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[2/5] orc git commit: ORC-81 Add lzo and lz4 support for the C++ reader. (omalley)
diff --git a/c++/libs/lz4-r131/lib/xxhash.h b/c++/libs/lz4-r131/lib/xxhash.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c60aa61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/c++/libs/lz4-r131/lib/xxhash.h
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+   xxHash - Extremely Fast Hash algorithm
+   Header File
+   Copyright (C) 2012-2015, Yann Collet.
+   BSD 2-Clause License (
+   Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+   modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+   met:
+       * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+       * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+   copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+   in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+   distribution.
+   You can contact the author at :
+   - xxHash source repository :
+/* Notice extracted from xxHash homepage :
+xxHash is an extremely fast Hash algorithm, running at RAM speed limits.
+It also successfully passes all tests from the SMHasher suite.
+Comparison (single thread, Windows Seven 32 bits, using SMHasher on a Core 2 Duo @3GHz)
+Name            Speed       Q.Score   Author
+xxHash          5.4 GB/s     10
+CrapWow         3.2 GB/s      2       Andrew
+MumurHash 3a    2.7 GB/s     10       Austin Appleby
+SpookyHash      2.0 GB/s     10       Bob Jenkins
+SBox            1.4 GB/s      9       Bret Mulvey
+Lookup3         1.2 GB/s      9       Bob Jenkins
+SuperFastHash   1.2 GB/s      1       Paul Hsieh
+CityHash64      1.05 GB/s    10       Pike & Alakuijala
+FNV             0.55 GB/s     5       Fowler, Noll, Vo
+CRC32           0.43 GB/s     9
+MD5-32          0.33 GB/s    10       Ronald L. Rivest
+SHA1-32         0.28 GB/s    10
+Q.Score is a measure of quality of the hash function.
+It depends on successfully passing SMHasher test set.
+10 is a perfect score.
+A 64-bits version, named XXH64, is available since r35.
+It offers much better speed, but for 64-bits applications only.
+Name     Speed on 64 bits    Speed on 32 bits
+XXH64       13.8 GB/s            1.9 GB/s
+XXH32        6.8 GB/s            6.0 GB/s
+#pragma once
+#if defined (__cplusplus)
+extern "C" {
+*  Definitions
+#include <stddef.h>   /* size_t */
+typedef enum { XXH_OK=0, XXH_ERROR } XXH_errorcode;
+*  Namespace Emulation
+/* Motivations :
+If you need to include xxHash into your library,
+but wish to avoid xxHash symbols to be present on your library interface
+in an effort to avoid potential name collision if another library also includes xxHash,
+you can use XXH_NAMESPACE, which will automatically prefix any symbol from xxHash
+with the value of XXH_NAMESPACE (so avoid to keep it NULL, and avoid numeric values).
+Note that no change is required within the calling program :
+it can still call xxHash functions using their regular name.
+They will be automatically translated by this header.
+#  define XXH_CAT(A,B) A##B
+#  define XXH_NAME2(A,B) XXH_CAT(A,B)
+#  define XXH32_createState XXH_NAME2(XXH_NAMESPACE, XXH32_createState)
+#  define XXH64_createState XXH_NAME2(XXH_NAMESPACE, XXH64_createState)
+#  define XXH32_freeState XXH_NAME2(XXH_NAMESPACE, XXH32_freeState)
+#  define XXH64_freeState XXH_NAME2(XXH_NAMESPACE, XXH64_freeState)
+#  define XXH32_reset XXH_NAME2(XXH_NAMESPACE, XXH32_reset)
+#  define XXH64_reset XXH_NAME2(XXH_NAMESPACE, XXH64_reset)
+#  define XXH32_update XXH_NAME2(XXH_NAMESPACE, XXH32_update)
+#  define XXH64_update XXH_NAME2(XXH_NAMESPACE, XXH64_update)
+#  define XXH32_digest XXH_NAME2(XXH_NAMESPACE, XXH32_digest)
+#  define XXH64_digest XXH_NAME2(XXH_NAMESPACE, XXH64_digest)
+*  Simple Hash Functions
+unsigned int       XXH32 (const void* input, size_t length, unsigned seed);
+unsigned long long XXH64 (const void* input, size_t length, unsigned long long seed);
+XXH32() :
+    Calculate the 32-bits hash of sequence "length" bytes stored at memory address "input".
+    The memory between input & input+length must be valid (allocated and read-accessible).
+    "seed" can be used to alter the result predictably.
+    This function successfully passes all SMHasher tests.
+    Speed on Core 2 Duo @ 3 GHz (single thread, SMHasher benchmark) : 5.4 GB/s
+XXH64() :
+    Calculate the 64-bits hash of sequence of length "len" stored at memory address "input".
+    Faster on 64-bits systems. Slower on 32-bits systems.
+*  Advanced Hash Functions
+typedef struct { long long ll[ 6]; } XXH32_state_t;
+typedef struct { long long ll[11]; } XXH64_state_t;
+These structures allow static allocation of XXH states.
+States must then be initialized using XXHnn_reset() before first use.
+If you prefer dynamic allocation, please refer to functions below.
+XXH32_state_t* XXH32_createState(void);
+XXH_errorcode  XXH32_freeState(XXH32_state_t* statePtr);
+XXH64_state_t* XXH64_createState(void);
+XXH_errorcode  XXH64_freeState(XXH64_state_t* statePtr);
+These functions create and release memory for XXH state.
+States must then be initialized using XXHnn_reset() before first use.
+XXH_errorcode XXH32_reset  (XXH32_state_t* statePtr, unsigned seed);
+XXH_errorcode XXH32_update (XXH32_state_t* statePtr, const void* input, size_t length);
+unsigned int  XXH32_digest (const XXH32_state_t* statePtr);
+XXH_errorcode      XXH64_reset  (XXH64_state_t* statePtr, unsigned long long seed);
+XXH_errorcode      XXH64_update (XXH64_state_t* statePtr, const void* input, size_t length);
+unsigned long long XXH64_digest (const XXH64_state_t* statePtr);
+These functions calculate the xxHash of an input provided in multiple smaller packets,
+as opposed to an input provided as a single block.
+XXH state space must first be allocated, using either static or dynamic method provided above.
+Start a new hash by initializing state with a seed, using XXHnn_reset().
+Then, feed the hash state by calling XXHnn_update() as many times as necessary.
+Obviously, input must be valid, meaning allocated and read accessible.
+The function returns an error code, with 0 meaning OK, and any other value meaning there is an error.
+Finally, you can produce a hash anytime, by using XXHnn_digest().
+This function returns the final nn-bits hash.
+You can nonetheless continue feeding the hash state with more input,
+and therefore get some new hashes, by calling again XXHnn_digest().
+When you are done, don't forget to free XXH state space, using typically XXHnn_freeState().
+#if defined (__cplusplus)
diff --git a/c++/libs/lz4-r131/ b/c++/libs/lz4-r131/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea568d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/c++/libs/lz4-r131/
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+LZ4 Block Format Description
+Last revised: 2015-05-07.
+Author : Yann Collet
+This specification is intended for developers
+willing to produce LZ4-compatible compressed data blocks
+using any programming language.
+LZ4 is an LZ77-type compressor with a fixed, byte-oriented encoding.
+There is no entropy encoder back-end nor framing layer.
+The latter is assumed to be handled by other parts of the system (see [LZ4 Frame format]).
+This design is assumed to favor simplicity and speed.
