HAWQ-Native authorization. 
+    The **List of Policies: hawq** page identifies all currently defined HAWQ policies. These policies provide all permissions on all HAWQ database resources only to the `gpadmin` user.
-You may choose to permit users to use a specific language to create user-defined functions. Use these HAWQ Ranger Policy Details to assign such permission:
+3. Create a policy for `hawquser1` that provides `CONNECT` privilege to the `testdb` database. 
-| Resource    | Value   |  Description     |
-| database | \<db-name\> | The database to which you want to provide access |
-| language | \<language-name\> | The language to which you want to provide access (plpgsql, sql, other languages explicitly registered in the database) |
+    Click the **Add New Policy** button and enter the following information in the **Policy Details** and **Allow Conditions** fields:
+    ![HAWQ Policy Details](../images/testdb-policy.png)
+    Notice that both the `schema` and `table` field values are set to `*` in this policy. Wild-carding both of these fields is **required** when defining a database-level policy.
+6. Save the policy named `testdb-connect`.
-specifying these permissions:
+4. Verify that `hawquser1` can now connect to `testdb`:
-| Permission    | Allows SQL Commands     | Equivalent GRANT Command |
-| usage | CREATE FUNCTION ... LANGUAGE \<language-name\> |    GRANT USAGE ON LANGUAGE\<language-name\> TO \<user-name\> |
+    ``` shell
+    hawquser1@hawq-node$ psql -d testdb
+    ```
+    ``` sql
+    testdb=>
+    ```
+5. `hawquser1` attempts to select from `table99`:
-### <a id="dbtblspaceops"></a> Policies for Tablespace Operations
+    ``` sql
+    testdb=> SELECT * FROM table99;
+    WARNING:  usage privilege of namespace public is required.
+    ```
+    Connect privilege to the `testdb` database is not sufficient for `hawquser1` to access `table99`. The WARNING message indicates that `hawquser1` is missing privileges for the `public` schema.
+6. Create a policy for `hawquser1` that provides `USAGE` privileges on the `testdb` database `public` schema. 
-Only super-users may create and drop tablespaces. These operations are governed by HAWQ-Native authorization. 
+    Click the **Add New Policy** button and enter the following information in the **Policy Details** and **Allow Conditions** fields:
+    ![HAWQ Policy Details](../images/schema-policy.png)
+    Notice that the `table` field value is set to `*` in this policy and that  you assign the schema-level `usage-schema` and `create` permissions. The `usage-schema` permission allows `hawquser1` to use the `public` schema. The `create` permission allows `hawquser1` to create objects in this schema.
+6. Save the policy named `testdb-public`.
-You may choose to allow specific users to create tables within an existing tablespace. Use these HAWQ Ranger Policy Details to assign such permissions:
+7. `hawquser1` again attempts to select from `table99`:
-| Resource    | Value   |  Description     |
-| tablespace | \<tablespace-name\> | The tablespace to which you want to provide access |
+    ``` sql
+    testdb=> SELECT * FROM table99;
+    ERROR:  permission denied for relation(s): public.table99
+    ```
+    Access to the `testdb` database and `public` schema is still not sufficient for `hawquser1` to select the data in `table99`. You must explicitly configure access to this table.
+8. Create a policy for `hawquser1` that provides `SELECT` permission on the table named `table99`. 
-specifying these permissions:
+    Click the **Add New Policy** button and enter the following information in the **Policy Details** and **Allow Conditions** fields:
+    ![HAWQ Policy Details](../images/table-policy.png)
-| Permission    | Allows SQL Commands     | Equivalent GRANT Command |
-| create | CREATE TABLE ... TABLESPACE |  GRANT CREATE ON \<tablespace-name\> TO \<user-name\> |
+6. Save the policy named `testdb-public-table99`.
+7. `hawquser1` again attempts to select from `table99`:
-### <a id="dbprotocolops"></a> Policies for Protocol Operations
+    ``` sql
+    testdb=> SELECT * FROM table99;
+     id
+    ----
+      1
+      2
+    ...
+    ```
+    `hawquser1` regains access to `table99` only after the `testdb-connect`, `testdb-public`, and `testdb-public-table99` policies are assigned.
-??gpfdist(s) and http protocols - hawq-native or ranger? super-user? 
-You may choose to permit access to the `pxf` protocol to create readable and writable external tables. Use the following HAWQ Ranger Policy Details to assign permission for these operations:
+## <a id="wildcardinpolicies"></a> Wildcarding in HAWQ Policies
-| Resource    | Value   |  Description     |
-| protocol | \<protocol-name\> | The protocol to which you want to provide access \(pxf\) |
+The policy editor allows you to wildcard (`*`) resources and patterns in policy details. The permissions you provide to the leaf node resource in a  wild-carded policy scope the policy in one of the following ways:
-specifying the permissions you wish to assign:
+- parent-level permission - the permission applies to the parent resource
+- leaf permission -  the permission applies to all instances of the resource at the leaf level.
-| Permission    | Allows SQL Commands     | Equivalent GRANT Command |
-| select | CREATE READABLE EXTERNAL TABLE | GRANT SELECT ON PROTOCOL \<protocol-name\> TO \<user-name\> |
-| insert  | CREATE WRITABLE EXTERNAL TABLE | GRANT INSERT ON PROTOCOL \<protocol-name\> TO \<user-name\> |
+For example, consider the following two policies that are assigned to user `hawquser1` for a table named `table99` in the `public` schema of database `testdb`:
-Refer to [Using PXF with Ranger Authorization](#pxfranger) later in this topic for additional considerations when accessing HAWQ PXF external tables with Ranger enabled.
+    Policy 1: testdb/public/*(table), usage-schema permission  
+    Policy 2: testdb/public/table99, select permission
+Policies 1 and 2 collectively permit `hawquser1` to access the `public` schema of `testdb` and to select from `table99` in that schema. The wildcard in Policy 1 applies the `usage-schema` permission to the parent resource (the schema `public`). Policy 2 restricts the `select` operation to the specific table named `table99`.
-## <a id="admintasks"></a>Policy Creation for HAWQ Maintenance Tasks
+Contrast this with the single policy:
-Administrators periodically perform maintentance tasks on the HAWQ cluster, including vacuuming and analyzing databases. Users performing these operations must be the owner of the databases, and must be explicitly assigned the permissions to do so, just as you would for general database operations.
+    Policy 10: testdb/public/*(table), usage-schema and select permissions
-The `ANALYZE` operation requires `select` permission on the table to be analyzed, as well as `usage-schema` permissions on the schema in which the table resides.
+Policy 10 permits the policy holder to use the `public` schema (equivalent to Policy 1 above) and select from *any* table in the schema. In this policy, `select` is a table-level permission, and the wildcard character applies this permission to all instances of the leaf table resource.
-The `VACUUM ANALYZE` operation requires `select` permission on all table(s) specified, as well as `usage-schema` permissions on the schema(s) in which the tables reside.
-The `VACUUM` and `TRUNCATE` operations require `usage-schema` permissions on the schema in which the table resides. 
+## <a id="bestpract"></a>Best Practices
+The following best practices are recommended when considering Ranger authorization for HAWQ:
+- Create policies *before* enabling HAWQ-Ranger authorization. This will ensure access is available to users without any downtime.
+- Define more restrictive HAWQ policies first to ensure that you do not accidentally provide unwanted access to specific resources.
+- Identify and configure your Ranger auditing requirements *before* enabling HAWQ-Ranger authorization.
+- Administrators periodically perform maintentance tasks on the HAWQ cluster, including vacuuming and analyzing databases. Users performing these operations must be the owner of the databases, and must be explicitly assigned the permissions to do so, just as you would for general database operations.
+    - The `ANALYZE` operation requires `select` permission on the table to be analyzed, as well as `usage-schema` permissions on the schema in which the table resides.
+    - The `VACUUM ANALYZE` operation requires `select` permission on all table(s) specified, as well as `usage-schema` permissions on the schema(s) in which the tables reside.
+    - The `VACUUM` and `TRUNCATE` operations require `usage-schema` permissions on the schema in which the table resides.
 ## <a id="specialconsider"></a>Special Considerations
-- The `psql` `search_path` session configuration parameter affects Ranger access control checks for `CREATE` operations.  (?all of them?) The object will be created under the *first* schema in the `search_path` in which `usage-schema` permissions were assigned to the user. The schema `search_path` does not affect `SELECT` or other operations.
-- When Ranger authorization is enabled for HAWQ, members of HAWQ roles assigned create database permissions must be provided `pg_hba.conf` access to the `postgres` database to use the `createdb` command line utility. This configuration step is not required for `CREATE DATABASE` operations invoked within the `psql` shell.
+Make note of the following considerations when employing Ranger authorization for HAWQ:
-- `CREATE LANGUAGE` commands (super-user-only) issued for non-built-in languages (pljava, plpython, ..) require the `usage` permission for the `c` language.
-- The HAWQ Ranger service definition includes identifying information for the HAWQ master hostname and port. Should you need to activate the standby master in your HAWQ cluster, you must update the HAWQ Ranger service definition with the new master node identifying information.  ?WHEN - before or after activating the standby master?.
+- The `psql` `search_path` session configuration parameter affects Ranger access control checks for `CREATE` operations. The object will be created under the *first* schema in the `search_path` in which `usage-schema` permissions were assigned to the user. The schema `search_path` does not affect `SELECT` or other operations.
+- When Ranger authorization is enabled for HAWQ, members of HAWQ roles assigned create database permissions must be provided `pg_hba.conf` access to the `postgres` database to use the `createdb` command line utility. This configuration step is not required for `CREATE DATABASE` operations invoked within the `psql` shell.
-## <a id="permsummary"></a>Summary of Permissions per SQL Command
+- `CREATE LANGUAGE` commands (superuser-only) issued for non-built-in languages (pljava, plpython, ..) require the `usage` permission for the `c` language.
-| SQL Command    | Permission     |  Resource |
-| \d | usage-schema | \<db-name\>/public/`*` |
-| ANALYZE \<table-name\>| usage-schema<p>select | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<table-name\> |
-| ALTER AGGREGATE ... RENAME TO  | usage-schema, create | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
-| ALTER SEQUENCE  | usage-schema | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
-| ALTER TABLE ... RENAME  | usage-schema | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
-| ALTER TABLE \<table-name\> SET DISTRIBUTED BY  | usage-schema, create<p>select | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<table-name\> |
-| BEGIN ... COMMIT   | usage-schema | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>## |
-| \c, CONNECT \<db-name\>| connect | \<db-name\>/`*`/`*` |
-| COPY \<table-name\> FROM ** | usage-schema<p>insert, select | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<table-name\> |
-| COPY \<table-name\> TO | usage-schema<p>select | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<table-name\> |
-| CREATE AGGREGATE | usage-schema, create<p>execute | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<sfunc-name\> |
-| CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE (pxf protocol) | usage-schema, create<p>select | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>pxf |
-| CREATE FUNCTION \<function-name\> (trusted \<language-name\>) | usage-schema, create<p>usage<p>execute | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p><p>\<db-name\>/\<language-name\><p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<function-name\><p>## |
-| CREATE FUNCTION \<function-name\> (untrusted \<language-name\>) ** | usage-schema, create<p>usage<p>execute | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p><p>\<db-name\>/\<language-name\><p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<function-name\><p>## |
-| CREATE LANGUAGE **  | usage | \<db-name\>/c |
-| CREATE OPERATOR | usage-schema, create | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
-| CREATE OPERATOR CLASS * | usage-schema, create | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
-| CREATE SCHEMA | create-schema | \<db-name\>/`*`/`*` |
-| CREATE SEQUENCE  | usage-schema, create | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
-| CREATE TABLE  | usage-schema, create | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
-| CREATE TABLE (in <\private-schema\>)  | create | \<db-name\>/\<private-schema\>/`*` |
-| CREATE TABLE ... AS  | usage-schema, create<p>select | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<table-name\> |
-| CREATE ... TABLESPACE \<tablespace-name\>  | usage-schema, create<p>create | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<tablespace-name\> |
-| CREATE TEMP SEQUENCE | temp | \<db-name\>/`*`/`*` |
-| CREATE TEMP TABLE | temp | \<db-name\>/`*`/`*` |
-| CREATE TYPE  | usage-schema, create | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
-| CREATE VIEW  | usage-schema, create | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
-| CREATE WRITABLE EXTERNAL TABLE (pxf protocol) | usage-schema, create<p>insert | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>pxf |
-| DROP AGGREGATE   | usage-schema | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
-| DROP FUNCTION   | usage-schema | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
-| DROP SCHEMA   | usage-schema | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
-| DROP TABLE   | usage-schema | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
-| DROP VIEW    | usage-schema | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
-| DROP OPERATOR  | usage-schema | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
-| DROP OPERATOR CLASS **  | usage-schema | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
-| EXECUTE   | usage-schema | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>## |
-| EXPLAIN   | usage-schema | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>## |
-| INSERT INTO \<table-name\>  | usage-schema<p>insert | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<table-name\> |
-| PREPARE   | usage-schema | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
-| SELECT \<aggregate-name\> | usage-schema<p>execute<p>execute | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<aggregate-name\> <p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<sfunc-name\> <p>##|
-| SELECT \<built-in-function\>  | usage-schema | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
-| SELECT \<function-name\> (trusted ??) | usage-schema<p>execute | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<function-name\> <p>##|
-| SELECT (using operator) | execute | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<operator-procedure\> <p>## |
-| SELECT ... FROM \<table-name\> | usage-schema<p>select | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<table-name\> |
-| SELECT ... INTO ... FROM \<table-name\> | usage-schema, create<p>select | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<table-name\> |
-| SELECT ... FROM \<view-name\> | usage-schema<p>select | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<view-name\><p>## |
-| TRUNCATE  | usage-schema | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
-| VACUUM  | usage-schema | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
-| VACUUM ANALYZE \<table-name\>| usage-schema<p>select | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<table-name\> |
-- A `**` in **SQL Command** column identifies a super-user operation.
-- A `##` in the **Resource** column signifies that additional policies may be required to provide access to resources used within the operation(s).
-## <a id="pxfranger"></a>Using PXF with Ranger Authorization
-### <a id="pxfrangerhive"></a>Accessing Hive Data
-If Ranger is enabled for Hive authorization, you must create Hive policies that allow user `pxf` to access the desired Hive tables.
-The HAWQ policies providing access to PXF HCatalog integration must identify database `hcatalog`, schema `<hive-schema-name>`, and table `<hive-table-name>` resources.  These privileges are required in addition to any Hive policies for user `pxf` when Ranger is enabled for Hive authorization.
-**Note**: When creating HAWQ policies for PXF HCatalog authorization, resource name look up is not available for Hive schema and table names.
