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[30/52] [abbrv] [partial] incubator-hawq git commit: HAWQ-707. Remove gtest/gmock dependency from libyarn/libhdfs3
diff --git a/depends/googletest/googlemock/scripts/generator/cpp/ b/depends/googletest/googlemock/scripts/generator/cpp/
deleted file mode 100755
index 359d556..0000000
--- a/depends/googletest/googlemock/scripts/generator/cpp/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,287 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2007 Neal Norwitz
-# Portions Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Tokenize C++ source code."""
-__author__ = ' (Neal Norwitz)'
-    # Python 3.x
-    import builtins
-except ImportError:
-    # Python 2.x
-    import __builtin__ as builtins
-import sys
-from cpp import utils
-if not hasattr(builtins, 'set'):
-    # Nominal support for Python 2.3.
-    from sets import Set as set
-# Add $ as a valid identifier char since so much code uses it.
-_letters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
-VALID_IDENTIFIER_CHARS = set(_letters + _letters.upper() + '_0123456789$')
-HEX_DIGITS = set('0123456789abcdefABCDEF')
-INT_OR_FLOAT_DIGITS = set('01234567890eE-+')
-# C++0x string preffixes.
-_STR_PREFIXES = set(('R', 'u8', 'u8R', 'u', 'uR', 'U', 'UR', 'L', 'LR'))
-# Token types.
-# Where the token originated from.  This can be used for backtracking.
-# It is always set to WHENCE_STREAM in this code.
-class Token(object):
-    """Data container to represent a C++ token.
-    Tokens can be identifiers, syntax char(s), constants, or
-    pre-processor directives.
-    start contains the index of the first char of the token in the source
-    end contains the index of the last char of the token in the source
-    """
-    def __init__(self, token_type, name, start, end):
-        self.token_type = token_type
- = name
-        self.start = start
-        self.end = end
-        self.whence = WHENCE_STREAM
-    def __str__(self):
-        if not utils.DEBUG:
-            return 'Token(%r)' %
-        return 'Token(%r, %s, %s)' % (, self.start, self.end)
-    __repr__ = __str__
-def _GetString(source, start, i):
-    i = source.find('"', i+1)
-    while source[i-1] == '\\':
-        # Count the trailing backslashes.
-        backslash_count = 1
-        j = i - 2
-        while source[j] == '\\':
-            backslash_count += 1
-            j -= 1
-        # When trailing backslashes are even, they escape each other.
-        if (backslash_count % 2) == 0:
-            break
-        i = source.find('"', i+1)
-    return i + 1
-def _GetChar(source, start, i):
-    # NOTE(nnorwitz): may not be quite correct, should be good enough.
-    i = source.find("'", i+1)
-    while source[i-1] == '\\':
-        # Need to special case '\\'.
-        if (i - 2) > start and source[i-2] == '\\':
-            break
-        i = source.find("'", i+1)
-    # Try to handle unterminated single quotes (in a #if 0 block).
-    if i < 0:
-        i = start
-    return i + 1
-def GetTokens(source):
-    """Returns a sequence of Tokens.
-    Args:
-      source: string of C++ source code.
-    Yields:
-      Token that represents the next token in the source.
-    """
-    # Cache various valid character sets for speed.
-    valid_identifier_chars = VALID_IDENTIFIER_CHARS
-    hex_digits = HEX_DIGITS
-    int_or_float_digits = INT_OR_FLOAT_DIGITS
-    int_or_float_digits2 = int_or_float_digits | set('.')
-    # Only ignore errors while in a #if 0 block.
-    ignore_errors = False
-    count_ifs = 0
-    i = 0
-    end = len(source)
-    while i < end:
-        # Skip whitespace.
-        while i < end and source[i].isspace():
-            i += 1
-        if i >= end:
-            return
-        token_type = UNKNOWN
-        start = i
-        c = source[i]
-        if c.isalpha() or c == '_':              # Find a string token.
-            token_type = NAME
-            while source[i] in valid_identifier_chars:
-                i += 1
-            # String and character constants can look like a name if
-            # they are something like L"".
-            if (source[i] == "'" and (i - start) == 1 and
-                source[start:i] in 'uUL'):
-                # u, U, and L are valid C++0x character preffixes.
-                token_type = CONSTANT
-                i = _GetChar(source, start, i)
-            elif source[i] == "'" and source[start:i] in _STR_PREFIXES:
-                token_type = CONSTANT
-                i = _GetString(source, start, i)
-        elif c == '/' and source[i+1] == '/':    # Find // comments.
-            i = source.find('\n', i)
-            if i == -1:  # Handle EOF.
-                i = end
-            continue
-        elif c == '/' and source[i+1] == '*':    # Find /* comments. */
-            i = source.find('*/', i) + 2
-            continue
-        elif c in ':+-<>&|*=':                   # : or :: (plus other chars).
-            token_type = SYNTAX
-            i += 1
-            new_ch = source[i]
-            if new_ch == c and c != '>':         # Treat ">>" as two tokens.
-                i += 1
-            elif c == '-' and new_ch == '>':
-                i += 1
-            elif new_ch == '=':
-                i += 1
-        elif c in '()[]{}~!?^%;/.,':             # Handle single char tokens.
-            token_type = SYNTAX
-            i += 1
-            if c == '.' and source[i].isdigit():
-                token_type = CONSTANT
-                i += 1
-                while source[i] in int_or_float_digits:
-                    i += 1
-                # Handle float suffixes.
-                for suffix in ('l', 'f'):
-                    if suffix == source[i:i+1].lower():
-                        i += 1
-                        break
-        elif c.isdigit():                        # Find integer.
-            token_type = CONSTANT
-            if c == '0' and source[i+1] in 'xX':
-                # Handle hex digits.
-                i += 2
-                while source[i] in hex_digits:
-                    i += 1
-            else:
-                while source[i] in int_or_float_digits2:
-                    i += 1
-            # Handle integer (and float) suffixes.
