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Posted to by Felix Meschberger <> on 2010/11/09 15:05:53 UTC

[ANN] Apache Felix SCR Generator 1.0.0, SCR Annotations 1.4.0, Maven SCR Plugin 1.6.0, SCR Ant Task 1.0.0 released

The Apache Felix team is pleased to announce the release

  Apache Felix Maven SCR Plugin 1.6.0
  Apache Felix SCR Ant Task 1.0.0
  Apache Felix SCR Generator 1.0.0
  Apache Felix SCR Annotations 1.4.0

The Apache Felix Maven SCR Plugin is a Maven 2 plugin to generate OSGi
Declarative Services and OSGi Metatype Service descriptors from JavaDoc
tags and/or Java 5 annotations interspersed in Java source code.

The Apache Felix SCR Ant Task is an Ant Task plugin to generate OSGi
Declarative Services and OSGi Metatype Service descriptors from JavaDoc
tags and/or Java 5 annotations interspersed in Java source code.

The Apache Felix SCR Generator library is a helper library used by both
the Maven SCR Plugin (as a dependency) and the SCR Ant Task (included
with the task library) to actually create the descriptors from the tags
and/or annotations.

The Apache Felix SCR Annotations library defines the core Java 5
annotations supported and may be used as a build time dependency to use
these tags in the source.

See full documentation at

This release is available from

The SCR Annotations library can be used in Maven projects by adding a
dependency to 


Release Notes for the Maven SCR Plugin 1.6.0
** Bug
    * [FELIX-2475] - Metatype information should not be generated
             for abstract components 
    * [FELIX-2478] - Cardinality attribute for Property annotation
             should be of type string 
    * [FELIX-2486] - ClassLoaderJavaClassDescription.isA does not
             work under certain circumstances 
    * [FELIX-2615] - ArrayOutOfBoundsException occurs from maven scr
             plugin when an empty class is present 
    * [FELIX-2665] - getting error about SlingFilterScope not being
             applicable for <T extends Enum> 
** Improvement
    * [FELIX-2333] - service.ranking property type should be Integer
             by default 
    * [FELIX-2680] - Fail build if old SCR Annotations library is used
** New Feature
    * [FELIX-2679] - Detect AnnotationTagProvider's through
** Task
    * [FELIX-2476] - Update to QDox 1.12
    * [FELIX-2669] - Split Maven SCR Plugin and reorganize SCR modules

Release Notes for the SCR Ant Task 1.0.0
** New Feature
    * [FELIX-2642] - Create an ANT task for the SCR plugin functionality
    * [FELIX-2679] - Detect AnnotationTagProvider's through
** Task
    * [FELIX-2669] - Split Maven SCR Plugin and reorganize SCR modules

Release Notes for the SCR Generator 1.0.0
** New Feature
    * [FELIX-2679] - Detect AnnotationTagProvider's through
** Task
    * [FELIX-2669] - Split Maven SCR Plugin and reorganize SCR modules

Release Notes for the SCR Annotations 1.4.0
** Bug
    * [FELIX-2478] - Cardinality attribute for Property annotation
             should be of type string
** New Feature
    * [FELIX-2679] - Detect AnnotationTagProvider's through
** Task
    * [FELIX-2669] - Split Maven SCR Plugin and reorganize SCR modules 


-The Felix team