-### <a id="pxfrangerhdfs"></a>Accessing HDFS Data
-If Ranger is enabled for HDFS authorization, you must create HDFS policies that allow user `pxf` to access the HDFS directories backing the PXF tables.
-## <a id="madlibranger"></a>Using MADLib with Ranger Authorization
-You can use MADlib, an open source library for in-database analytics, with your HAWQ installation. MADlib functions typically operate on source, output, and model tables. When Ranger is enabled for HAWQ authorization, you will need to provide access to all MADLib-related databases, schemas, tables, and functions to the appropriate users.  
-Consider the following when setting up HAWQ policies for MADlib access:
-- Assign `temp` permission to the database on which users will run MADlib functions.
-- MADlib users often share their output tables. If this is the case in your deployment, create a shared schema dedicated to output tables, assigning `usage-schema` and `create` privileges for all MADlib users to this shared schema.
-- Assign `create-schema` database permission to those MADlib users that do not choose to share their output tables.
-- `madlib` Schema-Level Permissions
-    - Assign `usage-schema` and `create` privileges to the `madlib` schema.
-    - Assign `execute` permissions on all functions within the `madlib` schema, including any functions called within.
-    - Assign `insert` and `select` permissions to all tables within the `madlib` schema.
-    - Assign the `usage-schema` and `create` permissions for the current schema, and any schema in which the source, output, and model tables may reside.
-- Function-Specific Permissions 
-    - Assign `insert` and `select` permissions for the source, output, and model tables.
-    - Assign `insert` and `select` permissions for the output \_summary and \__group tables.
-## <a id="bestpractices"></a>Best Practices
+- If Ranger is enabled for Hive authorization in your HAWQ cluster:
+    -  Create Hive policy(s) providing the user `pxf` access to any Hive tables you want to expose via PXF HCatalog integration or HAWQ PXF external tables.
+    - The HAWQ policies providing access to PXF HCatalog integration must identify database `hcatalog`, schema `<hive-schema-name>`, and table `<hive-table-name>` resources.  These privileges are required in addition to any Hive policies for user `pxf` when Ranger is enabled for Hive authorization.
-- Create policies *before* enabling HAWQ-Ranger authorization. This will ensure access is available to users without any downtime.
-- Define more restrictive HAWQ policies first to ensure that you do not accidentally provide unwanted access to specific resources.
-- Identify and configure your Ranger auditing requirements *before* enabling HAWQ-Ranger authorization.
-- If you use Ranger authorization for Hive, create Hive policy(s) providing the user `pxf` access to any Hive tables you want to expose via PXF HCatalog integration or HAWQ PXF external tables.
-- If you have enabled Ranger authorization for HDFS:
-    -  Create an HDFS policy(s) providing user `gpadmin` access to the HDFS HAWQ filespace (?hawq\_dfs\_url?).
+- If you have enabled Ranger authorization for HDFS in your HAWQ cluster:
+    -  Create an HDFS policy(s) providing user `gpadmin` access to the HDFS HAWQ filespace.
     -  If you plan to use PXF external tables to read and write HDFS data, create HDFS policies providing user `pxf` access to the HDFS files backing your PXF external tables.
-## <a id="troubleshooting"></a>Troubleshooting
-| Problem/Error    | Discussion    |
-| HAWQ object lookup in Ranger Admin UI not working | If object lookup is not working:<p> 1. Verify that the HAWQ Ranger plug-in JARs and JDBC driver have been copied to \<ranger-admin-node\>.<p> 2. Test the connection between the Ranger Admin UI and the HAWQ master node by clicking the edit icon associated with the active HAWQ service definition, then clicking the **Config Properties: > Test Connection** button.<p> 3. Verify that the HAWQ master node `pg_hba.conf` file includes a `host` entry for \<ranger-admin-node\>, HAWQ user (typically `gpadmin`).|
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+title: HAWQ Resources and Permissions
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+specific language governing permissions and limitations
+under the License.
+The HAWQ Ranger policy editor always displays the complete list of HAWQ permissions. This list is not filtered by the operations that are actually supported by the resource(s) you have selected.
+The following table identifies the specific permissions supported by each HAWQ resource.
+![Permissions Supported by each HAWQ Resource](../images/resource-perms.png)
+## <a id="dbops"></a> Policies for Database Operations
+The database operations governed by HAWQ-Ranger authorization are those that you perform at the purely database-level. These operations include connecting to the database, creating schemas, and creating temporary tables and sequences. Use the following HAWQ Ranger Policy Details to assign permissions for these operations:
+| Resource    | Value   |  Description     |
+| database | \<db-name\> | The database to which you want to provide access |
+| schema | `*` | Must specify `*` |
+| table | `*` | Must specify `*` |
+specifying the permissions you wish to assign:
+| Permission    | Allows SQL Commands     |  Equivalent GRANT Command |
+| connect | CONNECT | GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE \<db-name\> TO \<user-name\> |
+| create-schema | CREATE SCHEMA | GRANT CREATE ON DATABASE \<db-name\> TO \<user-name\> |
+## <a id="dbschemaops"></a> Policies for Schema Operations
+You perform many HAWQ operations within the scope of a specific database and schema, including creating/dropping/altering database objects. These operations will require permission to use the specified schema. 
+The HAWQ schema named `public` is the default schema. When HAWQ-Native authorization is in effect, users are automatically granted access to this schema. When Ranger is enabled, users must be explicitly assigned the `usage-schema` permission to the `public` schema.
+Use these HAWQ Ranger Policy Details to assign permission for schema-related operations:
+| Resource    | Value   |  Description     |
+| database | \<db-name\> | The database to which you want to provide access |
+| schema | \<schema-name\> | The schema in which you want to provide access |
+| table &#124; sequence &#124; function | `* `| No table/sequence/function |
+specifying these permissions:
+| Permission    | Allows SQL Commands     | Equivalent GRANT Command |
+| usage-schema | TOO MANY TO LIST?, built-in HAWQ functions |  GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA \<schema-name\> TO \<user-name\> |
+## <a id="tblops"></a> Policies for Table Operations
+You can insert data into and select a table within schemas in which you have `usage-schema` permissions. Use the following HAWQ Ranger Policy Details to assign permission for these operations:
+| Resource    | Value   |  Description     |
+| database | \<db-name\> | The database to which you want to provide access |
+| schema | \<schema-name\> | The schema in which you want to provide access |
+| table | \<table-name\> | The table to which you want to provide access |
+specifying the permissions you wish to assign:
+| Permission    | Allows SQL Commands     | Equivalent GRANT Command |
+| select  | ANALYZE, COPY INTO, SELECT, VACUUM ANALYZE | GRANT SELECT ON TABLE \<table-name\> TO \<user-name\> |
+| insert  | COPY FROM, INSERT | GRANT INSERT ON TABLE \<table-name\> TO \<user-name\> |
+## <a id="sequenceops"></a> Policies for Sequence Operations
+You can use and select sequences and update sequence values in schemas in which you have `usage-schema` permissions. You can also use the `nextval()` and `setval()` HAWQ built-in functions to return and set sequence values. Use the following HAWQ Ranger Policy Details to assign permission for these operations:
+| Resource    | Value   |  Description     |
+| database | \<db-name\> | The database to which you want to provide access |
+| schema | \<schema-name\> | The schema in which you want to provide access |
+| sequence | \<sequence-name\> | The sequence to which you want to provide access |
+specifying the permissions you wish to assign:
+| Permission    | Allows SQL Commands, built-in functions   | Equivalent GRANT Command |
+| select | SELECT \<sequence-name\> | GRANT SELECT ON SEQUENCE \<sequence-name\> TO \<user-name\> |
+| usage, update | nextval() | GRANT USAGE, UPDATE ON SEQUENCE \<sequence-name\> TO \<user-name\> |
+| update | setval() | GRANT UPDATE ON SEQUENCE \<sequence-name\> TO \<user-name\> |
+## <a id="functionops"></a> Policies for Function Operations
+You can execute user-defined functions in schemas in which you have `usage-schema` permissions. Use the following HAWQ Ranger Policy Details to assign permission for this operation:
+| Resource    | Value   |  Description     |
+| database | \<db-name\> | The database to which you want to provide access |
+| schema | \<schema-name\> | The schema in which you want to provide access |
+| function | \<function-name\> | The user-defined function to which you want to provide access |
+specifying the permissions you wish to assign:
+| Permission    | Allows SQL Commands     | Equivalent GRANT Command |
+| execute | SELECT \<function-name\>() | GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION \<function-name\> TO \<user-name\>  |
+**Note**: Functions typically access database objects such as tables, views, sequences, etc and other functions. When setting up your HAWQ policies, ensure you have also provided access to all database resources referenced within the function (recursively).
+## <a id="dblangops"></a> Policies for Language Operations
+Only super-users may register and drop languages for a specific database. These operations are governed by HAWQ-Native authorization. 
+You may choose to permit users to use a specific language to create user-defined functions. Use these HAWQ Ranger Policy Details to assign such permission:
+| Resource    | Value   |  Description     |
+| database | \<db-name\> | The database to which you want to provide access |
+| language | \<language-name\> | The language to which you want to provide access (plpgsql, sql, other languages explicitly registered in the database) |
+specifying these permissions:
+| Permission    | Allows SQL Commands     | Equivalent GRANT Command |
+| usage | CREATE FUNCTION ... LANGUAGE \<language-name\> |    GRANT USAGE ON LANGUAGE\<language-name\> TO \<user-name\> |
+## <a id="dbtblspaceops"></a> Policies for Tablespace Operations
+Only super-users may create and drop tablespaces. These operations are governed by HAWQ-Native authorization. 
+You may choose to allow specific users to create tables within an existing tablespace. Use these HAWQ Ranger Policy Details to assign such permissions:
+| Resource    | Value   |  Description     |
+| tablespace | \<tablespace-name\> | The tablespace to which you want to provide access |
+specifying these permissions:
+| Permission    | Allows SQL Commands     | Equivalent GRANT Command |
+| create | CREATE TABLE ... TABLESPACE |  GRANT CREATE ON \<tablespace-name\> TO \<user-name\> |
+## <a id="dbprotocolops"></a> Policies for Protocol Operations
+You may choose to permit access to the `pxf`, `gpfdist`, and/or `http`  protocols to create readable and writable external tables. Use the following HAWQ Ranger Policy Details to assign permission for these operations:
+| Resource    | Value   |  Description     |
+| protocol | \<protocol-name\> | The protocol to which you want to provide access \(pxf, gpfdist, http\) |
+specifying the permissions you wish to assign:
+| Permission    | Allows SQL Commands     | Equivalent GRANT Command |
+| select | CREATE READABLE EXTERNAL TABLE | GRANT SELECT ON PROTOCOL \<protocol-name\> TO \<user-name\> |
+| insert  | CREATE WRITABLE EXTERNAL TABLE | GRANT INSERT ON PROTOCOL \<protocol-name\> TO \<user-name\> |
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index 0000000..dd05cc1
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+title: SQL Command Permissions Summary
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+specific language governing permissions and limitations
+under the License.
+The following table identifies the permissions required for common SQL commands.
+- A `&&` in **SQL Command** column identifies a super-user operation.
+- A `##` in the **Resource** column signifies that additional policies may be required to provide access to resources used within the operation(s).
+| SQL Command    | Permission     |  Resource |
+| \d | usage-schema | \<db-name\>/public/`*` |
+| ANALYZE \<table-name\>| usage-schema<p>select | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<table-name\> |
+| ALTER AGGREGATE ... RENAME TO  | usage-schema, create | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
+| ALTER SEQUENCE  | usage-schema | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
+| ALTER TABLE ... RENAME  | usage-schema | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
+| ALTER TABLE \<table-name\><p>SET DISTRIBUTED BY  | usage-schema, create<p>select | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<table-name\> |
+| BEGIN ... COMMIT   | usage-schema | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>## |
+| \c, CONNECT \<db-name\>| connect | \<db-name\>/`*`/`*` |
+| COPY \<table-name\> FROM && | usage-schema<p>insert, select | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<table-name\> |
+| COPY \<table-name\> TO | usage-schema<p>select | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<table-name\> |
+| CREATE AGGREGATE | usage-schema, create<p>execute | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<sfunc-name\> |
+| CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE  | usage-schema, create<p>select | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<protocol-name\> |
+| CREATE FUNCTION \<function-name\><p>(trusted \<language-name\>) | usage-schema, create<p>usage<p>execute | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p><p>\<db-name\>/\<language-name\><p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<function-name\><p>## |
+| CREATE FUNCTION \<function-name\><p>(untrusted \<language-name\>) && | usage-schema, create<p>usage<p>execute | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p><p>\<db-name\>/\<language-name\><p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<function-name\><p>## |
+| CREATE LANGUAGE &&  | usage | \<db-name\>/c |
+| CREATE OPERATOR<p>CREATE SEQUENCE<p>CREATE TABLE<p>CREATE TYPE<p>CREATE VIEW | usage-schema, create | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
+| CREATE OPERATOR CLASS && | usage-schema, create | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
+| CREATE SCHEMA | create-schema | \<db-name\>/`*`/`*` |
+| CREATE TABLE (\<private-schema\>)  | create | \<db-name\>/\<private-schema\>/`*` |
+| CREATE TABLE ... AS  | usage-schema, create<p>select | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<table-name\> |
+| CREATE ... TABLESPACE<p>\<tablespace-name\>  | usage-schema, create<p>create | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<tablespace-name\> |
+| CREATE TEMP SEQUENCE | temp | \<db-name\>/`*`/`*` |
+| CREATE TEMP TABLE | temp | \<db-name\>/`*`/`*` |
+| CREATE WRITABLE EXTERNAL<p> TABLE | usage-schema, create<p>insert | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<protocol-name\> |
+| DROP AGGREGATE<p>DROP FUNCTION<p>DROP OPERATOR<p>DROP SCHEMA<p>DROP TABLE<p>DROP VIEW   | usage-schema | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
+| DROP OPERATOR CLASS &&  | usage-schema | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
+| EXECUTE   | usage-schema | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>## |
+| EXPLAIN   | usage-schema | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>## |
+| INSERT INTO \<table-name\>  | usage-schema<p>insert | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<table-name\> |
+| PREPARE   | usage-schema | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
+| SELECT \<aggregate-name\> | usage-schema<p>execute<p>execute | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<aggregate-name\> <p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<sfunc-name\> <p>##|
+| SELECT \<function-name\> | usage-schema<p>execute | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<function-name\> <p>##|
+| SELECT (using operator) | execute | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<operator-procedure\> <p>## |
+| SELECT...FROM \<table-name\> | usage-schema<p>select | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<table-name\> |
+| SELECT...INTO...FROM \<table-name\> | usage-schema, create<p>select | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<table-name\> |
+| SELECT...FROM \<view-name\> | usage-schema<p>select | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<view-name\><p>## |
+| TRUNCATE  | usage-schema | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
+| VACUUM  | usage-schema | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*` |
+| VACUUM ANALYZE \<table-name\>| usage-schema<p>select | \<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/`*`<p>\<db-name\>/\<schema-name\>/\<table-name\> |