-            for suffix in ('ull', 'll', 'ul', 'l', 'f', 'u'):
-                size = len(suffix)
-                if suffix == source[i:i+size].lower():
-                    i += size
-                    break
-        elif c == '"':                           # Find string.
-            token_type = CONSTANT
-            i = _GetString(source, start, i)
-        elif c == "'":                           # Find char.
-            token_type = CONSTANT
-            i = _GetChar(source, start, i)
-        elif c == '#':                           # Find pre-processor command.
-            token_type = PREPROCESSOR
-            got_if = source[i:i+3] == '#if' and source[i+3:i+4].isspace()
-            if got_if:
-                count_ifs += 1
-            elif source[i:i+6] == '#endif':
-                count_ifs -= 1
-                if count_ifs == 0:
-                    ignore_errors = False
-            # TODO(nnorwitz): handle preprocessor statements (\ continuations).
-            while 1:
-                i1 = source.find('\n', i)
-                i2 = source.find('//', i)
-                i3 = source.find('/*', i)
-                i4 = source.find('"', i)
-                # NOTE(nnorwitz): doesn't handle comments in #define macros.
-                # Get the first important symbol (newline, comment, EOF/end).
-                i = min([x for x in (i1, i2, i3, i4, end) if x != -1])
-                # Handle #include "dir//foo.h" properly.
-                if source[i] == '"':
-                    i = source.find('"', i+1) + 1
-                    assert i > 0
-                    continue
-                # Keep going if end of the line and the line ends with \.
-                if not (i == i1 and source[i-1] == '\\'):
-                    if got_if:
-                        condition = source[start+4:i].lstrip()
-                        if (condition.startswith('0') or
-                            condition.startswith('(0)')):
-                            ignore_errors = True
-                    break
-                i += 1
-        elif c == '\\':                          # Handle \ in code.
-            # This is different from the pre-processor \ handling.
-            i += 1
-            continue
-        elif ignore_errors:
-            # The tokenizer seems to be in pretty good shape.  This
-            # raise is conditionally disabled so that bogus code
-            # in an #if 0 block can be handled.  Since we will ignore
-            # it anyways, this is probably fine.  So disable the
-            # exception and  return the bogus char.
-            i += 1
-        else:
-            sys.stderr.write('Got invalid token in %s @ %d token:%s: %r\n' %
-                             ('?', i, c, source[i-10:i+10]))
-            raise RuntimeError('unexpected token')
-        if i <= 0:
-            print('Invalid index, exiting now.')
-            return
-        yield Token(token_type, source[start:i], start, i)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    def main(argv):
-        """Driver mostly for testing purposes."""
-        for filename in argv[1:]:
-            source = utils.ReadFile(filename)
-            if source is None:
-                continue
-            for token in GetTokens(source):
-                print('%-12s: %s' % (token.token_type,
-                # print('\r%6.2f%%' % (100.0 * index / token.end),)
-            sys.stdout.write('\n')
-    main(sys.argv)
diff --git a/depends/googletest/googlemock/scripts/generator/cpp/ b/depends/googletest/googlemock/scripts/generator/cpp/
deleted file mode 100755
index eab36ee..0000000
--- a/depends/googletest/googlemock/scripts/generator/cpp/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2007 Neal Norwitz
-# Portions Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Generic utilities for C++ parsing."""
-__author__ = ' (Neal Norwitz)'
-import sys
-# Set to True to see the start/end token indices.
-DEBUG = True
-def ReadFile(filename, print_error=True):
-    """Returns the contents of a file."""
-    try:
-        fp = open(filename)
-        try:
-            return
-        finally:
-            fp.close()
-    except IOError:
-        if print_error:
-            print('Error reading %s: %s' % (filename, sys.exc_info()[1]))
-        return None
diff --git a/depends/googletest/googlemock/scripts/generator/ b/depends/googletest/googlemock/scripts/generator/
deleted file mode 100755
index 8cc0d13..0000000
--- a/depends/googletest/googlemock/scripts/generator/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Driver for starting up Google Mock class generator."""
-__author__ = ' (Neal Norwitz)'
-import os
-import sys
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  # Add the directory of this script to the path so we can import gmock_class.
-  sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(__file__))
-  from cpp import gmock_class
-  # Fix the docstring in case they require the usage.
-  gmock_class.__doc__ = gmock_class.__doc__.replace('', __file__)
-  gmock_class.main()
diff --git a/depends/googletest/googlemock/scripts/ b/depends/googletest/googlemock/scripts/
deleted file mode 100755
index 2baefe9..0000000
--- a/depends/googletest/googlemock/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,303 +0,0 @@
-# These variables are automatically filled in by the configure script.
-  echo "Usage: gmock-config [OPTIONS...]"
-  show_usage
-  cat <<\EOF
-The `gmock-config' script provides access to the necessary compile and linking
-flags to connect with Google C++ Mocking Framework, both in a build prior to
-installation, and on the system proper after installation. The installation
-overrides may be issued in combination with any other queries, but will only
-affect installation queries if called on a built but not installed gmock. The
-installation queries may not be issued with any other types of queries, and
-only one installation query may be made at a time. The version queries and
-compiler flag queries may be combined as desired but not mixed. Different
-version queries are always combined with logical "and" semantics, and only the
-last of any particular query is used while all previous ones ignored. All
-versions must be specified as a sequence of numbers separated by periods.
-Compiler flag queries output the union of the sets of flags when combined.
- Examples:
-  gmock-config --min-version=1.0 || echo "Insufficient Google Mock version."
-  g++ $(gmock-config --cppflags --cxxflags) -o foo.o -c foo.cpp
-  g++ $(gmock-config --ldflags --libs) -o foo foo.o
-  # When using a built but not installed Google Mock:
-  g++ $(../../my_gmock_build/scripts/gmock-config ...) ...
-  # When using an installed Google Mock, but with installation overrides:
-  export GMOCK_PREFIX="/opt"
-  g++ $(gmock-config --libdir="/opt/lib64" ...) ...
