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[12/61] [abbrv] [partial] ambari git commit: AMBARI-15679. Initial commit for LogSearch service definition (oleewre)
diff --git a/ambari-logsearch/ambari-logsearch-portal/src/main/webapp/libs/bower/bootstrap/bootstrap.min.js b/ambari-logsearch/ambari-logsearch-portal/src/main/webapp/libs/bower/bootstrap/bootstrap.min.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c1561a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ambari-logsearch/ambari-logsearch-portal/src/main/webapp/libs/bower/bootstrap/bootstrap.min.js
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ * Bootstrap v3.2.0 (
+ * Copyright 2011-2014 Twitter, Inc.
+ * Licensed under MIT (
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ambari-logsearch/ambari-logsearch-portal/src/main/webapp/libs/bower/globalize/.bower.json b/ambari-logsearch/ambari-logsearch-portal/src/main/webapp/libs/bower/globalize/.bower.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfebce4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ambari-logsearch/ambari-logsearch-portal/src/main/webapp/libs/bower/globalize/.bower.json
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+  "name": "globalize",
+  "homepage": "",
+  "version": "0.1.1",
+  "_release": "0.1.1",
+  "_resolution": {
+    "type": "version",
+    "tag": "v0.1.1",
+    "commit": "2cbbe9e30609735aab9dc29d8c53c5cd8f810149"
+  },
+  "_source": "git://",
+  "_target": "~0.1.1",
+  "_originalSource": "globalize",
+  "_direct": true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ambari-logsearch/ambari-logsearch-portal/src/main/webapp/libs/bower/globalize/.gitignore b/ambari-logsearch/ambari-logsearch-portal/src/main/webapp/libs/bower/globalize/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee7a347
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ambari-logsearch/ambari-logsearch-portal/src/main/webapp/libs/bower/globalize/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dba9ccc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ambari-logsearch/ambari-logsearch-portal/src/main/webapp/libs/bower/globalize/.npmignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/ambari-logsearch/ambari-logsearch-portal/src/main/webapp/libs/bower/globalize/LICENSE b/ambari-logsearch/ambari-logsearch-portal/src/main/webapp/libs/bower/globalize/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c8b022
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ambari-logsearch/ambari-logsearch-portal/src/main/webapp/libs/bower/globalize/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/ambari-logsearch/ambari-logsearch-portal/src/main/webapp/libs/bower/globalize/ b/ambari-logsearch/ambari-logsearch-portal/src/main/webapp/libs/bower/globalize/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfbbe61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ambari-logsearch/ambari-logsearch-portal/src/main/webapp/libs/bower/globalize/
@@ -0,0 +1,865 @@
+# Globalize
+A JavaScript library for globalization and localization. Enables complex
+culture-aware number and date parsing and formatting, including the raw
+culture information for hundreds of different languages and countries, as well
+as an extensible system for localization.
+<li><a href="#why">Why Globalization</a></li>
+<li><a href="#what">What is a Culture?</a></li>
+<li><a href="#addCultureInfo">Globalize.addCultureInfo</a></li>
+<li><a href="#cultures">Globalize.cultures</a></li>
+<li><a href="#culture">Globalize.culture</a></li>
+<li><a href="#find">Globalize.findClosestCulture</a></li>
+<li><a href="#format">Globalize.format</a></li>
+<li><a href="#localize">Globalize.localize</a></li>
+<li><a href="#parseInt">Globalize.parseInt</a></li>
+<li><a href="#parseFloat">Globalize.parseFloat</a></li>
+<li><a href="#parseDate">Globalize.parseDate</a></li>
+<li><a href="#extend">Utilizing and Extending Cultures</a></li>
+<li><a href="#defining">Defining Culture Information</a></li>
+<li><a href="#numbers">Number Formatting</a></li>
+<li><a href="#currency">Currency Formatting</a></li>
+<li><a href="#dates">Date Formatting</a></li>
+<li><a href="#generating">Generating Culture Files</a></li>
+<li><a href="#building">Building Globalize</a></li>
+<a name="why"></a>
+<h2 id="why">Why Globalization?</h2>
+Each language, and the countries that speak that language, have different
+expectations when it comes to how numbers (including currency and percentages)
+and dates should appear. Obviously, each language has different names for the
+days of the week and the months of the year. But they also have different
+expectations for the structure of dates, such as what order the day, month and
+year are in. In number formatting, not only does the character used to
+delineate number groupings and the decimal portion differ, but the placement of
+those characters differ as well.
+A user using an application should be able to read and write dates and numbers
+in the format they are accustomed to. This library makes this possible,
+providing an API to convert user-entered number and date strings - in their
+own format - into actual numbers and dates, and conversely, to format numbers
+and dates into that string format.
+<a name="what"></a>
+<h2 id="what">What is a Culture?</h2>
+Globalize defines roughly 350 cultures. Part of the reason for this large
+number, besides there being a lot of cultures in the world, is because for
+some languages, expectations differ among the countries that speak it.
+English, for example, is an official language in dozens of countries. Despite
+the language being English, the expected date formatting still greatly differs
+between them.
+So, it does not seem useful to define cultures by their language alone. Nor
+is it useful to define a culture by its country alone, as many countries have
+several official languages, spoken by sizable populations. Therefore, cultures
+are defined as a combination of the language and the country speaking it. Each
+culture is given a unique code that is a combination of an ISO 639 two-letter
+lowercase culture code for the language, and a two-letter uppercase code for
+the country or region. For example, "en-US" is the culture code for English in
+the United States.
+Yet, it is perhaps unreasonable to expect application developers to cater to
+every possible language/country combination perfectly. It is important then to
+define so-called "neutral" cultures based on each language. These cultures
+define the most likely accepted set of rules by anyone speaking that language,
+whatever the country. Neutral cultures are defined only by their language code.