[42/50] [abbrv] incubator-hawq-docs git commit: updating redirects for

Posted by
updating redirects for


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 975ef85d8c4725a313fee8488c0c3d0372d16ce4
Parents: 4f333a3
Author: David Yozie <>
Authored: Fri Apr 7 09:16:47 2017 -0700
Committer: David Yozie <>
Committed: Fri Apr 7 09:19:28 2017 -0700

 book/redirects.rb | 6 +++---
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/book/redirects.rb b/book/redirects.rb
index a09023b..6c580a0 100644
--- a/book/redirects.rb
+++ b/book/redirects.rb
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-r301 '/', '/docs/userguide/'
-r301 '/index.html', '/docs/userguide/'
-r301 '/docs', '/docs/userguide/'
+r301 '/', '/docs/userguide/'
+r301 '/index.html', '/docs/userguide/'
+r301 '/docs', '/docs/userguide/'

[40/50] [abbrv] incubator-hawq-docs git commit: update rps port value range to valid port number

Posted by
update rps port value range to valid port number


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: bd6ce78308edc0bcf595ca0e9b2ff459cdde9122
Parents: 6391858
Author: Lisa Owen <>
Authored: Thu Apr 6 11:18:05 2017 -0700
Committer: Lisa Owen <>
Committed: Thu Apr 6 11:18:05 2017 -0700

 markdown/reference/guc/ | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/markdown/reference/guc/ b/markdown/reference/guc/
index 43a8d8a..1f94c5a 100644
--- a/markdown/reference/guc/
+++ b/markdown/reference/guc/
@@ -2145,7 +2145,7 @@ Identifies the port on which the HAWQ Ranger Plug-in Service runs. The `hawq_rps
 | Value Range                                                             | Default             | Set Classifications     |
-| 1-65535 | 8432 | master, reload |
+| valid port number | 8432 | master, reload |
 ## <a name="hawq_segment_address_port"></a>hawq\_segment\_address\_port

[05/50] [abbrv] incubator-hawq-docs git commit: moving super-user events discussion to policy doc; clarifying non-HA support; clarifying configuration procedure

Posted by
moving super-user events discussion to policy doc; clarifying non-HA support; clarifying configuration procedure


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 8823a9cf4fa872e0023955d7fe7a20fc28fbac69
Parents: 970717b
Author: David Yozie <>
Authored: Fri Mar 31 10:38:27 2017 -0700
Committer: David Yozie <>
Committed: Fri Mar 31 10:38:27 2017 -0700