- Help:
-  --usage                    brief usage information
-  --help                     display this help message
- Installation Overrides:
-  --prefix=<dir>             overrides the installation prefix
-  --exec-prefix=<dir>        overrides the executable installation prefix
-  --libdir=<dir>             overrides the library installation prefix
-  --includedir=<dir>         overrides the header file installation prefix
- Installation Queries:
-  --prefix                   installation prefix
-  --exec-prefix              executable installation prefix
-  --libdir                   library installation directory
-  --includedir               header file installation directory
-  --version                  the version of the Google Mock installation
- Version Queries:
-  --min-version=VERSION      return 0 if the version is at least VERSION
-  --exact-version=VERSION    return 0 if the version is exactly VERSION
-  --max-version=VERSION      return 0 if the version is at most VERSION
- Compilation Flag Queries:
-  --cppflags                 compile flags specific to the C-like preprocessors
-  --cxxflags                 compile flags appropriate for C++ programs
-  --ldflags                  linker flags
-  --libs                     libraries for linking
-# This function bounds our version with a min and a max. It uses some clever
-# POSIX-compliant variable expansion to portably do all the work in the shell
-# and avoid any dependency on a particular "sed" or "awk" implementation.
-# Notable is that it will only ever compare the first 3 components of versions.
-# Further components will be cleanly stripped off. All versions must be
-# unadorned, so "v1.0" will *not* work. The minimum version must be in $1, and
-# the max in $2. TODO( If this ever breaks, we should
-# investigate expanding this via autom4te from AS_VERSION_COMPARE rather than
-# continuing to maintain our own shell version.
-  major_version=${version%%.*}
-  minor_version="0"
-  point_version="0"
-  if test "${version#*.}" != "${version}"; then
-    minor_version=${version#*.}
-    minor_version=${minor_version%%.*}
-  fi
-  if test "${version#*.*.}" != "${version}"; then
-    point_version=${version#*.*.}
-    point_version=${point_version%%.*}
-  fi
-  min_version="$1"
-  min_major_version=${min_version%%.*}
-  min_minor_version="0"
-  min_point_version="0"
-  if test "${min_version#*.}" != "${min_version}"; then
-    min_minor_version=${min_version#*.}
-    min_minor_version=${min_minor_version%%.*}
-  fi
-  if test "${min_version#*.*.}" != "${min_version}"; then
-    min_point_version=${min_version#*.*.}
-    min_point_version=${min_point_version%%.*}
-  fi
-  max_version="$2"
-  max_major_version=${max_version%%.*}
-  max_minor_version="0"
-  max_point_version="0"
-  if test "${max_version#*.}" != "${max_version}"; then
-    max_minor_version=${max_version#*.}
-    max_minor_version=${max_minor_version%%.*}
-  fi
-  if test "${max_version#*.*.}" != "${max_version}"; then
-    max_point_version=${max_version#*.*.}
-    max_point_version=${max_point_version%%.*}
-  fi
-  test $(($major_version)) -lt $(($min_major_version)) && exit 1
-  if test $(($major_version)) -eq $(($min_major_version)); then
-    test $(($minor_version)) -lt $(($min_minor_version)) && exit 1
-    if test $(($minor_version)) -eq $(($min_minor_version)); then
-      test $(($point_version)) -lt $(($min_point_version)) && exit 1
-    fi
-  fi
-  test $(($major_version)) -gt $(($max_major_version)) && exit 1
-  if test $(($major_version)) -eq $(($max_major_version)); then
-    test $(($minor_version)) -gt $(($max_minor_version)) && exit 1
-    if test $(($minor_version)) -eq $(($max_minor_version)); then
-      test $(($point_version)) -gt $(($max_point_version)) && exit 1
-    fi
-  fi
-  exit 0
-# Show the usage line when no arguments are specified.
-if test $# -eq 0; then
-  show_usage
-  exit 1
-while test $# -gt 0; do
-  case $1 in
-    --usage)          show_usage;         exit 0;;
-    --help)           show_help;          exit 0;;
-    # Installation overrides
-    --prefix=*)       GMOCK_PREFIX=${1#--prefix=};;
-    --exec-prefix=*)  GMOCK_EXEC_PREFIX=${1#--exec-prefix=};;
-    --libdir=*)       GMOCK_LIBDIR=${1#--libdir=};;
-    --includedir=*)   GMOCK_INCLUDEDIR=${1#--includedir=};;
-    # Installation queries
-    --prefix|--exec-prefix|--libdir|--includedir|--version)
-      if test -n "${do_query}"; then
-        show_usage
-        exit 1
-      fi
-      do_query=${1#--}
-      ;;
-    # Version checking
-    --min-version=*)
-      do_check_versions=yes
-      min_version=${1#--min-version=}
-      ;;
-    --max-version=*)
-      do_check_versions=yes
-      max_version=${1#--max-version=}
-      ;;
-    --exact-version=*)
-      do_check_versions=yes
-      exact_version=${1#--exact-version=}
-      ;;
-    # Compiler flag output
-    --cppflags)       echo_cppflags=yes;;
-    --cxxflags)       echo_cxxflags=yes;;
-    --ldflags)        echo_ldflags=yes;;
-    --libs)           echo_libs=yes;;
-    # Everything else is an error
-    *)                show_usage;         exit 1;;
-  esac
-  shift
-# These have defaults filled in by the configure script but can also be
-# overridden by environment variables or command line parameters.
-# We try and detect if our binary is not located at its installed location. If
-# it's not, we provide variables pointing to the source and build tree rather
-# than to the install tree. We also locate Google Test using the configured
-# gtest-config script rather than searching the PATH and our bindir for one.
-# This allows building against a just-built gmock rather than an installed
-# gmock.
-this_relative_bindir=`dirname $0`
-this_bindir=`cd ${this_relative_bindir}; pwd -P`
-if test "${this_bindir}" = "${this_bindir%${bindir}}"; then
-  # The path to the script doesn't end in the bindir sequence from Autoconf,
-  # assume that we are in a build tree.