+It helps later on for optimizations, compactness, and features.
+This document describes only the block format,
+not how the compressor nor decompressor actually work.
+The correctness of the decompressor should not depend
+on implementation details of the compressor, and vice versa.
+[LZ4 Frame format]:
+Compressed block format
+An LZ4 compressed block is composed of sequences.
+A sequence is a suite of literals (not-compressed bytes),
+followed by a match copy.
+Each sequence starts with a token.
+The token is a one byte value, separated into two 4-bits fields.
+Therefore each field ranges from 0 to 15.
+The first field uses the 4 high-bits of the token.
+It provides the length of literals to follow.
+If the field value is 0, then there is no literal.
+If it is 15, then we need to add some more bytes to indicate the full length.
+Each additional byte then represent a value from 0 to 255,
+which is added to the previous value to produce a total length.
+When the byte value is 255, another byte is output.
+There can be any number of bytes following the token. There is no "size limit".
+(Side note : this is why a not-compressible input block is expanded by 0.4%).
+Example 1 : A length of 48 will be represented as :
+  - 15 : value for the 4-bits High field
+  - 33 : (=48-15) remaining length to reach 48
+Example 2 : A length of 280 will be represented as :
+  - 15  : value for the 4-bits High field
+  - 255 : following byte is maxed, since 280-15 >= 255
+  - 10  : (=280 - 15 - 255) ) remaining length to reach 280
+Example 3 : A length of 15 will be represented as :
+  - 15 : value for the 4-bits High field
+  - 0  : (=15-15) yes, the zero must be output
+Following the token and optional length bytes, are the literals themselves.
+They are exactly as numerous as previously decoded (length of literals).
+It's possible that there are zero literal.
+Following the literals is the match copy operation.
+It starts by the offset.
+This is a 2 bytes value, in little endian format
+(the 1st byte is the "low" byte, the 2nd one is the "high" byte).
+The offset represents the position of the match to be copied from.
+1 means "current position - 1 byte".
+The maximum offset value is 65535, 65536 cannot be coded.
+Note that 0 is an invalid value, not used. 
+Then we need to extract the match length.
+For this, we use the second token field, the low 4-bits.
+Value, obviously, ranges from 0 to 15.
+However here, 0 means that the copy operation will be minimal.
+The minimum length of a match, called minmatch, is 4. 
+As a consequence, a 0 value means 4 bytes, and a value of 15 means 19+ bytes.
+Similar to literal length, on reaching the highest possible value (15), 
+we output additional bytes, one at a time, with values ranging from 0 to 255.
+They are added to total to provide the final match length.
+A 255 value means there is another byte to read and add.
+There is no limit to the number of optional bytes that can be output this way.
+(This points towards a maximum achievable compression ratio of about 250).
+With the offset and the matchlength,
+the decoder can now proceed to copy the data from the already decoded buffer.
+On decoding the matchlength, we reach the end of the compressed sequence,
+and therefore start another one.
+Parsing restrictions
+There are specific parsing rules to respect in order to remain compatible
+with assumptions made by the decoder :
+1. The last 5 bytes are always literals
+2. The last match must start at least 12 bytes before end of block.   
+   Consequently, a block with less than 13 bytes cannot be compressed.
+These rules are in place to ensure that the decoder
+will never read beyond the input buffer, nor write beyond the output buffer.
+Note that the last sequence is also incomplete,
+and stops right after literals.
+Additional notes
+There is no assumption nor limits to the way the compressor
+searches and selects matches within the source data block.
+It could be a fast scan, a multi-probe, a full search using BST,
+standard hash chains or MMC, well whatever.
+Advanced parsing strategies can also be implemented, such as lazy match,
+or full optimal parsing.
+All these trade-off offer distinctive speed/memory/compression advantages.
+Whatever the method used by the compressor, its result will be decodable
+by any LZ4 decoder if it follows the format specification described above.
diff --git a/c++/libs/lz4-r131/ b/c++/libs/lz4-r131/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73d3cba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/c++/libs/lz4-r131/
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+LZ4 Frame Format Description
+Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Yann Collet
+Permission is granted to copy and distribute this document 
+for any  purpose and without charge, 
+including translations into other  languages 
+and incorporation into compilations, 
+provided that the copyright notice and this notice are preserved, 
+and that any substantive changes or deletions from the original 
+are clearly marked.
+Distribution of this document is unlimited.
+1.5.1 (31/03/2015)
+The purpose of this document is to define a lossless compressed data format, 
+that is independent of CPU type, operating system, 
+file system and character set, suitable for 
+File compression, Pipe and streaming compression 
+using the [LZ4 algorithm](
+The data can be produced or consumed, 
+even for an arbitrarily long sequentially presented input data stream,
+using only an a priori bounded amount of intermediate storage,
+and hence can be used in data communications.
+The format uses the LZ4 compression method,
+and optional [xxHash-32 checksum method](,
+for detection of data corruption.
+The data format defined by this specification 
+does not attempt to allow random access to compressed data.
+This specification is intended for use by implementers of software
+to compress data into LZ4 format and/or decompress data from LZ4 format.
+The text of the specification assumes a basic background in programming
+at the level of bits and other primitive data representations.
+Unless otherwise indicated below,
+a compliant compressor must produce data sets
+that conform to the specifications presented here.
+It doesn\u2019t need to support all options though.
+A compliant decompressor must be able to decompress
+at least one working set of parameters
+that conforms to the specifications presented here.
+It may also ignore checksums.
+Whenever it does not support a specific parameter within the compressed stream,
+it must produce a non-ambiguous error code
+and associated error message explaining which parameter is unsupported.
+General Structure of LZ4 Frame format
+| MagicNb | F. Descriptor | Block | (...) | EndMark | C. Checksum |
+|:-------:|:-------------:| ----- | ----- | ------- | ----------- |
+| 4 bytes |  3-11 bytes   |       |       | 4 bytes |   4 bytes   | 
+__Magic Number__
+4 Bytes, Little endian format.
+Value : 0x184D2204
+__Frame Descriptor__
+3 to 11 Bytes, to be detailed in the next part.
+Most important part of the spec.
+__Data Blocks__
+To be detailed later on.
+That\u2019s where compressed data is stored.
+The flow of blocks ends when the last data block has a size of \u201c0\u201d.
+The size is expressed as a 32-bits value.
+__Content Checksum__
+Content Checksum verify that the full content has been decoded correctly.
+The content checksum is the result 
+of [xxh32() hash function](
+digesting the original (decoded) data as input, and a seed of zero.
+Content checksum is only present when its associated flag
+is set in the frame descriptor. 
+Content Checksum validates the result,
+that all blocks were fully transmitted in the correct order and without error,
+and also that the encoding/decoding process itself generated no distortion.
+Its usage is recommended.
+__Frame Concatenation__
+In some circumstances, it may be preferable to append multiple frames,
+for example in order to add new data to an existing compressed file
+without re-framing it.
+In such case, each frame has its own set of descriptor flags.
+Each frame is considered independent.
+The only relation between frames is their sequential order.
+The ability to decode multiple concatenated frames 
+within a single stream or file
+is left outside of this specification. 
+As an example, the reference lz4 command line utility behavior is
+to decode all concatenated frames in their sequential order.
+Frame Descriptor
+| FLG     | BD      | (Content Size) | HC      |
+| ------- | ------- |:--------------:| ------- |
+| 1 byte  | 1 byte  |  0 - 8 bytes   | 1 byte  | 
+The descriptor uses a minimum of 3 bytes,
+and up to 11 bytes depending on optional parameters.
