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Posted to by Olivier Lamy <> on 2010/05/06 10:12:31 UTC

[ANN] Tomcat Maven Plugin 1.0 Released

The Mojo team is pleased to announce the release of the Tomcat Maven
Plugin, version 1.0


You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven 2.x Tomcat Plugin - Version 1.0

** Bug
    * [MTOMCAT-21] - Fix documentation as MTOMCAT-4 forces users to
use the path configuration instead of just setting the finalName node
in the pom
    * [MTOMCAT-35] - Documentation does not include an example for the
<systemProperties> configuration
    * [MTOMCAT-36] - Broken link to "Adding System Properties"
examples in documentation
    * [MTOMCAT-37] - system properties not set when using a server.xml
    * [MTOMCAT-39] - Use of the maven classpath as the tomcat 'system'
classpath breaks webapp that uses xerces 2.9.1
    * [MTOMCAT-42] - mvn tomcat:run fails on **first** invocation
after a clean when using <tomcatWebXml>
    * [MTOMCAT-45] - using run mojo with path / doesn't work if
application use request.contextPath
    * [MTOMCAT-53] - System Properties set too late for logging alteration
    * [MTOMCAT-54] - If context path is '/' then emty string must be
passed to embedded.createContext(String path, String docBase)

** Improvement
    * [MTOMCAT-20] - Support process forking in tomcat:run
    * [MTOMCAT-23] - Allow to deploy assembled wars
    * [MTOMCAT-25] - Run goals should set the context class loader
    * [MTOMCAT-41] - Upgrade Tomcat to 6.0.26
    * [MTOMCAT-43] - Allow configuration of URI encoding
    * [MTOMCAT-44] - Load the System Properties before Starting the
Catalina Container so we can define environment entries in the
Catalina Configuration files.
    * [MTOMCAT-51] - Add an option to set delegate option in the
webapp loader for the mojo run
    * [MTOMCAT-52] - Use module build output directory from reactors
when mojo run is used in root module

** New Feature
    * [MTOMCAT-10] - multi warfile support in tomcat:run goal
    * [MTOMCAT-24] - run-war-only
    * [MTOMCAT-27] - Add support for https connector for the run goal

Have Fun,
The Mojo team

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