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Posted to by on 2006/06/28 16:56:40 UTC

svn commit: r417774 - /xml/security/trunk/build.xml

Author: mullan
Date: Wed Jun 28 07:56:39 2006
New Revision: 417774

Add JSR 105 unit tests to "test" target.


Modified: xml/security/trunk/build.xml
--- xml/security/trunk/build.xml (original)
+++ xml/security/trunk/build.xml Wed Jun 28 07:56:39 2006
@@ -342,9 +342,8 @@
 	<!-- T E S T  T A R G E T S -->  
 	<!-- big test -->
-	<target name="test"
-			depends="build.test"
-			description="Starts all Junit tests">
+	<target name="test" depends="build.test"
+		description="Starts all Junit tests">
 	    <delete dir="${}"/>
 	    <delete dir="${}"/>
 	    <mkdir dir="${}"/>
@@ -366,36 +365,41 @@
 	         IBM is 'magically' included in the test ;-))
 	    <available file="data/com/ibm/xss4j-20030127/enveloped-rsa.sig" property="ibm.available"/>
-        <copy file="${lib.xalan.1}" todir="${}"/>
-        <copy file="${lib.xalan.2}" todir="${}"/>
-        <copy file="${lib.xalan.3}" todir="${}"/>
-        <copy file="${lib.xerces.1}" todir="${}"/>
-	    <junit filtertrace="true" fork="true" printsummary="on" failureproperty="build.test.failed">
-	       <jvmarg value="-Djava.compiler=NONE"/>
-	       <sysproperty key="basedir" value="${basedir}"/>
-           <sysproperty key="java.endorsed.dirs" value="${}"/>
-	       <classpath refid="id.classpath.test"/>
-	       <formatter type="xml"/>
-	       <!-- Also put output to screen -->
-	       <formatter type="plain" usefile="false"/>
-	       <batchtest fork="yes" todir="${}">
-	         <fileset dir="${dir.src.test}">
-	           <include name="**/*Test*.java"/>
-	           <include name="org/apache/xml/security/test/c14n/implementations/"/>
-	           <exclude name="org/apache/xml/security/test/*Test*.java"/>
-	           <exclude name="org/apache/xml/security/test/interop/"/>
-	           <exclude name="**/"/>
-	           <exclude name="**/"/>
-	           <exclude name="javax/xml/crypto/**"/>
-	         </fileset>
-	       </batchtest>
-	       <test if="ibm.available" name="" todir="${}"/>
+            <copy file="${lib.xalan.1}" todir="${}"/>
+            <copy file="${lib.xalan.2}" todir="${}"/>
+            <copy file="${lib.xalan.3}" todir="${}"/>
+            <copy file="${lib.xerces.1}" todir="${}"/>
+	    <junit filtertrace="true" fork="true" printsummary="on" 
+		   failureproperty="build.test.failed">
+	        <jvmarg value="-Djava.compiler=NONE"/>
+	        <sysproperty key="basedir" value="${basedir}"/>
+                <sysproperty key="java.endorsed.dirs" value="${}"/>
+                <sysproperty key="proxyHost" value="${}"/>
+                <sysproperty key="proxyPort" value="${proxy.port}"/>
+                <sysproperty key="java.util.logging.config.file" 
+			     value="${basedir}/"/>
+	        <classpath refid="id.classpath.test"/>
+	        <formatter type="xml"/>
+	        <!-- Also put output to screen -->
+	        <formatter type="plain" usefile="false"/>
+	        <batchtest fork="yes" todir="${}">
+	            <fileset dir="${dir.src.test}">
+	                <include name="**/*Test*.java"/>
+	                <include name="org/apache/xml/security/test/c14n/implementations/"/>
+	                <exclude name="org/apache/xml/security/test/*Test*.java"/>
+	                <exclude name="org/apache/xml/security/test/interop/"/>
+	                <exclude name="**/"/>
+	                <exclude name="**/"/>
+	                <exclude name="javax/xml/crypto/test/dsig/"/>
+	             </fileset>
+	        </batchtest>
+	        <test if="ibm.available" name="" todir="${}"/>
 	    <junitreport todir="${}">
-	      <fileset dir="${}">
-	        <include name="TEST-*.xml"/>
-	      </fileset>
-	      <report format="frames" todir="${}"/>
+	        <fileset dir="${}">
+	            <include name="TEST-*.xml"/>
+	        </fileset>
+	        <report format="frames" todir="${}"/>
 	    <fail if="build.test.failed" message="Unit Tests Failed"/>