+For example, "es" is the neutral culture for Spanish.
+<a name="addCultureInfo"></a>
+<h2 id="addCultureInfo">Globalize.addCultureInfo( cultureName, extendCultureName, info )</h2>
+This method allows you to create a new culture based on an existing culture or
+add to existing culture info. If the optional argument <pre>extendCultureName</pre>
+is not supplied, it will extend the existing culture if it exists or create a new
+culture based on the default culture if it doesn't exist. If cultureName is not
+supplied, it will add the supplied info to the current culture. See .culture().
+<a name="cultures"></a>
+<h2 id="cultures">Globalize.cultures</h2>
+A mapping of culture codes to culture objects. For example, is an object representing the complete culture
+definition for the neutral French culture. Note that the main globalize.js file
+alone only includes a neutral English culture. To get additional cultures, you
+must include one or more of the culture scripts that come with it. You
+can see in the section <a href="#defining">Defining Culture Information</a>
+below which fields are defined in each culture.
+<a name="culture"></a>
+<h2 id="culture">Globalize.culture( selector )</h2>
+An application that supports globalization and/or localization will need to
+have a way to determine the user's preference. Attempting to automatically
+determine the appropriate culture is useful, but it is good practice to always
+offer the user a choice, by whatever means.
+Whatever your mechanism, it is likely that you will have to correlate the
+user's preferences with the list of cultures supported in the app. This
+method allows you to select the best match given the culture scripts that you
+have included and to set the Globalize culture to the culture which the user
+If you pass an array of names instead of a single name string, the first
+culture for which there is a match (that culture's script has been referenced)
+will be used. If none match, the search restarts using the corresponding
+neutral cultures. For example, if the application has included only the neutral
+"fr" culture, any of these would select it:
+Globalize.culture( "fr" );
+console.log( Globalize.culture().name ) // "fr"
+Globalize.culture( "fr-FR" );
+console.log( Globalize.culture().name ) // "fr-FR"
+Globalize.culture([ "es-MX", "fr-FR" ]);
+console.log( Globalize.culture().name ) // "es-MX"
+In any case, if no match is found, the neutral English culture "en" is selected
+by default.
+If you don't pass a selector, .culture() will return the current Globalize
+Each culture string may also follow the pattern defined in
+<a href=""
+>RFC2616 sec 14.4</a>. That is, a culture name may include a "quality" value
+that indicates an estimate of the user's preference for the language.
+Globalize.culture( "fr;q=0.4, es;q=0.5, he" );
+In this example, the neutral Hebrew culture "he" is given top priority (an
+unspecified quality is equal to 1). If that language is not an exact match for
+any of the cultures available in Globalize.cultures, then "es" is the next
+highest priority with 0.5, etc. If none of these match, just like with the array
+syntax, the search starts over and the same rules are applied to the
+corresponding neutral language culture for each. If still none match, the
+neutral English culture "en" is used.
+<a name="find"></a>
+<h2 id="find">Globalize.findClosestCulture( selector )</h2>
+Just like .culture( selector ), but it just returns the matching culture, if
+any, without setting it to the current Globalize culture, returned by
+<a name="format"></a>
+<h2 id="format">Globalize.format( value, format, culture )</h2>
+Formats a date or number according to the given format string and the given
+culture (or the current culture if not specified). See the sections
+<a href="#numbers">Number Formatting</a> and
+<a href="#dates">Date Formatting</a> below for details on the available
+// assuming a culture with number grouping of 3 digits,
+// using "," separator and "." decimal symbol.
+Globalize.format( 1234.567, "n" ); // "1,234.57"
+Globalize.format( 1234.567, "n1" ); // "1,234.6"
+Globalize.format( 1234.567, "n0" ); // "1,235"
+// assuming a culture with "/" as the date separator symbol
+Globalize.format( new Date(1955,10,5), "yyyy/MM/dd" ); // "1955/11/05"
+Globalize.format( new Date(1955,10,5), "dddd MMMM d, yyyy" ); // "Saturday November 5, 1955"
+<a name="localize"></a>
+<h2 id="localize">Globalize.localize( key, culture )</h2>
+Gets or sets a localized value. This method allows you to extend the
+information available to a particular culture, and to easily retrieve it
+without worrying about finding the most appropriate culture. For example, to
+define the word "translate" in French:
+Globalize.addCultureInfo( "fr", {
+	messages: {
+		"translate": "traduire"
+	}
+console.log( Globalize.localize( "translate", "fr" ) ); // "traduire"
+Note that localize() will find the closest match available per the same
+semantics as the Globalize.findClosestCulture() method. If there is no
+match, the translation given is for the neutral English culture "en" by
+<a name="parseInt"></a>
+<h2 id="parseInt">Globalize.parseInt( value, radix, culture )</h2>
+Parses a string representing a whole number in the given radix (10 by default),
+taking into account any formatting rules followed by the given culture (or the
+current culture, if not specified).
+If a percentage is passed into parseInt, the percent sign will be removed and the number parsed as is.
+Example: 12.34% would be returned as 12.
+// assuming a culture where "," is the group separator
+// and "." is the decimal separator
+Globalize.parseInt( "1,234.56" ); // 1234
+// assuming a culture where "." is the group separator
+// and "," is the decimal separator
+Globalize.parseInt( "1.234,56" ); // 1234
+<a name="parseFloat"></a>
+<h2 id="parseFloat">Globalize.parseFloat( value, radix, culture )</h2>
+Parses a string representing a floating point number in the given radix (10 by
+default), taking into account any formatting rules followed by the given
+culture (or the current culture, if not specified).
+If a percentage is passed into parseFloat, the percent sign will be removed and the number parsed as is.
