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Posted to by Rossmy Tilman <> on 2007/08/22 17:49:13 UTC

configuration issue

can't get this to work somehow...this is my scenario:
I publish the eb_common_server.jar with the following ivy.xml

<ivy-module version="1.0">
	<info organisation="rtc" module="eb_common_server"
revision="0.1" />
        <conf name="with-deps" description="necessary for runtime"/>
        <conf name="no-deps" />
        <conf name="test" />
		<artifact name="eb_common_server" type="jar" />
		<dependency org="javax.xml" name="jaxb-impl" rev="2.1"
		<dependency org="javax.xml" name="jaxb-api" rev="2.1"
		<dependency org="javax.xml" name="jaxb-xjc" rev="2.1"
		<dependency org="javax.xml" name="jaxb-resolver"
rev="2.1" conf="with-deps->default"/>
		<dependency org="javax.xml" name="jaxb-serializer"
rev="2.1" conf="with-deps->default"/>
		<dependency org="javax.xml" name="jaxb-xalan" rev="2.1"
		<dependency org="javax.xml" name="jaxb-xercesImpl"
rev="2.1" conf="with-deps->default"/>
		<dependency org="javax.xml" name="jaxb-xml-apis"
rev="2.1" conf="with-deps->default"/>
		<dependency org="javax.xml" name="jaxb-xsltc" rev="2.1"
		<dependency org="javax.xml" name="stream" rev="1.0"
		<dependency org="jdepend" name="jdepend" rev="2.9"
		<dependency org="javax.activation" name="activation"
rev="1.1" conf="with-deps->default"/>
		<dependency org="org.springframework" name="spring"
rev="2.0.6" conf="with-deps->default"/>
		<dependency org="org.springframework" name="spring-mock"
			rev="2.0.6" conf="with-deps->default"/>


that works alright, it seems...but when I reference the dependency like

<ivy-module version="1.0">
	<info organisation="rtc" module="eb_webclient" revision="1.0"/>
		<dependency name="eb_common_server"  rev="0.1"

it gives me this error

[ivy:retrieve] ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
[ivy:retrieve] ::          UNRESOLVED DEPENDENCIES         ::
[ivy:retrieve] ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
[ivy:retrieve] :: [ rtc | eb_common_server | 0.1 ]: configuration(s) not
found in [ rtc | eb_common_server | 0.1 ]: with-deps. It was required
from [ rtc | eb_webclient | 1.0 ] default

if ommit the conf part like this:

<ivy-module version="1.0">
	<info organisation="rtc" module="eb_webclient" revision="1.0"/>
		<dependency name="eb_common_server"  rev="0.1" />

then I only get the eb_common_server-0.1.jar file

I publish with this ant task:

<target name="publishJar" depends="clean,jar">
		<ivy:publish overwrite="true" update="true"
resolver="internal" organisation="${module.organisation}"
module="${}" revision="${module.revision}">
			<artifacts pattern="../target/[artifact].[ext]"

and I use this ivy-settings.xml:

	<settings defaultCache="../target/ivy-cache"
		checkUpToDate="false" />
		<chain name="build-repository" returnFirst="false">
			<filesystem name="internal"
]-[revision].[ext]" />
			<filesystem name="localMaven"
m2compatible="true" checkmodified="true">
odule]/[revision]/[module]-[revision].[ext]" />

another thing that is worth mentioning is that I'm working behind a
restrictive firewall, so use only local repos.
Any suggestions?

Re: configuration issue

Posted by Jing Xue <>.

Quoting Rossmy Tilman <>:

> can't get this to work somehow...this is my scenario:
> I publish the eb_common_server.jar with the following ivy.xml

Did you check the repositories and make sure your ivy.xml actually got  
published along with the artifact?  The two file system resolvers  
don't seem to have an explicit "ivy" pattern defined. I'm not entire  
sure as I can't find any documentation on this, but I suspect that  
that makes the resolvers sort of "artifact only".

Jing Xue