-  build_dir=`dirname ${this_bindir}`
-  src_dir=`cd ${this_bindir}/@top_srcdir@; pwd -P`
-  # TODO( This is a dangerous dependency on libtool, we
-  # should work to remove it, and/or remove libtool altogether, replacing it
-  # with direct references to the library and a link path.
-  gmock_libs="${build_dir}/lib/"
-  gmock_ldflags=""
-  # We provide hooks to include from either the source or build dir, where the
-  # build dir is always preferred. This will potentially allow us to write
-  # build rules for generated headers and have them automatically be preferred
-  # over provided versions.
-  gmock_cppflags="-I${build_dir}/include -I${src_dir}/include"
-  gmock_cxxflags=""
-  # Directly invoke the gtest-config script used during the build process.
-  gtest_config="@GTEST_CONFIG@"
-  # We're using an installed gmock, although it may be staged under some
-  # prefix. Assume (as our own libraries do) that we can resolve the prefix,
-  # and are present in the dynamic link paths.
-  gmock_ldflags="-L${libdir}"
-  gmock_libs="-l${name}"
-  gmock_cppflags="-I${includedir}"
-  gmock_cxxflags=""
-  # We also prefer any gtest-config script installed in our prefix. Lacking
-  # one, we look in the PATH for one.
-  gtest_config="${bindir}/gtest-config"
-  if test ! -x "${gtest_config}"; then
-    gtest_config=`which gtest-config`
-  fi
-# Ensure that we have located a Google Test to link against.
-if ! test -x "${gtest_config}"; then
-  echo "Unable to locate Google Test, check your Google Mock configuration" \
-       "and installation" >&2
-  exit 1
-elif ! "${gtest_config}" "--exact-version=@GTEST_VERSION@"; then
-  echo "The Google Test found is not the same version as Google Mock was " \
-       "built against" >&2
-  exit 1
-# Add the necessary Google Test bits into the various flag variables
-gmock_cppflags="${gmock_cppflags} `${gtest_config} --cppflags`"
-gmock_cxxflags="${gmock_cxxflags} `${gtest_config} --cxxflags`"
-gmock_ldflags="${gmock_ldflags} `${gtest_config} --ldflags`"
-gmock_libs="${gmock_libs} `${gtest_config} --libs`"
-# Do an installation query if requested.
-if test -n "$do_query"; then
-  case $do_query in
-    prefix)           echo $prefix;       exit 0;;
-    exec-prefix)      echo $exec_prefix;  exit 0;;
-    libdir)           echo $libdir;       exit 0;;
-    includedir)       echo $includedir;   exit 0;;
-    version)          echo $version;      exit 0;;
-    *)                show_usage;         exit 1;;
-  esac
-# Do a version check if requested.
-if test "$do_check_versions" = "yes"; then
-  # Make sure we didn't receive a bad combination of parameters.
-  test "$echo_cppflags" = "yes" && show_usage && exit 1
-  test "$echo_cxxflags" = "yes" && show_usage && exit 1
-  test "$echo_ldflags" = "yes"  && show_usage && exit 1
-  test "$echo_libs" = "yes"     && show_usage && exit 1
-  if test "$exact_version" != ""; then
-    check_versions $exact_version $exact_version
-    # unreachable
-  else
-    check_versions ${min_version:-0.0.0} ${max_version:-9999.9999.9999}
-    # unreachable
-  fi
-# Do the output in the correct order so that these can be used in-line of
-# a compiler invocation.
-test "$echo_cppflags" = "yes" && output="$output $gmock_cppflags"
-test "$echo_cxxflags" = "yes" && output="$output $gmock_cxxflags"
-test "$echo_ldflags" = "yes"  && output="$output $gmock_ldflags"
-test "$echo_libs" = "yes"     && output="$output $gmock_libs"
-echo $output
-exit 0
diff --git a/depends/googletest/googlemock/scripts/ b/depends/googletest/googlemock/scripts/
deleted file mode 100755
index 74992bc..0000000
--- a/depends/googletest/googlemock/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,640 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2008, Google Inc.
-# All rights reserved.
-# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
-# met:
-#     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-#     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
-# copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
-# in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
-# distribution.
-#     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
-# contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
-# this software without specific prior written permission.
-"""Converts compiler's errors in code using Google Mock to plain English."""
-__author__ = ' (Zhanyong Wan)'
-import re
-import sys
-_VERSION = '1.0.3'
-_EMAIL = ''
-    # Matchers
-    '_',
-    'A',
-    'AddressSatisfies',
-    'AllOf',
-    'An',
-    'AnyOf',
-    'ContainerEq',
-    'Contains',
-    'ContainsRegex',
-    'DoubleEq',
-    'ElementsAre',
-    'ElementsAreArray',
-    'EndsWith',
-    'Eq',
-    'Field',
-    'FloatEq',
-    'Ge',
-    'Gt',
-    'HasSubstr',
-    'IsInitializedProto',
-    'Le',
-    'Lt',
-    'MatcherCast',
-    'Matches',
-    'MatchesRegex',
-    'NanSensitiveDoubleEq',
-    'NanSensitiveFloatEq',
-    'Ne',
-    'Not',
-    'NotNull',
-    'Pointee',
-    'Property',
-    'Ref',
-    'ResultOf',
-    'SafeMatcherCast',
-    'StartsWith',
-    'StrCaseEq',
-    'StrCaseNe',
-    'StrEq',
-    'StrNe',
-    'Truly',
-    'TypedEq',
-    'Value',
-    # Actions
-    'Assign',
-    'ByRef',
-    'DeleteArg',
-    'DoAll',
-    'DoDefault',
-    'IgnoreResult',
-    'Invoke',
-    'InvokeArgument',
-    'InvokeWithoutArgs',
-    'Return',
-    'ReturnNew',
-    'ReturnNull',
-    'ReturnRef',
-    'SaveArg',
-    'SetArgReferee',
-    'SetArgPointee',
-    'SetArgumentPointee',
-    'SetArrayArgument',
-    'SetErrnoAndReturn',
-    'Throw',
-    'WithArg',
-    'WithArgs',
-    'WithoutArgs',
-    # Cardinalities
-    'AnyNumber',
-    'AtLeast',
-    'AtMost',
-    'Between',
-    'Exactly',
-    # Sequences
-    'InSequence',
-    'Sequence',
-    # Misc
-    'DefaultValue',
-    'Mock',
-    ]
-# Regex for matching source file path and line number in the compiler's errors.