+Example: 12.34% would be returned as 12.34
+// assuming a culture where "," is the group separator
+// and "." is the decimal separator
+Globalize.parseFloat( "1,234.56" ); // 1234.56
+// assuming a culture where "." is the group separator
+// and "," is the decimal separator
+Globalize.parseFloat( "1.234,56" ); // 1234.56
+<a name="parseDate"></a>
+<h2 id="parseDate">Globalize.parseDate( value, formats, culture )</h2>
+Parses a string representing a date into a JavaScript Date object, taking into
+account the given possible formats (or the given culture's set of default
+formats if not given). As before, the current culture is used if one is not
+Globalize.culture( "en" );
+Globalize.parseDate( "1/2/2003" ); // Thu Jan 02 2003
+Globalize.culture( "fr" );
+Globalize.parseDate( "1/2/2003" ); // Sat Feb 01 2003
+<a name="extend"></a>
+<h2 id="extend">Utilizing and Extending Cultures</h2>
+The culture information included with each culture is mostly necessary for the
+parsing and formatting methods, but not all of it. For example, the Native and
+English names for each culture is given, as well as a boolean indicating
+whether the language is right-to-left. This may be useful information for your
+own purposes. You may also add to the culture information directly if so
+As an example, in the U.S., the word "billion" means the number 1,000,000,000
+(9 zeros). But in other countries, that number is "1000 million" or a
+"milliard", and a billion is 1,000,000,000,000 (12 zeros). If you needed to
+provide functionality to your app or custom plugin that needed to know how many
+zeros are in a "billion", you could extend the culture information as follows:
+// define additional culture information for a possibly existing culture
+Globalize.addCultureInfo( "fr", {
+	numberFormat: {
+		billionZeroes: 12
+	}
+Using this mechanism, the "fr" culture will be created if it does not exist.
+And if it does, the given values will be added to it.
+<a name="defining"></a>
+<h2 id="defining">Defining Culture Information</h2>
+Each culture is defined in its own script with the naming scheme
+globalize.culture.&lt;name&gt;.js. You may include any number of these scripts,
+making them available in the Globalize.cultures mapping. Including one of
+these scripts does NOT automatically make it the current culture selected in the
+Globalize.culture property.
+The neutral English culture is defined directly in globalize.js, and set
+both to the properties "en" and "default" of the Globalize.cultures mapping.
+Extensive comments describe the purpose of each of the fields defined.
+Looking at the source code of the scripts for each culture, you will notice
+that each script uses Globalize.addCultureInfo() to have the "default" neutral
+English culture "en", as a common basis, and defines only the properties that
+differ from neutral English.
+The neutral English culture is listed here along with the comments:
+Globalize.cultures[ "default" ] = {
+	// A unique name for the culture in the form
+	// &lt;language code&gt;-&lt;country/region code&gt;
+	name: "English",
+	// the name of the culture in the English language
+	englishName: "English",
+	// the name of the culture in its own language
+	nativeName: "English",
+	// whether the culture uses right-to-left text
+	isRTL: false,
+	// "language" is used for so-called "specific" cultures.
+	// For example, the culture "es-CL" means Spanish in Chili.
+	// It represents the Spanish-speaking culture as it is in Chili,
+	// which might have different formatting rules or even translations
+	// than Spanish in Spain. A "neutral" culture is one that is not
+	// specific to a region. For example, the culture "es" is the generic
+	// Spanish culture, which may be a more generalized version of the language
+	// that may or may not be what a specific culture expects.
+	// For a specific culture like "es-CL", the "language" field refers to the
+	// neutral, generic culture information for the language it is using.
+	// This is not always a simple matter of the string before the dash.
+	// For example, the "zh-Hans" culture is neutral (Simplified Chinese).
+	// And the "zh-SG" culture is Simplified Chinese in Singapore, whose
+	// language field is "zh-CHS", not "zh".
+	// This field should be used to navigate from a specific culture to its
+	// more general, neutral culture. If a culture is already as general as it
+	// can get, the language may refer to itself.
+	language: "en",
+	// "numberFormat" defines general number formatting rules, like the digits
+	// in each grouping, the group separator, and how negative numbers are
+	// displayed.
+	numberFormat: {
+		// [negativePattern]
+		// Note, numberFormat.pattern has no "positivePattern" unlike percent
+		// and currency, but is still defined as an array for consistency with
+		// them.
+		//	  negativePattern: one of "(n)|-n|- n|n-|n -"
+		pattern: [ "-n" ],
+		// number of decimal places normally shown
+		decimals: 2,
+		// string that separates number groups, as in 1,000,000
+		",": ",",
+		// string that separates a number from the fractional portion,
+		// as in 1.99
+		".": ".",
+		// array of numbers indicating the size of each number group.
+		groupSizes: [ 3 ],
+		// symbol used for positive numbers
+		"+": "+",
+		// symbol used for negative numbers
+		"-": "-",
+		percent: {
+			// [negativePattern, positivePattern]
+			//	   negativePattern: one of "-n %|-n%|-%n|%-n|%n-|n-%|n%-|-% n|n %-|% n-|% -n|n- %"
+			//	   positivePattern: one of "n %|n%|%n|% n"
+			pattern: [ "-n %", "n %" ],
+			// number of decimal places normally shown
+			decimals: 2,
+			// array of numbers indicating the size of each number group.
+			groupSizes: [ 3 ],
+			// string that separates number groups, as in 1,000,000
+			",": ",",
+			// string that separates a number from the fractional portion, as in 1.99
+			".": ".",
+			// symbol used to represent a percentage
+			symbol: "%"
+		},
+		currency: {
+			// [negativePattern, positivePattern]
+			//	   negativePattern: one of "($n)|-$n|$-n|$n-|(n$)|-n$|n-$|n$-|-n $|-$ n|n $-|$ n-|$ -n|n- $|($ n)|(n $)"
+			//	   positivePattern: one of "$n|n$|$ n|n $"
+			pattern: [ "($n)", "$n" ],
+			// number of decimal places normally shown
+			decimals: 2,
+			// array of numbers indicating the size of each number group.