+__FLG byte__
+|  BitNb  |   7-6   |    5    |     4     |   3     |     2     |    1-0   |
+| ------- | ------- | ------- | --------- | ------- | --------- | -------- |
+|FieldName| Version | B.Indep | B.Checksum| C.Size  | C.Checksum|*Reserved*|
+__BD byte__
+|  BitNb  |     7    |     6-5-4    |  3-2-1-0 |
+| ------- | -------- | ------------ | -------- |
+|FieldName|*Reserved*| Block MaxSize|*Reserved*|
+In the tables, bit 7 is highest bit, while bit 0 is lowest.
+__Version Number__
+2-bits field, must be set to \u201c01\u201d.
+Any other value cannot be decoded by this version of the specification.
+Other version numbers will use different flag layouts.
+__Block Independence flag__
+If this flag is set to \u201c1\u201d, blocks are independent. 
+If this flag is set to \u201c0\u201d, each block depends on previous ones
+(up to LZ4 window size, which is 64 KB).
+In such case, it\u2019s necessary to decode all blocks in sequence.
+Block dependency improves compression ratio, especially for small blocks.
+On the other hand, it makes direct jumps or multi-threaded decoding impossible.
+__Block checksum flag__
+If this flag is set, each data block will be followed by a 4-bytes checksum,
+calculated by using the xxHash-32 algorithm on the raw (compressed) data block.
+The intention is to detect data corruption (storage or transmission errors) 
+immediately, before decoding.
+Block checksum usage is optional.
+__Content Size flag__
+If this flag is set, the uncompressed size of data included within the frame 
+will be present as an 8 bytes unsigned little endian value, after the flags.
+Content Size usage is optional.
+__Content checksum flag__
+If this flag is set, a content checksum will be appended after the EndMark.
+Recommended value : \u201c1\u201d (content checksum is present)
+__Block Maximum Size__
+This information is intended to help the decoder allocate memory.
+Size here refers to the original (uncompressed) data size.
+Block Maximum Size is one value among the following table :
+|  0  |  1  |  2  |  3  |   4   |   5    |  6   |  7   | 
+| --- | --- | --- | --- | ----- | ------ | ---- | ---- | 
+| N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | 64 KB | 256 KB | 1 MB | 4 MB | 
+The decoder may refuse to allocate block sizes above a (system-specific) size.
+Unused values may be used in a future revision of the spec.
+A decoder conformant to the current version of the spec
+is only able to decode blocksizes defined in this spec.
+__Reserved bits__
+Value of reserved bits **must** be 0 (zero).
+Reserved bit might be used in a future version of the specification,
+typically enabling new optional features.
+If this happens, a decoder respecting the current version of the specification
+shall not be able to decode such a frame.
+__Content Size__
+This is the original (uncompressed) size.
+This information is optional, and only present if the associated flag is set.
+Content size is provided using unsigned 8 Bytes, for a maximum of 16 HexaBytes.
+Format is Little endian.
+This value is informational, typically for display or memory allocation.
+It can be skipped by a decoder, or used to validate content correctness.
+__Header Checksum__
+One-byte checksum of combined descriptor fields, including optional ones.
+The value is the second byte of xxh32() : ` (xxh32()>>8) & 0xFF `
+using zero as a seed,
+and the full Frame Descriptor as an input
+(including optional fields when they are present).
+A wrong checksum indicates an error in the descriptor.
+Header checksum is informational and can be skipped.
+Data Blocks
+| Block Size |  data  | (Block Checksum) |
+|:----------:| ------ |:----------------:|
+|  4 bytes   |        |   0 - 4 bytes    | 
+__Block Size__
+This field uses 4-bytes, format is little-endian.
+The highest bit is \u201c1\u201d if data in the block is uncompressed.
+The highest bit is \u201c0\u201d if data in the block is compressed by LZ4.
+All other bits give the size, in bytes, of the following data block
+(the size does not include the block checksum if present).
+Block Size shall never be larger than Block Maximum Size.
+Such a thing could happen for incompressible source data. 
+In such case, such a data block shall be passed in uncompressed format.
+Where the actual data to decode stands.
+It might be compressed or not, depending on previous field indications.
+Uncompressed size of Data can be any size, up to \u201cblock maximum size\u201d.
+Note that data block is not necessarily full : 
+an arbitrary \u201cflush\u201d may happen anytime. Any block can be \u201cpartially filled\u201d.
+__Block checksum__
+Only present if the associated flag is set.
+This is a 4-bytes checksum value, in little endian format,
+calculated by using the xxHash-32 algorithm on the raw (undecoded) data block,
+and a seed of zero.
+The intention is to detect data corruption (storage or transmission errors) 
+before decoding.
+Block checksum is cumulative with Content checksum.
+Skippable Frames
+| Magic Number | Frame Size | User Data |
+|:------------:|:----------:| --------- |
+|   4 bytes    |  4 bytes   |           | 
+Skippable frames allow the integration of user-defined data
+into a flow of concatenated frames.
+Its design is pretty straightforward,
+with the sole objective to allow the decoder to quickly skip 
+over user-defined data and continue decoding.
+For the purpose of facilitating identification,
+it is discouraged to start a flow of concatenated frames with a skippable frame.
+If there is a need to start such a flow with some user data
+encapsulated into a skippable frame,
+it\u2019s recommended to start with a zero-byte LZ4 frame
+followed by a skippable frame.
+This will make it easier for file type identifiers.
+__Magic Number__
+4 Bytes, Little endian format.
+Value : 0x184D2A5X, which means any value from 0x184D2A50 to 0x184D2A5F.
+All 16 values are valid to identify a skippable frame.
+__Frame Size__ 
+This is the size, in bytes, of the following User Data
+(without including the magic number nor the size field itself).
+4 Bytes, Little endian format, unsigned 32-bits.
+This means User Data can\u2019t be bigger than (2^32-1) Bytes.
+__User Data__
+User Data can be anything. Data will just be skipped by the decoder.
+Legacy frame
+The Legacy frame format was defined into the initial versions of \u201cLZ4Demo\u201d.
+Newer compressors should not use this format anymore, as it is too restrictive.
+Main characteristics of the legacy format :
+- Fixed block size : 8 MB.
+- All blocks must be completely filled, except the last one.
+- All blocks are always compressed, even when compression is detrimental.
+- The last block is detected either because 
+  it is followed by the \u201cEOF\u201d (End of File) mark,
+  or because it is followed by a known Frame Magic Number.
+- No checksum
+- Convention is Little endian
+| MagicNb | B.CSize | CData | B.CSize | CData |  (...)  | EndMark |
+| ------- | ------- | ----- | ------- | ----- | ------- | ------- |
+| 4 bytes | 4 bytes | CSize | 4 bytes | CSize | x times |   EOF   |
+__Magic Number__
+4 Bytes, Little endian format.
+Value : 0x184C2102
+__Block Compressed Size__
+This is the size, in bytes, of the following compressed data block.
+4 Bytes, Little endian format.
+Where the actual compressed data stands.
+Data is always compressed, even when compression is detrimental.
+End of legacy frame is implicit only.
+It must be followed by a standard EOF (End Of File) signal,
+wether it is a file or a stream.
+Alternatively, if the frame is followed by a valid Frame Magic Number,
+it is considered completed.
+It makes legacy frames compatible with frame concatenation.
+Any other value will be interpreted as a block size,
+and trigger an error if it does not fit within acceptable range.