-_GCC_FILE_LINE_RE = r'(?P<file>.*):(?P<line>\d+):(\d+:)?\s+'
-_CLANG_FILE_LINE_RE = r'(?P<file>.*):(?P<line>\d+):(?P<column>\d+):\s+'
-    r'(?P<file>.*[/\\^](?!gmock-)[^/\\]+):(?P<line>\d+):(?P<column>\d+):\s+')
-def _FindAllMatches(regex, s):
-  """Generates all matches of regex in string s."""
-  r = re.compile(regex)
-  return r.finditer(s)
-def _GenericDiagnoser(short_name, long_name, diagnoses, msg):
-  """Diagnoses the given disease by pattern matching.
-  Can provide different diagnoses for different patterns.
-  Args:
-    short_name: Short name of the disease.
-    long_name:  Long name of the disease.
-    diagnoses:  A list of pairs (regex, pattern for formatting the diagnosis
-                for matching regex).
-    msg:        Compiler's error messages.
-  Yields:
-    Tuples of the form
-      (short name of disease, long name of disease, diagnosis).
-  """
-  for regex, diagnosis in diagnoses:
-    if, msg):
-      diagnosis = '%(file)s:%(line)s:' + diagnosis
-      for m in _FindAllMatches(regex, msg):
-        yield (short_name, long_name, diagnosis % m.groupdict())
-def _NeedToReturnReferenceDiagnoser(msg):
-  """Diagnoses the NRR disease, given the error messages by the compiler."""
-  gcc_regex = (r'In member function \'testing::internal::ReturnAction<R>.*\n'
-               + _GCC_FILE_LINE_RE + r'instantiated from here\n'
-               r'.*gmock-actions\.h.*error: creating array with negative size')
-  clang_regex = (r'error:.*array.*negative.*\r?\n'
-                 r'(.*\n)*?' +
-                 _CLANG_NON_GMOCK_FILE_LINE_RE +
-                 r'note: in instantiation of function template specialization '
-                 r'\'testing::internal::ReturnAction<(?P<type>.*)>'
-                 r'::operator Action<.*>\' requested here')
-  clang11_re = (r'use_ReturnRef_instead_of_Return_to_return_a_reference.*'
-                r'(.*\n)*?' + _CLANG_NON_GMOCK_FILE_LINE_RE)
-  diagnosis = """
-You are using a Return() action in a function that returns a reference to
-%(type)s.  Please use ReturnRef() instead."""
-  return _GenericDiagnoser('NRR', 'Need to Return Reference',
-                           [(clang_regex, diagnosis),
-                            (clang11_re, diagnosis % {'type': 'a type'}),
-                            (gcc_regex, diagnosis % {'type': 'a type'})],
-                           msg)
-def _NeedToReturnSomethingDiagnoser(msg):
-  """Diagnoses the NRS disease, given the error messages by the compiler."""
-  gcc_regex = (_GCC_FILE_LINE_RE + r'(instantiated from here\n.'
-               r'*gmock.*actions\.h.*error: void value not ignored)'
-               r'|(error: control reaches end of non-void function)')
-  clang_regex1 = (_CLANG_FILE_LINE_RE +
-                  r'error: cannot initialize return object '
-                  r'of type \'Result\' \(aka \'(?P<return_type>.*)\'\) '
-                  r'with an rvalue of type \'void\'')
-  clang_regex2 = (_CLANG_FILE_LINE_RE +
-                  r'error: cannot initialize return object '
-                  r'of type \'(?P<return_type>.*)\' '
-                  r'with an rvalue of type \'void\'')
-  diagnosis = """
-You are using an action that returns void, but it needs to return
-%(return_type)s.  Please tell it *what* to return.  Perhaps you can use
-the pattern DoAll(some_action, Return(some_value))?"""
-  return _GenericDiagnoser(
-      'NRS',
-      'Need to Return Something',
-      [(gcc_regex, diagnosis % {'return_type': '*something*'}),
-       (clang_regex1, diagnosis),
-       (clang_regex2, diagnosis)],
-      msg)
-def _NeedToReturnNothingDiagnoser(msg):
-  """Diagnoses the NRN disease, given the error messages by the compiler."""
-  gcc_regex = (_GCC_FILE_LINE_RE + r'instantiated from here\n'
-               r'.*gmock-actions\.h.*error: instantiation of '
-               r'\'testing::internal::ReturnAction<R>::Impl<F>::value_\' '
-               r'as type \'void\'')
-  clang_regex1 = (r'error: field has incomplete type '
-                  r'\'Result\' \(aka \'void\'\)(\r)?\n'
-                  r'(.*\n)*?' +
-                  _CLANG_NON_GMOCK_FILE_LINE_RE + r'note: in instantiation '
-                  r'of function template specialization '
-                  r'\'testing::internal::ReturnAction<(?P<return_type>.*)>'
-                  r'::operator Action<void \(.*\)>\' requested here')
-  clang_regex2 = (r'error: field has incomplete type '
-                  r'\'Result\' \(aka \'void\'\)(\r)?\n'
-                  r'(.*\n)*?' +
-                  _CLANG_NON_GMOCK_FILE_LINE_RE + r'note: in instantiation '
-                  r'of function template specialization '
-                  r'\'testing::internal::DoBothAction<.*>'
-                  r'::operator Action<(?P<return_type>.*) \(.*\)>\' '
-                  r'requested here')
-  diagnosis = """
-You are using an action that returns %(return_type)s, but it needs to return
-void.  Please use a void-returning action instead.