+			groupSizes: [ 3 ],
+			// string that separates number groups, as in 1,000,000
+			",": ",",
+			// string that separates a number from the fractional portion, as in 1.99
+			".": ".",
+			// symbol used to represent currency
+			symbol: "$"
+		}
+	},
+	// "calendars" property defines all the possible calendars used by this
+	// culture. There should be at least one defined with name "standard" which
+	// is the default calendar used by the culture.
+	// A calendar contains information about how dates are formatted,
+	// information about the calendar's eras, a standard set of the date
+	// formats, translations for day and month names, and if the calendar is
+	// not based on the Gregorian calendar, conversion functions to and from
+	// the Gregorian calendar.
+	calendars: {
+		standard: {
+			// name that identifies the type of calendar this is
+			name: "Gregorian_USEnglish",
+			// separator of parts of a date (e.g. "/" in 11/05/1955)
+			"/": "/",
+			// separator of parts of a time (e.g. ":" in 05:44 PM)
+			":": ":",
+			// the first day of the week (0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday, etc)
+			firstDay: 0,
+			days: {
+				// full day names
+				names: [ "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" ],
+				// abbreviated day names
+				namesAbbr: [ "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat" ],
+				// shortest day names
+				namesShort: [ "Su", "Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa" ]
+			},
+			months: [
+				// full month names (13 months for lunar calendars -- 13th month should be "" if not lunar)
+				names: [ "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December", "" ],
+				// abbreviated month names
+				namesAbbr: [ "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec", "" ]
+			],
+			// AM and PM designators in one of these forms:
+			// The usual view, and the upper and lower case versions
+			//		[standard,lowercase,uppercase]
+			// The culture does not use AM or PM (likely all standard date
+			// formats use 24 hour time)
+			//		null
+			AM: [ "AM", "am", "AM" ],
+			PM: [ "PM", "pm", "PM" ],
+			eras: [
+				// eras in reverse chronological order.
+				// name: the name of the era in this culture (e.g. A.D., C.E.)
+				// start: when the era starts in ticks, null if it is the
+				//		  earliest supported era.
+				// offset: offset in years from gregorian calendar
+				{"name":"A.D.","start":null,"offset":0}
+			],
+			// when a two digit year is given, it will never be parsed as a
+			// four digit year greater than this year (in the appropriate era
+			// for the culture)
+			// Set it as a full year (e.g. 2029) or use an offset format
+			// starting from the current year: "+19" would correspond to 2029
+			// if the current year is 2010.
+			twoDigitYearMax: 2029,
+			// set of predefined date and time patterns used by the culture.
+			// These represent the format someone in this culture would expect
+			// to see given the portions of the date that are shown.
+			patterns: {
+				// short date pattern
+				d: "M/d/yyyy",
+				// long date pattern
+				D: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy",
+				// short time pattern
+				t: "h:mm tt",
+				// long time pattern
+				T: "h:mm:ss tt",
+				// long date, short time pattern
+				f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm tt",
+				// long date, long time pattern
+				F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm:ss tt",
+				// month/day pattern
+				M: "MMMM dd",
+				// month/year pattern
+				Y: "yyyy MMMM",
+				// S is a sortable format that does not vary by culture
+				S: "yyyy\u0027-\u0027MM\u0027-\u0027dd\u0027T\u0027HH\u0027:\u0027mm\u0027:\u0027ss"
+			}
+			// optional fields for each calendar:
+			/*
+			monthsGenitive:
+				Same as months but used when the day preceeds the month.
+				Omit if the culture has no genitive distinction in month names.
+				For an explanation of genitive months, see
+			convert:
+				Allows for the support of non-gregorian based calendars. This
+				"convert" object defines two functions to convert a date to and
+				from a gregorian calendar date:
+					fromGregorian( date )
+						Given the date as a parameter, return an array with
+						parts [ year, month, day ] corresponding to the
+						non-gregorian based year, month, and day for the
+						calendar.
+					toGregorian( year, month, day )
+						Given the non-gregorian year, month, and day, return a
+						new Date() object set to the corresponding date in the
+						gregorian calendar.
+			*/
+		}
+	},
+	// Map of messages used by .localize()
+	messages: {}
+Each culture can have several possible calendars. The calendar named "standard"
+is the default calendar used by that culture. You may change the calendar in
+use by setting the "calendar" field. Take a look at the calendars defined by
+each culture by looking at the script or enumerating its calendars collection.
+// switch to a non-standard calendar
+Globalize.culture().calendar = Globalize.culture().calendars.SomeOtherCalendar;
+// back to the standard calendar
+Globalize.culture().calendar = Globalize.culture().calendars.standard;
+<a name="numbers"></a>
+<h2 id="numbers">Number Formatting</h2>
+When formatting a number with format(), the main purpose is to convert the
+number into a human readable string using the culture's standard grouping and
+decimal rules. The rules between cultures can vary a lot. For example, in some
+cultures, the grouping of numbers is done unevenly. In the "te-IN" culture
+(Telugu in India), groups have 3 digits and then 2 digits. The number 1000000
+(one million) is written as "10,00,000". Some cultures do not group numbers at
+There are four main types of number formatting:
+<li><strong>n</strong> for number</li>
+<li><strong>d</strong> for decimal digits</li>
+<li><strong>p</strong> for percentage</li>
+<li><strong>c</strong> for currency</li>
+Even within the same culture, the formatting rules can vary between these four
+types of numbers. For example, the expected number of decimal places may differ
+from the number format to the currency format. Each format token may also be
+followed by a number. The number determines how many decimal places to display
+for all the format types except decimal, for which it means the minimum number
+of digits to display, zero padding it if necessary. Also note that the way
+negative numbers are represented in each culture can vary, such as what the
+negative sign is, and whether the negative sign appears before or after the
+number. This is especially apparent with currency formatting, where many
+cultures use parentheses instead of a negative sign.
