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Posted to by Ibrahim Momoh <> on 2010/12/04 20:49:32 UTC


I am having problem accessing my vcl server via ssh. I need to make changes to the skin template.

Thank you for your assistance.

Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 3, 2010, at 10:22 PM, Nikhil Talpallikar <> wrote:

> mysql> select * from image;
> +----+---------------------+---------------+---------+------------+------+-------------+--------+---------------+--------------+------------+---------------+------------+---------+------+---------------------+-------------+----------------+---------+------+--------------+-------------+-------+--------------------+
> | id | name                | prettyname    | ownerid | platformid | OSid | imagemetaid | minram | minprocnumber | minprocspeed | minnetwork | maxconcurrent | reloadtime | deleted | test | lastupdate          | forcheckout | maxinitialtime | project | size | architecture | description | usage | basedoffrevisionid |
> +----+---------------------+---------------+---------+------------+------+-------------+--------+---------------+--------------+------------+---------------+------------+---------+------+---------------------+-------------+----------------+---------+------+--------------+-------------+-------+--------------------+
> |  1 | centos5image-centos | centos_base_1 |       1 |          1 |   29 |           1 |     64 |             2 |          500 |         10 |             1 |         10 |       0 |    0 | 2010-11-24 21:36:34 |           1 |              0 | vcl     | 1450 | x86          | NULL        | NULL  |                  0 | 
> |  2 | centos_vm_1         | centos_vm     |       1 |          1 |   36 |           1 |   1024 |             1 |         1000 |       1000 |             1 |         10 |       0 |    0 | 2010-11-24 21:39:32 |           1 |              0 | vcl     | 1450 | x86          | NULL        | NULL  |                  0 | 
> |  4 | noimage             | No Image      |       1 |          1 |    2 |        NULL |      0 |             1 |            0 |         10 |          NULL |          0 |       0 |    0 | NULL                |           0 |              0 | vcl     | 1450 | x86          | NULL        | NULL  |                  0 | 
> +----+---------------------+---------------+---------+------------+------+-------------+--------+---------------+--------------+------------+---------------+------------+---------+------+---------------------+-------------+----------------+---------+------+--------------+-------------+-------+--------------------+
> 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
> mysql> select * from imagerevision;
> +----+---------+----------+--------+---------------------+---------+-------------+------------+----------+---------------------+
> | id | imageid | revision | userid | datecreated         | deleted | datedeleted | production | comments | imagename           |
> +----+---------+----------+--------+---------------------+---------+-------------+------------+----------+---------------------+
> |  1 |       1 |        1 |      1 | 2010-11-24 21:37:22 |       0 | NULL        |          1 | NULL     | centos5image-centos | 
> |  2 |       2 |        1 |      1 | 2010-11-24 21:40:08 |       0 | NULL        |          1 | NULL     | centos_vm_1         | 
> |  4 |       4 |        0 |      1 | 1980-01-01 00:00:00 |       0 | NULL        |          1 | NULL     | noimage             | 
> +----+---------+----------+--------+---------------------+---------+-------------+------------+----------+---------------------+
> 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
> mysql> select * from resource;
> +----+----------------+-------+
> | id | resourcetypeid | subid |
> +----+----------------+-------+
> | 10 |             12 |     1 | 
> | 11 |             12 |     2 | 
> | 12 |             12 |     3 | 
> |  4 |             13 |     4 | 
> |  8 |             15 |     1 | 
> |  9 |             16 |     1 | 
> +----+----------------+-------+
> 6 rows in set (0.00 sec)
> mysql> select * from resourcegroup;
> +----+--------------------+------------------+----------------+
> | id | name               | ownerusergroupid | resourcetypeid |
> +----+--------------------+------------------+----------------+
> |  1 | allComputers       |                3 |             12 | 
> |  2 | allImages          |                3 |             13 | 
> |  3 | allManagementNodes |                3 |             16 | 
> |  4 | allSchedules       |                3 |             15 | 
> |  5 | All VM Computers   |                3 |             12 | 
> |  8 | newimages          |                3 |             12 | 
> |  9 | newvmimages        |                3 |             12 | 
> | 10 | allVMimages        |                3 |             13 | 
> | 11 | allvmhosts         |                3 |             12 | 
> | 12 | allvmguests        |                3 |             12 | 
> +----+--------------------+------------------+----------------+
> 10 rows in set (0.00 sec)
> mysql> select * from resourcegroupmembers;
> +------------+-----------------+
> | resourceid | resourcegroupid |
> +------------+-----------------+
> |         10 |               1 | 
> |          9 |               3 | 
> |          8 |               4 | 
> |         11 |               5 | 
> |         12 |               5 | 
> |         10 |               8 | 
> |         11 |               9 | 
> |         12 |               9 | 