-All actions but the last in DoAll(...) must return void.  Perhaps you need
-to re-arrange the order of actions in a DoAll(), if you are using one?"""
-  return _GenericDiagnoser(
-      'NRN',
-      'Need to Return Nothing',
-      [(gcc_regex, diagnosis % {'return_type': '*something*'}),
-       (clang_regex1, diagnosis),
-       (clang_regex2, diagnosis)],
-      msg)
-def _IncompleteByReferenceArgumentDiagnoser(msg):
-  """Diagnoses the IBRA disease, given the error messages by the compiler."""
-  gcc_regex = (_GCC_FILE_LINE_RE + r'instantiated from here\n'
-               r'.*gtest-printers\.h.*error: invalid application of '
-               r'\'sizeof\' to incomplete type \'(?P<type>.*)\'')
-  clang_regex = (r'.*gtest-printers\.h.*error: invalid application of '
-                 r'\'sizeof\' to an incomplete type '
-                 r'\'(?P<type>.*)( const)?\'\r?\n'
-                 r'(.*\n)*?' +
-                 _CLANG_NON_GMOCK_FILE_LINE_RE +
-                 r'note: in instantiation of member function '
-                 r'\'testing::internal2::TypeWithoutFormatter<.*>::'
-                 r'PrintValue\' requested here')
-  diagnosis = """
-In order to mock this function, Google Mock needs to see the definition
-of type "%(type)s" - declaration alone is not enough.  Either #include
-the header that defines it, or change the argument to be passed
-by pointer."""
-  return _GenericDiagnoser('IBRA', 'Incomplete By-Reference Argument Type',
-                           [(gcc_regex, diagnosis),
-                            (clang_regex, diagnosis)],
-                           msg)
-def _OverloadedFunctionMatcherDiagnoser(msg):
-  """Diagnoses the OFM disease, given the error messages by the compiler."""
-  gcc_regex = (_GCC_FILE_LINE_RE + r'error: no matching function for '
-               r'call to \'Truly\(<unresolved overloaded function type>\)')
-  clang_regex = (_CLANG_FILE_LINE_RE + r'error: no matching function for '
-                 r'call to \'Truly')
-  diagnosis = """
-The argument you gave to Truly() is an overloaded function.  Please tell
-your compiler which overloaded version you want to use.
-For example, if you want to use the version whose signature is
-  bool Foo(int n);
-you should write
-  Truly(static_cast<bool (*)(int n)>(Foo))"""
-  return _GenericDiagnoser('OFM', 'Overloaded Function Matcher',
-                           [(gcc_regex, diagnosis),
-                            (clang_regex, diagnosis)],
-                           msg)
-def _OverloadedFunctionActionDiagnoser(msg):
-  """Diagnoses the OFA disease, given the error messages by the compiler."""
-  gcc_regex = (_GCC_FILE_LINE_RE + r'error: no matching function for call to '
-               r'\'Invoke\(<unresolved overloaded function type>')
-  clang_regex = (_CLANG_FILE_LINE_RE + r'error: no matching '
-                 r'function for call to \'Invoke\'\r?\n'
-                 r'(.*\n)*?'
-                 r'.*\bgmock-generated-actions\.h:\d+:\d+:\s+'
-                 r'note: candidate template ignored:\s+'
-                 r'couldn\'t infer template argument \'FunctionImpl\'')
-  diagnosis = """
-Function you are passing to Invoke is overloaded.  Please tell your compiler
-which overloaded version you want to use.
-For example, if you want to use the version whose signature is
-  bool MyFunction(int n, double x);
-you should write something like
-  Invoke(static_cast<bool (*)(int n, double x)>(MyFunction))"""
-  return _GenericDiagnoser('OFA', 'Overloaded Function Action',
-                           [(gcc_regex, diagnosis),
-                            (clang_regex, diagnosis)],
-                           msg)
-def _OverloadedMethodActionDiagnoser(msg):
-  """Diagnoses the OMA disease, given the error messages by the compiler."""
-  gcc_regex = (_GCC_FILE_LINE_RE + r'error: no matching function for '
-               r'call to \'Invoke\(.+, <unresolved overloaded function '
-               r'type>\)')
-  clang_regex = (_CLANG_FILE_LINE_RE + r'error: no matching function '
-                 r'for call to \'Invoke\'\r?\n'
-                 r'(.*\n)*?'
-                 r'.*\bgmock-generated-actions\.h:\d+:\d+: '
-                 r'note: candidate function template not viable: '
-                 r'requires .*, but 2 (arguments )?were provided')
-  diagnosis = """
-The second argument you gave to Invoke() is an overloaded method.  Please
-tell your compiler which overloaded version you want to use.
-For example, if you want to use the version whose signature is
-  class Foo {
-    ...
-    bool Bar(int n, double x);
-  };
-you should write something like
-  Invoke(foo, static_cast<bool (Foo::*)(int n, double x)>(&Foo::Bar))"""
-  return _GenericDiagnoser('OMA', 'Overloaded Method Action',
-                           [(gcc_regex, diagnosis),
-                            (clang_regex, diagnosis)],
-                           msg)
-def _MockObjectPointerDiagnoser(msg):
-  """Diagnoses the MOP disease, given the error messages by the compiler."""
-  gcc_regex = (_GCC_FILE_LINE_RE + r'error: request for member '
-               r'\'gmock_(?P<method>.+)\' in \'(?P<mock_object>.+)\', '
-               r'which is of non-class type \'(.*::)*(?P<class_name>.+)\*\'')
-  clang_regex = (_CLANG_FILE_LINE_RE + r'error: member reference type '
-                 r'\'(?P<class_name>.*?) *\' is a pointer; '
-                 r'(did you mean|maybe you meant) to use \'->\'\?')
-  diagnosis = """
-The first argument to ON_CALL() and EXPECT_CALL() must be a mock *object*,
-not a *pointer* to it.  Please write '*(%(mock_object)s)' instead of
-'%(mock_object)s' as your first argument.