+// just for example - will vary by culture
+Globalize.format( 123.45, "n" ); // 123.45
+Globalize.format( 123.45, "n0" ); // 123
+Globalize.format( 123.45, "n1" ); // 123.5
+Globalize.format( 123.45, "d" ); // 123
+Globalize.format( 12, "d3" ); // 012
+Globalize.format( 123.45, "c" ); // $123.45
+Globalize.format( 123.45, "c0" ); // $123
+Globalize.format( 123.45, "c1" ); // $123.5
+Globalize.format( -123.45, "c" ); // ($123.45)
+Globalize.format( 0.12345, "p" ); // 12.35 %
+Globalize.format( 0.12345, "p0" ); // 12 %
+Globalize.format( 0.12345, "p4" ); // 12.3450 %
+Parsing with parseInt and parseFloat also accepts any of these formats.
+<a name="currency"></a>
+<h2 id="currency">Currency Formatting</h2>
+Globalize has a default currency symbol for each locale. This is used when
+formatting a currency value such as
+Globalize.format( 1234.56, "c" ); // $1,234.56
+You can change the currency symbol for a locale by modifying the culture's
+<code>numberFormat.currency.symbol</code> property:
+Globalize.culture( "en-US" ).numberFormat.currency.symbol = '\u20ac'; // euro sign U+20AC
+If you need to switch between currency symbols, you could write a function
+to do that, such as
+function setCurrency( currSym ) {
+  Globalize.culture().numberFormat.currency.symbol = currSym;
+<a name="dates"></a>
+<h2 id="dates">Date Formatting</h2>
+Date formatting varies wildly by culture, not just in the spelling of month and
+day names, and the date separator, but by the expected order of the various
+date components, whether to use a 12 or 24 hour clock, and how months and days
+are abbreviated. Many cultures even include "genitive" month names, which are
+different from the typical names and are used only in certain cases.
+Also, each culture has a set of "standard" or "typical" formats. For example,
+in "en-US", when displaying a date in its fullest form, it looks like
+"Saturday, November 05, 1955". Note the non-abbreviated day and month name, the
+zero padded date, and four digit year. So, Globalize expects a certain set
+of "standard" formatting strings for dates in the "patterns" property of the
+"standard" calendar of each culture, that describe specific formats for the
+culture. The third column shows example values in the neutral English culture
+"en-US"; see the second table for the meaning tokens used in date formats.
+// just for example - will vary by culture
+Globalize.format( new Date(2012, 1, 20), 'd' ); // 2/20/2012
+Globalize.format( new Date(2012, 1, 20), 'D' ); // Monday, February 20, 2012
+  <th>Format</th>
+  <th>Meaning</th>
+  <th>"en-US"</th>
+   <td>f</td>
+   <td>Long Date, Short Time</td>
+   <td>dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm tt</td>
+   <td>F</td>
+   <td>Long Date, Long Time</td>
+   <td>dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm:ss tt</td>
+   <td>t</td>
+   <td>Short Time</td>
+   <td>h:mm tt</td>
+   <td>T</td>
+   <td>Long Time</td>
+   <td>h:mm:ss tt</td>
+   <td>d</td>
+   <td>Short Date</td>
+   <td>M/d/yyyy</td>
+   <td>D</td>
+   <td>Long Date</td>
+   <td>dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy</td>
+   <td>Y</td>
+   <td>Month/Year</td>
+   <td>MMMM, yyyy</td>
+   <td>M</td>
+   <td>Month/Day</td>
+   <td>MMMM dd</td>
+In addition to these standard formats, there is the "S" format. This is a
+sortable format that is identical in every culture:
+When more specific control is needed over the formatting, you may use any
+format you wish by specifying the following custom tokens:
+   <th>Token</th>
+   <th>Meaning</th>
+   <th>Example</th>
+   <td>d</td>
+   <td>Day of month (no leading zero)</td>
+   <td>5</td>
+   <td>dd</td>
+   <td>Day of month (leading zero)</td>
+   <td>05</td>
+   <td>ddd</td>
+   <td>Day name (abbreviated)</td>
+   <td>Sat</td>
+   <td>dddd</td>
+   <td>Day name (full)</td>
+   <td>Saturday</td>
+   <td>M</td>
+   <td>Month of year (no leading zero)</td>
+   <td>9</td>
+   <td>MM</td>
+   <td>Month of year (leading zero)</td>
+   <td>09</td>
+   <td>MMM</td>
+   <td>Month name (abbreviated)</td>
+   <td>Sep</td>
+   <td>MMMM</td>
+   <td>Month name (full)</td>
+   <td>September</td>
+   <td>yy</td>
+   <td>Year (two digits)</td>
+   <td>55</td>
+   <td>yyyy</td>
+   <td>Year (four digits)</td>
+   <td>1955</td>
+   <td>'literal'</td>
+   <td>Literal Text</td>
+   <td>'of the clock'</td>
+   <td>\'</td>
+   <td>Single Quote</td>
+   <td>'o'\''clock'</td><!-- o'clock -->
+   <td>m</td>
+   <td>Minutes (no leading zero)</td>
+   <td>9</td>
+   <td>mm</td>
+   <td>Minutes (leading zero)</td>
+   <td>09</td>
+   <td>h</td>
+   <td>Hours (12 hour time, no leading zero)</td>
+   <td>6</td>
+   <td>hh</td>
+   <td>Hours (12 hour time, leading zero)</td>
+   <td>06</td>
+   <td>H</td>
+   <td>Hours (24 hour time, no leading zero)</td>
+   <td>5 (5am) 15 (3pm)</td>
+   <td>HH</td>
+   <td>Hours (24 hour time, leading zero)</td>
+   <td>05 (5am) 15 (3pm)</td>
+   <td>s</td>
+   <td>Seconds (no leading zero)</td>
+   <td>9</td>
+   <td>ss</td>
+   <td>Seconds (leading zero)</td>
+   <td>09</td>
+   <td>f</td>
+   <td>Deciseconds</td>
+   <td>1</td>
+   <td>ff</td>
+   <td>Centiseconds</td>
+   <td>11</td>
+   <td>fff</td>
+   <td>Milliseconds</td>
+   <td>111</td>
+   <td>t</td>
+   <td>AM/PM indicator (first letter)</td>
+   <td>A or P</td>
+   <td>tt</td>
+   <td>AM/PM indicator (full)</td>
+   <td>AM or PM</td>
+   <td>z</td>
