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Posted to by "Robby Pelssers, AGP" <> on 2007/03/05 15:09:17 UTC

Howto replacing jexl expressions within a String

Hi all,
I will shortly describe what I'm trying to accomplish:
I have a mysql database with e.g. three tables.  I want to automatically
generate a context from tables 2 and 3.  Then the message which is a String
in a database containing jexl expressions should be substituted with the
correct values.  What's the way to accomplish this?!  
Any advice would be most appreciated.
TABLE 1: table containing message templates e.g.
Dear customer, 
We would like to inform you about a new product called ${}.  
Description: ${product.description} 
Price: ${product.price}
TABLE 2:  contains queries which will provide data for populating a certain
message context
SELECT id, name, description, price FROM product WHERE id = :id
TABLE 3: describes which context fields will be generated from a resultset 
id:              queryid:            columname:        contextfield:
1                product              name                    name  
2                product              description          description
3                product              price                      price 


Robby Pelssers

Telefoon:	 	+31 (0)413 387 777	
Fax:     	 	+31 (0)413 367 025	
Mobiel:	 	+31 (0)6 1003 3035	

AGP Solutions B.V.
De Amert 160, 5462 GH Veghel
Postbus 226, 5460 AE Veghel


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