-For example, given the mock class:
-  class %(class_name)s : public ... {
-    ...
-    MOCK_METHOD0(%(method)s, ...);
-  };
-and the following mock instance:
-  %(class_name)s* mock_ptr = ...
-you should use the EXPECT_CALL like this:
-  EXPECT_CALL(*mock_ptr, %(method)s(...));"""
-  return _GenericDiagnoser(
-      'MOP',
-      'Mock Object Pointer',
-      [(gcc_regex, diagnosis),
-       (clang_regex, diagnosis % {'mock_object': 'mock_object',
-                                  'method': 'method',
-                                  'class_name': '%(class_name)s'})],
-       msg)
-def _NeedToUseSymbolDiagnoser(msg):
-  """Diagnoses the NUS disease, given the error messages by the compiler."""
-  gcc_regex = (_GCC_FILE_LINE_RE + r'error: \'(?P<symbol>.+)\' '
-               r'(was not declared in this scope|has not been declared)')
-  clang_regex = (_CLANG_FILE_LINE_RE +
-                 r'error: (use of undeclared identifier|unknown type name|'
-                 r'no template named) \'(?P<symbol>[^\']+)\'')
-  diagnosis = """
-'%(symbol)s' is defined by Google Mock in the testing namespace.
-Did you forget to write
-  using testing::%(symbol)s;
-  for m in (list(_FindAllMatches(gcc_regex, msg)) +
-            list(_FindAllMatches(clang_regex, msg))):
-    symbol = m.groupdict()['symbol']
-    if symbol in _COMMON_GMOCK_SYMBOLS:
-      yield ('NUS', 'Need to Use Symbol', diagnosis % m.groupdict())
-def _NeedToUseReturnNullDiagnoser(msg):
-  """Diagnoses the NRNULL disease, given the error messages by the compiler."""
-  gcc_regex = ('instantiated from \'testing::internal::ReturnAction<R>'
-               '::operator testing::Action<Func>\(\) const.*\n' +
-               _GCC_FILE_LINE_RE + r'instantiated from here\n'
-               r'.*error: no matching function for call to \'ImplicitCast_\('
-               r'(:?long )?int&\)')
-  clang_regex = (r'\bgmock-actions.h:.* error: no matching function for '
-                 r'call to \'ImplicitCast_\'\r?\n'
-                 r'(.*\n)*?' +
-                 _CLANG_NON_GMOCK_FILE_LINE_RE + r'note: in instantiation '
-                 r'of function template specialization '
-                 r'\'testing::internal::ReturnAction<(int|long)>::operator '
-                 r'Action<(?P<type>.*)\(\)>\' requested here')
-  diagnosis = """
-You are probably calling Return(NULL) and the compiler isn't sure how to turn
-NULL into %(type)s. Use ReturnNull() instead.
-Note: the line number may be off; please fix all instances of Return(NULL)."""
-  return _GenericDiagnoser(
-      'NRNULL', 'Need to use ReturnNull',
-      [(clang_regex, diagnosis),
-       (gcc_regex, diagnosis % {'type': 'the right type'})],
-      msg)
-def _TypeInTemplatedBaseDiagnoser(msg):
-  """Diagnoses the TTB disease, given the error messages by the compiler."""
-  # This version works when the type is used as the mock function's return
-  # type.
-  gcc_4_3_1_regex_type_in_retval = (
-      r'In member function \'int .*\n' + _GCC_FILE_LINE_RE +
-      r'error: a function call cannot appear in a constant-expression')
-  gcc_4_4_0_regex_type_in_retval = (
-      r'error: a function call cannot appear in a constant-expression'
-      + _GCC_FILE_LINE_RE + r'error: template argument 1 is invalid\n')
-  # This version works when the type is used as the mock function's sole
-  # parameter type.
-  gcc_regex_type_of_sole_param = (
-      _GCC_FILE_LINE_RE +
-      r'error: \'(?P<type>.+)\' was not declared in this scope\n'
-      r'.*error: template argument 1 is invalid\n')
-  # This version works when the type is used as a parameter of a mock
-  # function that has multiple parameters.
-  gcc_regex_type_of_a_param = (
-      r'error: expected `;\' before \'::\' token\n'
-      + _GCC_FILE_LINE_RE +
-      r'error: \'(?P<type>.+)\' was not declared in this scope\n'
-      r'.*error: template argument 1 is invalid\n'
-      r'.*error: \'.+\' was not declared in this scope')
-  clang_regex_type_of_retval_or_sole_param = (
-      r'error: use of undeclared identifier \'(?P<type>.*)\'\n'
-      r'(.*\n)*?'
-      r'(?P=file):(?P=line):\d+: error: '
-      r'non-friend class member \'Result\' cannot have a qualified name'
-      )
-  clang_regex_type_of_a_param = (
-      r'error: C\+\+ requires a type specifier for all declarations\n'
-      r'(.*\n)*?'
-      r'(?P=file):(?P=line):(?P=column): error: '
-      r'C\+\+ requires a type specifier for all declarations'
-      )
-  clang_regex_unknown_type = (
-      r'error: unknown type name \'(?P<type>[^\']+)\''
-      )
-  diagnosis = """
-In a mock class template, types or typedefs defined in the base class
-template are *not* automatically visible.  This is how C++ works.  Before
-you can use a type or typedef named %(type)s defined in base class Base<T>, you
-need to make it visible.  One way to do it is:
-  typedef typename Base<T>::%(type)s %(type)s;"""
-  for diag in _GenericDiagnoser(
-      'TTB', 'Type in Template Base',
-      [(gcc_4_3_1_regex_type_in_retval, diagnosis % {'type': 'Foo'}),
-       (gcc_4_4_0_regex_type_in_retval, diagnosis % {'type': 'Foo'}),
-       (gcc_regex_type_of_sole_param, diagnosis),
-       (gcc_regex_type_of_a_param, diagnosis),
-       (clang_regex_type_of_retval_or_sole_param, diagnosis),
-       (clang_regex_type_of_a_param, diagnosis % {'type': 'Foo'})],
-      msg):
-    yield diag
-  # Avoid overlap with the NUS pattern.