+Version changes
+1.5.1 : changed format to MarkDown compatible
+1.5 : removed Dictionary ID from specification
+1.4.1 : changed wording from \u201cstream\u201d to \u201cframe\u201d
+1.4 : added skippable streams, re-added stream checksum
+1.3 : modified header checksum
+1.2 : reduced choice of \u201cblock size\u201d, to postpone decision on \u201cdynamic size of BlockSize Field\u201d.
+1.1 : optional fields are now part of the descriptor
+1.0 : changed \u201cblock size\u201d specification, adding a compressed/uncompressed flag
+0.9 : reduced scale of \u201cblock maximum size\u201d table
+0.8 : removed : high compression flag
+0.7 : removed : stream checksum
+0.6 : settled : stream size uses 8 bytes, endian convention is little endian
+0.5: added copyright notice
+0.4 : changed format to Google Doc compatible OpenDocument
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/c++/src/CMakeLists.txt b/c++/src/CMakeLists.txt
index 75782f2..9e7cfa6 100644
--- a/c++/src/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/c++/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -113,6 +113,7 @@ include_directories (
 add_custom_command(OUTPUT orc_proto.pb.h
@@ -132,6 +133,7 @@ add_library (orc STATIC
@@ -149,6 +151,7 @@ target_link_libraries (orc
 add_dependencies(orc protoc)
diff --git a/c++/src/ b/c++/src/
index 9bf8aaa..81cc578 100644
--- a/c++/src/
+++ b/c++/src/
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
 #include "Adaptor.hh"
 #include "Compression.hh"
 #include "Exceptions.hh"
+#include "LzoDecompressor.hh"
+#include "lz4.h"
 #include <algorithm>
 #include <iomanip>
@@ -496,19 +498,27 @@ DIAGNOSTIC_POP
     return result.str();
-  class SnappyDecompressionStream: public SeekableInputStream {
+  class BlockDecompressionStream: public SeekableInputStream {
-    SnappyDecompressionStream(std::unique_ptr<SeekableInputStream> inStream,
-                              size_t blockSize,
-                              MemoryPool& pool);
+    BlockDecompressionStream(std::unique_ptr<SeekableInputStream> inStream,
+                             size_t blockSize,
+                             MemoryPool& pool);
-    virtual ~SnappyDecompressionStream() {}
+    virtual ~BlockDecompressionStream() {}
     virtual bool Next(const void** data, int*size) override;
     virtual void BackUp(int count) override;
     virtual bool Skip(int count) override;
     virtual int64_t ByteCount() const override;
     virtual void seek(PositionProvider& position) override;
-    virtual std::string getName() const override;
+    virtual std::string getName() const override = 0;
+  protected:
+    virtual uint64_t decompress(const char *input, uint64_t length,
+                                char *output, size_t maxOutputLength) = 0;
+    std::string getStreamName() const {
+      return input->getName();
+    }
     void readBuffer(bool failOnEof) {
@@ -516,7 +526,7 @@ DIAGNOSTIC_POP
       if (!input->Next(reinterpret_cast<const void**>(&inputBufferPtr),
                        &length)) {
         if (failOnEof) {
-          throw ParseError("SnappyDecompressionStream read past EOF");
+          throw ParseError(getName() + "read past EOF");
         state = DECOMPRESS_EOF;
         inputBufferPtr = nullptr;
@@ -581,7 +591,7 @@ DIAGNOSTIC_POP
     off_t bytesReturned;
-  SnappyDecompressionStream::SnappyDecompressionStream
+  BlockDecompressionStream::BlockDecompressionStream
                    (std::unique_ptr<SeekableInputStream> inStream,
                     size_t bufferSize,
                     MemoryPool& _pool
@@ -598,7 +608,7 @@ DIAGNOSTIC_POP
-  bool SnappyDecompressionStream::Next(const void** data, int*size) {
+  bool BlockDecompressionStream::Next(const void** data, int*size) {
     // if the user pushed back, return them the partial buffer
     if (outputBufferLength) {
       *data = outputBufferPtr;
@@ -645,7 +655,8 @@ DIAGNOSTIC_POP
         for (size_t pos = availSize; pos < remainingLength; ) {
           size_t avail =
-              std::min(static_cast<size_t>(inputBufferPtrEnd - inputBufferPtr),
+              std::min(static_cast<size_t>(inputBufferPtrEnd -
+                                           inputBufferPtr),
                        remainingLength - pos);
           ::memcpy( + pos, inputBufferPtr, avail);
           pos += avail;
@@ -653,19 +664,9 @@ DIAGNOSTIC_POP
-      if (!snappy::GetUncompressedLength(compressed, remainingLength,
-                                         &outputBufferLength)) {
-        throw ParseError("SnappyDecompressionStream choked on corrupt input");
-      }
-      if (outputBufferLength > outputBuffer.capacity()) {
-        throw std::logic_error("uncompressed length exceeds block size");
-      }
-      if (!snappy::RawUncompress(compressed, remainingLength,
-                        {
-        throw ParseError("SnappyDecompressionStream choked on corrupt input");
-      }
+      outputBufferLength = decompress(compressed, remainingLength,
+                            ,
+                                      outputBuffer.capacity());
       remainingLength = 0;
       state = DECOMPRESS_HEADER;
@@ -679,17 +680,16 @@ DIAGNOSTIC_POP
     return true;
-  void SnappyDecompressionStream::BackUp(int count) {
+  void BlockDecompressionStream::BackUp(int count) {
     if (outputBufferPtr == nullptr || outputBufferLength != 0) {
-      throw std::logic_error("Backup without previous Next in "
-                             "SnappyDecompressionStream");
+      throw std::logic_error("Backup without previous Next in "+getName());
     outputBufferPtr -= static_cast<size_t>(count);
     outputBufferLength = static_cast<size_t>(count);
     bytesReturned -= count;
-  bool SnappyDecompressionStream::Skip(int count) {
+  bool BlockDecompressionStream::Skip(int count) {
     bytesReturned += count;
     // this is a stupid implementation for now.