 .../ranger/ | 19 +++++++++++++++----
 markdown/ranger/      | 16 ++--------------
 .../ranger/    |  3 ++-
 3 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)
diff --git a/markdown/ranger/ b/markdown/ranger/
index 373959c..a274158 100644
--- a/markdown/ranger/
+++ b/markdown/ranger/
@@ -73,18 +73,29 @@ To use HAWQ Ranger integration, install a compatible Hadoop distribution and Apa
     ``` bash
     gpadmin@master$ cd /usr/local/hawq/ranger/bin
     gpadmin@master$ ./ -r ranger_host:6080 -u admin -p admin -h hawq_master:5432 -w gpadmin -q gpadmin
+    RANGER URL  = localhost:6080
+    RANGER User = admin
+    RANGER Password = [*****]
+    HAWQ HOST = localhost
+    HAWQ PORT = 5432
+    HAWQ User = gpadmin
+    HAWQ Password = [*******]
+    HAWQ service definition was not found in Ranger Admin, creating it by uploading /usr/local/hawq_2_2_0_0/ranger/etc/ranger-servicedef-hawq.json
+    HAWQ service instance was not found in Ranger Admin, creating it.
+    Updated POLICY_MGR_URL to http://localhost:6080 in /usr/local/hawq_2_2_0_0/ranger/etc/
+    Updated default value of JAVA_HOME to /usr/jdk64/jdk1.8.0_77 in /usr/local/hawq_2_2_0_0/ranger/etc/
     **Note**: You can also enter the short form of the command: `./ -r` and the script will prompt you for entries.
     When the script completes, the default HAWQ service definition is registered in the Ranger Admin UI. This service definition is named `hawq`.
-6. Locate the `pg_hba.conf` file on the HAWQ master node, for example:
+6. Locate the `pg_hba.conf` file in the master directory of the HAWQ master node. To display the HAWQ master directory:
     ``` bash
     gpadmin@master$ hawq config --show hawq_master_directory
     GUC		: hawq_master_directory
-    Value		: /data/hawq/master
+    Value	: /data/hawq/master
     Edit the `pg_hba.conf` file on the HAWQ master node to configure HAWQ access for \<hawq_user\> on the \<ranger-admin-node\>. For example, you would add an entry similar to the following for the example `` call above:
@@ -99,9 +110,9 @@ To use HAWQ Ranger integration, install a compatible Hadoop distribution and Apa
     gpadmin@master$ hawq stop cluster --reload
-7.  When setup is complete, use the fully-qualified domain name to log into the Ambari server. Use the Ranger link in the left nav to bring up the Ranger Summary pane in the HAWQ Ambari interface. Use the Quick Links to access Ranger. This link will take you to the Ranger Login interface. 
+7.  After HAWQ reloads the configuration, use the fully-qualified domain name to log into the Ambari server. Click the **Ranger** link to display the Ranger Summary page, then select **Quick Links > Ranger Admin UI**. 
-8.  Log into the Ranger Access Manager. You will see a list of icons under the Service Manager. Click the **Edit** icon on the right, under the HAWQ service icon. Ensure that the Active Status is set to Enabled, and click the **Test Connection** button. You should receive a message that Ranger connected successfully.  If the connection fails, verify the `hawq` service Config Properties, as well as your `pg_hba.conf` entries, and re-test the connection.
+8.  Log into the Ranger Access Manager. Click the **Edit** button for the **HAWQ** service. Ensure that the Active Status is set to Enabled, and click **Test Connection**. You should receive a message that Ranger connected successfully.  If the connection fails, verify the `hawq` service Config Properties, as well as your `pg_hba.conf` entries, and re-test the connection.
 ## <a id="enable"></a>Step 2: Configure HAWQ to Use Ranger Policy Management
diff --git a/markdown/ranger/ b/markdown/ranger/
index 56b45be..55ef691 100644
--- a/markdown/ranger/
+++ b/markdown/ranger/
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ The Ranger plug-in service caches Ranger policies locally on each HAWQ node to a
 ## <a id="limitations"></a>Limitations of Ranger Policy Management
 Neither Kerberos authentication nor SSL encryption is supported between a HAWQ node and the Ranger plug-in service, or between the plug-in service and the Ranger Policy Manager.
-The Ranger plug-in service is not compatible Highly-Available Ranger deployments. The plug-in will not connect to another Ranger Policy Manager if a failure occurs.
+The Ranger plug-in service is not compatible Highly-Available Ranger deployments. The plug-in will not connect to another Ranger Policy Manager if a failure occurs. Should you need to activate the standby master in your HAWQ cluster, you must update the HAWQ Ranger service definition with the new master node connection information.
 HAWQ supports setting user-level authorization policies with Ranger. These correspond to access policies that would typically be applied using the SQL `GRANT` command, and include authorization events for:
@@ -48,17 +48,5 @@ HAWQ supports setting user-level authorization policies with Ranger. These corre
 - Languages
 - Protocols
-All authorization checks for superuser-restricted authorization events are handled by HAWQ natively, even when Ranger integration is enabled. These superuser-restricted events include:
-- `CREATE CAST` command
-- `CREATE`, `DROP`, or `ALTER` commands that involve a foreign-data wrapper
-- `CREATE FUNCTION` command for untrusted languages.
-- `CREATE` or `DROP` commands for procedural Languages
-- `CREATE`, `DROP`, or `ALTER` commands for resource queues
-- `CREATE TABLESPACE` command. Note that Ranger does manage authorization for creating databases, tables, indexes, and so forth _within_ an existing tablespace.
-- `CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE` commands that include the `EXECUTE` clause.
-- `COPY` command. Use of the `COPY` command is always limited to the superuser. When Ranger policy management is enabled, the superuser must have `SELECT` or `INSERT` privileges on a table in order to `COPY` from or to that table.
-- Built-in functions such as pg_logdir_ls, pg_ls_dir, pg_read_file, pg_reload_conf, pg_rotate_logfile, pg_signal_backend, pg_start_backup,  pg_stat_file, pg_stat_get_activity, pg_stat_get_backend_activity_start, pg_stat_get_backend_activity, pg_stat_get_backend_client_addr, pg_stat_get_backend_client_port, pg_stat_get_backend_start, pg_stat_get_backend_waiting, pg_stop_backup, pg_switch_xlog, and pg_stat_reset.
+Some authorization checks for superuser-restricted authorization events are handled by HAWQ natively, even when Ranger integration is enabled. See [HAWQ-Native Authorization](ranger-policy-creation.html#alwaysnative).
diff --git a/markdown/ranger/ b/markdown/ranger/
index c66f5ba..937ebab 100644
--- a/markdown/ranger/
+++ b/markdown/ranger/
@@ -53,13 +53,14 @@ The `pg_hba.conf` file on the HAWQ master node identifies the users you permit t
 HAWQ *always* employs its native authorization for operations on its catalog. HAWQ also uses only native authorization for the following HAWQ operations, *even when Ranger is enabled*. These operations are available to superusers and may be available those non-admin users to which access was specifically configured:
 - operations on HAWQ catalog
-- HAWQ catalog-related built-in functions
 - `CREATE CAST` command when function is NULL
 - `CREATE DATABASE`, `DROP DATABASE`, `createdb`, `dropdb`
 - `hawq filespace`
 - `CREATE`, `DROP`, or `ALTER` commands for resource queues
 - `CREATE ROLE`, `DROP ROLE`, `SET ROLE`, `createuser`, `dropuser`
 - `CREATE TABLESPACE`, `DROP TABLESPACE` (Ranger does manage authorization for creating tables and indexes _within_ an existing tablespace.)
+- HAWQ catalog-related built-in functions such as pg\_logdir\_ls, pg\_ls\_dir, pg\_read\_file, pg\_reload\_conf, pg\_rotate\_logfile, pg\_signal\_backend, pg\_start\_backup,  pg\_stat\_file, pg\_stat\_get\_activity, pg\_stat\_get\_backend\_activity\_start, pg\_stat\_get\_backend\_activity, pg\_stat\_get\_backend\_client\_addr, pg\_stat\_get\_backend\_client\_port, pg\_stat\_get\_backend\_start, pg\_stat\_get\_backend\_waiting, pg\_stop\_backup, pg\_switch\_xlog, and pg\_stat\_reset.
 The following SQL operations do not require any authorization checks:

[37/50] [abbrv] incubator-hawq-docs git commit: generalizing HAWQ version in auditing examples

Posted by
generalizing HAWQ version in auditing examples


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 980e47f52129737fefb382037687ff976a85613c
Parents: c9ead70
Author: David Yozie <>
Authored: Wed Apr 5 10:34:47 2017 -0700
Committer: David Yozie <>
Committed: Wed Apr 5 10:34:47 2017 -0700

 markdown/ranger/ | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/markdown/ranger/ b/markdown/ranger/
index 18f2138..7024280 100644
--- a/markdown/ranger/
+++ b/markdown/ranger/
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ For example:
-    <value>/usr/local/hawq_2_2_0_0/ranger/plugin-service/logs/spool/audit/solr</value>
+    <value>/usr/local/hawq_<version>/ranger/plugin-service/logs/spool/audit/solr</value>
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ For example:
-    <value>/usr/local/hawq_2_2_0_0/ranger/plugin-service/logs/spool/audit/hdfs</value>
+    <value>/usr/local/hawq_<version>/ranger/plugin-service/logs/spool/audit/hdfs</value>
 ## <a id="log4j"></a>Configuring Log4j Auditing

