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Posted to by "j.Pardos" <> on 2016/04/28 13:28:43 UTC

Storing numeric fields in Apache 6

Hello all,

I need to index some numeric fields, search with numeric range queries, and store the data to retrieve it afterwards. 
If I understand correctly, the recommended way to do this in Lucene 6 is with the DoublePoint/LongPoint/XxxPoint field types. I have already implemented this, extending QueryParser for the numeric range queries, but I can't find a way to store the data.

For example, for double values, I'm doing:
doc.add(new DoublePoint(name, Double.parseDouble(value)));

DoublePoint doesn't have a "stored" argument in its constructor (as does, for example, StringField), or a property to specify it afterwards. 

What's the "right" way to do this?

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