     // should skip entire blocks without decompressing
@@ -709,21 +709,126 @@ DIAGNOSTIC_POP
     return true;
-  int64_t SnappyDecompressionStream::ByteCount() const {
+  int64_t BlockDecompressionStream::ByteCount() const {
     return bytesReturned;
-  void SnappyDecompressionStream::seek(PositionProvider& position) {
+  void BlockDecompressionStream::seek(PositionProvider& position) {
     if (!Skip(static_cast<int>( {
-      throw ParseError("Bad skip in SnappyDecompressionStream::seek");
+      throw ParseError("Bad skip in " + getName());
-  std::string SnappyDecompressionStream::getName() const {
-    std::ostringstream result;
-    result << "snappy(" << input->getName() << ")";
-    return result.str();
+  class SnappyDecompressionStream: public BlockDecompressionStream {
+  public:
+    SnappyDecompressionStream(std::unique_ptr<SeekableInputStream> inStream,
+                              size_t blockSize,
+                              MemoryPool& pool
+                              ): BlockDecompressionStream
+                                 (std::move(inStream),
+                                  blockSize,
+                                  pool) {
+      // PASS
+    }
+    std::string getName() const override {
+      std::ostringstream result;
+      result << "snappy(" << getStreamName() << ")";
+      return result.str();
+    }
+  protected:
+    virtual uint64_t decompress(const char *input, uint64_t length,
+                                char *output, size_t maxOutputLength
+                                ) override;
+  };
+  uint64_t SnappyDecompressionStream::decompress(const char *input,
+                                                 uint64_t length,
+                                                 char *output,
+                                                 size_t maxOutputLength) {
+    size_t outLength;
+    if (!snappy::GetUncompressedLength(input, length, &outLength)) {
+      throw ParseError("SnappyDecompressionStream choked on corrupt input");
+    }
+    if (outLength > maxOutputLength) {
+      throw std::logic_error("Snappy length exceeds block size");
+    }
+    if (!snappy::RawUncompress(input, length, output)) {
+      throw ParseError("SnappyDecompressionStream choked on corrupt input");
+    }
+    return outLength;
+  }
+  class LzoDecompressionStream: public BlockDecompressionStream {
+  public:
+    LzoDecompressionStream(std::unique_ptr<SeekableInputStream> inStream,
+                           size_t blockSize,
+                           MemoryPool& pool
+                           ): BlockDecompressionStream
+                              (std::move(inStream),
+                               blockSize,
+                               pool) {
+      // PASS
+    }
+    std::string getName() const override {
+      std::ostringstream result;
+      result << "lzo(" << getStreamName() << ")";
+      return result.str();
+    }
+  protected:
+    virtual uint64_t decompress(const char *input, uint64_t length,
+                                char *output, size_t maxOutputLength
+                                ) override;
+  };
+  uint64_t LzoDecompressionStream::decompress(const char *input,
+                                              uint64_t length,
+                                              char *output,
+                                              size_t maxOutputLength) {
+    return lzoDecompress(input, input + length, output,
+                         output + maxOutputLength);
+  }
+  class Lz4DecompressionStream: public BlockDecompressionStream {
+  public:
+    Lz4DecompressionStream(std::unique_ptr<SeekableInputStream> inStream,
+                           size_t blockSize,
+                           MemoryPool& pool
+                           ): BlockDecompressionStream
+                              (std::move(inStream),
+                               blockSize,
+                               pool) {
+      // PASS
+    }
+    std::string getName() const override {
+      std::ostringstream result;
+      result << "lz4(" << getStreamName() << ")";
+      return result.str();
+    }
+  protected:
+    virtual uint64_t decompress(const char *input, uint64_t length,
+                                char *output, size_t maxOutputLength
+                                ) override;
+  };
+  uint64_t Lz4DecompressionStream::decompress(const char *input,
+                                              uint64_t length,
+                                              char *output,
+                                              size_t maxOutputLength) {
+    int result = LZ4_decompress_safe(input, output, static_cast<int>(length),
+                                     static_cast<int>(maxOutputLength));
+    if (result < 0) {
+      throw new ParseError(getName() + " - failed to decompress");
+    }
+    return static_cast<uint64_t>(result);
@@ -741,8 +846,16 @@ DIAGNOSTIC_POP
       return std::unique_ptr<SeekableInputStream>
         (new SnappyDecompressionStream(std::move(input), blockSize, pool));
     case CompressionKind_LZO:
-    default:
-      throw NotImplementedYet("compression codec");
+      return std::unique_ptr<SeekableInputStream>
+        (new LzoDecompressionStream(std::move(input), blockSize, pool));
+    case CompressionKind_LZ4:
+      return std::unique_ptr<SeekableInputStream>
+        (new Lz4DecompressionStream(std::move(input), blockSize, pool));
+    default: {
+      std::ostringstream buffer;
+      buffer << "Unknown compression codec " << kind;
+      throw NotImplementedYet(buffer.str());
+    }
diff --git a/c++/src/ b/c++/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e86ab3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/c++/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "Adaptor.hh"
+#include "Compression.hh"
+#include "Exceptions.hh"
+#include <string>
+namespace orc {
+  static const int32_t DEC_32_TABLE[] = {4, 1, 2, 1, 4, 4, 4, 4};
+  static const int32_t DEC_64_TABLE[] = {0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3};
+  static const int32_t SIZE_OF_SHORT = 2;
+  static const int32_t SIZE_OF_INT   = 4;
+  static const int32_t SIZE_OF_LONG  = 8;
+  static std::string toHex(uint64_t val) {
+    std::ostringstream out;
+    out << "0x" << std::hex << val;
+    return out.str();
+  }
+  static std::string toString(int64_t val) {
+    std::ostringstream out;
+    out << val;
+    return out.str();
+  }
+  class MalformedInputException: public ParseError {
+  public:
+    MalformedInputException(int64_t off
+                            ) :ParseError("MalformedInputException at " +
+                                          toString(off)) {
+    }
+    MalformedInputException(int64_t off, const std::string& msg
+                            ): ParseError("MalformedInputException " + msg +
+                                          " at " + toString(off)) {
+    }
+    MalformedInputException(const MalformedInputException& other
+                            ): ParseError(other.what()) {
+    }
+    virtual ~MalformedInputException();
+  };
+  MalformedInputException::~MalformedInputException() {
+    // PASS
+  }
+  uint64_t lzoDecompress(const char *inputAddress,
+                         const char *inputLimit,
+                         char *outputAddress,
+                         char *outputLimit) {
+    // nothing compresses to nothing
+    if (inputAddress == inputLimit) {
+      return 0;
+    }
+    // maximum offset in buffers to which it's safe to write long-at-a-time
+    char * const fastOutputLimit = outputLimit - SIZE_OF_LONG;
+    // LZO can concat two blocks together so, decode until the input data is
+    // consumed
+    const char *input = inputAddress;
+    char *output = outputAddress;
+    while (input < inputLimit) {
+      //
+      // Note: For safety some of the code below may stop decoding early or
+      // skip decoding, because input is not available.  This makes the code
+      // safe, and since LZO requires an explicit "stop" command, the decoder
+      // will still throw a exception.
+      //
+      bool firstCommand = true;
+      uint32_t lastLiteralLength = 0;
+      while (true) {
+        if (input >= inputLimit) {
+          throw MalformedInputException(input - inputAddress);
+        }
+        uint32_t command = *(input++) & 0xFF;
+        if (command == 0x11) {
+          break;
+        }
+        // Commands are described using a bit pattern notation:
+        // 0: bit is not set
+        // 1: bit is set
+        // L: part of literal length
+        // P: part of match offset position
+        // M: part of match length
+        // ?: see documentation in command decoder
+        int32_t matchLength;
+        int32_t matchOffset;
+        uint32_t literalLength;
+        if ((command & 0xf0) == 0) {
+          if (lastLiteralLength == 0) {
+            // 0b0000_LLLL (0bLLLL_LLLL)*
+            // copy length :: fixed
+            //   0
+            matchOffset = 0;
+            // copy offset :: fixed
+            //   0
+            matchLength = 0;
+            // literal length - 3 :: variable bits :: valid range [4..]