[19/50] [abbrv] incubator-hawq-docs git commit: updating version to

Posted by
diff --git a/book/master_middleman/source/subnavs/apache-hawq-nav.erb b/book/master_middleman/source/subnavs/apache-hawq-nav.erb
index 248eb13..1719245 100644
--- a/book/master_middleman/source/subnavs/apache-hawq-nav.erb
+++ b/book/master_middleman/source/subnavs/apache-hawq-nav.erb
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
         Apache HAWQ (incubating)
-      <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">System Requirements</a>
+      <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">System Requirements</a>
 <!--      <li class="has_submenu">
@@ -13,16 +13,16 @@
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Selecting HAWQ Host Machines</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Selecting HAWQ Host Machines</a>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Installing HAWQ Using Ambari</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Installing HAWQ Using Ambari</a>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Installing HAWQ from the Command Line (Optional)</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Installing HAWQ from the Command Line (Optional)</a>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Amazon EC2 Configuration</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Amazon EC2 Configuration</a>
             <a href="/hdb/install/install_package_extensions.html">Installing Procedural Languages and Package Extensions for HAWQ</a>
@@ -43,28 +43,28 @@
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">What is HAWQ?</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">What is HAWQ?</a>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">HAWQ Architecture</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">HAWQ Architecture</a>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Table Distribution and Storage</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Table Distribution and Storage</a>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Elastic Query Execution Runtime</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Elastic Query Execution Runtime</a>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Resource Management</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Resource Management</a>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">HDFS Catalog Cache</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">HDFS Catalog Cache</a>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Management Tools</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Management Tools</a>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">High Availability, Redundancy and Fault Tolerance</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">High Availability, Redundancy and Fault Tolerance</a>
@@ -74,54 +74,54 @@
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Overview</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Overview</a>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Introducing the HAWQ Operating Environment</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Introducing the HAWQ Operating Environment</a>
           <li class="has_submenu">
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Managing HAWQ Using Ambari</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Managing HAWQ Using Ambari</a>
-              <a href="/docs/userguide/">Using the Ambari REST API</a>
+              <a href="/docs/userguide/">Using the Ambari REST API</a>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Starting and Stopping HAWQ</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Starting and Stopping HAWQ</a>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Expanding a Cluster</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Expanding a Cluster</a>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Removing a Node</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Removing a Node</a>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Backing Up and Restoring HAWQ</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Backing Up and Restoring HAWQ</a>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">High Availability in HAWQ</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">High Availability in HAWQ</a>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Master Mirroring</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Master Mirroring</a>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">HAWQ Filespaces and High Availability Enabled HDFS</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">HAWQ Filespaces and High Availability Enabled HDFS</a>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Understanding the Fault Tolerance Service</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Understanding the Fault Tolerance Service</a>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Recommended Monitoring and Maintenance Tasks</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Recommended Monitoring and Maintenance Tasks</a>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Routine System Maintenance Tasks</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Routine System Maintenance Tasks</a>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Monitoring a HAWQ System</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Monitoring a HAWQ System</a>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">HAWQ Administrative Log Files</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">HAWQ Administrative Log Files</a>
@@ -131,22 +131,22 @@
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">How HAWQ Manages Resources</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">How HAWQ Manages Resources</a>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Best Practices for Configuring Resource Management</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Best Practices for Configuring Resource Management</a>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Configuring Resource Management</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Configuring Resource Management</a>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Integrating YARN with HAWQ</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Integrating YARN with HAWQ</a>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Working with Hierarchical Resource Queues</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Working with Hierarchical Resource Queues</a>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Analyzing Resource Manager Status</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Analyzing Resource Manager Status</a>
@@ -156,37 +156,37 @@
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Configuring Client Authentication</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Configuring Client Authentication</a>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Using LDAP Authentication with TLS/SSL</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Using LDAP Authentication with TLS/SSL</a>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Using Kerberos Authentication</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Using Kerberos Authentication</a>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Diabling Kerberos Security</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Diabling Kerberos Security</a>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Managing Roles and Privileges</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Managing Roles and Privileges</a>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Establishing a Database Session</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Establishing a Database Session</a>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Supported Client Applications</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Supported Client Applications</a>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">HAWQ Client Applications</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">HAWQ Client Applications</a>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Connecting with psql</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Connecting with psql</a>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">HAWQ Database Drivers and APIs</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">HAWQ Database Drivers and APIs</a>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Troubleshooting Connection Problems</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Troubleshooting Connection Problems</a>
@@ -196,28 +196,28 @@
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Overview</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Overview</a>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Creating and Managing Databases</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Creating and Managing Databases</a>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Creating and Managing Tablespaces</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Creating and Managing Tablespaces</a>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Creating and Managing Schemas</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Creating and Managing Schemas</a>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Creating and Managing Tables</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Creating and Managing Tables</a>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Choosing the Table Storage Model</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Choosing the Table Storage Model</a>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Partitioning Large Tables</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Partitioning Large Tables</a>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Creating and Managing Views</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Creating and Managing Views</a>
@@ -227,681 +227,681 @@
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Using Languages in HAWQ</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Using Languages in HAWQ</a>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Using HAWQ Built-In Languages</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Using HAWQ Built-In Languages</a>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Using PL/Java</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Using PL/Java</a>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Using PL/pgSQL</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Using PL/pgSQL</a>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Using PL/Python</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Using PL/Python</a>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Using PL/R</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Using PL/R</a>
-      <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Managing Data with HAWQ</a>
+      <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Managing Data with HAWQ</a>
-          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Basic Data Operations</a></li>
-          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">About Database Statistics</a></li>
-          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Concurrency Control</a></li>
-          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Working with Transactions</a></li>
-          <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Loading and Unloading Data</a>
+          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Basic Data Operations</a></li>
+          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">About Database Statistics</a></li>
+          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Concurrency Control</a></li>
+          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Working with Transactions</a></li>
+          <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Loading and Unloading Data</a>
-              <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Working with File-Based External Tables</a>
+              <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Working with File-Based External Tables</a>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Accessing File-Based External Tables</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gpfdist Protocol</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gpfdists Protocol</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Handling Errors in External Table Data</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Accessing File-Based External Tables</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gpfdist Protocol</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gpfdists Protocol</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Handling Errors in External Table Data</a></li>
-              <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Using the HAWQ File Server (gpfdist)</a>
+              <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Using the HAWQ File Server (gpfdist)</a>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">About gpfdist Setup and Performance</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Controlling Segment Parallelism</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Installing gpfdist</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Starting and Stopping gpfdist</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Troubleshooting gpfdist</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">About gpfdist Setup and Performance</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Controlling Segment Parallelism</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Installing gpfdist</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Starting and Stopping gpfdist</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Troubleshooting gpfdist</a></li>
-              <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Creating and Using Web External Tables</a>
+              <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Creating and Using Web External Tables</a>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Command-based Web External Tables</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">URL-based Web External Tables</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Command-based Web External Tables</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">URL-based Web External Tables</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Loading Data Using an External Table</a></li>
-              <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Loading and Writing Non-HDFS Custom Data</a>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Loading Data Using an External Table</a></li>
+              <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Loading and Writing Non-HDFS Custom Data</a>
-                  <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Using a Custom Format</a>
+                  <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Using a Custom Format</a>
-                      <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Importing and Exporting Fixed Width Data</a></li>
-                      <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Examples - Read Fixed-Width Data</a></li>
+                      <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Importing and Exporting Fixed Width Data</a></li>
+                      <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Examples - Read Fixed-Width Data</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Creating External Tables - Examples</a>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Creating External Tables - Examples</a>
-              <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Handling Load Errors</a>
+              <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Handling Load Errors</a>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Define an External Table with Single Row Error Isolation</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Capture Row Formatting Errors and Declare a Reject Limit </a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Identifying Invalid CSV Files in Error Table Data</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Moving Data between Tables</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Define an External Table with Single Row Error Isolation</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Capture Row Formatting Errors and Declare a Reject Limit </a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Identifying Invalid CSV Files in Error Table Data</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Moving Data between Tables</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Registering Files into HAWQ Internal Tables</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Loading Data with hawq load</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Loading Data with COPY</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Running COPY in Single Row Error Isolation Mode</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Optimizing Data Load and Query Performance</a></li>
-              <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Unloading Data from HAWQ</a>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Registering Files into HAWQ Internal Tables</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Loading Data with hawq load</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Loading Data with COPY</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Running COPY in Single Row Error Isolation Mode</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Optimizing Data Load and Query Performance</a></li>
+              <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Unloading Data from HAWQ</a>
-                  <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Defining a File-Based Writable External Table</a>
+                  <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Defining a File-Based Writable External Table</a>
-                      <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Example - HAWQ file server (gpfdist)</a></li>
+                      <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Example - HAWQ file server (gpfdist)</a></li>
-                  <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Defining a Command-Based Writable External Web Table</a>
+                  <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Defining a Command-Based Writable External Web Table</a>
-                      <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Disabling EXECUTE for Web or Writable External Tables</a></li>
+                      <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Disabling EXECUTE for Web or Writable External Tables</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Unloading Data Using a Writable External Table</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Unloading Data Using COPY</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Unloading Data Using a Writable External Table</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Unloading Data Using COPY</a></li>
-              <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Transforming XML Data</a>
+              <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Transforming XML Data</a>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Determine the Transformation Schema</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Write a Transform</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Write the gpfdist Configuration</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Load the Data</a></li>
-                  <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Transfer and Store the Data</a>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Determine the Transformation Schema</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Write a Transform</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Write the gpfdist Configuration</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Load the Data</a></li>
+                  <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Transfer and Store the Data</a>
-                      <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Transforming with GPLOAD</a></li>
-                      <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Transforming with INSERT INTO SELECT FROM</a></li>
-                      <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Configuration File Format</a></li>
+                      <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Transforming with GPLOAD</a></li>
+                      <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Transforming with INSERT INTO SELECT FROM</a></li>
+                      <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Configuration File Format</a></li>
-                  <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">XML Transformation Examples</a>
+                  <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">XML Transformation Examples</a>
-                      <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Command-based Web External Tables</a></li>
-                      <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Example using IRS MeF XML Files (In demo Directory)</a></li>
-                      <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Example using WITSML\u2122 Files (In demo Directory)</a></li>
+                      <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Command-based Web External Tables</a></li>
+                      <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Example using IRS MeF XML Files (In demo Directory)</a></li>
+                      <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Example using WITSML\u2122 Files (In demo Directory)</a></li>
-              <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Formatting Data Files</a>
+              <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Formatting Data Files</a>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Formatting Rows</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Formatting Columns</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Representing NULL Values</a></li>
-                  <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Escaping</a>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Formatting Rows</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Formatting Columns</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Representing NULL Values</a></li>
+                  <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Escaping</a>
-                      <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Escaping in Text Formatted Files</a></li>
-                      <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Escaping in CSV Formatted Files</a></li>
+                      <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Escaping in Text Formatted Files</a></li>
+                      <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Escaping in CSV Formatted Files</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Character Encoding</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Character Encoding</a></li>
-          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">HAWQ InputFormat for MapReduce</a></li>
+          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">HAWQ InputFormat for MapReduce</a></li>
-      <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Using PXF with Unmanaged Data</a>
+      <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Using PXF with Unmanaged Data</a>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Installing PXF Plugins</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Configuring PXF</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Accessing HDFS File Data</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Accessing Hive Data</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Accessing HBase Data</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Accessing JSON Data</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Writing Data to HDFS</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Using Profiles to Read and Write Data</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">PXF External Tables and API</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Troubleshooting PXF</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Installing PXF Plugins</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Configuring PXF</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Accessing HDFS File Data</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Accessing Hive Data</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Accessing HBase Data</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Accessing JSON Data</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Writing Data to HDFS</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Using Profiles to Read and Write Data</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">PXF External Tables and API</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Troubleshooting PXF</a></li>
-      <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Querying Data</a>
+      <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Querying Data</a>
-          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">About HAWQ Query Processing</a></li>
-          <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">About GPORCA</a>
+          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">About HAWQ Query Processing</a></li>
+          <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">About GPORCA</a>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Overview of GPORCA</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">GPORCA Features and Enhancements</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Enabling GPORCA</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Considerations when Using GPORCA</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Determining The Query Optimizer In Use</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Changed Behavior with GPORCA</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">GPORCA Limitations</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Overview of GPORCA</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">GPORCA Features and Enhancements</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Enabling GPORCA</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Considerations when Using GPORCA</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Determining The Query Optimizer In Use</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Changed Behavior with GPORCA</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">GPORCA Limitations</a></li>
-          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Defining Queries</a></li>
-          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Using Functions and Operators</a></li>
-          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Query Performance</a></li>
-          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Query Profiling</a></li>
+          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Defining Queries</a></li>
+          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Using Functions and Operators</a></li>
+          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Query Performance</a></li>
+          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Query Profiling</a></li>
-      <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Best Practices</a>
+      <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Best Practices</a>
-          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Configuring HAWQ</a></li>
-          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Operating HAWQ</a></li>
-          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Securing HAWQ</a></li>
-          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Managing Resources</a></li>
-          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Managing Data</a></li>
-          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Querying Data</a></li>
+          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Configuring HAWQ</a></li>
+          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Operating HAWQ</a></li>
+          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Securing HAWQ</a></li>
+          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Managing Resources</a></li>
+          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Managing Data</a></li>
+          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Querying Data</a></li>
-      <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Troubleshooting</a>
+      <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Troubleshooting</a>
-          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Query Performance Issues</a></li>
-          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Rejection of Query Resource Requests</a></li>
-          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Queries Cancelled Due to High VMEM Usage</a></li>
-          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Segments Do Not Appear in gp_segment_configuration</a></li>
-          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Handling Segment Resource Fragmentation</a></li>
+          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Query Performance Issues</a></li>
+          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Rejection of Query Resource Requests</a></li>
+          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Queries Cancelled Due to High VMEM Usage</a></li>
+          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Segments Do Not Appear in gp_segment_configuration</a></li>
+          <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Handling Segment Resource Fragmentation</a></li>
-      <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">HAWQ Reference</a>
+      <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">HAWQ Reference</a>
-          <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">SQL Commands</a>
+          <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">SQL Commands</a>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ABORT</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ALTER AGGREGATE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ALTER CONVERSION</a></li>  
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ALTER DATABASE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ALTER FUNCTION</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ALTER OPERATOR</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ALTER OPERATOR CLASS</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ALTER RESOURCE QUEUE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ALTER ROLE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ALTER TABLE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ALTER TABLESPACE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ALTER TYPE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ALTER USER</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ANALYZE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">BEGIN</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CHECKPOINT</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CLOSE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">COMMIT</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">COPY</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE AGGREGATE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE CAST</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE CONVERSION</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE DATABASE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE FUNCTION</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE GROUP</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE LANGUAGE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE OPERATOR</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE OPERATOR CLASS</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE RESOURCE QUEUE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE ROLE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE SCHEMA</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE SEQUENCE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE TABLE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE TABLE AS</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE TABLESPACE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE TYPE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE USER</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE VIEW</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DEALLOCATE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DECLARE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP AGGREGATE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP CAST</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP CONVERSION</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP DATABASE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP EXTERNAL TABLE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP FILESPACE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP FUNCTION</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP GROUP</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP LANGUAGE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP OPERATOR</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP OPERATOR CLASS</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP OWNED</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP RESOURCE QUEUE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP ROLE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP SCHEMA</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP SEQUENCE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP TABLE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP TABLESPACE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP TYPE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP USER</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP VIEW</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">END</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">EXECUTE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">EXPLAIN</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">FETCH</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">GRANT</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">INSERT</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">PREPARE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">REASSIGN OWNED</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">RELEASE SAVEPOINT</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">RESET</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">REVOKE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ROLLBACK</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">SAVEPOINT</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">SELECT</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">SELECT INTO</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">SET</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">SET ROLE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">SHOW</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">TRUNCATE</a></li>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">VACUUM</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ABORT</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ALTER AGGREGATE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ALTER CONVERSION</a></li>  
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ALTER DATABASE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ALTER FUNCTION</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ALTER OPERATOR</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ALTER OPERATOR CLASS</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ALTER RESOURCE QUEUE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ALTER ROLE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ALTER TABLE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ALTER TABLESPACE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ALTER TYPE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ALTER USER</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ANALYZE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">BEGIN</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CHECKPOINT</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CLOSE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">COMMIT</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">COPY</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE AGGREGATE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE CAST</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE CONVERSION</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE DATABASE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE FUNCTION</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE GROUP</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE LANGUAGE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE OPERATOR</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE OPERATOR CLASS</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE RESOURCE QUEUE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE ROLE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE SCHEMA</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE SEQUENCE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE TABLE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE TABLE AS</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE TABLESPACE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE TYPE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE USER</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">CREATE VIEW</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DEALLOCATE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DECLARE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP AGGREGATE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP CAST</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP CONVERSION</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP DATABASE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP EXTERNAL TABLE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP FILESPACE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP FUNCTION</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP GROUP</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP LANGUAGE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP OPERATOR</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP OPERATOR CLASS</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP OWNED</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP RESOURCE QUEUE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP ROLE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP SCHEMA</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP SEQUENCE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP TABLE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP TABLESPACE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP TYPE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP USER</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DROP VIEW</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">END</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">EXECUTE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">EXPLAIN</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">FETCH</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">GRANT</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">INSERT</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">PREPARE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">REASSIGN OWNED</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">RELEASE SAVEPOINT</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">RESET</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">REVOKE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ROLLBACK</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">SAVEPOINT</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">SELECT</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">SELECT INTO</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">SET</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">SET ROLE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">SHOW</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">TRUNCATE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">VACUUM</a></li>
-          <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Server Configuration Parameter Reference</a>
+          <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Server Configuration Parameter Reference</a>
-              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">About Server Configuration Parameters</a></li>
-              <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Configuration Parameter Categories</a>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">About Server Configuration Parameters</a></li>
+              <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Configuration Parameter Categories</a>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Append-Only Table Parameters</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Client Connection Default Parameters</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Connection and Authentication Parameters</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Database and Tablespace/Filespace Parameters</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Error Reporting and Logging Parameters</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">External Table Parameters</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">GPORCA Parameters</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">HAWQ Array Configuration Parameters</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">HAWQ Extension Framework (PXF) Parameters</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">HAWQ PL/Java Extension Parameters</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">HAWQ Resource Management Parameters</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Lock Management Parameters</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Past PostgreSQL Version Compatibility Parameters</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Query Tuning Parameters</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Statistics Collection Parameters</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">System Resource Consumption Parameters</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Append-Only Table Parameters</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Client Connection Default Parameters</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Connection and Authentication Parameters</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Database and Tablespace/Filespace Parameters</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Error Reporting and Logging Parameters</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">External Table Parameters</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">GPORCA Parameters</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">HAWQ Array Configuration Parameters</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">HAWQ Extension Framework (PXF) Parameters</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">HAWQ PL/Java Extension Parameters</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">HAWQ Resource Management Parameters</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Lock Management Parameters</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Past PostgreSQL Version Compatibility Parameters</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Query Tuning Parameters</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">Statistics Collection Parameters</a></li>
+                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">System Resource Consumption Parameters</a></li>
-              <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Configuration Parameters</a>
+              <li class="has_submenu"><a href="/docs/userguide/">Configuration Parameters</a>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">add_missing_from</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">application_name</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">array_nulls</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">authentication_timeout</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">backslash_quote</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">block_size</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">bonjour_name</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">check_function_bodies</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">client_encoding</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">client_min_messages</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">cpu_index_tuple_cost</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">cpu_operator_cost</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">cpu_tuple_cost</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">cursor_tuple_fraction</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">custom_variable_classes</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">DateStyle</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">db_user_namespace</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">deadlock_timeout</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">debug_assertions</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">debug_pretty_print</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">debug_print_parse</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">debug_print_plan</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">debug_print_prelim_plan</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">debug_print_rewritten</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">debug_print_slice_table</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">default_hash_table_bucket_number</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">default_statistics_target</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">default_tablespace</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">default_transaction_isolation</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">default_transaction_read_only</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">dfs_url</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">dynamic_library_path</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">effective_cache_size</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">enable_bitmapscan</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">enable_groupagg</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">enable_hashagg</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">enable_hashjoin</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">enable_indexscan</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">enable_mergejoin</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">enable_nestloop</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">enable_seqscan</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">enable_sort</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">enable_tidscan</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">escape_string_warning</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">explain_pretty_print</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">extra_float_digits</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">from_collapse_limit</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_adjust_selectivity_for_outerjoins</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_analyze_relative_error</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_autostats_mode</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_autostats_on_change_threshhold</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_backup_directIO</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_backup_directIO_read_chunk_mb</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_cached_segworkers_threshold</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_command_count</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_connections_per_thread</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_debug_linger</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_dynamic_partition_pruning</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_enable_agg_distinct</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_enable_agg_distinct_pruning</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_enable_direct_dispatch</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_enable_fallback_plan</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_enable_fast_sri</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_enable_groupext_distinct_gather</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_enable_groupext_distinct_pruning</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_enable_multiphase_agg</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_enable_predicate_propagation</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_enable_preunique</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_enable_sequential_window_plans</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_enable_sort_distinct</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_enable_sort_limit</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_external_enable_exec</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_external_grant_privileges</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_external_max_segs</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_filerep_tcp_keepalives_count</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_filerep_tcp_keepalives_idle</a></li>
-                  <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">gp_filerep_