+   <td>Timezone offset (hours only, no leading zero)</td>
+   <td>-8</td>
+   <td>zz</td>
+   <td>Timezone offset (hours only, leading zero)</td>
+   <td>-08</td>
+   <td>zzz</td>
+   <td>Timezone offset (full hours/minutes)</td>
+   <td>-08:00</td>
+   <td>g or gg</td>
+   <td>Era name</td>
+   <td>A.D.</td>
+<a name="generating"></a>
+<h1 id="generating">Generating Culture Files</h1>
+The Globalize culture files are generated JavaScript containing metadata and
+functions based on culture info in the Microsoft .Net Framework 4.
+	<li>Windows</li>
+	<li>Microsoft .Net Framework 4 (Full, not just Client Profile) <a href="">download dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe</a></li>
+<h2>Building the generator</h2>
+1. Open a Windows Command Prompt ( Start -> Run... -> cmd )
+1. Change directory to root of Globalize project (where file is located)
+1. >"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MSBuild" generator\generator.csproj
+<h2>Running the generator</h2>
+1. Open a Windows Command Prompt
+1. Change directory to root of Globalize project (where file is located)
+1. >"generator\bin\Debug\generator.exe"
+<a name="building"></a>
+<h1 id="building">Building Globalize</h1>
+Globalize is built using <a href="">grunt</a>, a
+node-based build utility. First, make sure grunt is installed globally:
+> npm install -g grunt
+then you can lint and test by simply running grunt in the globalize folder
+> cd globalize
+> grunt
diff --git a/ambari-logsearch/ambari-logsearch-portal/src/main/webapp/libs/bower/globalize/examples/browser/browser.css b/ambari-logsearch/ambari-logsearch-portal/src/main/webapp/libs/bower/globalize/examples/browser/browser.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b8bc5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ambari-logsearch/ambari-logsearch-portal/src/main/webapp/libs/bower/globalize/examples/browser/browser.css
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+body {
+	font-family: Arial
+a {
+	color: #6D929B;
+input {
+	width: 100px;
+	margin: 5px;
+.results  {
+	border-collapse: collapse;
+.results td {
+	border: 1px solid #C1DAD7;
+	padding: 2px 2px 2px 2px;
+	color: #6D929B;
+	font-size: x-small;
+	white-space: nowrap;
+	text-align: center;
+.results th {
+	border: 1px solid #C1DAD7;
+	letter-spacing: 2px;
+	text-align: center;
+	padding: 6px 6px 6px 12px;
+	white-space: nowrap;
+table {
+	width: 100%;
+} {
+	width: 45%;
+	float: left;
+} td {
+	font-size: x-small;
+ {
+	margin-top: 5px;
+	margin-right: 5px;
+	padding: 2px;
+	cursor: pointer;
+	background-color: #EEEEEE;
+ {
+	border: 1px solid black;
+	float: left;
+.inactive {
+	float: left;
+ {
+	font-weight: bold;
+	border: 1px solid black;
+	float: left;
+div.inactive {
+	display: none;
+ {
+	clear: both;
+	min-width: 100%;
+.pane {
+	margin-top: 10px;
+	clear: both;
+#intro {
+	font-size: x-small;
+	margin-bottom: 10px;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ambari-logsearch/ambari-logsearch-portal/src/main/webapp/libs/bower/globalize/examples/browser/browser.js b/ambari-logsearch/ambari-logsearch-portal/src/main/webapp/libs/bower/globalize/examples/browser/browser.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a639435
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ambari-logsearch/ambari-logsearch-portal/src/main/webapp/libs/bower/globalize/examples/browser/browser.js
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+(function( $ ) {
+$(function() {
+    // setup sample data
+    window.numbers = [
+       0, 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 0.1, 0.12, 0.123, 0.1234, 0.12345, 1000.123, 10000.12345,
+          -1, -10, -100, -1000, -10000, -0.1, -0.12, -0.123, -0.1234, -0.12345, -1000.123, -10000.12345
+    ];
+    window.formats = [
+       "n", "n1", "n3", "d", "d2", "d3", "p", "p1", "p3", "c", "c0"
+    ];
+    window.dates = $.map([
+        "Jan 1, 1970 1:34 PM", "Dec 31, 1970 1:34 PM", "Apr 1, 1999 1:34 PM", "Dec 31, 1999 1:34 PM", "Jan 1, 2000 1:34 PM", "Nov 5, 1955 1:34 PM"
+    ], function(d) { return d instanceof Date ? d : new Date(Date.parse(d)); } );
+    window.dateFormats = [
+        "d", "D", "f", "F", "M", "S", "t", "T", "Y"
+    ];
+    // add template extensions to format numbers and dates declaratively
+    $.extend( $.tmplcmd, {
+        demoFormat: {
+            _default: [0,0],
+            prefix: "_.push(Globalize.format(numbers[$2],formats[$1]));"
+        },
+        demoDateFormat: {
+            _default: [0,0],
+            prefix: "_.push(Globalize.format(dates[$2],typeof $1 === 'number' ? dateFormats[$1] : $1));"
+        }
+    });
+    // activate tabs
+    $(".tab").click(function() {
+        $(".active").removeClass("active").addClass("inactive");
+        $("#" + + "content").removeClass("inactive").addClass("active");
+        $(this).removeClass("inactive").addClass("active");
+    });
+    // fill cultures dropdown with the available cultures
+    $.each(sortByName(Globalize.cultures), function(i, culture) {
+        $("<option/>", {
+            value:,
+            text: + ": " + culture.englishName + " (" + culture.nativeName + ")"
+        }).appendTo("#cultures");
+    });
+    // re-render templates after selecting a culture
+    $("#cultures").bind("change keyup", selectCulture)
+        // set default culture to Japanese in Japan
+        .val("ja-JP");
+    // re-render templates after selecting a calendar