+            //   3 + variableLength(command bits [0..3], 4)
+            literalLength = command & 0xf;
+            if (literalLength == 0) {
+              literalLength = 0xf;
+              uint32_t nextByte = 0;
+              while (input < inputLimit &&
+                     (nextByte = *(input++) & 0xFF) == 0) {
+                literalLength += 0xff;
+              }
+              literalLength += nextByte;
+            }
+            literalLength += 3;
+          } else if (lastLiteralLength <= 3) {
+            // 0b0000_PPLL 0bPPPP_PPPP
+            // copy length: fixed
+            //   3
+            matchLength = 3;
+            // copy offset :: 12 bits :: valid range [2048..3071]
+            //   [0..1] from command [2..3]
+            //   [2..9] from trailer [0..7]
+            //   [10] unset
+            //   [11] set
+            if (input >= inputLimit) {
+              throw MalformedInputException(input - inputAddress);
+            }
+            matchOffset = (command & 0xc) >> 2;
+            matchOffset |= (*(input++) & 0xFF) << 2;
+            matchOffset |= 0x800;
+            // literal length :: 2 bits :: valid range [0..3]
+            //   [0..1] from command [0..1]
+            literalLength = (command & 0x3);
+          } else {
+            // 0b0000_PPLL 0bPPPP_PPPP
+            // copy length :: fixed
+            //   2
+            matchLength = 2;
+            // copy offset :: 10 bits :: valid range [0..1023]
+            //   [0..1] from command [2..3]
+            //   [2..9] from trailer [0..7]
+            if (input >= inputLimit) {
+              throw MalformedInputException(input - inputAddress);
+            }
+            matchOffset = (command & 0xc) >> 2;
+            matchOffset |= (*(input++) & 0xFF) << 2;
+            // literal length :: 2 bits :: valid range [0..3]
+            //   [0..1] from command [0..1]
+            literalLength = (command & 0x3);
+          }
+        } else if (firstCommand) {
+          // first command has special handling when high nibble is set
+          matchLength = 0;
+          matchOffset = 0;
+          literalLength = command - 17;
+        } else if ((command & 0xf0) == 0x10) {
+          // 0b0001_?MMM (0bMMMM_MMMM)* 0bPPPP_PPPP_PPPP_PPLL
+          // copy length - 2 :: variable bits :: valid range [3..]
+          //   2 + variableLength(command bits [0..2], 3)
+          matchLength = command & 0x7;
+          if (matchLength == 0) {
+            matchLength = 0x7;
+            int32_t nextByte = 0;
+            while (input < inputLimit &&
+                   (nextByte = *(input++) & 0xFF) == 0) {
+              matchLength += 0xff;
+            }
+            matchLength += nextByte;
+          }
+          matchLength += 2;
+          // read trailer
+          if (input + SIZE_OF_SHORT > inputLimit) {
+            throw MalformedInputException(input - inputAddress);
+          }
+          uint32_t trailer = *reinterpret_cast<const uint16_t*>(input) & 0xFFFF;
+          input += SIZE_OF_SHORT;
+          // copy offset :: 16 bits :: valid range [32767..49151]
+          //   [0..13] from trailer [2..15]
+          //   [14] if command bit [3] unset
+          //   [15] if command bit [3] set
+          matchOffset = trailer >> 2;
+          if ((command & 0x8) == 0) {
+            matchOffset |= 0x4000;
+          } else {
+            matchOffset |= 0x8000;
+          }
+          matchOffset--;
+          // literal length :: 2 bits :: valid range [0..3]
+          //   [0..1] from trailer [0..1]
+          literalLength = trailer & 0x3;
+        } else if ((command & 0xe0) == 0x20) {
+          // 0b001M_MMMM (0bMMMM_MMMM)* 0bPPPP_PPPP_PPPP_PPLL
+          // copy length - 2 :: variable bits :: valid range [3..]
+          //   2 + variableLength(command bits [0..4], 5)
+          matchLength = command & 0x1f;
+          if (matchLength == 0) {
+            matchLength = 0x1f;
+            int nextByte = 0;
+            while (input < inputLimit &&
+                   (nextByte = *(input++) & 0xFF) == 0) {
+              matchLength += 0xff;
+            }
+            matchLength += nextByte;
+          }
+          matchLength += 2;
+          // read trailer
+          if (input + SIZE_OF_SHORT > inputLimit) {
+            throw MalformedInputException(input - inputAddress);
+          }
+          int32_t trailer = *reinterpret_cast<const int16_t*>(input) & 0xFFFF;
+          input += SIZE_OF_SHORT;
+          // copy offset :: 14 bits :: valid range [0..16383]
+          //  [0..13] from trailer [2..15]
+          matchOffset = trailer >> 2;
+          // literal length :: 2 bits :: valid range [0..3]
+          //   [0..1] from trailer [0..1]
+          literalLength = trailer & 0x3;
+        } else if ((command & 0xc0) != 0) {
+          // 0bMMMP_PPLL 0bPPPP_PPPP
+          // copy length - 1 :: 3 bits :: valid range [1..8]
+          //   [0..2] from command [5..7]
+          //   add 1
+          matchLength = (command & 0xe0) >> 5;
+          matchLength += 1;
+          // copy offset :: 11 bits :: valid range [0..4095]
+          //   [0..2] from command [2..4]
+          //   [3..10] from trailer [0..7]
+          if (input >= inputLimit) {
+            throw MalformedInputException(input - inputAddress);
+          }
+          matchOffset = (command & 0x1c) >> 2;
+          matchOffset |= (*(input++) & 0xFF) << 3;
+          // literal length :: 2 bits :: valid range [0..3]
+          //   [0..1] from command [0..1]
+          literalLength = (command & 0x3);
+        } else {
+          throw MalformedInputException(input - inputAddress - 1,
+                                        "Invalid LZO command " +
+                                        toHex(command));
+        }
+        firstCommand = false;
+        // copy match
+        if (matchLength != 0) {
+          // lzo encodes match offset minus one
+          matchOffset++;
+          char *matchAddress = output - matchOffset;
+          if (matchAddress < outputAddress ||
+              output + matchLength > outputLimit) {
+            throw MalformedInputException(input - inputAddress);
+          }
+          char *matchOutputLimit = output + matchLength;
+          if (output > fastOutputLimit) {
+            // slow match copy
+            while (output < matchOutputLimit) {
+              *(output++) = *(matchAddress++);
+            }
+          } else {
+            // copy repeated sequence
+            if (matchOffset < SIZE_OF_LONG) {
+              // 8 bytes apart so that we can copy long-at-a-time below
+              int32_t increment32 = DEC_32_TABLE[matchOffset];
+              int32_t decrement64 = DEC_64_TABLE[matchOffset];
+              output[0] = *matchAddress;
+              output[1] = *(matchAddress + 1);
+              output[2] = *(matchAddress + 2);
+              output[3] = *(matchAddress + 3);
+              output += SIZE_OF_INT;
+              matchAddress += increment32;
+              *reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(output) =
+                *reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(matchAddress);
+              output += SIZE_OF_INT;
+              matchAddress -= decrement64;
+            } else {
+              *reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(output) =
+                *reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(matchAddress);
+              matchAddress += SIZE_OF_LONG;
+              output += SIZE_OF_LONG;
+            }
+            if (matchOutputLimit >= fastOutputLimit) {
+              if (matchOutputLimit > outputLimit) {
+                throw MalformedInputException(input - inputAddress);
+              }
+              while (output < fastOutputLimit) {
+                *reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(output) =
+                  *reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(matchAddress);
+                matchAddress += SIZE_OF_LONG;
+                output += SIZE_OF_LONG;
+              }
+              while (output < matchOutputLimit) {
+                *(output++) = *(matchAddress++);
+              }
+            } else {
+              while (output < matchOutputLimit) {
+                *reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(output) =
+                  *reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(matchAddress);
+                matchAddress += SIZE_OF_LONG;
+                output += SIZE_OF_LONG;
+              }
+            }
+          }
+          output = matchOutputLimit; // correction in case we over-copied
+        }
+        // copy literal
+        char *literalOutputLimit = output + literalLength;
+        if (literalOutputLimit > fastOutputLimit ||
+            input + literalLength > inputLimit - SIZE_OF_LONG) {
+          if (literalOutputLimit > outputLimit) {
+            throw MalformedInputException(input - inputAddress);
+          }
+          // slow, precise copy
+          memcpy(output, input, literalLength);
+          input += literalLength;
+          output += literalLength;
+        } else {
+          // fast copy. We may over-copy but there's enough room in input
+          // and output to not overrun them
+          do {
+            *reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(output) =
+              *reinterpret_cast<const int64_t*>(input);
+            input += SIZE_OF_LONG;
+            output += SIZE_OF_LONG;
+          } while (output < literalOutputLimit);
+          // adjust index if we over-copied
+          input -= (output - literalOutputLimit);
+          output = literalOutputLimit;
+        }
+        lastLiteralLength = literalLength;
+      }
+      if (input + SIZE_OF_SHORT > inputLimit &&
+          *reinterpret_cast<const int16_t*>(input) != 0) {
+        throw MalformedInputException(input - inputAddress);
+      }
+      input += SIZE_OF_SHORT;
+    }
+    return static_cast<uint64_t>(output - outputAddress);
+  }
diff --git a/c++/src/LzoDecompressor.hh b/c++/src/LzoDecompressor.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9de8537
--- /dev/null
+++ b/c++/src/LzoDecompressor.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#ifndef ORC_LZO_HH
+#define ORC_LZO_HH
+#include "orc/OrcFile.hh"
+#include "Adaptor.hh"
+namespace orc {
+  /**
+   * Decompress the bytes in to the output buffer.