-  for m in _FindAllMatches(clang_regex_unknown_type, msg):
-    type_ = m.groupdict()['type']
-    if type_ not in _COMMON_GMOCK_SYMBOLS:
-      yield ('TTB', 'Type in Template Base', diagnosis % m.groupdict())
-def _WrongMockMethodMacroDiagnoser(msg):
-  """Diagnoses the WMM disease, given the error messages by the compiler."""
-  gcc_regex = (_GCC_FILE_LINE_RE +
-               r'.*this_method_does_not_take_(?P<wrong_args>\d+)_argument.*\n'
-               r'.*\n'
-               r'.*candidates are.*FunctionMocker<[^>]+A(?P<args>\d+)\)>')
-  clang_regex = (_CLANG_NON_GMOCK_FILE_LINE_RE +
-                 r'error:.*array.*negative.*r?\n'
-                 r'(.*\n)*?'
-                 r'(?P=file):(?P=line):(?P=column): error: too few arguments '
-                 r'to function call, expected (?P<args>\d+), '
-                 r'have (?P<wrong_args>\d+)')
-  clang11_re = (_CLANG_NON_GMOCK_FILE_LINE_RE +
-                r'.*this_method_does_not_take_'
-                r'(?P<wrong_args>\d+)_argument.*')
-  diagnosis = """
-You are using MOCK_METHOD%(wrong_args)s to define a mock method that has
-%(args)s arguments. Use MOCK_METHOD%(args)s (or MOCK_CONST_METHOD%(args)s,
-MOCK_METHOD%(args)s_T, MOCK_CONST_METHOD%(args)s_T as appropriate) instead."""
-  return _GenericDiagnoser('WMM', 'Wrong MOCK_METHODn Macro',
-                           [(gcc_regex, diagnosis),
-                            (clang11_re, diagnosis % {'wrong_args': 'm',
-                                                      'args': 'n'}),
-                            (clang_regex, diagnosis)],
-                           msg)
-def _WrongParenPositionDiagnoser(msg):
-  """Diagnoses the WPP disease, given the error messages by the compiler."""
-  gcc_regex = (_GCC_FILE_LINE_RE +
-               r'error:.*testing::internal::MockSpec<.* has no member named \''
-               r'(?P<method>\w+)\'')
-  clang_regex = (_CLANG_NON_GMOCK_FILE_LINE_RE +
-                 r'error: no member named \'(?P<method>\w+)\' in '
-                 r'\'testing::internal::MockSpec<.*>\'')
-  diagnosis = """
-The closing parenthesis of ON_CALL or EXPECT_CALL should be *before*
-".%(method)s".  For example, you should write:
-  EXPECT_CALL(my_mock, Foo(_)).%(method)s(...);
-instead of:
-  EXPECT_CALL(my_mock, Foo(_).%(method)s(...));"""
-  return _GenericDiagnoser('WPP', 'Wrong Parenthesis Position',
-                           [(gcc_regex, diagnosis),
-                            (clang_regex, diagnosis)],
-                           msg)
-    _IncompleteByReferenceArgumentDiagnoser,
-    _MockObjectPointerDiagnoser,
-    _NeedToReturnNothingDiagnoser,
-    _NeedToReturnReferenceDiagnoser,
-    _NeedToReturnSomethingDiagnoser,
-    _NeedToUseReturnNullDiagnoser,
-    _NeedToUseSymbolDiagnoser,
-    _OverloadedFunctionActionDiagnoser,
-    _OverloadedFunctionMatcherDiagnoser,
-    _OverloadedMethodActionDiagnoser,
-    _TypeInTemplatedBaseDiagnoser,
-    _WrongMockMethodMacroDiagnoser,
-    _WrongParenPositionDiagnoser,
-    ]
-def Diagnose(msg):
-  """Generates all possible diagnoses given the compiler error message."""
-  msg = re.sub(r'\x1b\[[^m]*m', '', msg)  # Strips all color formatting.
-  # Assuming the string is using the UTF-8 encoding, replaces the left and
-  # the right single quote characters with apostrophes.
-  msg = re.sub(r'(\xe2\x80\x98|\xe2\x80\x99)', "'", msg)
-  diagnoses = []
-  for diagnoser in _DIAGNOSERS:
-    for diag in diagnoser(msg):
-      diagnosis = '[%s - %s]\n%s' % diag
-      if not diagnosis in diagnoses:
-        diagnoses.append(diagnosis)
-  return diagnoses
-def main():
-  print ('Google Mock Doctor v%s - '
-         'diagnoses problems in code using Google Mock.' % _VERSION)
-  if sys.stdin.isatty():
-    print ('Please copy and paste the compiler errors here.  Press c-D when '
-           'you are done:')
-  else:
-    print ('Waiting for compiler errors on stdin . . .')
-  msg =
-  diagnoses = Diagnose(msg)
-  count = len(diagnoses)
-  if not count:
-    print ("""
-Your compiler complained:
-Uh-oh, I'm not smart enough to figure out what the problem is. :-(
-If you send your source code and the compiler's error messages to
-%s, you can be helped and I can get smarter --
-win-win for us!""" % (msg, _EMAIL))
-  else:
-    print ('------------------------------------------------------------')
-    print ('Your code appears to have the following',)
-    if count > 1:
-      print ('%s diseases:' % (count,))
-    else:
-      print ('disease:')
-    i = 0
-    for d in diagnoses:
-      i += 1
-      if count > 1:
-        print ('\n#%s:' % (i,))
-      print (d)
-    print ("""
-How did I do?  If you think I'm wrong or unhelpful, please send your
-source code and the compiler's error messages to %s.
-Then you can be helped and I can get smarter -- I promise I won't be upset!""" %
-           _EMAIL)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  main()