[33/50] [abbrv] incubator-hawq-docs git commit: miscellaneous doc updates (closes #115)

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 rrow_Marker)" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><path d="M 254 261 L 225 261 L 198 261 L 198 243.9" marker-end="url(#FilledArrow_Marker)" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><g id="id10_Graphic"><path d="M 250 272.7 L 250 150.3 C 250 141.8544 274.192 135 304 135 C 333.808 135 358 141.8544 358 150.3 L 358 272.7 C 358 281.1456 333.808 288 304 288 C 274.192 288 250 281.1456 250 272.7" fill="white"/><path d="M 250 272.7 L 250 150.3 C 250 141.8544 274.192 135 304 135 C 333.808 135 358 141.8544 358 150.3 L 358 272.7 C 358 281.1456 333.808 288 304 288 C 274.192 288 250 281.1456 250 272.7 M 250 150.3 C 250 158.7456 274.192 165.6 304 165.6 C 333.808 165.6 358 158.7456 358 150.3" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(255 210.65)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="14" font-weight="bold" x="27.220703" y="14" textLengt
 h="20.220703">HA</tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="14" font-weight="bold" x="46.67578" y="14" textLength="24.103516">WQ</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow_2)"><path d="M 172.29774 210.86712 C 155.8125 207 162.3864 174.4452 188.68404 180 C 191.12388 169.17192 221.7045 170.92944 221.50458 180 C 240.67956 168.39864 265.18404 191.53152 248.74776 203.13288 C 268.47048 208.75752 248.49888 239.06232 232.3125 234 C 231.0171 242.43768 202.08072 245.3904 199.54092 234 C 183.15564 246.1644 148.98972 227.46096 172.29774 210.86712 Z" fill="white"/><path d="M 172.29774 210.86712 C 155.8125 207 162.3864 174.4452 188.68404 180 C 191.12388 169.17192 221.7045 170.92944 221.50458 180 C 240.67956 168.39864 265.18404 191.53152 248.74776 203.13288 C 268.47048 208.75752 248.49888 239.06232 232.3125 234 C 231.0171 242.43768 202.08072 245.3904 199.54092 234 C 183.15564 246.1644 148.98972 227.46096 172.29774 210.86712 Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" strok
 e-width="1"/><text transform="translate(179.3 187.5)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="11" font-weight="bold" x=".75078125" y="10" textLength="62.95459">in-memory: </tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="11" font-weight="500" x="2.2600586" y="23" textLength="56.879883">pg_exttable</tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="11" font-weight="500" x="3.4927246" y="36" textLength="54.41455">pg_class\u2026</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow_2)"><circle cx="220.5" cy="265.5" r="13.5000216" fill="#dbdbdb"/><circle cx="220.5" cy="265.5" r="13.5000216" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(214.7 258.5)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="bold" x="2.463086" y="11" textLength="6.673828">2</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow_2)"><circle cx="431.1501" cy="153" r="13.5000216" fill="#dbdbdb"/><circle cx="431.1501" cy="153" r="13.5000216" stroke="bl
 ack" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(425.3501 146)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="bold" x="2.463086" y="11" textLength="6.673828">3</tspan></text></g></g><g><title>Layer 2</title><path d="M 369.59675 221 L 369.59675 201 L 412 201 L 412 191 L 432 211 L 412 231 L 412 221 Z" fill="#a9b7c2"/><path d="M 369.59675 221 L 369.59675 201 L 412 201 L 412 191 L 432 211 L 412 231 L 412 221 Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(382.39716 204)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="bold" x="6.7322738" y="11" textLength="23.33789">PXF</tspan></text></g></g></svg>

[09/50] [abbrv] incubator-hawq-docs git commit: correction to HA limitation, retitled limitation section for

Posted by
correction to HA limitation, retitled limitation section for


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: bb06233acc357d283ca327fe0742e025b01174c6
Parents: 187f224
Author: David Yozie <>
Authored: Fri Mar 31 14:53:40 2017 -0700
Committer: David Yozie <>
Committed: Fri Mar 31 14:53:40 2017 -0700

 markdown/ranger/ | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/markdown/ranger/ b/markdown/ranger/
index ef223e8..11ec69a 100644
--- a/markdown/ranger/
+++ b/markdown/ranger/
@@ -33,10 +33,10 @@ A single configuration parameter, `hawq_acl_type` determines whether HAWQ defers
 The Ranger plug-in service caches Ranger policies locally on each HAWQ node to avoid unnecessary round trips between the HAWQ node and the Ranger Policy Manager server. You can use the configuration property `ranger.plugin.hawq.policy.pollIntervalMs` to control how frequently the plug-in service contacts the Ranger Policy Manager to refresh cached policies. See [Changing the Frequency of Policy Caching](ranger-integration-config.html#caching).
-## <a id="limitations"></a>Limitations of Ranger Policy Management
+## <a id="limitations"></a>Limitations of Ranger Policy Management in HAWQ
 Neither Kerberos authentication nor SSL encryption is supported between a HAWQ node and the Ranger plug-in service, or between the plug-in service and the Ranger Policy Manager.
-The Ranger plug-in service is not compatible Highly-Available Ranger deployments. The plug-in will not connect to another Ranger Policy Manager if a failure occurs. Should you need to activate the standby master in your HAWQ cluster, you must update the HAWQ Ranger service definition with the new master node connection information.
+The Ranger plug-in service is not compatible Highly-Available HAWQ deployments. Should you need to activate the standby master in your HAWQ cluster, you must manually update the HAWQ Ranger service definition with the new master node connection information.
 HAWQ supports setting user-level authorization policies with Ranger. These correspond to access policies that would typically be applied using the SQL `GRANT` command, and include authorization events for:

[26/50] [abbrv] incubator-hawq-docs git commit: un-nesting, renaming authorization topics