+   * @param inputAddress the start of the input
+   * @param inputLimit one past the last byte of the input
+   * @param outputAddress the start of the output buffer
+   * @param outputLimit one past the last byte of the output buffer
+   * @result the number of bytes decompressed
+   */
+  uint64_t lzoDecompress(const char *inputAddress,
+                         const char *inputLimit,
+                         char *outputAddress,
+                         char *outputLimit);
diff --git a/c++/test/CMakeLists.txt b/c++/test/CMakeLists.txt
index 6b7fd00..775e15f 100644
--- a/c++/test/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/c++/test/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -37,10 +37,11 @@ add_executable (orc-test
 target_link_libraries (orc-test
 add_executable (create-test-files
diff --git a/c++/test/ b/c++/test/
index 4a79203..efd982a 100644
--- a/c++/test/
+++ b/c++/test/
@@ -333,13 +333,154 @@ namespace orc {
-  TEST_F(TestCompression, testCreateLzo) {
+  TEST_F(TestCompression, testLzoEmpty) {
     const unsigned char buffer[] = {0};
-    EXPECT_THROW(createDecompressor(CompressionKind_LZO,
-                             std::unique_ptr<SeekableInputStream>
-                                    (new SeekableArrayInputStream(buffer, 0)),
-                                    32768, *getDefaultPool()),
-                 NotImplementedYet);
+    std::unique_ptr<SeekableInputStream> result =
+      createDecompressor(CompressionKind_LZO,
+                         std::unique_ptr<SeekableInputStream>
+                         (new SeekableArrayInputStream(buffer, 0)),
+                         32768, *getDefaultPool());
+    EXPECT_EQ("lzo(SeekableArrayInputStream 0 of 0)", result->getName());
+    const void *ptr;
+    int length;
+    ASSERT_TRUE(!result->Next(&ptr, &length));
+  }
+  TEST_F(TestCompression, testLzoSmall) {
+    const unsigned char buffer[] = { 70,   0,   0,
+                                     48,  88,  88,  88,  88,  97,  98,
+                                     99, 100,  97,  98,  99, 100,  65,
+                                     66,  67,  68,  65,  66,  67,  68,
+                                    119, 120, 121, 122, 119, 122, 121,
+                                    122,  49,  50,  51,  17,   0,   0};
+    std::unique_ptr<SeekableInputStream> result =
+      createDecompressor(CompressionKind_LZO,
+                         std::unique_ptr<SeekableInputStream>
+                         (new SeekableArrayInputStream(buffer,
+                                                       ARRAY_SIZE(buffer))),
+                         128*1024, *getDefaultPool());
+    const void *ptr;
+    int length;
+    ASSERT_EQ(true, result->Next(&ptr, &length));
+    const char *expected = "XXXXabcdabcdABCDABCDwxyzwzyz123";
+    ASSERT_EQ(strlen(expected), length);
+    for(uint64_t i=0; i < length; ++i) {
+      ASSERT_EQ(static_cast<const char>(expected[i]),
+                static_cast<const char*>(ptr)[i]);
+    }
+    ASSERT_TRUE(!result->Next(&ptr, &length));
+  }
+  TEST_F(TestCompression, testLzoLong) {
+    // set up a framed lzo buffer with 100,000 'a'
+    unsigned char buffer[482];
+    bzero(buffer, ARRAY_SIZE(buffer));
+    // header
+    buffer[0] = 190;
+    buffer[1] = 3;
+    // lzo data
+    buffer[3] = 2;
+    memset(buffer + 4, 97, 5);
+    buffer[9] = 32;
+    buffer[202] = 134;
+    buffer[203] = 16;
+    buffer[206] = 3;
+    memset(buffer + 207, 97, 21);
+    buffer[228] = 32;
+    buffer[421] = 138;
+    buffer[425] = 3;
+    memset(buffer + 426, 97, 21);
+    buffer[447] = 32;
+    buffer[454] = 112;
+    buffer[458] = 2;
+    memset(buffer + 459, 97, 20);
+    buffer[479] = 17;
+    std::unique_ptr<SeekableInputStream> result =
+      createDecompressor(CompressionKind_LZO,
+                         std::unique_ptr<SeekableInputStream>
+                         (new SeekableArrayInputStream(buffer,
+                                                       ARRAY_SIZE(buffer))),
+                         128*1024, *getDefaultPool());
+    const void *ptr;
+    int length;
+    ASSERT_EQ(true, result->Next(&ptr, &length));
+    ASSERT_EQ(100000, length);
+    for(uint64_t i=0; i < length; ++i) {
+      ASSERT_EQ('a', static_cast<const char*>(ptr)[i]);
+    }
+    ASSERT_TRUE(!result->Next(&ptr, &length));
+  }
+  TEST_F(TestCompression, testLz4Empty) {
+    const unsigned char buffer[] = {0};
+    std::unique_ptr<SeekableInputStream> result =
+      createDecompressor(CompressionKind_LZ4,
+                         std::unique_ptr<SeekableInputStream>
+                         (new SeekableArrayInputStream(buffer, 0)),
+                         32768, *getDefaultPool());
+    EXPECT_EQ("lz4(SeekableArrayInputStream 0 of 0)", result->getName());
+    const void *ptr;
+    int length;
+    ASSERT_TRUE(!result->Next(&ptr, &length));
+  }
+  TEST_F(TestCompression, testLz4Small) {
+    const unsigned char buffer[] = { 60,   0,   0,
+                                     128,  88,  88,  88,  88,  97,  98,  99,
+                                     100,   4,   0,  64,  65,  66,  67,  68,
+                                       4,   0, 176, 119, 120, 121, 122, 119,
+                                     122, 121, 122,  49,  50,  51};
+    std::unique_ptr<SeekableInputStream> result =
+      createDecompressor(CompressionKind_LZ4,
+                         std::unique_ptr<SeekableInputStream>
+                         (new SeekableArrayInputStream(buffer,
+                                                       ARRAY_SIZE(buffer))),
+                         128*1024, *getDefaultPool());
+    const void *ptr;
+    int length;
+    ASSERT_EQ(true, result->Next(&ptr, &length));
+    const char *expected = "XXXXabcdabcdABCDABCDwxyzwzyz123";
+    ASSERT_EQ(strlen(expected), length);
+    for(uint64_t i=0; i < length; ++i) {
+      ASSERT_EQ(static_cast<const char>(expected[i]),
+                static_cast<const char*>(ptr)[i]);
+    }
+    ASSERT_TRUE(!result->Next(&ptr, &length));
+  }
+  TEST_F(TestCompression, testLz4Long) {
+    // set up a framed lzo buffer with 100,000 'a'
+    unsigned char buffer[406];
+    memset(buffer, 255, ARRAY_SIZE(buffer));
+    // header
+    buffer[0] = 38;
+    buffer[1] = 3;
+    buffer[2] = 0;
+    // lz4 data