+    var calendars = $("#calendars").bind("change keyup", function() {
+        Globalize.culture().calendar = Globalize.culture().calendars[calendars.val()] || Globalize.culture().calendars.standard;
+        render();
+    });
+    $("#parseDate").change(function() {
+        $("#parseDateResult").text(Globalize.parseDate($(this).val()).toString());
+    });
+    $("#parseNumber").change(function() {
+        $("#parseNumberResult").text(Globalize.parseFloat($(this).val()).toString());
+    });
+    function sortByName(map) {
+        // converts a dictionary into a sorted dictionary based on
+        var arr = [];
+        $.each(map, function(name, value) {
+            arr.push(value);
+        });
+        arr.sort(function(a, b) {
+            return < ? -1 : 1;
+        });
+        return arr;
+    }
+    function selectCulture() {
+        // sets the current culture to the value specified in the cultures dropdown,
+        // populates the calendars dropdown with that cultures calendars,
+        // and renders the formatting templates.
+        Globalize.culture($("#cultures").val());
+        calendars.empty();
+        $.each(sortByName(Globalize.culture().calendars), function(i, cal) {
+            $("<option/>", { value:, text: }).appendTo(calendars);
+        });
+        calendars.val(Globalize.culture();
+        render();
+    }
+    function render() {
+        $("#dateformat").empty();
+        $("#dateformattmpl").render({}).appendTo("#dateformat");
+        $("#format").empty();
+        $("#formattmpl").render({}).appendTo("#format");
+        $("#englishName").text(Globalize.culture().englishName);
+        $("#nativeName").text(Globalize.culture().nativeName);
+        $("#isRTL").text(Globalize.culture().isRTL ? "YES" : "no");
+        $("#infonumber").empty();
+        $("#infonumbertmpl").render(Globalize.culture().numberFormat).appendTo("#infonumber");
+        $("#infodate").empty();
+        $("#infodatetmpl").render(Globalize.culture().calendar).appendTo("#infodate");
+    }
+    // initial rendering
+    selectCulture();
+}( jQuery ));
diff --git a/ambari-logsearch/ambari-logsearch-portal/src/main/webapp/libs/bower/globalize/examples/browser/index.html b/ambari-logsearch/ambari-logsearch-portal/src/main/webapp/libs/bower/globalize/examples/browser/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7af94d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ambari-logsearch/ambari-logsearch-portal/src/main/webapp/libs/bower/globalize/examples/browser/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+	<meta charset="UTF-8">
+    <title>Globalization Demo</title>
+    <link type="text/css" rel="Stylesheet" href="browser.css">
+    <script src="../../lib/globalize.js"></script>
+    <script src="../../lib/cultures/globalize.cultures.js"></script>
+    <script src="jquery-1.4.4.js"></script>
+    <script src="jquery.tmpl.js"></script>
+    <script src="browser.js"></script>
+    <script id="formattmpl" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl">
+        <tr>
+            <th>Number</th>
+            {{each formats}}
+            <th>{{=}}</th>
+            {{/each}}
+        </tr>
+        {{each(i) numbers}}
+        <tr class="result">
+            <td>
+                ${numbers[i]}
+            </td>
+            {{each(j) formats}}
+            <td>
+            {{demoFormat(i) j}}
+            </td>
+            {{/each}}
+        </tr>
+        {{/each}}
+    </script>
+    <script id="dateformattmpl" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl">
+        <tr>
+            <th>Date</th>
+            {{each dateFormats}}
+            <th>{{=}}</th>
+            {{/each}}
+        </tr>
+        {{each(i) dates}}
+        <tr class="result">
+            <td>
+				{{=}}
+            </td>
+            {{each(j) dateFormats}}
+            <td>
+            {{demoDateFormat(i) j}}
+            </td>
+            {{/each}}
+        </tr>
+        {{/each}}
+    </script>
+    <script id="infonumbertmpl" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl">
+        <legend>Number Formatting</legend>
+        <table class="info">
+            <tr>
+                <td>Pattern</td>
+                <td>${pattern}</td>
+                <td>Decimals</td>
+                <td>${decimals} (${$data['.']})</td>
+            </tr>
+            <tr>
+                <td>Grouping</td>
+                <td>${$data[',']}</td>
+                <td>Group Size</td>
+                <td>${groupSizes}</td>
+            </tr>
+            <tr>
+                <td>Positive</td>
+                <td>${$data['+']}</td>
+                <td>Negative</td>
+                <td>${$data['-']}</td>
+            </tr>
+            <tr>
+                <td colspan="4" align="center">Percent (symbol = ${percent.symbol})</td>
+            </tr>
+            <tr>
+                <td>Pattern</td>
+                <td>${percent.pattern}</td>
+                <td>Decimals</td>
+                <td>${percent.decimals} (${percent['.']})</td>
+            </tr>
+            <tr>
+                <td>Grouping</td>
+                <td>${percent[',']}</td>
+                <td>Group Size</td>
+                <td>${percent.groupSizes}</td>
+            </tr>
+            <tr>
+                <td colspan="4" align="center">Currency (symbol = ${currency.symbol})</td>
+            </tr>