Posted by
un-nesting, renaming authorization topics


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 12c58b1b6b90afeac6aa46d8a66a50805f4fe6f7
Parents: 227bc09
Author: David Yozie <>
Authored: Tue Apr 4 15:41:22 2017 -0700
Committer: David Yozie <>
Committed: Tue Apr 4 15:41:22 2017 -0700

 .../source/subnavs/apache-hawq-nav.erb          | 25 +++++++-------------
 .../clientaccess/ |  2 +-
 markdown/clientaccess/   |  2 +-
 3 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
diff --git a/book/master_middleman/source/subnavs/apache-hawq-nav.erb b/book/master_middleman/source/subnavs/apache-hawq-nav.erb
index c5795b6..054cc01 100644
--- a/book/master_middleman/source/subnavs/apache-hawq-nav.erb
+++ b/book/master_middleman/source/subnavs/apache-hawq-nav.erb
@@ -137,20 +137,15 @@
             <a href="/docs/userguide/">Disabling Kerberos Security</a>
+          <li>
+              <a href="/docs/userguide/">Overview of HAWQ Authorization</a>
+          </li>
+          <li>
+              <a href="/docs/userguide/">Using HAWQ Native Authorization</a>
+          </li>
           <li class="has_submenu">
-            <span>
-              Authorizing Access to HAWQ Resources
-            </span>
-            <ul>
-            <li>
-              <a href="/docs/userguide/">Introducing HAWQ Authorization</a>
-            </li>
-            <li>
-              <a href="/docs/userguide/">Using HAWQ to Manage Roles and Privileges</a>
-            </li>
-               <li class="has_submenu">
-                        Using Ranger to Manage Access to HAWQ Resources
+                        Using Ranger for Authorization
@@ -177,10 +172,8 @@
                      <a href="/docs/userguide/">Auditing Authorization Events</a>
-            </li>
-         </ul>
-         </li>
-         <li>
+          </li>
+          <li>
             <a href="/docs/userguide/">Establishing a Database Session</a>
diff --git a/markdown/clientaccess/ b/markdown/clientaccess/
index d90614b..ee7a961 100644
--- a/markdown/clientaccess/
+++ b/markdown/clientaccess/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-title: Introducing HAWQ Authorization
+title: Overview of HAWQ Authorization
diff --git a/markdown/clientaccess/ b/markdown/clientaccess/
index 6c496b3..2675c75 100644
--- a/markdown/clientaccess/
+++ b/markdown/clientaccess/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-title: Managing Roles and Privileges
+title: Using HAWQ Native Authorization

[41/50] [abbrv] incubator-hawq-docs git commit: HAWQ-1424 - new alter sequence ref page (closes #117)

Posted by
HAWQ-1424 - new alter sequence ref page (closes #117)


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 4f333a3bf260c99d0a07a369997d0a5e8b44e15e
Parents: bd6ce78
Author: Lisa Owen <>
Authored: Fri Apr 7 09:02:34 2017 -0700
Committer: David Yozie <>
Committed: Fri Apr 7 09:02:34 2017 -0700