+    buffer[3] = 31;
+    buffer[4] = 97;
+    buffer[5] = 1;
+    buffer[6] = 0;
+    buffer[399] = 15;
+    buffer[400] = 80;
+    memset(buffer + 401, 97, 5);
+    std::unique_ptr<SeekableInputStream> result =
+      createDecompressor(CompressionKind_LZ4,
+                         std::unique_ptr<SeekableInputStream>
+                         (new SeekableArrayInputStream(buffer,
+                                                       ARRAY_SIZE(buffer))),
+                         128*1024, *getDefaultPool());
+    const void *ptr;
+    int length;
+    ASSERT_EQ(true, result->Next(&ptr, &length));
+    ASSERT_EQ(100000, length);
+    for(uint64_t i=0; i < length; ++i) {
+      ASSERT_EQ('a', static_cast<const char*>(ptr)[i]);
+    }
+    ASSERT_TRUE(!result->Next(&ptr, &length));
   TEST(Zlib, testCreateZlib) {
diff --git a/examples/TestVectorOrcFile.testLz4.orc b/examples/TestVectorOrcFile.testLz4.orc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dacba8d
Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/TestVectorOrcFile.testLz4.orc differ
diff --git a/examples/TestVectorOrcFile.testLzo.orc b/examples/TestVectorOrcFile.testLzo.orc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b01fb5
Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/TestVectorOrcFile.testLzo.orc differ
diff --git a/examples/expected/TestVectorOrcFile.testLz4.jsn.gz b/examples/expected/TestVectorOrcFile.testLz4.jsn.gz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60a846e
Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/expected/TestVectorOrcFile.testLz4.jsn.gz differ
diff --git a/examples/expected/TestVectorOrcFile.testLzo.jsn.gz b/examples/expected/TestVectorOrcFile.testLzo.jsn.gz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e002379
Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/expected/TestVectorOrcFile.testLzo.jsn.gz differ
diff --git a/java/core/src/test/org/apache/orc/ b/java/core/src/test/org/apache/orc/
index 31ac1c4..42d1176 100644
--- a/java/core/src/test/org/apache/orc/
+++ b/java/core/src/test/org/apache/orc/
@@ -1698,20 +1698,20 @@ public class TestVectorOrcFile {
   public void testLzo() throws Exception {
     TypeDescription schema =
-        TypeDescription.fromString("struct<x:bigint,y:double,z:bigint>");
+        TypeDescription.fromString("struct<x:bigint,y:int,z:bigint>");
     Writer writer = OrcFile.createWriter(testFilePath,
-            .stripeSize(1000)
+            .stripeSize(10000)
-            .bufferSize(100));
+            .bufferSize(1000));
     VectorizedRowBatch batch = schema.createRowBatch();
     Random rand = new Random(69);
     batch.size = 1000;
     for(int b=0; b < 10; ++b) {
       for (int r=0; r < 1000; ++r) {
         ((LongColumnVector) batch.cols[0]).vector[r] = rand.nextInt();
-        ((DoubleColumnVector) batch.cols[1]).vector[r] = rand.nextDouble();
+        ((LongColumnVector) batch.cols[1]).vector[r] = b * 1000 + r;
         ((LongColumnVector) batch.cols[2]).vector[r] = rand.nextLong();
@@ -1729,8 +1729,8 @@ public class TestVectorOrcFile {
       for(int r=0; r < batch.size; ++r) {
             ((LongColumnVector) batch.cols[0]).vector[r]);
-        assertEquals(rand.nextDouble(),
-            ((DoubleColumnVector) batch.cols[1]).vector[r], 0.00001);
+        assertEquals(b * 1000 + r,
+            ((LongColumnVector) batch.cols[1]).vector[r]);
             ((LongColumnVector) batch.cols[2]).vector[r]);
@@ -1747,20 +1747,20 @@ public class TestVectorOrcFile {
   public void testLz4() throws Exception {
     TypeDescription schema =
-        TypeDescription.fromString("struct<x:bigint,y:double,z:bigint>");
+        TypeDescription.fromString("struct<x:bigint,y:int,z:bigint>");
     Writer writer = OrcFile.createWriter(testFilePath,
-            .stripeSize(1000)
+            .stripeSize(10000)
-            .bufferSize(100));
+            .bufferSize(1000));
     VectorizedRowBatch batch = schema.createRowBatch();
     Random rand = new Random(3);
     batch.size = 1000;
     for(int b=0; b < 10; ++b) {
       for (int r=0; r < 1000; ++r) {
         ((LongColumnVector) batch.cols[0]).vector[r] = rand.nextInt();
-        ((DoubleColumnVector) batch.cols[1]).vector[r] = rand.nextDouble();
+        ((LongColumnVector) batch.cols[1]).vector[r] = b * 1000 + r;
         ((LongColumnVector) batch.cols[2]).vector[r] = rand.nextLong();
@@ -1778,8 +1778,8 @@ public class TestVectorOrcFile {
       for(int r=0; r < batch.size; ++r) {
             ((LongColumnVector) batch.cols[0]).vector[r]);
-        assertEquals(rand.nextDouble(),
-            ((DoubleColumnVector) batch.cols[1]).vector[r], 0.00001);
+        assertEquals(b * 1000 + r,
+            ((LongColumnVector) batch.cols[1]).vector[r]);
             ((LongColumnVector) batch.cols[2]).vector[r]);
diff --git a/tools/test/ b/tools/test/
index 40efe53..c7759ae 100644
--- a/tools/test/
+++ b/tools/test/
@@ -466,6 +466,28 @@ namespace orc {
+                                       std::map<std::string, std::string>()),
+                    OrcFileDescription("TestVectorOrcFile.testLz4.orc",
+                                       "TestVectorOrcFile.testLz4.jsn.gz",
+                                       "struct<x:bigint,y:int,z:bigint>",
+                                       "0.12",
+                                       10000,
+                                       120952,
+                                       2,
+                                       CompressionKind_LZ4,
+                                       1000,
+                                       10000,
+                                       std::map<std::string, std::string>()),
+                    OrcFileDescription("TestVectorOrcFile.testLzo.orc",
+                                       "TestVectorOrcFile.testLzo.jsn.gz",
+                                       "struct<x:bigint,y:int,z:bigint>",
+                                       "0.12",
+                                       10000,
+                                       120955,
+                                       2,
+                                       CompressionKind_LZO,
+                                       1000,
+                                       10000,
                                        std::map<std::string, std::string>())