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Posted to by ashokd <> on 2003/06/02 14:16:33 UTC

Branch Too Large Exception with Nested Iterator


I am using Nested Iterator to display the content as text boxes. In each row
I have 10 fields, If the rows are increasing I am getting the Branch Too
Large Exception. I have 3 types of grids in a page, If I kept 2 Grids it is
working fine, If I kpet 3 Grids then it is giving error.

jsp converted java file size is 384KB (5500 lines).

Their is any limitation for J2EE container w.r.t jsp size ?

To over come above problem I tried to include as separate jsps (each grid as
separete jsp), It is asking form tag in that jsps.
My requirement is I need to submit 3 Grids at a time when the user Clicks
the update button. Any suggestions on this.

Their is any other way to display the nested:iterator Grids with out using
form tag (like logic:iterator by using id).

Thanks in Advance,

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