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Posted to by on 2006/04/07 13:00:02 UTC

Issues Closed: week of 04-07-2006

Project: Apache Geronimo
Status: Resolved, Closed (25 items)
Updated In Last: Week (7 days)

** New Feature

 * [GERONIMO-572]  GBeanName instead of ObjectName

** Bug

 * [GERONIMO-289]  WEB-INF/lib/* and WEB-INF/classes aren't on configuration class loader
 * [GERONIMO-624]  WinXP: Testsuite: org.openejb.deployment.entity.cmp.cmr.onetoone.OneToOneTest failed
 * [GERONIMO-1462]  Finish implementing inverseClassloading attribute in plan schemas
 * [GERONIMO-1787]  Possible to have a configuration partially installed that is not possible to undeploy
 * [GERONIMO-948]  Need reference counting on load/start of configurations
 * [GERONIMO-753]  GBeanName.matches does not respect quotes
 * [GERONIMO-837]  Switch all references in standard plans to not use <gbean-name>
 * [GERONIMO-1806]  config.xml need to allow for nulls, empty string attributes and ability to remove references
 * [GERONIMO-1797]  Mail attachments are not getting recognized as MIME parts

** Improvement

 * [GERONIMO-1811]  Improve the "Error: Unable to distribute foo.ear: Cannot deploy the requested application module" message
 * [GERONIMO-1357]  Apache Geronimo V1.0 Documentation Draft
 * [GERONIMO-1611]  Apache Geronimo Web site update
 * [GERONIMO-241]  GBean proxy code could use improvement
 * [GERONIMO-232]  The ${geronimo.home}/config-store  should be created if missing prior to deployment.
 * [GERONIMO-956]  Remove "global JNDI space"
 * [GERONIMO-1018]  Clarification of references
 * [GERONIMO-896]  Support additional properties for GBean Names without providing full ObjectName
 * [GERONIMO-571]  Provide ability to start all non-started GBeans and see error messages as to why they did not start
 * [GERONIMO-1689]  Eliminate config-store/# directory structure
 * [GERONIMO-1779]  Commits that shoud be merged from HEAD to 1.1

** Task

 * [GERONIMO-191]  Deployment of multiple modules into a single configuration
 * [GERONIMO-739]  Review location of config-store directory
 * [GERONIMO-1799]  SPECjAppServer2004 Deployment Descriptors
 * [GERONIMO-1466]  Preparing 1.0 branch for development of 1.0.1