 .../source/subnavs/apache-hawq-nav.erb          |   1 +
 .../reference/   |   2 +
 .../reference/sql/    | 102 +++++++++++++++++++
 .../reference/sql/   |  20 ++--
 .../reference/sql/     |   2 +-
 5 files changed, 116 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
diff --git a/book/master_middleman/source/subnavs/apache-hawq-nav.erb b/book/master_middleman/source/subnavs/apache-hawq-nav.erb
index 5c784e9..489f0c4 100644
--- a/book/master_middleman/source/subnavs/apache-hawq-nav.erb
+++ b/book/master_middleman/source/subnavs/apache-hawq-nav.erb
@@ -429,6 +429,7 @@
               <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ALTER OPERATOR CLASS</a></li>
               <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ALTER RESOURCE QUEUE</a></li>
               <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ALTER ROLE</a></li>
+              <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ALTER SEQUENCE</a></li>
               <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ALTER TABLE</a></li>
               <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ALTER TABLESPACE</a></li>
               <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">ALTER TYPE</a></li>
diff --git a/markdown/reference/ b/markdown/reference/
index 44938ee..f7c9689 100644
--- a/markdown/reference/
+++ b/markdown/reference/
@@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ This�section contains a description and the syntax�of�the SQL commands suppor
 -   **[ALTER ROLE](../reference/sql/ALTER-ROLE.html)**
+-   **[ALTER SEQUENCE](../reference/sql/ALTER-SEQUENCE.html)**
 -   **[ALTER TABLE](../reference/sql/ALTER-TABLE.html)**
 -   **[ALTER TABLESPACE](../reference/sql/ALTER-TABLESPACE.html)**
diff --git a/markdown/reference/sql/ b/markdown/reference/sql/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e10d03c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/markdown/reference/sql/
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+specific language governing permissions and limitations
+under the License.
+Change the definition of a sequence generator.
+## <a id="topic1__section2"></a>Synopsis
+``` pre
+�������[INCREMENT [BY] <value>]
+�������[MINVALUE <minvalue> | NO MINVALUE]
+�������[MAXVALUE <maxvalue> | NO MAXVALUE]
+�������[RESTART [ WITH ] <start>]
+�������[CACHE <cache>]
+�������[[NO] CYCLE]
+�������[OWNED BY { <table>.<column> | NONE }]
+## <a id="topic1__section3"></a>Description
+`ALTER SEQUENCE` changes the parameters of an existing sequence generator. Any parameters not specifically set in the `ALTER SEQUENCE` command retain their prior setting.
+You must own the sequence to use `ALTER SEQUENCE`. 
+## <a id="topic1__section4"></a>Parameters
+<dt> \<name\>  </dt>
+<dd>The name (optionally schema-qualified) of the sequence to be altered.</dd>
+<dt> \<increment\>  </dt>
+<dd>Specifies which value is added to the current sequence value to create a new value. A positive value will make an ascending sequence, a negative one a descending sequence. The default value is 1.</dd>
+<dt> \<minvalue\>  
+<dd>Determines the minimum value a sequence can generate. If this clause is not supplied or `NO MINVALUE` is specified, then defaults will be used. The defaults are 1 and -2<sup>63</sup>-1 for ascending and descending sequences, respectively.</dd>
+<dt> \<maxvalue\>  
+<dd>Determines the maximum value for the sequence. If this clause is not supplied or `NO MAXVALUE` is specified, then default values will be used. The defaults are 2<sup>63</sup>-1 and -1 for ascending and descending sequences, respectively.</dd>
+<dt> \<start\>  </dt>
+<dd>The new current value of the sequence.</dd>
+<dt> \<cache\>  </dt>
+<dd>Specifies how many sequence numbers are to be preallocated and stored in memory for faster access. The minimum (and default) value is 1 (no cache).</dd>
+NO CYCLE  </dt>
+<dd>Allows the sequence to wrap around when the \<maxvalue\> (for ascending) or \<minvalue\> (for descending) has been reached. If the limit is reached, the next number generated will be the \<minvalue\> (for ascending) or \<maxvalue\> (for descending). If `NO CYCLE` is specified, any calls to `nextval()` after the sequence has reached its maximum value will return an error. If not specified, `NO CYCLE` is the default.</dd>
+<dt>OWNED BY \<table\>.\<column\>  
+<dd>Causes the sequence to be associated with a specific table column, such that if that column (or its whole table) is dropped, the sequence will be automatically dropped as well. If specified, this association replaces any previously specified assocation for the sequence. The specified table must have the same owner and be in the same schema as the sequence. `OWNED BY NONE` removes any existing association.</dd>
+## <a id="topic1__section5"></a>Notes
+`ALTER SEQUENCE` will not immediately affect `nextval()` results in backends, other than the current one, that have preallocated (cached) sequence values. They will use up all cached values prior to noticing the changed sequence generation parameters. The current backend will be affected immediately.
+Some variants of `ALTER TABLE` can be used with sequences as well; for example, to rename a sequence use `ALTER TABLE RENAME`.
+## <a id="topic1__section6"></a>Examples
+Restart the sequence named `myseq`:
+``` pre
+Change the increment value for the sequence named `myseq`:
+``` pre
+## <a id="topic1__section7"></a>Compatibility
+`CREATE SEQUENCE` conforms to the SQL standard, with the exception that the `OWNED BY` clause is a HAWQ extension.
+## <a id="topic1__section8"></a>See Also
diff --git a/markdown/reference/sql/ b/markdown/reference/sql/
index 01b81d3..70e5117 100644
--- a/markdown/reference/sql/
+++ b/markdown/reference/sql/
@@ -42,13 +42,13 @@ CREATE [TEMPORARY | TEMP] SEQUENCE <name>
 If a schema name is given, then the sequence is created in the specified schema. Otherwise it is created in the current schema. Temporary sequences exist in a special schema, so a schema name may not be given when creating a temporary sequence. The sequence name must be distinct from the name of any other sequence, table, or view in the same schema.
-After a sequence is created, you use the `nextval` function to operate on the sequence. For example, to insert a row into a table that gets the next value of a sequence:
+After a sequence is created, you use the `nextval()` function to operate on the sequence. For example, to insert a row into a table that gets the next value of a sequence:
 ``` pre
 INSERT INTO distributors VALUES (nextval('myserial'), 'acme');
-You can also use the function `setval` to operate on a sequence, but only for queries that do not operate on distributed data. For example, the following query is allowed because it resets the sequence counter value for the sequence generator process on the master:
+You can also use the function `setval()` to operate on a sequence, but only for queries that do not operate on distributed data. For example, the following query is allowed because it resets the sequence counter value for the sequence generator process on the master:
 ``` pre
 SELECT setval('myserial', 201);
@@ -64,9 +64,9 @@ In a regular (non-distributed) database, functions that operate on the sequence
 Because of this distributed sequence design, there are some limitations on the functions that operate on a sequence in HAWQ:
--   `lastval` and `currval` functions are not supported.
--   `setval` can only be used to set the value of the sequence generator on the master, it cannot be used in subqueries to update records on distributed table data.
--   `nextval` sometimes grabs a block of values from the master for a segment to use, depending on the query. So values may sometimes be skipped in the sequence if all of the block turns out not to be needed at the segment level. Note that a regular PostgreSQL database does this too, so this is not something unique to HAWQ.
+-   `lastval()` and `currval()` functions are not supported.
+-   `setval()` can only be used to set the value of the sequence generator on the master, it cannot be used in subqueries to update records on distributed table data.
+-   `nextval()` sometimes grabs a block of values from the master for a segment to use, depending on the query. So values may sometimes be skipped in the sequence if all of the block turns out not to be needed at the segment level. Note that a regular PostgreSQL database does this too, so this is not something unique to HAWQ.
 Although you cannot update a sequence directly, you can use a query like:
@@ -89,11 +89,11 @@ to examine the parameters and current state of a sequence. In particular, the `l
 <dt> \<minvalue\>  
-<dd>Determines the minimum value a sequence can generate. If this clause is not supplied or `NO MINVALUE` is specified, then defaults will be used. The defaults are 1 and -263-1 for ascending and descending sequences, respectively.</dd>
+<dd>Determines the minimum value a sequence can generate. If this clause is not supplied or `NO MINVALUE` is specified, then defaults will be used. The defaults are 1 and -2<sup>63</sup>-1 for ascending and descending sequences, respectively.</dd>
 <dt> \<maxvalue\>  
-<dd>Determines the maximum value for the sequence. If this clause is not supplied or `NO MAXVALUE` is specified, then default values will be used. The defaults are 263-1 and -1 for ascending and descending sequences, respectively.</dd>
+<dd>Determines the maximum value for the sequence. If this clause is not supplied or `NO MAXVALUE` is specified, then default values will be used. The defaults are 2<sup>63-1 and -1 for ascending and descending sequences, respectively.</dd>
 <dt> \<start\>  </dt>
 <dd>Allows the sequence to begin anywhere. The default starting value is \<minvalue\> for ascending sequences and \<maxvalue\> for descending ones.</dd>
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ OWNED BY NONE  </dt>
 Sequences are based on bigint arithmetic, so the range cannot exceed the range of an eight-byte integer (-9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807).
-Although multiple sessions are guaranteed to allocate distinct sequence values, the values may be generated out of sequence when all the sessions are considered. For example, session A might reserve values 1..10 and return `nextval=1`, then session B might reserve values 11..20 and return `nextval=11` before session A has generated nextval=2. Thus, you should only assume that the `nextval` values are all distinct, not that they are generated purely sequentially. Also,`last_value` will reflect the latest value reserved by any session, whether or not it has yet been returned by `nextval`.
+Although multiple sessions are guaranteed to allocate distinct sequence values, the values may be generated out of sequence when all the sessions are considered. For example, session A might reserve values 1..10 and return `nextval=1`, then session B might reserve values 11..20 and return `nextval=11` before session A has generated `nextval=2`. Thus, you should only assume that the `nextval()` values are all distinct, not that they are generated purely sequentially. Also,`last_value` will reflect the latest value reserved by any session, whether or not it has yet been returned by `nextval()`.
 ## <a id="topic1__section6"></a>Examples
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ Reset the sequence counter value on the master:
 SELECT setval('myseq', 201);
-Illegal use of `setval` in HAWQ (setting sequence values on distributed data):
+Illegal use of `setval()` in HAWQ (setting sequence values on distributed data):
 ``` pre
 INSERT INTO product VALUES (setval('myseq', 201), 'gizmo');
@@ -151,4 +151,4 @@ INSERT INTO product VALUES (setval('myseq', 201), 'gizmo');
 ## <a id="topic1__section8"></a>See Also
diff --git a/markdown/reference/sql/ b/markdown/reference/sql/
index 4d787ae..e0473bd 100644
--- a/markdown/reference/sql/
+++ b/markdown/reference/sql/
@@ -61,4 +61,4 @@ DROP SEQUENCE myserial;
 ## <a id="topic1__section7"></a>See Also

[21/50] [abbrv] incubator-hawq-docs git commit: Removing unused links from subnav; updating subnav to include Ranger topics

Posted by
Removing unused links from subnav; updating subnav to include Ranger topics


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 5853561f96636e44259c62ad14ac64a4b28669c4
Parents: 6669eef
Author: David Yozie <>
Authored: Mon Apr 3 15:35:23 2017 -0700
Committer: David Yozie <>
Committed: Mon Apr 3 15:35:23 2017 -0700

 .../source/subnavs/apache-hawq-nav.erb          | 80 +++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 45 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)
diff --git a/book/master_middleman/source/subnavs/apache-hawq-nav.erb b/book/master_middleman/source/subnavs/apache-hawq-nav.erb
index 1719245..c5795b6 100644
--- a/book/master_middleman/source/subnavs/apache-hawq-nav.erb
+++ b/book/master_middleman/source/subnavs/apache-hawq-nav.erb
@@ -7,36 +7,6 @@
       <li><a href="/docs/userguide/">System Requirements</a>
-<!--      <li class="has_submenu">
-        <span>
-          Installing Apache HAWQ
-        </span>
-        <ul>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Selecting HAWQ Host Machines</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Installing HAWQ Using Ambari</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Installing HAWQ from the Command Line (Optional)</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Amazon EC2 Configuration</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/hdb/install/install_package_extensions.html">Installing Procedural Languages and Package Extensions for HAWQ</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/hdb/install/install_pgcrypto.html">Installing Cryptographic Functions for PostgreSQL (pgcrypto)</a></li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/hdb/install/install_pljava.html">Installing PL/Java</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/hdb/install/install_plr.html">Installing PL/R</a>
-          </li> 
-        </ul>
-      </li>-->
       <li class="has_submenu">
           HAWQ System Overview
@@ -165,12 +135,52 @@
             <a href="/docs/userguide/">Using Kerberos Authentication</a>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Diabling Kerberos Security</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Managing Roles and Privileges</a>
+            <a href="/docs/userguide/">Disabling Kerberos Security</a>
-          <li>
+          <li class="has_submenu">
+            <span>
+              Authorizing Access to HAWQ Resources
+            </span>
+            <ul>
+            <li>
+              <a href="/docs/userguide/">Introducing HAWQ Authorization</a>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <a href="/docs/userguide/">Using HAWQ to Manage Roles and Privileges</a>
+            </li>
+               <li class="has_submenu">
+                     <span>
+                        Using Ranger to Manage Access to HAWQ Resources
+                     </span>
+               <ul>
+                  <li>
+                     <a href="/docs/userguide/">Overview of Ranger Policy Management</a>
+                  </li>
+                  <li>
+                     <a href="/docs/userguide/">Configuring HAWQ to use Ranger Policy Management</a>
+                  </li>
+                  <li class="has_submenu">
+                     <a href="/docs/userguide/">Creating HAWQ Authorization Policies in Ranger</a>
+                    <ul>
+                      <li>
+                         <a href="/docs/userguide/">HAWQ Resources and Permissions</a>
+                      </li>
+                      <li>
+                         <a href="/docs/userguide/">SQL Command Permissions Summary</a>
+                      </li>
+                      <li>
+                         <a href="/docs/userguide/">Using MADLib with Ranger Authorization</a>
+                      </li>
+                    </ul>
+                  </li>
+                  <li>
+                     <a href="/docs/userguide/">Auditing Authorization Events</a>
+                  </li>
+               </ul>
+            </li>
+         </ul>
+         </li>
+         <li>
             <a href="/docs/userguide/">Establishing a Database Session</a>

[20/50] [abbrv] incubator-hawq-docs git commit: updating version to

Posted by
updating version to


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 6669eef3583cfb019778149eef55b0b0fba59c57
Parents: 8b08a6c
Author: David Yozie <>
Authored: Mon Apr 3 15:06:19 2017 -0700
Committer: David Yozie <>
Committed: Mon Apr 3 15:06:19 2017 -0700

 book/config.yml                                 |    2 +-
 .../source/subnavs/apache-hawq-nav.erb          | 1258 +++++++++---------
 2 files changed, 630 insertions(+), 630 deletions(-)
diff --git a/book/config.yml b/book/config.yml
index 22d2799..ee8aa49 100644
--- a/book/config.yml
+++ b/book/config.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ public_host: http://localhost:9292/
  - repository:
      name: incubator-hawq-docs/markdown
-   directory: docs/userguide/
+   directory: docs/userguide/
    subnav_template: apache-hawq-nav

[11/50] [abbrv] incubator-hawq-docs git commit: adding ranger architecture diagram

Posted by
adding ranger architecture diagram


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 98a7ba068f2c6cee666d8dde20258c2153bab484
Parents: 6358aa4
Author: David Yozie <>
Authored: Mon Apr 3 10:53:22 2017 -0700
Committer: David Yozie <>
Committed: Mon Apr 3 10:53:22 2017 -0700

 markdown/images/hawq-ranger-arch.png        | Bin 0 -> 63005 bytes
 markdown/ranger/ |   3 +++
 2 files changed, 3 insertions(+)
diff --git a/markdown/images/hawq-ranger-arch.png b/markdown/images/hawq-ranger-arch.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3379df
Binary files /dev/null and b/markdown/images/hawq-ranger-arch.png differ
diff --git a/markdown/ranger/ b/markdown/ranger/
index c728105..01b6e90 100644
--- a/markdown/ranger/
+++ b/markdown/ranger/
@@ -25,6 +25,9 @@ HAWQ supports using Apache Ranger for authorizing user access to HAWQ resources.
 ## <a id="arch"></a>Policy Management Architecture
+![HAWQ Ranger Authorization](../images/hawq-ranger-arch.png "HAWQ Ranger Authorization")
 Each HAWQ installation includes a Ranger plug-in service to support Ranger Policy management. The Ranger plug-in service implements the Ranger REST API to bridge all requests between the Ranger Policy Manager and a HAWQ instance. 
 HAWQ also provides a JAR library that enables the Ranger Policy Manager to lookup HAWQ metadata (the names of databases, schemas, tables, and so forth) to populate the user interface and assist in creating new policies. This JAR uses a JDBC connection to HAWQ, and requires a one-time registration with the Ranger Policy Manager. See [Configuring HAWQ to use Ranger Policy Management](ranger-integration-config.html).

[14/50] [abbrv] incubator-hawq-docs git commit: Typo fix; referencing existing topic for plug-in restart

Posted by
Typo fix; referencing existing topic for plug-in restart


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 245c21c693eac2bbeb4368f15b7e128c52520cc1
Parents: 8350307
Author: David Yozie <>
Authored: Mon Apr 3 14:05:20 2017 -0700
Committer: David Yozie <>
Committed: Mon Apr 3 14:05:20 2017 -0700

 markdown/ranger/ | 15 +++------------
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
diff --git a/markdown/ranger/ b/markdown/ranger/
index 7f6fed0..18f2138 100644
--- a/markdown/ranger/
+++ b/markdown/ranger/
@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ under the License.
 The HAWQ Ranger Plug-in Service supports storing auditing records in any of the Ranger auditing framework audit destinations, referred to as *audit sink*s. The `/usr/local/hawq/ranger/etc/ranger-hawq-audit.xml` file specifies the audit configuration. It contains sample definitions for the HDFS, Solr, and Log4j audit sinks.
-As a best practice, configure one or more audit sinks in `ranger-hawq-audit.xml` before you register the HAWQ Ranger Plug-in Service. By default only the Log4j sink is enabled. Production deployments should use both a Solr and an HDFS audit sink, with the Solr destination configured to automatically purge audit records after some period of time.  This configuration enables you to search the most recent audit records, while a keeping a full history of auditing records in HDFS.
+As a best practice, configure one or more audit sinks in `ranger-hawq-audit.xml` before you register the HAWQ Ranger Plug-in Service. By default only the Log4j sink is enabled. Production deployments should use both a Solr and an HDFS audit sink, with the Solr destination configured to automatically purge audit records after some period of time.  This configuration enables you to search the most recent audit records, while keeping a full history of auditing records in HDFS.
-If you modify `ranger-hawq-audit.xml` after you have registered the HAWQ Ranger Plug-in, you must restart the plug-in for the changes to take effect.
+If you modify `ranger-hawq-audit.xml` after you have registered the HAWQ Ranger Plug-in, you must restart the plug-in for the changes to take effect. See [Custom Configuration](ranger-integration-config.html#customconfig) for instructions.
 Full documentation for the Ranger auditing configuration properties and the Ranger auditing framework is available at [Ranger 0.5 Audit Configuration](
@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ For example:
 ## <a id="hdfs"></a>Configuring HDFS Auditing
 To configure an HDFS audit sink, define these auditing properties in `ranger-hawq-audit.xml`:
@@ -144,13 +145,3 @@ For example:
-## <a id="reconfigure"></a>Changing the Plug-in Auditing Settings
-If you modify `ranger-hawq-audit.xml` after you have registered the HAWQ Ranger Plug-in, you must either restart the HAWQ cluster or restart the plug-in for the changes to take effect.
-To restart only the HAWQ Ranger Plug-in:
-``` bash
-$ /usr/local/hawq_2_2_0_0/ranger/bin/ stop
-$ /usr/local/hawq_2_2_0_0/ranger/bin/ start
\ No newline at end of file