+            <tr>
+                <td>Pattern</td>
+                <td>${currency.pattern}</td>
+                <td>Decimals</td>
+                <td>${currency.decimals} (${currency['.']})</td>
+            </tr>
+            <tr>
+                <td>Grouping</td>
+                <td>${currency[',']}</td>
+                <td>Group Size</td>
+                <td>${currency.groupSizes}</td>
+            </tr>
+        </table>
+    </script>
+    <script id="infodatetmpl" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl">
+        <legend>Date Formatting</legend>
+        <table class="info">
+            <tr>
+                <td>Name</td>
+                <td colspan="3">${name}</td>
+            </tr>
+            <tr>
+                <td>AM</td>
+                <td>${AM}</td>
+                <td>PM</td>
+                <td>${PM}</td>
+            </tr>
+            <tr>
+                <td>Eras</td>
+                <td colspan="3">
+                    <ol>
+                    {{each eras}}
+                    <li>${name} (year offset ${offset})</li>
+                    {{/each}}
+                    </ol>
+                </td>
+            </tr>
+            <tr>
+                <td>Days</td>
+                <td colspan="3">
+                    <ol>
+                        {{each days.names}}
+                        <li>{{=}}</li>
+                        {{/each}}
+                    </ol>
+                </td>
+            </tr>
+            <tr>
+                <td>Days (abbreviated)</td>
+                <td colspan="3">
+                    <ol>
+                        {{each days.namesAbbr}}
+                        <li>{{=}}</li>
+                        {{/each}}
+                    </ol>
+                </td>
+            </tr>
+            <tr>
+                <td>Days (shortest)</td>
+                <td colspan="3">
+                    <ol>
+                        {{each days.namesShort}}
+                        <li>{{=}}</li>
+                        {{/each}}
+                    </ol>
+                </td>
+            </tr>
+            <tr>
+                <td>Months</td>
+                <td colspan="3">
+                    <ol>
+                        {{each months.names}}
+                        <li>{{=}}</li>
+                        {{/each}}
+                    </ol>
+                </td>
+            </tr>
+            <tr>
+                <td>Months (abbreviated)</td>
+                <td colspan="3">
+                    <ol>
+                        {{each months.namesAbbr}}
+                        <li>{{=}}</li>
+                        {{/each}}
+                    </ol>
+                </td>
+            </tr>
+            {{if typeof monthsGenitive !== 'undefined'}}
+            <tr>
+                <td>Months (Genitive)</td>
+                <td>${monthsGenitive.names}</td>
+                <td>Months (Abbr. Gen.)</td>
+                <td>${monthsGenitive.namesAbbr}</td>
+            </tr>
+            {{/if}}
+            <tr>
+                <td align="center" colspan="4">Patterns</td>
+            </tr>
+            {{each(n,v) patterns}}
+            <tr>
+                <td>${n}</td>
+                <td colspan="3">{{=}}</td>
+            </tr>
+            {{/each}}
+        </table>
+    </script>
+<div id="intro">
+This is a demo of the Globalize library. You can follow the discussion and provide feedback on the planning page, here:
+<br/><a href="">Globalization wiki page</a>
+And you can view the source from here or keep up to date with it on github, here:
+<br/><a href="">Globalize on GitHub</a>
+    Culture:
+    <select id="cultures"></select>
+    Calendar:
+    <select id="calendars"></select>
+<div class="pane">
+    <span class="tab active" id="dates">Dates</span>
+    <span class="tab inactive" id="numbers">Numbers</span>
+    <span class="tab inactive" id="info">Info</span>
+    <div id="datescontent" class="active">
+        <table id="dateformat" class="results">
+        </table>
+        <b>Parsing:</b> Type a date in one of the culture formats:
+        <input id="parseDate" type="text" /><span id="parseDateResult"></span>
+    </div>
+    <div id="numberscontent" class="inactive">
+        <table id="format" class="results">
+        </table>
+        <b>Parsing:</b> Type a number using the culture group and decimal separators:
+        <input id="parseNumber" type="text" /><span id="parseNumberResult"></span>
+    </div>
+    <div id="infocontent" class="inactive">
+        <p>
+            Name (in English) "<span id="englishName"></span>"<br />
+            Name (in Native Language) "<span id="nativeName"></span>".<br />
+            Is RTL culture? <span id="isRTL"></span>.
+        </p>
+        <fieldset id="infonumber" class="info">
+        </fieldset>
+        <fieldset id="infodate" class="info">
+        </fieldset>
+    </div>
+<div class="pane">
+Interesting cultures to preview:
+    <li>ja-JP: Has an optional calendar that has 4 different eras.</li>
+    <li>th-TH: Standard calendar has a year offset.</li>
+    <li>te-IN: Numbers have unequal groupings.</li>
+    <li>ar-SA: Standard calendar is UmAlQura, a non-gregorian based calendar that requires custom conversion logic.
+    It also supports the Hijri calendar, and a standard gregorian calendar translated into one of <i>4 languages</i>.
+    </li>