> |         10 |              11 | 
> |         11 |              12 | 
> |         12 |              12 | 
> +------------+-----------------+
> 11 rows in set (0.00 sec)
> mysql> select * from resourcemap;
> +------------------+-----------------+------------------+-----------------+
> | resourcegroupid1 | resourcetypeid1 | resourcegroupid2 | resourcetypeid2 |
> +------------------+-----------------+------------------+-----------------+
> |                2 |              13 |                1 |              12 | 
> |                2 |              13 |                8 |              12 | 
> |                2 |              13 |               11 |              12 | 
> |                3 |              16 |                1 |              12 | 
> |                3 |              16 |                5 |              12 | 
> |                3 |              16 |                8 |              12 | 
> |                3 |              16 |                9 |              12 | 
> |                3 |              16 |               11 |              12 | 
> |                3 |              16 |               12 |              12 | 
> |               10 |              13 |                5 |              12 | 
> |               10 |              13 |                9 |              12 | 
> |               10 |              13 |               12 |              12 | 
> +------------------+-----------------+------------------+-----------------+
> 12 rows in set (0.00 sec)
> mysql> 
> On Fri, Dec 3, 2010 at 10:18 AM, Andy Kurth <> wrote:
> Hello,
> This sounds like it may be a problem with the database.  I don't think the Perl components have anything to do with what you're describing. Also, it sounds like the web components are working correctly because you can map image groups to computer groups.
> My first guess would be that there is a problem with the corresponding resource table entry for the image you're trying to map.  Please provide the following:
> The name of the image you're trying to map and the following output:
> select * from image;
> select * from imagerevision;
> select * from resource;
> select * from resourcegroup;
> select * from resourcegroupmembers;
> select * from resourcemap;
> Regards,
> Andy
> On 11/30/2010 6:53 PM, Nikhil Talpallikar wrote:
> Hi,
> I actually did perform this step (installing perl lib). I was successful
> in getting the VCL installation done. I could add new resource groups,
> new images (via phpmyadmin) and map image groups to computer groups.
> Only when I try to map images to image groups the process stalls and no
> mapping is done.
> My understanding is that if I can update the database and get the web
> gui of VCL, there is no issue of version dependencies. Correct me if I
> am wrong.
> Thanks,
> Nikhil
> On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 3:14 PM, Aaron Peeler <
> <>> wrote:
>    Hello Nikhil,
>    You'll also need the mysql-client rpm and perl libraries.
>    There is a script in the vcl/bin directory called install_perl_libs
>    that should take care of the required perl modules for you.
>    Aaron
>    On 11/30/10 2:02 PM, Nikhil Talpallikar wrote:
>        Hi all,
>        I am new to this list, so I do not know whether this question
>        should go to VCL dev or VCL user list.
>        I am trying to build a standalone VCL sandbox. I am using the
>        following versions. Please let me know if there should be an
>        incompatibility issue with the version numbers.
>        mysql 5.0
>        php 5.1
>        VCL 2.2
>        VMware Server 1.0
>        installed guest OS : CentOS-5.5-i386
>        [root@bn17-4 nvtalpal]# rpm -qa | grep mysql
>        php-mysql-5.1.6-27.el5
>        mysql-5.0.77-4.el5_5.4
>        mysql-server-5.0.77-4.el5_5.4
>        [root@bn17-4 nvtalpal]# rpm -qa | grep php
>        php-gd-5.1.6-27.el5
>        php-xml-5.1.6-27.el5
>        php-pdo-5.1.6-27.el5
>        php-ldap-5.1.6-27.el5
>        php-mysql-5.1.6-27.el5
>        php-common-5.1.6-27.el5
>        php-5.1.6-27.el5
>        php-cli-5.1.6-27.el5
>        php-xmlrpc-5.1.6-27.el5
>        php-mcrypt-5.1.6-15.el5.centos.1
>        [root@bn17-4 nvtalpal]# rpm -qa | grep VMware
>        VMware-server-1.0.10-203137
>        [root@bn17-4 nvtalpal]#
>        --
>        Thanks and Regards,
>        Nikhil Talpallikar
>    --
>    Aaron Peeler
>    Program Manager
>    Virtual Computing Lab
>    NC State University
> <>
>    919-513-4571
> -- 


Posted by Josh Thompson <>.
Hash: SHA1

Please explain further what you mean that you are having problems accessing 
your vcl server via ssh.  The more information you can give us, the easier we 
can help you.

Also, when you start a new thread on any email list, please do not reply to an 
existing message on the list to create your message.  When you reply to a 
message, your mail client adds a line to the header referencing the message 
you replied to so that email clients that show message threading can associate 
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gets buried beneath the existing thread and makes it harder to sort from the 
rest of the messages.


On Saturday December 04, 2010, Ibrahim Momoh wrote:
> I am having problem accessing my vcl server via ssh. I need to make changes
> to the skin template.
> Thank you for your assistance.
> Sent from my iPhone
- -------------------------------
Josh Thompson
VCL Developer
North Carolina State University

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